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作者 杨其其 《职业时空》 2009年第6期74-75,共2页
学生社区简称"学区",是在我国高等教育管理体制改革的进程中形成的。学区的出现产生了一种新的高校学生教育管理模式——"学区化"管理。"学区化"管理实施的必然性要分别从我国高等教育改革与发展的四个... 学生社区简称"学区",是在我国高等教育管理体制改革的进程中形成的。学区的出现产生了一种新的高校学生教育管理模式——"学区化"管理。"学区化"管理实施的必然性要分别从我国高等教育改革与发展的四个方面的要求入手分析:即高等教育"大众化"趋势,高校后勤社会化改革的推进,新的教育管理制度的实施和未来高素质社会居民的培养目标。 展开更多
关键词 “学区” “学化”管理 必然性
“学区房”溢价持续扩大的原因与对策研究——来自北京市的经验分析 被引量:9
作者 陈舜 陈建伟 《西部论坛》 北大核心 2015年第5期28-36,共9页
在当前义务教育资源供给趋向公平、地区及学校间教育差距有所缩小的背景下,我国"学区房"溢价却呈愈演愈烈之势,引起了社会的广泛关注。以北京市义务教育资源分布最具代表性的区县为例,在考察"学区房"溢价水平变化... 在当前义务教育资源供给趋向公平、地区及学校间教育差距有所缩小的背景下,我国"学区房"溢价却呈愈演愈烈之势,引起了社会的广泛关注。以北京市义务教育资源分布最具代表性的区县为例,在考察"学区房"溢价水平变化趋势的基础上,将义务教育资源竞争程度、家庭财富不平等程度和经济增长等作为内生变量,构建联立方程进行经验检验,结果表明:家庭财富不平等程度和义务教育资源竞争程度对"学区房"溢价水平变化的回归系数显著为正,且前者的相关性要显著高于后者,家庭财富不平等的加剧是近年来我国"学区房"溢价水平扩大的主要原因。因此,治理"学区房"问题不仅要均衡区域间义务教育资源的供给,更要有效遏制家庭财富不平等的加剧。 展开更多
关键词 “学房”溢价 家庭财富不平等 教育资源竞争 教育资源供给 教育需求 需求者异质性偏好 公共服务均等化 义务教育均衡
从行政管理到多元治理:中国学区制的百年变革 被引量:11
作者 程艳霞 龚春燕 陈瑞生 《中小学管理》 北大核心 2016年第2期22-25,共4页
近百年来,中国学区制经历了"大学区制""学区""学区一体化""学区制"的演变,走过了起步、摸索、变革、深化的发展历程。目前学区制在一定程度上还不成熟,还处在"学区管理"向"学区... 近百年来,中国学区制经历了"大学区制""学区""学区一体化""学区制"的演变,走过了起步、摸索、变革、深化的发展历程。目前学区制在一定程度上还不成熟,还处在"学区管理"向"学区制"迈进的阶段。学区制应由"管理属性"向"治理属性"逐步深化,学区角色应由"他组织"向"自组织"逐渐转变,学区文化应由学校文化的被动融合向主动生成演进。 展开更多
关键词 教育综合改革 “学一体化”:“亚单元结构” 教育治理 自组织
“互联网+”视阈下破解“学区房”溢价难题的思路与对策 被引量:1
作者 李富荣 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2017年第12期47-51,共5页
目前,"学区房热"已经成为全社会十分关注的话题,其实质反映了被"学区房"捆绑的优质教育资源供不应求的现状。以往的教育改革措施无意于"剥离"优质教育资源与"学区房"的关系,因而无法解决"... 目前,"学区房热"已经成为全社会十分关注的话题,其实质反映了被"学区房"捆绑的优质教育资源供不应求的现状。以往的教育改革措施无意于"剥离"优质教育资源与"学区房"的关系,因而无法解决"学区房"溢价的"老大难"问题。"学区房"难题的根源在于优质教育资源的供给无法满足民众对获取"精英"教育资源的需求。因此,破解"学区房"溢价难题的关键在于实现优质教育资源的普及。基于"互联网+优质教育资源"思维,可将优质教育资源发展成为民众共享、普惠的教育,打破"名校"教育的神秘感,从而破解"学区房"溢价难题,最终促进全民素质的提高。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+” 优质教育资源 “学房”溢价 普惠教育
作者 何流 《中小企业管理与科技》 2015年第4期147-148,共2页
学区房是现如今购房热中常见词汇,也成为商品房买卖中关注的热点和焦点,然而近些年来由于开发商夸大、虚假宣传学区房,造成买房者维权上访事件层出不穷,关于学区房问题的舆情越来越多。现就合肥地区学区房广告宣传所出现的问题进行思考... 学区房是现如今购房热中常见词汇,也成为商品房买卖中关注的热点和焦点,然而近些年来由于开发商夸大、虚假宣传学区房,造成买房者维权上访事件层出不穷,关于学区房问题的舆情越来越多。现就合肥地区学区房广告宣传所出现的问题进行思考,分析其出现的深层原因,以及针对出现的问题提出几点政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 “学房” 广告宣传
探索和实践“学区化”模式 促进学生工作水平的全面提升
《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第8期69-70,共2页
关键词 高校 生工作 体制改革 “学化”模式 教育管理
作者 王鑫红 《教育研究与评论》 2023年第6期62-65,共4页
“学区联盟教研”有助于解决教研活动中教师被动接受的问题,让更多教师卷入教研活动,实现迅速成长。打造“五位一体”的运作机制,以此促成各盟区之间相互取长补短,合作共长,共同致力于学科教研品质的提升。各盟区在同一课题的指导下,坚... “学区联盟教研”有助于解决教研活动中教师被动接受的问题,让更多教师卷入教研活动,实现迅速成长。打造“五位一体”的运作机制,以此促成各盟区之间相互取长补短,合作共长,共同致力于学科教研品质的提升。各盟区在同一课题的指导下,坚守统一的教育价值追求;在此基础上,展示各美其美的教学样态。依托“学区联盟教研”,不同层次教师的专业发展水平都有了明显提升。 展开更多
关键词 “学联盟教研” 教师发展 课题研究
作者 李峰 《教育督导与评估》 2001年第1期37-39,共3页
关键词 农村小 “学一体化” 资源 素质教育 师资设施
作者 韩雪敏 《基础教育论坛》 2019年第27期45-46,共2页
“学区化”管理办学模式的探索与实践,旨在发挥优质教育资源的影响、辐射、示范和带动作用,缩小义务教育校际差距,满足人民群众日益增长的优质化、多样化教育需求,实现义务教育均衡发展。河南省安阳市七中和安阳市三十四中率先作为试点... “学区化”管理办学模式的探索与实践,旨在发挥优质教育资源的影响、辐射、示范和带动作用,缩小义务教育校际差距,满足人民群众日益增长的优质化、多样化教育需求,实现义务教育均衡发展。河南省安阳市七中和安阳市三十四中率先作为试点进行“学区化”管理办学模式的探索与实践。 展开更多
关键词 “学化”管理办模式 探索 实践
作者 施德军 《黑龙江史志》 2012年第8期70-71,共2页
托马斯·杰斐逊是美国资产阶级民主思想的集大成者、美国民主的象征。其民主思想博大精深,在美国乃至世界产生了深远的影响。作为其民主思想的重要组成部分的"分区"制度的构想也同样包含有丰富的内涵:"分区"既... 托马斯·杰斐逊是美国资产阶级民主思想的集大成者、美国民主的象征。其民主思想博大精深,在美国乃至世界产生了深远的影响。作为其民主思想的重要组成部分的"分区"制度的构想也同样包含有丰富的内涵:"分区"既是公共教育体系中初等教育管理和实施的"学区";更是地方自治、人民直接参与地方共同体政治生活的"小型共和政体";还是服务于"小型共和政体" 展开更多
关键词 杰斐逊 制度 “学区” “小型共和政体” 物资保障基层共同体
作者 邢钰 潘沁云 陈秋忆 《金融经济(下半月)》 2017年第11期107-108,共2页
近年来,教育市场"资本化"现象越来越严重,学区房问题受到社会各界的广泛关注。在2015年至2017年南京市"摇号"政策实施背景下,本文分析了鼓楼区三所公办名校学区房溢价率的变动情况,发现"摇号"政策具有一... 近年来,教育市场"资本化"现象越来越严重,学区房问题受到社会各界的广泛关注。在2015年至2017年南京市"摇号"政策实施背景下,本文分析了鼓楼区三所公办名校学区房溢价率的变动情况,发现"摇号"政策具有一定的作用效果,但政策在"深度"和"广度"上存在局限性。本文据此提出,解决学区热问题需从根源着手,加大社会对教育资本的投入,转换家长的求学观念,同时再配合以政府的政策管控。 展开更多
关键词 “学热”现象 “摇号”政策 南京鼓楼
Characteristic and optimization of ferrite-rich sulfoaluminate-based composite cement suitable for cold region tunnels
作者 PENG You LI Li +5 位作者 TAN Xian-jun QIU Xin ZHENG Pei-chao XIE Jun CHEN Wei-zhong REZIWANGULI Sha-ta-er 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2794-2809,共16页
To develop suitable grouting materials for water conveyance tunnels in cold regions,firstly,this study investigated the performance evolution of ferrite-rich sulfoaluminate-based composite cement(FSAC grouting materia... To develop suitable grouting materials for water conveyance tunnels in cold regions,firstly,this study investigated the performance evolution of ferrite-rich sulfoaluminate-based composite cement(FSAC grouting material)at 20 and 3℃.The results show that low temperature only delays the strength development of FSAC grouting material within the first 3 d.Then,the effect of four typical early strength synergists on the early properties of FSAC grouting material was evaluated to optimize the early(£1 d)strength at 3℃.The most effective synergist,Ca(HCOO)_(2),which enhances the low-temperature early strength without compromising fluidity was selected based on strength and fluidity tests.Its micro-mechanism was analyzed by XRD,TG,and SEM methods.The results reveal that the most suitable dosage range is 0.3 wt%−0.5 wt%.Proper addition of Ca(HCOO)_(2)changed the crystal morphology of the hydration products,decreased the pore size and formed more compact hydration products by interlocking and overlapping.However,excessive addition of Ca(HCOO)_(2)inhibited the hydration reaction,resulting in a simple and loose structure of the hydration products.The research results have reference value for controlling surrounding rock deformation and preventing water and mud inrushes during the excavation in cold region tunnels. 展开更多
关键词 ferrite-rich sulfoaluminate cement cold zone early strength synergist mechanical property MICRO-STRUCTURE pumped storage power
Predominance diagrams for Zn(Ⅱ)-NH_3-Cl^--H_2O system 被引量:3
作者 丁治英 陈启元 +1 位作者 尹周澜 刘葵 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期832-840,共9页
The thermodynamics in zinc hydrometallurgical process was studied using a chemical equilibrium modeling code(GEMS) to predict the zinc solubility and construct the species distribution and predominance diagrams for ... The thermodynamics in zinc hydrometallurgical process was studied using a chemical equilibrium modeling code(GEMS) to predict the zinc solubility and construct the species distribution and predominance diagrams for the Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-H2O and Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-Cl--H2O system.The zinc solubilities in ammoniacal solutions were also measured with equilibrium experiments,which agree well with the predicted values.The distribution and predominance diagrams show that ammine and hydroxyl ammine complexes are the main aqueous Zn species,Zn(NH3)24-is predominant in weak alkaline solution for both Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-H2O and Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-Cl--H2O systems.In Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-Cl--H2O system,the ternary complexes containing ammonia and chloride increase the zinc solubility in neutral solution.There are three zinc compounds,Zn(OH)2,Zn(OH)1.6Cl0.4 and Zn(NH3)2Cl2,on which the zinc solubility depends,according to the total ammonia,chloride and zinc concentration.These thermodynamic diagrams show the effects of ammonia,chloride and zinc concentration on the zinc solubility,which can provide thermodynamic references for the zinc hydrometallurgy. 展开更多
关键词 THERMODYNAMICS predominance diagram zinc hydrometallurgy ammonia leaching
作者 蒋学龙 王应祥 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 1999年第6期421-425,共5页
Population estimates of black crested gibbons in Wuliang Nature Reserve,Jingdong,Yunnan,China,with two techniques,average group density total area and average home rang forest coverage,produced quite similar result... Population estimates of black crested gibbons in Wuliang Nature Reserve,Jingdong,Yunnan,China,with two techniques,average group density total area and average home rang forest coverage,produced quite similar results.The population was estimated around 115 groups in the Reserve.The paper also discussed the conservation problems of the Reserve.At present,the main threat to the gibbons is habitat fragmentation and population isolation.Thus,it is urgent to prohibit hunting and protect the habitat and forest corridors or habitat bridges. 展开更多
关键词 Hylobates concolor jingdongensis POPULATION CONSERVATION Wuliang Natural Reserve
Phylogenetic Relationship of an Extremely Endangered Species, Pinus squamata (Pinaceae) Inferred from Four Sequences of the Chloroplast Genome and ITS of the Nuclear Ribosomal DNA 被引量:1
作者 张志勇 杨俊波 李德铢 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第5期530-535,共6页
Pinus squamata X. W. Li, a recently-described species of the Pinaceae, is an extremely endangered pine with only 32 individuals in the wild. This species was thought to be intermediate between P. bungeana Zuec. ex End... Pinus squamata X. W. Li, a recently-described species of the Pinaceae, is an extremely endangered pine with only 32 individuals in the wild. This species was thought to be intermediate between P. bungeana Zuec. ex Endl. of subgen. Strobus and P. yunnanensis Franch. of subgen. Pinus by the original author. We made an effort to address the question of the phylogenetic relationship of this peculiar and important species in the context of the major groups of the genus Pinus by using sequences of the rbcL, matK,genes, rpl20-rps18 spacer, trnV intron of the chloroplast genome and the nuclear ribosomal ITS region. The results of the separated analysis and the combined analysis of the four cpDNA sequences and ITS sequence indicated that P. squamata was a stable member of subsect. Gerardianae and P. gerardiana Wall. was the closest species of P. squamata phylogenetically. As a result, the causes of the distribution pattern of subsect. Gerardianae were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus squamata phylogenetic relationship rbc L mat K rpl20-rps 18 trn V ITS
English Listening Teaching: A Perspective from the Ethnic Minority in China
作者 唐小田 丁志斌 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期16-19,共4页
Listening and speaking is of great importance in language communication, which is being paid close attention to in TEFL in China. However, as most of ethnic minorities are living far away from developed districts, the... Listening and speaking is of great importance in language communication, which is being paid close attention to in TEFL in China. However, as most of ethnic minorities are living far away from developed districts, they lack necessary sources in English listening teaching, which makes the local learners' listening ability not so satisfactory. This paper, based on the questionnaire, analyzes the problems existing in current English listening teaching in ethnic minority districts, and puts forward some suggestive solutions. 展开更多
关键词 TEFL ethnic minority English listening teaching methods
城市教育资源分布对居民购房意愿的影响——以江苏苏州市为例 被引量:7
作者 邹心怡 郝景亚 董金玲 《商业时代》 北大核心 2011年第36期104-105,共2页
当前,人们对教育需求的无限性与教育资源,尤其是优质教育资源的有限性的矛盾非常突出。近年来,教育的均衡发展逐渐成为缓解这一矛盾的全新趋势,但是在教育资源仍处于非均衡状态的情况下,实行"就近入学"、"地段生"... 当前,人们对教育需求的无限性与教育资源,尤其是优质教育资源的有限性的矛盾非常突出。近年来,教育的均衡发展逐渐成为缓解这一矛盾的全新趋势,但是在教育资源仍处于非均衡状态的情况下,实行"就近入学"、"地段生"等一系列促进教育均衡发展的措施反而造成了"学区房"价格的疯涨。本文旨在分析教育资源分布对居民购房意愿的影响,探索"学区房"价格疯涨的真正原因。 展开更多
关键词 城市教育资源 “学房” 购房意愿 影响
Elemental Composition of the Shell of the Testate Amoeba Difflugia tuberspinifera (Sarcodina:Rhizopoda) 被引量:4
作者 杨军 Louis BEYENS +1 位作者 沈韫芬 冯伟松 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期452-455,共4页
X-ray microanalysis was used to study the elemental composition of the shell of the freshwater testate amoeba Difflugia tuberspinifera Hu et al.,1997 collected from Mulan Lake,Hubei province,China in July 2003.The res... X-ray microanalysis was used to study the elemental composition of the shell of the freshwater testate amoeba Difflugia tuberspinifera Hu et al.,1997 collected from Mulan Lake,Hubei province,China in July 2003.The results show that the shell is composed of ten elements:Si in greater quantity;then Ca and Al;and traces of K,Na,Cl,Fe,Mg,S and P.The analysis of results suggests that D.tuberspinifera in elemental composition appears to occupy a middle position between marine and soil testate amoebae. 展开更多
关键词 Testate amoebae Difflugia tuberspinifera X-ray microanalysis Elemental composition
Epidemiological Investigation of Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae in Western Shandong 被引量:4
作者 徐公义 王海丽 葛长城 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期141-145,共5页
[ Objective ] The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemic status of porcine pleuropneumonia in western Shandong and establish the PCR method of actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP). [ Method] The epidemic... [ Objective ] The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemic status of porcine pleuropneumonia in western Shandong and establish the PCR method of actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP). [ Method] The epidemic status of APP in lesion tissues of 186 death pigs and 545 health pigs without clinical symptoms was analyzed by PCR method. [ Result] APP positive rate in 186 samples accounted for 43.0% (80/186), while that in 545 porcine serums accounted for 9.4% (51/545). [ Conclusion] This PCR method can be used as one of the important means for APP clinical diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae PCR DETECTION
Plotting and application of predominance area diagram of In-S-O system based on topological rules 被引量:1
作者 谢富春 尹周澜 +2 位作者 谭军 刘常青 张平民 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期960-965,共6页
The mathematical topological rule was proposed to plot the predominance area diagram.Based on the phase rules,the components of In-S-O system were analyzed and the coexisting points of three condensed phases were dete... The mathematical topological rule was proposed to plot the predominance area diagram.Based on the phase rules,the components of In-S-O system were analyzed and the coexisting points of three condensed phases were determined.Combined with the topological rules and thermody namic calculation,four relation diagrams between the coexisting points of three condensed phases,which were denoted as α,β stable plane-topological diagram and unstable plane-topological diagram,were plotted for the In-S-O system.The results show that α stable plane topological diagram is in accordance with the predominance area diagram of In-S-O system plotted by traditional methods,which indicates that the new method is feasible to plot the predominance area diagram of In-S-O system.Meanwhile,β unstable plane-topological diagram can be used to elucidate the indium production with the bath smelting process. 展开更多
关键词 In-S-O system predominance area diagram topological rules thermodynamic calculation bath smelting
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