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作者 王玉兰 《中国校外教育(中旬)》 2009年第11期103-103,共1页
关键词 北师版 数学教学 “坎”
如何帮助物理系学生迈过从高三到大一这个坎 被引量:3
作者 李学潜 《物理与工程》 2019年第1期88-92,共5页
众所周知,大学一年级绝不等于高中四年级。在中学时代,学生无时无刻不在老师和家长的监护之下,很少有真正的自我。而到了大学,学生有了独立的空间,被要求自己管理自己。有了很多自由支配的时间以及随之而来的挑战。很多学生自己迈不过... 众所周知,大学一年级绝不等于高中四年级。在中学时代,学生无时无刻不在老师和家长的监护之下,很少有真正的自我。而到了大学,学生有了独立的空间,被要求自己管理自己。有了很多自由支配的时间以及随之而来的挑战。很多学生自己迈不过这道坎,对学习和生活失去了自信,从而被大学淘汰,成为步入社会前的失败者。这也是我们教育的缺失。在这篇文章中,我们探讨了让学生在开始大学生活时感到迷茫的根源,以及如何帮助他们尽快适应大学的管理体制,全身心地投入到学习和社会实践中来的方法。我们的目标是将所有年轻人培养成对社会有益的人才,所以帮助他们迈过这道坎,开始生命的新篇章就是我们刻不容缓的任务。 展开更多
关键词 “坎” 习题的作用 师生互惠 教学相长
来自“坎下法庭”的启示 被引量:2
作者 袁春兰 《社会科学家》 CSSCI 2005年第4期171-173,共3页
关键词 四川 凉山彝族地区 “坎下法庭” “德古” 习惯法 法治现代化建设
符德玉教授应用“坎中满,离中虚”理论治疗中医心病医案举隅 被引量:8
作者 史鑫鑫 符德玉 +2 位作者 陈晓喆 芦波 胡盼盼 《上海中医药杂志》 2020年第3期49-52,共4页
《易经》中的坎卦与离卦在五行中对应水和火,在五脏中对应肾与心。在《易经》中,正常情况下,坎、离两卦相辅相成,坎上离下,阴阳交泰,水火既济。在中医学中,心火下降、温煦肾阳,肾水上升、涵养心阴,心肾交通、阴阳制衡。符德玉教授在临... 《易经》中的坎卦与离卦在五行中对应水和火,在五脏中对应肾与心。在《易经》中,正常情况下,坎、离两卦相辅相成,坎上离下,阴阳交泰,水火既济。在中医学中,心火下降、温煦肾阳,肾水上升、涵养心阴,心肾交通、阴阳制衡。符德玉教授在临证中多以"坎中满,离中虚"理念为指导,心肾同调治疗心病,同时注重中医经典方的应用,取得较好的疗效。介绍符德玉教授治疗心病的经验,并附验案2则。 展开更多
关键词 心病 “坎中满 离中虚” 心肾不交 名医经验 符德玉
作者 朱和海 《中国科技术语》 2019年第2期46-50,共5页
"坎儿井"作为中国新疆等地一种古老而独特的灌溉工程的名称,已被部分专业词典和语文词典收录。作为一个借自维吾尔语"■,kariz"的外来词,汉语"坎儿井"一词不但缺乏始见书证,而且词形不唯一,结构不正确,... "坎儿井"作为中国新疆等地一种古老而独特的灌溉工程的名称,已被部分专业词典和语文词典收录。作为一个借自维吾尔语"■,kariz"的外来词,汉语"坎儿井"一词不但缺乏始见书证,而且词形不唯一,结构不正确,译音不标准,表意不准确。 展开更多
关键词 儿井 灌溉 翻译
作者 刘彬 《田径》 2021年第10期5-6,共2页
掌握正确的运动技术是提升学生运动技能的前提和基础,而运动技术的学习过程分为泛化阶段、分化阶段、巩固提高阶段、熟练自动化阶段四个阶段。本文从运动技术掌握的不同阶段,探索运动技能提升过程中所经历的"坎"、"坡&qu... 掌握正确的运动技术是提升学生运动技能的前提和基础,而运动技术的学习过程分为泛化阶段、分化阶段、巩固提高阶段、熟练自动化阶段四个阶段。本文从运动技术掌握的不同阶段,探索运动技能提升过程中所经历的"坎"、"坡"、"峰"三阶段,继而剖析出在运动技能提升的不同阶段所能运用的教学策略,为一线体育教师在体育教学过程中提供一定的理论参考与借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 运动技术 “坎”、“坡”、“峰”
合作探究 师生逾越教学“坎儿”——《金属矿物铁的冶炼》教学设计与评析
作者 朱建明 《中小学教学研究》 2014年第6期29-29,35,共2页
由于化学学科具有实验性和理论性,学生难以将两者从原理上联系起来,这是学生学习时难以越过的“坎儿”,也是教师在组织教学时难以越过的“坎儿”。为了使师生能顺利逾越这些教学之“坎儿”,将教学过程设计成探究式,通过巧妙的引导... 由于化学学科具有实验性和理论性,学生难以将两者从原理上联系起来,这是学生学习时难以越过的“坎儿”,也是教师在组织教学时难以越过的“坎儿”。为了使师生能顺利逾越这些教学之“坎儿”,将教学过程设计成探究式,通过巧妙的引导、合作探究,课堂效果更显著。 展开更多
关键词 教学设计 合作探究 逾越教学“坎儿”
Technologies of Seperating and Exactly 11-α-Hydroxy-Canerenone from Biotransformation Broth
作者 余彬 戴静 +6 位作者 张天真 黄达明 崔凤杰 孙文敬 王莉莉 钱静亚 张志才 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第12期2457-2460,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to investigate the effect of four extraction meth- ods on extraction ratio of 11-α-Hydroxy-Canerenone from biotransformation broth. [Method] Previous reported method, soaking, elution method a... [Objective] The aim was to investigate the effect of four extraction meth- ods on extraction ratio of 11-α-Hydroxy-Canerenone from biotransformation broth. [Method] Previous reported method, soaking, elution method and homogenate meth- ods were used. [Result] Results showed that more than 90% of the biotransformed 11-α-Hydroxy-Canerenone existed in the broth supernatant and mycelia surface. Elu- tion and soaking methods were effective for 11-α-Hydroxy-Canerenone extraction. Extraction yields of 96.0% and 98.8% were obtained by eluting with 400 ml of ethy- lacetate and soaking with ethylacetate for 90 min, respectively. [Conelusion] The method is simple and efficient, showing industrial application potential. 展开更多
On the approximate zero of Newton method
作者 黄正达 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2003年第1期80-85,共6页
A judgment criterion to guarantee a point to be a Chen' s approximate zero of Newton method for solving nonlinear equation is sought by dominating sequence techniques. The criterion is based on the fact that the d... A judgment criterion to guarantee a point to be a Chen' s approximate zero of Newton method for solving nonlinear equation is sought by dominating sequence techniques. The criterion is based on the fact that the dominating function may have only one simple positive zero, assuming that the operator is weak Lipschitz continuous, which is much more relaxed and can be checked much more easily than Lipschitz continuous in practice. It is demonstrated that a Chen' s approximate zero may not be a Smale' s approximate zero. The error estimate obtained indicated the convergent order when we use |f(x) | < ε to stop computation in software.The result can also be applied for solving partial derivative and integration equations. 展开更多
关键词 Approximate zero Newton method Generalized Kantorovich Condition
The Postcolonial Meaning of Home in Nash Candelaria's Novel Memories of the Alhambra
作者 Diana Stiuliuc 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第9期1538-1546,共9页
Published in 1977, in the peak of Chicanismo--the social, cultural, and political movements that brought raza consciousness and profoundly influenced the creation of a modern Chicano/Chicana identity--Nash Candelaria... Published in 1977, in the peak of Chicanismo--the social, cultural, and political movements that brought raza consciousness and profoundly influenced the creation of a modern Chicano/Chicana identity--Nash Candelaria's novel, Memories of the Alhambra, reflects a complex vision of the concept of home. For the two generations of Chicanos (U.S. citizens) depicted in the novel, the United States represents the site of postcolonial tensions and (b)order-ed negotiations of a postmodern Chicano/Chicana identity through ethnic reinvention. This paper aims at analyzing the postcolonial significance of the home, as a geographical, ontological, and national space, and Candelaria's association of the concept with a postmodern and mestizo identity. 展开更多
关键词 postcolonial HOME protean identity BORDERLAND Chicano/Chicana
The San Juan Islands Thrust System: New Perspectives from LIDAR and Sonar Imagery
作者 Don J. Easterbrook 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第1期1-26,共26页
New LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and sonar imagery have revealed remarkable geomorphic details never seen before and not visible by any other means. Numerous faults and other geologic structures are plainly v... New LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and sonar imagery have revealed remarkable geomorphic details never seen before and not visible by any other means. Numerous faults and other geologic structures are plainly visible on LIDAR and sonar images. Many previously unknown faults criss-cross the islands and large fault scarps are visible on sonar imagery along the margins of the larger islands. Sonar images of sea floor morphology show many submerged faults as long linear scarps with relief up to 300m (1,000 fl), some of which visibly truncate geologic structures. The San Juan Lopez fault, the largest fault in the islands, extends for at least 65 km (40 mi) from Stuart Island to Rosario strait with a scarp up to 330m (1,000 it) high. Since 1975, the basic structural framework of the San Juan Islands has been considered to consist of five stacked thrust faults, the Rosario, Orcas, Haro, Lopez, and Buck Bay faults, constituting the San Juan Thrust (Nappe) System that has shuffled together far distant terranes. However, the new LIDAR and sonar imagery shows that most of the mapped extent of these postulated faults are actually segments of high angle, dipslip faults and are not thrust faults at all. Thus, the San Juan Thrust (Nappe) System does not exist. The age of these faults is not accurately known and more than one period of high angle faulting may have occurred. Faults shown on L1DAR images of the surface of the islands appear as visible gashes, etched out by erosion of fault zones with few fault scarps. However, the sea floor faults have bold relief and high scarps. A late Pleistocene moraine lies undisturbed across the San Juan Lopez fault. 展开更多
关键词 San Juan Thrust System San Juan Islands LIDAR SONAR faults.
Current Developmental Impacts on the Qanats: Its Challenge and Maintenance in China
作者 Xiaoyun Zheng 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第3期146-155,共10页
In China, Qanats are found solely in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, this system has greatly contributed since long ago to local livelihood, especially agriculture. Today, there are around 600 Qanats in Xinjiang... In China, Qanats are found solely in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, this system has greatly contributed since long ago to local livelihood, especially agriculture. Today, there are around 600 Qanats in Xinjiang, located especially in Turpan and Hami pefectures. Uygur people are the main users of the Qanat, they are not only using the techniques of construction and maintenance but they are also integrating Qanat into their culture. Today, Qanats in China are facing more and more crises with the local developmental impacts from enlarging farmland, groundwater over-extraction, seasonal water shortages, costly management, and conflicts of the interest, etc.. According to some studies, the number of Qanats in Xinjiang was reduced from 1,784 in 1950 to 600 today, which are equivalent to a decline of 23 Qanats per eventually come to end in the coming decades if we do not have year. Consequently, many experts are concerned that Qanats will effective efforts for their maintenance. It is a fact that Qanat is still able to adapt to the local environment, the local livelihood and against climate change, it cannot be converted to other hydraulic system in the arid environment of Xinjiang so far, but it is also challenged by current developments, especially rising amount of water consumption and costly maintenance. This paper aims to discuss the currently situation of Qanats in Xinjiang of China and their protection and sustainable use in a context of current development of industry, urbanization and local environmental change. 展开更多
关键词 Qanats development IMPACT maintenance China.
河南新密市新砦遗址浅穴式大型建筑基址的发掘 被引量:22
作者 赵春青 张松林 +2 位作者 谢肃 黄卫东 张巧燕 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期32-47,I0008-I0010,共19页
基址位于遗址内城的中部,平面呈条形,东西现存长99.2米。基址墙壁和内部均未发现承重柱留下的柱洞和隔墙之类的遗迹,活动面上遗留有层状的砂质土层。这说明基址可能是一座露天的浅穴式建筑,推测或许与文献记载的""或"... 基址位于遗址内城的中部,平面呈条形,东西现存长99.2米。基址墙壁和内部均未发现承重柱留下的柱洞和隔墙之类的遗迹,活动面上遗留有层状的砂质土层。这说明基址可能是一座露天的浅穴式建筑,推测或许与文献记载的""或"坎"之类的活动场所有关。 展开更多
关键词 河南 新砦遗址 浅穴式建筑基址 “坎”
作者 尹可丽 《社区心理学研究》 2019年第1期64-76,共13页
本文采用个案研究法,对老年人S师傅严重关节炎突发直至康复这一个案的前后历程,尤其是对举办生日音乐会这一关键事件进行观察、访谈和主题分析,讨论生物心理社会模型的疾病解释与中国民间文化中以'坎'关联疾病这两种差异迥然的... 本文采用个案研究法,对老年人S师傅严重关节炎突发直至康复这一个案的前后历程,尤其是对举办生日音乐会这一关键事件进行观察、访谈和主题分析,讨论生物心理社会模型的疾病解释与中国民间文化中以'坎'关联疾病这两种差异迥然的认知,是如何在S师傅运作其社区与个人的健康资源中得到统合,并基于此讨论老年人对健康资源进行自我运作的心理基础。 展开更多
关键词 健康资源 疾病康复 “坎”
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