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“客商”、“客商”文化的历史与时代意义 被引量:9
作者 闫恩虎 《嘉应学院学报》 2007年第4期18-24,共7页
"客商"是中国传统商帮的重要一支,也是目前仅存的两大中国传统商帮之一。"客商"在近现代史上影响巨大。"客商"文化是近现代中国儒商文化的重要代表,在近代以降的中国商业文化转型发展以及华商网络的组织... "客商"是中国传统商帮的重要一支,也是目前仅存的两大中国传统商帮之一。"客商"在近现代史上影响巨大。"客商"文化是近现代中国儒商文化的重要代表,在近代以降的中国商业文化转型发展以及华商网络的组织建立和国际化竞争方面有重要的历史影响。当前,研究"客商"、"客商"文化,有利于进一步加强中国和东南亚各国的经济贸易和友好往来,巩固国家经济安全;对于加强华商网络的联系,促进中国的对外贸易也有积极的作用;还有利于弘扬"儒商"文化,进一步提高民族企业家素质。 展开更多
关键词 “客商” “客商”文化 历史影响 时代意义
“客商”企业家精神研究——以张振勋为个案 被引量:1
作者 刘家明 魏明枢 《企业活力》 2010年第7期24-28,共5页
关键词 “客商” 张振勋 企业家精神 “客商”企业文化
“客商”论 被引量:9
作者 谢友祥 闫恩虎 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期129-131,共3页
"客商"作为广东历史上的"四大商帮"之一,在中国"商帮文化"中有着独特的内涵和积极的人文影响。"客商"所具有的"儒商"特质、崇名务实的经营之道,以及超常的社会亲和力,对于今天全球... "客商"作为广东历史上的"四大商帮"之一,在中国"商帮文化"中有着独特的内涵和积极的人文影响。"客商"所具有的"儒商"特质、崇名务实的经营之道,以及超常的社会亲和力,对于今天全球化背景下西方跨国公司的海外拓展有人文借鉴意义。同时,作为当今"华商"网络的重要一员,"客商"对于促进我国同东南亚各国的贸易以及构建统一贸易区有积极的作用,而且"客商文化"对于新时期我国的商业道德建设具有良好的启示作用。 展开更多
关键词 “客商” “儒商” 崇名务实 社会亲和力 现实意义
论客家文化在“客商”企业文化中的表现及其传承意义 被引量:2
作者 刘家明 黄文飞 +1 位作者 郭俊辉 邬文炜 《黑龙江史志》 2009年第9X期123-124,共2页
客家文化以其独特的开拓性、包容性,先于其他民族参与了海外交流。许多优秀"客商"的企业文化正是客家文化的集中体现。在"客商"企业中传承客家文化,既有利于我国企业文化本土化,提高文化凝聚力和经济效益;同时,使... 客家文化以其独特的开拓性、包容性,先于其他民族参与了海外交流。许多优秀"客商"的企业文化正是客家文化的集中体现。在"客商"企业中传承客家文化,既有利于我国企业文化本土化,提高文化凝聚力和经济效益;同时,使客家文化扎根于经济体系中,有利于客家文化繁荣和自身价值的实现。 展开更多
关键词 客家文化 “客商” 企业文化 文化传承
“客商”的社会责任及其渊源分析 被引量:3
作者 余云珠 《嘉应学院学报》 2009年第5期10-16,共7页
"客商"崇尚诚信,热心公益慈善,是近现代中国"实业救国"、支持民主革命和建设国家的主要力量。"客商"在创造财富的同时,承担起社会公民的社会责任,追求与社会各方面的和谐发展,给社会的贡献远远超过物质... "客商"崇尚诚信,热心公益慈善,是近现代中国"实业救国"、支持民主革命和建设国家的主要力量。"客商"在创造财富的同时,承担起社会公民的社会责任,追求与社会各方面的和谐发展,给社会的贡献远远超过物质本身。"客商"社会责任意识的形成有一定的历史文化渊源,可以从文化、环境和时代三个方面追溯:客家传统文化的影响、生存法则的需要和时代进步的要求。社会责任意识为"客商"构建了和谐的经营环境、塑造了企业良好的形象,为"客商"事业的发展起到积极推动作用,体现了"客商"管理思想的先进性。 展开更多
关键词 “客商” 社会责任 渊源 先进性
“客商”与近现代中国 被引量:2
作者 闫恩虎 《嘉应学院学报》 2008年第1期5-9,共5页
"客商"由传统商帮发展成为今天跨国界的实业家组织,在近现代为国家复兴与建设作为了杰出贡献。"客商"不仅是"实业救国"和"实业兴国"的重要力量,而且也是近现代民主革命和国家建设的积极支持者;... "客商"由传统商帮发展成为今天跨国界的实业家组织,在近现代为国家复兴与建设作为了杰出贡献。"客商"不仅是"实业救国"和"实业兴国"的重要力量,而且也是近现代民主革命和国家建设的积极支持者;"客商"为中国传统"儒商"文化的现代转型作出杰出贡献,是现代"儒商"文化的积极践行者;"客商"也是近现代"华商"网络的倡建者和积极推动者。新时期经济全球化竞争的进一步加剧,要求当代"客商"同所有华商一起,共同弘扬优秀儒商文化,团结合作,树立爱国济世、诚实守信、自律自强的儒商情怀,提高竞争与发展素质,为国家富强和民族自强而继续奋斗。 展开更多
关键词 “客商” 近现代 实业兴国 华商网络 “儒商”文化
“客商”建筑的思想形态与人文特征探析 被引量:1
作者 闫恩虎 《商业经济》 2012年第8期21-24,共4页
"客商"是近现代有重大影响的爱国实业家群体。"客商"建筑是粤闽赣交界客居山区最具魅力的人文景观之一,神奇的聚落环境、特有的空间形式、绝妙的防卫系统、巧夺天工的建造技术和深邃的生态文化,令世界瞩目。"... "客商"是近现代有重大影响的爱国实业家群体。"客商"建筑是粤闽赣交界客居山区最具魅力的人文景观之一,神奇的聚落环境、特有的空间形式、绝妙的防卫系统、巧夺天工的建造技术和深邃的生态文化,令世界瞩目。"客商"建筑意识,是客家人在长期生存环境中形成的生活观念的反映,并延续至今。对其思想形态和人文特征的探析,有利于民族建筑业开阔视野,有助于在继承民族传统的基础上融入世界建筑创新的潮流。 展开更多
关键词 “客商” 建筑 思想形态 人文特征
作者 刘家明 《江苏商论》 北大核心 2010年第6期25-27,共3页
关键词 客家文化 “客商” 企业文化
作者 郭俊辉 刘家明 《嘉应学院学报》 2010年第9期38-42,共5页
在半殖民半封建社会,张振勋取得了世界瞩目的商业成就并产生了深远历史影响,其经营管理思想值得探究。在生产运营方面,提出了"农工商一体化"运营模式,采取以质取胜、规模经济的方式,注重成本与质量控制。在营销方面,重视品牌... 在半殖民半封建社会,张振勋取得了世界瞩目的商业成就并产生了深远历史影响,其经营管理思想值得探究。在生产运营方面,提出了"农工商一体化"运营模式,采取以质取胜、规模经济的方式,注重成本与质量控制。在营销方面,重视品牌意识,健全销售网络。张振勋具有重视调查与授权的务实精神、谨慎的领导风格,任人唯贤,善于激励人才。其经营管理思想受到西方早期管理思想、中国传统文化与客家文化等因素的影响。 展开更多
关键词 张振勋 经营管理 张裕 “客商”
Priority of Factors Affected on Customer's Satisfaction in the E-Banking by Using Kano Model and Analytical Hierarchy Process: A Case of Iranian Commercial Bank 被引量:3
作者 Younos Vakil Alroaia Mohammad Hemati Kambiz Abdi 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第10期1097-1105,共9页
The aim of the article is to determine the extent to which customer satisfaction's in the e-banking in Semnan area had organizational and customer readiness for developing their services. One of the most important se... The aim of the article is to determine the extent to which customer satisfaction's in the e-banking in Semnan area had organizational and customer readiness for developing their services. One of the most important sectors that plays key role for grasping developed condition is banking sector. Banks like other institutions also look for augmenting their profits and increasing their strength by expansion. The designing of bank must involve selection of those that have sufficient success potential. Hence, from several factors of success, the following three criteria factors have been: selected-customer satisfied, one dimensional, and product fully functional. These factors offers three question multi criteria group extracted from a 16 norms. Also, three criteria factors have been studied over a period of five years and important criteria for evaluating the norms. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been employed to calculate the success potential of each norm. The empirical data comprises the longitudinal survey of the agricultural banking of the Semnan province. The paper, also, finds that product fully functional is placed as the first priority. 展开更多
关键词 customer's satisfaction E-BANKING AHP Iran
Semiotic knowledge toward heritage product in tourism industry: A case of Terengganu 被引量:1
作者 Muhamad Abi Sofian Bin Abdul Halim Wan Asri Bin Wan Ab Aziz Azman Bin Che Mat 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第2期9-18,共10页
In order to provide an appropriate context for the current state of the heritage product in tourism industry, semiotic knowledge become an important role to know deeply the identity, philosophy, and also the meaning o... In order to provide an appropriate context for the current state of the heritage product in tourism industry, semiotic knowledge become an important role to know deeply the identity, philosophy, and also the meaning of behind the actual product. Scott (2000) stresses the requirement of aesthetic and semiotic content in a creative product, instead of creativity. But, how many of retailers and salespersons in heritage product believe the semiotic as knowledge to present the product and opportunities in their selling? According to Kotler (2000) a good personal selling will provide a detailed explanation or demonstration of the product. The message can be varied by the salesperson to fit the motivations and interests or each prospective customer. So, the purpose of this paper is to closely examine the level of awareness among retailers and salesperson toward the important of semiotic knowledge as part of strategic persuasion in a selling process. This survey study will develop a sample among retailers and salesperson in Kuala Terengganu as a respondent who give the feedback to fulfill the research questions. 展开更多
关键词 semiotic heritage product personal selling PERSUASION TOURISM
Mapping Customer-Supplier Relationships
作者 Fawzy Soliman 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第12期1436-1445,共10页
This paper proposes that organizational performance improvement could be achieved through improving the relationship between suppliers and customers. Accordingly, the paper proposes that performance could be improved ... This paper proposes that organizational performance improvement could be achieved through improving the relationship between suppliers and customers. Accordingly, the paper proposes that performance could be improved by properly managing differences (gaps) that are usually found between customers' expectations and of suppliers perception with respect to services delivered. The paper also proposes that gaps in the relationship between customers and suppliers could be analyzed using mapping techniques. The paper points to the possibility of finding perception gaps and expectation gaps in the interrelated value attributes of goods and/or services; namely quality, cost, and time of delivery of goods or services to customers. In addition, the paper suggests that those gaps may impact on the performance from the perspectives of quality, cost, and speed of delivery of the service. It is envisaged that this research could assist management in controlling cost and avoid wastage and improve organizational performance. 展开更多
关键词 management of customers' expectations management of suppliers' perception management of gapanalysis
The Largest Spatial Frame Quotient on Prequantale
作者 WANG Xue-qiang WANG Shun- qin 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期402-405,共4页
Prequantale quotient is defined in terms of prequantic nucleus, some equivalent propositions of which is obtained. Also, prequantale quotient is proved to coincide with the quotient object in PQuant up to isomorphism.... Prequantale quotient is defined in terms of prequantic nucleus, some equivalent propositions of which is obtained. Also, prequantale quotient is proved to coincide with the quotient object in PQuant up to isomorphism. At last, the concrete structure of the largest spatial frame quotient in TPQuant is given. 展开更多
关键词 prequantale NUCLEUS prequantale quotient
Evaluation of the Websites of Logistics Operators by Customers
作者 Joanna Dyczkowska 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第12期662-666,共5页
In this article, the results were presented of research concerning the visual and functional aspects of the websites of three largest logistics operators in Poland. The research was carried out with the participation ... In this article, the results were presented of research concerning the visual and functional aspects of the websites of three largest logistics operators in Poland. The research was carried out with the participation of the following three groups: institutional customers, individual customers and marketing management students. The article covers an attempt to evaluate cooperation through virtual contacts with the company. The analysis also concerned such issues as information on corporate social responsibility (CSR), information on job offers and the position of the company on the market. 展开更多
关键词 Logistics operator WEBSITE institutional customer individual customer information system.
Parallelized Jaccard-Based Learning Method and MapReduce Implementation for Mobile Devices Recognition from Massive Network Data 被引量:2
作者 刘军 李银周 +2 位作者 Felix Cuadrado Steve Uhlig 雷振明 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第7期71-84,共14页
The ability of accurate and scalable mobile device recognition is critically important for mobile network operators and ISPs to understand their customers' behaviours and enhance their user experience.In this pape... The ability of accurate and scalable mobile device recognition is critically important for mobile network operators and ISPs to understand their customers' behaviours and enhance their user experience.In this paper,we propose a novel method for mobile device model recognition by using statistical information derived from large amounts of mobile network traffic data.Specifically,we create a Jaccardbased coefficient measure method to identify a proper keyword representing each mobile device model from massive unstructured textual HTTP access logs.To handle the large amount of traffic data generated from large mobile networks,this method is designed as a set of parallel algorithms,and is implemented through the MapReduce framework which is a distributed parallel programming model with proven low-cost and high-efficiency features.Evaluations using real data sets show that our method can accurately recognise mobile client models while meeting the scalability and producer-independency requirements of large mobile network operators.Results show that a 91.5% accuracy rate is achieved for recognising mobile client models from 2 billion records,which is dramatically higher than existing solutions. 展开更多
关键词 mobile device recognition data mining Jaccard coefficient measurement distributed computing MAPREDUCE
China June Passenger Car Sales Rise 29% on Discounts
《China's Foreign Trade》 2007年第14期32-32,共1页
China's passenger car sales rose 29% in June as automakers cut prices to lure consumers.
关键词 China's passenger car sales automaker prices consumers
Research on customer loyalty of B2C e-commerce 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Gong-min 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第5期46-52,共7页
Customer loyalty of B2C e-commerce is studied by testing the hypotheses on five latent variables using the structural equation modeling method. After correcting model, online store image is obviously fundamental basis... Customer loyalty of B2C e-commerce is studied by testing the hypotheses on five latent variables using the structural equation modeling method. After correcting model, online store image is obviously fundamental basis on expectations of shopping online, experience of shopping online, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty between which there are seven positive relationships accepted in the AMOS model. The results provide scientific evidence for B2C e-commerce. 展开更多
关键词 structural equation modeling E-COMMERCE customer loyalty
Development of a Portfolio Simulation System for Apparel Supply Chain 被引量:1
作者 董爱华 黄伟强 +1 位作者 杨国荣 陈锡富 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期207-215,共9页
In this paper,a generic retailer-oriented portfolio simulation system linking manufacturer,retailer,and customer in apparel supply chain is presented.The purpose of the simulator is to generate a portfolio consisting ... In this paper,a generic retailer-oriented portfolio simulation system linking manufacturer,retailer,and customer in apparel supply chain is presented.The purpose of the simulator is to generate a portfolio consisting of replenishment strategy and performance index under different sales forecasting errors to satisfy the retailer-defined customer service level in apparel industry.After analyzing the main parameters in the portfolio simulator,the procedure and detailed structure of the simulator are then described.With the use of data from the industry,one case study of the portfolio simulator is achieved and the process of the simulation is validated. 展开更多
关键词 supply chain management apparel Industry simulation system replenishment strategy
Identifying Fake and Potential Corporate Members in Telecommunications Operators
作者 石文华 张晓航 +1 位作者 龚雪 吕廷杰 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第8期150-157,共8页
Nowadays,mobile operators in China mainland are facing fierce competition from one to another,and their focus of customer competition has,in general,shifted from public to corporate customers.One big challenge in corp... Nowadays,mobile operators in China mainland are facing fierce competition from one to another,and their focus of customer competition has,in general,shifted from public to corporate customers.One big challenge in corporate customer management is how to identify fake corporate members and potential corporate members from corporate customers.In this study,we have proposed an identification method that combines the rule-based and probabilistic methods.Through this method,fake corporate members can be eliminated and external potential members can be mined.The experimental results based on the data obtained from a local mobile operator revealed that the proposed method can effectively and efficiently identify fake and potential corporate members.The proposed method can be used to improve the management of corporate customers. 展开更多
关键词 fake-member identification corporate customer rule-based method kernel density estimation
Sudden Decline of Flying-Boat Commercial Airlines in 1950s: Its Cause and Implications for Revival 被引量:1
作者 YoshihideHoriuchi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第7期588-598,共11页
1930s was the golden age for the flying-boat airlines in the world, notably the Pan Am Clipper transpacific and transatlantic routes, and the (British) Imperial Airways UK-Africa and UK-Australia/Far East routes. Th... 1930s was the golden age for the flying-boat airlines in the world, notably the Pan Am Clipper transpacific and transatlantic routes, and the (British) Imperial Airways UK-Africa and UK-Australia/Far East routes. The major advantage of the flying boats was its endless runway (i.e., ocean or lake) and resultant possibilities for larger aircrafts than land-based airliners. Airlines such as Pan Am made large investments in the 1930s for flying boats, their special terminals by the water, and the worldwide flying-boat air route network. However, in the late 1940s to early 1950s, the flying boats suddenly disappeared due to the rapid development of land-based large airliners and long runways, according to the previous studies. The author conducted historical research on this topic, and found another reason: rapid decline in the high-income population who used to travel by flying boat scheduled flights. Also found was a recent surge of the luxury market, and steady increase in the cruise-ship passengers. Hence, there could be implications for revival of the flying boat flights as luxury cruise, rather than as scheduled flights. 展开更多
关键词 flying boat ocean liner CRUISE scheduled flights hedonic consumption
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