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“对分”模式在线上学习-实体课堂融合教学中的实践 被引量:3
作者 阮冰 刘光蓉 刘冬 《武汉轻工大学学报》 2018年第5期95-98,107,共5页
开展在线平台与实体课堂相融合的教学方式,其改革目的是希望能突破传统工厂式的教育,改变课程中过于注重知识传授而忽略学生学习地位的现状。结合"对分课堂"模式将教学环节分为3个部分:教师课堂讲授、自主学习和内化吸收、学... 开展在线平台与实体课堂相融合的教学方式,其改革目的是希望能突破传统工厂式的教育,改变课程中过于注重知识传授而忽略学生学习地位的现状。结合"对分课堂"模式将教学环节分为3个部分:教师课堂讲授、自主学习和内化吸收、学生讨论。该模式明确学习目的、实现个性化学习,进行辩证思考,逐步引导学生积极参与学习,培养自主学习和相互学习能力,提升学习动力,促进教学质量。 展开更多
关键词 “对分”模式 在线学习 实体课堂 自主学习
“对分课堂”模式在高职儿科护理教学中的应用与效果评价 被引量:33
作者 骆海燕 李美珍 +3 位作者 马腹婵 兰兰 林晨昕 姚立鹏 《护理学报》 2017年第5期10-14,共5页
目的应用"对分课堂"模式在高职儿科护理中开展护理教学,并评价应用效果。方法选取2014级高职护理专业1个班为观察组(n=51),1个班为对照组(n=53),分别应用"对分课堂"教学法和案例导入式教学法。课程结束后比较2组学... 目的应用"对分课堂"模式在高职儿科护理中开展护理教学,并评价应用效果。方法选取2014级高职护理专业1个班为观察组(n=51),1个班为对照组(n=53),分别应用"对分课堂"教学法和案例导入式教学法。课程结束后比较2组学生期末成绩和自主学习能力,并调查观察组学生对"对分课堂"教学的评价。结果 (1)学生期末成绩总分及选择题、是非题及案例分析题的成绩,观察组高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);名词解释题、填空题及简答题2组成绩差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(2)观察组自主学习能力总分及各维度值均高于教学前,且均高于同期对照组学生得分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)观察组学生多数认为"对分课堂"教学能提高学习效果(76%)、能提高学习兴趣(90%)、能提高学习主动性(88%)、促进知识的深入理解(84%)、对"对分课堂"模式持肯定态度,未来希望继续使用(80%)。结论 "对分课堂"应用于高职儿科护理教学具有可行性,有助于提高学生成绩和自主学习能力。 展开更多
关键词 儿科护理 “对分课堂”模式 以问题为中心 自主学习能力 护理教育
“对分+U校园”模式在大学英语读写教学中的有效性研究——以华侨大学为例 被引量:6
作者 李志君 《成都师范学院学报》 2020年第7期16-20,共5页
多年来,大学英语教学存在教学成效欠佳、学生学习兴趣低等问题,因此考察互联网背景下“对分+U校园”教学模式在大学英语读写教学中的有效性是必要的。通过教学实验和问卷调查发现:该教学模式较有效地提高了大学英语读写教学的效果,总体... 多年来,大学英语教学存在教学成效欠佳、学生学习兴趣低等问题,因此考察互联网背景下“对分+U校园”教学模式在大学英语读写教学中的有效性是必要的。通过教学实验和问卷调查发现:该教学模式较有效地提高了大学英语读写教学的效果,总体上获得了学生的认可,满足了其个性需求,发挥了学生的主体性和自主性,激发了其学习主动性和热情。同时,该教学模式锻炼了学生的合作学习、协同构建语言、文化知识的能力以及语言应用能力,较有效地促进了教学目标的实现。 展开更多
关键词 大学英语教学 “对分+U校园”模式 对分课堂 大学英语读写
“对分课堂”模式下的师生交互现状研究 被引量:7
作者 岳梦琳 刘志平 《全科护理》 2018年第2期141-143,共3页
[目的]了解"对分课堂"模式下师生交互的现状。[方法]随机选取平顶山某医学院护理专业学生168名,采用问卷调查法收集"对分课堂"模式下学生对师生交互的态度、内容、工具、时间等资料。[结果]87.66%的学生不同程度上... [目的]了解"对分课堂"模式下师生交互的现状。[方法]随机选取平顶山某医学院护理专业学生168名,采用问卷调查法收集"对分课堂"模式下学生对师生交互的态度、内容、工具、时间等资料。[结果]87.66%的学生不同程度上喜欢"对分课堂"模式下师生交互,83.88%的学生能够适应"对分课堂"模式,82.86%的学生希望老师继续使用"对分课堂"模式授课;师生交互的内容以完成作业为主,学生自发的思想交流和问题讨论较少;多数学生倾向于选择QQ和微信为交互工具;师生交互时间方面,有75.1%的学生每周不足1h,21.5%的学生每周1h^3h,3.4%的学生每周3h以上。[结论]"对分课堂"模式深受学生的喜爱,但在交互内容、交互工具、交互时间的把握上仍需继续探索。 展开更多
关键词 “对分课堂”模式 师生交互 平顶山
“对分+翻转教学”模式在大学英语视听教学中的运用研究 被引量:1
作者 于彦 《教育界(高等教育)》 2017年第2期33-34,共2页
文章将对分课堂和翻转课堂这两种基于现代教育理念的新教学模式结合起来,探讨了“对分+翻转教学”模式在大学英语视听教学中的优势和面临的挑战,并设计了“对分+翻转教学”模式在大学英语视听教学中的实施路径,以期通过教学模式的创... 文章将对分课堂和翻转课堂这两种基于现代教育理念的新教学模式结合起来,探讨了“对分+翻转教学”模式在大学英语视听教学中的优势和面临的挑战,并设计了“对分+翻转教学”模式在大学英语视听教学中的实施路径,以期通过教学模式的创新来促进实践中英语视听教学效果的提高。 展开更多
关键词 “对分+翻转教学”模式 大学英语视听教学 优势 挑战 路径
作者 周文俊 易晓春 《武汉船舶职业技术学院学报》 2022年第2期116-120,共5页
为满足部队对高职院校定向培养士官生在思政教育上的高要求,提升士官生军政教学水平,在武汉船舶职业技术学院士官学院进行“对分课堂”模式下思想政治教育课程的教学实践试点。“对分课堂”模式在课程教学过程中关注学生需求,在教学内... 为满足部队对高职院校定向培养士官生在思政教育上的高要求,提升士官生军政教学水平,在武汉船舶职业技术学院士官学院进行“对分课堂”模式下思想政治教育课程的教学实践试点。“对分课堂”模式在课程教学过程中关注学生需求,在教学内容上能灵活加入部队相关内容,对学生的考核进行过程性评价,能满足士官生在校培养中对思想政治素养的高要求。 展开更多
关键词 “对分课堂”模式 士官生 思想政治教育
高校思想政治理论课教学中“对分课堂”模式的应用 被引量:1
作者 尹红霞 黄昭彦 《广西教育》 2018年第27期148-150,共3页
本文阐述"对分课堂"模式在教学实践中探索形成"隔堂对分"和"当堂对分"两种基本范型,提出"对分课堂"属于生成性课堂的进一步探索,同时提出高校思政理论课应用"对分课堂"模式具有合理性,实践中取得了一定的成效,但也需要通过思... 本文阐述"对分课堂"模式在教学实践中探索形成"隔堂对分"和"当堂对分"两种基本范型,提出"对分课堂"属于生成性课堂的进一步探索,同时提出高校思政理论课应用"对分课堂"模式具有合理性,实践中取得了一定的成效,但也需要通过思政课教师的不断探索、矫正和优化尝试突破实践应用中存在的问题。 展开更多
关键词 思想政治理论课 “对分课堂”模式 应用
作者 黎茵 朱婉婷 朱水平 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2023年第8期144-147,共4页
在儿科护理教学中探讨应用“对分课堂”教学模式的效果。方法 研究对象为2020级高职护理专业7班与20班的学生,其中7班学生共56名,设置为观察组;20班学生共57名,设置为对照组,在儿科护理教学过程中7班学生应用“对分课堂”教学模式,20班... 在儿科护理教学中探讨应用“对分课堂”教学模式的效果。方法 研究对象为2020级高职护理专业7班与20班的学生,其中7班学生共56名,设置为观察组;20班学生共57名,设置为对照组,在儿科护理教学过程中7班学生应用“对分课堂”教学模式,20班学生则应用案例导入式教学模式,对两组学生期末成绩、自主学习能力得分情况进行对比,同时分析观察组对“对分课堂”教学模式的评价结果。结果 观察组各题型得分与总分均高于对照组,P<0.05;教学前,两组的三项能力与总得分不存在差异,P>0.05;教学后,观察组三项能力与总得分均高于对照组,P<0.05;在各项评价结果方面非常赞同与赞同占比普遍较高,说明学生对“对分课堂”教学模式普遍给予较高的认可。结论 儿科护理教学过程中应用“对分课堂”教学模式的效果明显好于案例导入式教学模式,有助于提升学生的自主学习能力与期末成绩,同时学生对该教学模式给予较高的评价,在未来学习中可继续应用。 展开更多
关键词 “对分课堂”模式 儿科护理 教学模式 自主学习能力
Studying on equilibriums between price and QoS in multi-provider overlay access networks
作者 王玉峰 Wang Wendong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第2期129-135,共7页
From the viewpoint of game theory, this paper proposes a model that combines QoS index with price factor in overlay access networks, and uses the multinomial logit (MNL) to model the choice behaviour of users. Each ... From the viewpoint of game theory, this paper proposes a model that combines QoS index with price factor in overlay access networks, and uses the multinomial logit (MNL) to model the choice behaviour of users. Each service class is considered an independent and competitive entity offered by each provider, which aims at maximizing its own utility. Based on noncooperative game, we prove the existence and uniqueness of equilibriums between QoS levels and prices among various service classes, and demonstrate the properties of equilibriums. Finally, these results are verified via ntunerieal analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Overlay access network noncooperative game multinomial logit model Nash equilibrium
Building Long-Term Care Insurance System in China 被引量:1
作者 Juan Yang Li Hua Chen 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期77-79,共3页
The objective is to explore the foundation of the elderly long-term care insurance system in China, which is to face the problem resulted from aging of the population. Adopting the contrastive analysis to introduce br... The objective is to explore the foundation of the elderly long-term care insurance system in China, which is to face the problem resulted from aging of the population. Adopting the contrastive analysis to introduce briefly the long-term care insurance system in German, Japan and America for our learning. Therefore, China's long-term care insurance system could not totally indiscriminately imitate the mandatory long-term care insurance system in German and Japan, it also could not copy the business model of nursing insurance system in America. The conclusion is that long-term care insurance system in China should use the experience of developed countries based on the basic national conditions, doing some relative works, such as establishing policies and regulations, strengthening personnel training, and improving the market specification. 展开更多
关键词 Aging of population Long-term care insurance FAMILY Medical expenses.
Application of Empirical Mode Energy to the Analysis of Fluctuating Signals
作者 李杨 李思纯 +1 位作者 朴胜春 孙世钧 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第1期99-104,共6页
After an aerial object enters the water, physical changes to sounds in the water caused by the accompanying bubbles are quite complex. As a result, traditional signal analyzing methods cannot identify the real physica... After an aerial object enters the water, physical changes to sounds in the water caused by the accompanying bubbles are quite complex. As a result, traditional signal analyzing methods cannot identify the real physical object. In view of this situation, a novel method for analyzing the sounds caused by an aerial object’s entry into water was proposed. This method analyzes the vibrational mode of the bubbles by using empitical mode decomposition. Experimental results showed that this method can efficiently remove noise and extract the broadband pulse signal and low-frequency fluctuating signal, producing an accurate resolution of entry time and frequency. This shows the improved performance of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 empirical mode decomposition energy feature extraction fluctuant signal analysis
PBRRI: A Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Communication Model in Distributed Systems
作者 张亚英 尤晋元 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2003年第2期128-132,共5页
In distributed systems independent agents need to interact with each other to accomplish their task. Modern peer-to-peer computing technologies always concern with enabling interaction among agents and help them coope... In distributed systems independent agents need to interact with each other to accomplish their task. Modern peer-to-peer computing technologies always concern with enabling interaction among agents and help them cooperate with each other. But in fact, access control should also be considered to limit interaction to make it harmless. This paper proposed a proxy based rule regulated interaction (PBRRI) model. Role based access control is introduced for security concerns. Regulation rules are enforced in a distributed manner so that PBRRI can be applied to the open distributed systems such as Internet. 展开更多
关键词 PEER-TO-PEER interaction rules regulation GROUP role based access control
Control of the Asymmetric Flow in Rocket Nozzles 被引量:1
作者 Shigeru Matsuo Shotaro Suetsugu +3 位作者 Junji Nagao Tokitada Hashimoto Toshiaki Setoguchi Heuy Dong Kim 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期97-102,共6页
In some rocket nozzle flows, the existence of the transition from FSS to RSS and the occurrence of asymmetric flow are known in previous researches. As a result, the transition causes excessive side-loads that may dam... In some rocket nozzle flows, the existence of the transition from FSS to RSS and the occurrence of asymmetric flow are known in previous researches. As a result, the transition causes excessive side-loads that may damage the nozzle. Thus, it is important to investigate the method in order to control the asymmetric flow separation. In the present study, the relationship between the asymmetric separation and the rate of change of the pressure ratio with time was investigated from the point of view of the transition from FSS to RSS in the supersonic nozzle experimentally. Further, change of the flow separation by using step and cavity, and the possibility of the control was demonstrated. As a result, it was shown that the method using a cavity was effective for the control of the separation pattern. 展开更多
关键词 Compressible flow Asymmetric shock wave Rocket nozzle CONTROL EXPERIMENT
Experimental investigation on control of vortex shedding mode of a circular cylinder using synthetic jets placed at stagnation points 被引量:11
作者 MA LiQun FENG LiHao 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期158-170,共13页
Control of flow around a circular cylinder by synthetic jets has been experimentally investigated in a water tunnel with particle image velocimetry(PIV) technique.The synthetic jets are positioned at both the front an... Control of flow around a circular cylinder by synthetic jets has been experimentally investigated in a water tunnel with particle image velocimetry(PIV) technique.The synthetic jets are positioned at both the front and rear stagnation points.With power spectrum analysis,proper orthogonal decomposition(POD) method and other techniques for data processing,particular attention is paid to the control of vortical structures around the circular cylinder,in which the excitation frequency f e is one to three times of the natural frequency f0 and the cylinder Reynolds number and the excitation amplitude are fixed.The influenced-scope of the synthetic jet enlarges as the excitation frequency increases,and thus the synthetic jet dominates the global flow field gradually.For the natural case and the control case at fe/f0=1,the distributions of the first two POD modes and the power spectra for their POD coefficients all exhibit the characteristics of the natural shedding with antisymmetric mode.For fe/f0=2 and fe/f0=3,the variations in the third and fourth POD modes and the corresponding power spectra indicate that the wake vortex shedding mode changes and the dominant frequency becomes the excitation frequency.For fe/f0=2,the wake vortex sheds downstream with either the antisymmetric or the symmetric mode;for fe/f0=3,the synthetic jet vortex pair interacts with the near wake shear layers from both sides to induce a pair of the symmetric wake vortices,which is gradually converted into an antisymmetric mode when shedding downstream. 展开更多
关键词 flow control synthetic jet circular cylinder stagnation points wake vortex shedding mode
Uniformity Pattern of Asymmetric Fractional Factorials
作者 QIN Hong WANG Zhenghong CHATTERJEE Kashinath 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第2期499-510,共12页
The objective of this paper is to discuss the issue of the projection uniformity of asymmetric fractional factorials.On the basis of Lee discrepancy,the authors define the projection Lee discrepancy to measure the uni... The objective of this paper is to discuss the issue of the projection uniformity of asymmetric fractional factorials.On the basis of Lee discrepancy,the authors define the projection Lee discrepancy to measure the uniformity for low-dimensional projection designs.Moreover,the concepts of uniformity pattern and minimum projection uniformity criterion are proposed,which can be used to assess and compare two and three mixed levels factorials.Statistical justification of uniformity pattern is also investigated. 展开更多
关键词 Lower bound minimum projection uniformity ORTHOGONALITY projection Lee discrepancy uniformity pattern.
Lie Symmetries,Conservation Laws and Explicit Solutions for Time Fractional Rosenau–Haynam Equation 被引量:2
作者 Chun-Yan Qin Shou-Fu Tian +1 位作者 t Xiu-Bin Wang Tian-Tian Zhang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期157-165,共9页
Under investigation in this paper is the invariance properties of the time fractional Rosenau-Haynam equation, which can be used to describe the formation of patterns in liquid drops. By using the Lie group analysis m... Under investigation in this paper is the invariance properties of the time fractional Rosenau-Haynam equation, which can be used to describe the formation of patterns in liquid drops. By using the Lie group analysis method, the vector fields and symmetry reductions of the equation are derived, respectively. Moreover, based on the power series theory, a kind of explicit power series solutions for the equation are well constructed with a detailed derivation. Finally, by using the new conservation theorem, two kinds of conservation laws of the equation are well constructed with a detailed derivation. 展开更多
关键词 time fractional Rosenau–Haynam equation Lie symmetry conservation laws
Methionine-101 from one strain of H5N1 NS1 protein determines its IFN-antagonizing ability and subcellular distribution pattern
作者 MENG Jin ZHANG ZhenFeng +2 位作者 ZHENG ZhenHua LIU Yan WANG HanZhong 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第11期933-939,共7页
Influenza A virus NS1 protein has developed two main IFN-antagonizing mechanisms by inhibiting retinoic-acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) signal transduction, or by suppressing cellular pre-mRNA processing through binding... Influenza A virus NS1 protein has developed two main IFN-antagonizing mechanisms by inhibiting retinoic-acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) signal transduction, or by suppressing cellular pre-mRNA processing through binding to cleavage and polyad-enylation specific factor 30 (CPSF30). However, the precise effects of NS1 on suppressing type I IFN induction have not been well characterized. Here we report that compared with PR/8/34 NS1, which is localized partially in the cytoplasm and has strong IFN-antagonizing ability via specifically inhibiting IFN-β promoter activity, H5N1 NS1 has strikingly different characteristics. It mainly accumulates in the nucleus of transfected cells and exerts rather weak IFN-counteracting ability through suppression of the overall gene expression. The M101I mutation of H5N1 NS1, namely H5-M101I, fully reversed its functions. H5-M101I gained the ability to specifically inhibit IFN-β promoter activity, translocate to the cytoplasm, and release CPSF30. The previously reported NES (nuclear export signal) (residues 138 147) was unable to lead H5N1 NS1 to translocate. This suggests that other residues may serve as a potent NES. Findings indicated that together with leucine-100, methionine-101 en- hanced the regional NES. In addition, methionine-101 was the key residue for the NS1-CPSF30 interaction. This study reveals the importance of methionine-101 in the influenza A virus life cycle and may provide valuable information for antiviral strategies. 展开更多
关键词 influenza A virus H5N1 IFN-Β CPSF30 NES
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