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“当代文学”:无法回避的反思——一段学术史的回顾 被引量:5
作者 罗岗 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期30-36,共7页
本文在反思"二十世纪中国文学"的视野下,回顾了"当代文学"这一概念如何在1990年代以来的中国现当代文学研究"学术史"中逐渐恢复思想活力,重新打开问题意识的历程,特别强调了洪子诚的"当代文学一体化... 本文在反思"二十世纪中国文学"的视野下,回顾了"当代文学"这一概念如何在1990年代以来的中国现当代文学研究"学术史"中逐渐恢复思想活力,重新打开问题意识的历程,特别强调了洪子诚的"当代文学一体化"和蔡翔的"社会主义危机及其克服"等论述的"典范"意义,指出近年来兴起的"社会史视野下的中国现当代文学研究"和"重返‘人民文艺’"的新趋向,依然处于这一学术史脉络的延长线上。 展开更多
关键词 “二十世纪中国文学” “当代文学” “一体化” “革命/叙述” “人民文艺”
“当代文学”的构造及其合法性依据 被引量:7
作者 贺桂梅 《海南师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第4期12-19,共8页
20世纪40年代后期,以《讲话》为依据的“当代文学”确立其全国性支配地位的过程,不仅是国/共军事、政治力量对比的结果,同样重要的是其建构的合法性表述。除却冷战格局造就的阶级话语的重要性外,民族主义话语也在“当代文学”的生成过... 20世纪40年代后期,以《讲话》为依据的“当代文学”确立其全国性支配地位的过程,不仅是国/共军事、政治力量对比的结果,同样重要的是其建构的合法性表述。除却冷战格局造就的阶级话语的重要性外,民族主义话语也在“当代文学”的生成过程中扮演了重要角色。《讲话》建构了一种以“政治社会”为主体、将90%的“人民大众”整合于现代国家中的政治构想和文化动员机制,从而区别于“五四”新文化运动以“市民(国民)社会”为主体的民族—国家构想。“当代文学”在创建这种“政治社会”共同体的过程中起到了关键作用,并使自己超越了作为“国民文学”的“五四”新文艺传统。论文首先通过对三个历史文本的分析描述了“当代文学”生成的轨迹,进而通过对政治社会/市民社会对于现代国家主体的不同构想,讨论有关知识分子(作家)的功能,及文学赖以传输的文化生产机制之间的差别,从而具体剖析“当代文学”在何种意义上超越了“现代文学”。 展开更多
关键词 “当代文学” 民族主义 想象的共同体 政治社会 市民社会 国民文学
作者 徐刚 王又平 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期72-79,共8页
本文以"重述五四"为历史线索,探讨"当代文学"的合法性论证这一重大问题,从而为四十年代文学的转折,以及中国当代文学的历史起源做出解释。全文通过分析不同时期,尤其是"延安"对"五四"的阐释,... 本文以"重述五四"为历史线索,探讨"当代文学"的合法性论证这一重大问题,从而为四十年代文学的转折,以及中国当代文学的历史起源做出解释。全文通过分析不同时期,尤其是"延安"对"五四"的阐释,揭示文学转折中意识形态背景对文学发展,文学史叙述的重要影响。"重述五四"指二十世纪三十末到四十年代,即延安文学时期到新中国,毛泽东及其主流批评家对"五四"所做的不同于此前五四一代人的叙述和评价。"延安"对"五四"的重述使"当代文学"的"传统"得以"发明",这构成了即将到来的新的人民的文艺(即"当代文学")合法性论证的基础。文章认为"五四"这一"伟大的传统"对"当代文学"构成了一种"影响的焦虑",基于对这种"焦虑"的克服,"延安"不得不对"五四"进行有意识的"误读"、"贬低",从而树立自己的伟大形象。 展开更多
关键词 “当代文学” 合法性 五四运动
作者 王亚平 徐刚 《社会科学论坛》 2010年第1期30-34,共5页
在上世纪40年代的文学转折中,"五四"的性质和文化领导权发生了异乎寻常的变化。五四新文化运动中所高扬的"自由主义""个人主义"以及"启蒙主义",随着毛泽东延安时代审美体系的确立、无产阶级&qu... 在上世纪40年代的文学转折中,"五四"的性质和文化领导权发生了异乎寻常的变化。五四新文化运动中所高扬的"自由主义""个人主义"以及"启蒙主义",随着毛泽东延安时代审美体系的确立、无产阶级"新的人民文艺"历史时期的降临,以及新民主主义革命时期的到来而被重新塑造。由此,"无产阶级五四"的"历史价值"得以浮出历史地表。这构成了"现代文学"终结、"当代文学"发生的关键性因素。 展开更多
关键词 五四新文学 “当代文学” 自由主义 个人主义 启蒙主义
作者 金仕霞 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期27-29,共3页
“当代文学”的概念自50年代后期诞生至今已有半个多世纪,在这漫长的时间流程中对这个概念的认识、理解呈现出不同的状貌,尤其是80年代中期以后,更是有多种论调质疑此概念。本文将对此进行梳理,力图还原历史真实面貌,以利于该学科的完... “当代文学”的概念自50年代后期诞生至今已有半个多世纪,在这漫长的时间流程中对这个概念的认识、理解呈现出不同的状貌,尤其是80年代中期以后,更是有多种论调质疑此概念。本文将对此进行梳理,力图还原历史真实面貌,以利于该学科的完善与发展。 展开更多
关键词 质疑“当代文学” 中国现代文学 二十世纪中国文学
“中国当代文学”时间起点争议问题考察 被引量:2
作者 罗长青 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第6期97-102,共6页
人们普遍将1949年7月召开的"中华全国文学艺术工作者代表大会"当成"中国当代文学"的起点,但学术界也存在多个"中国当代文学"时间起点版本。时间起点争议的实质是,如何理解"中国当代文学"这个... 人们普遍将1949年7月召开的"中华全国文学艺术工作者代表大会"当成"中国当代文学"的起点,但学术界也存在多个"中国当代文学"时间起点版本。时间起点争议的实质是,如何理解"中国当代文学"这个概念能指的特定文学形态在文学史上的"滥觞"和"终结",因为前者导致了时间起点不断"前行",而后者导致了时间起点不断"后移"。虽然"中国当代文学"概念将被修正的趋势已经不可逆转,但这个概念原本所指对象的研究工作却会继续前行。 展开更多
关键词 “当代文学”概念 文学分期 时间起点 文学争议
作者 温伟 徐刚 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2006年第6期72-76,共5页
文学史事实并不是某种单纯的、中性的知识概念,相反,作为一种不能再现的既往之事,“事实”永远都是以一定的措辞建构起来的历史产物。因此,何种说法能够作为“事实”在文学史上得以呈现,实际上取决于何种权力操纵的话语拥有表述的权威... 文学史事实并不是某种单纯的、中性的知识概念,相反,作为一种不能再现的既往之事,“事实”永远都是以一定的措辞建构起来的历史产物。因此,何种说法能够作为“事实”在文学史上得以呈现,实际上取决于何种权力操纵的话语拥有表述的权威。基于这一理论前提,所谓“重述五四”实际上是考察作为“当代文学”雏形的“革命文学”、“左翼文学”以及“延安文学”对狭义的“现代文学”,即“五四”新文学所做的历史评价。以期从前者对后者颠覆性的阐释、言说与重构中,揭示文学转折中“现代文学”裂解,“当代文学”建构的历史面貌。 展开更多
关键词 “当代文学” “现代文学” “五四” 历史阐释
Philosophy, Feminist Literary Criticism and "The Difference"
作者 Luisa Posada Kubissa 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第1期23-32,共10页
This paper discusses the present-day philosophical rupture away from identitarian thinking, and how the former has influenced the world of the feminist literary criticism of today. Herein, we embark on a journey from ... This paper discusses the present-day philosophical rupture away from identitarian thinking, and how the former has influenced the world of the feminist literary criticism of today. Herein, we embark on a journey from its awakenings back in the 1960s. We begin our quest with Kate Millett, we will continue our discussion with Irigaray, Cixous, or Kristeva and their analysis of the difference created by gender. And, we will reflect on the influence it has made to the American movement. We use the aforementioned as the lead towards the theory of deconstruction in authors such as Felman or Spivak, and how we reach the concept of performativity of gender in line with Butler and the queer theory. 展开更多
关键词 feminist literary criticism sexual difference DECONSTRUCTION
The application of situational teaching method based on the Chinese linguistic literature
作者 Zhang Xiaolei 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期194-196,共3页
The teaching properties and the teaching modes of the Chinese linguistic literature compared with the other courses have certain particularity, and in the course teaching, we should give full play to the subjectivity ... The teaching properties and the teaching modes of the Chinese linguistic literature compared with the other courses have certain particularity, and in the course teaching, we should give full play to the subjectivity of the students, but also play the practicability of the course teaching through the construction of students' knowledge slructures and the shape of their ideology. The author thinks that contemporary Chinese language and literature teaching should break the limitation of the traditional teaching mode, and we should guide the students to play the subjective consciousness and the consciousness of the emotional experience of the course learning in the cross-national literature and artistic context with various forms and rich contents, and help the students easily and autonomously integrated into the Chinese language and literature teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese language literature situational teaching METHOD
新世纪文学初论——新世纪以来中国文学的走向 被引量:32
作者 雷达 任东华 《文艺争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期6-16,共11页
关键词 新世纪文学 中国文学 “当代文学” 文学
Feminist Analysis of As for Me and My House
作者 LIU Ke-dong HU Huan-huan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第5期520-525,共6页
As for Me and My House (1957) is the first work by Canadian writer Sinclair Ross. Written in the form of a diary, it tells the story of the protagonist Mrs. Bentley whose subconscious feminine awareness goes through... As for Me and My House (1957) is the first work by Canadian writer Sinclair Ross. Written in the form of a diary, it tells the story of the protagonist Mrs. Bentley whose subconscious feminine awareness goes through a process of surrendering and awakening under the oppression of patriarchal society and the tribulation of daily life. The novel brings to light the protagonist's strong will when she is in the pursuit of spiritual satisfaction and of her importance of being within the framework of a society in which gender Bentley's different traits from her female peers are exhibited about her own mind, and has her own pursuit of dreams relation is unequal. In this way of depiction, Mrs. She is independent, strong, and optimistic, knows 展开更多
关键词 Sinclair Ross As for Me and My House feminine consciousness
Analysis of publication dissemination of Chinese present current literature work English translation and research methodologies
作者 Wen wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期75-77,共3页
As a systematic work, there are very close links between the various aspects of the English translation of Chinese modern and contemporary literary works, whether they are translated into the main body, translated con... As a systematic work, there are very close links between the various aspects of the English translation of Chinese modern and contemporary literary works, whether they are translated into the main body, translated content and other links, or a specific translation approach, are not segmentation. Many translators, sinologists and books, magazines and so on have played a very important role in the process of translating modern and contemporary literary works in China. However with English-Chinese “borrowism” compared with, English work that translates the Chinese present current literature work, no matter in quantity and quality, infi uence and other aspects that the work itself has appear the relative backwardness. In order to promote the modern and contemporary Chinese literary works in the world, it is necessary to analyze and study the English translation of Chinese modern and contemporary literary works and the research methods. 展开更多
关键词 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature English Translation Publishing and Dissemination
Research on the Influence about students' Quality Training by Contemporary Chinese Literature Teaching
作者 Li Chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期64-66,共3页
Chinese Contemporary Literature as related professional foundation courses, with the development of the country' s higher education reform, its status and role are also changing and Under the current talents to profe... Chinese Contemporary Literature as related professional foundation courses, with the development of the country' s higher education reform, its status and role are also changing and Under the current talents to professional competence based values, many students of Chinese Modem Literature awareness and interest gradually weakened, due to reduced hours, the old teaching model and the impact on consumer attitudes about fast food culture, college students thinking of contemporary Chinese literature, values, and aesthetic taste, are a significant deviation and dislocation. To this end, we should strengthen the status of contemporary Chinese literature teaching, and teaching literature from many problems currently faced by the contemporary university, and re-examine their academic, cultural, informative features, innovative teaching model to promote the current inherit Chinese Contemporary Literature Teaching and development. 展开更多
关键词 Contemporary Literature Teaching Students' Quality RESEARCH
Advancing Cross-Cultural Understanding Through Experimental Literary Translation: Chinese Translation of Finnegans Wake in China 被引量:1
作者 Congrong Dai 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2015年第3期335-346,共12页
A fertile ground is needed for a work to be translated and accepted successfully in the target culture, which includes enough understanding of the ideology and poetics of the source text. Sometimes, a work could be tr... A fertile ground is needed for a work to be translated and accepted successfully in the target culture, which includes enough understanding of the ideology and poetics of the source text. Sometimes, a work could be translated and introduced into a culture too early before the readers there can understand the foreign idea and poetics. The innovative language and narrative experiment in Finnegans Wake are far ahead of the literary tradition in contemporary China, which makes it hard to be understood and accepted wholeheartedly by most Chinese readers. However, such experimental works should not be translated in a domesti- cating way to make them easier. If the experimental poetics in Finnegans Wake were kept in the translation as much as possible, it could advance the acceptance of new ideas and poetics in modem Chinese literature, especially when some efforts are given to make the translated work popular. 展开更多
关键词 Domesticating translation Foreignizing translation FinnegansWake Experimental works
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