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作者 吴夏奕 《成才之路》 2024年第31期85-88,共4页
随着数字化技术飞速发展,教育领域迎来前所未有的变革。中职学校作为培养技术技能人才的重要基地,面临着巨大的机遇和挑战。在数字化背景下,建筑行业对具备CAD操作技能、熟悉数字化设计流程的高素质技能型人才的需求日益增加。这要求中... 随着数字化技术飞速发展,教育领域迎来前所未有的变革。中职学校作为培养技术技能人才的重要基地,面临着巨大的机遇和挑战。在数字化背景下,建筑行业对具备CAD操作技能、熟悉数字化设计流程的高素质技能型人才的需求日益增加。这要求中职学校必须紧跟行业发展趋势,调整和优化“建筑CAD”课程的教学内容和方式,以满足学生的学习需求。文章阐述数字化背景下中职学校“建筑CAD”课程教学改革的必要性,分析数字化背景下中职学校“建筑CAD”课程教学现状,探讨数字化背景下中职学校“建筑CAD”教学改革的策略,旨在提升教学质量与效率,培养学生的数字化技能与创新能力。 展开更多
关键词 数字化背景 中职学校 “建筑cad” 教学改革 策略 人才培养
作者 陈鑫 《教师》 2024年第29期105-107,共3页
文章在“互联网+教育”背景下针对现有“建筑CAD”课程教学模式中存在的问题,提出“建筑CAD”课程线上线下混合教学改革策略:建立符合课程特色的线上线下、理实一体化教学模式;学生在开始学习之前,应先复习前置课程并通过小测;将工匠精... 文章在“互联网+教育”背景下针对现有“建筑CAD”课程教学模式中存在的问题,提出“建筑CAD”课程线上线下混合教学改革策略:建立符合课程特色的线上线下、理实一体化教学模式;学生在开始学习之前,应先复习前置课程并通过小测;将工匠精神、劳模精神融入课堂;通过创新教学方法、教学内容,建立多元评价体系和举办绘图技能月活动竞赛,确保较高的教学质量,使学生掌握企业所需的工作技能,并重点培养学生的问题解决能力和自主学习能力。线上线下混合教学可以推动学校实训场地更新,使培养的学生与企业无缝对接,克服传统教学模式弊端,对更有效地实现建筑类专业的人才培养目标具有较大现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 “建筑cad” 混合教学 多元评价
作者 张慧丽 《新课程研究》 2024年第30期25-27,共3页
“建筑CAD”课程是工程造价、建筑工程技术、工程管理等专业的基础课程,文章以职业活动为导向,以产教融合为手段,强调学生与职业岗位的深度融合,建立“产教融合、赛教融合、持证上岗”的教学情境,探索“岗课赛证”四位一体的教学模式,... “建筑CAD”课程是工程造价、建筑工程技术、工程管理等专业的基础课程,文章以职业活动为导向,以产教融合为手段,强调学生与职业岗位的深度融合,建立“产教融合、赛教融合、持证上岗”的教学情境,探索“岗课赛证”四位一体的教学模式,在教学内容、教学方法、教学效果考核评价等方面进行展开,探讨“1+X”证书制度下本课程教学改革的新路径。 展开更多
关键词 “1+X”证书制度 “岗课赛证” “建筑cad”
“建筑CAD”课程教学改革探析 被引量:2
作者 龙英 《新课程研究(中旬)》 2018年第10期48-49,共2页
随着社会的进步和软件技术的不断发展,企业对CAD人才的需求也不断扩大。因此,如何培养满足社会需求的高技能型人才非常重要。本文结合"建筑CAD"课程教学中存在的问题,从教学内容、教学方式与手段等方面进行了思考与探索,希望... 随着社会的进步和软件技术的不断发展,企业对CAD人才的需求也不断扩大。因此,如何培养满足社会需求的高技能型人才非常重要。本文结合"建筑CAD"课程教学中存在的问题,从教学内容、教学方式与手段等方面进行了思考与探索,希望能在一定程度上对"建筑CAD"课程教学有所帮助,使学生的知识与能力得到不断提高,满足社会发展的需求。 展开更多
关键词 “建筑cad” 教学内容 教学方法 教学改革
探讨“建筑CAD”课程“线上+线下”混合式教学 被引量:1
作者 曹珍荣 高金剑 《教师》 2021年第2期74-75,共2页
"建筑CAD"是面向土木工程类专业的学生开设的一门实践性较强的专业基础课程。该课程的学习效果直接影响学生对后续专业课程的学习。文章探讨了如何在该课程的教学中运用"线上+线下"的混合教学模式,将传统教学与在... "建筑CAD"是面向土木工程类专业的学生开设的一门实践性较强的专业基础课程。该课程的学习效果直接影响学生对后续专业课程的学习。文章探讨了如何在该课程的教学中运用"线上+线下"的混合教学模式,将传统教学与在线教学有机结合,并最大限度地利用它们各自的优势,增强课程的教学效果,以满足"新工科"建设要求。 展开更多
关键词 “建筑cad” 混合式教学 教学改革
作者 湛永红 《安徽建筑》 2024年第9期115-116,177,共3页
“三教”改革背景下,“建筑识图与CAD”课程的教法改革,基于任务驱动,融入PDCA循环模式,围绕“任务实施”,以“是什么?为什么?怎么做?怎样做得更好?”为对话话题核心,构建教师、学生、学习内容之间的对话课堂,目的在于学生识记、领会、... “三教”改革背景下,“建筑识图与CAD”课程的教法改革,基于任务驱动,融入PDCA循环模式,围绕“任务实施”,以“是什么?为什么?怎么做?怎样做得更好?”为对话话题核心,构建教师、学生、学习内容之间的对话课堂,目的在于学生识记、领会、应用、分析、综合、评价六个教育目标认知层次的逐级提升以及技术技能的培养。 展开更多
关键词 “三教”改革 “建筑识图与cad” 任务驱动 对话课堂 PDCA理论
IFC implementation in lifecycle costing 被引量:7
作者 Charlie Fu Ghassan Aouad +2 位作者 Amanda Marshall Ponting Angela Lee Song Wu 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期437-441,共5页
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is always a major concern in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. This paper presents the implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in the deve... Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is always a major concern in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. This paper presents the implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in the development of a lifecycle cost-estimating tool. The IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) model as an interoperable building information model has been adopted as the central data repository to deliver the integrated information of building designs from CAD design systems into the lifecycle-costing database. In this paper, the conceptions and relevant factors, which could affect the LCC estimation, have been introduced. The problems of current LCC applications have been identified as the lack of LCC data and the complexity of LCC exercises. The software application of IFC models and relevant auxiliary are depicted as a solution of the problem identified. The lifecycle costing tool is a part of the nD Modeling tool and as such is based on its integrated interface prototype toolkit and is able to holistically present an IFC model into a 3D virtual reality view, a tree-view and a list of element properties. The functions and some technical points are also detailed in the paper. Through the research, it demonstrates the potential and possibility of implementing BIM methods and techniques, particularly IFCs to enhance the computer applications in the processes of building construction and facility management. 展开更多
关键词 AEC industry life cycle costing building information modeling industry foundation classes
Study of the Relationship between Building Arrangement and Visibility of Open Spaces Based on a Simplified Area Evaluation
作者 Rim Meziani 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第12期1364-1372,共9页
This paper studies which building arrangement will provide the maximum visibility to an example of open space proposed in the Abu Dhabi 2030 Master Plan. The building forms, the distance between the buildings, the set... This paper studies which building arrangement will provide the maximum visibility to an example of open space proposed in the Abu Dhabi 2030 Master Plan. The building forms, the distance between the buildings, the setback and the building heights would all affect visibility and were considered closely. Although this research methodology could be applied to any site in different situations, it remains simple and interesting. It can be applied in general, with a change of the variables (setback, distance between buildings, building height, building form), to any site by both professionals and students who can simply use any CAD program for producing drawing in both the architectural or urban designs phases, hence the importance of this research. Two different building arrangements were proposed and studied: a linear and an L-shaped arrangement. After applying the simulations, it appears that the L-shape offers more visibility to the open space. The outcomes of this study were combined with another research project that studies the same building arrangements to test the possible climatic comfort provided in outdoor spaces in order to encourage the use of open spaces and walkability in the studied area. 展开更多
关键词 VISIBILITY open space Abu Dhabi 2030 Master Plan building arrangement.
Analysis and results to the status of BIM technology application in China
作者 Yong-Ge Xu Dong-Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第2期125-126,共2页
Information age and the rapid development of information technology has brought the infinite creativity and possibility for all works in modem society. If CAD technology is first innovation of information technology i... Information age and the rapid development of information technology has brought the infinite creativity and possibility for all works in modem society. If CAD technology is first innovation of information technology in construction industry, then the emergence of the BIM technology shall fully deserved to be treated as a second innovation in construction industry. As a new technology which have been introduced to China in recent years, BIM technology already had its major application in foreigner countries .This paper focuses on the current status of BIM technology application in our country, especially on some small and medium enterprises using the traditional BIM technology to handle the project which have complex usage,creative deign and cost limitation. Firstly,we take a deep analysis on the initial application situation. Then we go through the practical application and analyse what benefit can be given to a project from BIM technology. Finally, analyse the problems and solutions in BIM application with consideration of Chinese building engineering development. Only after a careful analysis, a deep understanding of BIM, we can fully understand this new technology and make BIM to give its value to construction project. 展开更多
关键词 BIM technology application status ACHIEVEMENT problem analysis
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