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作者 陈秀武 季泓旭 《外国问题研究》 2015年第1期3-8,共6页
"九一八"事变爆发后,日本侵略者为了把中国东北变成进一步侵华犯苏的基地,在穷兵黩武的同时为维持伪满傀儡统治的稳定,将伪满"建国精神"与"国防"结合起来,使二者相互渗透,相互融合。"建国精神"... "九一八"事变爆发后,日本侵略者为了把中国东北变成进一步侵华犯苏的基地,在穷兵黩武的同时为维持伪满傀儡统治的稳定,将伪满"建国精神"与"国防"结合起来,使二者相互渗透,相互融合。"建国精神"为伪政权进行张目的存在价值,决定了伪满"国防"带有明显的虚伪性与脆弱性。 展开更多
关键词 “建国精神” 伪满洲国 “国防”
作者 李雷 《中国外资》 2013年第24期210-210,共1页
关键词 “国防”和“灯塔” 产品性质 再探
海峡两岸安全战略的认识落差和政策矛盾——《2002年中国的国防》与台湾2002版“国防报告书”之比较分析 被引量:1
作者 李鹏 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 2003年第1期19-26,共8页
《2 0 0 2年中国的国防》白皮书与台湾的 2 0 0 2年“国防报告书”都是在内外形势发生变化的背景下发表的 ,二者在架构和内容上既有相同点 ,也有不同之处。虽然两岸在对国际和地区安全形势的认识上有较多相近的地方 ,但双方对两岸关系... 《2 0 0 2年中国的国防》白皮书与台湾的 2 0 0 2年“国防报告书”都是在内外形势发生变化的背景下发表的 ,二者在架构和内容上既有相同点 ,也有不同之处。虽然两岸在对国际和地区安全形势的认识上有较多相近的地方 ,但双方对两岸关系和台海局势的判断落差较大 ,两岸的“国防政策”和军事战略也多表现为矛盾和对立。只有台湾当局尽快接受一个中国原则 ,两岸朝着最终实现和平统一的道路迈进 ,两岸安全战略的认识落差和政策矛盾才能彻底解决。 展开更多
关键词 《2002年中国的国防 安全战略 台湾省 “国防报告书” 军事战略
作者 高阿蕊 张武军 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期75-78,共4页
"国防文学"这个概念产生于"两个口号"论争之前,它起初来自苏联文学领域。后来因为政治领域里国共两党的"国防政府"主张以及整个大社会背景中人们的国防情绪,"国防文学"重提之后迅速成为一个强... "国防文学"这个概念产生于"两个口号"论争之前,它起初来自苏联文学领域。后来因为政治领域里国共两党的"国防政府"主张以及整个大社会背景中人们的国防情绪,"国防文学"重提之后迅速成为一个强势口号。"国防政府"路线由王明等提出,毛泽东在延安整风时就开始清算王明路线。而在文学领域中,由于当时延安文人多为当年的"国防文学派",毛泽东并未对"国防文学"给予定性。建国后,"国防文学"随着政治形势的变化而不断被拿出来说事,使原本一个简单的概念衍化成为中国文学史上无法回避的关键词。而"国防文学"的反对者胡风因后来的"反革命"罪行使得之前的"两个口号"论争变得更加复杂。 展开更多
关键词 “国防文学” “国防政府” 路线
作者 肖平 陈桂英 《中国广播》 2006年第2期55-57,共3页
关键词 国防教育 广播电台 中国 节目播出 中央台 办公室 大型广播宣传活动 “国防连着千万家”
作者 李学通 《自然科学史研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期474-486,共13页
国防科学技术策进会由顾毓琇最初倡议,在蒋介石的推动下于1942年末成立。时任教育部长的陈立夫积极活动,意欲使之成为由其掌控的科学研究实体机构。该会组织章程草案历经数度更改,最后“定位为社会团体”。由于在职掌及工作内容和方式... 国防科学技术策进会由顾毓琇最初倡议,在蒋介石的推动下于1942年末成立。时任教育部长的陈立夫积极活动,意欲使之成为由其掌控的科学研究实体机构。该会组织章程草案历经数度更改,最后“定位为社会团体”。由于在职掌及工作内容和方式上都与最初的设想发生了巨大的变化,实际上从成立之日起就处于边缘化的地位。虽然在科学家们的努力之下该会也取得了一定的成绩,发挥了相当作用,但是由于战时环境艰难以及经费不足等原因,策进会的工作受到各种制约而“壮志难酬”。 展开更多
关键词 抗日战争 国防科学技术策进会 陈立夫 蒋介石
"国防交通"定义之我见 被引量:1
作者 吕伟凯 《国防交通工程与技术》 2004年第3期14-17,共4页
从时代发展变化的角度,对"国防交通"一词进行了深入解析,提出了对其理解上存在的问题。通过对 现代国防、交通、运输、电信等概念的辨析及交通与运输关系的论述,指出"国防交通"的本质属性并对其进行 了新的定义。
关键词 “国防交通” 交通 运输 电信
美国“国防支援计划”卫星现状 被引量:2
作者 钟陪武 《国际太空》 2003年第7期15-17,共3页
关键词 美国 “国防支援计划”卫星 现状 发射时间 卫星地面站 有效载荷 导弹预警卫星
《航天器工程》 2008年第1期104-104,共1页
关键词 “国防支持计划”卫星 德尔它-4重型渐进一次性运载火箭 导弹预警卫星 美国 肯尼迪航天中心
作者 王卫星 颜永东 《云南国防》 2002年第1期49-49,共1页
关键词 国防教育 “国防日” 美国 “国难日” 纪念活动 苏联 法国
作者 陈定敏 《云南国防》 2002年第4期27-27,共1页
关键词 云南 永善县 人民武装部 军事机关 县城规划 国防建设 国防意识 “国防街”
作者 和治伟 《云南国防》 2004年第1期45-45,共1页
关键词 国防教育 “国防节日” 国情 国防事业
作者 包容 《宁夏科技(军事展望)》 2002年第12期49-50,共2页
关键词 台湾省 “国防报告书” 军事评论 “攻势防御”
武器装备采办管理的信息不对称研究 被引量:3
作者 刘洁 赵澄谋 姬鹏宏 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第5期394-396,共3页
The acquisition of defense systems is a complicated process,in which various types of information asymmetry exist,this further contributes to the risks of defense acquisition programs.In this paper,a brief introductio... The acquisition of defense systems is a complicated process,in which various types of information asymmetry exist,this further contributes to the risks of defense acquisition programs.In this paper,a brief introduction to the information non symmetry theory is given,issues regarding information non symmetry in the process of defense system acquisition are analyzed,and solutions to these issues are proposed from the perspective of process control & management and information building. 展开更多
关键词 武器装备采办 “国防采办管理” 信息不对称 信息经济学 招标 投标 信息管理
武器装备采办的知识管理模式探索 被引量:2
作者 姬鹏宏 刘洁 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第5期390-393,共4页
The paper applies the theory and method of knowledge management to the field of defense acquisition,and proposes a new idea of knowledge based defense acquisition management model for this field.
关键词 军队 武器装备采办 知识管理 “国防采办管理” 知识经济
作者 禹权恒 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期42-46,共5页
20世纪30年代中后期,在中华民族处于生死存亡的危机时刻,周扬等人提出了"国防文学"的重要口号,以呼应瓦窑堡会议上中共要求建立国防政府的政策主张。之后,鲁迅等人提出了"民族革命战争的大众文学",意在弥补"... 20世纪30年代中后期,在中华民族处于生死存亡的危机时刻,周扬等人提出了"国防文学"的重要口号,以呼应瓦窑堡会议上中共要求建立国防政府的政策主张。之后,鲁迅等人提出了"民族革命战争的大众文学",意在弥补"国防文学"这一口号的部分缺憾。自此之后,他们在许多报刊杂志上围绕着"两个口号"展开了激烈论争,双方都从各自的认识立场出发,详细阐述了自己口号的正确性和合理性。实际上,作为左翼阵营内部的矛盾冲突,他们是在争夺革命文化阐释的领导权。 展开更多
关键词 “国防文学” “民族革命战争的大众文学” 鲁迅 周扬 文化领导权
Alarm cue induces an antipredator morphological defense in juvenile Nicaragua cichlids Hypsophrys nicaraguensis 被引量:2
作者 Maria E.ABATE Andrew G. ENG Les KAUFMAN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期36-42,共7页
Olfactory cues that indicate predation risk elicit a number of defensive behaviors in fishes, but whether they are sufficient to also induce morphological defenses has received little attention. Cichlids are character... Olfactory cues that indicate predation risk elicit a number of defensive behaviors in fishes, but whether they are sufficient to also induce morphological defenses has received little attention. Cichlids are characterized by a high level of morphological plasticity during development, and the few species that have been tested do exhibit defensive behaviors when exposed to alarm cues released from the damaged skin of conspecifics. We utilized young juvenile Nicaragua cichlids Hypsophrys nicaraguensis to test if the perception of predation risk from alarm cue (conspecific skin extract) alone induces an increased relative body depth which is a defense against gape-limited predators. After two weeks of exposure, siblings that were exposed to conspecific alarm cue increased their relative body depth nearly double the amount of those exposed to distilled water (control) and zebrafish Danio rerio alarm cue. We repeated our measurements over the last two weeks (12 and 14) of cue exposure when the fish were late-stage juveniles to test if the rate of increase was sustained; there were no differences in final dimensions between the three treatments. Our results show that 1) the Nicaragua cichlid has an innate response to conspecific alarm cue which is not a generalized response to an injured fish, and 2) this innate recognition ultimately results in developing a deeper body at a stage of the life history where predation risk is high [Current Zoology 56 (1): 36-42, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 Alarm substance Inducible defense Phenotypic plasticity CICHLID Chemical cue ANTIPREDATOR
DARPA Robotics Grand Challenge Participation and Ski-Type Gait for Rough-Terrain Walking 被引量:2
作者 Hongfei Wang Shimeng Li Yuan F.Zheng 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第1期36-45,共10页
In this paper, we briefly introduce the history of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) Grand Challenge programs with particular focus on the 2012 Robotics Challenge. As members of team DRC-HUBO, we pr... In this paper, we briefly introduce the history of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) Grand Challenge programs with particular focus on the 2012 Robotics Challenge. As members of team DRC-HUBO, we propose different approaches for the Rough-Terrain task, such as enlarged foot pedals and a transformation into quadruped walking. We also introduce a new gait for humanoid robot locomotion to improve stability performance, called the Ski-Type gait. We analyze the stability performance of this gait and use the stability margin to choose between two candidate step sequences, Crawl-1 and Crawl-2. Next, we perform a force/torque analysis for the redundant closedchain system in the Ski-Type gait, and determine the joint torques by minimizing the total energy consumption. Based on the stability and force/torque analysis, we design a cane length to support a feasible and stable Crawl-2 gait on the HUBO2 humanoid robot platform. Finally, we compare our experimental results with biped walking to validate the SkiType gait. We also present our team performance in the trials of the Robotics Challenge. 展开更多
关键词 humanoid robot DARPA robotics challenge(DRC) rough-terrain walking Ski-Type gait
Epidemiology and prevention of hepatitis B virus in China 被引量:2
作者 Zhang Xinping Wang Fenghong 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2009年第5期301-308,共8页
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is prevalent in China. Approximately 600 million people have ever been infected by HBV. About 130 million are HBV chronic carders and 30 million HB patients. Among them, 50% of HBV ... Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is prevalent in China. Approximately 600 million people have ever been infected by HBV. About 130 million are HBV chronic carders and 30 million HB patients. Among them, 50% of HBV carriers are caused by carrier mothers to born infants. Around 300 000 people died of liver disease including liver cirrhosis and primary hepatocellular carcinoma each year and 50% of them died of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. HBV infection is not only the health problem but also becoming a social problem. HBV chronic carriers and patients have endured the great pressure from disease burden and social discrimination. According to the report of the national screening program of HBV released by the ministry of health in 2008, China has taken many effective measures to control the HBV infection, including vaccine immunization program, strengthening the management of blood sources and blood productions, prevention of nosocomial HBV infection, strengthening health education on HBV infection and safe injection techniques. The implementation of HB vaccine immunization program, which China officially introduced into the national immunization program since 1992, has dramatically reduced the incidence of HBV infection among infants and children. Integrated with other interventions, the rate of HBV infection decreased gradually. According to the survey of the national screening program of HBV in 2006, compared with the incidence of HBV in 1992, the incidence rate of HBsAg positive has decreased 26.36%, the number of children who have ever been infected by HBV decreased 80 million since 1992. However some problems are still existing. The solutions of low rate of vaccination in rural areas and migration population, lacking of practical measures on management of hepatitis B patients, the occurrence of health care acquired HBV infection, and low rate of vaccination among high risk groups have also been recommended. 展开更多
Responses of Prophenoloxidase System and Related Defence Parameters of Litopenaeus vannamei to Low Salinity 被引量:1
作者 PAN Luqing XIE Peng HU Fawen 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2010年第3期273-278,共6页
In this study,we investigated the effects of low salinity(26 and 21) on the prophenoloxidase(proPO) system and related defence parameters in the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei.The results showed that low salinity induced... In this study,we investigated the effects of low salinity(26 and 21) on the prophenoloxidase(proPO) system and related defence parameters in the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei.The results showed that low salinity induced a significant increase of dopamine(DA) concentration in haemolymph at 6 h of the experiment;on the other hand,total haemocyte count(THC),differential haemocyte count(DHC) and PO activity decreased over time to the lowest level at 24 h and remained low thereafter.Serine Protease(SP) and Proteinase Inhibitor(PI) activity in the two lower salinity treatments decreased to the lowest level at 12 and 24 h,respectively,and both recovered to the control level at 72 h.In contrast,α2-macroglobulin(α2M) activity in the two lower salinity treatments peaked at 24 h and then decreased to the control level at 72 h.Therefore,it may be concluded that stress-induced DA plays an important temporary role in neurotransmission and causes immune response in L.vannamei in adapting to salinity changes. 展开更多
关键词 DOPAMINE HAEMOCYTE Litopenaeus vannamei prophenoloxidase system SALINITY
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