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“睪”旁为“尺”探源 被引量:1
作者 何华珍 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期93-95,共3页
日本学界以为,凡从“军”之字省作“尺”,如“釈”、“訳”、“択”、“沢”、“駅”等,乃倭俗所为。考之敦煌写卷, “睪”旁为“尺”,省“澤”为“尺”,已见鳞爪。日本历代典籍,承而用之,广而推之,直至进入《常用汉字表》,成为日本的... 日本学界以为,凡从“军”之字省作“尺”,如“釈”、“訳”、“択”、“沢”、“駅”等,乃倭俗所为。考之敦煌写卷, “睪”旁为“尺”,省“澤”为“尺”,已见鳞爪。日本历代典籍,承而用之,广而推之,直至进入《常用汉字表》,成为日本的现行规范汉字。 展开更多
关键词 “睪”旁为“尺” 中国汉字 日本汉字
论“斤”“尺”及其他 被引量:1
作者 黎良军 《河池学院学报》 2017年第6期85-89,共5页
《现代汉语词典》和《现代汉语规范字典》把"斤"字处理为同音同形字是不恰当的,古今一般辞书对"尺"字的构形分析则是错误的。"斤"字义项间存在引申关系(物-性之引申)。"尺"字象人以右手用拇指... 《现代汉语词典》和《现代汉语规范字典》把"斤"字处理为同音同形字是不恰当的,古今一般辞书对"尺"字的构形分析则是错误的。"斤"字义项间存在引申关系(物-性之引申)。"尺"字象人以右手用拇指和食指拃物(另三指拳曲)以测量物长之形,"蒦"字在湘语邵阳话中有"谋画"与"瞪眼"义,《说文解字》的"规蒦"即后世的"规划",段玉裁以"规蒦"为古语以及章炳麟对这一古语的使用,都是对的。 展开更多
关键词 《现代汉语词典》 同音同形词
作者 李春桃 《中国文字研究》 2022年第2期1-10,共10页
长期以来,学界多认为战国文字中“尺”是假借“乇”字为之,其实这种看法缺乏证据。同时楚文字中“尺”“卜”“乇”作为单字和偏旁时,过去多被误释。文中分别讨论了以上三类形体的写法,并对相关材料进行了考证。认为“尺”字与“乇”应... 长期以来,学界多认为战国文字中“尺”是假借“乇”字为之,其实这种看法缺乏证据。同时楚文字中“尺”“卜”“乇”作为单字和偏旁时,过去多被误释。文中分别讨论了以上三类形体的写法,并对相关材料进行了考证。认为“尺”字与“乇”应该相互区分,三晋文字中过去一些被认为是从乇的字,事实上是从尺的。而楚文字中“尺”“卜”写法相近,文中辨析了郭店简、望山简中文字,认为旧说分析这些形体从乇是有问题的,这些形体所从或为“尺”旁或为“卜”旁。楚国玉印中以往释成“乇”的字,应改释成“尺”或“卜”。包山楚简和木牍中以往释成“■”的字,应改释为“■”。 展开更多
关键词 考释
作者 陈秋蓉 《教育界》 2024年第20期5-7,共3页
“尺规作图”是新课标中“图形与几何”领域的重要内容。明确课标内“尺规作图”的内容体系、探寻教学中“尺规作图”的教育价值、探究课堂上“尺规作图”的教学路径,能引导学生在实践操作中感受数学的严谨性和精确性,进而促进其几何直... “尺规作图”是新课标中“图形与几何”领域的重要内容。明确课标内“尺规作图”的内容体系、探寻教学中“尺规作图”的教育价值、探究课堂上“尺规作图”的教学路径,能引导学生在实践操作中感受数学的严谨性和精确性,进而促进其几何直观和推理意识的良好发展。 展开更多
关键词 小学数学 新课标 “尺规作图” 三角形 核心素养
明代音乐图谱所见工尺唱名体系初探 被引量:7
作者 李宏锋 《星海音乐学院学报》 CSSCI 2012年第3期12-25,共14页
文章以明代音乐图谱文献及相关传统音乐遗存为基础,从音乐实践角度探讨当时工尺谱唱名体系的应用特点。通过对相关乐器音位及雅乐与俗乐曲谱的分析梳理,认为完善自宋代的以"合"为调首配黄钟的固定工尺唱名体系,在明代仍见施用... 文章以明代音乐图谱文献及相关传统音乐遗存为基础,从音乐实践角度探讨当时工尺谱唱名体系的应用特点。通过对相关乐器音位及雅乐与俗乐曲谱的分析梳理,认为完善自宋代的以"合"为调首配黄钟的固定工尺唱名体系,在明代仍见施用;同时,以"尺"为调首的工尺唱名系统,则以其深厚的历史渊源,始终贯穿于明代俗乐发展之中。明代俗乐实践中所用工尺唱名的主体,是以"正宫调(五字调)调名系统"为基础的固定唱名。工尺谱在发展历程中对不同唱名及调名体系的选择,是以其相应的主流乐器机制和音乐实践需要为基础和支撑的。 展开更多
关键词 七调 固定调唱名 首调唱名 古谱解读 明代音乐 音乐图谱
莱布尼茨物质无限可分思想的学术背景与哲学意义——兼论我国古代学者惠施等人“尺捶”之辩的本体论意义 被引量:2
作者 段德智 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期43-48,共6页
莱布尼茨的物质无限可分思想不仅在莱布尼茨哲学体系中具有举足轻重的地位,而且对西方哲学史的近代发展也具有比较深广的影响。莱布尼茨的物质无限可分思想的学术背景虽然可以一直上溯到古希腊时代亚里士多德与德谟克利特的哲学争论,但... 莱布尼茨的物质无限可分思想不仅在莱布尼茨哲学体系中具有举足轻重的地位,而且对西方哲学史的近代发展也具有比较深广的影响。莱布尼茨的物质无限可分思想的学术背景虽然可以一直上溯到古希腊时代亚里士多德与德谟克利特的哲学争论,但最根本的还在于笛卡尔与原子论的近代复兴者伽森狄的哲学争论。可以说,莱布尼茨的无限可分思想及其哲学意义主要地就是在对笛卡尔的批判的再批判中发挥出来的。莱布尼茨在对笛卡尔有关思想的反思和批判中,从他的物质无限可分思想中不仅推演出了他的"单子论"实体学说,而且还推演出了他的中国盒式的自然有机主义和前定和谐系统。差不多与亚里士多德提出其物质无限可分思想的同时,中国古代哲学家也提出了一个著名的与亚里士多德的说法极其相似的哲学命题,这就是:"一尺之捶,日取其半,万世不竭"。莱布尼茨的这样一种哲学进路对我们昭示我国古代学者惠施等人"尺捶"之辩的本体论意义显然具有重要的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 莱布尼茨 物质无限可分 本体论意义 “尺捶”之辩
作者 左馨 《数学教学通讯》 2019年第16期43-44,共2页
通过对苏教版数学二年级上册“我们身体上的‘尺’”的三次教学设计的修改,学生在测量中,积累了数学实践活动的初步经验,经历了运用“身体尺”测量物体长度的过程,以及不同“身体尺”测量同一物体长度,结果不一样的感受。不断完善与优... 通过对苏教版数学二年级上册“我们身体上的‘尺’”的三次教学设计的修改,学生在测量中,积累了数学实践活动的初步经验,经历了运用“身体尺”测量物体长度的过程,以及不同“身体尺”测量同一物体长度,结果不一样的感受。不断完善与优化了教学。 展开更多
关键词 小学数学 我们身上的“尺” 教学改进
作者 杨青勇 《广西师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第2期105-109,共5页
从爱因斯坦引力场方程的严格解———史瓦西解的物理解释出发 ,讨论了引力场中“钟慢”、“尺缩”效应与弯曲时空几何结构的对应关系 ,指出真实引力场对钟和尺的影响与表观引力场中的“钟慢”、“尺缩”效应有本质上的区别 .
关键词 史瓦西几何 引力效应 “钟慢” “尺缩”
作者 陆海英 《山东教育》 2002年第12期32-32,共1页
关键词 中班 科学活动 幼儿园 “尺”教学 活动设计
作者 周颖 《日语知识》 2004年第11期40-40,共1页
「しゃはち尺八」是一种竹制的古代管乐器,因管长一尺八寸而得名.有六指孔,一孔蒙竹膜,竖吹.盛唐时期,尺八是宫廷乐舞中十分重要的一种乐器.宋代以后,箫、笛等乐器逐渐取代了尺八的地位,以致在中国很难见到这种古代的乐器.但因为它是演... 「しゃはち尺八」是一种竹制的古代管乐器,因管长一尺八寸而得名.有六指孔,一孔蒙竹膜,竖吹.盛唐时期,尺八是宫廷乐舞中十分重要的一种乐器.宋代以后,箫、笛等乐器逐渐取代了尺八的地位,以致在中国很难见到这种古代的乐器.但因为它是演奏福建南音不可缺少的乐器,所以,现在只有闽南和台湾还在使用. 展开更多
关键词 “尺八” 古代管乐器 日本 民间乐器
作者 一苇 《文史杂志》 2003年第1期79-79,共1页
关键词 “尺八” 乐器 中国 日本 考古
作者 赵龙 《文教资料》 2021年第27期1-4,共4页
数字“十一”在秦汉时期有超出一般数字意义的应用,本文以“尺一牍”“钱十一当一布”“六百六十钱”等事例为例证,在排除几种可能之后,结合其时人在历法方面的探索,可知“十一”这一数字由于历法方面的一些原因而与众不同,最后因为官... 数字“十一”在秦汉时期有超出一般数字意义的应用,本文以“尺一牍”“钱十一当一布”“六百六十钱”等事例为例证,在排除几种可能之后,结合其时人在历法方面的探索,可知“十一”这一数字由于历法方面的一些原因而与众不同,最后因为官方力量推行其应用反过来确立、加深了这一特殊性。官方这一行为的背后是秦汉时期统治者和学者的一些朴素但有传承性的观念。 展开更多
关键词 “尺一牍” “钱十一当一布” “六百六十钱” 历法术数
作者 钱俊 陈月圆 《中学生数理化(八年级数学)(华师大版)》 2009年第3期43-44,共2页
关键词 画圆工具 中学 数学教学 “尺规”
Effects of frothers on bubbles size and flotation performance of hydrophobic minerals
作者 Gülşah GÜVEN Berivan TUNÇ +1 位作者 Ş.Beste AYDIN Gülay BULUT 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2280-2299,共20页
Frothers facilitate the reduction of bubbles size by preventing bubbles coalescence and produce more stable froths.The collision probability of the bubbles and particles substantially increases by decreasing bubble si... Frothers facilitate the reduction of bubbles size by preventing bubbles coalescence and produce more stable froths.The collision probability of the bubbles and particles substantially increases by decreasing bubble size.For the same volume system,fewer bubbles result from a distribution of large-sized bubbles,and more bubbles result from a distribution of small-sized bubbles.In this research,fundamental two-phase frother characterization parameters were aimed to link with three-phase coal and talc flotation behavior.For this purpose,the effect of single and dual frother systems on inhibiting bubble coalescence was investigated with methyl isobutyl carbinol(MIBC),isooctanol(2 ethyl hexanol),pine oil,and Dowfroth 250.Based on the results of single frothers,isooctanol at the lowest critical coalescence concentration(CCC)value of 6×10^(−6) achieved the smallest bubbles with Sauter mean diameter of 0.80 mm.By blending Dowfroth 250 and pine oil,the bubbles size decreased significantly,reaching 0.45 mm.While the highest recoveries in coal flotation were obtained in single and frother blends where the bubbles size was measured as the smallest in two-phase system,and such a relationship was not found for talc flotation. 展开更多
关键词 FLOTATION frother blends bubble size coal and talc flotation
Similarity Criterion and Scale Effect for Ship Distortion Model Under Combined Loads
作者 ZHANG Yi-long WEI Peng-yu +3 位作者 DAI Ze-yu WANG Lian ZENG Qing-bo TANG Qin 《船舶力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期1880-1890,共11页
For the ultimate strength model test evaluation of large ship structures, the distortion model with non-uniform ratio between the main size and the plate thickness size is usually adopted. It is the key to carry out s... For the ultimate strength model test evaluation of large ship structures, the distortion model with non-uniform ratio between the main size and the plate thickness size is usually adopted. It is the key to carry out scale model test to establish a distortion model similar to the real ship structure under combined load. A similarity criterion for ship distortion model under the combined action of bending moment and surface pressure was proposed, and the scale effect for the criterion was verified by a se ries of numerical analysis and model tests. The results show that the similarity criterion for ship distor tion model under combined loads has a certain scale effect. For the model tests of ship cabin struc tures, it is suggested that the scale range between the plate thickness scale and the main dimension scale should be controlled within 2:1, which can be used as a reference for distortion model design and ultimate strength test of large-scale ship structures. 展开更多
关键词 distortion model combined load similarity criteria scale effect ultimate strength test
Improved YOLOv5-Based Inland River Floating Garbage Detection Model
作者 HU Wen-hao SI Zhan-jun +1 位作者 SHI Jin-yu YANG Ke 《印刷与数字媒体技术研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期195-204,共10页
Detection of floating garbage in inland rivers is crucial for water environmental protection,as it effectively reduces ecological damage and ensures the safety of water resources.To address the inefficiency of traditi... Detection of floating garbage in inland rivers is crucial for water environmental protection,as it effectively reduces ecological damage and ensures the safety of water resources.To address the inefficiency of traditional cleanup methods and the challenges in detecting small targets,an improved YOLOv5 object detection model was proposed in this study.In order to enhance the model’s sensitivity to small targets and mitigate the impact of redundant information on detection performance,a bi-level routing attention mechanism was introduced and embedded into the backbone network.Additionally,a multi-scale detection head was incorporated into the model,allowing for more comprehensive coverage of floating garbage of various sizes through multi-scale feature extraction and detection.The Focal-EIoU loss function was also employed to optimize the model parameters,improving localization accuracy.Experimental results on the publicly available FloW_Img dataset demonstrated that the improved YOLOv5 model outperforms the original YOLOv5 model in terms of precision and recall,achieving a mAP(mean average precision)of 86.12%,with significant improvements and faster convergence. 展开更多
关键词 Floatinggarbage YOLOv5 Attentionmechanism Multi-scale detection head Focal-EIoU
Improved YOLOv8-Based Target Detection Algorithm for UAV Aerial Image
作者 JIANG Mao-xiang SI Zhan-jun 《印刷与数字媒体技术研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期86-96,共11页
In response to the challenge of low detection accuracy and susceptibility to missed and false detections of small targets in unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)aerial images,an improved UAV image target detection algorithm... In response to the challenge of low detection accuracy and susceptibility to missed and false detections of small targets in unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)aerial images,an improved UAV image target detection algorithm based on YOLOv8 was proposed in this study.To begin with,the CoordAtt attention mechanism was employed to enhance the feature extraction capability of the backbone network,thereby reducing interference from backgrounds.Additionally,the BiFPN feature fusion network with an added small object detection layer was used to enhance the model's ability to perceive for small objects.Furthermore,a multi-level fusion module was designed and proposed to effectively integrate shallow and deep information.The use of an enhanced MPDIoU loss function further improved detection performance.The experimental results based on the publicly available VisDrone2019 dataset showed that the improved model outperformed the YOLOv8 baseline model,mAP@0.5 improved by 20%,and the improved method improved the detection accuracy of the model for small targets. 展开更多
关键词 UAV YOLOv8 Attentional mechanisms Multi-scale detection MPDIoU
Dehazing algorithm for adaptively corrected transmission under multiscale morphology
作者 ZHANG Shuai YANG Yan 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2024年第4期477-489,共13页
In order to solve the problems of color bias and visual deviation caused by inaccurate estimation of transmittance and atmospheric light in image defogging,a new algorithm based on multi-scale morphological reconstruc... In order to solve the problems of color bias and visual deviation caused by inaccurate estimation of transmittance and atmospheric light in image defogging,a new algorithm based on multi-scale morphological reconstruction with adaptive transmittance and atmospheric light correction was proposed.Firstly,the algorithm used the open operation under morphological reconstruction to replace the minimum filter operation in the dark channel,and used the morphological edge to set the scale of the open operation structure elements,and constructed a multi-scale open operation fusion dark channel.After morphological noise reduction,the exact initial transmittance was obtained.According to the relationship between brightness and saturation difference and transmittance,an adaptive transmittance correction model was fitted with Gaussian function to correct the initial transmittance of the sky fog map.Then the local atmospheric light was improved according to the image brightness information and morphology closure operation.Finally,the proposed algorithm was combined with the atmospheric scattering model to obtain an accurate fog free image.The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm was suitable for fog image restoration under various scenes,the restoration effect was good,and the brightness was suitable. 展开更多
关键词 image dehazing morphological reconfiguration multi-scale fusion dark channel adaptive correction multi-scene recovery
Infrasound Event Classification Fusion Model Based on Multiscale SE-CNN and BiLSTM
作者 Hongru Li Xihai Li +3 位作者 Xiaofeng Tan Chao Niu Jihao Liu Tianyou Liu 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期579-592,620,共15页
The classification of infrasound events has considerable importance in improving the capability to identify the types of natural disasters.The traditional infrasound classification mainly relies on machine learning al... The classification of infrasound events has considerable importance in improving the capability to identify the types of natural disasters.The traditional infrasound classification mainly relies on machine learning algorithms after artificial feature extraction.However,guaranteeing the effectiveness of the extracted features is difficult.The current trend focuses on using a convolution neural network to automatically extract features for classification.This method can be used to extract signal spatial features automatically through a convolution kernel;however,infrasound signals contain not only spatial information but also temporal information when used as a time series.These extracted temporal features are also crucial.If only a convolution neural network is used,then the time dependence of the infrasound sequence will be missed.Using long short-term memory networks can compensate for the missing time-series features but induces spatial feature information loss of the infrasound signal.A multiscale squeeze excitation–convolution neural network–bidirectional long short-term memory network infrasound event classification fusion model is proposed in this study to address these problems.This model automatically extracted temporal and spatial features,adaptively selected features,and also realized the fusion of the two types of features.Experimental results showed that the classification accuracy of the model was more than 98%,thus verifying the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed model. 展开更多
关键词 infrasound classification channel attention convolution neural network bidirectional long short-term memory network multiscale feature fusion
Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Multi-scale Adversarial Network
作者 ZENG Jun-yang SI Zhan-jun 《印刷与数字媒体技术研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期70-77,共8页
In this study,an underwater image enhancement method based on multi-scale adversarial network was proposed to solve the problem of detail blur and color distortion in underwater images.Firstly,the local features of ea... In this study,an underwater image enhancement method based on multi-scale adversarial network was proposed to solve the problem of detail blur and color distortion in underwater images.Firstly,the local features of each layer were enhanced into the global features by the proposed residual dense block,which ensured that the generated images retain more details.Secondly,a multi-scale structure was adopted to extract multi-scale semantic features of the original images.Finally,the features obtained from the dual channels were fused by an adaptive fusion module to further optimize the features.The discriminant network adopted the structure of the Markov discriminator.In addition,by constructing mean square error,structural similarity,and perceived color loss function,the generated image is consistent with the reference image in structure,color,and content.The experimental results showed that the enhanced underwater image deblurring effect of the proposed algorithm was good and the problem of underwater image color bias was effectively improved.In both subjective and objective evaluation indexes,the experimental results of the proposed algorithm are better than those of the comparison algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Underwater image enhancement Generative adversarial network Multi-scale feature extraction Residual dense block
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