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浅议“四早”实践教学平台的构建——海南大学农林经济管理专业实践教学改革探索 被引量:4
作者 胡国柳 韦开蕾 柯佑鹏 《琼州学院学报》 2012年第4期30-31,47,共3页
关键词 高校 “四早”实践教学平台 构建探索
作者 张春新 周岳平 《广西医学》 CAS 2005年第6期837-839,共3页
目的探讨成批烧伤病人的治疗方法。方法4批22例特重烧伤病人,入院后早期行切痂微粒皮肤移植术,早期预防性气管切开术,早期应用强有力抗生素突击疗法,早期应用小剂量多巴胺保护肾功能的“四早”疗法治疗。结果22例特重烧伤病人18例得到治... 目的探讨成批烧伤病人的治疗方法。方法4批22例特重烧伤病人,入院后早期行切痂微粒皮肤移植术,早期预防性气管切开术,早期应用强有力抗生素突击疗法,早期应用小剂量多巴胺保护肾功能的“四早”疗法治疗。结果22例特重烧伤病人18例得到治愈,4例死亡。结论“四早”疗法在成批烧伤病人中的应用效果显著,能明显提高成批特重烧伤病人的抢救成功率。 展开更多
关键词 “四早”疗法 成批 特重烧伤
作者 周继键 《职教论坛》 北大核心 1995年第5期30-30,共1页
甲鱼,学名鳖。因其营养丰富,药用价值高,销路畅销,故近年来,人工养殖甲鱼日渐兴旺。笔者在校办甲鱼养殖场技术指导中体会到:要想养殖甲鱼效益好,应抓好“四早”。 一、早放种 养殖甲鱼,种苗最好是在春季水温15—18℃间投放。这样,既方... 甲鱼,学名鳖。因其营养丰富,药用价值高,销路畅销,故近年来,人工养殖甲鱼日渐兴旺。笔者在校办甲鱼养殖场技术指导中体会到:要想养殖甲鱼效益好,应抓好“四早”。 一、早放种 养殖甲鱼,种苗最好是在春季水温15—18℃间投放。这样,既方便购种、运输,又有利于甲鱼在生长旺季到来前适应新的池塘环境。种苗要求体质健壮,无病无伤。同一池塘放养规格应整齐一致,以免弱肉强食。 放养密度视种苗规格、饲养条件、技术等而定。一般地,稚鳖30—50只/m^2,幼鳖10—20只/m^2;成鳖5只左右/m^2。 二、早浅水 为保证甲鱼安全“冬眠”,往往在开春前水温较低时加深了水位。因而,开春后,应早排浅池水,以利提高水温,使甲鱼早日苏醒并摄食生长。一般在水温稳定在15℃以上时,即排浅池水至30—80厘米深。直到夏季高温天气来临时才加深水位。 展开更多
关键词 甲鱼养殖场 人工养殖 “四早” 种苗规格 提高水温 放养密度 药用价值 池塘放养 季节性流行病 控制水质
作者 李芳贤 刘溪源 高素霞 《中国农村科技》 1995年第3期9-9,共1页
麦田套种的夏玉米,存在土壤板结、光照不足、缺肥少水、苗子弱、根系少、虫害多、严重影响玉米的苗全、苗齐、苗壮等问题。为了改变这种情况,我们自1992年以来在苗期管理上抓了“四早”技术,使玉米保苗、壮苗率达97%以上,促进了我市52... 麦田套种的夏玉米,存在土壤板结、光照不足、缺肥少水、苗子弱、根系少、虫害多、严重影响玉米的苗全、苗齐、苗壮等问题。为了改变这种情况,我们自1992年以来在苗期管理上抓了“四早”技术,使玉米保苗、壮苗率达97%以上,促进了我市520万亩夏玉米大面积增产,增产率 12.32%~17.15%。“四早”技术为: 展开更多
关键词 “四早” 玉米苗期 夏玉米 幼苗生长 麦套 大面积增产 套种玉米 麦田套种 苗期管理 增产率
作者 彭潇 《女报》 2023年第6期160-162,共3页
本研究采用问卷法调查了“四早一晚”大学生养成教育计划对大学生学业表现的影响。调查结果发现,大学生对于该教育方案的满意度整体偏低,部分专业间具有显著差异,这一满意度的差异同样体现在学业表现上,即满意度显著较高的专业,平均学... 本研究采用问卷法调查了“四早一晚”大学生养成教育计划对大学生学业表现的影响。调查结果发现,大学生对于该教育方案的满意度整体偏低,部分专业间具有显著差异,这一满意度的差异同样体现在学业表现上,即满意度显著较高的专业,平均学分绩点及挂科数都显著好于满意度显著较低的专业。这一结果说明“四早一晚”对于学生的学业表现有积极的影响。 展开更多
关键词 “四一晚” 养成教育 学业表现
重大突发公共卫生事件中“四早”策略对医院系统内部感染风险防控的影响——基于“非典”和新冠肺炎的比较 被引量:3
作者 孔锋 易诗原 《中国应急管理科学》 2022年第4期37-49,共13页
本文基于2003年非典型肺炎疫情和2020年湖北新冠肺炎疫情应对过程,对比在国家应急指挥体系运行背景下,两次疫情中医院院内感染数据的变化,分析“四早”策略:早发现、早报告、早隔离和早治疗四方针对医院院内系统风险控制情况的影响,从... 本文基于2003年非典型肺炎疫情和2020年湖北新冠肺炎疫情应对过程,对比在国家应急指挥体系运行背景下,两次疫情中医院院内感染数据的变化,分析“四早”策略:早发现、早报告、早隔离和早治疗四方针对医院院内系统风险控制情况的影响,从重预防与重收治两个方面分析医院院内感染问题。结果发现:2020年中国在应对重大突发公共卫生事件中的“四早”策略贯彻相比2003年有了明显的改进。早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗已经成为共识,并非常明显地体现在了院内感染的数据对比上。新冠肺炎疫情期间,中国已经大大地降低了院内的交叉感染率,证明了“四早”策略是国家在应对重大突发公共卫生事件时的有效举措,值得不断改进与推广。 展开更多
关键词 SARS 新冠肺炎 “四早”策略 院内感染 应急管理
选育“四早号”系列杂交种的回顾 被引量:11
作者 郭海鳌 《玉米科学》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期8-9,共2页
关键词 选育 “四号”系列 杂交种 玉米
作者 杨菊婷 张虹 《中华医学写作杂志》 2001年第23期2746-2747,共2页
目的:探讨流行性出血热“四旱一控”临床疗效。方法:本文主要总结在治疗流行性出血热中,根据不同的病程和阶段,合理掌握了“四早一控”及各期治疗原则。结果:治愈84例(97.4%),超期18例(20.9%),死亡例(23%)。结论:临床疗效... 目的:探讨流行性出血热“四旱一控”临床疗效。方法:本文主要总结在治疗流行性出血热中,根据不同的病程和阶段,合理掌握了“四早一控”及各期治疗原则。结果:治愈84例(97.4%),超期18例(20.9%),死亡例(23%)。结论:临床疗效显著,均于“四早一控”直接有关。 展开更多
关键词 治疗 出血热 “四一控”
作者 余群洪 茅秋萍 +1 位作者 黄卫虎 王仁斌 《井冈山大学学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第4期54-55,共2页
目的总结2批29例烧伤病人救治成功的经验以提高治愈率。方法对2批29例烧伤病人进行回顾性总结,实施"四早"(即早期"个体化液体复苏"、早期气管切开、早期创面处理、早期心理干预)方案。结果29例无1例死亡,取得了较... 目的总结2批29例烧伤病人救治成功的经验以提高治愈率。方法对2批29例烧伤病人进行回顾性总结,实施"四早"(即早期"个体化液体复苏"、早期气管切开、早期创面处理、早期心理干预)方案。结果29例无1例死亡,取得了较好的效果。结论成批烧伤救治中,强有力的组织领导、实施"四早"方案、加强综合治疗是救治成批烧伤的关键。 展开更多
关键词 成批烧伤救治 “四早”方案
赵文霞应用“四早诊疗法”诊治慢性肝病经验 被引量:2
作者 刘晓彦 赵文霞 马素平 《中医学报》 CAS 2018年第11期2113-2117,共5页
扶正固本早预防、辨识舌脉早诊断、先症而治早治疗、持之以恒早防变的"四早诊疗法"是赵文霞教授将"治未病"及"截断疗法"理念总结提炼、灵活应用于慢性肝病临床诊疗的具体体现,其核心理念为"早期诊... 扶正固本早预防、辨识舌脉早诊断、先症而治早治疗、持之以恒早防变的"四早诊疗法"是赵文霞教授将"治未病"及"截断疗法"理念总结提炼、灵活应用于慢性肝病临床诊疗的具体体现,其核心理念为"早期诊治、截断进展""先症而治"。"实脾、化瘀、解毒"三法体现了赵文霞治疗肝病的独到经验,"四早诊疗法"及其具体应用对于早期诊断肝病、阻止病情进展、指导临床用药具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 慢性肝病 “四诊疗法” 扶正固本预防 辨识舌脉诊断 先症而治治疗 持之以恒防变
旱地小麦栽培耕作技术 被引量:5
作者 高志强 《山西农经》 2014年第1期92-94,共3页
山西省小麦面积的60%是旱地,水分是限制旱地小麦产量的主要因素,如何蓄水保墒一直以来深受旱作小麦栽培工作者的重视。前人在蓄水保墒方面进行了大量研究,但往往忽视了休闲期降雨,本研究团队在闻喜县长期蹲点,总结提出了旱地小麦土壤水... 山西省小麦面积的60%是旱地,水分是限制旱地小麦产量的主要因素,如何蓄水保墒一直以来深受旱作小麦栽培工作者的重视。前人在蓄水保墒方面进行了大量研究,但往往忽视了休闲期降雨,本研究团队在闻喜县长期蹲点,总结提出了旱地小麦土壤水分单循环与复循环规律、土壤水分垂直变化与周年水平变化规律、土壤质地及土壤水分垂直分布特征与运行规律、磷肥增效氮磷配合理论及种子根群作用理论等。在此基础上,提出了"四早三多"技术,并在上世纪70~90年代在全国推广。进入21世纪后,针对当前农业生产出现的新问题,为解决农村劳动力不足和农业生产效率低下的问题,创建休闲期"三提前"——提前深耕或深松、提前深施有机肥、提前秸秆覆盖或还田——蓄水保墒技术,此技术可改善土壤结构、提高土壤有机质含量,增加土壤动物、微生物数量,降低地表无效蒸发,有效提高土壤蓄水保水能力,达到伏雨春夏用的目的。同时自主研发并推广应用了实施"三提前"技术配套的农机具—深松施肥机械与施肥覆膜一体机械,已在北方旱地上广泛推广,并取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 旱地小麦 蓄水保墒 “四三多”技术 “三提前”技术
作者 牙运鹏 《市场论坛》 1996年第6期17-18,共2页
关键词 发展经济 经济果木林 农民致富 有效途径 名特优产品 脱贫致富 林果开发 山地资源 “四早” 生产开发
Effect of early propranolol administration on portal hypertensive gastropathy in cirrhotic rats 被引量:3
作者 Savas Rafailidis Charalampos Demertzidis +6 位作者 Konstantinos Ballas Michail Alatsakis Nikolaos Symeonidis Theodoros Pavlidis Kyriakos Psarras Valentini Tzioufa-Asimakopoulou Athanassios Sakadamis 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第34期4284-4289,共6页
AIM:To investigate any protective effect of early propranolol administration in the development of portal hypertensive gastropathy in cirrhotic rats. METHODS:For the development of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertens... AIM:To investigate any protective effect of early propranolol administration in the development of portal hypertensive gastropathy in cirrhotic rats. METHODS:For the development of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertensive gastropathy,60 rats underwent ligation of the left adrenal vein and complete devascularization of the left renal vein,followed by phenobarbital and carbon tetrachloride(CCl4) administration.After two weeks of CCl4 administration, the rats were randomly separated into two groups.In group A,propranolol was continuously administered intragastrically throughout the study,whereas in group B normal saline(placebo)was administered instead. Hemodynamic studies and vascular morphometric analysis of gastric sections were performed after complete induction of cirrhosis. RESULTS:Vascular morphometric studies showed higher numbers of vessels in all mucosal layers in the control group.Statistical analysis revealed a significantly higher total vascular surface in the control group compared to the propranolol group,but with no statistically significant difference between the mean vascular surfaces between the groups.Our study clearly shows that the increased mucosal blood flow is manifested by a marked increase of vessel count. CONCLUSION:Early propranolol's administration in portal hypertensive cirrhotic rats seems to prevent intense gastric vascular congestion that characterizes portal hypertensive gastropathy. 展开更多
关键词 Portal hypertension Portal hypertensive gastropathy Hepatic cirrhosis Carbon tetrachloride Gastric rnucosal lesion
Observation on Double Fertilization and Early Embryonic Development in Autotetraploid Polyembryonic Rice 被引量:2
作者 DAI Xi-mei YANG Xu HUANG Qun-ce QIN Guang-yong 《Rice science》 SCIE 2009年第2期124-130,共7页
The process of double fertilization and the characters of embryo and endosperm development in an autotetraploid polyembryonic mutant rice IR36-Shuang were studied with a laser scanning confocal microscopy. Some abnorm... The process of double fertilization and the characters of embryo and endosperm development in an autotetraploid polyembryonic mutant rice IR36-Shuang were studied with a laser scanning confocal microscopy. Some abnormalities including degenerated ovary, abortive embryo sac, single fertilization, double-ovule and double-embryo and so on. were found dudng double fertilization and embryo development in IR36-Shuang. The rate of the abnormalities was 46.67% in IR36-Shuang, significantly higher than that in the control, an autotetraploid rice line IR36-4X (33.00%). Cytological and embryonic evidences were provided for seed setting decline and the initiation of additional embryo in IR36-Shuang. 展开更多
关键词 RICE autotetraploid polyembryony double fertilization reproductive developmental character developmental biology embryonic development
Thermal evolution and dynamic mechanism of the Sichuan Basin during the Early Permian-Middle Triassic 被引量:12
作者 HE LiJuan XU HeHua WANG JiYang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第12期1948-1954,共7页
The Sichuan Basin, located in the western margin of Yangtze Plate, is one of the important oil-gas-bearing basins in China. During the Early Permian-Middle Triassic, the Sichuan Basin experienced regional lithospheric... The Sichuan Basin, located in the western margin of Yangtze Plate, is one of the important oil-gas-bearing basins in China. During the Early Permian-Middle Triassic, the Sichuan Basin experienced regional lithospheric extension and Emeishan basalt activities, both of which influenced the basin development and thermal evolution. Here we simulated the thermal effects of lithospheric extension and the Emeishan mantle plume based on different geodynamical models. Modeling results indicated that the lithospheric temperature together with the basement heat flow was generally increasing with time due to extension. As the stretching factor was relatively small, the thinning of lithosphere, and consequently the thermal disturbance, was not great. The lithospheric extension yielded about 20% increase of the basement heat flow, with maximum value of 60?62 mW m?2 in the Early Triassic. Mantle plume model shows that the thermal evolution of the inner zone above the plume head was influenced greatly by plume activity. But the outer zone and its outside area where the Sichuan Basin is located were affected only slightly. The basalts that had erupted in the southwestern basin might disturb the basin temperature significantly, although shortly and locally. Generally, the thermal history of the Sichuan basin during the Early Permian-Middle Triassic was controlled by the lithospheric extension, but locally it superimposed thermal effects of basalt activities in its southwestern area. 展开更多
关键词 tectono-thermal evolution numerical modeling lithospheric extension Emeishan basalt Sichuan Basin
Numerical study on the evolution of the shock-accelerated SF_6 interface:Influence of the interface shape 被引量:4
作者 FAN MeiRu ZHAI ZhiGang +3 位作者 SI Ting LUO XiSheng ZOU LiYong TAN DuoWang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期284-296,共13页
The early phases of the shock interaction process on two-dimensional interfaces with different shapes are numerically investigated in this study,which are closely related to the shock refraction and reflection,vortici... The early phases of the shock interaction process on two-dimensional interfaces with different shapes are numerically investigated in this study,which are closely related to the shock refraction and reflection,vorticity production and transport.The numerical method employs an adaptive unstructured quadrilateral mesh,which can capture the wave pattern and interface evolution very well.Simulations are carried out under the conditions of an incident shock Mach number of 1.2 and the light/heavy (air/SF 6) interface.Five different shapes are considered in the simulations:rectangle,ellipse,diamond and two kinds of triangle.The results show that the interfacial shapes can influence the wave patterns particularly on the shape and evolution of refracted shock waves.The generation and the distribution of vorticity on the interfaces with five different shapes also have dissimilarities.The circulation deposition on five interfaces is quantitatively investigated and compared with theoretical model.A good agreement is found between the numerical results and the predictions by the theoretical model.Some characteristic scales of the interface are tracked.Under the influence of nonlinear-acoustic effect and vorticity effect,the interfaces present different evolution modes. 展开更多
关键词 binaries: interfacial instability planar shock different shapes
Carbon isotopic composition of Early Triassic marine carbonates, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China 被引量:18
作者 HUANG SiJing HUANG KeKe +1 位作者 LÜ Jie LAN YeFang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期2026-2038,共13页
As the interval following the biggest Phanerozoic mass extinction at the end of Permian, the Early Triassic is characterized by an immature, poorly functioned ecosystem.The effects of these extreme environmental condi... As the interval following the biggest Phanerozoic mass extinction at the end of Permian, the Early Triassic is characterized by an immature, poorly functioned ecosystem.The effects of these extreme environmental conditions can be mirrored by the changes in the δ13C record of marine carbonates.However, the details about the carbon isotopic composition and evolution of the Early Triassic seawater remain poorly understood.A dataset of new δ13C and δ18O values as well as selected major and trace element data (including concentrations of CaO, MgO, Mn, and Sr) was obtained from 113 marine carbonate samples collected in Eastern Sichuan Basin.The isotopic and elemental data are used to evaluate effects of thermochemical sulfate reduction on δ13C.The δ13C values of a few samples affected by thermochemical sulfate reduction were corrected.By combining carbonate δ13C results in our investigated sections, we constructed a composite curve of the Lower Triassic.The results reveal a δ13C anomaly of carbonate rocks throughout the Early Triassic, accompanied by some rapid jumps and falls, such as those from approximately -2‰ to the extremely high value of 8‰ within a period of about 5 Ma.The Early Triassic δ13C profile derived from Eastern Sichuan Basin shows a close correspondence with Guandao section in Guizhou Province, whereas it yields an excursion pattern differing from Chaohu section in Anhui Province of the Lower Yangtze region (with the δ13C value from the minimum around -6‰ to the maximum near 4‰).The higher δ13C values and the positive carbon isotope excursions in the Lower Triassic from Eastern Sichuan Basin were most likely a consequence of the principal environmental change that may include: (1) the barren land surface due to the absence of vegetation, (2) the loss of diverse marine invertebrate groups and marine carbonates, (3) the thriving of bacteria, algae and methanogenus in ocean ecosystems, and (4) the local effect of the repositories of isotopically light carbon occurred in the form of methane hydrates.This process ended at the Early-Middle Triassic boundary, which indicates that the biotic recovery started at the end of the Lower Triassic.The terrestrial vegetation and marine invertebrates, as the regulators for carbon cycle, are irreplaceable and demand strong protections. 展开更多
关键词 Eastern Sichuan Basin Early Triassic carbon isotope ecological destruction and reconstruction
Early Cretaceous dinosaur and other tetrapod tracks of southwestern China 被引量:7
作者 Lida Xing Martin G.Lockley 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第13期1044-1051,共8页
In recent years the Lower Cretaceous red beds of southwestern China have yielded more than 20 significant dinosaur-dominated tracksites. More than half occur in the Jiaguan Formation with the remainder in the Feitians... In recent years the Lower Cretaceous red beds of southwestern China have yielded more than 20 significant dinosaur-dominated tracksites. More than half occur in the Jiaguan Formation with the remainder in the Feitianshan and Xiaoba formations. Collectively these sites provide evidence of at least 13 distinct dinosaurian trackmaker morphotypes, in addition to two avian theropod(bird)morphotypes and pterosaur and turtle tracks. Together these total 17 morphotypes provide a data base of 479 potential trackmakers, probably representing the same number of individuals. Such an ichnological database provides a useful proxy paleoecological census of tetrapod communities in the area during the Early Cretaceous, and is especially significant given the complete absence or scarcity of skeletal remains reported from these formations.The composition of ichnofaunas in all three formations is heavily saurischian(theropod and sauropod) dominated with a high diversity of distinctive theropod morphotypes,mostly assignable to known ichnogenera. Moreover, ichnofaunal data from multiple sites are generally consistent between sites and an indication of the reliability and repeatability of track census data. Such regionally-widespread data are rapidly superseding the information available from the skeletal record in the corresponding area, and must therefore be considered of high paleontological value. 展开更多
关键词 Early Cretaceous - Dinosaur tracks Southwestern China PALEOECOLOGY
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