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“形式化”·“语义化”·“意向化”——现代斯拉夫文论中“文学性”追问的不同路径之比较 被引量:2
作者 周启超 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第3期104-110,共7页
“特征论者”雅可布森以“形式化”视界提出“文学性”命题,“功能论者”穆卡若夫斯基以“语义化”视界拓展“文学性”空间,“合成论者”英加顿则是以“意向化”视界进入“文学性”生成机制。他们在言说“文学性”这一命题时,实际上很... “特征论者”雅可布森以“形式化”视界提出“文学性”命题,“功能论者”穆卡若夫斯基以“语义化”视界拓展“文学性”空间,“合成论者”英加顿则是以“意向化”视界进入“文学性”生成机制。他们在言说“文学性”这一命题时,实际上很少关心什么是文学性,而更多地专注于“文学性”何以生成;他们在使用“文学性”这一概念时,实际上很少是在对文学是什么加以界说,而更多地是在言说文学研究科学化的路径。他们的探索表明:“文学性”理论的建构是可以不断深化的。 展开更多
关键词 现代斯拉夫文论 “文学性” “形式化” “语义化” “意向化” 比较文学
作者 夏嵘 《党建论坛》 2002年第8期54-54,共1页
关键词 党员 民主评议 “形式化”现象 中国共产党
作者 余德映 张茂林 《教师教育论坛》 2019年第7期54-57,62,共5页
中小学教师网络研修"形式化"倾向是在追求教师自主专业成长与发展的过程中因参训主体价值取向的偏离而陷入的研修误区。它所呈现的现实样态也投射出活动主体动力不足、参训成员对话缺失、研修实践文化偏离的内在成因。规避中... 中小学教师网络研修"形式化"倾向是在追求教师自主专业成长与发展的过程中因参训主体价值取向的偏离而陷入的研修误区。它所呈现的现实样态也投射出活动主体动力不足、参训成员对话缺失、研修实践文化偏离的内在成因。规避中小学教师网络研修"形式化"倾向,应凝聚主体研修动力的共同愿景、创设主体对话交往的合理空间、培育主体自我成长的文化力量,进而营造更为良性的网络研修生态环境。 展开更多
关键词 网络研修 “形式化”倾向 中小学教师
作者 陈光媚 《基础教育研究》 2022年第1期13-16,共4页
家校微信群中家长参与的“形式化”倾向是在家校互动交流过程中因主体价值取向以及微信群本身存在的局限性而陷入的误区。家长参与“形式化”呈现出个体认知的偏差、回应方式的程序化以及价值追求的工具性的现实样态。这一现实样态折射... 家校微信群中家长参与的“形式化”倾向是在家校互动交流过程中因主体价值取向以及微信群本身存在的局限性而陷入的误区。家长参与“形式化”呈现出个体认知的偏差、回应方式的程序化以及价值追求的工具性的现实样态。这一现实样态折射出家长对教育认识的片面化和对尊师重教的曲解。因此,应当通过“积极发布集体议题,引发集体讨论”“提升教师信息化素养,引导家长积极理性参与微信互动”“现实社会互动与微信互动相结合,增强家校微信群的教育性”三个策略促使家校之间实现真正意义上的合作。 展开更多
关键词 家校微信群 家长参与 “形式化”
作者 盛晟 《才智》 2018年第15期185-185,共1页
十八大以来,作风建设取得了重大成绩,党风政风明显好转,群众满意度不断提高,但在一定程度也存在着"碎片化""形式化"的现象,主要体现为持续发力有断片,系统发力有脱节,全员发力有缺位,精准发力有空档。治理作风建设&... 十八大以来,作风建设取得了重大成绩,党风政风明显好转,群众满意度不断提高,但在一定程度也存在着"碎片化""形式化"的现象,主要体现为持续发力有断片,系统发力有脱节,全员发力有缺位,精准发力有空档。治理作风建设"碎片化""形式化",要从矫正工作思维,端正政绩观、价值观入手综合辨证施治。 展开更多
关键词 作风建设 “碎片化” “形式化”
城市社区医养结合为何流于形式:一个总体分析框架 被引量:13
作者 屈贞 《中共福建省委党校(福建行政学院)学报》 北大核心 2021年第1期144-152,共9页
推动城市社区医养结合高质量发展,是快速老龄化背景下满足人民群众多层次、多样化健康养老服务需求的重要途径,是新时代我国养老服务体系建设的重点方向。但当前在各地的实践探索中不同程度地出现了"形式化"结合问题,因此,考... 推动城市社区医养结合高质量发展,是快速老龄化背景下满足人民群众多层次、多样化健康养老服务需求的重要途径,是新时代我国养老服务体系建设的重点方向。但当前在各地的实践探索中不同程度地出现了"形式化"结合问题,因此,考察社区医养结合模式的实际运行并探究其生成机理有着极大的现实必要性。研究发现:模糊的政策与复杂的科层构成了社区医养结合形式化的诱发环境;资源短缺与目标冲突是社区医养结合形式化的直接动因;激励不足与约束缺乏是社区医养结合形式化的主体因素;观念滞后与"经济理性"为社区医养结合形式化创设了机会空间。社区医养结合是一个复杂的系统工程,需要充分考虑基层改革的阻力,充分激发参与主体合作共赢的内生动能,从制度和技术层面不断予以优化进而走向成熟。 展开更多
关键词 社区养老 医养结合 “形式化”结合 生成机理
以政治建设破解新农村建设的困局 被引量:4
作者 樊红敏 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期87-89,共3页
当前新农村建设陷入了"形式化"困境,其根源在于缺乏政治建设的跟进。要破解新农村建设的困局,必须把政治建设纳入到新农村建设的议题当中,着力调整与完善与农村社会相对应的基层政治体制、政府运行机制以及以农民权利为中心... 当前新农村建设陷入了"形式化"困境,其根源在于缺乏政治建设的跟进。要破解新农村建设的困局,必须把政治建设纳入到新农村建设的议题当中,着力调整与完善与农村社会相对应的基层政治体制、政府运行机制以及以农民权利为中心的政治关系。新农村建设应该包括五大建设:政治建设、经济建设、社会建设、文化建设和生态建设,而政治建设是新农村建设的重要保障和前提。政治建设的根本目标是还权于民,其所面临的重要任务是调整中央与地方、国家与农民、城市与农村的关系。 展开更多
关键词 新农村建设 新农村政治建设 新农村建设“形式化”困境
作者 孙正兴 丁秋林 张福炎 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1997年第1期37-46,共10页
Feature based design has been regarded as a promising approach for CAD/CAM integration.This paper aims to establish a domain independent representation formalism for feature based design in three aspects: formal re... Feature based design has been regarded as a promising approach for CAD/CAM integration.This paper aims to establish a domain independent representation formalism for feature based design in three aspects: formal representation,design process model and design algorithm.The implementing scheme and formal description of feature taxonomy,feature operator,feature model validation and feature transformation are given in the paper.The feature based design process model suited for either sequencial or concurrent engineering is proposed and its application to product structural design and process plan design is presented. Some general design algorithms for developing feature based design system are also addressed.The proposed scheme provides a formal methodology elementary for feature based design system development and operation in a structural way. 展开更多
关键词 CAD CAM product modelling design process feature based design representation formalism
羊皮重写纸上的童话乌托邦——解读《摩尔人最后的叹息》 被引量:1
作者 张晓红 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期174-182,共9页
在"后追杀令"时代,拉什迪通过创作《摩尔人最后的叹息》(1995)重访"想象的家园"。向后回望的怀旧情结和向前预设的乌托邦冲动交织在一起,在拉氏童话书写中形成一对矛盾的统一体。童话的乌托邦效应在作者一主人公一... 在"后追杀令"时代,拉什迪通过创作《摩尔人最后的叹息》(1995)重访"想象的家园"。向后回望的怀旧情结和向前预设的乌托邦冲动交织在一起,在拉氏童话书写中形成一对矛盾的统一体。童话的乌托邦效应在作者一主人公一读者这一完整文本链上运作。拉什迪借"外显作者"兼小说主人公莫里斯之口,以"形式化撒谎"的名义创造了集写作策略、文化策略和政治策略为一体的复合型文本策略,制造了童话性、互文性和政治性交融渗透、互相强化的文本效应。遗憾的是,虽裹着童话外衣,小说的政治表白和道德说教意味过于浓厚,情节构造和人物塑造方面存在明显缺陷,有刻意讨好穆斯林读者以求和解之嫌,缺乏拉氏早期作品审美留白和政治反讽的张力。 展开更多
关键词 拉什迪 “形式化撒谎” 羊皮重写纸 童话性 乌托邦
A Definition Formalism of Machining Features for DFM
作者 孙正兴 张福炎 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1999年第1期49-54,共6页
Benefiting from advances in feature technology for design and manufacture can not be expected before a formal methodology is established. This paper makes attempt to establish a definition formalism of machining featu... Benefiting from advances in feature technology for design and manufacture can not be expected before a formal methodology is established. This paper makes attempt to establish a definition formalism of machining features in design for manufacturability from two aspects: formal definition and manufacturability analysis. Some definitions for machining feature based upon the selection and sequencing of material removal operations for component in accordance with the design geometry are presented and a framework of feature based design for manufacturability is outlined correspondingly. The proposed scheme contributes to several aspects of feature based CAD/CAM integration, especially to encourage potentially a more generic approach to the automation of design. 展开更多
关键词 design for manufacturability(DFM) feature technology machining feature definition formalism process planning
Logical-Structure Modeling for Conceptual Design
作者 孙正兴 张福炎 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2001年第1期59-65,共7页
Based on the definition of a logic structure feature to relate logically functional requirements to geometric representation independent upon detailed geometric representation, this paper presents an idea of logical s... Based on the definition of a logic structure feature to relate logically functional requirements to geometric representation independent upon detailed geometric representation, this paper presents an idea of logical structure modeling for computer aided conceptual design and makes attempt to establish a representation formalism of logic structure modeling. The definition and representation of logical structure feature are given and an assembly module definition for supporting top down conceptual design is also proposed. The proposed scheme contributes to several aspects of conceptual design research, especially to provide elementarily a formal methodology for computer aided conceptual design system development and operation. 展开更多
关键词 conceptual design function form transformation logic structure feature representation formalism
作者 田勇利 《数学学习与研究》 2009年第9期77-77,共1页
关键词 “形式化” 数学建模 问题情景
Reachability analysis of web service compositions via NWA 被引量:1
作者 杜旭涛 邢春晓 周立柱 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期293-295,共3页
In order to improve the design and implementation quality of web service compositions,formal methods are used to model them and certain properties are verified.WCFA (web service interface control flow automata)is us... In order to improve the design and implementation quality of web service compositions,formal methods are used to model them and certain properties are verified.WCFA (web service interface control flow automata)is used to model web services,especially the control flow and possible interactions with other web services.A web service composition consists of a set of interacting WCFA.The global behavior of web service compositions is captured by NWA(nested word automata).A variation of the depth-first search algorithm is used to transform a set of WCFA into an NWA.State formulae and call stacks at each node of NWA are computed by a path-sensitive reachability analysis.Safety properties,call stack inspection properties and pre/post-conditions of service invocations are described by assertions.Then verification of these assertions is carried out by an automated SAT tool. 展开更多
关键词 web service composition FORMALISM nested word automata (NWA) web service interface control flow automata (WCFA) VERIFICATION
Formal analysis of robust email protocol based on authentication tests 被引量:1
作者 蒋睿 胡爱群 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期147-151,共5页
Based on the authentication tests and the strand space model, the robust email protocol with perfect forward secrecy is formally analyzed, and the security shortcomings of the protocol is pointed out. Meanwhile, the m... Based on the authentication tests and the strand space model, the robust email protocol with perfect forward secrecy is formally analyzed, and the security shortcomings of the protocol is pointed out. Meanwhile, the man-in-the-middle attack to the protocol is given, where the attacker forges the messages in the receiving phase to cheat the two communication parties and makes them share the wrong session keys with him. Therefore, the protocol is not ensured to provide perfect forward secrecy. In order to overcome the above security shortcomings, an advanced email protocol is proposed, where the corresponding signatures in the receiving phase of the protocol are added to overcome the man-in-the-middle attack and ensure to provide perfect forward secrecy. Finally, the proposed advanced email protocol is formally analyzed with the authentication tests and the strand space model, and it is proved to be secure in authentication of the email sender, the recipient and the server. Therefore, the proposed advanced email protocol can really provide perfect forward secrecy. 展开更多
关键词 email protocol authentication tests formal method perfect forward secrecy strand space model
Trust-Compensation-Based Access Control Model for Web Services 被引量:1
作者 Yan Danfeng Sun Jing +1 位作者 Zhang Liying Yang Fangchun 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第12期8-21,共14页
For most current Web Service access control methods, Web Service providers create a series of access control roles based on specified attributes. Only by meeting all the roles can a subject obtain the access to necess... For most current Web Service access control methods, Web Service providers create a series of access control roles based on specified attributes. Only by meeting all the roles can a subject obtain the access to necessary operations and resources. However, because of the dynamic and open traits of Web Services, it is difficult for Web Service providers to work out an access control policy with moderate intensity and to realize a satisfactory balance between protecting the security of resources and maintaining the service reachable rate. To provide a solution to the above problem, this paper proposed a trust compensation access control method based on the Attribute-Based Access Control model. Our main contributions include a formal description of the access control method, a method to calculate the attribute trust degree based on time decay, and the trust compensation value of the attribute trust degree, as well as a new Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) architecture and its procedures based on a detailed trust compensation access control method. 展开更多
关键词 access control trust compensation web service feedback
作者 方捷 KAHN Hilary J CARPENTER Andy 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2005年第1期30-37,共8页
This paper addresses the issue of checking consistency in information models. A method based on constraint programming is proposed for identifying inconsistency or proving consistency in information models. The system... This paper addresses the issue of checking consistency in information models. A method based on constraint programming is proposed for identifying inconsistency or proving consistency in information models. The system described here checks information models written in the ISO standard information modelling language EXPRESS. EXPRESS is part of the ISO STEP standard used in the manufacturing and process industries. This paper describes the checking procedure, including EXPRESS model formalization, constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) derivation from the formalized model and satisfaction checking of the derived CSPs. This paper shows a new domain in which constraint programming can be exploited as model verification and validation. 展开更多
关键词 EXPRESS model constraint programming model verification
Possible contribution of artificial neural networks and linear discriminant analysis in recognition of patients with suspected atrophic body gastritis 被引量:5
作者 Edith Lahner Enzo Grossi +4 位作者 Marco Intraligi Massimo Buscema Vito D Corleto Gianfranco Delle Fave Bruno Annibale 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第37期5867-5873,共7页
AIM: To investigate whether ANNs and LDA could recognize patients with ABG in a database, containing only clinical and biochemical variables, of a pool of patients with and without ABG, by selecting the most predictiv... AIM: To investigate whether ANNs and LDA could recognize patients with ABG in a database, containing only clinical and biochemical variables, of a pool of patients with and without ABG, by selecting the most predictive variables and by reducing input data to the minimum.METHODS: Data was collected from 350 consecutive outpatients (263 with ABG, 87 with non-atrophic gastritis and/or celiac disease [controls]). Structured questionnaires with 22 items (anagraphic, anamnestic, clinical, and biochemical data) were filled out for each patient. All patients underwent gastroscopy with biopsies. ANNs and LDA were applied to recognize patients with ABG.Experiment 1: random selection on 37 variables, experiment 2: optimization process on 30 variables, experiment 3:input data reduction on 8 variables, experiment 4: use of only clinical input data on 5 variables, and experiment 5:use of only serological variables.RESULTS: In experiment 1, overall accuracies of ANNs and LDA were 96.6% and 94.6%, respectively, for predicting patients with ABG. In experiment 2, ANNs and LDA reached an overall accuracy of 98.8% and 96.8%,respectively. In experiment 3, overall accuracy of ANNs was 98.4%. In experiment 4, overall accuracies of ANNs and LDA were, respectively, 91.3% and 88.6%. In experiment 5, overall accuracies of ANNs and LDA were,respectively, 97.7% and 94.5%.CONCLUSION: This preliminary study suggests that advanced statistical methods, not only ANNs, but also LDA,may contribute to better address bioptic sampling during gastroscopy in a subset of patients in whom ABG may be suspected on the basis of aspecific gastrointestinal symptoms or non-digestive disorders. 展开更多
关键词 Atrophic body gastritis Computer-based decision support GASTROSCOPY Artificial neural networks
Modeling and Global Conflict Analysis of Firewall Policy 被引量:2
作者 LIANG Xiaoyan XIA Chunhe +2 位作者 JIAO Jian HU Junshun LI Xiaojian 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期124-135,共12页
The global view of firewall policy conflict is important for administrators to optimize the policy.It has been lack of appropriate firewall policy global conflict analysis,existing methods focus on local conflict dete... The global view of firewall policy conflict is important for administrators to optimize the policy.It has been lack of appropriate firewall policy global conflict analysis,existing methods focus on local conflict detection.We research the global conflict detection algorithm in this paper.We presented a semantic model that captures more complete classifications of the policy using knowledge concept in rough set.Based on this model,we presented the global conflict formal model,and represent it with OBDD(Ordered Binary Decision Diagram).Then we developed GFPCDA(Global Firewall Policy Conflict Detection Algorithm) algorithm to detect global conflict.In experiment,we evaluated the usability of our semantic model by eliminating the false positives and false negatives caused by incomplete policy semantic model,of a classical algorithm.We compared this algorithm with GFPCDA algorithm.The results show that GFPCDA detects conflicts more precisely and independently,and has better performance. 展开更多
关键词 firewall policy semantic model conflict analysis conflict detection
Nonlinear Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation of a Flexible Beam Considering Shear Effect 被引量:1
作者 LIU Jin-yang(刘锦阳) +3 位作者 SHEN Ling-jie(沈凌杰) HONG Jia-zhen(洪嘉振) 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2005年第4期424-428,共5页
Nonlinear modeling of a flexible beam with large deformation was investigated. Absolute nodal cooridnate formulation is employed to describe the motion, and Lagrange equations of motion of a flexible beam are derived ... Nonlinear modeling of a flexible beam with large deformation was investigated. Absolute nodal cooridnate formulation is employed to describe the motion, and Lagrange equations of motion of a flexible beam are derived based on the geometric nonlinear theory. Different from the previous nonlinear formulation with Euler-Bernoulli assumption, the shear strain and transverse normal strain are taken into account. Computational example of a flexible pendulum with a tip mass is given to show the effects of the shear strain and transverse normal strain. The constant total energy verifies the correctness of the present formulation. 展开更多
关键词 flexible beam absolute nodal coordinate formulation shear strain transverse normal strata
Computation of the Simplest Normal Forms for Resonant Double Hopf Bifurcations System Based on Lie Transform 被引量:2
作者 张琪昌 何学军 郝淑英 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第3期180-185,共6页
The simplest normal form of resonant double Hopf bifurcation was studied based on Lie operator. The coefficients of the simplest normal forms of resonant double Hopf bifurcation and the nonlinear transformations in te... The simplest normal form of resonant double Hopf bifurcation was studied based on Lie operator. The coefficients of the simplest normal forms of resonant double Hopf bifurcation and the nonlinear transformations in terms of the original system coefficients were given explicitly. The nonlinear transformations were used for reducing the lower- and higher-order normal forms, and the rank of system matrix was used to determine the coefficient of normal form which could be reduced. These make the gained normal form simpler than the traditional one. A general program was compiled with Mathematica. This program can compute the simplest normal form of resonant double Hopf bifurcation and the non-resonant form up to the 7th order. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear systems normal form bifurcation mathematical transformations Lie operator computer program
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