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唐文学的“复古”倾向与中国文化的尚古传统 被引量:1
作者 郭其云 杨晓霭 《武警学院学报》 2001年第2期59-61,共3页
以复古为革新是中国文学史上极其突出的现象 ,即使在中国历史上最为开放、浪漫的唐代 ,也表现得十分鲜明。在中国文化的大背景下 ,在考察唐人文学创作的基础上 ,论证这一现象的文化渊源 ,有助于正确认识中国文化的尚古传统 ,繁荣今天的... 以复古为革新是中国文学史上极其突出的现象 ,即使在中国历史上最为开放、浪漫的唐代 ,也表现得十分鲜明。在中国文化的大背景下 ,在考察唐人文学创作的基础上 ,论证这一现象的文化渊源 ,有助于正确认识中国文化的尚古传统 ,繁荣今天的文学创作 ,建设有中国特色的社会主义文化。 展开更多
关键词 中国文化 尚古传统 文学“复古”
作者 刘超 《吉林艺术学院学报》 2019年第6期75-80,共6页
金与南宋书法起初都受北宋的"尚意书风"影响与笼罩,经过一段时间的对峙各自发展形成了不同的书法审美风尚。随着蒙古贵族扩张势力的强大,金与南宋面临亡国处境,在金与南宋文士群体中形成了具有"崇古"观念的文艺审美... 金与南宋书法起初都受北宋的"尚意书风"影响与笼罩,经过一段时间的对峙各自发展形成了不同的书法审美风尚。随着蒙古贵族扩张势力的强大,金与南宋面临亡国处境,在金与南宋文士群体中形成了具有"崇古"观念的文艺审美,他们在书法上主张师古跨越北宋学习魏晋,可谓南北共鸣产生合流之势。正是这种"崇古"共鸣的书法审美为后来元初书法的"复古"提供了思想的渊源。 展开更多
关键词 金与南宋 “崇古”共鸣 “复古” 元初书法
先驱者“复古”现象考———以严复为例 被引量:1
作者 李钧 《社会科学论坛》 2004年第1期20-24,共5页
关键词 先驱者 “复古” 严复 救国思想 政治民主 教育 古典自由主义者 白话文
作者 陈珊珊 《中国民族博览》 2020年第5期200-201,共2页
存世的地面建筑与地下建筑是墓葬礼仪的物化形态,时人使用艺术化的语言和形式来表饰这个空间:以现实为粉本进行或夸张或压缩或反叛的摹写,形成新的表现形式——"二手现实"。中国古代墓葬呈现出来的视觉形式是动态的,随时呈现... 存世的地面建筑与地下建筑是墓葬礼仪的物化形态,时人使用艺术化的语言和形式来表饰这个空间:以现实为粉本进行或夸张或压缩或反叛的摹写,形成新的表现形式——"二手现实"。中国古代墓葬呈现出来的视觉形式是动态的,随时呈现出跟时代气息相符的新的艺术形式——镜像艺术。"复古"是一种基于模本的再创造行为,镜像艺术是这类复古行为的表征之一。 展开更多
关键词 “二手现实” 镜像艺术 “复古”
作者 白宪娟 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期53-58,共6页
"复古派"与"性灵派"是针对明中后期文坛状况而提出的概括性概念。两者在对《庄子》思想及其文学性的接受上存在着不同样貌,基本涵括了明中后期文坛《庄子》接受的局面。其接受异貌的深层原因与明代文化思潮及其各... "复古派"与"性灵派"是针对明中后期文坛状况而提出的概括性概念。两者在对《庄子》思想及其文学性的接受上存在着不同样貌,基本涵括了明中后期文坛《庄子》接受的局面。其接受异貌的深层原因与明代文化思潮及其各自的文学主张有着密切的联系。 展开更多
关键词 “复古派” “性灵派” 《庄子》 接受美学
作者 谭延祯 王立松 《艺术评鉴》 2020年第10期25-26,共2页
关键词 北朝后期“复古”篆书 隶书 摩崖刻经
“回向三代”与泰西“立国本末”——晚清“复古维新论”中的变革与立国 被引量:1
作者 马猛猛 《政治思想史》 CSSCI 2022年第3期36-49,197,共15页
晚清“复古维新论”展现出截然不同的历史意识,围绕西方和三代之关系建构出涵括中西古今演进的普遍历史叙事。王韬、郑观应和陈炽等对中国三代及世界史进行重塑,提出由“道器合一”到“道分为二”的古史演变框架,把中国和西方整合进一... 晚清“复古维新论”展现出截然不同的历史意识,围绕西方和三代之关系建构出涵括中西古今演进的普遍历史叙事。王韬、郑观应和陈炽等对中国三代及世界史进行重塑,提出由“道器合一”到“道分为二”的古史演变框架,把中国和西方整合进一个整全的人类文明进程中,试图在中国文化的经制典章和西方社会政治现实之间建立内在义理的一致性。“复古维新论”对秦制的根本性否定体现了变革思维范式,同时对西方政教“本末源流”“立国之本”等的分析则体现了立国思维的思想范式,并从中探寻对中国文化之主体性与根本价值的重新理解和确定。 展开更多
关键词 晚清“复古维新论” 改良主义 “三代之治” 立国思维
作者 张应松 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1997年第2期57-62,共6页
中外文学”复古运动”的实质大不相同:发生的背景和目的不同;性质、指导思想、内容不同;影响和后果不同。欧洲文学史上的“文艺复兴”运动是资产阶级向封建宗教势力进行的一次战斗,其目的是为发展资本主义开辟道路,具有进步的意义... 中外文学”复古运动”的实质大不相同:发生的背景和目的不同;性质、指导思想、内容不同;影响和后果不同。欧洲文学史上的“文艺复兴”运动是资产阶级向封建宗教势力进行的一次战斗,其目的是为发展资本主义开辟道路,具有进步的意义。中国文学史上的“复古运动”是封建文人为巩固封建统治而进行的。 展开更多
关键词 文学“复古运动” 实质 背景 目的 性质 指导思想 内容 后果
作者 叶竹馨 《传媒论坛》 2018年第21期158-159,共2页
"复古演绎"是指随着热门宫斗剧、穿越剧的热播而产生的文学形态,是一种借助QQ、贴吧、论坛等平台,基于某一古代背景,所进行的模仿古代人行为举止的文字Cos的演绎活动,而贴吧即是其中最重要的游戏平台之一。本文以"清... "复古演绎"是指随着热门宫斗剧、穿越剧的热播而产生的文学形态,是一种借助QQ、贴吧、论坛等平台,基于某一古代背景,所进行的模仿古代人行为举止的文字Cos的演绎活动,而贴吧即是其中最重要的游戏平台之一。本文以"清§皇朝"贴吧为例,展示"复古演绎"贴吧的参与式文化行为、分析"复古演绎"迷群"智慧众筹"的文本生产模式,并指出"复古演绎"贴吧所面临的发展困境,以求对"复古演绎"迷群这一亚文化群体有一定程度的了解。 展开更多
关键词 “复古演绎”贴吧 迷群 参与式文化 智慧众筹
非惯常环境下的历史文化古镇旅游再开发研究——以昆明市官渡古镇为例 被引量:4
作者 李庆雷 吕文艺 《武陵学刊》 2013年第1期61-65,共5页
旅游的本质是非惯常环境下的短暂生活体验,旅游开发的核心是营造旅游地非惯常环境的过程。旅游地非惯常环境的营造是综合考虑旅游地的历史文化、旅游者对非惯常环境的"求异"心理及当地居民对其生存环境的"现代化"... 旅游的本质是非惯常环境下的短暂生活体验,旅游开发的核心是营造旅游地非惯常环境的过程。旅游地非惯常环境的营造是综合考虑旅游地的历史文化、旅游者对非惯常环境的"求异"心理及当地居民对其生存环境的"现代化"诉求的一个自然环境与人文环境的建设过程。历史文化古镇具有营造异于大众旅游现代化生活的非惯常环境的独特优势。以云南昆明官渡古镇为例,从营造非惯常环境的角度来重新审视旅游再开发问题,在此基础上提炼出历史文化古镇非惯常环境营造下旅游开发的一般思路。 展开更多
关键词 非惯常环境 历史文化古镇 旅游再开发 旅游体验 “复古”与“创新”博弈
从联大国文系到北大中文系——兼及“新文学研究”的学科嬗变与校际转移 被引量:2
作者 刘超 《社会科学论坛》 2010年第5期15-29,共15页
联大国文系虽然规模有限,为时不长,但鲜明地折射了两种办学和治学思路:以北大为代表的语言文字学的思路,以清华为代表的文学传统。前者实质上是"北大学派"考据学传统在国文教研中的体现;后者则是"清华学派"之"... 联大国文系虽然规模有限,为时不长,但鲜明地折射了两种办学和治学思路:以北大为代表的语言文字学的思路,以清华为代表的文学传统。前者实质上是"北大学派"考据学传统在国文教研中的体现;后者则是"清华学派"之"会通"思路的具体表现。由于历史原因,后者主导了联大国文系。原清华国文系在杨振声、朱自清时期即已取代北大国文系,事实上成为中国新文学的主要策源地。在院系大调整中,浦江清、林庚、吴祖缃和王瑶等清华国文系学人进入新北大中文系,而原北大国文系的骨干则多被调离。故原清华国文系基本主导了新北大中文系的思路。其特点是:以文学研究为主,尤以新文学研究引领全国;重文学研究,亦重文学创作,其意在"通",会通古今中西,贯通学术研究与文艺创作。因此新北大中文系与老清华国文系一样,在学者传统之外,也葆有着文人传统,涵育出大批优秀文艺家。这显然是对20世纪前半叶清华国文系的回应。 展开更多
关键词 清华国文系 朱自清 “新文学研究”学科 新北大中文系 王瑶 “复古”
作者 肖剑南 林庚 《福建省社会主义学院学报》 2007年第1期79-80,共2页
关键词 鲁迅 先秦文化 “深度解读” “复古”维面 “新生”母题
Primary Study on Reasons for the Growth Re-cession of Fragrant Camphor Trees at the West Lake Scenic Area and Diagnosis Procedure 被引量:1
作者 肖昆仑 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期470-474,共5页
Fragrant camphor tree is the city tree of Hangzhou which takes a large proportion of the ancient trees in Hangzhou City. Recently, with the free open of the attractions around the West Lake and the implementation of t... Fragrant camphor tree is the city tree of Hangzhou which takes a large proportion of the ancient trees in Hangzhou City. Recently, with the free open of the attractions around the West Lake and the implementation of the comprehensive pro- ject for protecting the West Lake, a part of ancient fragrant camphor trees are fac- ing problems such as altered living conditons. Some of them are showing a decline in growth vigor or even close to death, which will produce extremely negative influ- ences on the maintaining and sustainable development of the West Lake Scenic Area if without any timely measures for the rescue and rejuvenation of the trees. Therefore, strengthening the protection and management of ancient fragrant camphor trees at the West Lake Scenic Area and carrying out researches on the procedure for diagnosing the reasons for the growth recession of the ancient fragrant camphor trees at the West Lake Scenic Area are of great significance for the future protec- tion and rejuvenation of the ancient trees around the West Lake. The factors influ- encing the growth of ancient trees and indexes for judging the growth condition were listed and the reasons for the growth recession were systematically summa- rized in this paper. In addition, measures for the rejuvenation of the ancient fragrant camphor trees were also simply discussed. 展开更多
关键词 The West Lake Scenic Area Fragrant camphor tree Growth and recession REJUVENATION
齐鲁籍作家王禹偁在宋代文学史上的地位 被引量:2
作者 张晶晶 《潍坊教育学院学报》 2003年第1期23-25,共3页
关键词 王禹偁 齐鲁籍作家 宋代 文学史 “白体”诗 “复古派”
Reproduction and Mortality of Re-introduced Przewalski's Horse Equus przewalskii in Hustai National Park, Mongolia 被引量:1
作者 Usukhjargal Dorj Bandi Namkhai 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第6期623-629,共7页
The reproduction rate of Equus przewalskii in this study increased from year to year showing that the wild horses have already felt comfortable in the new environment and became acclimatized successfully. Of the mares... The reproduction rate of Equus przewalskii in this study increased from year to year showing that the wild horses have already felt comfortable in the new environment and became acclimatized successfully. Of the mares which were born in Hustai National Park and successfully reached reproductive age, 24.7% first gave birth at age 3 and 55.6% of them first gave birth at age 4. The most effective age range within the breeding population was 5 to 15, 25%-89% of them giving birth and an average during 2002-2011 of 72.9%. Of the Przewalski's horses which died, 65% were foals, 9.4% subadult male, 7.7% subadult female, 7.2% adult male and 10.6% were adult females. Causes of mortality differed by age and sex although wolf attacks accounted for the predominant number of deaths among foals and subadults. Stallions usually died of bad condition and injuries but parturition problems were common causes of death among mares. The mortality rate of foals (40% in 1993-2011) is a matter of great concern since foals born in Hustai National Park are the only gain component now after the active reintroduction period came to an end. A total of 109 foals were killed by wolves in 1993-2011 but 52% of them were younger than one month. 展开更多
关键词 Przewalski's horse REPRODUCTION MORTALITY SEASONALITY wolf attack.
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Photosynthetic Rate of Leymus chinensis in Grassland of Different Degrading Degrees
作者 王明铭 鲍雅静 +3 位作者 李政海 杨绍欢 焦静平 郭燕宇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1929-1932,1957,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on photosynthetic rate of Leymus chinensis in the grasslands of different degrading degrees. [Method] With the L. chinensis in Inner Mongol... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on photosynthetic rate of Leymus chinensis in the grasslands of different degrading degrees. [Method] With the L. chinensis in Inner Mongolia Baiyinxile Ranch as the research object, different rations of nitrogen fertilizer were applied to the grassland (0, 30, 50, 80 g/m^2). The effect of different gradients of nitrogen fertilizer on photo- synthetic rate of Leymus chinensis, and the effect on grasslands of different degrading degrees were analyzed. [Result] The photosynthetic rate of L. chinensis in- creased with the increase of nitrogen gradients; in the grassland communities with different degrading degrees, the responses of the photosynthetic rate of L. chinensis to nitrogen fertilizer were different, and the response in the grassland with severe degradation was the best. [Conclusion] Nitrogen fertilizer played an important role in enhancing the restoration degree of grassland. 展开更多
关键词 Leymus chinensis Nitrogen fertilizer Photosynthetic rate
Effects of Plant Types on Physico-chemical Properties of Reclaimed Mining Soil in Inner Mongolia,China 被引量:4
作者 FU Yao LIN Changcun +1 位作者 MA Jianjun ZHU Tingcheng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期309-317,共9页
A field experiment was conducted in Jungar Banner,Inner Mongolia,China to study the effects of plant types on the physical structure and chemical properties of open-cast mining soils reclaimed for 15 years,and to anal... A field experiment was conducted in Jungar Banner,Inner Mongolia,China to study the effects of plant types on the physical structure and chemical properties of open-cast mining soils reclaimed for 15 years,and to analyze the triggering factors of the soil formation.Results indicate that plant types affect soil-forming process especially in the upper layer (0-20 cm),and the spatial structure of reclaimed plant is the main reason for variability of the soil-forming process.In the upper soil layer at the site reclaimed with mixed plants,the concentrations of soil organic matter (SOM) and soil organic carbon (SOC) are the highest,and they were significantly higher at the sites reclaimed with Leymus chinensis,Caragana sinica,which is mainly due to a large amount of litter fall and root exudation in herbages and shrubs.However,the concentrations of SOM and SOC in the soils at the reclaimed sites are quite low comparing with those in local primary soil,which indicates the importance of using organic amendments during the ecological restoration in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 open-cast coal mining mining reclamation soil physico-chemical property soil organic matter soil organic carbon
Humanistic Principles in the Circle of European Literature Themes
作者 Gordana Pokrajac 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第8期552-563,共12页
There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence o... There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence of essential humanistic points. As the historial period, humanism means revival of classical culture, and as a specific culturological phenomenon, it means erudite education created by Hellens and developed by Romans, who recovered "humanitas" as global education. Italy was the first who helped humanists to contemplate on classical culture; and in post-medieval age, Italian humanists achieved a supreme measure of humanism through their "humanistic studies." We will try to point out good achievements of humanism erudite education in European culture in later epochs. Humanism leads man to turn over to world--after medieval stricture--and it becomes self-conscious revolution, what we can see in Latin literature till the 18th century. Rise of individualism, development of libraries and humanistic academies give chance to latin tradition in European literature as universal discipline, including erudite education in international corpus (Ragusa also). High-intellectual and latinized elites with humanistic state of mind develop complex spiritual inteligency with science requests in later epochs too. We will try to explain in which degree humanism, with its synthetic point of view, influences on later corpus of European literary themes and how great its actuallity is nowdays. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISM latinism ERUDITION studia humana ITALY Ragusa encyclopedism
Development on the Technique of Total Recovery of Benzoic Acid Residue
作者 徐姣 何杰 +3 位作者 张卫江 杨焘 焦书军 胡雪东 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期608-612,共5页
Benzoic acid residue is solid waste produced from the production of benzoic acid by oxidizing toluene.Because it contained important chemical raw materials such as benzoic acid,benzyl benzoate and fluorenone,it is nec... Benzoic acid residue is solid waste produced from the production of benzoic acid by oxidizing toluene.Because it contained important chemical raw materials such as benzoic acid,benzyl benzoate and fluorenone,it is necessary to recover them from the residue.In this work the technique featured with high efficiency evaporation and vacuum distillation was developed to obtain total recovery and utilization of the benzoic acid residue.By controlling the operation temperature at 260℃ and the pressure of 16kPa in the rising and falling film evaporators,heavy components separated efficiently from the residue can be polymerized and the light components consisting of 63% of the residue entered into a benzoic acid vacuum distillation column.Keeping the temperature of polymerization at(280±10)℃,coumarone resin was produced after adjusting the softening point according to the market requirements.Vacuum distillation was operated under the following conditions:top temperature at 186℃,top pressure of 16kPa,bottom temperature at 240-250℃,reflux ratio being 3︰1.Benzoic acid of 98% purity was distilled out from the column as a side stream and the bottom product was crude benzyl benzoate.By the developed technique,the benzoic acid residue was splitted into three products,benzoic acid,crude benzyl benzoate and coumarone resin without any surplus waste. 展开更多
关键词 benzoic acid residue benzoic acid crude benzyl benzoate coumarone resin high-efficiency evaporation vacuum distillation
宋育仁:不该消失的“消失者”——《时务论》变法思想述评 被引量:1
作者 唐丹 《中华文化论坛》 北大核心 2015年第9期94-99,共6页
宋育仁是清末著名的维新思想家和实践家,也是四川近代文化名人之一。当今谈清末之维新思想家必称康梁,却鲜有知宋育仁。然而,在康有为写下《新学伪经考》的那一年,宋育仁已经写就《时务论》,并明确提出了变法的具体措施。这位当时的新... 宋育仁是清末著名的维新思想家和实践家,也是四川近代文化名人之一。当今谈清末之维新思想家必称康梁,却鲜有知宋育仁。然而,在康有为写下《新学伪经考》的那一年,宋育仁已经写就《时务论》,并明确提出了变法的具体措施。这位当时的新锐人物在历史的滚滚长河中渐行渐远,最终成为了"消失者"。然笔者翻阅其《时务论》却发现,其中的许多变法思想在当时均称得上先人一步,在那样的年代具有这样的思想的人物绝不应当成为消失者。本文通过对宋育仁的著作《时务论》中的变法思想进行介绍,进而探寻其"复古即维新"的变法核心理论及其成因,并在此基础上从进步性和局限性两个方面对宋育仁在《时务论》中体现的变法思想进行评价,并分析其最终成为"消失者"的原因。 展开更多
关键词 宋育仁 《时务论》 变法思想 “复古即维新” 消失者
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