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作者 罗婷婷 《语文知识》 2012年第1期97-98,共2页
"多"、"徒"两字上古存在双声叠韵关系,并都可作表限定范围的副词,都可用在动词之前,限定后面的动作行为,表"只"、"仅仅"义。这样,两者不仅意义和用法基本相同,而且语音也相同或相近,在一定条... "多"、"徒"两字上古存在双声叠韵关系,并都可作表限定范围的副词,都可用在动词之前,限定后面的动作行为,表"只"、"仅仅"义。这样,两者不仅意义和用法基本相同,而且语音也相同或相近,在一定条件下可实现互换。 展开更多
关键词 “多” “徒” 音同 音近 同义
作者 朱利娜 段翠霞 《海外英语》 2015年第16期236-237,共2页
一词多义现象是现存所有语言中所共有的现象。该文从认知语言学角度出发,通过运用原型理论分析多义词"徒"的词义扩展过程,发现多义词"徒"是一个由其中心义项"步行"和以中心义项"步行"为中心,... 一词多义现象是现存所有语言中所共有的现象。该文从认知语言学角度出发,通过运用原型理论分析多义词"徒"的词义扩展过程,发现多义词"徒"是一个由其中心义项"步行"和以中心义项"步行"为中心,以家族相似性通过链锁结构逐渐扩展而成的引申义项组成的。并在此基础上分析"徒"演变成现在的同源同形同音词的原因,即引申义项"步兵"在词义演变过程中因其日常使用频率极低导致多义词意义链条上的缺失,从而与这个义位紧密联系的那些义位就从原意义链条脱落下来,自成一词。 展开更多
关键词 原型理论 多义词 同源同形同音词
秦对“徒隶”的管理——以里耶秦简等简牍为中心 被引量:1
作者 李亚光 赵宏坤 《渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第1期53-59,共7页
秦简中对"徒""作徒""徒隶"有很多记载,通过对里耶秦简中有关"徒""徒隶"的若干条材料的分析,我们认为"徒"与"作徒"没有差异,里耶简中的"徒"不是"... 秦简中对"徒""作徒""徒隶"有很多记载,通过对里耶秦简中有关"徒""徒隶"的若干条材料的分析,我们认为"徒"与"作徒"没有差异,里耶简中的"徒"不是"徒隶"的省称,其范围比"徒隶"要大;国家对以"徒隶"为主的"徒"进行严格管理,"课志""徒簿""作徒簿"是对徒隶进行管理时的重要管理文档,严格的管理体现在劳作和生活两方面。 展开更多
关键词 里耶秦简 “徒隶”“徒”
耐刑、徒刑关系考 被引量:14
作者 韩树峰 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期22-27,共6页
秦及汉初,不仅司寇、隶臣妾、鬼薪白粲等较轻徒刑可以附加耐刑,即使城旦舂这样的重徒刑也可以附加此刑,律文中经常出现的“完城旦舂”实际就是“耐城旦舂”,学界所谓“完成旦舂”不附加任何刑的观点是值得商榷的。而且无论耐刑还是徒刑... 秦及汉初,不仅司寇、隶臣妾、鬼薪白粲等较轻徒刑可以附加耐刑,即使城旦舂这样的重徒刑也可以附加此刑,律文中经常出现的“完城旦舂”实际就是“耐城旦舂”,学界所谓“完成旦舂”不附加任何刑的观点是值得商榷的。而且无论耐刑还是徒刑,均不能作为独立刑使用,二者必须互相结合,才能施加于罪犯身上。法律条文中的“耐”和“鬼薪白粲”、“隶臣妾”、“司寇”等刑名,其实是耐刑+徒刑的省略语。自汉文帝法律改革到南北朝后期,人们经常将徒刑罪称为“耐罪”,就是徒刑和耐刑必须结合的反映。 展开更多
关键词 耐刑 肉刑 城旦舂
“徒法不能以自行”究竟何意——兼与张岱年、郭道晖等先生商榷 被引量:5
作者 林桂榛 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第6期35-40,共6页
“徒法不能以自行”出自《孟子·离娄上》第一章 ,原句是 :“故曰 :徒善不足以为政 ,徒法不能以自行。”对孟子这句话的解读 ,学界历来众说纷纭 ;但宋代大儒朱熹和清代张岱、焦循等以及不少近人的解读 ,都是值得认真商榷的。据《孟... “徒法不能以自行”出自《孟子·离娄上》第一章 ,原句是 :“故曰 :徒善不足以为政 ,徒法不能以自行。”对孟子这句话的解读 ,学界历来众说纷纭 ;但宋代大儒朱熹和清代张岱、焦循等以及不少近人的解读 ,都是值得认真商榷的。据《孟子·离娄上》的上下文甚至《孟子》整本书以及孙、赵岐等人的有关注疏 ,“徒法不能以自行”不是指“法”离开了“善”就不能“行”,而是指“法”离开了人的运用就不能“行”,就不能自己运作起来。孟子这句话的意思不是强调“善”的重要性 ,也不是强调“法”的重要性 ,更不是强调“善”与“法”相结合的重要性 ;而是强调人的“推行”的重要性 ,强调人的“运用”的重要性 ,强调人“行先王之道”的“行” 展开更多
关键词 《孟子》 《十三经注疏》 自行 孙Shi 赵岐
战国、秦及汉初“徒隶”群体的形成 被引量:1
作者 李亚光 《渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第1期64-70,共7页
战国、秦及汉初,"徒隶"的存在是普遍现象,"徒隶"是对隶臣妾、城旦舂、鬼薪白粲这些量刑较重的人的一种统称。本人犯罪、连坐收孥、战俘为隶、请求将自己的私家奴婢卖给官府并使其入刑以及购买是"徒隶"大... 战国、秦及汉初,"徒隶"的存在是普遍现象,"徒隶"是对隶臣妾、城旦舂、鬼薪白粲这些量刑较重的人的一种统称。本人犯罪、连坐收孥、战俘为隶、请求将自己的私家奴婢卖给官府并使其入刑以及购买是"徒隶"大量出现的几种途径和原因。这一群体为国家承担了大量的劳役,尤其是在官有土地的劳作中发挥了重要作用,对维持国家运转具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 里耶秦简 “徒隶” “徒”
作者 孙蓉蓉 《浙江艺术职业学院学报》 2024年第3期35-41,共7页
周之标编选的《吴歈萃雅》是明代一部戏曲、散曲的选集。周之标在《吴歈萃雅》的“自叙”“题词”中对《吴歈萃雅》的介绍、说明,集中地体现了他的曲学观。周之标认为,戏曲是由人自然发声歌唱发展而来,源远流长。周之标对戏曲曲律提出... 周之标编选的《吴歈萃雅》是明代一部戏曲、散曲的选集。周之标在《吴歈萃雅》的“自叙”“题词”中对《吴歈萃雅》的介绍、说明,集中地体现了他的曲学观。周之标认为,戏曲是由人自然发声歌唱发展而来,源远流长。周之标对戏曲曲律提出合律依腔的要求,并说明《吴歈萃雅》“但取南调”。周之标编选《吴歈萃雅》的目的是为清唱者度曲提供规范的选本,因而他为所选曲作点明板眼、分别字声、详注撮口等,使《吴歈萃雅》成为一本选本型曲谱。 展开更多
关键词 《吴歈萃雅》 “曲之兴也” “但取南调” “徒歌逸调”
Zero-determinant strategies in iterated multi-strategy games
作者 GUO Jinli 《纯粹数学与应用数学》 2024年第3期381-393,共13页
Self-serving,rational agents sometimes cooperate to their mutual benefit.The two-player iterated prisoner′s dilemma game is a model for including the emergence of cooperation.It is generally believed that there is no... Self-serving,rational agents sometimes cooperate to their mutual benefit.The two-player iterated prisoner′s dilemma game is a model for including the emergence of cooperation.It is generally believed that there is no simple ultimatum strategy which a player can control the return of the other participants.The zero-determinant strategy in the iterated prisoner′s dilemma dramatically expands our understanding of the classic game by uncovering strategies that provide a unilateral advantage to sentient players pitted against unwitting opponents.However,strategies in the prisoner′s dilemma game are only two strategies.Are there these results for general multi-strategy games?To address this question,the paper develops a theory for zero-determinant strategies for multi-strategy games,with any number of strategies.The analytical results exhibit a similar yet different scenario to the case of two-strategy games.The results are also applied to the Snowdrift game,the Hawk-Dove game and the Chicken game. 展开更多
关键词 prisoner′s dilemma zero-determinant strategy multi-strategy game symmetric game
论鲜卑段部的源流和兴衰 被引量:3
作者 魏俊杰 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第3期63-66,共4页
段部出于东部鲜卑,其远祖为先秦时期的屠何,早期活动于徒河地区,北朝时段部与慕容部、乌桓又同称为徒何。段部的兴衰与晋末十六国时期的政局变化有着密切关系,段部与司马越、王浚结援,在司马越当政之时而走向强盛,随着司马越集团的败亡... 段部出于东部鲜卑,其远祖为先秦时期的屠何,早期活动于徒河地区,北朝时段部与慕容部、乌桓又同称为徒何。段部的兴衰与晋末十六国时期的政局变化有着密切关系,段部与司马越、王浚结援,在司马越当政之时而走向强盛,随着司马越集团的败亡及临敌石赵、慕容燕的崛起而逐渐走向衰亡。同时,段部的兴衰也对晋末十六国政局产生了很大影响。 展开更多
关键词 鲜卑段部 屠何 政局
Effects of Probability of Revelation of Defection and Penalty to Defection on Cooperative Behavior in 2-Person Prisoner's Dilemma Game 被引量:3
作者 Atsuo Murata Takuma Kanagawa Naoki Hata 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第11期749-755,共7页
In our society, it is a major issue to enhance cooperative behaviors. Without this, our society fall into social dilemma situations, and gets worse and worse. Such a situation in an organization leads to violation of ... In our society, it is a major issue to enhance cooperative behaviors. Without this, our society fall into social dilemma situations, and gets worse and worse. Such a situation in an organization leads to violation of social or organizational rules, and at the worst case it suffers from serious accidents or scandals. Therefore, it is important for organizational managers to make efforts and take measures to enhance cooperative behaviors. Although there seem to be many ways to constantly elicit cooperative behaviors, the punishment is one of the most effective measures for enhancing cooperation. This study focused on the effects of penalty and probability of the revelation of defection on the cooperation, and getting insight into how punishment strategy should be used to get rid of social dilemmas and enhance cooperation. This study conducted a simulation experiment to find the proper penal regulations condition that can suppress violations (defective behavior) in a 2-person prisoner's dilemma situation. The effects of probability of the revelation of defection and penalty to revelation on the cooperative behavior were identified with the interactive effect of both experimental factors. The defection (uncooperative behavior) decreased when the penalty to the defection was heavy and the probability of the revelation of defection was low than that when the penalty to the defection was light and the probability of the revelation of the defection was high. 展开更多
关键词 Prisoner's dilemma cooperation defect punishment model violation-based accident.
作者 骆蔓 《江汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 2011年第4期10-15,共6页
歌词与诗(徒诗)同属诗学范畴,无本质差异。但它们抒情审美的基点不同,歌词属群体广场呼应式抒情,诗则属自我心灵絮语式抒情。歌词因依附音乐而导致审美机制不自足,诗以其独立性而显出审美机制的自足完形。正是这些决定了它们在结构方式... 歌词与诗(徒诗)同属诗学范畴,无本质差异。但它们抒情审美的基点不同,歌词属群体广场呼应式抒情,诗则属自我心灵絮语式抒情。歌词因依附音乐而导致审美机制不自足,诗以其独立性而显出审美机制的自足完形。正是这些决定了它们在结构方式、意象表现、语言策略、节奏类型等艺术表现的策略上也有所不同。 展开更多
关键词 歌词与诗 “徒诗” 诗学范畴 审美机制
Protestant Pretence in John Donne's Poetry
作者 YUN Hai-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第4期55-58,64,共5页
Known as a representative of the English metaphysical poets, John Donne's poems are under Protestant pretence. Scepticism, cynicism, anxiety and penitence as well as the employment of numerous religious images constr... Known as a representative of the English metaphysical poets, John Donne's poems are under Protestant pretence. Scepticism, cynicism, anxiety and penitence as well as the employment of numerous religious images construct the unique and profound characteristics of John Donne's poetry. The paper focuses on the Protestant pretence in Donne's poetry. In order to avoid religious persecution and to realize his ambition, Donne deserted Catholicism and converted into a Protestant. Inner conflicts and struggle are revealed in many of his poems. Scepticism and penitence are also embodiments of Donne's Protestant pretence in poetry. 展开更多
作者 Tian Feng Yang Zhen 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第5期588-599,共12页
We study a spectrum sharing problem where multiple systems coexist and interfere with each other. First, an analysis is proposed for distributed spectrum sharing based on Prisoners' Dilemma (PD) in Cognitive Radio... We study a spectrum sharing problem where multiple systems coexist and interfere with each other. First, an analysis is proposed for distributed spectrum sharing based on Prisoners' Dilemma (PD) in Cognitive Radios (CRs). In one-shot game, selfish and rational CRs greedily full spread their own spectrum space in order to maximize their own rates, which leads to Nash Equilibrium (N.E.). But with long term interaction, i.e., Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma (IPD), CRs can come to cooperate and acquire the social optimal point by using different evolutionary strategies such as Tit For Tat (TFT), Generous TFT (GTFT), etc. Also we compare the performances of the different evolutionary strategies in noise-free and noisy environments for two-player games. Finally, N-player IPD (N-IPD) is simulated to verify our conclusions that TFT is a good strategy for spectrum sharing in CRs. 展开更多
关键词 Cognitive Radio (CR) Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma (IPD) Spectrum sharing Evolutionary strategies Gaussian interference channel
Grounds for a Christian Statement on Suffering in the Thought of Pope John Paul Ⅱ
作者 Hector Scerri 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第3期153-164,共12页
The article seeks to address the problem of suffering in the world by offering a Christian statement on this great issue which has affected and perplexed humanity throughout the ages. The content of the statement is o... The article seeks to address the problem of suffering in the world by offering a Christian statement on this great issue which has affected and perplexed humanity throughout the ages. The content of the statement is obtained by a presentation of the theme in a wide spectrum of writings and pronouncements made by Pope John Paul II who led the Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005, and who is considered to be one of the most prominent voices regarding human dignity and existential issues in contemporary times. Contemplating the crucified and risen Christ enables Christians to talk about a new meaning to suffering as well as of a "Gospel of suffering". The article enters into themes such as the human predicament when faced with suffering, the mission of those who suffer and solidarity with the suffering. 展开更多
关键词 Pope John Paul SUFFERING Jesus Christ the Cross love DIGNITY SOLIDARITY
Effects of Topological Randomness on Cooperation in a Deterministic Prisoner's Dilemma Game
作者 章梅 杨俊忠 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第7期31-36,共6页
In this work, we consider an evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game on a homogeneous random network with the richest-following strategy adoption rule. By constructing homogeneous random networks from a regular ring gra... In this work, we consider an evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game on a homogeneous random network with the richest-following strategy adoption rule. By constructing homogeneous random networks from a regular ring graph, we investigate the effects of topologicaJ randomness on cooperation. In contrast to the ordinary view that the presence of smaJ1 amount of shortcuts in ring graphs favors cooperation, we find the cooperation inhibition by weak topological randomness. The explanations on the observations are presented. 展开更多
关键词 deterministic prisoners' dilemma game topological randomness COOPERATION
Effects of Dimers on Cooperation in the Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma Game
作者 李海红 程洪艳 +3 位作者 代琼琳 鞠萍 章梅 杨俊忠 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期813-818,共6页
We investigate the evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game in structured populations by introducing dimers, which are defined as that two players in each dimer always hold a same strategy. We find that influences of dim... We investigate the evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game in structured populations by introducing dimers, which are defined as that two players in each dimer always hold a same strategy. We find that influences of dimets on cooperation depend on the type of dimers and the population structure. For those dimers in which players interact with each other, the cooperation level increases with the number of dimers though the cooperation improvement level depends on the type of network structures. On the other hand, the dimers, in which there are not mutual interactions, will not do any good to the cooperation level in a single community, but interestingly, will improve the cooperation level in a population with two communities. We explore the relationship between dimers and self-interactions and find that the effects of dimers are similar to that of self-interactions. Also, we find that the dimers, which are established over two communities in a multi-community network, act as one type of interaction through which information between communities is communicated by the requirement that two players in a dimer hold a same strategy. 展开更多
关键词 prisoner's dilemma game cooperation frequency NETWORKS
"Rule and Subdue" in the Context of Gen 1:26-28
作者 Robert Osei-Bonsu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第5期644-648,共5页
The society has become aware of the rate at which our environment is being destroyed. Different schools thought to aim at savaging the environmental problems which have emerged. While some blame this environmental mes... The society has become aware of the rate at which our environment is being destroyed. Different schools thought to aim at savaging the environmental problems which have emerged. While some blame this environmental mess on Social Darwinism, others blame it on Biblical Creationists. On the other side of the ecological debate is the New Age Movement (pantheism), which to some extent are evolutionist and opposed to the Creator God, though they worship and serve nature (Rom 1:25). The New-Agers believe that it was as a result of the "dominion mandate" God gave to humanity that has led to human destruction of the ecology. Some Christians have been indifferent towards nature; because they oppose the New-Agers, they do not want to have anything to do with their views about controlling the environmental problem. Christians are being called upon either to compromise with Darwinian evolution or pantheism (New-Age). The main concern of this study is to find the meanings of kabash and radah as used in Gen 1:26-28. It also aims at ascertaining the kind of dominion God gave to humanity. Did God grant to man a totalitarian despotic dominion over nature? Or was the dominion given to man in the form of stewardship? These are the concerns of this paper. 展开更多
关键词 DOMINION ENVIRONMENT biblical creationist RULE subdue.
Overview of a Cycle of Predicament: A Comparative Study Between Shylock and Heathcliff Cyclic Process of Victimization
作者 U. H. Ruhina Jesmin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第8期779-784,共6页
This paper attempts to explore how Shylock in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice (1995) and Heathcliff in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights (2003) were victimized who became victimizer later to heal the... This paper attempts to explore how Shylock in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice (1995) and Heathcliff in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights (2003) were victimized who became victimizer later to heal their wound and compensate their loss and how they were victimized in turn in doing so. Shylock was victimized by the Christian society along with his own. His daughter left him in favor of the Christians. He later became a victimizer but was ironically victimized in turn in wreaking vengeance on his foes in the court. Similarly, Heathcliffs true spiritual love was rejected by His Catherine, neglected by everyone, physically and mentally abused. Later, he wreaked vengeance upon his foes but was victimized to death in turn. Shylock entered the court as a victimizer but left it as a victimized individual just as Heathcliff entered the Heights, after self-imposed exile, as a victimizer and left it as a victimized individual for good. Therefore, both of them experienced a cycle of victimization. 展开更多
关键词 TRAUMA MARGINALIZATION victimized victimizer self-victimization
It Is Easy When You Are a Christian: Badeng Kenyah Conversion to Christianity
作者 Tan Chee-Beng 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第4期254-272,共19页
In this article, 1 explore how the Long Geng Badeng Kenyah community of Sarawak converted to Christianity even though there was no sustained missionary persuasion from the outside. Over a period of study, I eventually... In this article, 1 explore how the Long Geng Badeng Kenyah community of Sarawak converted to Christianity even though there was no sustained missionary persuasion from the outside. Over a period of study, I eventually accept the simple emic explanation that "it is easy when you are a Christian" to be an important explanation. Central to this view is that Christianity provides an alternative religion that allows the people to avoid the need to observe the many troublesome taboos that hinder frequent traveling and engaging in various kinds of economic activities. The influence of relatives is an important factor, too, and as more people become Christians, the traditional Bungan followers lose the support to continue with the traditional religion and eventually almost all follow their relatives to adopt the new religion, which they find do not hinder practicing their culture other than replacing the traditional worship with the Christian way. The ethnographic study provides the opportunity to relate to recent scholarship on the anthropology of Christianity, and facilitates anthropological reflection on the study of cultural change, in particular, in relation to the work of Marshall Sahlins. 展开更多
关键词 Christian conversion Adet Bungan Badeng Kenyah SARAWAK SIB Church
Purgatory: A Study of the Historical Development and Its Compatibility with the Biblical Teaching on the Afterlife
作者 Robert Osei-Bonsu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第4期286-299,共14页
When it comes to the afterlife, Seventh-day Adventists advocate "soul sleep" condition, in which the dead person is in some sort of suspended state until the final judgment. On the other hand, many Evangelical Chris... When it comes to the afterlife, Seventh-day Adventists advocate "soul sleep" condition, in which the dead person is in some sort of suspended state until the final judgment. On the other hand, many Evangelical Christians believe that the dead go directly to Heaven to be with the Lord. But in Roman Catholicism, purgatory is considered as the place where most dead believers expiate their remaining sins before entering the visible presence of God. This doctrine has been criticized extensively both by Catholics and Evangelicals in spite of its massive defence by the Holy office. Several alternative views about the resurrection of the dead have been propounded by some twentieth-century Protestants and some notable Catholic theologians. Although the doctrine of purgatory has been approved and reaffirmed by several Church councils, the questions that still remain are: Is the doctrine of purgatory biblically justifiable? Does the work of salvation extend beyond the grave? This study attempts to find answers to these questions. The study therefore surveys the doctrine of purgatory in the light of the biblical teachings about death. The second section surveys the background to the doctrine with reference to Judaism, the Apocrypha, the New Testament, the Church Fathers, and Church Councils. The third section looks at the nature of purgatory, the duration and the nature of the punishment meted out to those who go to purgatory and how souls are released from purgatory. The fourth section also examines the biblical teaching on death. The study concludes that the doctrine of purgatory is based on tradition rather than the Bible. The Bible emphasizes the finality of one's destiny in this life rather than after this life. 展开更多
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