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作者 单飞 《课堂内外(高中版)(A版)》 2014年第6期31-31,共1页
D高四·又爱又恨·回眸告白·第二次毕业暗恋·一饮而尽·哭班长说:“刚开始的时候,觉得高四就是地狱,肯定死去活来,事到如今反倒舍不得,毕竟一年共患难。”那一刻,已经有人哭得分不清泪水和鼻水,只是彼此相拥,慰... D高四·又爱又恨·回眸告白·第二次毕业暗恋·一饮而尽·哭班长说:“刚开始的时候,觉得高四就是地狱,肯定死去活来,事到如今反倒舍不得,毕竟一年共患难。”那一刻,已经有人哭得分不清泪水和鼻水,只是彼此相拥,慰藉着。她笑笑对我说:“嘿,再见了!” 展开更多
关键词 “告白” 告别 地狱
作者 陈佳慧 《现代苏州》 2015年第31期74-75,共2页
这个秋天,对于住在吴中的人们来说,最劲爆的消息之一便是吴东快速路通车。于是立刻有人驱车去了一趟斜港大桥,感受了一把舒畅。大家得出结论,从苏州市区或园区湖西到尹山湖边,只要十几分钟便可!于是,独墅湖南部,郭巷里的这颗明... 这个秋天,对于住在吴中的人们来说,最劲爆的消息之一便是吴东快速路通车。于是立刻有人驱车去了一趟斜港大桥,感受了一把舒畅。大家得出结论,从苏州市区或园区湖西到尹山湖边,只要十几分钟便可!于是,独墅湖南部,郭巷里的这颗明珠,再次成为了人们择居的热点。不过,无论是尹山湖的开发商,还是已经住在这里的人们都表示:东吴快速路开通只是锦上添花,这里早就倍受青睐啦! 展开更多
关键词 “告白” 快速路 开发商 吴中 感受
作者 李甡 《北京观察》 2011年第2期55-56,共2页
十年前的12月30日,在北京市政协机关举办了一次“委员活动日”,主题是委员的收藏展览。因为此次活动内容是文史委员会倡议的,所以几乎所有展品都是由文史委的新老委员提供的,活动主持也是由文史委员担任的。记得展品有文物考古专家... 十年前的12月30日,在北京市政协机关举办了一次“委员活动日”,主题是委员的收藏展览。因为此次活动内容是文史委员会倡议的,所以几乎所有展品都是由文史委的新老委员提供的,活动主持也是由文史委员担任的。记得展品有文物考古专家赵其昌的家藏三件宝,书籍装帧艺术家张守义的多款藏灯,剧作家李龙云的古代陶瓷, 展开更多
关键词 文物考古 “告白” 专家 真情 委员会 政协机关 活动内容 书籍装帧
作者 王燕 《班主任》 2018年第4期64-65,共2页
与那个孩子的缘分,似乎是注定的。很久之前,我就知道他是一个让老师头疼不已的孩子:从不做作业,上课也不听讲,似乎就是到学校来混日子的,而那时他才上一年级!出于教师职业的敏感,我知道这个孩子的家庭一定有问题!果不出所料,他... 与那个孩子的缘分,似乎是注定的。很久之前,我就知道他是一个让老师头疼不已的孩子:从不做作业,上课也不听讲,似乎就是到学校来混日子的,而那时他才上一年级!出于教师职业的敏感,我知道这个孩子的家庭一定有问题!果不出所料,他的班主任告诉我:他父亲因为犯罪正在坐牢,母亲撇他而去音信全无,只剩下他和爷爷相依为命。 展开更多
关键词 “告白” 教师职业 孩子 一年级 班主任 老师 听讲 上课
作者 凌一鸣 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2022年第6期121-127,共7页
“副文本”是西方学者提出的一个概念,但同样具备运用于中国书籍史研究的潜力。“告白”是古籍上刊登的告示,是宣传介绍所刻古籍的一种手段。现存坊刻本古籍中保存了内容丰富的“告白”,兼具着广告、提要、版权页等多重属性。它是出版... “副文本”是西方学者提出的一个概念,但同样具备运用于中国书籍史研究的潜力。“告白”是古籍上刊登的告示,是宣传介绍所刻古籍的一种手段。现存坊刻本古籍中保存了内容丰富的“告白”,兼具着广告、提要、版权页等多重属性。它是出版活动中产生的古籍“副文本”,通过简短的文本传递了内涵丰富的信息,从中可窥古代书籍市场的运作方式及其特点。 展开更多
关键词 坊刻本 “告白” 副文本
作者 刘微 《人民公安》 2018年第5期10-11,共2页
这是一名曾经的女诗人,因为“爱上一个不回家的人”成为现在的女汉子。这是一名因为担心丈夫安危而不敢打电话问候的妻子,她希望通过给丈夫写信真情告白:“愿你的内心富足而美好,愿我不负警嫂这个称号,愿所有警察都能平安回家。”... 这是一名曾经的女诗人,因为“爱上一个不回家的人”成为现在的女汉子。这是一名因为担心丈夫安危而不敢打电话问候的妻子,她希望通过给丈夫写信真情告白:“愿你的内心富足而美好,愿我不负警嫂这个称号,愿所有警察都能平安回家。”这是作为警察妻子身份第一次给丈夫写信。 展开更多
关键词 丈夫 “告白” 女诗人 打电话 回家 妻子 写信 警察
传承 创新 超越——央企最年轻总裁的深情“告白”
《国企》 2016年第12期36-38,共3页
关键词 “告白” 传承 创新 总裁 央企 董事长 宁高宁 光棍
作者 懒猫 《中学生(青春悦读)》 2015年第2期46-47,共2页
1.母子共读:重拾生命的勇气 书名:《生命最后的读书会》作者:[美]威尔·施瓦尔贝 出版:中国友谊出版公司 2013年8月 【内容简介】故事中的母亲将阅读看成生命中不可或缺的一部分,即使当她被不幸地确诊为癌症晚期,对阅读的... 1.母子共读:重拾生命的勇气 书名:《生命最后的读书会》作者:[美]威尔·施瓦尔贝 出版:中国友谊出版公司 2013年8月 【内容简介】故事中的母亲将阅读看成生命中不可或缺的一部分,即使当她被不幸地确诊为癌症晚期,对阅读的那份热情也足以浇灭绝望与悲伤。于是,在病床上,母亲和儿子交流、分享着各自喜欢的书的内容。在生命和情感的尽头,阅读成了最好的庇护和救赎。 展开更多
关键词 “告白” 出版公司 内容简介 生命 读书会 阅读
你究竟有几个好朋友 小栗旬奇迹的亲友告白史
作者 抹茶团子(文字) 阿雅(设计) 《音乐世界》 2011年第4期90-91,共2页
关键词 小栗旬 朋友 亲友 “告白” 演艺圈
作者 杨长红 《金融博览》 2011年第4期72-73,共2页
关键词 理财经理 “告白” 投资建议 聚会 银行
“广告”一词在近代中国的流变 被引量:4
作者 文春英 李世琳 +2 位作者 刘小晔 周杨 温晓薇 《当代传播》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期98-100,共3页
关键词 近代中国 广告 19世纪末 流变 语言文字 “告白” “声明” 字形
作者 宁宗一 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1983年第2期60-63,共4页
关键词 《聊斋志异》 道德观念 随想 西湖 艺术 生活经历 人生态度 “告白”
陈翔 一见钟情爱上你
《音乐世界》 2012年第4期18-25,共8页
关键词 陈翔 情爱 音乐专辑 “告白” 情人节 电视剧 创作 主演
《广告主》 2008年第7期23-23,共1页
中国广告虽然起源很早,但直到19世纪末,我们的语言文字中还没有出现“广告”一词,古人习惯使用的是“告白”二字,清末的中国商人在报纸上刊登广告依旧叫“买告白”。近代思想家、戊戌维新运动领袖之一梁启超对于报刊广告这一现代宣... 中国广告虽然起源很早,但直到19世纪末,我们的语言文字中还没有出现“广告”一词,古人习惯使用的是“告白”二字,清末的中国商人在报纸上刊登广告依旧叫“买告白”。近代思想家、戊戌维新运动领袖之一梁启超对于报刊广告这一现代宣传形式的价值有着足够的认识,《清议报》在创刊的第一期尾页就刊登了招揽广告的《告白价目》。1899年4月30日《清议报》出版第13期,刊末是该报用日文发布的招登广告的稿件,题目为《记事扩张卜广告募集》,并附有广告价目的《广告料》一则。这是目前所知的中国人在自办的中文报刊上最先使用“广告”一词。 展开更多
关键词 报纸广告 《清议报》 戊戌维新运动 中国商人 19世纪末 语言文字 “告白” 宣传形式
Spontaneous perforation of an intramural rectal hematoma:Report of a case 被引量:2
作者 Zhu-Lin Li Zhen-Jun Wang Jia-Gang Han 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第19期2438-2440,共3页
Spontaneous hematomas are rare and most occur secondary to hematologic disorders or during anticoa- gulant therapy. Most spontaneous hematomas occur above the sigmoid colon, and rarely in the rectum. Herein we present... Spontaneous hematomas are rare and most occur secondary to hematologic disorders or during anticoa- gulant therapy. Most spontaneous hematomas occur above the sigmoid colon, and rarely in the rectum. Herein we present the case of a patient with a spontaneous perforating hematoma of the rectum who presented with severe abdominal pain after a bloody stool. The hemoglobin level decreased by 33 g/L within 20 h. An abdominal sonogram showed a hydrops in the lower abdomen with a maximum depth of 7.0 cm. A hematoma, 8 cm x 6 cmx 5 cm in size, was noted intra-operatively in the rectosigmoid junction, with a 1.5-cm perforation in the hematoma and active hemorrhage. Thus, a partial rectectomy and sigmoidostomy were performed. Three months later, a second opera- tive procedure to re-establish intestinal continuity was performed. The patient is in good condition 12 mo after the last surgery. In addition to this case, the causes of spontaneous perforating hematomas and the treatment are discussed. 展开更多
Low Grade Fibromyxoid Sarcomas and Multiple Myeloma in the Same Patient: One Case Report and Literature Review
作者 Chong-mei HUANG Shu-qing LU +3 位作者 Jian-min WANG Xiao-xia HU Li-li WU Jian-min YANG 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2010年第3期210-213,共4页
IntroductionMultiple myeloma (MM) is a neoplastic plasma cell dyscrasia char-acterized by anemia; a monoclonal protein(M-protein) in the serum and/or urine; abnormal bone radiographs and bone pain;hypercal-cemia; ... IntroductionMultiple myeloma (MM) is a neoplastic plasma cell dyscrasia char-acterized by anemia; a monoclonal protein(M-protein) in the serum and/or urine; abnormal bone radiographs and bone pain;hypercal-cemia; and renal insuf.ciency or failure.According to the results of immunoelectrophoresis, patients are separated to Ig type (IgG, IgA, IgD, IgE and IgM); light chain; nonsecretory. 展开更多
关键词 multiple myeloma low grade fibromyxoid sarcomas second malignancy CHEMOTHERAPY alkylating agents radiation
PTEN and PDCD4 are Bona Fide Targets of microRNA-21 in Human Cholangiocarcinoma 被引量:13
作者 Chang-zheng Liu Wei Liu +5 位作者 Yi Zheng Jin-mei Su Jing--jing Li Lan Yu Xiao-dong He Song-sen Chen 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2012年第2期65-72,共8页
Objective To investigate the expression profile of microRNA-21 in human cholangiocarcinoma tis- sues and to validate its bona fide targets in human cholangiocarcinoma cells. Methods The expression profile of microRNA... Objective To investigate the expression profile of microRNA-21 in human cholangiocarcinoma tis- sues and to validate its bona fide targets in human cholangiocarcinoma cells. Methods The expression profile of microRNA-21 in human cholangiocarcinoma tissues and cholan- giocarcinoma cell line, QBC939, was evaluated by using real-time PCR analysis. The bona fide targets of microRNA-21 were analyzed and confirmed by dual luciferase reporter gene assay and western blot, respec- tively. The expressional correlation of microRNA-21 and its targets was probed in human cholangiocarci- noma tissues by using real-time PCR, locked nucleic acid in situ hybridization (LNA-ISH), and immunohis- tochemistry analysis. Results Real-time PCR analysis revealed that microRNA-21 expression depicted a significant up-regulation in human cholangiocarcinoma tissues about 5.6-fold as compared to the matched normal bileduct tissues (P〈0.05). The dual luciferase reporter gene assay revealed endogenous microRNA-21 in cholan- giocarcinoma cell line, QBC939, inhibited the luciferase reporter activities of wild-type PTEN (P〈0.01) and PDCD4 (P〈0.05) and had no this effect on mutated PTEN and PDCD4. Moreover, loss of microRNA-21 function led to a significant increase of PTEN and PDCD4 protein levels in QBC939 cells. Elevated microRNA-21 levels were accompanied by marked reductions of PTEN and PDCD4 expression in the same cholangiocarcinoma tissue. Conclusion microRNA-21 expression is up PDCD4 are direct effectors of microRNA-21. regulated in human cholangiocarcinoma and PTEN, 展开更多
关键词 CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA MICRORNA-21 phosphatase and tensin homolog programmed cell death 4
Immunoscintigraphy with ^99mTc-Besilesomab in Aid to Fusiariosis Detection in Patients with Relapsed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): A Case Report and Literature Review
作者 Elizabeth Campos de Moraes Juliana Moreira Silva +1 位作者 Flavia Femanda Sichinelle Pessoa Luiz Antonio de Abreu Lauriano Pinheiro 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2017年第4期207-214,共8页
The aim of this article is to emphasize the importance of nuclear medicine in fungal infection characterization through a case report. Case: patient female, with AML-M2, hospitalized with fever, dyspnea, nausea, myas... The aim of this article is to emphasize the importance of nuclear medicine in fungal infection characterization through a case report. Case: patient female, with AML-M2, hospitalized with fever, dyspnea, nausea, myasthenia, abdominal pain and diarrhea. In the physical examination exacerbated lesion in abdominal wall and subcutaneous nodules in upper and lower limbs. The computed tomography of the chest evinced area of attenuation in ground-glass opacities in the middle lobe, tending to consolidation and bilateral nodular opacities with ground-glass halo which suggested an infiammatory/infectious process of fungal etiology. Immunoscintigraphy with ^99mTc-besilesomab (Scintimun) identified focal infectious processes in activity, scattered over cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues, predominantly in extremities. In blood culture test, there was a growth ofFusarium sp. There is a difficulty in the diagnosis of fungal infections, both in clinical and imaging methods. There is no specific method to reaching the target. In addition, fungal diseases can be divided into focally localized or disseminated infections. There is a greater difficulty in the diagnosis of immunocompromised individuals due to the deficiency of basic defense mechanisms. Scintimun (scintigraphy with besilesomab) is a useful tool of nuclear medicine in the diagnosis of infectious and inflammatory diseases to allow the image of the whole-body and in vivo detection of early pathological and physiological phenomena, even before anatomical alterations occur. 展开更多
关键词 IMMUNOSCINTIGRAPHY besilesomab nuclear medicine FUSARIOSIS fungal infections immunocompromised.
Laryngeal myxoid neurofibroma misdiagnosed as myxoma:a case report
作者 Binesh Fariba Dadgarnia Mohammad Hossein +1 位作者 Rajabzadeh Yavar Shahbazian Haneyeh 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2012年第9期548-550,共3页
Neurogenic tumours constitute a very small percentage of all neoplastic lesions of the head and neck region. Neurogenic tumors of the larynx are extremely rare. Two types of neurogenic tumors must be distinguished: Sc... Neurogenic tumours constitute a very small percentage of all neoplastic lesions of the head and neck region. Neurogenic tumors of the larynx are extremely rare. Two types of neurogenic tumors must be distinguished: Schwannomas and neurofibromas. Neurofibromas arise from the sheath of nerve fibers and are characterized by prominent collagen produc- tion and trapped nerve fibers. In the larynx, the most common sites of origin are arytenoids and aryepiglottic folds. Because of benign nature of this tumor, conservative surgery is recommended as the management of choice. Only few cases of laryngeal myxoid neurofibroma have been reported in literature and this article presents one case of laryngeal myxoid neurofibroma, which at first was misdiagnosed as myxoma, with brief review of literatures. 展开更多
Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia with t (3; 9) (p21; p13) as a Sole Abnormal Appearance: One Case Report
作者 Ji-hong ZHANG Li-jun GUAN Yun-xiu WANG Ying-chun ZHENG Nan ZHANG Hai-xia TONG 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2010年第5期326-329,共4页
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, (CMML) is a clinically rare chronic myeloid leukemia, with an incidence rate of about 1-2/ 100,000/year, and the age of the predominant cases is over 60 years. The median age of onse... Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, (CMML) is a clinically rare chronic myeloid leukemia, with an incidence rate of about 1-2/ 100,000/year, and the age of the predominant cases is over 60 years. The median age of onset is 65-70 years, and the ratio of the incidence between male and female is about 1.5 : 3.1. Specific etiological factors of the disease are not clear, but may be associated with the exposure to ionizing radiation, 展开更多
关键词 chronic myelomonocytic leukemia GENETICS pathogenesis.
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