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作者 李友彬 《教育教学论坛》 2024年第52期64-68,共5页
按照“以学生为本”的理念,使学生由“被动接受”转变为“主动学习”,针对“双碳”目标下的“建筑材料”课程进行教学改革和实践。打破传统教学模式,从教学方法与考核方式改革两方面开展探讨,根据各级权重明确课程内容、改革教学方式、... 按照“以学生为本”的理念,使学生由“被动接受”转变为“主动学习”,针对“双碳”目标下的“建筑材料”课程进行教学改革和实践。打破传统教学模式,从教学方法与考核方式改革两方面开展探讨,根据各级权重明确课程内容、改革教学方式、改革考核方式。创新提出课程教学改革后评价制度,形成课程目标达成度的课程改进升级。通过“建筑材料”课程的教学改革,提高课程教学效果,培养学生将基础知识与实践相结合的分析能力,进一步推进“双碳”目标政策的实践。 展开更多
关键词 “双碳”目标 “建筑材料”课程 教学改革
工学类专业课程思政元素挖掘与育人实践——以“建筑材料”课程为例 被引量:2
作者 刘东 于艳春 张雷 《黑龙江教育(理论与实践)》 2024年第5期77-81,共5页
文章以“建筑材料”课程为例,对课程思政的总体设计与育人实践展开研究。首先,分析了课程思政的建设目标和建设方向;其次,将课程知识点蕴含的思政元素整合优化,深入挖掘各教学环节蕴含的隐性思政元素和显性思政元素,探索课程思政建设模... 文章以“建筑材料”课程为例,对课程思政的总体设计与育人实践展开研究。首先,分析了课程思政的建设目标和建设方向;其次,将课程知识点蕴含的思政元素整合优化,深入挖掘各教学环节蕴含的隐性思政元素和显性思政元素,探索课程思政建设模式和方法路径;最后,设计了思政育人调查问卷和达成度评价计算方法。分析结果表明,课程思政育人效果显著,证明了该课程思政教学模式具有可行性,希望课程思政设计理念与育人实践能为其他院校提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 “建筑材料”课程 思政元素 高等教育 课程思政
“建筑材料”课程模块化教学探究 被引量:1
作者 刘欣怡 王代华 陈国能 《新课程研究》 2024年第6期23-25,共3页
中国建筑行业发展迅猛,新材料、新技能不断涌现,行业高素质需求与高职院校传统教学目标的差距日渐扩大。文章通过综合分析当前高职院校“建筑材料”课程教学中存在的问题,结合该课程特点,从课程体系、师资队伍、专业竞赛、考核方式四个... 中国建筑行业发展迅猛,新材料、新技能不断涌现,行业高素质需求与高职院校传统教学目标的差距日渐扩大。文章通过综合分析当前高职院校“建筑材料”课程教学中存在的问题,结合该课程特点,从课程体系、师资队伍、专业竞赛、考核方式四个方面进行模块化教学探究,充分利用模块化教学的优势,深化高等职业教育教学内容改革,创新教学与课程评价方法,从而提升我国高等职业教育模块化教学成效。 展开更多
关键词 职业教育 “建筑材料”课程 模块化教学
高职“建筑材料”课程教学改革初探 被引量:12
作者 杨雪冬 吴志鹏 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2010年第11期102-104,共3页
关键词 高职高专 “建筑材料”课程 教学改革
“建筑材料”课程教学改革探讨与实践 被引量:4
作者 卜长明 黄林青 陈明政 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期171-173,共3页
"建筑材料"是土木工程专业的一门重要的基础课,课程内容多而杂,不易被大学生学习掌握和灵活运用。以重庆科技学院的"建筑材料"课程为例,分析了该课程的特点,根据教学实践经验,结合"双师型"教师要求,探讨... "建筑材料"是土木工程专业的一门重要的基础课,课程内容多而杂,不易被大学生学习掌握和灵活运用。以重庆科技学院的"建筑材料"课程为例,分析了该课程的特点,根据教学实践经验,结合"双师型"教师要求,探讨了"建筑材料"课程在教学内容、教学形式、教学方法和师资队伍建设等方面的改革。 展开更多
关键词 “建筑材料” 教学改革 “双师型”教师
“建筑材料”课程思政实施路径设计 被引量:5
作者 赵红艳 李刚 汤骅 《黑龙江教育(理论与实践)》 2022年第9期20-22,共3页
作为一种面向新时代的教育教学理念,课程思政已经成为高校落实立德树人根本任务的重要组成部分。“建筑材料”课程作为土木类专业重要的基础课程,其落实课程思政具有重要的意义。从“建筑材料”课程融入思想政治教育的必要性入手,探索... 作为一种面向新时代的教育教学理念,课程思政已经成为高校落实立德树人根本任务的重要组成部分。“建筑材料”课程作为土木类专业重要的基础课程,其落实课程思政具有重要的意义。从“建筑材料”课程融入思想政治教育的必要性入手,探索思想政治教育在工科专业基础课程中的具体实施路径,充分利用线上线下教学优势,创新课堂教学方法,形成协同育人机制,通过教学内容优化和教学方法创新,实现专业基础课程课堂教学协同育人目标。 展开更多
关键词 “建筑材料” 课程建设 课程思政
“建筑材料”在建筑学专业中的课程教学改革探讨与实践 被引量:1
作者 尹新雅 《低碳世界》 2023年第7期178-180,共3页
“建筑材料”是建筑学专业的核心课程。目前,该课程的教学内容与其他专业开设的材料课程重叠较多,教学内容和教学方法均未体现建筑学专业的特殊性。为此,基于建筑学专业“建筑材料”课程,分析课程教学现状,从教学内容、教学方法两个方... “建筑材料”是建筑学专业的核心课程。目前,该课程的教学内容与其他专业开设的材料课程重叠较多,教学内容和教学方法均未体现建筑学专业的特殊性。为此,基于建筑学专业“建筑材料”课程,分析课程教学现状,从教学内容、教学方法两个方面提出相应的教学改革对策。通过构建板块学习体系,建立“翻转课题-项目分析”模式,建设“双师”和“金师”队伍,提升建筑学专业的教学质量,为学生呈现更好的课程教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 建筑学专业 “建筑材料”课程 教学改革
作者 徐淑明 《教师》 2023年第9期126-128,共3页
随着教育教学改革的不断深入,中职学校的人才培养模式也在不断创新和优化。当前,随着课程思政建设的逐步推进,如何在中职理工学科课堂教学中开展更具成效的课程思政教学、培养更多德才兼备的高素质人才是摆在相关中职教师面前的一道难... 随着教育教学改革的不断深入,中职学校的人才培养模式也在不断创新和优化。当前,随着课程思政建设的逐步推进,如何在中职理工学科课堂教学中开展更具成效的课程思政教学、培养更多德才兼备的高素质人才是摆在相关中职教师面前的一道难题。基于此,文章作者以中职“建筑材料”课程教学为载体,探索了中职“建筑材料”课程思政的实践现状,并提出了实施课程思政的建议。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 中职“建筑材料” 课堂教学
作者 安晓燕 张巧伟 +1 位作者 纪福顺 王海霞 《西部素质教育》 2024年第9期190-194,共5页
关键词 “建筑材料与性能检测”课程教学 高质量发展 高职
课程思政与“建筑材料与检测”教学模块融合的实践探索 被引量:1
作者 黎秀云 《太原城市职业技术学院学报》 2023年第9期114-116,共3页
在新工科的积极推进下,“课程思政”的教学改革是落实教育立德树人根本任务的重要手段,强化理工科“课程思政”的探索更是立德树人和“全程、全员、全方位”育人目标的内在本质的体现。针对高职院校在思想政治教育与建筑工程管理、建筑... 在新工科的积极推进下,“课程思政”的教学改革是落实教育立德树人根本任务的重要手段,强化理工科“课程思政”的探索更是立德树人和“全程、全员、全方位”育人目标的内在本质的体现。针对高职院校在思想政治教育与建筑工程管理、建筑工程技术专业教育之间的教学,从多个子模块的教学设计与思政实践案例两者之间进行了探索。“建筑材料与检测”的课程思政教学在信息化教学环境下进行,围绕课前、课中、课后三个节点,运用科学的教学理念与方法,改变比重高的灌输式教学,让学生在学中试、试中创,体现了思政引领、项目导向的教学过程,激发互动性和创造能力;在传授理论与实践的同时,使学生形成正确的价值观,培育良好的专业素质、家国情怀及社会责任感,进而在专业教育过程中与思政教育相融相长,在育人路上同向同行,并为同类个案提供参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 “建筑材料与检测” 实践
从“建筑材料与检测”课程看高职教改 被引量:2
作者 许影 牛江瑞 《湖州职业技术学院学报》 2020年第2期44-46,51,共4页
“建筑材料与检测”是高职土木建筑专业群的基础课。该课程知识点多、逻辑性差,学生学习时相对比较困难。现阶段,该课程开展的教学改革主要有:“理实一体化”“教学做一体化”“校企合作教改”“改革考核方式”“基于工作过程”的教学... “建筑材料与检测”是高职土木建筑专业群的基础课。该课程知识点多、逻辑性差,学生学习时相对比较困难。现阶段,该课程开展的教学改革主要有:“理实一体化”“教学做一体化”“校企合作教改”“改革考核方式”“基于工作过程”的教学改革等。但是,仍然存在一些问题,如教师的双师素质有待提高、实践教学落实难、校企合作有待做实做深等。这就需要学校强力推进教师双师素质建设,发挥好校友作用,提升高职教材质量;地方政府应该做好牵线搭桥工作,充分调动企业开展校企合作的积极性。 展开更多
关键词 高职教育 教学改革 理实一体化 校企合作 “建筑材料与检测”课程
“建筑材料与检测”理实一体化教学改革路径 被引量:1
作者 许小凤 《亚太教育》 2023年第7期116-119,共4页
“建筑材料与检测”是中职学校土木工程建设专业的基础性学科,通过学习“建筑材料与检测”,可以为学生今后从事相关技术领域工作提供必要的基本知识与技能。就目前发展情况来看,“建筑材料与检测”这门课程在实际教学过程中还存在一些问... “建筑材料与检测”是中职学校土木工程建设专业的基础性学科,通过学习“建筑材料与检测”,可以为学生今后从事相关技术领域工作提供必要的基本知识与技能。就目前发展情况来看,“建筑材料与检测”这门课程在实际教学过程中还存在一些问题,不利于学生将所学理论知识与实践相结合,教师应主动思考如何解决理论知识与实践脱节这一问题。基于此,通过分析“建筑材料与检测”教学现状,探析这门课程的理实一体化教学改革路径,旨在培养高素质技术技能型人才。 展开更多
关键词 “建筑材料与检测” 理实一体化 教学改革 中职教育
Synthesis and thermal characterization of the C-S-H/paraffin composite phase change material utilizing a discontinuous two-step nucleation method
作者 Shen Xuyan Feng Pan Zhang Qi 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2024年第4期327-335,共9页
The novel calcium-silicate-hydrate(C-S-H)/paraffin composite phase change materials were synthesized using a discontinuous two-step nucleation method.Initially,the C-S-H precursor is separated and dried,followed by im... The novel calcium-silicate-hydrate(C-S-H)/paraffin composite phase change materials were synthesized using a discontinuous two-step nucleation method.Initially,the C-S-H precursor is separated and dried,followed by immersion in an aqueous environment to transform it into C-S-H.This two-step nucleation approach results in C-S-H with a specific surface area of 497.2 m^(2)/g,achieved by preventing C-S-H foil overlapping and refining its pore structure.When impregnated with paraffin,the novel C-S-H/paraffin composite exhibits superior thermal properties,such as a higher potential heat value of 148.3 J/g and an encapsulation efficiency of 81.6%,outperforming conventional C-S-H.Moreover,the composite material demonstrates excellent cyclic performance,indicating its potential for building thermal storage compared to other paraffin-based composites.Compared with the conventional method,this simple technology,which only adds conversion and centrifugation steps,does not negatively impact preparation costs,the environment,and resource consumption.This study provides valuable theoretical insights for designing thermal storage concrete materials and advancing building heat management. 展开更多
关键词 two-step nucleation C-S-H PARAFFIN phase change materials composite building thermal management
Spallation Mechanism of RC Slabs Under Contact Detonation 被引量:5
作者 袁林 龚顺风 金伟良 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第6期464-469,共6页
The spallation of the concrete slabs or walls resulting from contact detonation constitutes risk to the personnel and equipment inside the structures because of the high speed concrete fragments even though the overal... The spallation of the concrete slabs or walls resulting from contact detonation constitutes risk to the personnel and equipment inside the structures because of the high speed concrete fragments even though the overall structures or structural members are not destroyed completely. Correctly predicting the damage caused by any potential contact detonation can lead to better fortification design to withstand the blast Ioadings. It is therefore of great significance to study the mechanism involved in the spallation of concrete slabs and walls. Existing studies on this topic often employ simplified material models and 1D wave analysis, which cannot reproduce the realistic response in the spallation process. Numerical simulations are therefore carried out under different contact blast Ioadings in the free air using LS-DYNA. Sophisticated concrete and reinforcing bar material models are adopted, taking into account the strain rate effect on both tension and compression. The erosion technique is used to model the fracture and failure of materials under tensile stress. Full processes of the deformation and dynamic damage of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs and plain concrete slabs are thus observed realistically. It is noted that with the increase of quantity of explosive, the dimensions of damage crater increase and the slabs experience four different damage patterns, namely explosive crater, spalling, perforation, and punching. Comparison between the simulation results of plain concrete slabs and those of RC slabs show that reinforcing bars can enhance the integrity and shearing resistance of the slabs to a certain extent, and meanwhile attenuate the ejection velocity and decrease the size of the concrete fragments. Therefore, optimizing reinforcement arrangement can improve the anti-spallation capability of the slabs and walls to a certain extent. 展开更多
关键词 SPALLATION contact detonation reinforced concrete slab numerical simulation
Experimental Research on Behavior of Composite Material Projectile Penetrating Concrete Target 被引量:2
作者 钟卫洲 宋顺成 +4 位作者 张方举 张青平 黄西成 李思忠 卢永刚 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第6期430-433,共4页
Projectile made of carbon fiber composite material shell and metal warhead penetrates concrete target at speeds of 336,m/s,447,m/s and 517,m/s.The angles between the perpendicu-lar of target surface and projectile axi... Projectile made of carbon fiber composite material shell and metal warhead penetrates concrete target at speeds of 336,m/s,447,m/s and 517,m/s.The angles between the perpendicu-lar of target surface and projectile axis are 0°and 30°.The thickness of concrete target is 200,mm and the compression strength is 30 MPa.The experimental results indicate that the strength of composite material structure is high.Composite projectile can go through concrete tar-get without fiber segregation and breakage.The percent fill is 18.5% in the composite material projectile.It is about twice as that of metal projectile,if the density of metal is taken as 7.8,g/cm3.Comparing with metal projectile,low-density,high-strength composite material can lessen projec-tile weight,improve charge-weight ratio of detonator and enhance destructive powder. 展开更多
关键词 composite material PENETRATING carbon fiber CONCRETE
Effect of boundary conditions and convection on thermally induced motion of beams subjected to internal heating 被引量:1
作者 MALIK Pravin KADOLI Ravikiran GANESAN N. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第7期1044-1052,共9页
Numerical exercises are presented on the thermally induced motion of internally heated beams under various heat transfer and structural boundary conditions. The dynamic displacement and dynamic thermal moment of the b... Numerical exercises are presented on the thermally induced motion of internally heated beams under various heat transfer and structural boundary conditions. The dynamic displacement and dynamic thermal moment of the beam are analyzed taking into consideration that the temperature gradient is independent as well as dependent on the beam displacement. The effect of length to thickness ratio of the beam on the thermally induced vibration is also investigated. The type of boundary conditions has its influence on the magnitude of dynamic displacement and dynamic thermal moment. A sustained thermally induced motion is observed with progress of time when the temperature gradient being evaluated is dependent on the forced convection generated due to beam motion. A finite element method (FEM) is used to solve the structural equation of motion as well as the heat transfer equation. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal induced oscillations Natural convection Forced convection Finite element analysis
Experimental and theoretical research on residual strength of plain concrete under compressive fatigue loading 被引量:1
作者 孟宪宏 宋玉普 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期113-117,共5页
To investigate the residual strength of concrete under fatigue loading, experiments were conducted to determine the functional relation between residual strength and the number of cycles. 80 100mm×100mm×100m... To investigate the residual strength of concrete under fatigue loading, experiments were conducted to determine the functional relation between residual strength and the number of cycles. 80 100mm×100mm×100mm specimens of plain concrete were tested under uniaxial compressive fatigue loading. Based on probability distribution of the residual strength of concrete under fatigue loading, the empirical expressions of the residual strength corresponding to the number of cycles were obtained. There is a good correlation between residual strength and residual secant elastic modulus. Thus the relationship between residual secant elastic modulus and the number of cycles is established. A damage variable based on the longitudinal maximum strain is defined, and a good linearity relationship between residual strength and damage is found out. 展开更多
关键词 CONCRETE FATIGUE UNIAXIAL residual strength residual secant elastic modulus
Effect of processing parameters on bulge-forming Polycarbonate parts 被引量:1
作者 侯珍秀 吴菁 +2 位作者 刘智 李晓东 王仲仁 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期54-58,共5页
According to the data of the experiment made in mechanical tensile of Polycarbonate in high temperature, experiments were done to polycarbonate sheet by hot gas pressure bulge-forming. It was found that selecting and ... According to the data of the experiment made in mechanical tensile of Polycarbonate in high temperature, experiments were done to polycarbonate sheet by hot gas pressure bulge-forming. It was found that selecting and combination of the processing parameters were vital to the quality. In the experiments and numerical simulation with the software of DYNAFORM, the processing parameters have been studied.The results showed that the method of discontinuous pressure and pressure preservation advantage the forming; when temperature and pressure meet the forming conditions, the longer time of pressure preservation promotes sufficient forming. 展开更多
关键词 orocessing PARAMETER hot gas pressure bulge-forming PC sheet parts quality
Experimental Study on Pull-out Behavior of Different Geotextiles 被引量:1
作者 周蓉 丁辛 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第4期497-499,共3页
The pullout testing of geosynthetics is essential for studying interface interaction in the soil-reinforcement system. In this paper, a new method for testing interface properties of geotextiles is proposed. The inter... The pullout testing of geosynthetics is essential for studying interface interaction in the soil-reinforcement system. In this paper, a new method for testing interface properties of geotextiles is proposed. The interface frictional characters of two kinds of geotextiles (woven and needle-punched nonwoven) are investigated through pullout test. Nonwoven specimen has more wide variety of displacement along length than that of woven under the same pressure because of their different extensibility. The greater the elongation and deformation of specimens, the more evident the variations of displacement along reinforcement from front to pullout end. The greater the normal pressure, the smaller the displacement of every position along length with the same pullout load. The study focuses on the effects of the tensile modulus and the difference of pullout response between woven and nonwoven geotextiles. 展开更多
关键词 GEOTEXTILE PULL-OUT COMPARE normal pressure tensile modulus
Preparation and characterization of metakaolin-phosphate cement 被引量:1
作者 周新涛 苏达根 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2008年第1期28-34,共7页
We prepared cold-setting cement with metakaolin from kaolin dehydrated at 800 ℃ and phosphate, and studied the phase composition, microstructure and setting reaction mechanism of the cementing material by means of in... We prepared cold-setting cement with metakaolin from kaolin dehydrated at 800 ℃ and phosphate, and studied the phase composition, microstructure and setting reaction mechanism of the cementing material by means of infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. The metakaolin-phosphate cement is predominantly amorphous, where the phases responsible for chemical setting are mainly amorphous aluminophosphate hydrates. The reactivity of metakaolin depends on the particle size. Metakaolin particles of 1.75 μm in D50 have an acid dissolution index up to 18.45%, and the reaction with phosphate at room temperature to form metakaolin-phosphate cement takes only 6 h. The so obtained cement shows a compressive strength of 92.5 MPa after 7 d and keeps its amorphous phase at 1 000 ℃, demonstrating better bonding and mechanical properties and higher stability at a medium or high temperature. 展开更多
关键词 construction materials METAKAOLIN PHOSPHATE metakaolin-phosphate cement
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