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作者 杜春兰 陈丹阳 《中国园林》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期6-14,共9页
嘉陵江是长江水系中第二大支流,空间上连接南北丝绸之路,是巴蜀地区重要的文化廊道。在典型山地曲流环境中,其沿线古城蕴含了丰富的山水营建智慧。从自然环境、文化环境、行政建制三方面梳理了嘉陵江沿线古城的形成基础,并以上、中、下... 嘉陵江是长江水系中第二大支流,空间上连接南北丝绸之路,是巴蜀地区重要的文化廊道。在典型山地曲流环境中,其沿线古城蕴含了丰富的山水营建智慧。从自然环境、文化环境、行政建制三方面梳理了嘉陵江沿线古城的形成基础,并以上、中、下游8个古城为例,通过历史文献系统梳理及结合GIS平台的历史地图空间转译,提炼其“山-水-城”景观特征。具体为“宏观格局把控”方面“巴蜀要冲,控扼形胜”的城市选址、“襟江带河,群山四望”的山水格局、“江山聚结,生气聚集”的风水脉络;“中微观空间结构塑造”方面“迎山接水,不拘一格”的城市空间结构、“依形江山,因地制宜”的城市功能营建;以及“沿江山集群,南北人文关联”的“跨尺度风景审美经营”等在地特征,以期为巴蜀文化遗产保护与传承、西南山地宜居城乡建设提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 嘉陵江流域 “山-水-城” 景观特征 巴蜀文化走廊
基于“山-水-城”理念的历史文化环境保护发展模式探索 被引量:12
作者 陈宇琳 《城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期58-64,共7页
我国当前城市地区快速蔓延,文化遗产遭受冲击,历史特色逐渐丧失。本文回归中国传统城市营造理念,提炼出"山-水-城"融为一体的格局特色,并从文化、功能、审美三个角度对这一特色进行解读,建构"山-水-城"理念的解读... 我国当前城市地区快速蔓延,文化遗产遭受冲击,历史特色逐渐丧失。本文回归中国传统城市营造理念,提炼出"山-水-城"融为一体的格局特色,并从文化、功能、审美三个角度对这一特色进行解读,建构"山-水-城"理念的解读框架。在此基础上,基于多尺度"山-水-城"空间单元概念,提出构建区域层面艺术骨架、维育城市层面景系、塑造景点层面场所精神等历史文化环境保护和发展思路。 展开更多
关键词 “山-水-城” 历史文化环境 保护 发展
襄阳“山-水-城”空间历史文化脉络研究 被引量:1
作者 李嘉玲 《城市建筑》 2015年第27期317-317,319,共2页
我国正处在快速城市化时期,加之长期以来对中国本土传统与山水自然要素紧密结合的营城方略不够重视,使得城市特色的减弱、历史记忆的消失、文化传承的断裂,成为了相当普遍的现象。随着相关政策对城镇建设提出的新要求,研究城市历史... 我国正处在快速城市化时期,加之长期以来对中国本土传统与山水自然要素紧密结合的营城方略不够重视,使得城市特色的减弱、历史记忆的消失、文化传承的断裂,成为了相当普遍的现象。随着相关政策对城镇建设提出的新要求,研究城市历史文脉就尤为迫切和重要。襄阳,因水而生,靠山而兴。汉江与襄水的交汇、背靠群山,产生了这座富饶并极具特色的山水之城。伴随着经济的快速发展和城市建设的大规模推进,襄阳传统的城市空间秩序被打破。本文在此背景下,首先对“山-水-城”、历史文化脉络的相关概念进行了解析,再通过对自然山水、人文标志两个空间要素的史料发掘和现场踏勘,分析了古代襄阳城与自然山水的轴线对位关系,构建了传统空间的历史脉络体系。 展开更多
关键词 襄阳 “山-水-城” 历史文化脉络
作者 王华 方国臣 +1 位作者 赵万民 周国华 《自然资源学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期1698-1719,共22页
“山-水-城”空间格局是城市人工环境与自然山水环境交互适应所形成的空间组织关系。通过阐明“山-水-城”空间格局的概念内涵,从地理学视角建立其分析框架,选取典型城市万州为研究区,利用田野调查、地形位置指数模型、MCR模型等方法,... “山-水-城”空间格局是城市人工环境与自然山水环境交互适应所形成的空间组织关系。通过阐明“山-水-城”空间格局的概念内涵,从地理学视角建立其分析框架,选取典型城市万州为研究区,利用田野调查、地形位置指数模型、MCR模型等方法,综合研究三峡库区“山-水-城”空间格局的演化过程、生长模式、形成机理与优化调控。研究发现:(1)三峡库区“山-水-城”空间格局演化是一个“生成-强化-解构-重组”螺旋式上升的生长过程。在对外开埠与移民搬迁等因素的综合作用下,万州“山-水-城”空间格局的构成要素、结构形态与地域功能不断演化与重组。(2)三峡库区城市扩张对山水生态网络的影响与反馈,以及山水环境变化对城市空间生长的限制与引导,形成独特的“山-水-城”空间格局与生长模式,包括6种动态生长模式与12种静态生长模式。(3)地域性空间组织关系的重构以及城市系统的选择,决定“山-水-城”空间格局的形成与演化,受“自然山水环境+社会经济转型”“地域特殊事件+山水环境变化”的综合驱动,三峡库区城市空间生长逐渐突破实体门槛的限制,并向下一阶段生长周期持续演进。由此,提出库区“山-水-城”空间格局的调控路径,为治山、治水、治城一体推进与系统治理提供支撑。 展开更多
关键词 “山-水-城”空间格局 演化过程 生长模式 形成机理 三峡库区
Sustainable Waterfront Development-A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt 被引量:1
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第4期380-394,共15页
Sustainable waterfront development is about creating a vision for an area and then deploying the skills and resources to realize it after involving a dialogue with the customer within an area. Also, it draws together ... Sustainable waterfront development is about creating a vision for an area and then deploying the skills and resources to realize it after involving a dialogue with the customer within an area. Also, it draws together many strands of place making such as environmental responsibility, social equity and economic viability, planning and transportation policy, architectural design into the creation of places of beauty and distinct identity. The development of waterfronts shapes communities around the water bodies and reflects the ability of cities to adapt to altered economic and social circumstances. The aim of this paper is to identify some approaches for applying sustainable waterfront development. By respecting the quality of life and defining sustainability in a broader context, a case will he made for enhancing the waterfront development, through the place making criteria, analyzing the Bahary waterfront in Alexandria, Egypt. The paper concludes some recommendations to develop Bahary waterfront based on the principles that are collected from the theoretical study in order to well design a waterfront responded to the wishes of the community. 展开更多
关键词 Place making quality of life Bahary sustainable waterfront development.
Urban Landscape Construction Guided by the Landscape City——a Case Study of Wanli District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province
作者 刘强 刘家豪 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1517-1520,共4页
Mountains and waters serve as important elements for urban spatial mor-phology, structure and eco-environment. Since scientist Qian Xuesen proposed the concept of landscape city, it has been an effective way for urban... Mountains and waters serve as important elements for urban spatial mor-phology, structure and eco-environment. Since scientist Qian Xuesen proposed the concept of landscape city, it has been an effective way for urban development in case of thousand-city in the same appearance. In the study, we analyzed the con-cept, connotation and approaches and proposed the ways to landscape city. 展开更多
关键词 Landscape city Landscape style Wanli district
昆明城市多景观维度下公园蝴蝶多样性特征 被引量:1
作者 黄秋霞 张喆 马红艳 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期2193-2203,共11页
城市公园蝴蝶是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,是重要的环境指示物种。开展多景观维度下城市公园蝴蝶多样性特征的研究,为维持城市生态系统的稳定提供理论指导。本研究对昆明20个城市公园开展为期1年的蝴蝶多样性与植物样方实地调查。结... 城市公园蝴蝶是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,是重要的环境指示物种。开展多景观维度下城市公园蝴蝶多样性特征的研究,为维持城市生态系统的稳定提供理论指导。本研究对昆明20个城市公园开展为期1年的蝴蝶多样性与植物样方实地调查。结合高分辨率遥感影像,分别从城市的“山-城-水”空间格局、公园景观、微栖息地3个景观维度对蝴蝶多样性的影响进行分析。结果表明:共调查到蝴蝶3562头,隶属于9科67属105种;记录到植物320种,隶属于238属98科;近山与近水公园的蝴蝶多样性总体优于城区公园;公园整体景观面积、林地和草地面积占比、林地核心斑块面积、林地与草地景观连通度的增加对蝴蝶多样性起积极作用,随着公园整体景观和硬质景观破碎化程度上升、硬质景观的面积占比的增加,蝴蝶多样性呈下降趋势,草地景观破碎化越严重,蝴蝶分布越不均匀;不同季节的植物景观在植被结构和植物组成上对蝴蝶多样性的影响具有差异。研究成果丰富了城市公园绿地的蝴蝶多样性内涵,为昆明城市公园提升蝴蝶多样性提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 “山--”空间格局 公园景观 微栖息地景观 蝴蝶多样性
Classification of yearly extreme precipitation events and associated flood risk in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley 被引量:10
作者 Zhiqing XIE Yin DU +1 位作者 Yan ZENG Qian MIAO 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1341-1356,共16页
Fifty cases of regional yearly extreme precipitation events (RYEPEs) were identified over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley (YHRV) during 1979-2016 applying the statistical percentile method. There were five types o... Fifty cases of regional yearly extreme precipitation events (RYEPEs) were identified over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley (YHRV) during 1979-2016 applying the statistical percentile method. There were five types of RYEPEs, namely Yangtze Meiyu (YM-RYEPE), Huaihe Meiyu (HM-RYEPE), southwest-northeast-oriented Meiyu (SWNE-RYEPE) and typhoon I and II (TC-RYEPE) types of RYEPEs. Potential vorticity diagnosis showed that propagation trajectories of the RYEPEs along the Western Pacific Subtropical High and its steering flow were concentrated over the southern YHRV. As a result, the strongest and most frequently RYEPEs events, about 16-21 cases with average rainfall above 100 mm, occurred in the southern YHRV, particularly in the Nanjing metropolitan area. There have been 14 cases of flood-inducing RYEPEs since 1979, with the submerged area exceeding 120 km2 as simulated by the FloodArea hydraulic model, comprising six HM-RYEPEs, five YM- RYEPEs, two TC-RYEPEs, and one SWNE-RYEPE. The combination of evolving RYEPEs and rapid expansion of urban agglomeration is most likely to change the flood risk distribution over the Nanjing metropolitan area in the future. In the RCP6.0 (RCPS.5) scenario, the built-up area increases at a rate of about 10.41 km2 (10 yr)-t(24.67 km2 (10 yr)-1) from 2010 to 2100, and the area of high flood risk correspondingly increases from 3.86 km2(3.86 km2) to 9.00 kin2(13.51 km2). Areas of high flood risk are mainly located at Chishan Lake in Jurong, Lukou International Airport in Nanjing, Dongshan in Jiangning District, Lishui District and other low-lying areas. The accurate simulation of flood scenarios can help reduce losses due to torrential flooding and improve early warnings, evacuation planning and risk analysis. More attention should be paid to the projected high flood risk because of the concentrated population, industrial zones and social wealth throughout the Nanjing metropolitan area. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley Extreme precipitation events FloodArea model Flood risk
Slope stability analysis of Southern slope of Chengmenshan copper mine,China 被引量:5
作者 Mohammed Mnzool Wan Ling Wei Zuo'an 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第2期171-175,共5页
The engineering geology and hydrogeology in the southern slope of Chengmenshan copper mine are very complicated,because there is a soft-weak layer between two kinds of sandstones.Field investigations demonstrate that ... The engineering geology and hydrogeology in the southern slope of Chengmenshan copper mine are very complicated,because there is a soft-weak layer between two kinds of sandstones.Field investigations demonstrate that some instability problems might occur in the slope.In this research,the southern slope,which is divided into six sections(I-0,I-1,I-2,II-0,II-1 and II-2),is selected for slope stability analysis using limit equilibrium and numerical method.Stability results show that the values of factor of safety(FOS) of sections I-0,I-1 and I-2 are very low and slope failure is likely to happen.Therefore reinforcement subjected to seismic,water and weak layer according to sections were carried out to increase the factor of safety of the three sections,two methods were used;grouting with hydration of cement and water to increase the cohesion(c) and pre-stressed anchor.Results of reinforcement showed that factor of safety increased more than 1.15. 展开更多
关键词 Slope stability Limit equilibrium method Numerical method Slope reinforcement
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