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“大路口”交通信号的优化控制 被引量:9
作者 朱文兴 贾磊 杨立才 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期491-494,共4页
针对城市交通网络里传统的交通信号最小控制单元模型的不足,提出了“大路口”的概念,给出了“大路口”的几何模型和相位划分,在此基础上,建立了以整个“大路口”车辆平均延误最小为目标的优化模型,得到了目标函数及其约束条件,采取遗传... 针对城市交通网络里传统的交通信号最小控制单元模型的不足,提出了“大路口”的概念,给出了“大路口”的几何模型和相位划分,在此基础上,建立了以整个“大路口”车辆平均延误最小为目标的优化模型,得到了目标函数及其约束条件,采取遗传算法进行优化,获得了“大路口”各个相位的绿信比.计算机仿真表明,引入“大路口”比不引入“大路口”情况下支路方向交通流量基本维持不变,而主干路方向的交通流量有明显改善,且总的车辆平均延误明显减少. 展开更多
关键词 “大路口” 交通流 车辆平均延误 模糊推理 遗传算法
主干路交通信号控制仿真研究 被引量:9
作者 朱文兴 贾磊 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期3060-3064,共5页
传统的线控大多是以单个交叉路口或两个交叉路口作为最小的研究单元,采取某些控制算法来进行信号灯的实时控制。提出了“大路口”的概念,给出了“大路口”相位的划分,利用三个相邻路口之间的相关性,建立了以整个“大路口”车辆平均延误... 传统的线控大多是以单个交叉路口或两个交叉路口作为最小的研究单元,采取某些控制算法来进行信号灯的实时控制。提出了“大路口”的概念,给出了“大路口”相位的划分,利用三个相邻路口之间的相关性,建立了以整个“大路口”车辆平均延误最小为目标的优化模型,给出了目标函数及其约束条件,采取遗传算法进行优化,获得“大路口”各个相位的绿信比;利用高阶广义神经网络预测相邻两交叉路口之间的交通流状况,计算出相邻交叉路口之间的相位差和第二相位时间。通过计算机仿真研究,此算法有效地协调三个路口的信号灯,使“大路口”支路方向交通量基本维持不变,而主干路方向的交通量则有明显改善。 展开更多
关键词 “大路口” 绿波带 优化 遗传算法
Examination of Signalized Intersections According to Australian and HCM (Highway Capacity Manual) Methods Using Sidra Intersection Software
作者 Muhammet Mevlut Akmaz Osman Nuri Celik 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第2期246-259,共14页
Signalized intersections are widely used in today's cities where the traffic flows from various directions and the pedestrians have right to pass one by one. In this study, two of the intersections in Konya were inve... Signalized intersections are widely used in today's cities where the traffic flows from various directions and the pedestrians have right to pass one by one. In this study, two of the intersections in Konya were investigated, Kule and Nalgacl-Sille signalized intersections. The intersections are important in terms of urban traffic. New cycle times were proposed with the aim to minimize delays and to increase the capacities and level of services in these intersections. The intersections were examined using Sidra Intersection 5.1 software based on the Australian methods. Also, signalization calculations can be made according to the American HCM (Highway Capacity Manual) methods by using the same software. The intersection analyses were performed using both methods based on the current cycle times and optimum cycle times proposed by the methods. The obtained analytical results were compared and some solutions were suggested. After analysis, the obtained values using the Australian and American methods were observed to be close. Additionally, the decrease in the delays and the increase in the capacities at the intersections were generally observed as a result of the proposed cycle times. 展开更多
关键词 Delay capacity Sidra Intersection signalized intersection.
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