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语文教育要“回家”——兼谈文学作品的教学 被引量:2
作者 肖远骑 《江苏教育(中学教学)》 2013年第3期15-16,共2页
语文教学的目标是在语言表达形式的学习中培养学生的语文素养。语文素养自然要通过语言来实现。文学作品的审美教学重点在其审美属性。文学作品更能发挥语文审美教育的作用。文学作品的审美教学要让学生在对比品味中反复吟咏、研读涵泳... 语文教学的目标是在语言表达形式的学习中培养学生的语文素养。语文素养自然要通过语言来实现。文学作品的审美教学重点在其审美属性。文学作品更能发挥语文审美教育的作用。文学作品的审美教学要让学生在对比品味中反复吟咏、研读涵泳、含英咀华。 展开更多
关键词 “回家” 素养 语言 审美 品味
作者 佟艳光 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第5期108-111,共4页
目前的研究往往关注于《宠儿》与希腊悲剧《美狄亚》及《圣经》的互文,而该作与荷马史诗《奥德赛》的互文,却鲜有人论及。本文认为《宠儿》借用了《奥德赛》的"回家"模式,在主题、情节上都与《奥德赛》存在着互文关系,为对该... 目前的研究往往关注于《宠儿》与希腊悲剧《美狄亚》及《圣经》的互文,而该作与荷马史诗《奥德赛》的互文,却鲜有人论及。本文认为《宠儿》借用了《奥德赛》的"回家"模式,在主题、情节上都与《奥德赛》存在着互文关系,为对该作品尤其是对女主人公赛丝人物形象的互文性解读奠定了坚实的基础。另外,《宠儿》取得成功的关键之一是,莫里森利用了荷马史诗《奥德赛》"回家"模式与悲剧《美狄亚》的巧妙拼接,将"杀婴情节"放在多个文本的互文语境中观照,使作品成功地走出了敏感主题所带来的伦理困境。 展开更多
关键词 互文性解读 《宠儿》 《奥德赛》 “回家”模式
作者 祁晓霞 《环球首映》 2020年第6期108-108,110,共2页
伴随着现代通讯技术的发展,改变着人们的阅读方式,公众获取信息的途径和方式有了深刻的变革,广播电视、纸媒等传统媒体已经无法覆盖受众群体。为了更好地传递党的声音、实现舆论引导和信息传播,国家明确要加强县级融媒体中心建设。如何... 伴随着现代通讯技术的发展,改变着人们的阅读方式,公众获取信息的途径和方式有了深刻的变革,广播电视、纸媒等传统媒体已经无法覆盖受众群体。为了更好地传递党的声音、实现舆论引导和信息传播,国家明确要加强县级融媒体中心建设。如何结合各种传播方式打造新型高效的传播平台,怎样实现县级融媒体的转型发展,本文以《中华鲟“回家”》融媒体直播活动为例,做详细剖析。 展开更多
关键词 县级新闻 融媒体 中华鲟 “回家” 宣传整合
作者 谌禹静 《新闻传播》 2018年第14期162-163,共2页
中华文化博大精深,典籍极为宏富,灿似珍珠,当中流散海外的数量相当庞大。据我国学者初步统计,中国图书典籍被英、法、美、日、俄等20余个国家的100余所图书馆、美术馆、博物馆所收藏,海外收藏的中华典籍近百万册。近年来,国家和政府对... 中华文化博大精深,典籍极为宏富,灿似珍珠,当中流散海外的数量相当庞大。据我国学者初步统计,中国图书典籍被英、法、美、日、俄等20余个国家的100余所图书馆、美术馆、博物馆所收藏,海外收藏的中华典籍近百万册。近年来,国家和政府对中华优秀文化的继承与发扬高度重视,使流散海外的典籍陆续回归祖国。据"十三五"中的古籍出版规划,如何让海外珍稀典籍回归,予以再生性保护,从而延续中华文明之根,是当前传统文化版权工作的重中之重。 展开更多
关键词 海外珍稀典籍 版权“回家” 传统文化传播 文化影响 海外传播
作者 郝秀敏 王其华 《四川教育》 2006年第9期1-1,共1页
关键词 郝秀敏 《教育 让信念“回家” 中国 当代文学作品 散文
作者 刘迪 《现代语文(中旬.教学研究)》 2017年第A01期118-118,共1页
关键词 《文化“回家” 中国 当代文学 杂文
作者 冯晨嫣 《争议解决》 2024年第4期394-399,共6页
为了研究我国自2011年《涉外民事关系法律适用法》通过至今在实践中的适用情况以及“回家去”趋势的变化,本文从“回家去”趋势的提出和成因引入,继而探讨了域外侵权法律适用中的“回家去”趋势。在发现上述情况的基础上,本文对侵权冲... 为了研究我国自2011年《涉外民事关系法律适用法》通过至今在实践中的适用情况以及“回家去”趋势的变化,本文从“回家去”趋势的提出和成因引入,继而探讨了域外侵权法律适用中的“回家去”趋势。在发现上述情况的基础上,本文对侵权冲突法律适用中的“回家去”趋势的提出和背后的成因进行分析,并从上海地区案件的角度和国际化的角度两个方面论证得出“回家去”趋势应当被适当限制的结论。本论文最后从立法和司法两个角度对我国涉外一般侵权冲突规范提出建议,对我国侵权冲突法的完善具有理论和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 法院地法 “回家去”趋势 涉外一般侵权法律适用
作者 朱心怡 《作文与考试(小学版)》 2012年第5期29-29,共1页
关键词 小学 作文 语文教学 《寒假 “回家”看看》
作者 大木 《中国电视》 北大核心 2003年第2期52-52,共1页
“家”烙印在人的性格中,积淀着岁月和情感,是个人与社会、现在与历史连接的链条。《回家》是吉林电视台的栏目化纪实性节目。它大处着眼,小处着手,通过人物回家时所发生的故事,回溯主人公的心灵历程,用纪实手段展现个性化的故事和情感... “家”烙印在人的性格中,积淀着岁月和情感,是个人与社会、现在与历史连接的链条。《回家》是吉林电视台的栏目化纪实性节目。它大处着眼,小处着手,通过人物回家时所发生的故事,回溯主人公的心灵历程,用纪实手段展现个性化的故事和情感,守望精神家园。 展开更多
关键词 栏目化纪实性节目 文化内涵 观赏性 电视节目 吉林电视台 创意 “回家”评价
作者 高金超 王丽青 《小学时代》 2010年第1期62-62,共1页
今天看来又要做到7点半了,我做作业怎么那么慢?”我问自己。 说实话.我在学校里做作业速度不慢,可是我在家里做作业实在太慢了,别人半小时做完.我没有两个小时铁定搞不定。
关键词 小学 作文 语文教学 《我不再是“回家慢”》
作者 林灿彬 《珠江水运》 2018年第3期52-52,共1页
《旅行青蛙》这款游戏火了,朋友圈不少人在焦急地等蛙回家,其实就跟父母期盼儿女回家相差无几.“儿行千里母担忧”,尤其是年关将至,家中父母对儿女的牵挂之情,更是百倍于此.家,一直隐藏在心底最温柔的地方,或许会暂时地忘记它,可逢年过... 《旅行青蛙》这款游戏火了,朋友圈不少人在焦急地等蛙回家,其实就跟父母期盼儿女回家相差无几.“儿行千里母担忧”,尤其是年关将至,家中父母对儿女的牵挂之情,更是百倍于此.家,一直隐藏在心底最温柔的地方,或许会暂时地忘记它,可逢年过节总是不由自主想起它.有了小家不算“家”,只要父母健在,那个陪伴成长的家才是心灵归宿. 展开更多
关键词 “回家过年”微话题》 中国 当代文学 杂文
中国节日影像志跨文化传播:现状及前景 被引量:1
作者 陈艳艳 刘广宇 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期61-67,122,共8页
以影像方式记录与传播节日文化日益受到国际、国内社会的普遍关注和认同,并产生了强大的传播效力,中国节日影像志就是这一宏阔时代背景下的产物。在每一个节日影像志的创作实践中,田野的跨文化实践都是绕不开的话题,实践中一方面要关注... 以影像方式记录与传播节日文化日益受到国际、国内社会的普遍关注和认同,并产生了强大的传播效力,中国节日影像志就是这一宏阔时代背景下的产物。在每一个节日影像志的创作实践中,田野的跨文化实践都是绕不开的话题,实践中一方面要关注“主位/客位”的转化问题;另一方面要思考如何在互动交流中书写出一种既充分尊重对方,又保持自己理解的一种新的民族志文本。这种新兴的民族志书写方式是“写文化”书写者们所极力倡导的。结项评审会和开题培训会、影展与讲座中的分享与传递、带节日“回家”等是中国节日影像志重要的跨文化传播方式,而互动式数据库建设和公共文化服务则是其跨文化传播的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 中国节日影像志 跨文化传播 人类学纪录片 节日田野 节日作品“回家”
人类学的香料研究与“客体叙事” 被引量:1
作者 李德宽 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第1期39-42,103-105,共7页
香料作为人类学的"客体叙事",是对古典人类学物质文化研究主题的回归与超越,承载着把欧美作为"田野"反身自我凝视的旨趣。香料通过三重语境折射结构、局势、事件的广角,书写欧洲口味时尚变革和国民性塑造的画像。... 香料作为人类学的"客体叙事",是对古典人类学物质文化研究主题的回归与超越,承载着把欧美作为"田野"反身自我凝视的旨趣。香料通过三重语境折射结构、局势、事件的广角,书写欧洲口味时尚变革和国民性塑造的画像。同时又把香料再符号化与东方文化实现区隔,使香料变成万花筒一样的文化工具。 展开更多
关键词 香料 客体叙事 人类学“回家”
钱锺书“化境”论翻译思想内蕴探析 被引量:1
作者 袁帅亚 《出版广角》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第17期91-93,共3页
"化境"论是钱锺书对中国传统翻译理论的重大贡献。文章把"化境"论还原到钱锺书的文艺思想体系中去,探索这种翻译思想的基本内蕴及其意义,提出"化境"论强调翻译过程中的再创作,这与钱锺书求"打通&qu... "化境"论是钱锺书对中国传统翻译理论的重大贡献。文章把"化境"论还原到钱锺书的文艺思想体系中去,探索这种翻译思想的基本内蕴及其意义,提出"化境"论强调翻译过程中的再创作,这与钱锺书求"打通"的治学方法密不可分;钱锺书翻译思想里存在许多矛盾和悖论,这些矛盾和悖论被他用一个关于"回家"的比喻化解。 展开更多
关键词 翻译与创作 “打通”与“超越” 矛盾与悖论 “回家”比喻
作者 李娜 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第2期41-42,68,共3页
关键词 女性主义 反思 “回家”
Modeling household car ownership using ordered logistic regression model 被引量:3
作者 邓一凌 过秀成 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第4期500-505,共6页
Considering both the discrete and ordered nature of the household car ownership an ordered logistic regression model to predict household car ownership is established by using the data of Nanjing Household Travel Surv... Considering both the discrete and ordered nature of the household car ownership an ordered logistic regression model to predict household car ownership is established by using the data of Nanjing Household Travel Survey in the year 2012. The model results show that some household characteristics such as the number of driver licenses household income and home location are significant.Yet the intersection density indicating the street patterns of home location and the dummy near the subway and the bus stop density indicating the transit accessibility of home location are insignificant.The model estimation obtains a good γ2 the goodness of fit of the model and the model validation also shows a good performance in prediction.The marginal effects of all the significant explanatory variables are calculated to quantify the odds change in the household car ownership following a one-unit change in the explanatory variables. 展开更多
关键词 household car ownership ordered logisticregression model marginal effect household characteristics neighborhood characteristics
Functional lipidomics in patients on home parenteral nutrition: Effect of lipid emulsions 被引量:1
作者 Loris Pironi Mariacristina Guidetti +6 位作者 Ornella Verrastro Claudia Iacona Federica Agostini Caterina Pazzeschi Anna Simona Sasdelli Michele Melchiorre Carla Ferreri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第25期4604-4614,共11页
To investigate the fatty acid-based functional lipidomics of patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition receiving different intravenous lipid emulsions. METHODSA cross-sectional comparative study was carried out ... To investigate the fatty acid-based functional lipidomics of patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition receiving different intravenous lipid emulsions. METHODSA cross-sectional comparative study was carried out on 3 groups of adults on home parenteral nutrition (HPN), receiving an HPN admixture containing an olive-soybean oil-based intravenous lipid emulsion (IVLE) (OO-IVLE; n = 15), a soybean- medium-chain triacylglycerol-olive-fish oil-based IVLE (SMOF-IVLE; n = 8) or HPN without IVLE (No-IVLE; n = 8) and 42 healthy controls (HCs). The inclusion criteria were: duration of HPN ≥ 3 mo, current HPN admixtures ≥ 2 mo and HPN infusions ≥ 2/wk. Blood samples were drawn 4-6 h after the discontinuation of the overnight HPN infusion. The functional lipidomics panel included: the red blood cell (RBC) fatty acid (FA) profile, molecular biomarkers [membrane fluidity: saturated/monounsaturated FA ratio = saturated fatty acid (SFA)/monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) index; inflammatory risk: n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio = n-6/n-3 index; cardiovascular risk: sum of n-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) = n-3 index; free radical stress: sum of FA trans isomers = %trans index] and FA pathway enzyme activity estimate (delta-9-desaturase = D9D; delta-6-desaturase = D6D; delta-5-desaturase = D5D; elongase = ELO). Statistics were carried out using nonparametric tests. The amount of each FA was calculated as a percentage of the total FA content (relative%). RESULTSIn the OO-IVLE group, the percentage of oleic acid in the RBCs was positively correlated with the weekly load of OO-IVLE (r = 0.540, P = 0.043). In the SMOF-IVLE cohort, the RBC membrane EPA and DHA were positively correlated with the daily amount of SMOF-IVLE (r = 0.751, P = 0.044) and the number of HPN infusions per week (r = 0.753; P = 0.046), respectively. The SMOF-IVLE group showed the highest EPA and DHA and the lowest arachidonic acid percentages (P < 0.001). The RBC membrane linoleic acid content was lower, and oleic and vaccenic acids were higher in all the HPN groups in comparison to the HCs. Vaccenic acid was positively correlated with the weekly HPN load of glucose in both the OO-IVLE (r = 0.716; P = 0.007) and the SMOF-IVLE (r = 0.732; P = 0.053) groups. The estimated activity of D9D was higher in all the HPN groups than in the HCs (P < 0.001). The estimated activity of D5D was lower in the SMOF-IVLE group than in the HCs (P = 0.013). The SFA/MUFA ratio was lower in all the HPN groups than in the HCs (P < 0.001). The n-6/n-3 index was lower and the n-3 index was higher in the SMOF-IVLE group in comparison to the HCs and to the other HPN groups (P < 0.001). The %trans index did not differ among the four groups. CONCLUSIONThe FA profile of IVLEs significantly influenced the cell membrane functional lipidomics. The amount of glucose in the HPN may play a relevant role, mediated by the insulin regulation of the FA pathway enzyme activities. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic intestinal failure Home parenteral nutrition Intravenous lipid emulsion Cell membrane fatty acid profile Cell membrane lipidome Functional lipidomics
作者 奇云 《世界科学》 2004年第8期18-18,共1页
初生的幼鼠机体孱弱,感观缺乏,只有依靠母体的养护,所以一旦被迫离开母体,就会尖叫"表示抗议".为了揭示婴儿依恋母亲的生物学基础,意大利国家研究委员会属下的神经学、精神生物学和精神药理学学院的弗朗西斯卡·达马托(Fr... 初生的幼鼠机体孱弱,感观缺乏,只有依靠母体的养护,所以一旦被迫离开母体,就会尖叫"表示抗议".为了揭示婴儿依恋母亲的生物学基础,意大利国家研究委员会属下的神经学、精神生物学和精神药理学学院的弗朗西斯卡·达马托(Francesca D'Amato)等人以小白鼠为对象开展了研究. 展开更多
关键词 Μ阿片受体 婴儿 生物学基础 母爱 “回家找妈妈”测试 幼鼠
A Mixed Reality System for Investigating Expert Characteristics on Recall of Situation Including Self-Motion
《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第4期283-288,共6页
To study recall accuracy of the offensive and defensive situations including movements of elite-athlete/novice oneself, a novel experimental system was developed where defensive actions were performed by the subject w... To study recall accuracy of the offensive and defensive situations including movements of elite-athlete/novice oneself, a novel experimental system was developed where defensive actions were performed by the subject with a CG (Computer Graphics) player who presented predetermined offensive actions. Both the CG player's movements and subject's movements were reproduced by a video using mixed reality technology for recall examination. This system was also designed to rearrange the natural sequence of image frames resulting in a reproducible video in which the time relation of offense and defense was falsified. Displacement of timing in the false video was twofold; delayed from the truth or advanced from the truth. Using this two-video, true/false imagery method, the subject was asked to select the true video by recall; thus it became possible to examine the recall accuracy quantitatively by controlling the timing displacement. Results of the experiment using this system revealed that karate expert possessed a skill to recognize the time relation between the opponent's movement and one's own movement perceptually that was more developed than that of the novice. It was further identified that the expert as well as the novice recognized delayed displacement more accurately than they could recognize advanced displacement. 展开更多
关键词 Mixed reality recall paradigm perceptual cognitive skill computer graphics displacement of timing.
Determinants of Food Security in Selected Agro-pastoral Communities of Somali and Oromia Regions, Ethiopia 被引量:1
作者 Kwadwo Asenso-Okyere Daniel Ayalew Mekonnen Elias Zerfu 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2013年第9期453-471,共19页
In spite of receiving a significant amount of food aid, achieving food security has been a major problem in Ethiopia. The claim is evidenced from the 2010 Global Hunger Index where the country fared dismally, coming o... In spite of receiving a significant amount of food aid, achieving food security has been a major problem in Ethiopia. The claim is evidenced from the 2010 Global Hunger Index where the country fared dismally, coming only fourth from the bottom. There are several factors attributing to this problem of food insecurity in a country like Ethiopia which depends highly on agriculture and allied activities. Some of the factors can be linked to low food production and productivity thereby leading to pervasive poverty. In order to assess these factors, the study was conducted on some selected members of agro-pastoral communities of Somali and Oromia regions in Ethiopia. Using availability of food in the household for the last one month as a proxy for food security, the estimated results of a logistic regression model indicated that the most significant factors affecting household food security are educational level of the spouse and that of the household head, size of farm land, availability of household assets including livestock, peace and security. The paper suggests some leads to how these amenities and resources can be provided to household members as they endeavor to reduce food insecurity. 展开更多
关键词 Household food security HUNGER food availability agro-pastoral Ethiopia.
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