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作者 池子华 梁旻 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期327-333,共7页
以上海为龙头的近代长三角地区是打工妹最为集中的区域。无论打工妹通过什么方式进城打工,抑或从事何种职业,其劳动方式和生活方式都发生了迥然不同于农村的新变化。为适应这种新变化,打工妹从外表到内涵进行适应性改变,向市民"看... 以上海为龙头的近代长三角地区是打工妹最为集中的区域。无论打工妹通过什么方式进城打工,抑或从事何种职业,其劳动方式和生活方式都发生了迥然不同于农村的新变化。为适应这种新变化,打工妹从外表到内涵进行适应性改变,向市民"看齐",以融入城市。经过"市民化"的洗礼,她们中有的虽然踏上回乡之路,但却给封闭的乡村带来一股清新之风;有的被城市所吸纳而真正地"市民化"了。打工妹"市民化"对城乡社会变迁具有深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 近代 长三角地区 打工妹 “市民化”倾向
作者 陈超 《贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第2期121-124,共4页
随着中国城市化进程,有关农民工"市民化"的文学叙述正成为当代文学关注的焦点。文章认为,对农民工"市民化"文学叙述的研究主要经历了从批评到肯定的过程,存在身份转变和精神融入的两种类型,而这种差异源于叙述者主... 随着中国城市化进程,有关农民工"市民化"的文学叙述正成为当代文学关注的焦点。文章认为,对农民工"市民化"文学叙述的研究主要经历了从批评到肯定的过程,存在身份转变和精神融入的两种类型,而这种差异源于叙述者主体观念和城市化发展状况所致。总的来看,加强对农民工"市民化"叙述的研究对于重新认识"农民进城"具有积极的文化意义。 展开更多
关键词 城市化 农民工 “市民化” 文化意义
作者 倪羌莉 《经济研究导刊》 2013年第28期75-79,102,共6页
当前以农民工为主体的外来流动人口在南通市的总量已经突破了100万人,而且产业大军中70%是农民工,其中80%为新生代农民工,如何加快农民工"市民化"进程,提高南通城镇化水平,成为当务之急。南通第六次人口普查中外来人口数据充... 当前以农民工为主体的外来流动人口在南通市的总量已经突破了100万人,而且产业大军中70%是农民工,其中80%为新生代农民工,如何加快农民工"市民化"进程,提高南通城镇化水平,成为当务之急。南通第六次人口普查中外来人口数据充分反映了当前农民工的类型、构成、分布等状况,在此基础,有针对性地提出南通农民工"市民化"的建议,如营造有利于农民工市民化的社会氛围,重视实现农民工市民化中的精神诉求,扫清阻碍农民工市民化的制度障碍等,具有较强的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 农民工 “市民化” 南通 “六普”数据
作者 张宁 《新闻研究导刊》 2017年第8期255-255,277,共2页
电视台要努力做大本地"市民化"新闻节目,建设当地"市民化"新闻舆论的平台。在我国各级电视台之间发生的这场行业市场竞争中,地市级电视台明确地把节目"本地化"战略确定为自己的核心战略,并且坚持不懈地... 电视台要努力做大本地"市民化"新闻节目,建设当地"市民化"新闻舆论的平台。在我国各级电视台之间发生的这场行业市场竞争中,地市级电视台明确地把节目"本地化"战略确定为自己的核心战略,并且坚持不懈地在节目实践中推行。在这一过程中,许多地市级电视台在原来无竞争状态下、在节目"标准化"和"一体化"模式下形成的多年来一贯制的节目模式,也发生了巨大的变化,形成了新的节目制播格局,提出了"新闻立台"节目理念,进行了一轮新的电视新闻报道的艰难实践。 展开更多
关键词 地市级电视台 舆论 “市民化”
“市民化”进程中乡城迁移家庭的子女教育困境 被引量:1
作者 戴红宇 《当代教育科学》 北大核心 2022年第3期58-65,共8页
农民的离村进城成为推动城乡教育结构调整的重要力量,迁移的家庭化带来子女教育问题。“市民化”强调关注未完成市民化的家庭在城市生活的融入状态。在农民工家庭、流动家庭、新市民家庭的概念视域下,群体内部差异明显,教育支持难以聚... 农民的离村进城成为推动城乡教育结构调整的重要力量,迁移的家庭化带来子女教育问题。“市民化”强调关注未完成市民化的家庭在城市生活的融入状态。在农民工家庭、流动家庭、新市民家庭的概念视域下,群体内部差异明显,教育支持难以聚焦。乡城迁移家庭的“不完全市民化”主要以家庭教育空间和家庭教育观念为表征。从乡城、迁移、家庭的内涵出发,其在子女教育上面临教育资源差距的制度障碍、家庭城市融入的文化壁垒和家庭教育功能的阶层分化等现实困境。乡城迁移家庭在子女教育上面临的困境其实是如何获得有效率、有质量的教育的困境,需要为其提供更有针对性的教育支持。 展开更多
关键词 乡城迁移家庭 教育资源 子女教育困境 “市民化” 教育支持
关于电视民生新闻“市民化”的思考 被引量:1
作者 傅筱 《传媒论坛》 2019年第22期111-111,共1页
民生新闻信息都是和市民日常生活相关的内容,对其详细、直观地进行报道,能够拉近媒体和市民之间距离,培养一批忠实的受众,以促进民生新闻的发展.基于此,本文从新闻素材、叙事方式、制作流程以及主持人风格四个方面对电视民生新闻"... 民生新闻信息都是和市民日常生活相关的内容,对其详细、直观地进行报道,能够拉近媒体和市民之间距离,培养一批忠实的受众,以促进民生新闻的发展.基于此,本文从新闻素材、叙事方式、制作流程以及主持人风格四个方面对电视民生新闻"市民化"进行了探讨. 展开更多
关键词 电视 民生新闻 “市民化”
中部欠发达地区农民“市民化地”选择研究——基于场域理论视角 被引量:1
作者 高善春 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第2期16-19,共4页
运用文献分析和田野调查方法,对中部欠发达地区的3个村民组的农民家庭进行考察,研究了影响他们"市民化地"选择的主要因素,认为场域变迁、资本积累、传统惯习以及家庭与区域未来发展预期是影响农民"市民化地"选择的... 运用文献分析和田野调查方法,对中部欠发达地区的3个村民组的农民家庭进行考察,研究了影响他们"市民化地"选择的主要因素,认为场域变迁、资本积累、传统惯习以及家庭与区域未来发展预期是影响农民"市民化地"选择的重要因素。提出通过优化农民工返乡就业环境、加强对农民工返乡创业支持、推进公共服务城乡均等化、加快实施乡村振兴战略,引导农民工返乡选择"市民化地",从而加速推进中部欠发达地区城镇化发展和实现乡村振兴战略目标。 展开更多
关键词 中部欠发达地区 农民“市民化地”选择 场域变迁 资本积累 传统惯习
个人特征、城市特征与流动人口户籍迁移意愿--基于分层广义线性模型 被引量:2
作者 陈小昆 曹阳阳 《新疆财经》 2021年第5期26-37,共12页
在我国人口老龄化、城市间开展人才抢夺战背景下,深入了解人口户籍迁移意愿的影响因素对城市社会经济发展和社会治理极为重要。本文借助2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据及反映31个省会城市及直辖市的公共服务水平数据,运用分层广义... 在我国人口老龄化、城市间开展人才抢夺战背景下,深入了解人口户籍迁移意愿的影响因素对城市社会经济发展和社会治理极为重要。本文借助2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据及反映31个省会城市及直辖市的公共服务水平数据,运用分层广义线性模型,从个人和城市两个层面探究流动人口户籍迁移意愿的影响因素。研究表明:从个人层面来说,流动人口的个体特征、经济特征、社会特征、心理特征对户籍迁移意愿起到显著的直接影响;从城市层面来说,城市特征中的社会保障、环境设施、医疗卫生对流动人口户籍迁移意愿也产生直接影响,其中医疗卫生对户籍迁移意愿的影响是反向的。与此同时,城市特征中的社会保障、环境设施、医疗卫生、基础教育、公共就业都通过影响个人特征对户籍迁移意愿起到了间接作用,具体表现为“5个正向促进,2个反向弱化”。 展开更多
关键词 户籍迁移意愿 流动人口迁移 个人特征 城市特征 公共服务水平 农民“市民化”
满目吴门烟水 一坞桃花灿烂争妍——赏读高福民主编《中国木版年画集成·桃花坞卷》文化随想 被引量:1
作者 陆嘉明 《苏州教育学院学报》 2012年第1期36-41,共6页
桃花坞木版年画是大地的艺术,是在乡土中成长起来的民间艺术。然而,随着农耕社会的瓦解和现代文明的冲击,竟一时走向衰落庶几成为"失落的文明"。所幸有识之士深怀文化信仰,担当起刻不容缓的历史使命,投入空前的中国民间文化... 桃花坞木版年画是大地的艺术,是在乡土中成长起来的民间艺术。然而,随着农耕社会的瓦解和现代文明的冲击,竟一时走向衰落庶几成为"失落的文明"。所幸有识之士深怀文化信仰,担当起刻不容缓的历史使命,投入空前的中国民间文化遗产抢救工程,编就这部《中国木版年画集成.桃花坞卷》。这是用视觉人类学的方式,将其纳入"大艺术"本体论的美学范畴,既以历史的方法作纵向比较,又以比较美学的方法进行深入研究,藉以凸显年画鲜明的吴文化特色和"浅中寓深"、"俗外见雅"的地域个性,从而以民间文化的多重价值,展现出立体化与全息性的桃花坞木版年画的美学气象和生态景观,其价值已超越了一般的图画"集成",而显示出传统文化的学术价值和现代意义。 展开更多
关键词 木版年画 民间文化 “大艺术”本体论 “市民化”文化个性 艺术精神
阶层分化中乡村教师的文化冲突与消解 被引量:3
作者 石瑞娇 方红 《教育导刊(上半月)》 2018年第4期68-71,共4页
由于我国城乡文化二元对立以及乡村学校内部两种文化的二元并存,使得作为整体的乡村教师队伍出现了"农民化"和"市民化"的社会分层,进而引发了更深层次的文化冲突,具体表现为价值观念上的冲突、符号体系上的冲突、... 由于我国城乡文化二元对立以及乡村学校内部两种文化的二元并存,使得作为整体的乡村教师队伍出现了"农民化"和"市民化"的社会分层,进而引发了更深层次的文化冲突,具体表现为价值观念上的冲突、符号体系上的冲突、行为方式上的冲突。乡村教师群体内部的文化冲突会阻碍教师之间的交流与合作,影响乡村教育质量的提高。何以化解这些冲突?深而思之,唯有树立多元文化理念、加强对话交流,倡导合作共享才能消解乡村教师群体内部的文化冲突、推动乡村教师整体素质的提高、实现城乡教育均衡发展。 展开更多
关键词 阶层分化 乡村教师 “农民化” “市民化” 文化冲突
农民工“逆城市化”现状与反思 被引量:3
作者 保虎 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期46-53,共8页
结构性变革的城市化,在逐步吞没"土地"时,将乡村"连根拔起";大量农民"离村进城",在给城市社会注入"现代因子"时,期望着向"市民化"转型。然而现实中,他们又始终处于"漂浮"... 结构性变革的城市化,在逐步吞没"土地"时,将乡村"连根拔起";大量农民"离村进城",在给城市社会注入"现代因子"时,期望着向"市民化"转型。然而现实中,他们又始终处于"漂浮"状态,不仅"失根"、而且"失魂",大量农民工处于"边缘化"状态,遭遇"融城"瓶颈,被迫"离城返乡",出现"逆城"回流趋势。这种"回流"不光蕴藏着国家宏观制度倾向,也表征着城乡社会内在"推拉"作用力,还体现了个体理性的行为抉择。文章分析了农民工欲"融"于"城"、于"城"有"根",向"市民化"转向的理想状态;探讨了农民工于"城"无"家"的现实窘境;从宏观、中观和微观角度,分析了农民工返乡"寻根"的三维因素;对农民工"离城返乡""逆城市化"现状进行了反思。 展开更多
关键词 农民工 城市融入 “市民化” 公正 和谐
China’s Urbanization Process and Outlook~ 被引量:10
作者 魏后凯 《China Economist》 2015年第2期102-121,共20页
Starting JPom a low level China's rapid urOamzatlon ttas talcen on a targe scale over the past three decades. The urbanization of urban clusters has become a key driver of China's economic development. However, Chin... Starting JPom a low level China's rapid urOamzatlon ttas talcen on a targe scale over the past three decades. The urbanization of urban clusters has become a key driver of China's economic development. However, China's urbanization has been confronted with many issues, such as high resource and environmental costs, low level of citizenship for migrant workers, strong economic polarization and excessive dependence on land encroachment. In the near future, China's urbanization will enter a period of strategic transitioning, and the enhancement of the quality of urbanization will become a strategic priority. China's urbanization rate is projected to reach 60% by 2020 and 68% by 2030, eventually exceeding 80% by 2050. China's future urbanization must proceed from local realities, promote the balanced development of small, medium-sized and large cities and towns, optimize the spatial layout of urbanization, and follow a sensible pattern. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION citizenship of migrant workers structure of cities and towns multi-center networked development
Humble Opinions on the Relationship between the Percentage of Urban Residents in an Urban Region and the Economic Status in This Region in China
作者 Wang Xiaoxiao 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第4期57-63,共7页
It is a fact that in U.S. the immigration between rural areas and city areas is free, but in China this type of immigration is restricted by HUKOU system (Hukou, namely the household registration system, was designed ... It is a fact that in U.S. the immigration between rural areas and city areas is free, but in China this type of immigration is restricted by HUKOU system (Hukou, namely the household registration system, was designed to control rural-urban in China). All of those national policies in city areas are much better than those in rural areas, so those corresponding differences bring about great discrepancy of the economic status (mainly including GDP per person and income per resident) between rural and city areas in the same urban region, especially in different urban re- gions because the percentage of urban residents in those urban regions is in-equable. The present paper mainly researches the topic of relationship between the percentage of urban residents and the economic status in an urban region in China, including the relationship between the economic and the political functions of a settlement in China during the process of urbanization. 展开更多
关键词 percentage of urban residents GDP per person in-come per resident urban region
Problems of Rural Migrant Workers and Policies in the New Period of Urbanization 被引量:2
作者 Gu Shengzu Zheng Lingyun Yi Shance 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第3期14-20,共7页
The huge migration of rural workers has new characteristics such as the bad order, high degree of concentration, low level of collective action, marginality in social status, unfair treatment, difficult integration of... The huge migration of rural workers has new characteristics such as the bad order, high degree of concentration, low level of collective action, marginality in social status, unfair treatment, difficult integration of the new generation, and the new return trend of rural migrants, which causes ‘urban diseases’ in China. Countermeasures should be taken to develop medium-sized and small cities, integrate the labor market of the city and countryside, provide necessary public services, social security and vocational training, guide the rural migrant workers to return rationally, and help the new generation live in harmony with urban residents. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION rural migrant workers strategy countermeasures
Impact of Climate Change on Urban Agglomerations in China’s Coastal Region
作者 Dong Suocheng Tao Shu +4 位作者 YangWangzhou Li Fei LiShuangcheng Li Yu Liu Hongyan 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第2期78-83,共6页
Climate change and urbanization issues are the two key factors that make humans liable to be affected by disasters, which are overlapped in urban agglomeration. The five big urban agglomerations of China with strong e... Climate change and urbanization issues are the two key factors that make humans liable to be affected by disasters, which are overlapped in urban agglomeration. The five big urban agglomerations of China with strong economic power are the important engines for national economic and social development. However, being in the sea-land mutual interaction belts with a vast hazard-bearing body, they are affected by sea-land compound disasters, and are liable to suffer heavy disaster losses with climate change. It is suggested that government departments concerned should fully recognize the impact of climate change on coastal urban agglomerations, propose strategies as soon as possible, and integrate the impact of climate change and adaptation countermeasures into the various kinds of social-economic development plans for coastal urban regions. 展开更多
关键词 climate change sea level rise urban agglomeration coastal region
On the Process of Peasant Workers' Transformation to Urban Residents 被引量:1
作者 Liu Chuanjiang Dong Yanfang Wang Jing 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第1期63-71,共9页
The unique two-stage "Chinese path" of China’s ru-ral-urban migration, which cannot be fully explained by classical theories of economic development, makes us to give peasant workers’ transformation to urb... The unique two-stage "Chinese path" of China’s ru-ral-urban migration, which cannot be fully explained by classical theories of economic development, makes us to give peasant workers’ transformation to urban residents a top priority. On the basis of fully explaining peasant workers’ transformation to urban residents, a method for measuring its process has been advanced and then confirmed with the data of March in 2005 from surveys to peasant workers in Wuhan. Finally, the suggestions of acceler-ating peasant workers’ transformation to urban residents to pro-mote the construction of a harmonious society have been drawn from the analysis. 展开更多
关键词 rural-urban migration peasant workers' transformation to urban residents process of peasant workers' transformation to urban residents
Co-integration Analysis of the Effect of Population Urbanization on Urban-rural Income Gap in Jiangxi Province
作者 He Yinjuan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期19-21,共3页
This paper selects related data on the urbanization and the incomes of urban and rural residents in Jiangxi Province from 2000 to 2014, applies the theory of co-integration by Eviews Software, meanwhile, studies and a... This paper selects related data on the urbanization and the incomes of urban and rural residents in Jiangxi Province from 2000 to 2014, applies the theory of co-integration by Eviews Software, meanwhile, studies and analyzes the population urbanization and the income gap between urban and rural residents in Jiangxi Province through establishing an index system. Results: There is a cause-and-effect relationship, as well as duality, between the urban-rural income gap and the level of population urbanization in Jiangxi Province. With continuous promotion of the urbanization course in 1990-2014, the income gap between urban and rural residents in Jiangxi Province presents a phenomenon of expanding first, narrowing second and expanding again. 展开更多
关键词 Jiangxi Province URBANIZATION Income gap between urban and rural residents
Differentiation of Rural Households′ Consciousness in Land Use Activities: A Case from Bailin Village, Shapingba District of Chongqing Municipality, China 被引量:1
作者 WANG Cheng WANG Liping +1 位作者 JIANG Fuxia LU Zhangwei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期124-136,共13页
What rural households think and what kind of strategies they take, the basic driving force in land use activities, contribute greatly to the increase of their own revenues, the development of agricultural yields, and ... What rural households think and what kind of strategies they take, the basic driving force in land use activities, contribute greatly to the increase of their own revenues, the development of agricultural yields, and even the prosperity of rural areas. Differentiation in rural household behaviors and their consciousness in land use activities is widespread in rural China nowadays. It is important to understand the changing characteristics and laws of land use behaviors of rural households driven by their consciousness, so as to regulate their land use activities. In most empirical studies of land use change at rural household level, the land use consciousness, which acts directly on land use behaviors, is often neglected. In our research, the changes of land use behaviors of rural households are analyzed, through identifying how the land use consciousness affect the land use objectives, land management scales and land inputs of all the rural households in Bailin Village of Chongqing Municipality in the western mountainous China. Also, how the land use consciousness of different rural households comes into being under external stimuli is examined and the self-adjustment process of their consciousness according to their own conditions is also discussed. Finally, broad policy instruments are suggested to promote the rationalization of rural households′ land use consciousness and the standardization of their land use behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 land use behavior land use consciousness driving force rural households Bailin Village China
Countermeasures to promote the international development of Shanghai private enterprises
作者 Xu Ji Hongming Shi 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期29-31,共3页
after 30 years of development, private enterprise has become an important pillar of our national economy.With the accelerated process of economic globalization, the private enterprises will face more intense competiti... after 30 years of development, private enterprise has become an important pillar of our national economy.With the accelerated process of economic globalization, the private enterprises will face more intense competition in the domestic market. At the same time in order to obtain various resources, access to the vast market and foreign advanced technology, many private enterprises active or passive choice of "going out", through the international road to break the bottleneck of development. 展开更多
关键词 SHANGHAI Private enterprises international development Countermeasure.
The Pork Consumption Characteristics of Chinese Urban Residents: The Outlook for 2020
作者 Zhiyang Yin Teresa Briz Kai Wang 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第1期11-20,共10页
China has the highest pork consumption in the world. As incomes increase and the urbanization process accelerates, the consumption of pork by Chinese residents will continue to grow. This paper studies the proportion ... China has the highest pork consumption in the world. As incomes increase and the urbanization process accelerates, the consumption of pork by Chinese residents will continue to grow. This paper studies the proportion of the household pork consumption account and examines the use of apparent pork consumption as a bridge that links consumption and production. Based on the pork consumption of urban and rural residents from 2000 to 2012, combined with per capita income, the total population and the rate of urbanization, we can analyse China's market demand in the pork trade for 2020, which will be useful for countries who are interested in potential trade with China. The research shows two important findings: First, with the per capita income of urban residents increasing, their per capita pork consumption is also on the rise, and as increasing numbers of rural residents move to urban areas with the acceleration of urbanization in China, the urban areas will be the most important pork market in the future. Secondly, the per capita pork consumption of rural residents will still be lower than that of urban residents in 2020, so there will be more room for growth in pork consumption in rural areas. 展开更多
关键词 MEAT CONSUMPTION rural and urban FORECAST 2020
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