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“悟”与“娱”:玄学文艺功能观初论 被引量:2
作者 杨合林 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期91-98,共8页
“悟”与“娱”是玄学文艺功能观的两个重要方面。玄学文艺功能观是玄学思想和方法的产物 ,它与儒家之注重文艺的政教实用性不同 ,倡导的是文艺的审美超越性 ,其对魏晋及后世的文艺批评和创作有着深刻的影响。
关键词 “悟” “娱” 玄学 文艺功能 审美 “自悟悟人” “自人”
作者 徐亚宏 《文理导航》 2020年第2期87-88,共2页
“电工基础”是中等职业学校电类、机电类专业的必修基础性课程,其重要性不言而喻。该门功课的知识点既抽象又难以理解,学生在学习时往往提不起兴趣,容易失去学习的动力,导致成绩很不理想。因此,本文着重探讨如何让学生在学习时能从“... “电工基础”是中等职业学校电类、机电类专业的必修基础性课程,其重要性不言而喻。该门功课的知识点既抽象又难以理解,学生在学习时往往提不起兴趣,容易失去学习的动力,导致成绩很不理想。因此,本文着重探讨如何让学生在学习时能从“娱”中取“渔”,在快乐的氛围中获取理论知识,为实践打下坚实的理论基础,从而不断提高教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 中职学校 电工基础 “娱”与“渔” 教学效果
现代启蒙精神的式微与大众娱乐理念的狂欢——论新世纪的第五代导演 被引量:1
作者 贾冀川 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期148-153,共6页
现代启蒙精神是中国现代知识分子之魂,第五代导演在八十年代登上历史舞台的时候,用特有的影像和镜头传递了这一精神。但是到了新世纪,在第五代导演那里,个性意识丧失、批判意识疏离、人道主义精神迷失,与此相对应的是票房为王、游戏性和... 现代启蒙精神是中国现代知识分子之魂,第五代导演在八十年代登上历史舞台的时候,用特有的影像和镜头传递了这一精神。但是到了新世纪,在第五代导演那里,个性意识丧失、批判意识疏离、人道主义精神迷失,与此相对应的是票房为王、游戏性和纵"娱"主义的追求。在第五代导演的引领下,中国电影中历史和现实的真实正变得越来越遥远。 展开更多
关键词 现代启蒙精神 游戏性 “娱”主义
新闻专业主义与传媒消费主义之张力分析——从市场化媒体的“娱讯”现象谈起 被引量:20
作者 吴洪霞 葛丰 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期176-179,共4页
新闻专业主义是一种论述新闻实践和新闻体制的话语 ,又是一种意识形态和社会控制模式。在当前 ,新闻专业主义和传媒消费主义成了一对富有张力的话语。而传媒消费主义的直接表现就是所谓“娱讯”(infotainment)现象的泛滥。本文试图从新... 新闻专业主义是一种论述新闻实践和新闻体制的话语 ,又是一种意识形态和社会控制模式。在当前 ,新闻专业主义和传媒消费主义成了一对富有张力的话语。而传媒消费主义的直接表现就是所谓“娱讯”(infotainment)现象的泛滥。本文试图从新闻专业主义的角度来分析市场化媒体 (主要是以美国为代表的西方市场化传媒 )的“娱讯”现象 ,以探讨新闻专业主义与传媒消费主义的关系。研究表明 ,新闻专业主义话语实践 ,通过新闻实践活动而再生 ,而媒介消费主义话语在具体的语境中与前者对峙、抗争、纠缠、渗透 ,形成彼此消长的过程 。 展开更多
关键词 新闻专业主义 传媒消费主义 “娱讯”现象 新闻实践活动 市场化媒体
高职英语听力课堂中“娱导式”教学模式实证研究 被引量:1
作者 周红霞 郭颂 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第8期108-110,共3页
"娱导式"教学模式指采用带有娱乐性的教学手段来促进教学过程并达到教学目的的教学模式。目前我国高职院校的英语听力教学问题已引起广泛关注。"娱导式"教学模式对于活跃高职英语听力课堂、提高听力效果起着非常重... "娱导式"教学模式指采用带有娱乐性的教学手段来促进教学过程并达到教学目的的教学模式。目前我国高职院校的英语听力教学问题已引起广泛关注。"娱导式"教学模式对于活跃高职英语听力课堂、提高听力效果起着非常重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 “娱导式” 教学模式 高职英语 听力教学
作者 韩洪波 崔常俊 《青岛大学师范学院学报》 2012年第2期76-82,共7页
宋元小说家话本的"娱心"功能借助故作惊人之笔,使砌、韵文的插入等手段得以呈现;"劝惩"功能则表现在提倡忠孝信义,宣扬善恶有报以及佛道二教的出家修行思想,甚至超越了封建伦理的范围,对宋元时代官府昏庸、吏治腐... 宋元小说家话本的"娱心"功能借助故作惊人之笔,使砌、韵文的插入等手段得以呈现;"劝惩"功能则表现在提倡忠孝信义,宣扬善恶有报以及佛道二教的出家修行思想,甚至超越了封建伦理的范围,对宋元时代官府昏庸、吏治腐败进行了大胆批判,充分肯定了男女青年对爱情的追求和对封建礼教的反抗,反映了宋元时期新兴市民阶层的思想动向。 展开更多
关键词 宋元时期 小说家话本 “娱心” “劝惩” 文体
基于“娱教”思想下的语文教学实践初探 被引量:1
作者 王芳 《小学教学参考》 2021年第6期1-2,共2页
语文教学必须面向全体学生,让学生获得基本的语文素养。为了更好地满足当前的教育发展要求,教师在课堂教学中必须及时更新自身的教学观念,不断创新和完善课堂教学模式,明确和尊重学生的主体地位,通过更加趣味化的教学模式来激发学生的... 语文教学必须面向全体学生,让学生获得基本的语文素养。为了更好地满足当前的教育发展要求,教师在课堂教学中必须及时更新自身的教学观念,不断创新和完善课堂教学模式,明确和尊重学生的主体地位,通过更加趣味化的教学模式来激发学生的学习兴趣。而基于“娱教”思想下的小学语文教学,渗透了教育游戏、影视资源、实践活动、小组合作等各种趣味化的教学方法,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,提升语文教学的质量。 展开更多
关键词 语文教学 “娱教”思想 教育游戏 影视资源 实践活动 小组合作
作者 俞中良 刘子花 《学周刊》 2021年第25期155-156,共2页
随着新时期课程改革的推进,“娱教”思想为小学低年级阶段的语文教学提供了新的思路,为学生语文学习兴趣的提升发挥了导引作用。随着时代的发展,越来越多低龄段的学生逐渐展现出愈发强烈的个性发展需求,僵化死板的课堂教学可能会引起这... 随着新时期课程改革的推进,“娱教”思想为小学低年级阶段的语文教学提供了新的思路,为学生语文学习兴趣的提升发挥了导引作用。随着时代的发展,越来越多低龄段的学生逐渐展现出愈发强烈的个性发展需求,僵化死板的课堂教学可能会引起这部分学生的排斥。因此,小学语文教师应高度重视对“娱教”思想的深入挖掘与剖析,以近乎娱乐的方式为学生营造轻松愉快的课堂教学氛围,寓教于乐,从而提高课堂教学效率。 展开更多
关键词 “娱教”思想 小学语文 课堂教学
作者 徐艳珍 《小学生作文辅导(语文园地)》 2020年第11期78-78,共1页
所谓“娱教”就是娱乐教育,即利用各种影视资源、活动、游戏,丰富学生的学习教育。要想学生的语文学习提高,教师在学生的语文教学中就要合理引入“娱教”,发挥娱教的主观能动性。学生在教师开展的娱乐活动中体验语文的风采,是学生语文... 所谓“娱教”就是娱乐教育,即利用各种影视资源、活动、游戏,丰富学生的学习教育。要想学生的语文学习提高,教师在学生的语文教学中就要合理引入“娱教”,发挥娱教的主观能动性。学生在教师开展的娱乐活动中体验语文的风采,是学生语文能力提升的关键。教师在教学中应该多开展“娱教”,提高学生的实践能力。同时,教师要把握“娱教”的度,不能对学生进行过度“娱教”,以免学生放飞自我。 展开更多
关键词 “娱教”思想 小学语文 实践 探索
《北京电子》 2003年第11期17-17,共1页
关键词 “娱音在线” 移动语音聊天 通信业务 手机
凸显厚度 追逐品牌——深化地市级广电节目影响力为中国梦鼓与呼的思考 被引量:1
作者 贾蒙国 王志强 刘波 《视听》 2013年第9期3-6,共4页
主题宣传无疑是地市级广电台节目中的重头戏,责任重大、使命光荣,它是媒体竞逐的焦点和大比拼,更是凸显用思想打造有责任厚重节目的舞台。"大题材拼不过中央台,重要题材比不上省级台,地方题材亦不能小视县级台"是地市级广电... 主题宣传无疑是地市级广电台节目中的重头戏,责任重大、使命光荣,它是媒体竞逐的焦点和大比拼,更是凸显用思想打造有责任厚重节目的舞台。"大题材拼不过中央台,重要题材比不上省级台,地方题材亦不能小视县级台"是地市级广电台面临的困境与瓶颈。要用思想打造有责任的厚重节目,格外注重节目的改造升级,使得内容关注民情,主题体恤民心,内涵丰厚生动,鲜活展示出百姓所思所想。力求"老调"凸"新曲","老面孔"常"变脸",应是我们孜孜不倦所追求的。 展开更多
关键词 提升“硬”节目品位 力促“娱”节目升位 改变“软”节目地位
An Evaluation of STD/AIDS Health Education among Female Sex Workers in Entertainment Establishments in Jingjiang City
作者 杜亚平 钱卫娟 周章林 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2004年第2期81-85,i002,共6页
Objective: To explore effective ways of conducting STD/AIDS health education among female commercial sex workers in entertainment establishments and to promote implementation of an 100% condom use programme. Methods: ... Objective: To explore effective ways of conducting STD/AIDS health education among female commercial sex workers in entertainment establishments and to promote implementation of an 100% condom use programme. Methods: In-depth interviews were carried out to collect qualitative information about demographic characteristics, STD/AIDS knowledge, attitude and risk behaviors of female sex workers. Female sex workers were selected by sampling and were given baseline survey and assessment after intervention. Based on the results of the interviews, a questionnaire was developed, and intervention measures were determined. These measures included face-to-face interviewing, counseling, and distribution of STD/AIDS information and condoms. Results: 196 and 182 female sex workers of the same population were interviewed separately before and after intervention. STDs/AIDS knowledge had significantly increased after one year's intervention (P <0.01). Knowledge increased in both the intervention group and the non-intervention group but the increase was more significant among sex workers who received the intervention. Risk behaviors remained at baseline levels in both groups. Conclusion: STD/AIDS health education among female sex workers in entertainment establishments was effective and may benefit society, but the strategies need to be adjusted to the female sex workers' lifestyles, particularly their high rates of mobility and high-risk behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 female sex workers in entertainment establishments STD/AIDS health education behavioral intervention
论前沿教育理论对儿童学习软件设计的指导意义 被引量:2
作者 刘惠茹 《教育信息化》 CSSCI 2006年第24期55-57,共3页
关键词 “娱教”技术理论 多元智能理论 统觉理论
作者 LILi-mei TAOWei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第4期370-377,共8页
The growing attention on urban tourism was very widespread. There are two angles to study urban tourism: supply-side and demand-side. And the supply-side of the tourism remains very important. The RBD (Recreation Busi... The growing attention on urban tourism was very widespread. There are two angles to study urban tourism: supply-side and demand-side. And the supply-side of the tourism remains very important. The RBD (Recreation Business District) is a useful framework to understand the components of urban tourism and how they fit together. The paper begins with a review on the RBD and the spatial structure of tourism in urban areas and then attempts to develop a more general understanding of the spatial structure evolution of RBDs in a tourist-historic city-Suzhou. The spatial structures and functions of the RBDs in Suzhou are examined, based on field observations, interviews with city officials and industry leaders, and a review of available documents. The urban tourism of Suzhou has developed in a range of contexts, that various types of RBDs have emerged as a result of different urban development strategies. The spatial structure has evolved from the past "Single-cored Structure" to "Double-cored Structure" at present, and then to "Chain Structure" in the future. The spatial form and evolution of RBD in Suzhou are closely relative with its urban spatial expansion. Urban area dispersal is the prerequisite of the emergence of the RBD. Planning and constructing the RBD becomes a new impetus to urban growth or renewal. Finally, a number of strategies for planning and developing the RBD in Suzhou are suggested. The different RBDs should adopt different strategies. Intensification can be the possible strategy for the RBDs in the ancient city. Accreting with the urban theme park or engrafting on the Jinji Lake is suggested respectively for the RBD in the Suzhou New District and the Suzhou Industrial Park. 展开更多
关键词 SUZHOU recreation business district (RBD) spatial structure EVOLUTION
Recreational value of glacier tourism resources:A travel cost analysis for Yulong Snow Mountain 被引量:8
作者 YUAN Ling-ling WANG Shi-jin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第7期1446-1459,共14页
Glaciers, with their unique and spectacular appearances and rich and varied terrain, have received widespread attention and become important tourist attractions. This paper uses the travel cost method to estimate the ... Glaciers, with their unique and spectacular appearances and rich and varied terrain, have received widespread attention and become important tourist attractions. This paper uses the travel cost method to estimate the recreational value of the glacier tourism resources of Yulong Snow Mountain(also called Jade Dragon Snow Mountain), which is the most developed glacier tourist attraction in China. First-hand information was obtained through field surveys, and the travel costs of visitors visiting the Yulong Snow Mountain glacier were calculated before the method was applied to evaluate the recreational value of the focal glacier resource. The results show that the Yulong Snow Mountain consumer surplus associated with its glacier resources in 2016 ranged from 645.59-3439.10 million CNY, and the total recreational value ranged from 1.97-8.17 billion CNY. Approaches allocating travel costs across multiple recreational sites, however, can vary, and there is large difference in estimated results depending on used approaches. Nevertheless, the results of the analysis can help understand the socio-economic value of glacier resources and provide a reference for their development and protection. 展开更多
关键词 GLACIER Recreational value Travel cost method Yulong Snow Mountain
Rural Landscape Types and Recreational Value Spatial Analysis of Valley Area of Loess Plateau:A Case of Hulu Watershed,Gansu Prov-ince,China 被引量:2
作者 DONG Suocheng CHENG Hao +3 位作者 LI Yu LI Fujia WANG Zhe CHEN Feng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期286-297,共12页
Rural landscape is a complex of natural landscape and human landscape, with various values. The recreational value of rural landscape is a kind of comprehensive benefit with economic, social and ecological, which is p... Rural landscape is a complex of natural landscape and human landscape, with various values. The recreational value of rural landscape is a kind of comprehensive benefit with economic, social and ecological, which is provided by the rural landscape as a recrea- tional resource. Loess Plateau is located at the junction of northern and northwestern of China, with serious water and soil erosion and fragile ecological environment. Jingning County is the national poor county, belonging to Liupanshan concentrated poverty areas. Hulu Watershed in Jingning is the typical valley area of Loess Plateau. In the past few decades, Jingning facing the fragile ecology and pov- erty, has been focusing on apple industry, forming unique rural landscape, exploring an ecological development path, and making much progress in green industrialization and urbanization. The author, according to the apple tree's growing stages, divided the rural landscape of Hulu Watershed into 15 types and analyzed its spatial patterns. The recreational value of Hulu Watershed was evaluated at 1.8 x 108-3.6 ~ 108 yuan (RMB) in 2014, by Travel Cost Method and Contingent Valuation Method. The territorial differentiational features of recreational value were that the higher value landscape types concentrated in the surrounding areas of towns and central vil- lages, and the areas along the traffic and river had more development potentiality. The main influence factors were the construction of rural landscape and the development of recreation industry. And the development paths of different landscape types were also proposed. The research conclusions can provide reference for the landscape exploration and recreation industry development in the similar underdeveloped areas in the valley area of Loess Plateau with fragile ecology and poverty. 展开更多
关键词 rural landscape recreational value Hulu Watershed Jingning County Loess Plateau
Discursive Constraints of Teasing:Constructing Professionality via Teasing in Chinese Entertainment Interviews 被引量:3
作者 Lili GONG Yongping Ran 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2020年第1期64-82,127,共20页
Teasing can be approached as a linguistic resource for examining the interpersonal issues of im/politeness and face,or as a discursive strategy for displaying relationships or constructing social identities.However,st... Teasing can be approached as a linguistic resource for examining the interpersonal issues of im/politeness and face,or as a discursive strategy for displaying relationships or constructing social identities.However,studies have underestimated the discursive constraints of teasing in specific contexts.Meanwhile,a majority of teasing studies were based on Western cultures and did not pay sufficient attention to the variety of teasing across cultures.By collecting data from two Chinese entertainment interviews,where the interviewer employs teasing frequently for performing institutional roles,this study examined how teasing functions to assist the interviewer to complete communicative goals,and explored the discursive constraints of teasing in media context.Data analysis exemplified how teasing helped the interviewer to manage an interview event,obtain the guest’s disclosure and seek audience involvement,helping to construct the interviewer’s professionality.Implications for understanding the discursive features of teasing in the Chinese media context were addressed. 展开更多
关键词 TEASING discursive constraints professionality Chinese entertainment interviews
意识流的时空建构与超越--谈刘以鬯的短篇小说《对倒》 被引量:1
作者 张菁 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2020年第11期13-19,94,共8页
短篇小说《对倒》是刘以鬯一部重要的意识流作品。刘以鬯使用视角交替、对比、意识流等创作手法,由表及里地设置了文本形式与内容、人物外在特征与内在思维的两重对照。“对倒”不仅体现为小说形式,更暗含着丰富的隐喻意义。通过意识流... 短篇小说《对倒》是刘以鬯一部重要的意识流作品。刘以鬯使用视角交替、对比、意识流等创作手法,由表及里地设置了文本形式与内容、人物外在特征与内在思维的两重对照。“对倒”不仅体现为小说形式,更暗含着丰富的隐喻意义。通过意识流的时空建构,刘以鬯既揭示了人物隐秘的内心世界,又展现了人在时间面前的被动性、主动性和对时空的超越性。而在意识流等现代创作手法之外,刘以鬯在小说中还充分发扬了现实主义的批判传统,在“娱己”的同时,也向广大读者提供了新的阅读体验和思考路径。 展开更多
关键词 刘以鬯 《对倒》 意识流 时间观 “娱己”小说
作者 LIWen-ling YANXiao-pei WANGFang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第4期364-369,共6页
On the basis of analyzing the history and characteristics of the undergroundspace exploitation and the urban space development in Guangzhou, and making a thorough study on theunderground space exploitation based on th... On the basis of analyzing the history and characteristics of the undergroundspace exploitation and the urban space development in Guangzhou, and making a thorough study on theunderground space exploitation based on the subway building, this paper points out some mam problemsin the exploitation of underground space in Guangzhou, and emphasizes that Guangzhou must developthe underground space on a large scale with the aid of the subway building, and puts forward aproposal on the urban space coordinate development between on-ground and underground in GuangzhouCity. 展开更多
关键词 metro rail transit (MRT) underground space Guangzhou city
Proactive Content Delivery for Vehicles over Cellular Networks:the Fundamental Benefits of Computing and Caching 被引量:5
作者 Jiping Jiao Xuemin Hong Jianghong Shi 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第7期88-97,共10页
The emergence of self-driving technologies implies that a future vehicle will likely become an entertainment center that demands personalized multimedia contents with very high quality. The surge of vehicular content ... The emergence of self-driving technologies implies that a future vehicle will likely become an entertainment center that demands personalized multimedia contents with very high quality. The surge of vehicular content demand brings significant challenges for the fifth generation(5G) cellular communication network. To cope with the challenge of massive content delivery, previous studies suggested that the 5G mobile edge network should be designed to integrate communication, computing, and cache(3C) resources to enable advanced functionalities such as proactive content delivery and in-network caching. However, the fundamental benefits achievable by computing and caching in mobile communications networks are not yet properly understood. This paper proposes a novel theoretical framework to characterize the tradeoff among computing, cache, and communication resources required by the mobile edge network to fulfill the task of content delivery. Analytical and numerical results are obtained to characterize the 3C resource tradeoff curve. These results reveal key insights into the fundamental benefits of computing and caching in vehicular mobile content delivery networks. 展开更多
关键词 content delivery mobile edge network vehicular network
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