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释“委” 被引量:1
作者 徐山 《淮北煤炭师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第2期21-21,30,共2页
本文分析了“委”字的古文字形体,“委”字为会意字,其形体义为妇女背着禾物状。在综合考察了“委”的字形义、“委”一词在先秦典籍里的用法以及“委”的同源词情况以后,“委”一词完整的发生背景可重构为:妇女背着犤义素(1)犦枯萎的... 本文分析了“委”字的古文字形体,“委”字为会意字,其形体义为妇女背着禾物状。在综合考察了“委”的字形义、“委”一词在先秦典籍里的用法以及“委”的同源词情况以后,“委”一词完整的发生背景可重构为:妇女背着犤义素(1)犦枯萎的禾物犤义素(2)犦。《说文》:“委,随也”的解释,实为“委”的引申义用法。 展开更多
关键词 “委” 古文字 汉字形体 会意字 字形义 用法 古代汉语 引申义
作者 王倩楠 《今古文创》 2025年第2期126-128,共3页
考察谐声偏旁“委”及“委”声字的古音归部,发现“同谐声者必同部”是指在谐声造字意义上确定谐声造字最初的读音,它仅适用读音不变或音有变转之前的情况,并非古音归部的原理。古音归部还有其他的原则与方法,即韵脚字的归部是由押韵决... 考察谐声偏旁“委”及“委”声字的古音归部,发现“同谐声者必同部”是指在谐声造字意义上确定谐声造字最初的读音,它仅适用读音不变或音有变转之前的情况,并非古音归部的原理。古音归部还有其他的原则与方法,即韵脚字的归部是由押韵决定具体归入哪部;非韵脚字的归部是由古今语音对应规律进行上推确定归部;谐声系联有特定的使用条件,仅限中古属于同一韵部的情况。因此,妥善处理古音归部的问题,不仅应该准确理解“同谐声者必同部”理论,而且应该正确把握归部原则。 展开更多
关键词 “委” 押韵 归部依据 谐声 同韵系联
作者 陈伟 黄洪 《南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期44-50,共7页
社区管理体制改革,是"社会管理创新"的顶层制度设计在基层社区的具体实践。"社区制"认受性的提升促使社区由"国家管控单位"向"基层治理单元"的质性蜕变,在地方性社区实践的浪潮中涌现出了一批... 社区管理体制改革,是"社会管理创新"的顶层制度设计在基层社区的具体实践。"社区制"认受性的提升促使社区由"国家管控单位"向"基层治理单元"的质性蜕变,在地方性社区实践的浪潮中涌现出了一批极具示范意义的城市社区管理创新模式,使之成为社区研究领域中的前沿论题。本研究以"社区治理绩效"为理论分析工具,将其概念操作化为"社区组织结构"、"政府与社区的互动关系"、"社区居民的参与"三个理念子面向,通过目的抽样原则选取N市M社区首推的"委局站"社区管理架构作为华东城市社区实践的典型个案,旨在通过分析"部分"社区情境之下治理框架的运行机制及其治理效能,归纳典型模式在周边区域的适用性,形成由"部分"推论"整体"的"涟漪效益";同时尝试在"微型社会学"的视域下生成"以社区为基础的中层理论",并结合"微型社区研究"扎根地方性实证的实务特性,来共同实现应用社会学领域"学理性分析"与"实践性知识"亦步亦趋的学术"超越"。 展开更多
关键词 城市社区管理创新 社区治理绩效 “委居站”模式
作者 朱浩浩 石云里 《自然科学史研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期305-316,共12页
张永祚是清中期重要天文学家,在钦天监供职多年。文章在儒学、西学与天文学交叉视野下,从三个方面考察张氏的代表作——关于星占的《天象源委》:首先,论述了《天象源委》产生的背景,即明末到清中期欧洲与伊斯兰古典星占学、传统军国占... 张永祚是清中期重要天文学家,在钦天监供职多年。文章在儒学、西学与天文学交叉视野下,从三个方面考察张氏的代表作——关于星占的《天象源委》:首先,论述了《天象源委》产生的背景,即明末到清中期欧洲与伊斯兰古典星占学、传统军国占以及星命术在中国的发展,以及它们与儒学的关系;其次,讨论《天象源委》以欧洲与伊斯兰星占为主,以传统军国占中望气、审音、军占为辅的独特星占技术体系;最后,从儒学的角度考察张氏如何以星占为儒者格物穷理之学,并将其置于儒家经典如《易经》之上。文章还结合前人研究,就张氏天文学工作所展示的中国古代科学形态、他的这项工作与儒学的关系以及中西交流问题进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 张永祚 《天象源 儒学 西学 天文学
作者 周孟战 张永发 《河北广播电视大学学报》 2014年第5期58-61,共4页
"谙委"作为一个词,到初唐时才出现,但也仅是"昙花一现"。"谙委"在初唐已经使用,其产生的原因是"谙"和"委"作为谓词已经在使用。初唐前的"谙委"语义场24个成员在其历史发... "谙委"作为一个词,到初唐时才出现,但也仅是"昙花一现"。"谙委"在初唐已经使用,其产生的原因是"谙"和"委"作为谓词已经在使用。初唐前的"谙委"语义场24个成员在其历史发展演变过程中出现的时间不一,存在的时间长短也不一样。到南北朝时期,无论是用词的数量上,还是词例的数量上在初唐前都是最多的,这大概跟南北方文化的融合有关。 展开更多
关键词 演变 原因 语义场
“委遥二号”卫星长波红外通道在轨辐射定标 被引量:7
作者 刘莉 陈林 +3 位作者 徐寒列 胡秀清 张正慧 汪红强 《航天返回与遥感》 CSCD 2019年第3期94-102,共9页
“委遥二号”卫星作为中国整星出口委内瑞拉的第二颗遥感卫星,搭载了一台高分辨率相机和一台红外相机,红外相机提供60m像元分辨率的2个长波红外通道。文章针对长波红外通道,采用星上黑体定标方法获得内定标系数,以具有较高绝对辐射定标... “委遥二号”卫星作为中国整星出口委内瑞拉的第二颗遥感卫星,搭载了一台高分辨率相机和一台红外相机,红外相机提供60m像元分辨率的2个长波红外通道。文章针对长波红外通道,采用星上黑体定标方法获得内定标系数,以具有较高绝对辐射定标精度的日本气象卫星H8作为参考传感器进行交叉定标,获取相机长波红外通道内外定标转换系数,最后通过场地实测数据来进行验证。结果表明,通过星上定标和交叉定标相结合的方式获取的绝对定标系数与地面测量计算得到的绝对定标系数相比,入瞳处等效亮温误差在1.5K以内,满足热红外通道绝对定标要求和数据使用要求。 展开更多
关键词 长波红外 星上定标 交叉定标 “委遥二号”卫星
诘诎与委蛇:《诗经》联绵词考释一则 被引量:1
作者 崔璨 《中国文字研究》 2020年第2期143-147,共5页
关键词 蜎蜎 诗经 联绵词
作者 鲍晓婉 《圣经文学研究》 2023年第2期103-124,共22页
王韬因着“文化名人”“知识精英”“维新先驱”的身份从众多“隐身的译者”中脱颖而出。由于资料挖掘不够细致、相关研究未竟充分,王韬助译“委办本”的事迹被后人敷演、拔高。本文在精读中西资料的基础上,还原“委办本”细节史实,分... 王韬因着“文化名人”“知识精英”“维新先驱”的身份从众多“隐身的译者”中脱颖而出。由于资料挖掘不够细致、相关研究未竟充分,王韬助译“委办本”的事迹被后人敷演、拔高。本文在精读中西资料的基础上,还原“委办本”细节史实,分析王韬的语言能力、信仰状况、翻译态度,以及“西人口授一华人手追”翻译模式中赞助人对文本的操控,对勘“委办本”“神治文一克隆存译本”“四人小组译本”“马礼逊译本”节录经文,力图较为允当地评价王韬在“委办本”翻译中的实际作用。 展开更多
关键词 “委办本” 王韬 赞助人
作者 黄以琳 《邮电经济》 2004年第1期30-31,共2页
一、委制卡的定义 “委制卡”即委托电信公司制作的电话卡,由委托方全部买断,并付给电信公司制作费用和手续费用,该电话卡则由委托方所有,做为赠送和做人情的纪念之卡。委制卡具备所有电话卡的使用功能和使用价值,并且具有很大的... 一、委制卡的定义 “委制卡”即委托电信公司制作的电话卡,由委托方全部买断,并付给电信公司制作费用和手续费用,该电话卡则由委托方所有,做为赠送和做人情的纪念之卡。委制卡具备所有电话卡的使用功能和使用价值,并且具有很大的纪念意义和收藏价值。 展开更多
关键词 “委制卡” 电话卡 电信公司 人才
作者 张院利 《天中学刊》 2012年第6期102-104,共3页
关键词 出土文字 说文 形声 误断 “犀” “委”
Intraclonal Resource Sharing and Functional Specialization of Ramets in Response to Resource Heterogeneity in Three Stoloniferous Herbs 被引量:8
作者 于飞海 董鸣 张称意 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期468-473,共6页
Environments with reciprocal patchiness of resources, in which the availability of two resources such as light and soil nutrients are patchily distributed in horizontal space and negatively correlated in each patch, a... Environments with reciprocal patchiness of resources, in which the availability of two resources such as light and soil nutrients are patchily distributed in horizontal space and negatively correlated in each patch, are common in many ecosystems. The strategies by which clonal plants adapt to this type of heterogeneous environment were examined in three stoloniferous herbs,Potentilla reptans L. var. sericophylla Franch., P. anserina L. and Halerpestes ruthenica (Jacq.) Qvcz., commonly inhabiting forest understories, grasslands and low saline meadows, respectively. As pairs of connected ramets were subjected to reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients, stolon connection between the two ramets significantly enhanced biomass of both ramet growing in low light intensity but high soil nutrient condition (LH ramet) and ramet growing in high light intensity but low soil nutrient condition (HL ramet) as well as whole ramet pairs (consisting of LH ramets and HL ramets). Additionally, stolon connection greatly increased root/shoot ratio of LH ramet while significantly decreased that of HL ramet. The results indicate that a reciprocal transportation of resources between interconnected ramets and a functional specialization of ramets in uptake of abundant resources occurred. By resource sharing and functional specialization, clonal plants can efficiently acquire locally abundant resources and buffer the stress caused by reciprocal patchiness of resources. 展开更多
关键词 Halerpestes ruthenica Potentilla anserina P. reptans var. sericophylla functional specialization light intensity nutrient content reciprocal patchiness of resources resource sharing
Chemical Constituents from Potentilla multifida L. 被引量:2
作者 薛培凤 梁鸿 +1 位作者 王邠 赵玉英 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第2期86-88,共3页
Aim To investigate the chemical constituents from Potentilla multifida L..Methods Chromatographic technique was employed for the isolation and purification of theconstituents, and the structures were identified by spe... Aim To investigate the chemical constituents from Potentilla multifida L..Methods Chromatographic technique was employed for the isolation and purification of theconstituents, and the structures were identified by spectral evidence. Results Four compounds wereisolated involving ade-nosine (1), apigenin-6-C-arabinopyranosyl-8-C-glucopyranoside (2),apigenin-7-O-β-D-glucuronide (3) and luteolin-7-O-β-D-glucuronide (4). Conclusion The fourcompounds were obtained from the genus Potentilla for the first time. 展开更多
关键词 potentilla multifida chemical constituents
胶州湾北部软底大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的研究 被引量:17
作者 于子山 张志南 王诗红 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第z1期-,共7页
1995年3~11月对胶州湾北部软底海域进行了 两月一次的大型底栖动物调查。调查期间,大型底栖动物总平均丰度和总平均生物量分别为 1891.3 inds./m2和41.9 g.w.w/m2。与该海域有关大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的历史 资料相比较,本研究所... 1995年3~11月对胶州湾北部软底海域进行了 两月一次的大型底栖动物调查。调查期间,大型底栖动物总平均丰度和总平均生物量分别为 1891.3 inds./m2和41.9 g.w.w/m2。与该海域有关大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的历史 资料相比较,本研究所得到的大型底栖动物丰度值显著增加,生物量值则有较明显的下降, 初步分析了发生这些变化主要原因。丰度和生物量比较曲线表明,所研究海域底栖生物群落 处于中等干扰(即污染的影响 )状态。 展开更多
关键词 胶州湾 大型底栖动物 丰度 生物量
Incentive mechanism analysis of information security outsourcing based on principal-agent model 被引量:1
作者 熊强 仲伟俊 梅姝娥 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第1期113-117,共5页
In order to solve principal-agent problems caused by interest inconformity and information asymmetry during information security outsourcing, it is necessary to design a reasonable incentive mechanism to promote clien... In order to solve principal-agent problems caused by interest inconformity and information asymmetry during information security outsourcing, it is necessary to design a reasonable incentive mechanism to promote client enterprises to complete outsourcing service actively. The incentive mechanism model of information security outsourcing is designed based on the principal-agent theory. Through analyzing the factors such as enterprise information assets value, invasion probability, information security environment, the agent cost coefficient and agency risk preference degree how to impact on the incentive mechanism, conclusions show that an enterprise information assets value and invasion probability have a positive influence on the fixed fee and the compensation coefficient; while information security environment, the agent cost coefficient and agency risk preference degree have a negative influence on the compensation coefficient. Therefore, the principal enterprises should reasonably design the fixed fee and the compensation coefficient to encourage information security outsourcing agency enterprises to the full extent. 展开更多
关键词 principal agent information security outsourcing incentive mechanism
Transmission Electron Microscopy Observation of Different Callus Structures in Heiya No.14 被引量:1
作者 王克臣 冷超 +1 位作者 黄文功 李明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期125-127,共3页
[ Objective] The aim was to observe the ultrastructure of different callus structures in Heiya No. 14 by transmission electron microscopy. [Methods] Sample preparation and observation were both carried out by conventi... [ Objective] The aim was to observe the ultrastructure of different callus structures in Heiya No. 14 by transmission electron microscopy. [Methods] Sample preparation and observation were both carried out by conventional transmission electron microscopy. [ Results] It was showed by transmission electron microscopy that the initial callus cells had a large central vacuole, which squeezed its cytoplasm to be a thin layer around the brim of cell, Meanwhile the nuclear was also squeezed to distribute in the corner of cell, but its nucleolus could be still observed; Compared embryogenic callus with initial callus, its cell wall became thick, and many starch grains and chloroplasts including starch grains could be observed in the cytoplasm area of cell membrane; In non-embryoenic callus, no organelles except for the vacuole could be observed; In browning callus, there was almost no organelles in cells. [ Conclusion] There are significant differences in different types of flax callus at the cell ultrastructure level, which can be as an index for reflecting the differentiation ability of callus cell. 展开更多
作者 朱腾蛟 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2019年第5期102-111,共10页
“嘎琵琶”[albicbac](即“琵琶歌”)是流行于南部侗族地区的歌唱形式。南部侗族不同地区的“嘎琵琶”在旋律音调、歌唱风格、伴奏乐器以及对歌形式等方面存在一定差异,形成了嘎琵琶的多种类型。车江“嘎琵琶”中大量使用同音重复结合... “嘎琵琶”[albicbac](即“琵琶歌”)是流行于南部侗族地区的歌唱形式。南部侗族不同地区的“嘎琵琶”在旋律音调、歌唱风格、伴奏乐器以及对歌形式等方面存在一定差异,形成了嘎琵琶的多种类型。车江“嘎琵琶”中大量使用同音重复结合连续的阻声式润腔的拖腔处理方式,使得旋律的节奏律动感增强。假声发声方法与阻声式润腔的运用构成了车江“嘎琵琶”的地方性歌唱形态风格。车江“嘎琵琶”作为以情歌为主体内容的侗族歌唱形式,被运用于各类歌俗与民俗活动之中,主要在“委伴”“为也”“守旧岁”以及婚礼等民俗活动中演唱。 展开更多
关键词 侗族 车江嘎琵琶 “委伴” 假声 歌唱风格 对歌场域
作者 张伟兵 周波 《自然科学史研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期435-446,共12页
1957年在国务院科学规划委员会的指导下,中国科学院、水利部、电力部和交通部达成协议,决定将中国科学院水工研究室和水利部北京水利科学研究院合并,成立由中国科学院和水利部共同领导的水利科学研究机构。国务院的介入和4个部级机构的... 1957年在国务院科学规划委员会的指导下,中国科学院、水利部、电力部和交通部达成协议,决定将中国科学院水工研究室和水利部北京水利科学研究院合并,成立由中国科学院和水利部共同领导的水利科学研究机构。国务院的介入和4个部级机构的共同决策,注定此次合并事件非同寻常,在新中国水利科技发展史上有着重要地位和意义。依据档案、人物传记、报刊、史志资料等,本文对此次合并的缘由、过程、结果,以及国务院科学规划委员会在合并中的作用进行了论述。文章指出,此次合并是国家主导下的一次对全国水利科研力量布局的优化和调整,也是中华人民共和国成立初期为建立高效的水利科研体系而进行的一次积极探索。新机构的成立不仅体现了国家倡导的在科学研究领域增产节约的精神,而且使高级水利研究人才布局进一步优化,确立了新机构在全国水利科学研究中的中心地位,为顺利完成十二年科技规划的水利工作奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 中国科学院水工研究室 水利部北京水利科学研究院 国务院科学规划员会 科研机构 合并
作者 杨建国 《产业创新研究》 2018年第2期27-31,共5页
"一带一路"是中国特色社会主义新时代进一步深化开放的重大战略部署。浙江省现阶段处于工业化中后期,而"一带一路"沿线国家处于不同的工业化阶段,形成了不同的优势产业类型,浙江与"一带一路"沿线国家贸... "一带一路"是中国特色社会主义新时代进一步深化开放的重大战略部署。浙江省现阶段处于工业化中后期,而"一带一路"沿线国家处于不同的工业化阶段,形成了不同的优势产业类型,浙江与"一带一路"沿线国家贸易潜力巨大。本文选取越南、印度尼西亚、泰国、沙特阿拉伯、伊朗、南非6个国家作为分析样本,采集杭州海关与上述国家进出口数据,进行产业内贸易指数计算,并对机电、纺织、化工三大重点行业国际贸易情况进行分析,最后对浙江与"一带一路"沿线国家外贸发展提出建议。总体发展思路是,针对"一带一路"沿线国家不同的产业梯度及其与浙江省产业不同的竞争状态,对于产业内贸易指数高的行业,应着重产品差别化,对产业内贸易指数较低、互补性强的行业,则应着眼于利用"一带一路"带来的战略机遇,大力拓展新兴国家市场。 展开更多
关键词 “一带一路” 产业内贸易 差异化
Comparative study on CO_2 emissions from different types of alpine meadows during grass exuberance period 被引量:9
作者 HUQiwu CAOGuangmin +2 位作者 WUQin LIDong WANGYuesi 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期167-176,共10页
Potentilla fruticosascrub, Kobresia humilismeadow and Kobresia tibeticameadow are widely distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. During the grass exuberance period from 3 July to 4 September, based on close chamber-... Potentilla fruticosascrub, Kobresia humilismeadow and Kobresia tibeticameadow are widely distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. During the grass exuberance period from 3 July to 4 September, based on close chamber-GC method, a study on CO 2 emissions from different treatments was conducted in these meadows at Haibei research station, CAS. Results indicated that mean CO 2 emission rates from various treatments were 672.09±152.37 mgm -2 h -1 for FC (grass treatment); 425.41±191.99 mgm -2 h -1 for FJ (grass exclusion treatment); 280.36±174.83 mgm -2 h -1 for FL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); 838.95±237.02 mgm -2 h -1 for GG (scrub+grass treatment); 528.48±205.67 mgm -2 h -1 for GC (grass treatment); 268.97±99.72 mgm -2 h -1 for GL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); and 659.20±94.83 mgm -2 h -1 for LC (grass treatment), respectively (FC, FJ, FL, GG, GC, GL, LC were the Chinese abbreviation for various treatments). Furthermore, Kobresia humilismeadow, Potentilla fruticosascrub meadow and Kobresia tibeticameadow differed greatly in average CO 2 emission rate of soil-plant system, in the order of GG>FC>LC>GC. Moreover, in Kobresia humilismeadow, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 42% and 58% of the total respiration of soil-plant system respectively, whereas, in Potentilla fruticosascrub meadow, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 32% and 68% of total system respiration from GG; 49% and 51% from GC. In addition, root respiration from Kobresia humilismeadow approximated 145 mgCO 2 m -2 h -1 , contributed 34% to soil respiration. During the experiment period, Kobresia humilismeadow and Potentilla fruticosascrub meadow had a net carbon fixation of 111.11 gm -2 and 243.89 gm -2 , respectively. Results also showed that soil temperature was the main factor which influenced CO 2 emission from alpine meadow ecosystem, significant correlations were found between soil temperature at 5 cm depth and CO 2 emission from GG, GC, FC and FJ treatments. In addition, soil moisture may be the inhibitory factor of CO 2 emission from Kobresia tibeticameadow, and more detailed analyses should be done in further research. 展开更多
关键词 CO_2 alpine meadow grass exuberance period soil respiration TREATMENT
Traditional Chinese surgical treatment for anal fistulae with secondary tracks and abscess 被引量:9
作者 Chen Wang Jin-Gen Lu +3 位作者 Yong-Qing Cao Yi-Bo Yao Xiu-Tian Guo Hao-Qiang Yin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第40期5702-5708,共7页
AIM:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese surgical treatment for anal fistulae with secondary tracks and abscess.METHODS:Sixty patients with intersphincteric or transsphincteric anal fistulas with... AIM:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese surgical treatment for anal fistulae with secondary tracks and abscess.METHODS:Sixty patients with intersphincteric or transsphincteric anal fistulas with secondary tracks and abscess were randomly divided into study group [suture dragging combined with pad compression(SDPC)] and control group [fistulotomy(FSLT)].In the SDPC group,the internal opening was excised and incisions at external openings were made for drainage.Silk sutures were put through every two incisions and knotted in loose state.The suture dragging process started from the first day after surgery and the pad compression process started when all sutures were removed as wound tissue became fresh and without discharge.In the FSLT group,the internal opening and all tracts were laid open and cleaned by normal saline postoperatively till all wounds healed.The time of healing,postoperative pain score(visual analogue scale),recurrence rate,patient satisfaction,incontinence evaluation and anorectal manometry before and after the treatment were examined.RESULTS:There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding age,gender and fistulae type.The time of healing was significantly shorter(24.33 d in SDPC vs 31.57 d in FSLT,P < 0.01) and the patient satisfaction score at 1 mo postoperative followup was significantly higher in the SDPC group(4.07 in SDPC vs 3.37 in FSLT,P < 0.05).The mean maximal postoperative pain scores were 5.83 ± 2.5 in SDPC vs 6.37 ± 2.33 in FSLT and the recurrence rates were 3.33 in SDPC vs 0 in FSLT.None of the patients in the two groups experienced liquid and solid fecal incontinence and lifestyle alteration postoperatively.The Wexner score after treatment of intersphincter fistulae were 0.17 ± 0.41 in SDPC vs 0.40 ± 0.89 in FSLT and transsphincter fistulae were 0.13 ± 0.45 in SDPC vs 0.56 ± 1.35 in FSLT.The maximal squeeze pressure and resting pressure declined after treatment in both groups.The maximal anal squeeze pressures after treatment were reduced(23.17 ± 3.73 Kpa in SDPC vs 22.74 ± 4.47 Kpa in FSLT) and so did the resting pressures(12.36 ± 2.15 Kpa in SDPC vs 11.71 ± 1.87 Kpa in FSLT),but there were neither significant differences between the two groups and nor significant differences before or after treatment.CONCLUSION:Traditional Chinese surgical treatment SDPC for anal fistulae with secondary tracks and abscess is safe,effective and less invasive. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese surgical treatment Su- ture dragging Pad compression Anal fistulae Second-ary tracks and abscess
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