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山西抗日根据地军民的反“蚕食”反“封锁”斗争 被引量:2
作者 霍春英 《晋阳学刊》 2003年第3期62-67,共6页
1941年以来在中共中央、中共北方局、八路军总部领导下,山西抗日根据地军民针对日军疯狂的进攻和屠杀政策,开展卓有成效的政治攻势和反“蚕食”、反“封锁”斗争,扩大解放区,缩小沦陷区,为抗日战争的最终胜利做出了历史性贡献,充分显示... 1941年以来在中共中央、中共北方局、八路军总部领导下,山西抗日根据地军民针对日军疯狂的进攻和屠杀政策,开展卓有成效的政治攻势和反“蚕食”、反“封锁”斗争,扩大解放区,缩小沦陷区,为抗日战争的最终胜利做出了历史性贡献,充分显示了中共领导的人民战争的伟力。 展开更多
关键词 山西 抗日 根据地 反“蚕食” “封锁” 斗争
作者 苏志华 刘婷 《地球科学前沿(汉斯)》 2021年第6期777-785,共9页
新冠疫情“封锁”为研究极限减排对环境空气污染物浓度变化的影响建立了“天然实验室”。本文通过多尺度对比贵阳市“封锁”前后不同阶段的空气污染物PM2.5,PM10,SO2,NO2,CO和O3浓度变化,并结合同期的气象资料,研究疫情“封锁”对贵阳... 新冠疫情“封锁”为研究极限减排对环境空气污染物浓度变化的影响建立了“天然实验室”。本文通过多尺度对比贵阳市“封锁”前后不同阶段的空气污染物PM2.5,PM10,SO2,NO2,CO和O3浓度变化,并结合同期的气象资料,研究疫情“封锁”对贵阳市空气质量的影响。结果显示:“封锁”对6项污染物的影响明显不同,一级“封锁”导致PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2和CO平均浓度分别比“封锁”前期下降了3.23%、14.84%、0.08%、52.45%和22.30%,而O3平均浓度则上升了33.88%。NO2对疫情“封锁”的响应最为明显,其浓度大幅下降与疫情期间严格的交通管制有关。机动车活动水平下降减少了空气中的NO浓度,导致对O3的“滴定”作用减弱,从而使一级“封锁”期间O3浓度大幅上升。PM2.5平均浓度在一级“封锁”期间下降幅度较小,可能与气体–颗粒转换生成更多的硫酸盐气溶胶有关。气象条件对污染物浓度具有重要影响。在二级“封锁”期间日照时数和温度显著上升,相对湿度明显下降,光化学反应较为活跃,导致O3浓度显著上升。日照时数增加,气温升高使扬尘作用加强,导致空气中的颗粒物PM2.5和PM10浓度明显增大。本研究的启示为:采取减排措施改善空气质量时有必要制定预防O3污染的方案,并关注气体–颗粒转换产生的二次气溶胶对空气质量的影响。 展开更多
关键词 新冠疫情 “封锁” 污染物 气象条件 贵阳市
作者 王喜民 《中国广播》 2002年第8期41-42,共2页
关键词 《“连锁”遭“封锁” 新闻采访 新闻专题 中国广播电视新闻奖 获奖作品
作者 李璐 《安徽广播电视大学学报》 2016年第1期102-104,110,共4页
封锁时期的车厢在张爱玲笔下构成了一个奇特的异质空间,不同于以往的压抑空间书写,作者在这个空间下建构了吕宗桢与吴翠远的爱情传奇。结合空间理论进一步分析和探讨张爱玲小说中的封锁意象,文章第一部分将着重分析封锁下的车厢如何成... 封锁时期的车厢在张爱玲笔下构成了一个奇特的异质空间,不同于以往的压抑空间书写,作者在这个空间下建构了吕宗桢与吴翠远的爱情传奇。结合空间理论进一步分析和探讨张爱玲小说中的封锁意象,文章第一部分将着重分析封锁下的车厢如何成为一个异质空间;其次将重点探讨在这个异质空间下的文化反抗,分为三点:焦虑释放,爱情传奇,模糊道德;最后通过封锁的"瞬时性"特点来分析作者想象空间的失落。 展开更多
关键词 张爱玲 “封锁”意象 反抗 瞬时性
作者 海振忠 《商业研究》 1986年第6期10-13,共4页
十年内战时期,为反抗国民党屠杀政策及其反动统治,中国共产党领导人民举行多次武装起义,创建十五块革命根据地,诞生了中华苏维埃共和国的工农民主政权和新民主主义经济制度。在革命根据地里,进行必要和可能的经济建设,是支持长期的革命... 十年内战时期,为反抗国民党屠杀政策及其反动统治,中国共产党领导人民举行多次武装起义,创建十五块革命根据地,诞生了中华苏维埃共和国的工农民主政权和新民主主义经济制度。在革命根据地里,进行必要和可能的经济建设,是支持长期的革命战争、巩固和扩大革命根据地、打破敌人的军事“围剿”和经济封锁。 展开更多
关键词 革命根据地 土地革命战争时期 “封锁” 中华苏维埃共和国 新民主主义经济 十年内战时期 工农民主政权 中国共产党领导 屠杀政策 国民党
作者 王喜民 王广文 《中国广播》 2002年第8期43-44,共2页
关键词 “连锁” “封锁” 石家庄市 威药业公司 新闻采访
“封锁”下爱情的建构与破灭——论张爱玲1943年小说的情节模式 被引量:4
作者 陈怡 《理论界》 2013年第1期140-142,共3页
"旧小说情调与现代趣味的统一"是张爱玲小说的重要艺术特色,也正是这样一种叙述风格使她在中国现代文学史上占据了重要的地位。但是张爱玲小说的魅力远不止于此,其小说别具一格的悲凉风格背后蕴含着深刻的思想内涵。张爱玲194... "旧小说情调与现代趣味的统一"是张爱玲小说的重要艺术特色,也正是这样一种叙述风格使她在中国现代文学史上占据了重要的地位。但是张爱玲小说的魅力远不止于此,其小说别具一格的悲凉风格背后蕴含着深刻的思想内涵。张爱玲1943年创作的小说采用了"封锁"下爱情的建构与破灭这一情节模式,通过对其人生经历、心理感受、性格特征等因素的糅合,该模式得以形成,成为了张爱玲悲剧决绝的爱情观的一个缩影。 展开更多
关键词 张爱玲1943年小说 “封锁” 爱情 战争 斯德哥尔摩综合症
常规战术导弹封锁机场跑道效率研究 被引量:4
作者 王钠 万国龙 《战术导弹技术》 2003年第3期1-4,23,共5页
在提出封锁机场跑道成败条件的基础上 ,经理论分析给出了计算封锁机场跑道效率的方法 ,并对影响封锁效率的其中两个因素作了定量分析 。
关键词 常规战术导弹 “封锁机场跑道效率” 集束弹 圆概率偏差 毁伤概率 封锁效率
新冠疫情管控措施对环境空气污染物浓度变化的影响及启示 被引量:1
作者 苏志华 杨俊 +1 位作者 吴邦向 田一琼 《农业与技术》 2021年第13期102-104,共3页
新冠疫情管控措施为评估空气质量对极限减排的响应建立了"天然实验室"。本文综述了疫情管控措施对PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、SO_(2)、NO_(2)、CO和O_(3)等6项常规污染物浓度变化的影响,以期为空气污染防治提供科学依据。大量研究表... 新冠疫情管控措施为评估空气质量对极限减排的响应建立了"天然实验室"。本文综述了疫情管控措施对PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、SO_(2)、NO_(2)、CO和O_(3)等6项常规污染物浓度变化的影响,以期为空气污染防治提供科学依据。大量研究表明,疫情管控措施对污染物NO_(2)的影响最为显著,疫情期间的NO_(2)浓度下降了20%~100%;管控措施对SO_(2)影响较小,疫情期间SO_(2)浓度甚至出现了不降反升的现象;疫情期间CO浓度的下降幅度通常大于SO_(2)但小于NO_(2);由于对O_(3)的"滴定"消耗作用减弱,疫情期间O_(3)浓度普遍上升;管控措施导致PM_(10)浓度的降幅通常比PM_(2.5)大,因为二次气溶胶的生成抵消了部分PM_(2.5)减排。因此,采取减排措施改善空气质量时有必要预防O_(3)污染和PM_(2.5)的二次生成,减排与空气质量改善并不具有必然联系,在减排条件下,不利气象条件仍会导致空气污染事件的发生。 展开更多
关键词 新冠疫情 “封锁” 环境空气污染物 启示
自足与自困--张爱玲人生与创作得失简论 被引量:3
作者 胡艳秋 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期109-120,共12页
人们常说,张爱玲的起点也便是她的顶点。进一步看,那顶点也几乎是她的终点。对于这样一位极富才华成名时又极年轻的作家,何以会如此?本文在对张爱玲的整体创作轨迹略作描述后,试从她自身生活的小世界出发进行考察,探究那一封闭小世界是... 人们常说,张爱玲的起点也便是她的顶点。进一步看,那顶点也几乎是她的终点。对于这样一位极富才华成名时又极年轻的作家,何以会如此?本文在对张爱玲的整体创作轨迹略作描述后,试从她自身生活的小世界出发进行考察,探究那一封闭小世界是如何形成,如何孕育并成就了她的天才,又如何阻碍了她天才的进一步发展。即,那种自我"封锁",初为自足,后复为自困,这既体现于她的创作,亦复主导了她的一生。 展开更多
关键词 张爱玲 “封锁” 自足 自困
PD-1/PD-L1 pathway blockade works as an effective and practical therapy for cancer immunotherapy 被引量:18
作者 Long Jia Qi Zhang Rongxin Zhang 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期116-123,共8页
Cancer immunotherapy has greatly advanced in recent years,and PD-1/PD-L1 blocking therapy has become a major pillar of immunotherapy.Successful clinical trials of PD-1/PD-L1 blocking therapies in cancer treatments hav... Cancer immunotherapy has greatly advanced in recent years,and PD-1/PD-L1 blocking therapy has become a major pillar of immunotherapy.Successful clinical trials of PD-1/PD-L1 blocking therapies in cancer treatments have benefited many patients,which promoted the Food and Drug Administration(FDA)approval of PD-1/PD-L1 blocking drugs.In this review,we provide a detailed introduction of five PD-1/PD-L1 blocking drugs,with indications and studies,as a valuable reference for doctors and medical investigators.Moreover,the characteristics of PD-1/PD-L1 blocking therapies,including their universality and sustainability,are discussed in this review.Furthermore,we also discuss and predict the possibility of PD-L1 as an indication marker of PD-1/PD-L1 blocking therapy for pan-cancer treatment,and the current status of combination therapies. 展开更多
关键词 PD-1 PD-L1 cancer immunotherapy
Key questions about the checkpoint blockade-are microRNAs an answer? 被引量:3
作者 Mihnea Dragomir Baoqing Chen +1 位作者 Xiao Fu George A.Calin 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期103-115,共13页
The introduction of immune-checkpoint blockade in the cancer therapy led to a paradigm change of the management of late stage cancers. There are already multiple FDA approved checkpoint inhibitors and many other agent... The introduction of immune-checkpoint blockade in the cancer therapy led to a paradigm change of the management of late stage cancers. There are already multiple FDA approved checkpoint inhibitors and many other agents are undergoing phase 2 and early phase 3 clinical trials. The therapeutic indication of immune checkpoint inhibitors expanded in the last years, but still remains unclear who can benefit. Micro RNAs are small RNAs with no coding potential. By complementary pairing to the 3' untranslated region of messenger RNA, microRNAs exert posttranscriptional control of protein expression. A network of microRNAs directly and indirectly controls the expression of checkpoint receptors and several microRNAs can target multiple checkpoint molecules,mimicking the therapeutic effect of a combined immune checkpoint blockade. In this review, we will describe the microRNAs that control the expression of immune checkpoints and we will present four specific issues of the immune checkpoint therapy in cancer:(1) imprecise therapeutic indication,(2) difficult response evaluation,(3) numerous immunologic adverse-events, and(4)the absence of response to immune therapy. Finally, we propose microRNAs as possible solutions for these pitfalls. We consider that in the near future microRNAs could become important therapeutic partners of the immune checkpoint therapy. 展开更多
关键词 MicroRNA PD-1 PD-L1 CTLA-4 checkpoint inhibitors
The Influence of Blocking Mass Parameters on the Vibration Isolation Performance of a Power Cabin 被引量:1
作者 计方 姚熊亮 叶曦 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第1期25-32,共8页
Rigid blocking masses are located in the typical base structure of a power cabin based on the impedance mismatch principle.By combining the acoustic-structural coupling method and statistical energy analysis,the full-... Rigid blocking masses are located in the typical base structure of a power cabin based on the impedance mismatch principle.By combining the acoustic-structural coupling method and statistical energy analysis,the full-band vibration and sound radiation reduction effect of vibration isolation masses located in a base structure was researched.The influence of the blocking mass’ cross-section size and shape parameters and the layout location of the base isolation performance was discussed.Furthermore,the effectiveness of rigid vibration isolation design of the base structure was validated.The results show that the medium and high frequency vibration and sound radiation of a power cabin are effectively reduced by a blocking mass.Concerning weight increment and section requirement,suitably increasing the blocking mass size and section height and reducing section width can result in an efficiency-cost ratio. 展开更多
关键词 rigid isolation blocking mass parameters power cabin vibration isolation performance efficiency-cost ratio
The Anomalous European Climates Linked to Different Euro-Atlantic Blocking
作者 YAO Yao LUO De-Hai 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第4期309-313,共5页
The impact on temperature and precipitation anomalies over the European continent of the different action centers of blocking events in the Euro-Atlantic sector was investigated. It was found that the position of the ... The impact on temperature and precipitation anomalies over the European continent of the different action centers of blocking events in the Euro-Atlantic sector was investigated. It was found that the position of the blocking action center in the Euro-Atlantic region seems to dominate European climates. When the center of the blocking action is in the Greenland region, there is a strong negative temperature anomaly over Central and Northern Europe, as well as a strong positive precipitation anomaly over southern Europe. However, there tends to be a strong negative temperature anomaly in the west(east) part of Europe when the center of the blocking action is shifted to the Eastern Atlantic and west Europe(east Europe). In particular, when the blocking action center is closer to the European continent, the fall in temperature becomes more evident over Central and south Europe than over other regions. Moreover, it was found that when the region where the blocking action center exists changes from the Eastern Atlantic and west Europe region to the east Europe region, the existing region of dominant positive precipitation anomalies varies from southwest Europe to southeast Europe and the Middle East. 展开更多
关键词 blocking action center temperature precipitation CLIMATE
庸常的生活 放不下浪漫——谈张爱玲的《封锁》 被引量:1
作者 姬志海 《湘潮(理论版)》 2009年第6期7-7,10,共2页
当我们的浪漫情怀借助了爱的翅膀刚刚从身体中逃出,就会感到,它后面其实一直在拖着那条无形的、越拉越紧的巨大锁链——庸常生活的惯性和矢量容不得半点传奇,所有梦想的色彩都是绘在玻璃上的水粉画,很快就会被冲刷的干干净净,不留下任... 当我们的浪漫情怀借助了爱的翅膀刚刚从身体中逃出,就会感到,它后面其实一直在拖着那条无形的、越拉越紧的巨大锁链——庸常生活的惯性和矢量容不得半点传奇,所有梦想的色彩都是绘在玻璃上的水粉画,很快就会被冲刷的干干净净,不留下任何痕迹。张爱玲的短篇小说《封锁》无疑就要告诉我们,只有琐屑无聊的日常生活才是真实与永恒的。 展开更多
关键词 “封锁”的隐喻 细腻入微的心理描写 新感觉派的技法
“封锁香港”问题研究(1868—1886) 被引量:3
作者 陈新文 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期167-185,共19页
19世纪中期 ,粤港洋面鸦片走私猖獗 ,对中国关税权益造成极大损害。中国政府为此在香港周边地区广设关卡巡船 ,专责查缉走私。但港英政府和商界诬蔑中国政府的正当行动是对香港的“封锁”。“封锁香港”问题由此产生。“封锁”问题本质... 19世纪中期 ,粤港洋面鸦片走私猖獗 ,对中国关税权益造成极大损害。中国政府为此在香港周边地区广设关卡巡船 ,专责查缉走私。但港英政府和商界诬蔑中国政府的正当行动是对香港的“封锁”。“封锁香港”问题由此产生。“封锁”问题本质上是国家海关主权之争 ,鸦片税收冲突是其主要表现形式。清政府在维护国家关税主权、挽救经济权益的抗争中 ,最终滑向以牺牲国家主权换取经济利益的错误道路。 展开更多
关键词 “封锁香港”问题 鸦片走私 中国 关税 英国 清政府
Unconventional quantum gate based on Rydberg blockade mechanism 被引量:1
作者 SUN RongHui YE MingYong LIN XiuMin 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期1755-1759,共5页
We propose a scheme for realizing an unconventional three-qubit controlled-phase gate via the Rydberg blockade mechanism.The qubit is encoded by atomic ensembles that are trapped in optical traps and fixed on an atom ... We propose a scheme for realizing an unconventional three-qubit controlled-phase gate via the Rydberg blockade mechanism.The qubit is encoded by atomic ensembles that are trapped in optical traps and fixed on an atom chip.Because of the collective nature of the encoding and the Rydberg blockade mechanism,the scheme do not require separate addressing of individual atoms.The time needed for the gate operation is much shorter than that in a similar scheme.In addition,we show the gate can be used as a basic tool for effective generation of large-scale 2D cluster states. 展开更多
关键词 Rydberg blockade mechanism controlled-phase gate cluster state
Observation of Coulomb blockade and ballistic tunneling in graphene single electron transistor
作者 TAN ZhenBing LIU GuangTong LU Li YANG ChangLi 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期7-10,共4页
A square graphene single electron transistor (SET) was defined with two side gates, and its transport was studied at low temperature at T = 2 K. At zero magnetic field, Coulomb blockade oscillations were clearly obs... A square graphene single electron transistor (SET) was defined with two side gates, and its transport was studied at low temperature at T = 2 K. At zero magnetic field, Coulomb blockade oscillations were clearly observed near the Dirac point of this device. At high magnetic field, in the quantum Hall regime, we observed ballistic tunneling of the carders through the graphene SET, contrary to the Coulomb blockades observed while approaching the vicinity of the Dirac point. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPHENE single electron transistor Coulomb blockade TUNNELING quantum Hall state
B7S1, a novel candidate for anti-tumor checkpoint blockade immunotherapy
作者 Xiangyu Chen Lilin Ye 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1132-1134,共3页
Antigen-specific CD8+T cells play a critical role in eradicating transformed or virally infected cells. Upon recognition of cancerous or viral originated peptides, presented by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in th... Antigen-specific CD8+T cells play a critical role in eradicating transformed or virally infected cells. Upon recognition of cancerous or viral originated peptides, presented by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in the form of peptide-MHC class I complex, CD8+T cells become activated, rapidly and extensively proliferate and differentiate into functionally competent effector cells. Following successfully and timely clearing transformed or virally infected cells, the majority of effector CD8+Tcells die of apoptosis. Concomitantly a small fraction (around 5%-10%) of effector CD8+T cells survive and progressively differentiate into long-lived and self-renewable memory CD8+T cells. 展开更多
关键词 HCC a novel candidate for anti-tumor checkpoint blockade immunotherapy PD ICB Figure CD
Efficient Excitation of a Symmetric Collective Atomic State with a Single-Photon Through Dipole Blockade
作者 洪方昱 熊诗杰 +1 位作者 傅景礼 朱志艳 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期365-369,共5页
In the famous quantum communication scheme developed by Duan et al.[L.M.Duan,M.D.Lukin,J.I.Cirac,and P.Zoller,Nature(London) 414(2001) 413],the probability of successful generating a symmetric collective atomic state ... In the famous quantum communication scheme developed by Duan et al.[L.M.Duan,M.D.Lukin,J.I.Cirac,and P.Zoller,Nature(London) 414(2001) 413],the probability of successful generating a symmetric collective atomic state with a single-photon emitted have to be far smaller than 1 to obtain an acceptable entangled state.Based on strong dipole-dipole interaction between two Rydberg atoms,two simultaneous excitations in an atomic ensemble are greatly suppressed,which makes it possible to excite a mesoscopic cold atomic ensemble into a near-ideal singly-excited symmetric collective state accompanied by a signal-photon with near unity success probability. 展开更多
关键词 collective enhancement dipole blockade atomic ensemble SINGLE-PHOTON
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