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作者 王岩 《农林经济管理学报》 CSSCI 2016年第4期351-357,共7页
家庭联产承包责任制是我国农村土地制度创新最为重要的成果,已有研究多以产权、绩效、制度变迁等视角对其确立进行解析,但缺乏从文化传统和"官""民"互动等维度的探讨。为此,从"大传统"与"小传统&qu... 家庭联产承包责任制是我国农村土地制度创新最为重要的成果,已有研究多以产权、绩效、制度变迁等视角对其确立进行解析,但缺乏从文化传统和"官""民"互动等维度的探讨。为此,从"大传统"与"小传统"的概念及其内涵出发,基于"小传统"的排他性、"大传统"容纳性及二者互动等维度探究家庭联产承包责任制确立的社会文化内涵。研究结果表明,"小传统"对"大传统"的排斥建构了承包责任制确立的微观基础;"大传统"对"小传统"的渐进式接纳确立了承包责任制的合法性;"大传统"与"小传统"的双向互动则是内嵌于承包责任制形成过程的文化机理。为发挥"大传统"与"小传统"在深化农村土地制度改革中的双向推动作用,从传统改造、文化协调和提高文化多样性等方面进行思考。 展开更多
关键词 家庭联产承包责任制 “大传统” “小传统”
作者 邢军 《戏剧之家》 2021年第6期124-125,134,共3页
作为民间普通百姓的生存智慧,上海弄堂生活中的"小传统"虽然没有显赫的地位,却最贴近民间生活、切合生活需要,是民族伦理生活的一种精神所在。从此角度出发,审视三十年代上海明星影片公司出品的、反映上海弄堂生活的影片,就... 作为民间普通百姓的生存智慧,上海弄堂生活中的"小传统"虽然没有显赫的地位,却最贴近民间生活、切合生活需要,是民族伦理生活的一种精神所在。从此角度出发,审视三十年代上海明星影片公司出品的、反映上海弄堂生活的影片,就会发现这些影片正是这种文化"小传统"的艺术呈现,是上海开埠后在特殊与复杂的社会环境下所形成的民间伦理文化的反映。 展开更多
关键词 三十年代 电影 伦理文化“小传统” 明星电影公司
作者 王岩 《农业部管理干部学院学报》 2016年第2期45-51,共7页
家庭联产承包责任制是我国农村土地制度创新最为重要的成果,已有研究多以产权、绩效、制度变迁等视角对其确立进行解析,但缺乏从文化传统和"官""民"互动等维度的探讨。为此,本文从"大传统"与"小传统... 家庭联产承包责任制是我国农村土地制度创新最为重要的成果,已有研究多以产权、绩效、制度变迁等视角对其确立进行解析,但缺乏从文化传统和"官""民"互动等维度的探讨。为此,本文从"大传统"与"小传统"的概念及其内涵出发,基于"小传统"的排他性、"大传统"容纳性及二者互动等维度探究了家庭联产承包责任制确立的社会文化内涵。研究结果表明,"小传统"对"大传统"的排斥建构了承包责任制确立的微观基础;"大传统"对"小传统"的渐进式接纳确立了承包责任制的合法性;"大传统"与"小传统"的双向互动则是内嵌于承包责任制形成过程的文化机理。为发挥"大传统"与"小传统"在深化农村土地制度改革中的双向推动作用,文章从传统改造、文化协调和提高文化多样性等方面进行了思考。 展开更多
关键词 家庭联产承包责任制 “大传统” “小传统”
作者 范立舟 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期21-25,共5页
与其将中国文化看作上层与下层文化的统一体,不如将其视作既相互影响又至少部分分离的两个领域,即"大传统"与"小传统"。唐宋之后,中国文化与宗教以及知识体系实际上已清晰地呈现出分层的格局。思想史研究的任务即在... 与其将中国文化看作上层与下层文化的统一体,不如将其视作既相互影响又至少部分分离的两个领域,即"大传统"与"小传统"。唐宋之后,中国文化与宗教以及知识体系实际上已清晰地呈现出分层的格局。思想史研究的任务即在于"大传统"的疏解,又在于阐论"小传统"所内蕴的思想史意义。居今而言,最要紧的工作是:1.经学思想研究;2.政治思想研究;3.民间信仰研究的思想史价值;4.民俗文化研究的思想史意义。研究的眼光既要"向上",也要"向下"。 展开更多
关键词 “大传统” “小传统” 经学 政治 民间信仰 民俗文化
作者 易淑琼 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第3期18-24,共7页
《星洲日报》是马来西亚华人社会具有强大影响力的华文日报,其综合性副刊《星云》征文策划频繁,征文主要分两类:其一为节庆主题,其二为社会话题。二者以民间"小叙事"映照华社民间习俗、人伦人情等文化"小传统"及其... 《星洲日报》是马来西亚华人社会具有强大影响力的华文日报,其综合性副刊《星云》征文策划频繁,征文主要分两类:其一为节庆主题,其二为社会话题。二者以民间"小叙事"映照华社民间习俗、人伦人情等文化"小传统"及其共享价值观,并以文学"低门槛"的写作带动广泛的庶民参与,客观上起到传承与活化华族文化、建构集体记忆与身份的功能。征文亦以"日常生活审美化"书写形式将"华人性"身份的保持与华文媒体作为族裔消费品的属性有机地联结。 展开更多
关键词 《星洲日报》 副刊征文 马来西亚华人 “小传统” 身份认同
作者 付建舟 《北京教育学院学报》 2020年第5期66-73,共8页
依据马克思的历史进化论、马克斯·韦伯的社会文化理论和塔尔科特·帕森斯的结构功能论,以民初文学本位观和钱穆、余英时等人的“内在理路”研究方法考察民初大型通俗文学期刊《小说新报》,可以发现民初文学表现出凸显文学“小... 依据马克思的历史进化论、马克斯·韦伯的社会文化理论和塔尔科特·帕森斯的结构功能论,以民初文学本位观和钱穆、余英时等人的“内在理路”研究方法考察民初大型通俗文学期刊《小说新报》,可以发现民初文学表现出凸显文学“小传统”的内源性变革特征。从历时性看,民初文学具有自身发展的“内在理路”;从共时性看,民初文学的结构形态表现为新旧文学体系的融合体。就小说而言,其历史演进使小说文体从“小传统”变为“大传统”,而与“五四”新文学这个“大传统”相比,以通俗小说为主体的民初小说仍然是“小传统”。 展开更多
关键词 民初文学 内源性变革 《小说新报》 “小传统”
作者 徐迎花 《福建论坛(社科教育版)》 2008年第2期16-21,共6页
本研究尝试以"体"与"制"为框架,借用"大传统"与"小传统"概念,解读东晋的郊祀制度。认为这个制度以师古、适用为原则,既有依王学的改造,也有对郑学的择从。不断地清除淫祠杂祀"小传统&quo... 本研究尝试以"体"与"制"为框架,借用"大传统"与"小传统"概念,解读东晋的郊祀制度。认为这个制度以师古、适用为原则,既有依王学的改造,也有对郑学的择从。不断地清除淫祠杂祀"小传统",向礼经"大传统"回归,其理性化、工具化的倾向突出。 展开更多
关键词 “体”与“制” “大传统”“小传统” 郊天活动 郊祀制度
“位育”视野中的集体记忆与乡土重建——兼评《神堂记忆》 被引量:2
作者 徐姗姗 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期79-83,共5页
景军所著的《神堂记忆》展示了一个中国基层社区在时代变迁中以"文化记忆"抵抗"官方记忆",以"集体记忆"调和"社会记忆"的文化适应过程。该过程不仅是被动接受和濡化的"记忆团结",还... 景军所著的《神堂记忆》展示了一个中国基层社区在时代变迁中以"文化记忆"抵抗"官方记忆",以"集体记忆"调和"社会记忆"的文化适应过程。该过程不仅是被动接受和濡化的"记忆团结",还包含主动调适和建构的"事件团结",体现了潘光旦先生提倡的"位育"思想。其主要手段是对民间群体记忆中种种文化符号进行拣选与转化,进而运用为划定族群认同边界的象征资本。本文通过分析重建孔庙、重修族谱和复兴祭奠仪式三个核心环节的乡土重建过程,呈现现代性进程中承载着保障文化绵续性功能的社区"小传统"的消解与再造。 展开更多
关键词 位育 集体记忆 乡土重建 “小传统” 《神堂记忆》
Equipping the Public Primary Schools in Puebla: The Case of the Enciclomedia System in the State of Puebla, Mexico 被引量:1
作者 Juan Carlos Botello Martin Dfivila 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第10期668-677,共10页
The primary school system in Mexico is affected by serious shortfalls in the installation of related information and communication technologies resources in the teaching-learning process. This lack of resources has an... The primary school system in Mexico is affected by serious shortfalls in the installation of related information and communication technologies resources in the teaching-learning process. This lack of resources has an impact of the context of the digital divide as well as in joining the knowledge society. The present article will deal with the outfitting of classrooms with the enciclomedia system in the 5tb and 6th grade in the State of Puebla. It will demonstrate important findings, demonstrating the deepening digital divide between the state capital and the rest of the municipalities in this state. In fact, the furthest (300 km far away from Puebla city) the less primary school equipped with the enciclomedia system. We will also demonstrate the resource distribution by school-type and inhabitants. Another finding is the influence in resource distribution by political party. This study should provide public policy decision-makers with valuable information for the apportionment of resources in all municipalities of the State of Puebla. 展开更多
关键词 Public policies primary schools information technology resource distribution political party.
Language Features in The Catcher in the Rye
作者 JING Jing 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期601-605,共5页
The Catcher in the Rye was the first novel by Jerome David Salinger, published in 1951. The book is considered as one of American literature classics in the 20th century and releases six million copies in various vers... The Catcher in the Rye was the first novel by Jerome David Salinger, published in 1951. The book is considered as one of American literature classics in the 20th century and releases six million copies in various versions in the world. This paper mainly introduces how Salinger uses the first person technique through the novel, the anti-tradition language features and it also introduces the usage of stream of consciousness in the novel. 展开更多
关键词 the first person technique language feature the anti-tradition feature
A New Multi-sensor Data Fusion Algorithm Based on EMD-MMSE 被引量:2
作者 张琦 阙沛文 +1 位作者 陈天璐 黄晶 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第2期153-158,共6页
A new multi-sensor data fusion algorithm based on EMD-MMSE was proposed.Empirical mode decomposition(EMD)is used to extract the noise of every time series for estimating the variance of the noise.Then minimum mean squ... A new multi-sensor data fusion algorithm based on EMD-MMSE was proposed.Empirical mode decomposition(EMD)is used to extract the noise of every time series for estimating the variance of the noise.Then minimum mean square error(MMSE)estimator is used to calculate the weights of the corresponding series.Finally,the fused signal is the weighted addition of all these series.The experiments in lab testified the efficiency of this method.In addition,the comparison in fusion time and fusion results with existing fusion method based on wavelet and average technique shows the advantage of this method greatly. 展开更多
关键词 data fusion empirical mode decomposition (EMD) minimum mean square error (MMSE) multisensor system
Thermal properties of open-celled aluminum foams prepared by two infiltration casting methods 被引量:2
作者 王辉 周向阳 +2 位作者 龙波 文康 杨焘 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2567-2571,共5页
Contrastive research was carried out to study the thermal properties of open-celled aluminum foams prepared by counter-gravity infiltration casting system and the traditional process respectively.The experimental resu... Contrastive research was carried out to study the thermal properties of open-celled aluminum foams prepared by counter-gravity infiltration casting system and the traditional process respectively.The experimental results show that the thermal conductivity coefficients of aluminum foams prepared by two different infiltration methods have similar increasing trend with the increase of particle size;along with the reducing porosity,the thermal conductivity coefficients will be enhanced oppositely.However,with the same particle size,the open-celled aluminum foam prepared by the former method has a higher thermal conductivity coefficient obviously.It is largely because that the sample prepared by counter-gravity infiltration casting has a lower void content and better dense crystallization of metal-matrix after the constant pressure process. 展开更多
关键词 open-celled aluminum foams counter-gravity infiltration casting thermal conductivity coefficient particle size POROSITY
A Comparison of the Main Features of Suzuki and Traditional Violin Education
作者 Huseyin Bulent AKDENIZ 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第2期107-113,共7页
In early childhood education it is important to determine a child's ability or attitude towards different subjects Training and/or education geared towards these tendencies will not only ensure a more healthy future ... In early childhood education it is important to determine a child's ability or attitude towards different subjects Training and/or education geared towards these tendencies will not only ensure a more healthy future choice in education for the child but furthermore will enable the child to have a happier educational atmosphere in early childhood. Music education/training in early childhood is considered to be very important in early years. Music education/training, in the correct and proper context using tangible and feasible teaching techniques not only improves and develops a child's musical skills but also helps develop his/her personality. Two people who shared this view were Zolt^n Kod^ly and Shinichi Suzuki. Suzuki positively affected the educational systems worldwide with his approach to violin teaching and his ideas on early childhood pedagogy. Choosing between the Suzuki violin teaching methodology and the traditional violin teaching methodology is a personal decision. This article tries to objectively elaborate on different aspects of Suzuki and traditional violin teaching methodologies. Each methodology has its pros and cons and knowing what these are will help individuals to make a more educated choice. 展开更多
关键词 early childhood education SUZUKI METHODOLOGY VIOLIN music education passive listening handlingthe bow traditional violin teaching methodology
Evaluation of Antitumor,Immunomodulatory and Free Radical Scavenging Effects of A New Herbal Prescription Seaweed Complex Preparation 被引量:3
作者 LIU Xin SHAO Changlun +2 位作者 KONG Wenwen FANG Yuchun WANG Changyun 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第3期515-520,共6页
Seaweed Complex Preparation (SCP) is a clinical traditional Chinese medicine preparation which is composed of seven traditional Chinese herbs, and it has been used for treatment of lung cancer, liver cancer and dige... Seaweed Complex Preparation (SCP) is a clinical traditional Chinese medicine preparation which is composed of seven traditional Chinese herbs, and it has been used for treatment of lung cancer, liver cancer and digestive cancer. However, little infor- mation is available about the pharmacodynamic basis. The antitumor, immunomodulatory and free radical scavenging effects of SCP were evaluated in this study. Transplanted tumor in vivo method was used to determine the antitumor effect. The effects on spleno- cyte proliferation and phagocytosis of macrophages in tumor-bearing mice were measured by the MTT method and the phagocytizing cock red blood cell (CRBC) method respectively. The scavenging activities of SCP on DPPH and hydroxyl radicals in vitro were investigated. It was found that the medium-dose and high-dose of SCP could significantly inhibit the growth of transplanted hepatic tumor of murine hepatocarcinoma cell line H22, and promote proliferation of splenocytes and phagocytosis of macrophages. SCP possessed noticeable scavenging activities on DPPH and hydroxyl radicals. The antiturnor effects of SCP might be achieved by im- proving immune system and scavenging free radicals, which is in accordance with the viewpoint of traditional Chinese medicine in promoting the body resistance and eliminating pathogenic factors for cancer treatment. 展开更多
关键词 traditional Chinese medicine preparation Seaweed complex preparation ANTITUMOR IMMUNOMODULATORY free radicalscavenging
Lord of the flies: A survey of evil humanity
作者 GUO Xiao-chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第12期61-65,共5页
The novel, Lord of the flies, written by William Golding (1911-1993) who was among the most popular and influential British authors to have emerged after World War II, is permeated with symbolism. His reputation res... The novel, Lord of the flies, written by William Golding (1911-1993) who was among the most popular and influential British authors to have emerged after World War II, is permeated with symbolism. His reputation rested primarily upon his acclaimed first novel. The present paper attempts to examine the theme of Lord of the flies in respects of its counter-tradition treatment of boys, evil actions of innocent boys and its use of symbols and arrives at a tentative conclusion that the combination of the three above-mentioned elements helps the novel to express the theme that evil is human nature. 展开更多
关键词 Lord of the flies evil humanity SYMBOLS counter-tradition theme
Megalithic Culture and Its Post Visualization: A Short Review on Findings From Archeological Site and Local Tradition in Indonesia
作者 Lutfi Yondri Nina Herlina +1 位作者 Mumuh M. Zakaria Mundardjito 《History Research》 2016年第3期157-163,共7页
Long span of megalithic culture development in Indonesia can be seen from its materials remain. It does appear on the sacred and on the profane form. The aim of this article is trying to describe about the megalithic ... Long span of megalithic culture development in Indonesia can be seen from its materials remain. It does appear on the sacred and on the profane form. The aim of this article is trying to describe about the megalithic visualization. Some of megalithic aspects such as shape, size, and its material had been applied. Megalithic culture in Indonesia is generally found on small size, while the large size is only found in certain locations. It can be concluded the visualization of megalithic culture in Indonesia is no longer in accordance with its etymology as cultural that uses large stone, because small stone and wood are also used as source. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE megalithic VISUALIZATION TRADITION and material
Research and Simulation on the Small-scale Streaming Data Transmission Communication System based on ARM and FPGA
作者 Yuzhu Ren 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期72-74,共3页
In this paper, we conduct theoretical research on small-scale streaming data transmission communication system based on ARM and FPGA. Compared with network layer IP multicast, it does not need to change the underlying... In this paper, we conduct theoretical research on small-scale streaming data transmission communication system based on ARM and FPGA. Compared with network layer IP multicast, it does not need to change the underlying structure of the network with the realization. Aa are day by day mature as a result of the embedded technical high speed development and the GPRS technology with use the embedded system essence small, special-purpose strong, the system simplification and the GPRS network cover characteristics and so on whole world. Under this basis, this paper proposes the new ARM and FPGA based small-scale streaming data transmission communication system. The implementation of the system proves its effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 ARM and FPGA SMALL-SCALE Streaming Data Communication System.
Comparative study between rivaroxaban and conventional low molecular weight heparin anticoagulant in preventing thrombosis
作者 Zhongfu Zhao Xiaoguang Li Jin Wang Wei Dong Ling Ding Hongbo Yao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期131-133,共3页
After entering 2010, as main varieties patents of the global non-peptide angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARB) expire, strong growth of anti-hypertensive drug market will tend to slow down. In drugs acting on th... After entering 2010, as main varieties patents of the global non-peptide angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARB) expire, strong growth of anti-hypertensive drug market will tend to slow down. In drugs acting on the cardiovascular and blood system, antithrombotie drugs will become a new attraction on the market. Antithrombotic drugs are primarily formed by the anti-platelet aggregation, coagulation system activation of plasminogen thrombolytic drugs and the like. Antiplatelet drugs have both prevention and treatment effect, are the main category of antithrombotic drugs. According to IMS Health data, in 2008, sale of anti-thrombosis drug in global market is 180 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 16 %, while in 2009 the growth rate is only 7.95%, reaching $ 19.5 billion, growth rate of antithrombotic drugs is 7.13% in the world' s major pharmaceutical market. 展开更多
关键词 RIVAROXABAN HEPARIN preventing thrombosis
Coordinated multi-point transmission technique in TDD cellular mobile system 被引量:1
作者 Rakesh Tamrakar 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第1期35-40,共6页
Coordinated multi-point transmission/reception, CoMP, technique converts the interference signal into the useful information by controlling the interfering signals among adjacent cells. Theoretically, it is a breakthr... Coordinated multi-point transmission/reception, CoMP, technique converts the interference signal into the useful information by controlling the interfering signals among adjacent cells. Theoretically, it is a breakthrough from the traditional interference limited non-cooperative single point transmission system, improving link reliability and enhancing the data rate. CoMP is regarded as one of the most essential and effective techniques in eliminating the inter-cell interference, boosting cell edge throughput and overall system throughput. CoMP technique has obvious advantages in TDD(time division duplexing) cellular mobile system; the necessary channel state information for CoMP can be easily obtained through channel reciprocity property in TDD system. CoMP scheme in TDD system and likely problems are analyzed in this paper, and it is shown by system simulations that the significant gain can be achieved. 展开更多
关键词 multi antenna technique COMP TDD system channel reciprocity
Application of artificial intelligent systems for real power transfer allocation
作者 Shareef Hussain Abd.Khalid Saifulnizam +1 位作者 Sulaiman Herwan Mohd Mustafa Wazir Mohd 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2719-2730,共12页
The application of various artificial intelligent(AI) techniques,namely artificial neural network(ANN),adaptive neuro fuzzy interface system(ANFIS),genetic algorithm optimized least square support vector machine(GA-LS... The application of various artificial intelligent(AI) techniques,namely artificial neural network(ANN),adaptive neuro fuzzy interface system(ANFIS),genetic algorithm optimized least square support vector machine(GA-LSSVM) and multivariable regression(MVR) models was presented to identify the real power transfer between generators and loads.These AI techniques adopt supervised learning,which first uses modified nodal equation(MNE) method to determine real power contribution from each generator to loads.Then the results of MNE method and load flow information are utilized to estimate the power transfer using AI techniques.The 25-bus equivalent system of south Malaysia is utilized as a test system to illustrate the effectiveness of various AI methods compared to that of the MNE method. 展开更多
关键词 artificial intelligence power tracing support vector machine power system deregulation
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