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基于OBE理念的“国际法”课程混合式教学应用与实践 被引量:1
作者 杨陶 《黑龙江教育(理论与实践)》 2023年第4期54-56,共3页
为解决“国际法”课程的教学痛点问题,教师基于OBE(成果导向教育)理念改革课程教学,按反向设计实施原则,将“国际法”课程目标重定为掌握国际法基本知识,能运用国际法思维和知识服务中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的实现和“一带一路”建设,能... 为解决“国际法”课程的教学痛点问题,教师基于OBE(成果导向教育)理念改革课程教学,按反向设计实施原则,将“国际法”课程目标重定为掌握国际法基本知识,能运用国际法思维和知识服务中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的实现和“一带一路”建设,能利用国际法语言讲好中国故事。以此为基础,文章将“国际法”课程内容重构为系统的专业知识、知识点相关背景知识、习近平法治思想中的国际法治观知识和“一带一路”建设相关国际法知识四部分。依托雨课堂,开展“课前启发、课中内化、课后巩固”的混合式教学活动。实践证明,基于OBE理念开展混合式教学,激发了学生学习国际法的兴趣,实现了“国际法”课程的知识目标、素质目标、能力目标和思政目标。 展开更多
关键词 OBE理念 “国际法”课程 混合式教学
作者 袁伟华 王来刚 《新余高专学报》 2004年第1期22-24,共3页
蒋介石逃到台湾之后,台湾就一直在寻求美国的保护。1954年美台签订了共同防御条约。随着国际形势 的变化,美国一方面和中国建立外交关系,一方面却抛出《与台湾关系法》,用国内法的形式重新提出了对台湾安全 的关注。
关键词 “国际法” 国内 《美台共同防御条约》 《与台湾关系 美国 中国 台湾省 安全关系 律基础
《现代教育》 2005年第11期111-112,共2页
根据全国考委武汉命题中心下发的武命函[2005]4号文件,现将经课程命题小组讨论编写的全国高等教育自学考试法律(基础科段)“国际法”课程统一命题大纲向考生公布。高等教育自学考试是应考者获得高等教育学历的国家考试,命题是确保... 根据全国考委武汉命题中心下发的武命函[2005]4号文件,现将经课程命题小组讨论编写的全国高等教育自学考试法律(基础科段)“国际法”课程统一命题大纲向考生公布。高等教育自学考试是应考者获得高等教育学历的国家考试,命题是确保考试质量的核心工作。为做好法律专业(基础科段)“国际法”课程全国统一命题工作,特制定本大纲。 展开更多
关键词 统一命题大纲 全国高等教育自学考试 律专业 小组讨论 考试质量 “国际法”课程 基础科段
“私国际法”和“International Private Law”考证 被引量:1
作者 鲁世平 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期100-107,共8页
国际私法学科的中英文名称是一个有争议的问题,中文名称"私国际法"和英文名称"International Private Law"就是两例。将"Private International Law"直译为中文"私国际法",违反了术语系统性和... 国际私法学科的中英文名称是一个有争议的问题,中文名称"私国际法"和英文名称"International Private Law"就是两例。将"Private International Law"直译为中文"私国际法",违反了术语系统性和一致性的特点,也不符合英汉两种语言之间的句法结构和篇章结构的差异。将德文"Internationalen Privatrechts"直译为英文"International Private Law",违反了术语国际性和一致性的特点。所以,该学科的英文名称应为"Private International Law",也应中译为"国际私法";同时,取消中文名称"私国际法"和英文名称"International Private Law"。 展开更多
关键词 国际 国际 InternationalPrivateLaw
墨家“兼爱”思想与二十一世纪的国际伦理──兼论康德的和平思想 被引量:3
作者 吴根友 《新东方》 1998年第1期42-46,共5页
关键词 国际伦理 “兼爱” 国际社会 康德 交往伦理 “国际法” 永久和平论 交相利 兼相爱 伦理思想
《中图法》法律文献分类体系刍议 被引量:2
作者 刘刚 王燕荣 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 1998年第3期61-63,共3页
《中图法》法律文献分类体系刍议刘刚王燕荣《中国图书馆图书分类法》(以下简称《中图法》)法律文献分类体系虽几经修订,并被广泛应用,但就其科学性而言,仍存有不少问题与缺陷,主要表现在:一、“法律”与“政治”并列为“D”基... 《中图法》法律文献分类体系刍议刘刚王燕荣《中国图书馆图书分类法》(以下简称《中图法》)法律文献分类体系虽几经修订,并被广泛应用,但就其科学性而言,仍存有不少问题与缺陷,主要表现在:一、“法律”与“政治”并列为“D”基本大类似有不妥基本大类类目是整个分... 展开更多
关键词 律文献分类体系 《中图 《中国图书馆图书分类 法” 国内 类目体系 具体类 文书学 的理论 “国际法”
作者 王永杰 王珏 《教书育人(高教论坛)》 2024年第3期74-77,共4页
高校思想政治教育的育人模式面临新挑战,亟需从思政课程转向课程思政。“国际经济法”作为一门对意识形态有较高要求的法学课程,开展课程思政对于培养学生坚定的政治立场、自觉践行“人类命运共同体”、“一带一路倡议”理念、坚定“四... 高校思想政治教育的育人模式面临新挑战,亟需从思政课程转向课程思政。“国际经济法”作为一门对意识形态有较高要求的法学课程,开展课程思政对于培养学生坚定的政治立场、自觉践行“人类命运共同体”、“一带一路倡议”理念、坚定“四个自信”、成为德法兼修的法律人才均具有重大意义。“国际经济法”课程思政的具体开展需要遵循坚持党的领导、强化师德师风建设、凸显生本教育理念、法学教育与思政教育融合的科学有效性等原则,牢牢抓住课程思政的这一主线,真正实现课程育人的效果。 展开更多
关键词 “国际经济法” 课程思政 课程育人 实践原则
作者 卢坚 《肇庆学院学报》 1996年第1期78-80,共3页
高等学校《法律基础》(公共课)课程“时不足教”的矛盾,历来十分突出。以近年为例,该门课程部颁教学大纲规定的教学用时是36节,相应的教材量—粤高教版93年第3版为参数,一般设十章四十六节,(其他版本有过之而无不及!)如果按每节耗时二... 高等学校《法律基础》(公共课)课程“时不足教”的矛盾,历来十分突出。以近年为例,该门课程部颁教学大纲规定的教学用时是36节,相应的教材量—粤高教版93年第3版为参数,一般设十章四十六节,(其他版本有过之而无不及!)如果按每节耗时二个学时计算,至少需要九十二学时寸能完成教学任务,两者之差为五十六节,若遇有节日例假“冲击”课时,则缺口之大,远非如此。不解决这种“时不足教”的矛盾,《法律基础》课程按质按量完成教学任务将是空话一句。 展开更多
关键词 律基础》课程 教学内容 教学大纲 勤练 教学任务 学生自学 教师 “国际法” 课堂教学 律知识
日本著名学者井上清先生谈钓鱼岛历史及主权归属问题 被引量:4
作者 本刊编辑部 《民国档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第3期140-140,共1页
1997年7月6日下午,在北京京丰宾馆会议厅,日本著名作家、历史学家、京都大学名誉教授井上清先生,在“纪念七七事变六十周年国际学术研讨会”上发表了他对中日“钓鱼岛主权之争”问题的观点.井上先生从历史及“国际法”两个方面论述了钓... 1997年7月6日下午,在北京京丰宾馆会议厅,日本著名作家、历史学家、京都大学名誉教授井上清先生,在“纪念七七事变六十周年国际学术研讨会”上发表了他对中日“钓鱼岛主权之争”问题的观点.井上先生从历史及“国际法”两个方面论述了钓鱼岛的归属问题.经征询井上清先生同意并经他亲自审阅修订,本刊以下发表井上先生的这段谈话记录.在此,我们对井上清先生表示衷心的感谢和敬意. 展开更多
关键词 钓鱼岛 主权归属 著名学者 日本 “国际法” 国际学术研讨会 国际问题 钓鱼岛问题 台湾岛 七七事变
入世后的行政诉讼与WTO规则的适用 被引量:1
作者 耿宝建 《世界贸易组织动态与研究(上海对外贸易学院学报)》 2003年第5期5-14,共10页
由于WTO规则的“国际行政法”的属性,因此,谈WTO规则的在人民法院的法律适用问题,应主要考虑是在人民法院行政审判中的适用问题。虽然WTO相关规则也规定了追究刑事责任的条款,如TRIPS协定第61条规定了“刑事程序”,但相信没有人会认为... 由于WTO规则的“国际行政法”的属性,因此,谈WTO规则的在人民法院的法律适用问题,应主要考虑是在人民法院行政审判中的适用问题。虽然WTO相关规则也规定了追究刑事责任的条款,如TRIPS协定第61条规定了“刑事程序”,但相信没有人会认为成员国的法院会直接适用此条款来追究侵权人的刑罚。同样,由于WTO的“国际行政法”的属性,因此通常而言,两个平等的民事主体之间的民商事纠纷根本谈不上是否适用WTO规则问题。因为民事权益的取得或灭失,从本质上来说,是国内法的规定问题。“WTO是国际公法。 展开更多
关键词 入世 行政诉讼 WTO规则 “国际行政法” 国际贸易行政案件 审查 国内 冲突 律适用 中国
作者 张洪波 《外交评论(外交学院学报)》 CSSCI 1996年第4期89-89,共1页
中国国际私法研究会1996年年会综述1996年10月7日至10日,中国国际私法研究会第九届年会在大连市召开。来自全国各地的专家学者(含台湾学者二名)、涉外律师共70余人参加了本届年会,会议共收到论文30余篇,专著一部... 中国国际私法研究会1996年年会综述1996年10月7日至10日,中国国际私法研究会第九届年会在大连市召开。来自全国各地的专家学者(含台湾学者二名)、涉外律师共70余人参加了本届年会,会议共收到论文30余篇,专著一部。本届年会的中心议题是:第一,讨论... 展开更多
关键词 中国国际 海事国际 研究会 海事律冲突 《示范 区际律冲突 国际经济 1996年 “国际法” 理论和实践
Numerical Simulation and Experiment on Dam Break Problem 被引量:6
作者 胡长洪 末吉诚 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第2期109-114,共6页
In this paper, two novel numerical computation methods are introduced which have been recently developed at Research Institute for Applied Mechanics ( R/AM ), Kyushu University, for strongly nonlinear wave-body inte... In this paper, two novel numerical computation methods are introduced which have been recently developed at Research Institute for Applied Mechanics ( R/AM ), Kyushu University, for strongly nonlinear wave-body interaction problems, such as ship motions in rough seas and resulting green-water impact on deck. The first method is the CIP-based Cartesian grid method, in which the free surface flow is treated as a multi-phase flow which is solved using a Cartesian grid. The second method is the MPS method, which is a so-called particle method and hence no grid is used. The features and calculation procedures of these numerical methods are described. One validation computation against a newly conducted experiment on a dam break problem, which is also described in this paper, is presented. 展开更多
关键词 CIP method MPS method darn break experiment
General Elements of the ICAO-International Civil Aviation Organization Activities
作者 Filip Turcinovic Aleksandar Kovacevic 《Chinese Business Review》 2018年第7期342-350,共9页
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Functionally, it has emerged as the organizational necessity of both the universal complex structure and the import... The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Functionally, it has emerged as the organizational necessity of both the universal complex structure and the importance of its overall activity. It was created on the basis of Article 57 of the United Nations Charter, stipulating that the specialized UN agencies are autonomous international organizations. They enjoy their autonomy on the basis of the contract they were established by, being engaged in activities within the United Nations system. On the territories the organization member states comprise, they enjoy privileges and immunities, having the international legal capacity to carry out their activities in accordance to the Statute. The 1944 Multilateral Convention was to establish both protection and efficient development of international civil aviation. In accordance to that rights and obligations of member states were established. It is of a special importance to emphasize obligation of parties to take their parts in both co-operation and programs aimed at improvement of international transport, navigational equipment, and installations. In the globalized world of today, air traffic is an irreplaceable part of the system of communication. It enables fast and timely business contacts between the people from various continents, as well as transport of goods. 展开更多
关键词 civil aviation air navigation air traffic AVIATION specialized agency non-government international organizations security
The Treaty of San Francisco From the Perspective of International Peace Movements in Early Twentieth-Century America
作者 Tae-Jin YI 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2018年第2期88-111,共24页
The leaders of the Meiji Restoration believed in their master, Yoshida Shoin (吉田松陰), who claimed that in order for the islands of Japan not to be a colony of the powerful Western states, Japan had to conquer nea... The leaders of the Meiji Restoration believed in their master, Yoshida Shoin (吉田松陰), who claimed that in order for the islands of Japan not to be a colony of the powerful Western states, Japan had to conquer nearby countries. This led to Japan’s invasion of the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, Korea, and Manchuria, which ultimately led to the Manchurian Incident of 1931, the Sino-Japanese War, and the Pacific War. Surprisingly, the subject and the timing of each and every one of these acts of war were in the same order of Yoshida Shoin’s proposal on preoccupancy. The Sino-Japanese war of 1894 was romanticized as clearing the barbaric culture by civilization, and the Russo-Japanese war of 1904 was romanticized as the realization of Eastern Peace. However, Japanese policies of aggressions were first deemed illegal by international law during the 1931 Manchurian Incident by the investigations of the League of Nations. The Japanese Empire received the recommendation by the League of Nations to restore to original state, but declined and exited from the League of Nations. Following their exit, they started the Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War and eventually lost in 1945. The goal of the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1951 was to punish Japan’s aggressions. However, as the Cold War between the East and the West started to arise in 1948, the punishment was eased, and their punishment for the aggressions on the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, and Korea was nearly unasked for. This paper examines the issues of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in the views of the international law of the League of Nations, established by Manley O. Hudson of Harvard University and others in U.S. academia and judiciary. 展开更多
关键词 Yoshida Shoin’s “preemptive occupation” of the neighboring countries First Anglo-Japanese Agreement The Inquiry Manley O. Hudson the Progressive Codification of International Law The League of Nations’ verdict on the Manchurian Incident James W. Garner HarvardDraft Convention on the Law of Treaties 1935
United States and France: Imprisonment and Torture From the End of WWII to the Algerian War
作者 Francesca Somenzari 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第10期585-590,共6页
Mistreatment and violation of international laws are recurrent events during Second World War (WWII) and torture is a frequent method used in the Algerian War. This paper investigates the escalation of violence whi... Mistreatment and violation of international laws are recurrent events during Second World War (WWII) and torture is a frequent method used in the Algerian War. This paper investigates the escalation of violence which, in some cases, degenerates into torture and offers a comparison between the situation of Axis Prisoners of War (1943-1946) and the imprisonment’s conditions in Algeria (1954-1962). In spite of the temporal interval and different political contexts, in some cases there’s a strange “continuity”. 展开更多
关键词 prisoners of war WWII TORTURE MISTREATMENT Geneva Convention
International Law on Liability and Compensation in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry
作者 Erik ter Brake 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第3期185-190,共6页
Offshore oil and gas exploration and production comes with risk of release of hydrocarbons in to sea. Today, the probability of such an event is relatively low, but the consequences are nevertheless significant and ca... Offshore oil and gas exploration and production comes with risk of release of hydrocarbons in to sea. Today, the probability of such an event is relatively low, but the consequences are nevertheless significant and can cover a vast geographical area. As such, it raises the question as to whether liability and compensation in oil & gas related incidents should be covered under international law. Current international legislation addresses the issue mainly in terms of shipping. This paper attempts to shed light on the topic in relation to oil and gas exploration whilst investigating notable events in the UK and the USA. The findings show that domestic laws of these countries cover the matter sufficiently. However, the question of whether the regulation should fall under international regulation can unfortunately not be answered with confidence as it would require a test-case of a situation where an oil spill affects multiple littoral states. 展开更多
关键词 International law OFFSHORE oil gas LIABILITY Macondo.
Da'awah Islaamiyyah (Islamic Proselytisation) and Its Essential Components
作者 YahyalbraheemYero 《Sociology Study》 2015年第4期314-322,共9页
Islam, as a religion, has always been essentially and primarily propagated through Da'awah (proselytisation) and it would continue to be so up to the end of human existence on this planet. Due to its universal natu... Islam, as a religion, has always been essentially and primarily propagated through Da'awah (proselytisation) and it would continue to be so up to the end of human existence on this planet. Due to its universal nature, appeal, and guidance, Islam would have to be continuously propagated through proselytisation to all the nooks and crannies of the world particularly in this millennium when more and more people are increasingly becoming engrossed into the worship of democracy. Hence, the need for a paper in which the essential components of Da'awah lslaamiyyah (Islamic proselytisation), would be expatiated so that Islamic workers around the globe will rise up to the challenge. Apart from the definition of Da'awah, the paper will discuss the four foundations of Da'awah, namely: Ad-Da'awah ilaa Allah (inviting people to God), Ad-Daa'iyah (the proselytiser, the caller, the inviter, or the person who invites people to God), AI-Mad'uww [the invitee(s) or person(s) that is/are being invited to God], the AI-Wusao-il wal-Asaaleeb (the means and the methods of invitation to God), and conclusion. 展开更多
关键词 Da' awah proselytisation essential components ALLAH Daa'iyah Mad'uww Asaaleeb Wasaa-il
Comparison of six statistical approaches in the selection of appropriate fish growth models 被引量:6
作者 朱立新 李丽芳 梁振林 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期457-467,共11页
The performance of six statistical approaches,which can be used for selection of the best model to describe the growth of individual fish,was analyzed using simulated and real length-at-age data.The six approaches inc... The performance of six statistical approaches,which can be used for selection of the best model to describe the growth of individual fish,was analyzed using simulated and real length-at-age data.The six approaches include coefficient of determination(R2),adjusted coefficient of determination(adj.-R2),root mean squared error(RMSE),Akaike's information criterion(AIC),bias correction of AIC(AICc) and Bayesian information criterion(BIC).The simulation data were generated by five growth models with different numbers of parameters.Four sets of real data were taken from the literature.The parameters in each of the five growth models were estimated using the maximum likelihood method under the assumption of the additive error structure for the data.The best supported model by the data was identified using each of the six approaches.The results show that R2 and RMSE have the same properties and perform worst.The sample size has an effect on the performance of adj.-R2,AIC,AICc and BIC.Adj.-R2 does better in small samples than in large samples.AIC is not suitable to use in small samples and tends to select more complex model when the sample size becomes large.AICc and BIC have best performance in small and large sample cases,respectively.Use of AICc or BIC is recommended for selection of fish growth model according to the size of the length-at-age data. 展开更多
关键词 growth model model selection statistical approach Akalke's information criterion Bayesian information criterion
Adapting communicative language teaching approach to China's context 被引量:3
作者 YE Jin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第10期29-33,共5页
The issue on which this essay focuses is how to adapt the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach to China's context. With the recent accession to the WTO, the long-awaited Olympic games in Beijing, China ha... The issue on which this essay focuses is how to adapt the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach to China's context. With the recent accession to the WTO, the long-awaited Olympic games in Beijing, China has made learning English a national priority. It is very important and necessary to research on how to adapt CLT flexibly and appropriately to China's context if most Chinese English learners are to gain a good grasp of oral English, and if specialist learning is to be achieved by those who need English for business and academic purposes. Therefore this essay is structured as follows: First, analyzing the different types of English teaching methods in China and then focusing on the CLT Method. By analyzing and contrasting these English teaching methods, the need to change the current English teaching methods in China will be discovered. Finally, it explains the problems of adopting the more modem CLT Approach and gives suggestions on how it may best be adapted to the Chinese context. 展开更多
关键词 CLT Approach China's context English teaching
The Legal Regulations on Dams Construction on International Rivers: The Compliance of the Nile Basin Upstream States of the Regulations
作者 Mosaed Abd Elatty Shetwey 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第12期718-735,共18页
The process of constructing hydraulic projects on international rivers is governed by several legal regulations, among the most important of these regulations are: the Principle of no harm, and the Principle of Prior... The process of constructing hydraulic projects on international rivers is governed by several legal regulations, among the most important of these regulations are: the Principle of no harm, and the Principle of Prior Notification, protection of the river's environment and the Principle of Settling the International Disputes via Peaceful Means, which is considered one of the most important principles called for by the UN Pact, as it provides for adopting the peaceful means by the member states of the organization to settle international disputes through peaceful means, in addition to an applied study on the Nile Basin's projects. 展开更多
关键词 No-harm principle hydraulic project Prior Notification dispute settlement legal regulations.
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