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作者 袁延胜 未梦娇 《宋史研究论丛》 2024年第1期290-310,共21页
宋代官员的官称与实际职务相分离,冗官现象严重。为符合阶级利益,缓解阶级斗争,统治者往往以限制犯罪者及其家属居住环境的形式,加之以行政处罚,对其进行处罚。宋代逐步形成了编配法中重要的“居住”之法。“居住”法与贬谪术名相结合,... 宋代官员的官称与实际职务相分离,冗官现象严重。为符合阶级利益,缓解阶级斗争,统治者往往以限制犯罪者及其家属居住环境的形式,加之以行政处罚,对其进行处罚。宋代逐步形成了编配法中重要的“居住”之法。“居住”法与贬谪术名相结合,确定刑罚的不同类别,如除名勒停、追官勒停、落职、责授分司、宫观和致仕等。“居住”法与受罚者的生前和死后活动范围相结合,确定刑罚的轻重。随着“居住”法的实行,居住范围的分散和人员的扩大对宋代的经济文化交流与发展产生了重大影响。 展开更多
关键词 居住概念 “居住”人 居住处罚分类 “居住”管理
“居住型”街区下的街道办事处角色重塑——对北京市朝阳区劲松街道办事处的个案研究 被引量:2
作者 李洁 《中共天津市委党校学报》 2006年第2期74-77,共4页
街道办事处作为我国城市的基层政权组织,在城市基层管理和组织、服务城市居民等方面起着基础性作用。当前城市街道办事处既要承担一定的政府职能,又要承担一定的社会职能。为顺应这一形势,北京市朝阳区劲松街道办事处大胆改革,设立“一... 街道办事处作为我国城市的基层政权组织,在城市基层管理和组织、服务城市居民等方面起着基础性作用。当前城市街道办事处既要承担一定的政府职能,又要承担一定的社会职能。为顺应这一形势,北京市朝阳区劲松街道办事处大胆改革,设立“一站式”服务大厅,创新“一站式”服务体系,创建大科制,精简组织结构,对“居住型”街区下的街道办事处的角色重塑问题进行了有益的探索。 展开更多
关键词 “居住型”街区 街道办事处 角色重塑
作者 吕翾 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 2012年第6期39-46,共8页
近年来,由于土地资源紧缺、保障房体系滞后与房地产市场投机炒作,导致台湾都会区房价居高难下,为多数台湾民众所诟病,并一度位列台湾"十大民怨"之首。台湾立法机构陆续审议通过"不动产经纪业管理条例"、"平均... 近年来,由于土地资源紧缺、保障房体系滞后与房地产市场投机炒作,导致台湾都会区房价居高难下,为多数台湾民众所诟病,并一度位列台湾"十大民怨"之首。台湾立法机构陆续审议通过"不动产经纪业管理条例"、"平均地权条例"、"地政士条例"、"土地征收条例"等四项修正案,并新制定"住宅法",统称"居住正义五法",以规范房地产市场交易主体、行为与信息公开,完善土地交易与保有环节税制,确保土地征收公正补偿以及落实中低收入家庭基本住宅权保障,值得大陆地区在相关立法中借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 “居住正义五法” 房地产调控 住房保障 启示
基于“居住—就业”视角的南京市流动人口空间分异研究 被引量:18
作者 徐卞融 吴晓 《规划师》 北大核心 2010年第7期113-120,共8页
基于"居住—就业"视角,运用因子生态分析方法和空间聚类分析方法,对南京市主城区流动人口空间分异现象进行分析。结果表明,南京市存在显著的流动人口空间分异现象,影响居住空间分异的5个主因子分别为迁居特征、住房条件、职... 基于"居住—就业"视角,运用因子生态分析方法和空间聚类分析方法,对南京市主城区流动人口空间分异现象进行分析。结果表明,南京市存在显著的流动人口空间分异现象,影响居住空间分异的5个主因子分别为迁居特征、住房条件、职业状况、来源地和经济地位,影响就业空间分异的5个主因子分别为职业状况、集聚方式、迁居特征、住房条件和经济地位。其中,居住空间分异受迁居特征影响较多,而就业空间分异与职业状况相关度较高。 展开更多
关键词 流动人口 空间分异 “居住—就业”视角 南京
作者 田春来 陆彭琪 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第2期1-10,共10页
“居住”义动词演化为体标记是常见的语法化路径,广西白话与桂南平话的“居住”义动词都是“住”,又都演化为了体标记,却是两种不同的演化路径。桂南平话的“居住”义动词在演变出处所/存在动词之后,又受到原存处所动词“在”的影响进... “居住”义动词演化为体标记是常见的语法化路径,广西白话与桂南平话的“居住”义动词都是“住”,又都演化为了体标记,却是两种不同的演化路径。桂南平话的“居住”义动词在演变出处所/存在动词之后,又受到原存处所动词“在”的影响进一步虚化;而广西白话的“居住”义动词没有“‘居住’义动词>处所/存在动词”这一演化路径,无法向处所介词的方向演化,而是遵循汉语史“居住”义动词演化的模式。广西白话与桂南平话没有因语言接触而在“居住”义动词上产生相互影响,这使得“居住”义动词衍生出了不同的演化路径。 展开更多
关键词 “居住”义动词 广西粤语 语法化
作者 杨慧南 胡仁禄 《中外建筑》 2004年第1期85-87,共3页
湖边小宅是勒·柯布西耶在瑞士完成的第一栋现代主义住宅,文章从使用功能、对自然环境的利用、通风采光以及结构和材料等方面对其进行了详细的介进而指出应该从自然和生态的全新的视角来理解柯氏的″居住机器″理论的深刻含义,重申... 湖边小宅是勒·柯布西耶在瑞士完成的第一栋现代主义住宅,文章从使用功能、对自然环境的利用、通风采光以及结构和材料等方面对其进行了详细的介进而指出应该从自然和生态的全新的视角来理解柯氏的″居住机器″理论的深刻含义,重申了现代主义的某些可持续的设计理念对我们今天的设计实践仍然具有借鉴义。 展开更多
关键词 勒·柯布西耶 “居住机器”理论 生态住宅 通风采光
作者 曾原 《科技资讯》 2016年第9期104-104,106,共2页
"居住空间设计"课程是近年来国内实践设计课程中十分重要的一个分支部分,作为学生来说必须要掌握十分扎实的专业知识,才能保证后期应用效率。从当前居住空间设计课程实践性以及应用性方面的特点出发,对"居住空间设计&qu... "居住空间设计"课程是近年来国内实践设计课程中十分重要的一个分支部分,作为学生来说必须要掌握十分扎实的专业知识,才能保证后期应用效率。从当前居住空间设计课程实践性以及应用性方面的特点出发,对"居住空间设计"课程教学设计以及具体的教学方式进行阐述,希望能够为"居住空间设计"课程教学质量的不断提升,创建良好的条件。 展开更多
关键词 “居住空间设计” 教学设计 教学方式
作者 张小明 《城市开发》 2005年第3期78-79,共2页
关键词 2005年 美国 住宅建筑 “居住”文化 建筑设计
作者 陈汝全 《实用影音技术》 2002年第6期64-66,共3页
本文介绍宽带数字技术在美国的发展和计划,在经过调查和分析后,预测了美国1000万个家庭使用电缆调制解调器、数字用户线路(DSL)以及其他的卫星和无线宽带解决方案所需的时间。内容包括究竟用宽带家庭网络来干什么?人们为什么要买“数字... 本文介绍宽带数字技术在美国的发展和计划,在经过调查和分析后,预测了美国1000万个家庭使用电缆调制解调器、数字用户线路(DSL)以及其他的卫星和无线宽带解决方案所需的时间。内容包括究竟用宽带家庭网络来干什么?人们为什么要买“数字炉子/居住网关”?根据实际制定的工业计划,家庭生活方式的变化需要一个过程,以及数字炉子/居住网关(digital furnace/Residential Gateways)的销售策略。看看国外,可能对我们有一定的启发。 展开更多
关键词 整合产品 因特网 “居住网关” 宽带数字技术 “数字炉子”
作者 李煜 余凡娣 高媛 《虹》 2022年第4期15-17,共3页
根据课程思政的理念,高职艺术设计专业的课程教学正经历改革探索。该文主要研究如何将思想政治教育融入到高职居住空间设计实训课程中,以提高学生的思想政治素质。从课程思想政治设计、课程思想政治整合设计和应用项目化教学法 3 个方... 根据课程思政的理念,高职艺术设计专业的课程教学正经历改革探索。该文主要研究如何将思想政治教育融入到高职居住空间设计实训课程中,以提高学生的思想政治素质。从课程思想政治设计、课程思想政治整合设计和应用项目化教学法 3 个方向来探讨改革策略,最终着重强调改革的成效。 展开更多
关键词 “居住空间设计实训”课程 思政 高职
A comparison of landscaping plant utilization in some residential quarters in Beijing
作者 王晓晓 谭峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2005年第1期24-31,共8页
A dwelling district is the most direct space of people’s living environment. The environmental construction should take the improvement and maintenance of the ecologically balance in housing estate as its aim and the... A dwelling district is the most direct space of people’s living environment. The environmental construction should take the improvement and maintenance of the ecologically balance in housing estate as its aim and the coexistence between man and nature as its goal. By making an analysis of the current situation of afforestation, landscape, functional requirements and humanistic environment of the six residential quarters of Huilongguan Fengyayuan, Sainaweila,Xinxinjiayuan of the Asian Games, and others in Beijing, this paper presents an arrangement mode of plants in dwelling districts. 展开更多
关键词 PLANT LANDSCAPE dwelling district BEIJING
Do copepods inhabit hypersaline waters worldwide?A short review and discussion 被引量:2
作者 Elena V.ANUFRIIEVA 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1354-1361,共8页
A small number of copepod species have adapted to an existence in the extreme habitat of hypersaline water. 13 copepod species have been recorded in the hypersaline waters of Crimea (the largest peninsula in the Blac... A small number of copepod species have adapted to an existence in the extreme habitat of hypersaline water. 13 copepod species have been recorded in the hypersaline waters of Crimea (the largest peninsula in the Black Sea with over 50 hypersaline lakes). Summarizing our own and literal_re data, the author concludes that the Crimean extreme environment is not an exception: copepod species dwell in hypersaline waters worldwide. There are at least 26 copepod species around the world living at salinity above 100; among them 12 species are found at salinity higher than 200. In the Crimea Cletocamptus retrogressus is found at salinity 360×10^-3 (with a density of 1 320 individuals/m^3) and Arctodiaptomus salinus at salinity 300×10^-3 (with a density of 343 individuals/m^3). Those species are probably the most halotolerant copepod species in the world. High halotolerance of osmoconforming copepods may be explained by exoosmolyte consumption, mainly with food. High tolerance to many factors in adults, availability of resting stages, and an opportunity of long-distance transportation of resting stages by birds and/or winds are responsible for the wide geographic distribution of these halophilic copepods. 展开更多
关键词 Copepoda HALOTOLERANCE exoosmolytes BIOGEOGRAPHY
Worldwide or Territorial Approach for Individual Income Tax, Which is More Prevalent? 被引量:1
作者 Connie Shum Jack Fay Gladie Lui 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2017年第4期137-151,共15页
For individuals who are contemplating relocating, how their income will be taxed might be an important factor when deciding whether or not to take up residence in another country. Two income approaches are commonly us... For individuals who are contemplating relocating, how their income will be taxed might be an important factor when deciding whether or not to take up residence in another country. Two income approaches are commonly used around the globe. Worldwide income approach (also known as a global tax system) taxes income from whatever source derived. Territorial income approach taxes only income earned within the country's borders. Using information collected from PricewaterhouseCoopers' website1 that provides information on tax systems used in countries around the world, this paper examines which countries apply worldwide or global income approach and which employ territorial approach to determine the legitimate source of taxable income. The research focuses on countries within: (1) Americas; (2) Asia/Pacific Basin; (3) Europe; and (4) Africa/Middle and Near East. Based on the information collected and presented in this paper, the worldwide approach is much more prevalent (104 countries) than the territorial approach (30 countries). This paper also investigates any specific rules that a particular country has in relation to income to be taxed and residency versus non-residency status of the taxpayers. There appears to be an abundant spectrum of rules relating to residency and domicile for tax purposes among the countries. 展开更多
关键词 individual income tax global individual income tax worldwide/territorial income approach
Co-residence in Denmark in 1801
作者 Hans J. Marker 《History Research》 2012年第3期219-232,共14页
The Danish 1801 census is available in a fully coded and standardised digital version. This makes it possible to analyse the living conditions of the Danes in new ways. A very central aspect of living conditions is ho... The Danish 1801 census is available in a fully coded and standardised digital version. This makes it possible to analyse the living conditions of the Danes in new ways. A very central aspect of living conditions is household and family. The census is divided by these lines and therefore calculations of household size and complexity are straight forward and this clearly gives one side of the picture. A totally different side is co-residence analysis. This is not straight forward, but because of the standardisation it is doable. By this means, you get a picture of the likelihood that a person of a given age group lives together with specific relatives. It gives an insight into a central part of living conditions and it gives a picture of differences between sexes and urbanisations. The paper brings the two ways of description together and shows that each has something to contribute to the picture of the Danes. 展开更多
Ecological strategy analysis of human habitation environment in Shanggantang traditional village,Hunan province,P.R.China
作者 许建和 WANG Jun +1 位作者 YAN Jun LIANG Zhi-yao 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2010年第1期54-62,共9页
Based on the field survey of the traditional village in Shanggantang,Hunan province,P.R.China,we analyzed ecological strategies in aspects of the whole human habitation environment and vernacular building human habita... Based on the field survey of the traditional village in Shanggantang,Hunan province,P.R.China,we analyzed ecological strategies in aspects of the whole human habitation environment and vernacular building human habitation environment.The ecological strategies included adapting to the local climate,reducing source consumption,utilizing local materials and so on.The research is to provide a reference to practice and theoretical development of eco-folk houses in the area. 展开更多
关键词 ecological strategy human habitation environment Shanggantang traditional village vernacular building
Present-Day Needs of the Small Town Residents
作者 Justyna Kobylarczyk 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第1期19-23,共5页
This paper presents the results of research and analysis on the quality of the living environment in the heart of small urban centers. These cities are regarded as an attractive area of residence, among others, due to... This paper presents the results of research and analysis on the quality of the living environment in the heart of small urban centers. These cities are regarded as an attractive area of residence, among others, due to the fulfillment of human needs concerning the contact with nature (green) and living with a sense of intimacy, security and peace. Presented results concern the center of Jarostaw and Laficut. Although both cities are located in an underdeveloped region of south-eastern Poland, they have an opportunity to create a positive image of the city center, where not only attractive architectural objects can be found, but also small-town atmosphere, and natural values forming positive relationships between human and the elements of environment. 展开更多
关键词 contact with the nature the utility of green space PRIVACY SAFETY AESTHETICS
Living alone, health and preventive care use among the elderly in Shanghai, China 被引量:1
作者 LIU Lijuan SHA Kun +1 位作者 REN Weimin WANG Yue 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2013年第4期219-227,共9页
Objective:The purpose of the study was to compare the preventive care use and health between the elderly living alone and living with other individuals and identify strategies to improve the preventive care use among ... Objective:The purpose of the study was to compare the preventive care use and health between the elderly living alone and living with other individuals and identify strategies to improve the preventive care use among the elderly living alone.Methods:A questionnaire including socioeconomic characteristics,preventive care use,health status and Social Support Rate Scale was administered to 240 elderly living alone and 244 elderly living with other individuals in Shanghai,China.Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the predictors of preventive care use.Results:The elderly living alone were more likely to be single(never married,divorced,separated and widowed),have lower social support and income,utilize less routine physical check-up and blood glucose screenings,have worse self-reported health and have limitations in IADL compared to the elderly living with other individuals.Women,old age,high education,income and social support and close to medical institutions were positively associated with routine physical check-up among the elderly.Conclusion:Living alone was associated with less preventive care use and worse health.It was important to provide more social support and economic support for the elderly living alone to increase their preventive health care service utilization and improve their health status. 展开更多
关键词 Public health Equity in health care ELDERLY PREVENTION
Multi-Ethnic Residential Segregation in Urumqi, China, 1982-2010
《Sociology Study》 2013年第10期739-751,共13页
The ethnic landscape of Urumqi has undergone significant changes since the 1980s, which has fostered greater ethnic diversity. However, little is known about the changing patterns of spatial segregation among ethnic g... The ethnic landscape of Urumqi has undergone significant changes since the 1980s, which has fostered greater ethnic diversity. However, little is known about the changing patterns of spatial segregation among ethnic groups. By using the Urumqi census data from 1982 to 2010, this study examines the level of residential segregation of Uighur from Hart and the level of residential segregation of Kazak, Hui, Mongolia and other ethnic minority groups from the majority Han and Uygur population by the indices of dissimilarity and exposure. Then it assesses a regression between residential segregation and the percentage of the ethnic groups. Finally, it finds out whether there exists a regression between residential segregation and the percentage of the ethnic groups. The result reveals that Kazak population is the most segregated group from Han and Uygur, although the level of segregation has declined from 1982 to 2010. Uighur people experienced lower level of segregation from Han between 1982 and 2000, but has gradually increased, particularly from 2000 to 2010; this unexpected change of the segregation for Uighur group might be associated with 7.5 Events. The findings of the study show that the growth of the Han population is negatively associated with segregation of the ethnic groups in a district, and that the association between the percentage of population and segregation was uniform for Uighur, Hui and Kazak: the higher percentage of an ethnic group in a district, the lower level of segregation. 展开更多
关键词 Ethnic clusters residential segregation URUMQI China
The Social Function of Art in the Macedonian Contemporary Society
作者 Antoanela Petkovska 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第2期118-124,共7页
The recent social processes that are striking the Republic of Macedonia are distorting the nature of many sophisticated socio-anthropological phenomena, including the artistic practices. Thus, we will try to briefly e... The recent social processes that are striking the Republic of Macedonia are distorting the nature of many sophisticated socio-anthropological phenomena, including the artistic practices. Thus, we will try to briefly elaborate on several tendencies about contemporary art in the Republic of Macedonia, by "screening" the theoretical discourses on the issue and by critical perception of recent practices concerning the field. Today's views on the creative practices, incorporated in "conceptual" packages that should develop a new culture of living, are manifested in the creative industries, have been just recently recognized in the Macedonian society. The "propaganda" character of the treatment of artistic practice changes only formally the media of their manifestations. The idea about the possible and necessary engaged attitude of art towards society had its place also in the modern as well in the postmodern concept of art. In the Republic of Macedonia this "ideological" attitude towards art regretfully has also become the main mechanism for political domination, manifested mainly in architecture and landscaping of public space. The commercialisation of art supported by the media imposes the discourses of popular art over the content of high art. It seems that art is represented in the field of "education and science" in the Republic of Macedonia only when certain pragmatic, frequently politicised, interests need to be satisfied. 展开更多
关键词 ART artistic practice propaganda art commercial art Macedonian art
基于“居住场势”理论的乡村聚落景观空间重构——以厦门市灌口镇为例 被引量:27
作者 梁发超 刘诗苑 刘黎明 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期193-200,共8页
以"居住场势"理论为指导,采用"居住场势"度量法和三维空间分类法,建构一种功能导向的乡村聚落景观空间重构模式识别方法,并以厦门市灌口镇为典型案例区进行实证研究。结果表明,该研究区乡村聚落"居住场势"... 以"居住场势"理论为指导,采用"居住场势"度量法和三维空间分类法,建构一种功能导向的乡村聚落景观空间重构模式识别方法,并以厦门市灌口镇为典型案例区进行实证研究。结果表明,该研究区乡村聚落"居住场势"分量地域特征差异明显,近郊型村落生产分量和生活分量明显高于远郊型村落,中心村落生活分量和生产分量分布特征基本一致;灌口镇乡村聚落景观划分为4种空间重构模式区,分别为Ⅰ类生态涵养式重构模式、Ⅱ类乡村社区化重构模式、Ⅲ类乡村产业化重构模式和Ⅳ类生态约束发展型重构模式,且不同的重构阶段,乡村聚落景观空间形态差异显著。研究认为,以"居住场势"理论为指导进行乡村聚落景观空间重构模式的设计,充分考虑了乡村聚落景观的功能导向与资源禀赋,可为乡村景观规划编制提供技术支撑和方法指导。 展开更多
关键词 农村社区 乡村聚落景观 生产、生活、生态空间 “居住场势”理论 空间重构 灌口镇
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