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从“小民生”到“大民生”——试论电视民生新闻的跨越与发展 被引量:3
作者 张伟 《西部广播电视》 2019年第21期100-101,共2页
电视民生新闻近年来发展态势较好,是很多地方台的收视率保障,但是很多节目的“小民生”倾向突出,主要表现在内容庸俗化、格调低俗化和形式雷同化。如何强化栏目的“大民生”意识,转变新闻价值取向,创新节目内容和形式,跳出对一些琐碎事... 电视民生新闻近年来发展态势较好,是很多地方台的收视率保障,但是很多节目的“小民生”倾向突出,主要表现在内容庸俗化、格调低俗化和形式雷同化。如何强化栏目的“大民生”意识,转变新闻价值取向,创新节目内容和形式,跳出对一些琐碎事件的报道,将报道的镜头对准关系百姓生活的国家和地方重要政策走势,将百姓生活的“小话题”融入“大政策”背景中,以小见大,彰显电视民生新闻的厚度、深度和高度,成为诸多电视人积极尝试和探索的领域。本文在分析“小民生”和“大民生”新闻概念的基础上,提出了一系列转变的方法,并结合笔者所在安徽广播电视台经济生活频道实际操作情况,归纳出一些做法,以期与全国的电视同行共同学习进步。 展开更多
关键词 “小民生” “大民生” 电视民新闻
从“小民生”到“大民生”——电视民生新闻报道的转变 被引量:3
作者 曹莉 《视听》 2018年第11期44-45,共2页
电视民生新闻主要从百姓的视角讲述新闻事件,深受广大电视受众的喜爱,在社会上形成了极好的口碑,一度风靡于全国各地的电视台。进入新媒体时代,媒介融合已经成为电视等传统媒体与新媒体共生共存的必然趋势。电视民生新闻面临媒介发展的... 电视民生新闻主要从百姓的视角讲述新闻事件,深受广大电视受众的喜爱,在社会上形成了极好的口碑,一度风靡于全国各地的电视台。进入新媒体时代,媒介融合已经成为电视等传统媒体与新媒体共生共存的必然趋势。电视民生新闻面临媒介发展的新形势、新要求,需要在节目内容以及形式方面进行创新,转变传统的新闻报道模式,促进电视民生新闻报道从"小民生"到"大民生"方向的转变,从而更好地适应新时期媒介发展步伐,满足受众更加多元化的信息需求。 展开更多
关键词 “小民生” “大民生” 电视民新闻 报道策略
作者 朱光晗 《传播力研究》 2017年第9期45-45,共1页
关键词 地方台 新闻 “本地化” “大民生”
作者 姚长庆 《新闻文化建设》 2021年第19期114-115,共2页
民生新闻作为以老百姓日常生活、社会奇闻轶事、化解矛盾纠纷等为报道主题的新闻类型,因其贴近基层,服务民生,曾掀起一股股收视热潮。经过多年的发展后,民生新闻也面临着节目雷同、立意不高、后继乏力的状况,民生新闻走到了十字路口,下... 民生新闻作为以老百姓日常生活、社会奇闻轶事、化解矛盾纠纷等为报道主题的新闻类型,因其贴近基层,服务民生,曾掀起一股股收视热潮。经过多年的发展后,民生新闻也面临着节目雷同、立意不高、后继乏力的状况,民生新闻走到了十字路口,下一步如何发展,方向在哪里?需要新闻媒体人做出反思。 展开更多
关键词 “大民生” 探索创新 新闻
新媒体背景下党报做好民生新闻报道的思考 被引量:5
作者 陶涛 《新闻传播》 2016年第12期87-87,89,共2页
随着微博、微信等新媒体不断发展,传统媒体尤其是"纸媒",也迎来一场前所未有的挑战。因此,"纸媒"做好民生新闻报道,尤显重要。地方党报要站在民众的立场去反映民生问题,以"平民化"的角度去纪录百姓生活... 随着微博、微信等新媒体不断发展,传统媒体尤其是"纸媒",也迎来一场前所未有的挑战。因此,"纸媒"做好民生新闻报道,尤显重要。地方党报要站在民众的立场去反映民生问题,以"平民化"的角度去纪录百姓生活现状。百姓生活千差万别,所以记者要扎根基层,勤问勤跑。民生事项涉及面广,发生在百姓身上的事,在媒体人眼里都应该是大事,惟有以人为本,倾情于民,才能真正地在老百姓心中扎下根来。 展开更多
关键词 新媒体冲击 头条让位民新闻 “小切口”体现“大民生”
作者 张田 冷霜 陈树千 《哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报》 2011年第5期126-128,共3页
《第一现场》栏目是黑龙江省老牌民生新闻栏目《新闻夜航》开播十周年之际对直播类民生新闻栏目的一次有益尝试。节目形式上以直播形式谋求创新,技术上有引进的3G设备支持。然而"速食"定位给栏目带来了内容粗糙、题材琐碎以... 《第一现场》栏目是黑龙江省老牌民生新闻栏目《新闻夜航》开播十周年之际对直播类民生新闻栏目的一次有益尝试。节目形式上以直播形式谋求创新,技术上有引进的3G设备支持。然而"速食"定位给栏目带来了内容粗糙、题材琐碎以及主题浅尝辄止等弊端,电视民生新闻节目所面临的激烈竞争亟待媒体在这些方面改进。 展开更多
关键词 新闻 “大民生” 直播
如何走出地方民生新闻的瓶颈期 被引量:1
作者 孙锋 戚冬伟 《现代视听》 2016年第3期19-22,共4页
虽然与本地域的其他栏目相比,民生新闻的收视率尚可,但巅峰期已过,收视率的下降已是不争的事实。在这样一个事实面前,电视民生新闻该何去何从呢?本文作者作为一线从业人员试图结合具体工作实践探讨处于迷茫困惑中的电视民生新闻尤其是... 虽然与本地域的其他栏目相比,民生新闻的收视率尚可,但巅峰期已过,收视率的下降已是不争的事实。在这样一个事实面前,电视民生新闻该何去何从呢?本文作者作为一线从业人员试图结合具体工作实践探讨处于迷茫困惑中的电视民生新闻尤其是地市级电视民生新闻继续发展的新路径。 展开更多
关键词 地方电视社区化 “小民生” “大民生” 营造根据地
电视民生新闻及评论的发展道路探析 被引量:1
作者 林凌 《东南传播》 2012年第5期128-130,共3页
目前,电视民生新闻及评论栏目正处在一个高速发展的时期,随之而来的发展瓶颈却不容忽视。面对诸多发展瓶颈,电视民生新闻及评论栏目的改革与发展应引入"公共新闻"理念,将民生新闻与公共新闻相结合,发展关注公共领域的"... 目前,电视民生新闻及评论栏目正处在一个高速发展的时期,随之而来的发展瓶颈却不容忽视。面对诸多发展瓶颈,电视民生新闻及评论栏目的改革与发展应引入"公共新闻"理念,将民生新闻与公共新闻相结合,发展关注公共领域的"大民生";以"社会责任"为指导原则,特别关注社会弱势群体;以引导公众价值观为任务,合乎社会和谐与道德准则;注重向新媒体拓展,特别是手机媒体和微博,构建公共互动平台。只有贯彻好这些策略,电视民生新闻评论才能走出更宽更广的路子。 展开更多
关键词 电视民新闻及评论 “公共新闻”理念 “大民生” 新媒体
作者 任立勤 《新媒体研究》 2017年第7期152-153,共2页
民生热线节目在各家广播电台都办得火热,深受老百姓欢迎、关注,听众参与度非常高。但由于各台之间的竞争及发展过程中的不平衡,也暴露出了诸多问题。比如:各媒体之间,甚至同媒体各频率之间存在盲目克隆现象;有的节目过于推崇本土化及市... 民生热线节目在各家广播电台都办得火热,深受老百姓欢迎、关注,听众参与度非常高。但由于各台之间的竞争及发展过程中的不平衡,也暴露出了诸多问题。比如:各媒体之间,甚至同媒体各频率之间存在盲目克隆现象;有的节目过于推崇本土化及市井化,使得受众群有限;有的为了吸引受众对一些民生新闻过度炒作等。这些问题的出现,使民生新闻的特色不再是优势,民生新闻未来的发展也是个问题。文章在现有状况下,思考民生新闻节目怎样才能办出特色,如何才能更贴近百姓,拥有更长久的生命力。 展开更多
关键词 内容为王 “小民生” “大民生” 转变 丰富报道形式
Current Situation of University Poor Student
作者 HUANG Mengjia 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期12-14,共3页
Education is rejuvenating the country, education is the talent in the country and rejuvenating the beginning. Popularization of higher education is thc ultimate goal in the development of the national education levcl,... Education is rejuvenating the country, education is the talent in the country and rejuvenating the beginning. Popularization of higher education is thc ultimate goal in the development of the national education levcl, to enhance the knowledge of the entire Chinese nation, the quality level is important. In recent years, the university has gone through college enrollment, fee system reform policy changes, the gross enrollment rate is 40% in 2015, exceeding the average level of middle income countries, is a big step forward on education in China. Along with the change in universities, the proportion of poor students has been expanded, and therefore the state has increased concern about the poor students in colleges and univcrsities. To prevent students drop out of school because of family difficulties, the use of government scholarships, grants in thc form of direct or indirect funding for poor students in colleges and universities. However, many problems still arise in College student poverty measures to implement the process, such as a lack of material poverty Branch precision, "the material poverty, spiritual poverty of light", the students lack credibility, etc. These problems lead to the expected results of poverty alleviation has not really achieved. This article will be poor college students, the poor student's current development summarized and analyzed from multiple levels of student poverty problems generated in the process. 展开更多
关键词 College poor students Student poverty Material poverty Spiritual poverty INTEGRITY
On The Reasonable Demands Of The University Students' Education Of Civic Awareness
作者 XiangzhuLiang Guifang Wang QianWang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期1-4,共4页
Civic awareness is a product of modem constitution which emerges with the appearance of the modem state. It refers to the conscious awareness that citizens have their own position in the country which can share rights... Civic awareness is a product of modem constitution which emerges with the appearance of the modem state. It refers to the conscious awareness that citizens have their own position in the country which can share rights and undertake obligations. Its connotation is a system. The education of civic awareness is completed through the combination of school, society, family and other social channels. It is a process of socialization and re-socialization. College students are the main part of the construction in the modem harmonious society. The development of college students' civic awareness will be significant to construct the harmonious society and promote the process of national law. However, there still lacks the sense of civic awareness in the current population of college students, which appears the lack of sense of responsibility and the scarcity of the moral sense. Therefore, it is reasonable to strengthen the demands of college students' civic awareness education. This paper is a preliminary study on the connotation, awareness. significance, modem status, causes and measures of college students' civic 展开更多
关键词 CITIZENS CITIZENSHIP College students Education of citizen awareness
Word-Guessing Ability in English Reading Comprehension of Non-English Major Students in Private University
作者 SHAN Chun-xin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第12期912-917,共6页
In order to provide English as a foreign language students with effective English language learning approaches, this investigation is focused on how students deal with words when they are doing reading material. It is... In order to provide English as a foreign language students with effective English language learning approaches, this investigation is focused on how students deal with words when they are doing reading material. It is found that most students can use some skills to guess the unknown words in reading materials, such as explanatory analysis skills, syntactic analysis skills, and structural analysis skills, while they have overlooked how these words are organized metaphorically and metonymically. This investigation will provide students with the target language knowledge metaphors and metonymy, examining the impact on computer vocabulary guessing and reading comprehension through teaching the concept of metaphor and metonymy. In this research, the new word-guessing skill based on the knowledge of metaphor and metonymy was applied to word-guessing teaching in reading comprehension of computer material. The research question is studied in this experiment: Can the training of using ways of word-guessing base on the knowledge of metonymy and metaphor promote students' ability of word guessing in reading comprehension of computer material? The results show that students have gradually paid attention to the word-guessing skill in reading process. The skills based on the knowledge of metaphor and metonymy have helped students get the right meaning of the unknown words in computer reading materials. It has really enlarged students' vocabulary and improved their confidence in finishing reading. 展开更多
关键词 reading comprehension WORD-GUESSING METAPHOR METONYMY
Three-Dimensional Path of Cultivating Belief in Marxism of University Students in Ethnic Areas
作者 Xinrong Wen 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期27-29,共3页
The condition of Marxist college ethnic areas will directly affect how the beliefs of national unity and stability of the region, the survival and development by leaps and bounds and the Chinese nation. In order to in... The condition of Marxist college ethnic areas will directly affect how the beliefs of national unity and stability of the region, the survival and development by leaps and bounds and the Chinese nation. In order to internalize the Marxist belief in the heart and outside of the line, it needs to start from the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral levels. 展开更多
关键词 Minority Areas Marxism Belief FOSTER
Will the Service Sector Promote China’s Long-Term Employment Growth?
作者 丁守海 许珊 《China Economist》 2015年第1期14-25,共12页
The coexistence of the slowing-down economy and the buoyant employment market has been the pattern in China in recent years, and the service sector has played an important role in this regard. This paper uses empirica... The coexistence of the slowing-down economy and the buoyant employment market has been the pattern in China in recent years, and the service sector has played an important role in this regard. This paper uses empirical analysis to prove that the service sector has a long-term mechanism to promote employment growth: first, the verification of the Baumol-Fuchs hypothesis shows that the income elasticity of demand for services in China is greater than 1. As the current development of the services is lagging behind, this sector has great development potential. Second, the revised employment equation shows that the employment elasticity of the service sector is much higher than that of the industrial sector, and its employment adhesiveness is stronger as well. The employment of the service sector can not only create more jobs for the national economy, but also help stabilize the job market. The employment pressure in China is mainly caused by migrant workers and college graduates. To solve the employment problems of these two groups, China has to promote the development of traditional services and speed up the upgrading of emerging services at the same time, and should neglect neither. This paper provides recommendations accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 service employment Baumol-Fuchs hypothesis employment elasticity
Five Amendments to Population and Family Planning Law
作者 Hu Hao 《China Population Today》 2016年第1期41-42,共2页
On December 27,2015,with157 votes in favor and 2abstentions,the 18th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress adopted the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People'... On December 27,2015,with157 votes in favor and 2abstentions,the 18th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress adopted the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Population and Family Planning Law. 展开更多
关键词 Family Standing favor clearly amendment removed autonomous encouraged children regulations
The Construction of Formative Assessment Mode in Ethnic Minority Classes in Universities
作者 WANG Huan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第7期479-484,共6页
From analyzing the current situations of formative assessment of ethnic minority students' college English in China and abroad, this paper gives the specific problems, the significance, and the research values of con... From analyzing the current situations of formative assessment of ethnic minority students' college English in China and abroad, this paper gives the specific problems, the significance, and the research values of constructing the research. It tries to construct the formative assessment mode of ethnic minority class's college English on the basis of multimedia teaching, systematically and comprehensively investigates and analyzes the formative assessment's impacts upon the fostering of ethnic minority students' autonomous learning abilities, the impacts upon language learning and teaching, and the impacts upon the ethnic minority students' academic achievements and learning motives. The aim of this paper is to comprehensively enhance ethnic minority students' college English teaching qualities and the system of tests and assessments. The project based on relative theories and principals like language acquisition theory, humanism theory, constructivism theory, formative assessment, and summative assessment. According to the distinctiveness of ethnic minority college English teaching in science and technology, we are trying to construct the formative assessment system of ethnic minority college English teaching on the basis of multi-media network teaching mode. We comprehensively and systematically investigate and analyze the construction of the formative assessments' impact upon the cultivation of ethnic minority students' autonomous learning abilities, the impact upon language learning and teaching, the impact upon students' academic achievements, oral scores, and students' learning motivations. 展开更多
关键词 formative assessment ethnic minority students CONSTRUCTION
浅谈州市电视台如何提升民生新闻的质量 被引量:1
作者 罕茜 《学园》 2012年第17期199-199,F0003,共2页
近年来,媒体中的民生新闻铺天盖地。各地方电视台也纷纷推出了民生新闻节目,以其"平民的视角、百姓的立场评说生活事件,体现人文关怀"等特点受到了观众的喜爱。西双版纳电视台也于2006年开办了民生新闻节目《新闻赶摆场》。面对新形势... 近年来,媒体中的民生新闻铺天盖地。各地方电视台也纷纷推出了民生新闻节目,以其"平民的视角、百姓的立场评说生活事件,体现人文关怀"等特点受到了观众的喜爱。西双版纳电视台也于2006年开办了民生新闻节目《新闻赶摆场》。面对新形势,如何应对电视民生新闻在发展中遇到的困境,提升电视民生新闻的报道水平,这是电视新闻工作者的当务之急。笔者结合几年来的工作实践,在分析民生新闻目前的现状和面临的困难后,提出要用思想办节目,做有思想的民生新闻,多呈现"看门道"新闻、深度新闻和人文关怀新闻。 展开更多
关键词 电视民新闻 创新 提升 “大民生”新闻
作者 彭立宪 《才智》 2009年第29期148-148,共1页
关键词 “大民生” “小民生” 高度 电视民新闻
Root microbiota shift in rice correlates with resident time in the field and developmental stage 被引量:34
作者 Jingying Zhang Na Zhang +12 位作者 Yong-Xin Liu Xiaoning Zhang Bin Hu Yuan Qin Haoran Xu Hui Wang Xiaoxuan Guo Jingmei Qian Wei Wang Pengfan Zhang Tao Jin Chengcai Chu Yang Bai 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期613-621,共9页
Land plants in natural soil form intimate relationships with the diverse root bacterial microbiota. A growing body of evidence shows that these microbes are important for plant growth and health. Root microbiota compo... Land plants in natural soil form intimate relationships with the diverse root bacterial microbiota. A growing body of evidence shows that these microbes are important for plant growth and health. Root microbiota composition has been widely studied in several model plants and crops; however, little is known about how root microbiota vary throughout the plant's life cycle under field conditions. We performed longitudinal dense sampling in field trials to track the time-series shift of the root microbiota from two representative rice cultivars in two separate locations in China. We found that the rice root microbiota varied dramatically during the vegetative stages and stabilized from the beginning of the reproductive stage, after which the root microbiota underwent relatively minor changes until rice ripening. Notably, both rice genotype and geographical location influenced the patterns of root microbiota shift that occurred during plant growth. The relative abundance of Deltaproteobacteria in roots significantly increased overtime throughout the entire life cycle of rice, while that of Betaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Gammaproteobacteria decreased. By a machine learning approach, we identified biomarker taxa and established a model to correlate root microbiota with rice resident time in the field(e.g., Nitrospira accumulated from 5 weeks/tillering in field-grown rice). Our work provides insights into the process of rice root microbiota establishment. 展开更多
关键词 rice root microbiota time-series shift biomarker taxa residence time in the field developmental stages modeling machine learning
The New Spiritual Elements and Artistic Exploration of Chinese Buddhist Literature during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
作者 Tan Guilin 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第2期114-127,共14页
Modern Chinese Buddhist literature of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression is a unique literary phenomenon written in a unique era.Thematically,it combines the modern Buddhist consciousness of citizenship... Modern Chinese Buddhist literature of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression is a unique literary phenomenon written in a unique era.Thematically,it combines the modern Buddhist consciousness of citizenship and the traditional spirit of the Way of the Bodhisattva.In terms of individual life experience,it responds to the spirit of the times through the conscious and innovative use of Buddhist conceptions introduced in a modern manner;in terms of identifying a social role,its artistic practice consciously and actively answers the call of China’s wartime cultural strategy;and in terms of artistic production,it vigorously promotes modernization of expression and popular participation.These new elements and tendencies offer a perspective that cannot be overlooked if we are to gain an in-depth and comprehensive appreciation and evaluation of the role of wartime Buddhist literature in China’s national war of resistance. 展开更多
关键词 Buddhism the war of resistance against Japanese aggression citizenship consciousness life experience popular participation in writing vernacular style
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