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从“外围”切入——探究作为人文学科的艺术史的研究方法 被引量:1
作者 李磊 《艺术科技》 2016年第8期247-,共1页
当今学界,跨学科研究已成"新常态",学科互涉就要跨越边界,这关乎学术研究创新性与多元化的问题。自20世纪80年代新艺术史崛起以来,作为人文学科的艺术史越来越趋向于以"外围"切入的方式展开研究,且业已成为艺术史... 当今学界,跨学科研究已成"新常态",学科互涉就要跨越边界,这关乎学术研究创新性与多元化的问题。自20世纪80年代新艺术史崛起以来,作为人文学科的艺术史越来越趋向于以"外围"切入的方式展开研究,且业已成为艺术史研究的主流方法。 展开更多
关键词 人文学科 艺术史 跨学科 “外围” 研究方法
经济空间的“中心”与“外围” 被引量:1
作者 胡潇 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期15-22,共8页
自普雷维什提出社会经济布局具有"中心"与"外围"之空间关系的理论以来,世界经济地理变化深刻。经济全球化、信息化,交往网络化,以及技术服务的"泛在"化的强力推动,使人类经济活动的地理格局变化加快,空间... 自普雷维什提出社会经济布局具有"中心"与"外围"之空间关系的理论以来,世界经济地理变化深刻。经济全球化、信息化,交往网络化,以及技术服务的"泛在"化的强力推动,使人类经济活动的地理格局变化加快,空间"脱域"现象趋强。经此多重作用,"中心"与"外围"不复是原来版图式的空间关系,亦非单纯的经济地理格局。空间被不断再生产出来,同时又给社会经济关系以反馈性的再建构;科学技术及其知识信息的经济意义,使经济部分地非物质化,给它们的物理空间的开发、使用方式以崭新的样态;新兴城市群和新兴经济体的崛起,极大地改变了国内与世界经济空间之"中心"与"外围"的关系及其互联互动机制。深入探讨这些问题,明了"中心"与"外围"关系的成因、模式和趋向,对于科学理解"一带一路"战略的世界意义,坚持多边主义和相互开放、包容,反对"中心"唯一化、霸权化等,具有丰富的思想价值。 展开更多
关键词 “中心”与“外围” 成因 模式 变革
作者 章远 肖秀女 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期55-76,158,共23页
“外围战略”是以色列建国后抗衡阿拉伯世界的重要外交手段。随着《埃以和约》的签订,以色列传统“外围战略”逐渐式微。“阿拉伯之春”爆发后,中东地区政治秩序面临重大变化。以色列经历了从建国之初阿拉伯国家发动大规模常规战争带来... “外围战略”是以色列建国后抗衡阿拉伯世界的重要外交手段。随着《埃以和约》的签订,以色列传统“外围战略”逐渐式微。“阿拉伯之春”爆发后,中东地区政治秩序面临重大变化。以色列经历了从建国之初阿拉伯国家发动大规模常规战争带来巨大生存威胁,向当下虽面临多重威胁但国家本体地位稳固的转变,威胁来源复杂但强度明显弱化,然而“外围战略”再次回归和复兴。出现这一悖论的原因在于,除了权势位移、地缘政治形势变化、军事实力不断强化等物质性因素的制约,对威胁感知的持续性主观建构影响着以色列的战略选择并强化了以色列对威胁平衡的路径依赖。“外围战略”回归和复兴后的变化表现为以色列对外围伙伴的选择上实现了从隐蔽到开放的拓展,合作领域实现了从政治(主要是军事情报合作)到经济领域的转变。新“外围战略”作为一种短期的实用主义战略,受到巴勒斯坦核心问题的影响,成效有限且不能真正解决以色列的地区孤立,特别是在战争环境下。 展开更多
关键词 威胁平衡 以色列 “外围战略” 威胁感知
“外围战略”视域下的以色列库尔德政策 被引量:3
作者 汪波 历晶晶 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期23-41,157,158,共21页
为突破阿拉伯国家的围困和孤立,以色列建国后制定并实施了"外围战略",并将其与库尔德人的关系视为"外围战略"的重要组成部分。以色列对伊拉克、土耳其、叙利亚和伊朗四国的库尔德人采取的政策各有差异,重点且公开... 为突破阿拉伯国家的围困和孤立,以色列建国后制定并实施了"外围战略",并将其与库尔德人的关系视为"外围战略"的重要组成部分。以色列对伊拉克、土耳其、叙利亚和伊朗四国的库尔德人采取的政策各有差异,重点且公开支持伊拉克库尔德人,对其他三国库尔德人则采取较为谨慎的政策。在整体上,以色列库尔德政策呈现出利益化、差异化、隐秘化和动态化的特点。作为"外围战略"的具体表现,以色列与库尔德人保持的长期战略互动在一定程度上减少了其周边安全威胁,并获得了一定的政治和经济利益。尽管库尔德问题复杂多变,但未来以色列仍会继续秉持国家利益至上的原则,深化发展"外围战略"的理念与布局,灵活调整其库尔德政策。 展开更多
关键词 以色列 “外围战略” 库尔德人 库尔德政策
作者 吴谨 《课外语文(下)》 2014年第5期152-153,共2页
针对现在中学课堂阅读教学的低效问题,我通过多年的阅读教学行动研究,摸索出一些有效的解决办法:在通常的课堂阅读教学程式之外,添加某些能提高教学效果的方法,以求通过“外围突破”来扭转教学低效的局面。本文对该方法的涵义、运... 针对现在中学课堂阅读教学的低效问题,我通过多年的阅读教学行动研究,摸索出一些有效的解决办法:在通常的课堂阅读教学程式之外,添加某些能提高教学效果的方法,以求通过“外围突破”来扭转教学低效的局面。本文对该方法的涵义、运用的意义、方法和分类作了具体的阐述。 展开更多
关键词 初中语文 阅读教学 “外围突破” 方法运用
The Structure of Oryza Embryos and Their Dimorphic Cotyledons 被引量:2
作者 徐雪宾 刘向东 +2 位作者 章崇玲 吴万春 韩惠珍 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第1期15-21,共7页
It has been generally held in botany that Oryza sativa L. is a monocotyledon. Based on studies of rice embryo development we confirmed that rice embryo has two dimorphic cotyledons rather than just one cotyledo... It has been generally held in botany that Oryza sativa L. is a monocotyledon. Based on studies of rice embryo development we confirmed that rice embryo has two dimorphic cotyledons rather than just one cotyledon. In the present study we attempt to know if the morphology of embryos in other species of Oryza differs from O. sativa and if these embryos have dimorphic cotyledon. Two types of embryo structures were observed in 22 species and/or subspecies of genus Oryza under the scanning electron microscope. Type 1, the O.sativa type, which is characterized by ventral scale and lateral scales, was found in 16 species. Type 2, the O. meyeriana (Zoll. et Mor. ex Steud.) Baill. ssp. tuberculata W. C. Wu et Y. G. Lu, G. C. Wang type, with no ventral scale and lateral scales, was found in 6 species and subspecies. The embryogenic process of O.sativa and O.meyeriana sub. tuberculata showed that the scutellum primordium, coleorhiza primordium, coleoptile primordium and shoot apical meristem directly differentiate from proembryo. The former two later develop into the embryo envelope, which is the outside cotyledon; the coleoptile primordium develops into the coleoptile with the shape of inverted empty cone surrounding and covering the growth cone, which is the apical cotyledon. Both types of rice embryos have dimorphic cotyledons. The structural difference between them is that the scutellum primordium of the young embryo in type 2 does not differentiate ventral scale and lateral scales while the embryo of type 1 does. The dimorphic cotyledons of embryo of Oryza plants originate from the dorsiventrality of proembryo. 展开更多
关键词 genus Oryza EMBRYOGENESIS dimorphic cotyledon dorsiventrality embryonic envelope (outside cotyledon) scutellum and coleoptile (apical cotyledon)
富裕之邦岂即真理之地──怎样看待当代资本主义的发展问题 被引量:1
作者 房宁 《真理的追求》 1997年第10期3-7,共5页
富裕之邦岂即真理之地──怎样看待当代资本主义的发展问题房宁正确地认识和说明西方资本主义在当代的发展问题,对我们建设社会主义是一件具有重要意义的事情。社会主义是对资本主义的逻辑与现实的否定,社会主义理想与信念的树立和巩... 富裕之邦岂即真理之地──怎样看待当代资本主义的发展问题房宁正确地认识和说明西方资本主义在当代的发展问题,对我们建设社会主义是一件具有重要意义的事情。社会主义是对资本主义的逻辑与现实的否定,社会主义理想与信念的树立和巩固,也有赖于对资本主义的科学的认识... 展开更多
关键词 当代资本主义 新科技革命 战后西方 第三世界 “中心”与“外围” 发达资本主义国家 西方发达国家 不平等交换 发展中 西方国家
On the relationship between tropical cyclone size and environmental helicity in the South China Sea 被引量:1
作者 Min Li Kekuan Chu +1 位作者 Jian-Feng Gu Zhe-Min Tan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第4期32-37,共6页
In this study,the impact of environmental factors on tropical cyclone(TC)outer-core size was investigated for both migrating and local TCs in the South China Sea during the period 2001–2019.Among all the thermodynami... In this study,the impact of environmental factors on tropical cyclone(TC)outer-core size was investigated for both migrating and local TCs in the South China Sea during the period 2001–2019.Among all the thermodynamic and dynamic factors,the low-level environmental helicity showed the strongest positive correlation with TC outer-core size.Large helicity favors the development and organization of convection in TCs,and the corresponding strong inflow and large angular momentum fluxes into the system is beneficial for the maintenance and enlargement of TC outer-core size.Besides,the asymmetric distribution of helicity may account for the asymmetry of TC outer-core size.Therefore,the environmental helicity,as an integrated dynamic factor,can provide an alternative view on TC outer-core size. 展开更多
关键词 Tropical cyclone Outer-core size HELICITY Angular momentum
Vegetation actualities and feasibility of restoration for the periphery of oasis in extreme arid region: taking Qira County of Xinjiang as an example 被引量:2
作者 Ding Jianli Zhang Ying 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第2期183-189,共7页
The periphery of oasis plays an important role in mutual transformation between desert and oasis. Vegetation is an important part in the ecosystem and it is an important index indicating certain landscape, Based on se... The periphery of oasis plays an important role in mutual transformation between desert and oasis. Vegetation is an important part in the ecosystem and it is an important index indicating certain landscape, Based on several times field investigation, this paper attaches importance to the feasible measures for vegetation restoration according to the current condition of study area - Qira County of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, In order to improve die local ecological environment, people lived in Qira County should work bard to protect their homehind and reduce the degree of sandstorm, More protection forest should be established along with other ecological techniques. Results derived from this study contribute largely to the ecological environmental protection of oasis. 展开更多
关键词 Periphery of oasis Desertifieation Ecological environmental protection
Building Envelope Rehabilitation Costs: Determination and Variability
作者 Carina Isabel Pereira de Sousa Joao Carlos Goncalves Lanzinha 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第3期300-307,共8页
In recent decades, there has been a great deal of investment in Portugal in the construction of new buildings to the detriment of the rehabilitation of existing ones. As a result, the historic centres of towns and cit... In recent decades, there has been a great deal of investment in Portugal in the construction of new buildings to the detriment of the rehabilitation of existing ones. As a result, the historic centres of towns and cities are deteriorating, while their suburbs are spreading. One of the main problems affecting the rehabilitation of residential buildings is that it is extremely difficult to accurately estimate the costs involved. Although there are established methods (and technical documents available) to aid the costing of new buildings, there is a lack of official information about the costs of rehabilitation work, particularly as regards the external envelope of buildings. This article demonstrates how to determine rehabilitation costs (with particular emphasis on the envelope of residential buildings) by gathering information from specialized companies, assessing price variability and consulting databases of rehabilitation costs from other countries. It also presents some examples of costing for particular rehabilitation jobs. 展开更多
关键词 REHABILITATION building envelope costs.
Effect of perioperative blood transfusion on clinical outcomes in hepatic surgery for cancer 被引量:10
作者 Gianlorenzo Dionigi Luigi Boni +5 位作者 Francesca Rovera Stefano Rausei Salvatore Cuffari Giovanni Cantone Alessandro Bacuzzi Renzo Dionigi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第32期3976-3983,共8页
Allogeneic blood transfusion during liver resection for malignancies has been associated with an increased incidence of different types of complications: infectious complications, tumor recurrence, decreased survival.... Allogeneic blood transfusion during liver resection for malignancies has been associated with an increased incidence of different types of complications: infectious complications, tumor recurrence, decreased survival. Even if there is clear evidence of transfusion-induced immunosuppression, it is difficult to demonstrate that transfusion is the only determinant factor that decisively affects the outcome. In any case there are several motivations to reduce the practice of blood transfusion. The advantages and drawbacks of different transfusion alternatives are reviewed here, emphasizing that surgeons and anesthetists who practice in centers with a high volume of liver resections, should be familiar with all the possible alternatives. 展开更多
关键词 Blood transfusion Blood products Allogeneicblood transfusion Intraoperative autotransfusion Preoperative autologous blood donation Intraoperativeisovolemic hemodilution Infectious complications Liverresection Hepatocellular carcinoma
Research and Design of MP3 Player Decoder based on FPGA
作者 Hang Xu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第1期121-123,共3页
The paper takes a method of a low speed processer based on FPGA hardware accelerator SOC units to realize the MP3 player, and include some peripheral devices. The experimental results show that the system has implemen... The paper takes a method of a low speed processer based on FPGA hardware accelerator SOC units to realize the MP3 player, and include some peripheral devices. The experimental results show that the system has implemented the basic functions of the MP3 player, having its own advantages on increasing the decoding speed and reducing the system consumption. The system is convenient to redesign for more function in the future. In conclusion, it has a wide application prospect. 展开更多
关键词 Mp3 player DECODER FPGA Huffman decoding principle
Eighty Cases of Injury of the Superior Cluneal Nerve Treated by Electroacupuncture 被引量:1
作者 陶煜臻 周永生 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第2期132-133,共2页
Injury of the superior cluneal nerve is acommonly encountered affection in clinical practice.The author treated 80 cases of injury of the superiorcluneal nerve by electr0acupuncture from August1991 to August 1998,with... Injury of the superior cluneal nerve is acommonly encountered affection in clinical practice.The author treated 80 cases of injury of the superiorcluneal nerve by electr0acupuncture from August1991 to August 1998,with other 77 cases treated byacupuncture as the controls.The result is reported asfollow.General Data157 OUtpatients were randomly diVided into thetreatment group and the control group.Among 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ADULT BUTTOCKS Female Humans Male Middle Aged Peripheral Nerves Peripheral Nervous System Diseases
Electricity Derived from Plants 被引量:1
作者 Mohammad Islam Douglas Janssen +3 位作者 David Chao Jerry Gu David Eisen Fow-Sen Choa 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2017年第9期614-619,共6页
The phenomenon of electrical potential differences along the plant apoplast has been reported for more than a century. Earlier works of harvesting energy from trees reported nW range of power with a few hundred-mV ope... The phenomenon of electrical potential differences along the plant apoplast has been reported for more than a century. Earlier works of harvesting energy from trees reported nW range of power with a few hundred-mV open circuit voltage and near uA range short circuit current. In this work, we show that if we cut a stem into pieces, each segment would maintain nearly the same open circuit voltage and short circuit current regardless of length. Using a pico-ampere meter, we also found that the living cells in the vascular cambial and secondary xylem and phloem tissues are the source of electricity. They provide a relatively constant voltage and current to external environment for reasons still under investigation. We demonstrate that by cascading separated stems we can accumulate up to 2 V of open circuit voltage. We also demonstrate by connecting them in parallel we can increase the short circuit current. 展开更多
关键词 PLANTS cell electricity ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY ion gates parallel circuits.
Esophagus and regenerative medicine 被引量:4
作者 Ricardo Londono Blair A Jobe +1 位作者 Toshitaka Hoppo Stephen F Badylak 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第47期6894-6899,共6页
In addition to squamous cell carcinoma,the incidence of Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma is rapidly increasing worldwide.Unfortunately,the current standard of care for es... In addition to squamous cell carcinoma,the incidence of Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma is rapidly increasing worldwide.Unfortunately,the current standard of care for esophageal pathology involves resection of the affected tissue,sometimes involving radical esophagectomy.Without exception,these procedures are associated with a high morbidity,compromised quality of life,and unacceptable mortality rates.Regenerative medicine approaches to functional tissue replacement include the use of biological and synthetic scaffolds to promote tissue remodeling and growth.In the case of esophageal repair,extracellular matrix(ECM) scaffolds have proven to be effective for the reconstruction of small patch defects,anastomosis reinforcement,and the prevention of stricture formation after endomucosal resection(EMR).More so,esophageal cancer patients treated with ECM scaffolds have shown complete restoration of a normal,functional,and disease-free epithelium after EMR.These studies provide evidence that a regenerative medicine approach may enable aggressive resection of neoplastic tissue without the need for radical esophagectomy and its associated complications. 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal repair Biomaterial mediated esophageal repair Extracellular matrix Extracellular matrix scaffold
Median sternotomy closure:review and update research
作者 Hua Kun Yang Xiubin 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2009年第2期112-117,共6页
Cardiac surgery is a very common operation nowadays all over the world.Median sternotomy is a routine procedure required for cardiac access during open heart surgery.The complications of this procedure after the cardi... Cardiac surgery is a very common operation nowadays all over the world.Median sternotomy is a routine procedure required for cardiac access during open heart surgery.The complications of this procedure after the cardiac surgery range from 0.7% to 1.5% of all cases,and bear a high mortality rate if they occur.Every individual surgeon must pay great attention on every detail during the sternal closure.This article shows the details as to conventional information and updated progress on median sternotomy closure.The update contents involve in biomechanics,number of wires twists,biomaterial and so on.According to our experience,we recommend four peristernal single/double steel wires for sternal closure as our optimal choice. 展开更多
关键词 Median stemotomy closure REVIEW UPDATE
Comparison of the Outcomes of Monopolar and Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation in Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation 被引量:1
作者 Wei-zhao Huang Ying-meng Wu +1 位作者 Hong-yu Ye Hai-ming Jiang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2014年第1期28-32,共5页
Objective To compare the therapeutic effects and safety of monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency(RF) ablation used during cardiac surgery to treat atrial fibrillation.Methods We retrospectively studied a total of 81 pa... Objective To compare the therapeutic effects and safety of monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency(RF) ablation used during cardiac surgery to treat atrial fibrillation.Methods We retrospectively studied a total of 81 patients with chronic atrial fibrillation who underwent open cardiac surgery with concomitant RF ablation between January 2007 and March 2011.Fifty-eight patients received bipolar RF ablation and 23 received monopolar RF ablation,respectively.The sinus rhythm restoration rate,the procedural duration,the frequency of severe perioperative complications,and mortality were compared between the two groups.Results The sinus rhythm restoration rate did not differ significantly between the two groups after follow-up of 15.1 ± 12.6 months(P=0.199).The frequencies of severe perioperative complications and mortality were also similar in the two groups.The total procedural time using bipolar RF ablation was significantly shorter than that using monopolar ablation(19.7±4.6 minutes vs.28.1±8.5 minutes,P< 0.001).Conclusions Both monopolar and bipolar RF ablation are safe and effective in treating chronic atrial fibrillation patients during open cardiac surgery,but bipolar RF ablation is more convenient in practice. 展开更多
关键词 atrial fbrillafion radiofrequency ablation cardiac surgery Maze procedure
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Absorptions of a Hydrogenic Donor in a Quantum Dot Under a Magnetic Field 被引量:3
作者 XIE Wen-Fang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期923-926,共4页
The linear and nonlinear optical properties of a hydrogenic donor in a disc-like parabolic quantum dot in the presence of an external magnetic field are studied. The calculations were performed within the effective ma... The linear and nonlinear optical properties of a hydrogenic donor in a disc-like parabolic quantum dot in the presence of an external magnetic field are studied. The calculations were performed within the effective mass approximation, using the matrix diagonalization method and the compact density-matrix approach. The linear and nonlinear optical absorption coefficients between the ground (L =0) and the first excited state (L = 1) have been examined based on the computed energies and wave functions. We find that the linear, nonlinear third-order, and total optical absorption coefficients are strongly affected by the confinement strength of QDs, the external magnetic field, and the incident optical intensity. 展开更多
关键词 quantum dot nonlinear optics
Invasion and Morphological Variation of the Non- Indigenous Barnacle Chthamalus challengeri(Hoek, 1883) in Yangshan Port and its Surrounding Areas
作者 LIU Yan XUE Junzeng +1 位作者 LIN Junda WU Huixian 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第3期575-583,共9页
Invasive species generally possess unique characteristics that allow them to survive the invasion process in order to es- tablish and spread in new habitats. Successful invaders must resist both physical and physiolog... Invasive species generally possess unique characteristics that allow them to survive the invasion process in order to es- tablish and spread in new habitats. Successful invaders must resist both physical and physiological stresses associated with the changing environment. A common littoral barnacle, Chthamalus challengeri Hoek, 1883 (Crustacea, Cirripedia), which is native to Japan, South Korea and northern China, has become established in the high-littoral zone adjacent to Yangshan Port, Shanghai, China. A comparison of the morphology of Chthamlus species from Zhoushan archipelago with previous description indicates the occur- rence of C. challengeri. The new immigrant becomes a dominant species in certain high-intertidal habitats of the adjacent area to of Yangshan Port. C. challengeri was found in part of sampling sites in Zhoushan in 2010; however, it dispersed to all the eleven sam- piing sites in 2012. Densities of C.challengeri had increased over 10 times in the last 2 years, with the highest mean value reaching 39533 ± 6243 ind. m-2 in the new habitat. The specific ratios of both operculum area (Sa) to base area (SA) and average height of pa- rietal plates (H) to length of base (L) revealed that C. challengeri displays morphological changes to resist stronger currents in the new habitats for invasion. 展开更多
关键词 Chthamalus challengeri marine alien species morphological variation Yangshan Port INVASION
Building Maintenance Supported on Virtual Reality Environments: Roofs and Walls
作者 Alcinia Zita Sampaio 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第1期1-12,共12页
The paper presents the description of a research work that has its main objective as the development of a technological tool for supporting building maintenance with resort to new information and visualization technol... The paper presents the description of a research work that has its main objective as the development of a technological tool for supporting building maintenance with resort to new information and visualization technologies. Three main components of the building were analyzed: roof, facades and interior walls. The ceramic tile roof covering constitutes a component of the building envelope and fulfils an important function in its performance, namely in its protection against the permeation of moisture and rain water. Facade coating plays a significant role in the durability of buildings, since it constitutes the exterior layer that ensures wall protection against aggressive actions of physical, chemical or biological nature. The paint coating, applied to interior walls while improving their aesthetic character, performs an important function of protection against deterioration agents related to building use. A survey was conducted of the main anomalies that occur in these components, their respective causes and the adequate interventions, in order to plan maintenance strategies. The collected information serves as a basis for the implementation of applications using interactive visualization technologies to support the planning of building maintenance. During this work, the basic knowledge related to the materials, the techniques of rehabilitation and conservation and the planning of maintenance is outlined and discussed. In addition, methods of interconnecting this knowledge with the virtual applications were explored. The implemented prototypes were tested in real cases. This research work provides an innovative contribution to the field of maintenance, supported by emergent virtual reality technology. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTION maintenance inspections INTERACTION virtual reality.
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