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基于空间与环境感知的二年级启发式“建筑设计”课程教学方法探索 被引量:1
作者 洪小春 张建新 郭燏烽 《安徽建筑》 2024年第1期97-99,共3页
二年级“建筑设计”是建筑学专业学生初次接触的专业核心课程,其教学品质的高低直接影响学生的专业能力和信心。以扬州大学建筑学专业二年级学生的“建筑设计”课程乡村书屋选题为例,为了激发二年级学生对建筑设计中有关空间认知和环境... 二年级“建筑设计”是建筑学专业学生初次接触的专业核心课程,其教学品质的高低直接影响学生的专业能力和信心。以扬州大学建筑学专业二年级学生的“建筑设计”课程乡村书屋选题为例,为了激发二年级学生对建筑设计中有关空间认知和环境感知的主观能动性,采用启发式教学进行建筑设计教学实践。在设计选题解析、分析现状环境、明确现状问题、探讨实际需求、确定设计概念、塑造空间模式、介入建造技术和强化设计表达等8周“建筑设计”课程教学内容中融入启发式教学方法,形成基于场地可建范围、围绕特定要素展开、传承传统空间意象和创新功能空间组合等4类设计成果,有效提升了学生的空间与环境感知能力。 展开更多
关键词 空间与环境感知 启发式教学 “建筑设计”课程 教学方法
课程思政背景下“建筑设计”课程的改革探索与实践分析 被引量:1
作者 张娜 庄敬宜 曲亮 《安徽建筑》 2024年第5期103-104,共2页
文章以“建筑设计”课程为主体进行课程思政教学改革研究,通过对课程本身的思政状况分析,总结课程思政教育改革对于人才培养的重要意义。梳理、总结“建筑设计”课程实施过程中课前、课中、课后的各重要教学环节的感悟,明确课程融入思... 文章以“建筑设计”课程为主体进行课程思政教学改革研究,通过对课程本身的思政状况分析,总结课程思政教育改革对于人才培养的重要意义。梳理、总结“建筑设计”课程实施过程中课前、课中、课后的各重要教学环节的感悟,明确课程融入思想政治教育的目标及准确的思政切入点,通过体验式教学,引导学生树立正确的人生观、价值观与世界观,提升学生思想道德水平与专业素养能力,为专业课程思政融合提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 “建筑设计” 教学改革
作者 陈思笛 《重庆建筑》 2024年第7期90-92,共3页
在“传道授业,立德树人”的教育方针下,以建筑专业“建筑设计”课程融入思政元素的教学改革为背景,探讨将知识传授、价值塑造和能力培养三者融为一体的教育途径。专业课程融入思政教育能否取得成效,关键是能否深度挖掘并精准提炼专业知... 在“传道授业,立德树人”的教育方针下,以建筑专业“建筑设计”课程融入思政元素的教学改革为背景,探讨将知识传授、价值塑造和能力培养三者融为一体的教育途径。专业课程融入思政教育能否取得成效,关键是能否深度挖掘并精准提炼专业知识体系中蕴含的思政内涵;其次,明确专业课程的思政教学目标,有机结合到教学内容中;并借助层次丰富的教学方法,以春风化雨的方式融入到课前、课中、课后等各个环节,达到润物无声的理想育人效果。 展开更多
关键词 “建筑设计”系列课程 思政内涵挖掘提取 教学方式改革实践
浅谈“建筑设计”的教学改革与实践 被引量:2
作者 黄云峰 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第2期98-99,共2页
以建筑学专业建筑设计课程为研究对象 ,分析新时期建筑设计教学改革的必要性 ,从教学内容和教学方法角度来阐述教学改革的运用 ,为提高建筑设计的教学提供参考。
关键词 “建筑设计” 教学内容 教学方法 创新 人才培养
作者 周玉佳 刘昕烁 桑秀卓 《安徽建筑》 2024年第2期102-103,共2页
在高校教育中,教书功能与育人功能同等重要。文章依据全国教育大会上提出的课程思政这个国家教育战略的背景,在“建筑设计初步”课程教学中挖掘课程思政元素,在授课中从实际角度出发,对思政融入“建筑设计初步”课程教学模式进行探索。... 在高校教育中,教书功能与育人功能同等重要。文章依据全国教育大会上提出的课程思政这个国家教育战略的背景,在“建筑设计初步”课程教学中挖掘课程思政元素,在授课中从实际角度出发,对思政融入“建筑设计初步”课程教学模式进行探索。在提高教学质量的同时,把思政教育元素融入建筑初步课程中,落实高校教育立德树人的根本任务,完善学校思政教育体系的建设目标,促进学生全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 “建筑设计初步” 文化自信 工匠精神
对“建筑设计基础”中建筑实测教学的思考与探索 被引量:2
作者 王静 《华中建筑》 2010年第6期185-186,共2页
关键词 “建筑设计基础” 建筑实测 教学 思考与探索
高职本科院校建筑学专业核心课程教学改革探索——以“建筑设计1”为例 被引量:4
作者 冯智渊 陈翠婉 《福建建材》 2022年第11期113-115,共3页
高等职业教育本科院校是推动我国现代职业教育高质量发展的关键环节,其课程建设更是与院校建设和人才培养息息相关。基于广州科技职业技术大学建筑学专业核心课程建设面临的问题,提出了课程改革应树立课程融合与实践并重的理念,并结合... 高等职业教育本科院校是推动我国现代职业教育高质量发展的关键环节,其课程建设更是与院校建设和人才培养息息相关。基于广州科技职业技术大学建筑学专业核心课程建设面临的问题,提出了课程改革应树立课程融合与实践并重的理念,并结合学校建筑学专业教改工作,以“建筑设计1”课程为例总结了教改内容和经验。 展开更多
关键词 高职本科院校 建筑 核心课程 “建筑设计1”
作者 张灿灿 邵楠 《安徽建筑》 2023年第2期113-114,共2页
在SPOC混合教学模式广泛运用在高校教学改革实践中的背景下,分析SPOC混合式教学模式构建要点。以建筑学专业“建筑设计初步”课程为例,专业基础课程侧重理论实践,在分析课程概况的基础上,本研究从教学策略设计、教学资源、教学活动、评... 在SPOC混合教学模式广泛运用在高校教学改革实践中的背景下,分析SPOC混合式教学模式构建要点。以建筑学专业“建筑设计初步”课程为例,专业基础课程侧重理论实践,在分析课程概况的基础上,本研究从教学策略设计、教学资源、教学活动、评价与考核四方面梳理教学实践过程和效果,得出SPOC混合式教学模式在建筑设计类课程中的应用具有优越性。 展开更多
关键词 SPOC 混合式教学模式 “建筑设计初步” 教学实践
藤本壮介的建筑观 被引量:1
作者 陈琪琪 《西部皮革》 2019年第20期71-71,共1页
藤本的建筑有两个特点:一是自然原始的建筑,建筑就像“森林”,建筑的场所即大自然,试图在建筑与环境之间建立一种自然的关系,这是让建筑和自然和谐相处的一种方式。二是“弱建筑”,“弱建筑”的概念植根于森林体系,倡导建筑应该削弱自... 藤本的建筑有两个特点:一是自然原始的建筑,建筑就像“森林”,建筑的场所即大自然,试图在建筑与环境之间建立一种自然的关系,这是让建筑和自然和谐相处的一种方式。二是“弱建筑”,“弱建筑”的概念植根于森林体系,倡导建筑应该削弱自身的存在,服务于人,旨在与自然相协调,并通过人类行为来划分空间,存在一种若即若离的距离感,引发人对空间进行深入探讨。 展开更多
关键词 藤本壮介 “建筑设计” 自然 原始 建筑
从真实到概念——“建筑设计基础”课教学中空间意识培养 被引量:21
作者 薛滨夏 周立军 于戈 《建筑学报》 北大核心 2011年第6期29-31,共3页
从建筑形态认知与创新入手,探讨了"建筑设计基础"课中空间认知启蒙和空间意识培养对于提高学生形式创造能力的重要意义,进而在探究空间语汇拓展与概念转换方法的基础上,提出以概念引导为主线,变形与释义为核心的"空间概... 从建筑形态认知与创新入手,探讨了"建筑设计基础"课中空间认知启蒙和空间意识培养对于提高学生形式创造能力的重要意义,进而在探究空间语汇拓展与概念转换方法的基础上,提出以概念引导为主线,变形与释义为核心的"空间概念"启发式教学模式。 展开更多
关键词 建筑形态 “建筑设计基础”课教学 空间意识 “概念”引导 创造性思维
Structural Carpentry in Qing Dynasty-A Framework for the Hierarchically Modularized Chinese Timber Structural Design 被引量:1
作者 龚清宇 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第1期16-21,共6页
This article, by using mathematical expressions, offers a scientific framework for understanding how the grading system of Qing′s structural carpentry determines the design and construction in the grand style timber... This article, by using mathematical expressions, offers a scientific framework for understanding how the grading system of Qing′s structural carpentry determines the design and construction in the grand style timber architecture.The Qing′s grand style timber structure, which is ready for prefabrication and assembly, is extremely hierarchical oriented and significantly standardized. The general procedure in designing a grand style timber structure is to start with the grade that defines the basic module (dou kou); next comes with the number of bracket set (cuan), the number of longitudinal bays and the number of purlins which affect its plan and cross section; thirdly choose a roof type that determines its longitudinal section and the facade as well. A series of formulae are conducted to help depict the layout, cross sectional roof curvature and special longitudinal treatments in 4 sloped and 9 spined roofs respectively. 展开更多
关键词 structural carpentry mathematical expression grand style Qing Dynasty modular system Chinese timber structural design
Weighting indicators of building energy efficiency assessment taking account of experts' priority 被引量:8
作者 杨玉兰 邰惠鑫 施韬 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期803-808,共6页
Analytic hierarchy process(Group AHP) is combined with two different methods of assigning experts' priority to weight indicators in building energy efficiency assessment.One is to assign the experts' priority ... Analytic hierarchy process(Group AHP) is combined with two different methods of assigning experts' priority to weight indicators in building energy efficiency assessment.One is to assign the experts' priority averagely,and the other is to use cluster analysis to assign experts' priority.The results show that,1) Different expert's priority assigns result in great different weights of indicators in building energy efficiency assessment,therefore,the method of assigning experts' priority should be taken into account carefully while weighting indicators of building energy efficiency assessment using Group AHP;2) Three indicators are found to be overwhelmingly important in residential building energy efficiency assessment in the hot summer and cold winter zone in China.They are 'Outdoor & indoor shadow','Heating & air-conditioning facilities' and 'Insulation of envelope';3) The method combining cluster analysis with Group AHP to weight indicator of building energy efficiency assessment has the advantage of finding overwhelming important indicator,whereas,some less important indicators have a tendency to be ignored.A useful reference is provided for building energy conservation including policy revision and energy efficient residential building design. 展开更多
关键词 energy efficiency BUILDING weighting cluster analysis analytic hierarchy process
An automatic grid generation approach over free-form surface for architectural design 被引量:11
作者 苏亮 祝顺来 +1 位作者 肖南 高博青 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2444-2453,共10页
An essential step for the realization of free-form surface structures is to create an efficient structural gird that satisfies not only the architectural aesthetics,but also the structural performance.Employing the ma... An essential step for the realization of free-form surface structures is to create an efficient structural gird that satisfies not only the architectural aesthetics,but also the structural performance.Employing the main stress trajectories as the representation of force flows on a free-form surface,an automatic grid generation approach is proposed for the architectural design.The algorithm automatically plots the main stress trajectories on a 3D free-form surface,and adopts a modified advancing front meshing technique to generate the structural grid.Based on the proposed algorithm,an automatic grid generator named "St-Surmesh" is developed for the practical architectural design of free-form surface structure.The surface geometry of one of the Sun Valleys in Expo Axis for the Expo Shanghai 2010 is selected as a numerical example for validating the proposed approach.Comparative studies are performed to demonstrate how different structural grids affect the design of a free-form surface structure. 展开更多
关键词 grid generation free-form surface structure architectural geometry stress trajectory advancing front meshing technique
Vertical bearing capacity of pile based on load transfer model 被引量:7
作者 赵明华 杨明辉 邹新军 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2005年第4期488-493,共6页
The load transfer analytical method is applied to study the bearing mechanism of piles with vertical load in this paper. According to the different hardening rules of soil or rock around the pile shaft, such as work-s... The load transfer analytical method is applied to study the bearing mechanism of piles with vertical load in this paper. According to the different hardening rules of soil or rock around the pile shaft, such as work-softening, ideal elasto-plastic and work-hardening, a universal tri-linear load transfer model is suggested for the development of side and tip resistance by various types of soil (rock) with the consideration of sediment at the bottom of the pile. Based on the model, a formula is derived for the relationship between the settlement and load on the pile top to determine the vertical bearing capacity, taking into account such factors as the characteristics of the stratum, the side resistance along the shaft, and tip resistance under the pile tip. A close agreement of the calculated results with the measured data from a field test pile lends confidence to the future application of the present approach in engineering practice. 展开更多
关键词 pile foundation load transfer model top settlement vertical bearing capacity
Numerical simulation of mean interference effects for the interfering buildings with different heights 被引量:4
作者 郑朝荣 张耀春 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期499-505,共7页
The mean wind-induced interference effects between two high-rise buildings,in which the interfering buildings have different heights,were numerical simulated in the terrain roughness of B and D types by the Reynolds s... The mean wind-induced interference effects between two high-rise buildings,in which the interfering buildings have different heights,were numerical simulated in the terrain roughness of B and D types by the Reynolds stress equation model(RSM)of fluent.The results are in good agreement with those of the wind tunnel test.Influences of the relative arrangement of two buildings,the height of the interfering buildings and the terrain roughness upon the mean interference effects were analyzed,and the space distributions of IFCPs on the principal building under tandem arrangement were studied.The results indicate that the lower interfering buildings can always bring larger interference factors comparing to the higher ones under tandem arrangement except that the height is larger than 1.25h,and the heights' influence on the mean interference effects will increase as the reduced spacing of two buildings.The influence of heights will be little under stagger arrangement. 展开更多
关键词 high-rise building numerical simulation mean interference effects terrain roughness analysis of the flow field
Cultivation Mode of Innovative Talents in Architecture under the Cooperation of Production, Teaching and Research 被引量:6
作者 WANG Jiang WANG Tongyu 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第2期97-98,102,共3页
In current training of architectural talents, there are a series of problems, such as separation of teaching, scientific research and production, rigid teaching mode and lack of practice and innovative ability, which ... In current training of architectural talents, there are a series of problems, such as separation of teaching, scientific research and production, rigid teaching mode and lack of practice and innovative ability, which make it hard to achieve the goal of training the idealized innovative talents. In order to solve these problems and the confusion of architecture in the cultivation of innovative talents, a production-teachingresearch integrated iterative platform was built at the levels of teacher and student. In the platform, the 32 modules involving teaching, researching and producing can be linked according to the logical relationship and teaching needs, thus helping the development of teaching by scientific research and production achievements. The teaching system under this kind of mutual assistance has positive significance to the training of innovative talents in architecture. 展开更多
关键词 Production-teaching-research INNOVATION Training mode
Hierarchical models for failure analysis of plates bent by distributed and localized transverse loadings 被引量:1
作者 Erasmo CARRERA Gaetano GIUNTA 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期600-613,共14页
The failure analysis of simply supported, isotropic, square plates is addressed. Attention focuses on minimum failure load amplitudes and failure locations, von Mises' equivalent stress along the plate thickness is a... The failure analysis of simply supported, isotropic, square plates is addressed. Attention focuses on minimum failure load amplitudes and failure locations, von Mises' equivalent stress along the plate thickness is also addressed. Several distributed and localized loading conditions are considered. Loads act on the top of the plate. Bi-sinusoidal and uniform loads are taken into account for distributed loadings, while stepwise constant centric and off-centric loadings are addressed in the case of localized loadings. Analysis is performed considering plates whose length-to-thickness ratio a/h can be as high as 100 (thin plates) and as low as 2 (very thick plates). Results are obtained via several 2D plate models. Classical theories (CTs) and higher order models are applied. Those theories are based on polynomial approximation of the displacement field. Among the higher order theories (HOTs) HOTsa models account for the transverse shear deformations, while HOTs models account for both transverse shear and transverse normal deformations. LHOTs represent a local application of the higher order theories. A layerwise approach is thus assumed: by means of mathematical interfaces, the plate is considered to be made of several fictitious layers. The exact 3D solution is presented in order to determine the accuracy of the results obtained via the 2D models. In this way a hierarchy among the 2D theories is established. CTs provide highly accurate results for a/h greater than 10 in the case of distributed loadings and greater than 20 for localized loadings. Results obtained via HOTs are highly accurate in the case of very thick plates for bi-sinusoidal and centric loadings. In the case of uniform and off-centric loadings a high gradient is present in the neighborhood of the plate top. In those cases, LHOTs yield results that match the exact solution. 展开更多
关键词 Failure load von Mises' equivalent stress lsotropic plates Higher order theories (HOTs) Exact 3D solution
Design and research of gymnasium structure in Zhejiang University 被引量:1
作者 吴开成 庄一舟 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期237-242,共6页
This paper deals with the issues involved during the design of a complex gymnasium located at the new campus of Zhejiang University. The complexity comes from the gymnasium’s being of three parts: long-span membrane ... This paper deals with the issues involved during the design of a complex gymnasium located at the new campus of Zhejiang University. The complexity comes from the gymnasium’s being of three parts: long-span membrane structure, prestressed concrete structure and extraordinarily long tubular steel structure without seams. The paper first presents considera- tions of the prestress design, followed by analyses of the stress states due to temperature changes and concrete shrinkage. Buckling and postbuckling analyses were performed to determine the load-carrying capacity of the perfect and imperfect tubular steel structure of the inclined arch system, while dynamic relaxation method and general nonlinear finite element analysis were used to carry out shape-finding and stress analyses of the membrane structure respectively. Finally, collated monitoring date was applied to control the construction quality and verify the design parameters. Some useful conclusions are available at the end of the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Prestress structure Membrane structure Tubular structure Extraordinarily long seamless structure Temperature shrinkage Stability
Seismic response analysis for equatorial diagnostic port plug of international thermonuclear experimental reactor 被引量:1
作者 余东满 姚达毛 +5 位作者 谢韩 鲍立曼 许铁军 彭玉华 刘素梅 杨庆喜 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第1期112-118,共7页
Modal analysis and seismic response analysis were carried out for the equatorial diagnostic port plug of international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER). The aim of the theoretical analysis is to verify struct... Modal analysis and seismic response analysis were carried out for the equatorial diagnostic port plug of international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER). The aim of the theoretical analysis is to verify structural strength and reliability of the device. The working condition includes one-dimensional seismic wave and two-dimensional seismic wave. Modal analysis of the device shows that primary vibration is inclined to occur in low-order modes. The horizontal (X-direction, Y-direction) maximum vibration appears at the first and the fourth eigen modes, with the natural frequency of 70.59 and 215.88 Hz respectively, and the vertical (Z-direction) primary vibration appears at the second eigen mode with the natural frequency of 82.85 Hz. According to the results of the finite element analysis (FEA) program, the weak portions of the device are distributed in the joint of port body with blanket shielding module (BSM) and inner side wall of ribbed plate for lifting flange, the maximum von Mises stress is 14.8 MPa with the Y-direction seismic wave. In accordance with the design criteria, the destructive effect is far below the failure boundary, and the structural reliability of the equatorial diagnostic port plug can meet the requirements of the design specifications. 展开更多
关键词 diagnostic port plug seismic response finite element analysis nuclear fusion
Shape optimization of plate with static and dynamic constraints via virtual laminated element 被引量:1
作者 李芳 徐兴 凌道盛 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第2期202-206,共5页
The virtual laminated element method (VLEM) can resolve structural shap e optimization problems with a new method. According to the characteristics of V LEM , only some characterized layer thickness values need be def... The virtual laminated element method (VLEM) can resolve structural shap e optimization problems with a new method. According to the characteristics of V LEM , only some characterized layer thickness values need be defined as design v ariables instead of boundary node coordinates or some other parameters determini ng the system boundary. One of the important features of this method is that it is not necessary to regenerate the FE(finite element) grid during the optimizati on process so as to avoid optimization failures resulting from some distortion grid elements. Th e thickness distribution in thin plate optimization problems in other studies be fore is of stepped shape. However, in this paper, a continuous thickness distrib ution can be obtained after optimization using VLEM, and is more reasonable. Fur thermore, an approximate reanalysis method named ″behavior model technique″ ca n be used to reduce the amount of structural reanalysis. Some typical examples are offered to prove the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 Optimum design Virtual laminated element method(V LEM) Behavior model technique Structural reanalysis
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