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从“室”看中国古代居住建筑 被引量:1
作者 杨文静 任志坤 《河北建筑工程学院学报》 CAS 2017年第2期62-67,共6页
中国现代汉字由象形文字演变而来.通过研究建筑古字的"前世今生",可以探寻隐藏在文字之中的"秘密",为研究古代建筑的形态和发展脉络提供新思路.本文以"室"为例,从词义和字形两方面加以研究,由结论引申出&... 中国现代汉字由象形文字演变而来.通过研究建筑古字的"前世今生",可以探寻隐藏在文字之中的"秘密",为研究古代建筑的形态和发展脉络提供新思路.本文以"室"为例,从词义和字形两方面加以研究,由结论引申出"室"与"家"、"宫"、"宗"的关系,从而揭示出"室"字所承载的建筑文化内涵. 展开更多
关键词 “室” 古代 建筑文化
试论秦汉简牍中的“室”和“室人”——以秦汉奴婢为中心 被引量:6
作者 文霞 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期30-36,共7页
秦汉时期的"室"与"家"、"户"的涵义有交叉、重叠,但也有偏差。"室"更多表示建筑空间上的"家","户"更多表示户籍管理上的"家"。"室人"表示同处一室之... 秦汉时期的"室"与"家"、"户"的涵义有交叉、重叠,但也有偏差。"室"更多表示建筑空间上的"家","户"更多表示户籍管理上的"家"。"室人"表示同处一室之所有人,主要指居住在同一室中的有血缘或婚姻关系的亲人,既不包括奴婢及其他家庭依附成员,也不包含析分出去单独立"室"的成年兄弟。秦汉政府为了增加赋税收入,户口统计时往往将奴婢计入户籍。但奴婢既不是"室人",也不属于法律意义上的"同居"连坐范围。 展开更多
关键词 秦汉 奴婢
作者 王芳 《现代语文(下旬.语言研究)》 2007年第12期120-120,共1页
关键词 “宫” “室” 本义 房屋 演变 汉语
作者 徐虎山 吴建羲 《政工导刊》 2014年第5期72-72,共1页
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《乱“室”得佳人》
协同监督的内涵属性、实践形式和运作逻辑——兼论党的自我革命监督体系的完善 被引量:1
作者 程同顺 王利平 《统一战线学研究》 CSSCI 2024年第2期16-29,共14页
自我革命是党跳出历史周期率的第二个答案,党和国家监督体系是自我革命制度规范体系的重要组成部分,是党开展自我革命的依托和保障。随着党和国家监督体系一核多元系统的确立,协同监督成为完善党和国家监督体系、促进自我革命向纵深发... 自我革命是党跳出历史周期率的第二个答案,党和国家监督体系是自我革命制度规范体系的重要组成部分,是党开展自我革命的依托和保障。随着党和国家监督体系一核多元系统的确立,协同监督成为完善党和国家监督体系、促进自我革命向纵深发展的重要举措。协同监督是一个具有多重内涵属性的概念,首先作为一种集体行动,协同监督关注行动主体和交易成本;其次作为关系结构,协同监督既反映了党、国家和社会的有机统一性,又代表着跨组织关系的形成;最后作为控权模式,协同监督区别于集中式控权和分立式控权,是一种以分散为表、集中为里的新型控权模式。协同监督不仅是顶层设计的要求,还具有丰富的实践案例。“1+N”大监督模式和“室组地”协同模式分别是内外协同监督和内部协同监督的主要实践形式。二者虽然具体内容不同,但在运作逻辑上有共同点:以权威为主导克服协同阻力,通过制度供给提供协同监督启动和运行的保障条件,以选择性激励推动协同监督可持续。协同监督尚处于发展的初级阶段,仍有许多问题亟待解决。 展开更多
关键词 协同监督 自我革命 两个答案 “1+N”大监督模式 “室组地”协同模式
作者 张旭 《内蒙古电大学刊》 2023年第1期31-34,41,共5页
面对世界百年未有之大变局,纪检监察工作要于变局中开新局,必须发挥好改革这一关键作用。赵乐际书记在十九届中央纪委五次全公工作报告中强调要健全“室组地”联合办案机制。全国各地陆续探索“室组地”办案模式。近年来在案件查办工作... 面对世界百年未有之大变局,纪检监察工作要于变局中开新局,必须发挥好改革这一关键作用。赵乐际书记在十九届中央纪委五次全公工作报告中强调要健全“室组地”联合办案机制。全国各地陆续探索“室组地”办案模式。近年来在案件查办工作中发现:各部门办案力量不均衡、时效不高的现象仍存在,不仅加重了办案人员负担,还影响案件办理质效。摆在面前的这一突出问题迫切要求我们深入探讨办案机制优化方向。 展开更多
关键词 纪检监察 “室组地”联合办案机制 审查调查 办案模式
作者 范常喜 《文献语言学》 2023年第1期28-33,225,226,共8页
胡家草場漢簡《詰咎》多可與睡虎地秦簡《日書》甲種《詰》相對讀,通過對讀可知:“校人室”條首句“凡人若鳥獸、六畜恒校於人之宫”中的“校”當讀作“?”或“交”,指人或鳥獸、六畜等往來交會於人之宫室,隱指其求偶行爲。秦簡《詰》... 胡家草場漢簡《詰咎》多可與睡虎地秦簡《日書》甲種《詰》相對讀,通過對讀可知:“校人室”條首句“凡人若鳥獸、六畜恒校於人之宫”中的“校”當讀作“?”或“交”,指人或鳥獸、六畜等往來交會於人之宫室,隱指其求偶行爲。秦簡《詰》與之相對應的“行人宫”即往來行走於人之宫室之義,與漢簡《詰咎》“校(?)於人之宫”表意一致。末句“擊鼓、鐃、銂以譟之”中的“銂”當改釋作“”,讀作“鈸”,訓爲鈴鐸類樂器,與秦簡《詰》之“鐸”相應合。 展开更多
关键词 胡家草場漢簡 《詰咎》 睡虎地秦簡 《詰》 校人
从畲族祖图中的“金钟变身”论“室”的禁忌 被引量:3
作者 林毅红 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期35-39,共5页
盘瓠神话中的金钟变身实则是以"室"禁忌的形式来消除后人可能产生的对盘瓠始祖的不敬之念,从而坚固全体族民祖先信仰的支柱。"金钟变身"的禁忌,既是族民们在精神生活方面睿智的凸现,也充分显示了他们利用禁忌主题... 盘瓠神话中的金钟变身实则是以"室"禁忌的形式来消除后人可能产生的对盘瓠始祖的不敬之念,从而坚固全体族民祖先信仰的支柱。"金钟变身"的禁忌,既是族民们在精神生活方面睿智的凸现,也充分显示了他们利用禁忌主题来强化信仰观念的天赋,保持自己的"神"性不致为长久滞留于人间的"俗"性所侵染。禁忌的设立显然对图腾动物起到了保护的作用,这也符合崇拜者与崇拜对象同在共生,以便精神有所归附的潜在心理。 展开更多
关键词 盘瓠 金钟变身 “室”禁忌
基于室内GIS和定位技术的消防一体化指挥系统 被引量:4
作者 索永峰 刘天悦 +3 位作者 池天河 黄振兴 彭玲 刘亚岚 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS CSCD 2014年第12期67-74,共8页
为了提高大型公共建筑和高层建筑内的消防应急救援能力和透明化指挥水平,研究室内地理信息系统(GIS)和定位技术是十分必要的。针对目前室内外GIS数据模型表达不一致、室内地图更新困难和室内外路网无法有效集成问题,探讨标准GML对消防室... 为了提高大型公共建筑和高层建筑内的消防应急救援能力和透明化指挥水平,研究室内地理信息系统(GIS)和定位技术是十分必要的。针对目前室内外GIS数据模型表达不一致、室内地图更新困难和室内外路网无法有效集成问题,探讨标准GML对消防室内GIS数据模型进行统一表达,采用开源Web GIS服务对消防室内地图进行定期更新,并通过一体化路网实现由室内外空间的最短救援路径分析。针对目前室内定位精度不高的问题,研究通过融合定位算法提高基站室内定位精度。以天津滨海高新区应急指挥中心作为应用示范,建立了基于上述室内GIS和定位技术的消防一体化指挥系统,研究结果表明,提出的技术方案结果精度较高,示范系统具有良好的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 内GIS 内融合定位 消防应急 一体化指挥
也谈对“靡室劳矣”的理解——《诗经·卫风·氓》第五章的译释与评述 被引量:1
作者 王兴才 张蜀玲 李桂林 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2018年第3期104-114,共11页
《诗经·卫风·氓》:"三岁为妇,靡室劳矣。夙兴夜寐,靡有朝矣。"这几句诗历年来为学界所关注,人们对其所作的训释与理解,可谓聚讼纷纭。文章在评述各家观点的基础上,进一步分析了产生歧解的原因,并对"靡室劳矣&q... 《诗经·卫风·氓》:"三岁为妇,靡室劳矣。夙兴夜寐,靡有朝矣。"这几句诗历年来为学界所关注,人们对其所作的训释与理解,可谓聚讼纷纭。文章在评述各家观点的基础上,进一步分析了产生歧解的原因,并对"靡室劳矣"的语义进行重新诠释。 展开更多
关键词 劳矣 观点评述 语序问题 “劳”“室”训释
Global stability coefficient of large underground caverns under static loading and earthquake wave condition
作者 CHEN Peng-fei JIANG Quan +3 位作者 LIU Jian LI Shao-jun CHEN Tao HE Ben-guo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2826-2843,共18页
Underground energy and resource development,deep underground energy storage and other projects involve the global stability of multiple interconnected cavern groups under internal and external dynamic disturbances.An ... Underground energy and resource development,deep underground energy storage and other projects involve the global stability of multiple interconnected cavern groups under internal and external dynamic disturbances.An evaluation method of the global stability coefficient of underground caverns based on static overload and dynamic overload was proposed.Firstly,the global failure criterion for caverns was defined based on its band connection of plastic-strain between multi-caverns.Then,overloading calculation of the boundary geostress and seismic intensity on the caverns model was carried out,and the critical unstable state of multi-caverns can be identified,if the plastic-strain band appeared between caverns during these overloading processes.Thus,the global stability coefficient for the multi-caverns under static loading and earthquake was obtained based on the corresponding overloading coefficient.Practical analysis for the Yingliangbao(YLB)hydraulic caverns indicated that this method can not only effectively obtain the global stability coefficient of caverns under static and dynamic earthquake conditions,but also identify the caverns’high-risk zone of local instability through localized plastic strain of surrounding rock.This study can provide some reference for the layout design and seismic optimization of underground cavern group. 展开更多
关键词 underground caverns global stability coefficient static-dynamic overload local instability
Research and development on mechanism of removal of indoor volatile organic compounds by plants
作者 LI Fangwei CUI Long +2 位作者 CHENG Yan XUE Yonggang HUANG Yu 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2024年第4期583-595,共13页
Background,aim,and scope Owing to the rapid development of modernisation and urbanisation,living standards have gradually improved.However,the widespread use of high-energy-consuming indoor appliances and furniture ha... Background,aim,and scope Owing to the rapid development of modernisation and urbanisation,living standards have gradually improved.However,the widespread use of high-energy-consuming indoor appliances and furniture has made indoor environments a primary environmental problem affecting human health.Sick building syndrome(SBS)and building-related illness(BRI)have occurred,and indoor air conditions have been extensively studied.Common indoor pollutants include CO,CO_(2),volatile organic compounds(VOCs)(such as the formaldehyde and benzene series),NOx(NO and NO_(2)),and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs).VOCs have replaced SO_(2)as the“The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan”urban air quality assessment new indicators.Indoor VOCs can cause diseases such as cataract,asthma,and lung cancer.To protect human health,researchers have proposed several indoor air purification technologies,including adsorption,filtration,electrostatic dust removal,ozonation,and plant purification.However,each technology has drawbacks,such as high operating costs,high energy consumption,and the generation of secondary waste or toxic substances.Plant degradation of VOCs as a bioremediation technology has the characteristics of low cost,high efficiency,and sustainability,thereby becoming a potential green solution for improving indoor air quality.This study introduces the research status and mechanism of plant removal of indoor VOCs and provides an experimental basis and scientific guidance for analysing the mechanism of plant degradation of pollutants.Materials and methods This study reviews studies on the harm caused by indoor pollutants to human health and related sources,mainly investigating the degradation of indoor formaldehyde,BTEX(benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene,and xylene)plant mechanisms,and research results.Results Plants can remove VOCs via stomatal and non-stomatal adsorption,interfoliar microbial,rhizosphere microbial,and growth media.Benzene,toluene,and xylene(BTX)are adsorbed by pores,hydroxylated into fumaric acid,and then removed into CO_(2) and H_(2)O by TCA.Formaldehyde enters plant leaves through the stomata and epidermal waxy substances and is adsorbed.After the two steps of enzymatic oxidation,formic acid and CO_(2) are generated.Finally,it enters the Calvin cycle and removes glucose and other nontoxic compounds.Discussion The non-stomatal degradation of VOCs can be divided into adsorption by cuticular wax and active adsorption by plant surface microorganisms.The leaf epidermal waxy matter content and the lipid composition of the epidermal membrane covering the plant surface play important roles in the non-stomatal adsorption of indoor air pollutants.The leaf margin of a plant is an ecological environment containing various microbial communities.The endophytic and inoculated microbiota in plant buds and leaves can remove VOCs(formaldehyde and BTEX).Formaldehyde can be directly absorbed by plant leaves and converted into organic acids,sugars,CO_(2) and H_(2)O by microbes.Bioremediation of indoor VOCs is usually inefficient,leading to plant toxicity or residual chemical substance volatilisation through leaves,followed by secondary pollution.Therefore,plants must be inoculated with microorganisms to improve the efficiency of plant degradation of VOCs.However,the effectiveness of interfoliar microbial removal remains largely unknown and several microorganisms are not culturable.Therefore,methods for collecting,identifying,and culturing microorganisms must be developed.As the leaf space is a relatively unstable environment,the degradation of VOCs by rhizosphere microorganisms is equally important,and formaldehyde is absorbed more by rhizosphere microorganisms at night.The inoculation of bacteria into the rhizosphere improves the efficiency of plants in degrading VOCs.However,most of these studies were conducted in simulation chambers.To ensure the authenticity of these conclusions,the ability of plants to remove indoor air pollutants must be further verified in real situations.Conclusions Plant purification is an economical,environment-friendly,and sustainable remediation technology.This review summarises the mechanisms of VOC plant degradation and presents its limitations.Simultaneously,it briefly puts forward a plant selection scheme according to different temperatures,light,and specific VOCs that can be absorbed to choose the appropriate plant species.However,some studies have denied the purification effect of plants and proposed that numerous plants are required to achieve indoor ventilation effects.Therefore,determining the ability of plants to remove indoor VOCs requires a combination of realistic and simulated scenarios.Recommendations and perspectives Plants and related microorganisms play an important role in improving indoor air quality,therefore,the effect of plants and the related microorganisms on improving indoor air quality must be studied further and the effect of plants on indoor VOCs will be the focus of future research. 展开更多
关键词 PLANTS VOCS removal mechanism indoor air purification MICROORGANISM
Deep learning echocardiographic intelligent model for evaluation on left ventricular regional wall motion abnormality
作者 WANG Yonghuai DONG Tianxin MA Chunyan 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1135-1139,共5页
Objective To observe the value of deep learning echocardiographic intelligent model for evaluation on left ventricular(LV)regional wall motion abnormalities(RWMA).Methods Apical two-chamber,three-chamber and four-cham... Objective To observe the value of deep learning echocardiographic intelligent model for evaluation on left ventricular(LV)regional wall motion abnormalities(RWMA).Methods Apical two-chamber,three-chamber and four-chamber views two-dimensional echocardiograms were obtained prospectively in 205 patients with coronary heart disease.The model for evaluating LV regional contractile function was constructed using a five-fold cross-validation method to automatically identify the presence of RWMA or not,and the performance of this model was assessed taken manual interpretation of RWMA as standards.Results Among 205 patients,RWMA was detected in totally 650 segments in 83 cases.LV myocardial segmentation model demonstrated good efficacy for delineation of LV myocardium.The average Dice similarity coefficient for LV myocardial segmentation results in the apical two-chamber,three-chamber and four-chamber views was 0.85,0.82 and 0.88,respectively.LV myocardial segmentation model accurately segmented LV myocardium in apical two-chamber,three-chamber and four-chamber views.The mean area under the curve(AUC)of RWMA identification model was 0.843±0.071,with sensitivity of(64.19±14.85)%,specificity of(89.44±7.31)%and accuracy of(85.22±4.37)%.Conclusion Deep learning echocardiographic intelligent model could be used to automatically evaluate LV regional contractile function,hence rapidly and accurately identifying RWMA. 展开更多
关键词 ventricular function left systolic function ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY deep learning
Right heart modified myocardial performance index and ductus venosus spectrum parameters in pre-eclampsia fetuses for predicting adverse pregnancy outcomes
作者 GAO Jing LI Hezhou +4 位作者 WANG Ming WU Juan WANG Xinxia LIU Yun ZHU Ziqi 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1146-1150,共5页
Objective To observe the values of changes of right heart modified myocardial performance index(Mod-MPI)and ductus venosus(DV)spectrum parameters in pre-eclampsia fetuses for predicting adverse pregnancy outcomes.Meth... Objective To observe the values of changes of right heart modified myocardial performance index(Mod-MPI)and ductus venosus(DV)spectrum parameters in pre-eclampsia fetuses for predicting adverse pregnancy outcomes.Methods Eighty-one pregnant women diagnosed as pre-eclampsia were prospectively enrolled and divided into severe pre-eclampsia(SPE)group(n=39)and mild pre-eclampsia(MPE)group(n=42),while 85 healthy pregnant women were taken as controls(control group).Fetal right heart function parameters,including right ventricular isovolumetric relaxation time(IRT),isovolumetric contraction time(ICT),ejection time(ET),total spent time(TST),Mod-MPI,tricuspid valve peak flow velocity ratio in early and late diastole(TV-E/A),as well as blood flow velocities in each waveform of DV spectrum(S,V,D,and A wave)were obtained,and the pulsatility index(PI)and the ratio of blood flow velocities in each waveform of the DV(S/V,S/D,S/A,V/D,V/A,D/A)were calculated.Intrauterine fetal distress,preterm delivery,neonatal asphyxia and newborn with low weight were considered as adverse pregnancy outcomes.The correlations of right heart Mod-MPI and TV-E/A with DV parameters in pre-eclampsia fetuses were assessed,and their predictive efficacies for adverse pregnancy outcomes were evaluated for right heart Mod-MPI and DV using the receiver operating characteristics(ROC)and the area under the curves(AUC).Results Compared with control group and MPE group,fetal right heart IRT,ICT and Mod-MPI increased and ET decreased in SPE group(all P<0.05).No significant differences of right heart TST and TV-E/A among 3 groups(both P>0.05).Fetal DV A-wave velocity and V/D values progressively decreased but PI progressively increased in control,MPE and SPE groups(all P<0.05).Fetal right heart Mod-MPI in pre-eclampsia was moderately positively correlated with DV PI(r=0.637,P=0.016),while TV-E/A was weakly negatively correlated with DV V/D(r=-0.355,P=0.043).Adverse pregnancy outcomes were noticed in 59 pre-eclampsia cases.The AUC of fetal right heart Mod-MPI and DV PI for predicting adverse pregnancy outcomes in pre-eclampsia cases was 0.897 and 0.848,respectively,without significant difference(Z=0.460,P=0.400).Conclusion Changes of right heart Mod-MPI and DV spectrum parameters in pre-eclampsia fetuses had high value for predicting adverse pregnancy outcomes. 展开更多
关键词 PRE-ECLAMPSIA fetal heart ventricular function ultrasonography prenatal prospective studies
Solution of idle LBO problem for high FAR aero combustor
作者 CHIN Jushan ZENG Qinghua 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期96-104,共9页
The paper sheds light on the idle lean blow off(LBO)problem for high fuel air ratio(FAR)com⁃bustor,which is impossible to be addressed with traditional aero combustor design.A significant improvement in aero combustor... The paper sheds light on the idle lean blow off(LBO)problem for high fuel air ratio(FAR)com⁃bustor,which is impossible to be addressed with traditional aero combustor design.A significant improvement in aero combustor design is required to resolve the idle LBO issue.The authors detailed a practical and efficient solu⁃tion,which not only solved the idle LBO issue but also defined the aero-thermal design for high-FAR combustor.The design will usher in a new era of aero combustor. 展开更多
关键词 Aero engine COMBUSTOR Idle lean blow off High fuel air ratio Concentric circle zoning combustion
“靡室劳矣”注释再探 被引量:1
作者 查清兰 《江西科技师范学院学报》 2013年第3期16-19,共4页
古代汉语和古代文学等相关教材都收录《诗经.卫风》中的名篇《氓》。长期以来,人们对《氓》中"靡室劳矣"句的解释纷纭。本文立足诗句中关键词语的释义,结合诗歌的具体语境,对已有的常见注释进行了分析,提出了对此诗句理解为&q... 古代汉语和古代文学等相关教材都收录《诗经.卫风》中的名篇《氓》。长期以来,人们对《氓》中"靡室劳矣"句的解释纷纭。本文立足诗句中关键词语的释义,结合诗歌的具体语境,对已有的常见注释进行了分析,提出了对此诗句理解为"不以室家之务为劳"的具体例证。 展开更多
Suppressing Leakage Currents and Improving Performance of Indoor Organic Photovoltaic Devices
作者 WANG Xiang GAO Jiaxin +2 位作者 LI Zheng WANG Ming TANG Zheng 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2024年第4期388-397,共10页
Organic photovoltaic(OPV) devices hold great promise for indoor light harvesting,offering a theoretical upper limit of power conversion efficiency that surpasses that of other photovoltaic technologies.However,the pre... Organic photovoltaic(OPV) devices hold great promise for indoor light harvesting,offering a theoretical upper limit of power conversion efficiency that surpasses that of other photovoltaic technologies.However,the presence of high leakage currents in OPV devices commonly constrains their effective performance under indoor conditions.In this study,we identified that the origin of the high leakage currents in OPV devices lay in pinhole defects present within the active layer(AL).By integrating an automated spin-coating strategy with sequential deposition processes,we achieved the compactness of the AL and minimized the occurrence of pinhole defects therein.Experimental findings demonstrated that with an increase in the number of deposition cycles,the density of pinhole defects in the AL underwent a marked reduction.Consequently,the leakage current experienced a substantial decrease by several orders of magnitude which achieved through well-calibrated AL deposition procedures.This enabled a twofold enhancement in the power conversion efficiency(PCE) of the OPV devices under conditions of indoor illumination. 展开更多
关键词 organic photovoltaic(OPV) indoor light harvesting pinhole defect leakage current shunt resistance
作者 李娟 《中国市场》 2004年第5期20-21,共2页
关键词 漆器 “室雅人和”店 传统工艺品 艺术品市场
Techno-economic and Environmental Assessments of SAF from Bioamss:An Review
作者 MAHMOOD T.M.N.Saeed PANG Shusheng CHEN Qiang 《林产化学与工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期29-51,共23页
This review presents a comprehensive techno-economic and life-cycle assessment of sustainable aviation fuel(SAF)production from biomass.The critical need for transitioning towards environmentally sustainable alternati... This review presents a comprehensive techno-economic and life-cycle assessment of sustainable aviation fuel(SAF)production from biomass.The critical need for transitioning towards environmentally sustainable alternatives for liquid fuel and aviation industry is first discussed.Key insights encompass the evolutionary progression of biofuel production from first-generation to second-generation biofuels,with a focus on utilizing non-food sources like woody biomass for enhanced sustainability.Available data from the literature on techno-economic assessments of various SAF production pathways are analyzed including production costs,conversion efficiency,and scalability.Moreover,results of lifecycle assessments associated with different SAF production pathways are presented,providing essential insights for decision-making processes.The challenges of scaling up woody biomass-based SAF production are discussed based on the assessment results,and recommendations are proposed to steer stakeholders towards a greener and more sustainable trajectory for aviation operations. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable aviation fuel woody biomass production costs minimum fuel selling price lifecycle assessment greenhouse gas emissions climate change
作者 朱岩 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2007年第5期104-108,共5页
《揅经室外集》著录书目,多可验之于《宛委别藏》丛书。故论《揅经室外集》著录书目之特色,可明《宛委别藏》丛书收书之特色,更可彰显阮氏版本目录学之学术价值。阮元为乾嘉时之大儒,亦为扬州学派之殿军。欲窥其目录学上之成就,离不开... 《揅经室外集》著录书目,多可验之于《宛委别藏》丛书。故论《揅经室外集》著录书目之特色,可明《宛委别藏》丛书收书之特色,更可彰显阮氏版本目录学之学术价值。阮元为乾嘉时之大儒,亦为扬州学派之殿军。欲窥其目录学上之成就,离不开《揅经室外集》。 展开更多
关键词 《揅经外集》 阮元 版本 目录
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