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作者 吴修洪 韦德同 《现代语文(高中版)》 2001年第9期45-46,共2页
关键词 “讲读” “品读” 阅读 圈点法 评析法
作者 车文芳 《甘肃教育》 2021年第6期168-169,共2页
数学中的“品读”,其实是阅读,它是学生获取数学知识的重要手段。在数学教学中,教师除了培养学生的数学思维之外,应格外注重学生曲数学文本知识的体会与理解。本文从培养学生的读题习惯,提升审题能力、学会品读绘图、练习插图品读、细... 数学中的“品读”,其实是阅读,它是学生获取数学知识的重要手段。在数学教学中,教师除了培养学生的数学思维之外,应格外注重学生曲数学文本知识的体会与理解。本文从培养学生的读题习惯,提升审题能力、学会品读绘图、练习插图品读、细品实践插图等方面对小学数学教学中如何培养学生的“品读”能力进行了初步地探索和研究。 展开更多
关键词 小学数学 “品读”能力 探究
作者 裴先英 《广西教育》 2013年第26期62-62,共1页
“读”是语文教学中最常用的教学方法之一。苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说过:“我曾试用许多手段减轻学生的脑力劳动,结果得出一条结论——最有意义的手段就是扩大他们的阅读范围。”由此可见“读”的重要意义。语文教学应如何充分... “读”是语文教学中最常用的教学方法之一。苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说过:“我曾试用许多手段减轻学生的脑力劳动,结果得出一条结论——最有意义的手段就是扩大他们的阅读范围。”由此可见“读”的重要意义。语文教学应如何充分发挥“读”的作用?笔者认为在教学中教师要勇于突破常态,敢于创新,引导学生善于品读课文的内在美。 展开更多
关键词 语文教学“品读”艺术
作者 张仙峰 《华夏教师》 2022年第36期76-78,共3页
由于当前教育水平不断提高,现代科技与社会氛围等因素影响增加,传统的教育模式和方法已经不能适应现代教育的需要,因此教师就更要发挥好引导者的作用,以创新性思维与方法去引导学生学会自己品读课文内容,实现以“品读”为核心的语文学... 由于当前教育水平不断提高,现代科技与社会氛围等因素影响增加,传统的教育模式和方法已经不能适应现代教育的需要,因此教师就更要发挥好引导者的作用,以创新性思维与方法去引导学生学会自己品读课文内容,实现以“品读”为核心的语文学习。教师可以带领学生展开交流活动,分享彼此的心得与独特的体会、想法,提高学生的理解能力与品读能力,让学生在收获语文知识的同时获得快乐,实现精神上的满足,在品读中提高自己。本文将结合教学实践,分析六年级语文教学中“品读”的作用。 展开更多
关键词 小学教育 语文教学 “品读”作用 教学策略
初中英语“任务型”阅读教学之实践探析 被引量:3
作者 姚锦斌 《中小学教学研究》 2015年第11期6-7,10,共3页
任务型阅读教学是"以培养学生在任务的主导下运用科学的阅读方法和技巧‘搜集与处理信息’的能力;以培养学生在任务的履行中,通过参与、体验、合作、探究提高‘表达与交流’的能力"。在江苏省初中英语教学观摩活动中,陈丹老师执教的... 任务型阅读教学是"以培养学生在任务的主导下运用科学的阅读方法和技巧‘搜集与处理信息’的能力;以培养学生在任务的履行中,通过参与、体验、合作、探究提高‘表达与交流’的能力"。在江苏省初中英语教学观摩活动中,陈丹老师执教的《译林版牛津英语》7B Unit6 Reading,从任务前、任务中和任务后三个方面对该教学途径在初中英语阅读课中的实践进行了探析,希望能对当前的初中英语阅读教学有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 “任务型”阅读教学 “预测”图文 “品读”文本 “交流”体悟
Reading, Text, and the Metaphors of Perception
作者 Amechi Nicholas Akwanya 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第1期76-84,共9页
Literature continues to generate controversies as to what it is and what it is for. That is one of the reasons for the proliferation of "literary theories." The notion is here placed between quotation marks because ... Literature continues to generate controversies as to what it is and what it is for. That is one of the reasons for the proliferation of "literary theories." The notion is here placed between quotation marks because it does not mean the same thing to all the scholars in the field. Some regard it in the same way that theory functions in the sciences, where it focuses on the object it is associated with. For example, the atomic theory of matter is concerned with the internal constitution or the characterizing properties of matter. Others, however, are looking beyond the object towards the reader and the extra-textual environment. The approaches to literary studies which look beyond the individual work to outside phenomena are many and increasing all the time as new issues and concerns arrive on the social scene. Issues of climate change are fairly topical now; and criticism is already responding with such ideas as eco-criticism. The question of the identity of the literary object has to be kept in the front burner, so that it is not swamped by the many different interests which attach to literature from time to time. Bringing attention back to the literary work is the central concern of this paper; and we are doing this by way of the metaphors of perception often used with respect to the literary work as these suggest that the work is something to focus on, rather than to see through to something else. Finally, I elaborate the concept of integrity as an appurtenance of the literary text that attracts and holds the gaze. 展开更多
关键词 CRITICISM INTEGRITY interpretation parergon representation structure
An interpretation of alienation theme in J. D. Salinger's The catcher in the rye and Nine stories 被引量:2
作者 DENG Li-jing 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第5期37-40,共4页
J. D. Salinger is an alienated writer, who alienates himself from the dominant society. He is unsocial in character and unconventional in behavior. His reclusion can be regarded as the behavioral presentation of his a... J. D. Salinger is an alienated writer, who alienates himself from the dominant society. He is unsocial in character and unconventional in behavior. His reclusion can be regarded as the behavioral presentation of his alienation. Salinger also portrays many alienated characters in his The catcher in the rye and Nine stories. These alienated characters include children, adolescents and adults. They alienate themselves from dominant social culture, groups and even themselves. According to the analysis of these alienated protagonists from autobiographical and historical perspectives, the root of their alienation lies in the conflict between their searching for the ideal love and the absence of such love in the dominant society. So comparing with enjoying substantial life, Salinger's works can arouse people's interest and give more concern to their spiritual life. 展开更多
关键词 ALIENATION J. D. Salinger pure love reclusion
Musical quality in Edgar Allan Poe's poetry
作者 XIONG An-yuan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第2期45-52,共8页
Edgar Allan Poe is one of the greatest writers in American literary history. He was a short-story writer, fathering the detective story and starting the psychoanalytical tradition. He was also a poet, advocating short... Edgar Allan Poe is one of the greatest writers in American literary history. He was a short-story writer, fathering the detective story and starting the psychoanalytical tradition. He was also a poet, advocating short poems with regular and delicate rhyming schemes. He was, at the same time, a literary theorist, writing about the principles of composition. This paper is to analyze the theme and musical quality of Poe's poems, focusing on the techniques Poe had employed in his poems to help enhance his major themes of death and beauty. According to Poe, the most appropriate tone for all poems is melancholy. In Poe's life, there was a personal connection with "the death of a beautiful woman", which is acknowledged in his thesis The philosophy of composition. The impetus for composing of poems undoubtedly arose from Poe's loss of his mother and of other women he had loved. The beauty of music exerts great influence on Poe's aesthetic perception. He paid more than enough attention to the musical qualities of poetry. He defined poetry as "the rhythmical creation of beauty". Poe advocated the idea of the poet as a craftsman, interested in polishing and refining language. He stressed the use of language as a medium of convey pure musical and rhythmical beauty. Poe's reputation for musical verses is due to his choice of sounds and treatment of rimes and meter. 展开更多
关键词 POE POETRY musical quality
Eveline's awakening of woman consciousness—— The analysis of Eveline by James Joyce from the perspective of feminism
作者 YANG Shuang-ju GAO Yi-xian 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第5期28-30,36,共4页
Eveline is one of the stories in Dubliners by James Joyce, a story about moral paralysis and a quest for vitality in vain. This paper attempts to analyze the protagonist of the story, Eveline's awakening of woman con... Eveline is one of the stories in Dubliners by James Joyce, a story about moral paralysis and a quest for vitality in vain. This paper attempts to analyze the protagonist of the story, Eveline's awakening of woman consciousness and make a tentative probe into the factors that lead to her final subservience to the patriarchal society. 展开更多
关键词 EVELINE woman consciousness subservience
To sex in Ragtime
作者 DING Shan-shan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第5期78-81,共4页
"More than a book, it's an experience--startling, viscerally satisfying, and as joyous as a happy love affair--Cosmopolitan" (Doctorow, 19751). E.L. Doctorow's masterpiece Ragtime has intrigued quite a great dea... "More than a book, it's an experience--startling, viscerally satisfying, and as joyous as a happy love affair--Cosmopolitan" (Doctorow, 19751). E.L. Doctorow's masterpiece Ragtime has intrigued quite a great deal of critics' attention worldwide. However, ironically, hardly any attention was paid to the sex and lovemaking scenes in Ragtime which have been overshadowed by Doctorow's splendid and original post-modernist approaches. The author wants to take up this challenge and commit herself to the appearance and role of sex and lovemaking scenes in Ragtime and more importantly, the deeper meanings behind them. Hopefully, this paper will give new perspectives to the understanding of this novel. 展开更多
关键词 SEX lovemaking E.L. Doctorow RAGTIME
The Emotional Interpretation of the Products Design in the Emotional Economy Era
作者 Liu Huiwei Zhu Na 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期9-10,共2页
In today's emotional economy era, the emotional demand determines the core value, therefore the product design should pay more attention to the emotional deduction, and satisfy people's emotional needs. This paper, ... In today's emotional economy era, the emotional demand determines the core value, therefore the product design should pay more attention to the emotional deduction, and satisfy people's emotional needs. This paper, based on the basis of the discussion about emotional design, tries to put forward the method of emotional deduction, to provide reference for the product design strength. 展开更多
关键词 Emotional economy era Core value Emotional deduction.
Analysis on chivalry and its influence
作者 QIU Hai-ping 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第10期60-64,共5页
Knights appeared and flourished in the Middle Ages. Some scholars call the Middle Ages the ages of knights. Knights were cavalrymen in heavy armors and played a decisive role in the battlefield in the Middle Ages. The... Knights appeared and flourished in the Middle Ages. Some scholars call the Middle Ages the ages of knights. Knights were cavalrymen in heavy armors and played a decisive role in the battlefield in the Middle Ages. They were also an important social class and strictly abided by the code of chivalry, which had a far reaching impact on the social culture and attitudes towards women of the Western Europe even after the decline of the knighthood. 展开更多
The Processualities of Literature
作者 Herbert Grabes 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第1期1-8,共8页
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that the processual aspect of literary works of art deserves much more attention than it normally receives by readers, critics, and theorists. The most important reason fo... The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that the processual aspect of literary works of art deserves much more attention than it normally receives by readers, critics, and theorists. The most important reason for this is seen in the fact that texts since the advent of print culture have been disseminated and passed on in written form and that in the medium of writing the processual character of language is only insufficiently taken care of by a cultural convention of arranging and approaching the presented signs in an particular sequence. Whereas in an oral culture the dynamic processuality of a speech or recitation was directly experienced by the listeners, the spatial arrangement of signs in writing enables and even entices readers and critics to read this or that part of a written text in a sequence of their own making. What remains out of focus is that in doing so they miss the particular semantic profile and aesthetic character of the work as created by the author--a procedure particularly hurtful in the case of literary works of art. There is hope, however, that this will somewhat change by our moving towards a performance culture 展开更多
关键词 processuality processual experience of reading SEQUENTIALITY textual sequence narrative sequence linearity of writing
The Guidance and Meaning directed by the Three Phases of Memory on the Reading of Literature Works Written by the Style of Stream of Consciousness ——taking the Work Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami as an Example
作者 Li Ying 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期28-31,共4页
Recently, the researchers put their attention on the literature works on Virginia Woolf or James Joyce too heavily just because the skill of stream of consciousness is used through the novel completely. Choosing this ... Recently, the researchers put their attention on the literature works on Virginia Woolf or James Joyce too heavily just because the skill of stream of consciousness is used through the novel completely. Choosing this novel by Japanese writer as an example is an experiment, because the stream of consciousness as a composing method has melted its impression into the modem novel. And in the researcher's opinion, regardless the traditional part, the researching focus should be shifted on the works written by nowadays writer. To begin this paper, there are four questions should be solved: First, the definition of stream of consciousness should be known clearly; another question is the structure analysis of structure of Hear the Wind Sing; secondly, compared with the mental space theory and blending theory by Fauconnier, how to judge the function of Three Phases of memory's direction on reading should be focused on; thirdly, the reason why readers meet the problem of barrier when they read the stream of consciousness novel, and how the memory helps to solve the problem should be study in this section. Fourth, the extra factors which support the function of memory will enhance the skill of reading the SOC novel and finally foreground the meaning. 展开更多
关键词 stream of consciousness Novel the lhree Phases of memory mental space theory blending theory (Juidance andMeaning
Borges' Poetics of Visible Unrealities
作者 Robin McAllister 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第5期338-344,共7页
Close reading and inter-textual analysis of Borges' essays, fiction, and poetry suggest a poetics of visible unrealities, a fiction that calls attention to its own artifice. Borges's poetics of reading and dreaming ... Close reading and inter-textual analysis of Borges' essays, fiction, and poetry suggest a poetics of visible unrealities, a fiction that calls attention to its own artifice. Borges's poetics of reading and dreaming require another poetics of the work as a text that calls attention to its own artifice. In reading Borges' fiction, the separate roles and identities of reader, writer, and work of fiction merge and exchange roles, powers, and identities and are transformed into a single act of dreaming, which assumes cosmogonic and apocalyptic risks. In the dominant role given to the reader, the work of fiction as an object or work of art does not exist unless it is read. There is no determinate text, only a version of our own we re-write and invent every time we read the text. The author's reading is not a spontaneous evocation of vision, but an artifice, as artificial as the writing of the fiction. As writers and readers we are composed of texts and schemata, alphabets and artifacts, not merely mental perceptions and ideas. The reader requires a prior text to copy, translate, and recreate, and that text only exists as a fictional microcosm in so far as it is being read by a Reader who is able to actualize the revelation only imminent within it. 展开更多
The Metaphor of Narrative Woods in Eco's Work
作者 Bujar Hoxha 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期1004-1017,共14页
This paper on Umberto Eco's contribution to the narration process, tries to identify the mainstream of modem studies of the text. I have tried to separate it as an entity, which together with other textual techniques... This paper on Umberto Eco's contribution to the narration process, tries to identify the mainstream of modem studies of the text. I have tried to separate it as an entity, which together with other textual techniques and strategies shall create applicable theoretical messages towards an artistic creation. Eco's (1994) work itself, gives an opportunity to exemplify his theoretical claims. Using my examples, I have tried to show how a work of art can be rendered narrative, a subject to contemporary techniques and cooperativeness with the reader. One of the main issues I have explained is the time factor, seen from the linguistic and semiotic prospective. I consider that Eco's treatment of the relation between reality and fiction is of a semiotic nature. One of the main elements it contains (and definitely makes such a difference possible), is the time factor. The delay (lingering) part treats works of art separately, and gives one of the ways to render artistic works readable, worth having an aesthetic value, in their way to transmitting a message to the audience. 展开更多
Spectrophotometric Error Due to Uncertainty in Reading the Signal
作者 Mavroudis A. Demertzis Anastasios I. Palios Alexandru V. Calin Cristina-Ioana M. Vijdeluc George A.Chrysafis 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第7期585-590,共6页
Based upon the standard deviations for the intercept and the slope of a linear regression line, as well as by differentiating both Beer's law and a linear relationship between transmittance and concentration at high ... Based upon the standard deviations for the intercept and the slope of a linear regression line, as well as by differentiating both Beer's law and a linear relationship between transmittance and concentration at high transmission, it is proved that the relative spectrophotometric error of a measurement becomes greater as the sample concentration only decreases. Further, it is demonstrated that the present knowledge with regard to the error in absorption spectrophotometry is necessary to be reexamined. The total scale of transmittance can literally be used for measurements, unfolding workable dynamic ranges about two orders of magnitude lower than usually and thus absorption spectrophotometry can efficiently compete with other methods of analysis with respect to detection limits. 展开更多
关键词 Spectrophotometric error transmittance uncertainty sensitive spectrophotometry transmittance noise.
可食性膜在食品保鲜中的应用现状及研究进展 被引量:2
作者 曾仪雯 周恩弛 +3 位作者 黄高瓴 冯静秋 李丹 张春红 《保鲜与加工》 CAS 2023年第4期62-67,共6页
在食品保鲜领域,可食用天然抗菌保鲜膜是一种重要的可生物降解膜,具有易降解、成本低、来源广等特点。介绍了多糖膜、蛋白膜和脂质膜3种可食性涂膜在食品保鲜中的应用现状,综述了复合成膜技术、纳米颗粒制备技术及添加植物精油在制备可... 在食品保鲜领域,可食用天然抗菌保鲜膜是一种重要的可生物降解膜,具有易降解、成本低、来源广等特点。介绍了多糖膜、蛋白膜和脂质膜3种可食性涂膜在食品保鲜中的应用现状,综述了复合成膜技术、纳米颗粒制备技术及添加植物精油在制备可食性涂膜中的研究进展,以期为可食性包装材料在保鲜领域中的进一步研究提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 可食性膜 包装 多糖 蛋白质 纳米材料 食品保鲜
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