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制造业出口竞争力的国际比较——基于“性价比”视角 被引量:2
作者 谢靖 王平 谢文远 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第10期141-150,共10页
本文尝试从“性价比”的视角分析一国出口的综合竞争力,并利用跨国微观贸易数据对制造业的“性价比”水平进行国际比较;同时,基于出口价格和出口质量的演进趋势分析,探究了中国制造业“性价比”水平的变动因素。研究发现:从“性价比”... 本文尝试从“性价比”的视角分析一国出口的综合竞争力,并利用跨国微观贸易数据对制造业的“性价比”水平进行国际比较;同时,基于出口价格和出口质量的演进趋势分析,探究了中国制造业“性价比”水平的变动因素。研究发现:从“性价比”水平的国际比较上看,中国劳动密集型行业的出口产品在样本国中具有较高的“性价比”竞争力,且呈现上升趋势;资本密集型行业在样本期初的“性价比”竞争力较弱,但在样本期间实现了对大多数样本国的追赶;中低技术密集型行业和高技术密集型行业的“性价比”竞争力在样本期初处于中等或中等偏下水平,但提升速度较快,在样本期末已处于前列水平。从“性价比”水平的演进趋势看,中国制造业各行业出口产品的“性价比”水平均呈现不同程度的上升趋势,总体而言,资本密集型行业及中低技术密集型行业提升较快,而劳动密集型行业与高技术密集型行业提升较慢。中国制造业出口产品“性价比”提升的主要驱动力来自于出口产品质量的提高,即制造业“性价比”的提升表现为质量驱动型。 展开更多
关键词 出口竞争力 “性价比” 出口产品质量 费雪指数
作者 金岩石 《新财经》 2006年第1期14-15,共2页
年终贺岁,“选”字是最抢眼的社会活动。证券投资业推选“漂亮50”如令已成为年度时尚,就像一年一度的选美活动一样。其实,把英文“Nifty Fifty”译成“漂亮50”,这本身就来自于选美文化。选美的主流风格是年轻漂亮,以此对应业内... 年终贺岁,“选”字是最抢眼的社会活动。证券投资业推选“漂亮50”如令已成为年度时尚,就像一年一度的选美活动一样。其实,把英文“Nifty Fifty”译成“漂亮50”,这本身就来自于选美文化。选美的主流风格是年轻漂亮,以此对应业内专家选股的标准,年轻可比喻为成长性,漂亮当然就是价值,于是就有了今天的话题:投资号家选股的“性价比”。 展开更多
关键词 “性价比” 投资专家 选股 选美活动 证券投资业 社会活动 漂亮 成长 美的
作者 李凤发 《轻型汽车技术》 2002年第8期70-72,共3页
轿车进入家庭是一件好事,但不付上足够的钱,轿车是进不了家庭的。所以,在老百姓的收入还普遍偏低的时候,价格不得不成为瞩目的焦点。'性价比'是一老说,又是一个新谈,但决不应该成为'障眼术',见仁见智的话题不妨——细... 轿车进入家庭是一件好事,但不付上足够的钱,轿车是进不了家庭的。所以,在老百姓的收入还普遍偏低的时候,价格不得不成为瞩目的焦点。'性价比'是一老说,又是一个新谈,但决不应该成为'障眼术',见仁见智的话题不妨——细细地看。价格战时下似乎已走入穷途,而厂家的网络分布、营销战术、品牌推广和售后服务等非价格因素在消费者心目中正变得越来越重要。 展开更多
关键词 汽车市场 市场竞争 汽车消费 “性价比”
“性价比”与出口增长:中国出口奇迹的新解读 被引量:26
作者 廖涵 谢靖 《世界经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期95-120,共26页
本文在构建理论分析框架的基础上,利用1996-2009年中国与90个贸易伙伴的双边贸易数据进行经验研究,从"性价比"的视角解读了中国出口奇迹。研究结果显示,"性价比"提高显著促进了中国制造业的出口增长,且在不同类型... 本文在构建理论分析框架的基础上,利用1996-2009年中国与90个贸易伙伴的双边贸易数据进行经验研究,从"性价比"的视角解读了中国出口奇迹。研究结果显示,"性价比"提高显著促进了中国制造业的出口增长,且在不同类型行业和不同类型进口地中呈现出一定的差异性。通过结构分解发现,中国出口产品"性价比"的提高恰好满足了不断扩大的国外市场需求,成就了中国制造业的出口奇迹;"性价比"在结构上的动态调整,揭示了在价格优势逐渐弱化而产品质量与发达国家尚存在差距的情况下,中国制造业出口仍能持续增长的原因。 展开更多
关键词 “性价比” 出口质量 出口增长
作者 施程 《电脑时空》 2005年第2期9-9,共1页
人们在选购产品的时候都要考虑一个“性价比”,这是无可厚非的事情,也没有什么再多说的余地,但是“信价比”这个词语对于消费者就比较陌生了。手机的生命期较短,这是一个不争的事实,往往是一、两年的光景就要更新换代,一方面是手... 人们在选购产品的时候都要考虑一个“性价比”,这是无可厚非的事情,也没有什么再多说的余地,但是“信价比”这个词语对于消费者就比较陌生了。手机的生命期较短,这是一个不争的事实,往往是一、两年的光景就要更新换代,一方面是手机自身发展的原因,但是更加重要的是一年之后的手机出现故障往往是无法修理的,这就是商家的信誉问题,所以购买手机信价比更加重要。 展开更多
关键词 手机 “性价比” “信价比” 移动通信
基于神经网络和遗传算法培养基优化的发酵经济学 被引量:5
作者 罗剑飞 林炜铁 《食品与生物技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期424-428,共5页
利用目前较为先进的神经网络(ANN)和遗传算法结合(GA)的优化方法,通过以6种培养基组成为输入,亚硝酸盐氧化菌的活性与培养基成本之比的"性价比"为输出,构建结构为6-8-1BP神经网络的非线性的非结构模型,并以该模型为遗传算法... 利用目前较为先进的神经网络(ANN)和遗传算法结合(GA)的优化方法,通过以6种培养基组成为输入,亚硝酸盐氧化菌的活性与培养基成本之比的"性价比"为输出,构建结构为6-8-1BP神经网络的非线性的非结构模型,并以该模型为遗传算法的目标函数,进行遗传算法的全局寻优,优化得到具有最高"性价比"的培养基组成。结果表明,基于神经网络和遗传算法能较好地对培养基进行优化,并实现对发酵经济学的初步研究。通过优化,得到亚硝酸盐氧化菌的最佳培养基组成为:NaNO22.390 g/L,KH2PO41.355 g/L,MgSO40.019 g/L,NaCl 0.031 g/L,NaHCO34.373 g/L,FeSO40.005 g/L,其最优"性价比"为8.705,比初始的6.835提高了27.36%。 展开更多
关键词 发酵经济学 BP神经网络 遗传算法 “性价比” 亚硝酸盐氧化菌
源头污染控制、企业家精神与出口贸易可持续发展 被引量:4
作者 刘家悦 胡颖 李波 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期43-53,共11页
出口贸易可持续发展对中国经济发展与社会稳定具有重要作用。文章从出口"性价比"角度重新衡量中国出口贸易可持续水平,将中国对部分行业实施清洁生产标准视为一项"准自然实验",利用双重差分法考察源头污染控制对出... 出口贸易可持续发展对中国经济发展与社会稳定具有重要作用。文章从出口"性价比"角度重新衡量中国出口贸易可持续水平,将中国对部分行业实施清洁生产标准视为一项"准自然实验",利用双重差分法考察源头污染控制对出口贸易可持续发展的影响,并从企业家精神层面解释源头污染控制对出口贸易可持续发展的作用机制。研究发现:(1)源头污染控制显著影响企业出口贸易可持续发展。清洁生产标准实施后,受规制企业出口"性价比"指数得到提升。同时,企业规模对企业出口贸易可持续发展有积极作用,而企业成立年限、融资约束则带来消极影响。此外,为了进一步确保实证结果的稳健性和时效性,文章利用2004-2018年海关数据,从行业层面对源头污染控制与出口贸易可持续发展的关系进行检验,结果发现结论依旧成立。(2)通过检验边际动态影响模型发现,清洁生产标准带来的边际影响是递增的,总体呈现"J"型特征。清洁生产标准带来的成本效应具有一次性特征,政策实施后并未一直加强,补偿效应则需在时间积累下才能逐渐发挥作用;政策实施2年后成本效应将被补偿效应超过,从而表现为促进企业出口贸易可持续发展。(3)根据作用机制分析,企业家精神是源头污染控制影响企业出口贸易可持续发展的作用渠道之一。企业家精神被分为企业家技术创新精神和企业家产品创新精神,源头污染控制通过激励企业家技术创新精神和挫伤企业家产品创新精神影响企业出口贸易可持续发展。本研究深化了环境与贸易关系的理解,为促进出口贸易可持续发展,实现更高层次的对外开放提供了政策启示。 展开更多
关键词 源头污染控制 企业家精神 出口“性价比” 自然实验法
出版社集团化营销管窥 被引量:2
作者 苏海坡 《山东经济战略研究》 2006年第7期55-56,共2页
关键词 出版社 集团化 图书市场 营销 自办发行 网点建设 “性价比” 图书发行 图书品种 集约化
作者 张德华 《环球市场》 2004年第1期64-65,共2页
关键词 中国 汽车市场 家电业 “性价比” 营销模式 汽车卖场
作者 任苗 《家庭电子》 2004年第4期15-15,共1页
关键词 选购 数码相机 像素 “性价比”
作者 老愚 《世界标准信息》 2005年第6期124-125,共2页
关键词 “性价比” 经济学 经济利益 职业道德
作者 Huang Ying Yang Wei Liu Junying 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第1期128-132,共5页
In this letter,the sensitivity of an uplink Multi-Tone Code-Division Multiple Access (MT-CDMA) system to the Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) is investigated. The analytical expression for the Bit Error Rate (BER) of up... In this letter,the sensitivity of an uplink Multi-Tone Code-Division Multiple Access (MT-CDMA) system to the Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) is investigated. The analytical expression for the Bit Error Rate (BER) of uplink MT-CDMA in the presence of CFO is derived in a multipath Rayleigh fading channel which is verified through simulations. Both Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) and Equal Gain Combining (EGC) are considered in combining multipath signals in the analysis. It is found that the BER performance can be improved with the number of multipath increasing in the presence of CFO. 展开更多
关键词 MultiCarrier (MC) Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO)
One-pot three-component synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyrans catalyzed by cost-effective ionic liquid in aqueous medium
作者 杨健国 刘硕 +2 位作者 胡华南 任世斌 应安国 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1416-1420,共5页
A simple and ef ficient method is proposed for the synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyrans with aromatic aldehydes, active methylene compounds, and dimedone using basic ionic liquid catalyst in water. The procedure offe... A simple and ef ficient method is proposed for the synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyrans with aromatic aldehydes, active methylene compounds, and dimedone using basic ionic liquid catalyst in water. The procedure offers several advantages including short reaction time, good yield, easy procedure, and good recyclability of catalysts, which may be a practical alternative to conventional processes for preparation of 4-hpyrans. 展开更多
关键词 Tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyrans Ionic liquid Recyclability
On the Status quo and Development Trends of Imported Grape Wine in China
作者 Yingchen Wang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期89-91,共3页
At the present stage, The imported grape wine in China have hot market, imports increased year by year, high gross mar-gins, many brands, uneven quality, low market confidence, the price value of large deviations, imp... At the present stage, The imported grape wine in China have hot market, imports increased year by year, high gross mar-gins, many brands, uneven quality, low market confidence, the price value of large deviations, imperfect legislation, regulatory confusion and so on characters. The relevant departments and units should actively take a number of measures to improve the market of imported grape wine stably and healthy development. Believe in the future, its imports would continue to grow, the gross profit margin gradually would return to rational, the cost-effective products would be prevailing, the sales channels would be diversification, the enterprises in-volved would increase, and the industry competition would become increasingly fierce. 展开更多
关键词 Imported grape wine Gross profit margin Trust degree Continues to grow
Research on Route Planning Method Based on Active-Attack Strategy
作者 刘新艳 黄显林 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第2期289-292,共4页
Aimed at modern high-density,high overlapped and powerful antipersonnel stealthy penetration environment,route planning techniques on active-attack strategy were thoroughly and further studied,in order to get good pro... Aimed at modern high-density,high overlapped and powerful antipersonnel stealthy penetration environment,route planning techniques on active-attack strategy were thoroughly and further studied,in order to get good probability of survival and perfect efficiency of task accomplishment.It provides a new thought for and a new solution to the application of route planning in new era. 展开更多
关键词 route planning stealthy penetration active-attack strategy ammunition equivalence curve/line ratio
《汽车之友》 2005年第16期108-108,共1页
关键词 技术 “性化” 佳能公司 FAX-L系列 激光普通纸传真机
Improvement Methods for Genetic Evaluation of Hanwoo Cows
作者 T. S. Yoon J. J. Ha Y. H. Song 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1310-1313,共4页
A total of 1,101 heads were used to improve the selection of superior cows in Gangwon regional Hanwoo. Characteristics of each cow were analyzed using ultrasound evaluation and trace of reproductive potential. A compa... A total of 1,101 heads were used to improve the selection of superior cows in Gangwon regional Hanwoo. Characteristics of each cow were analyzed using ultrasound evaluation and trace of reproductive potential. A comparison of live carcass traits classified by parity was analyzed in all characteristics. The results of the comparison showed all characteristic increased rapidly after the 2nd parity, and decreased after the 4th parity (P 〈 0.01). The result of comparison classified by the group showed a tendency, whereas Back Fat Thickness Ultrasound (BFTU) and P8 Fat Thickness Ultrasound (P8-FTU) were significant (P 〈 0.01) thinnest in Pedigree group and using a lot of reproduction in advanced group. Also, we made comparisons of the cow's calves on the carcass traits among the group. High quality calves of the pedigree group showed 30.77%. These are the highest carcass traits in meat quality grade above 1+ and yield grade above A. Frequency of fertilization failure per rump fat thickness showed a significantly (P 〈 0.0|) higher difference. The average frequency of fertilization failure demonstrated 1.11 times of experimental Hanwoo cows. In the analysis, frequency of fertilization failure appeared 0.9 times at rump fat thickness below 5 mm. However, it is higher than average above 5 mm. The result of the study will be used to improve cows, select optimum semen, as well as contribute to the improvement of farms income. 展开更多
Over 15.5% efficiency organic solar cells with triple sidechain engineered ITIC 被引量:1
作者 Zhuohan Zhang Shun Guang +5 位作者 Jiangsheng Yu Hongtao Wang Jinru Cao Fuqiang Du Xinlei Wang Weihua Tang 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第18期1533-1536,M0003,共5页
Bulk-heterojunction(BHJ)organic solar cells(OSCs)showcase great advantages in device fabrication via low-cost and convenient solution-processing techniques for diverse applications(e.g.,flexible and semitransparent de... Bulk-heterojunction(BHJ)organic solar cells(OSCs)showcase great advantages in device fabrication via low-cost and convenient solution-processing techniques for diverse applications(e.g.,flexible and semitransparent devices)[1,2]. 展开更多
A new evaluation system for early and successful conservative treatment for acute ischial tuberosity avulsion 被引量:2
作者 Marco Ceretti Sara Di Renzo 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2013年第4期254-256,共3页
In this report we analyse a case of ischi- atic tuberosity avulsion. A 15-year-old patient who came to our first aid department two days after a football match ac- cident was treated conservatively and examined at mon... In this report we analyse a case of ischi- atic tuberosity avulsion. A 15-year-old patient who came to our first aid department two days after a football match ac- cident was treated conservatively and examined at month 1- 4, 6 and 12. In order to examine patient condition, a new index was formulated: the inability score index (ISI), which is based on hip range of motion and scales for rest, walking, running pain and compared to other parameters such as oedema area, fragment diastasis evaluated by X-ray and CT accordingly. ISI defines the inability as severe, moderate and mild. It guides the rehabilitative program in the right way. In this case, the patient was able to run softly after 35 days and to go back to the full agonist activity after 4 months. At the end of treatment the patient referred to the complete pain remission, full range of motion recovery and a good fracture consolidation. After 1 year we discuss about thera- peutic strategies used and results obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Fractures bone Sports medicine Reha- bilitation
Assessment of effectiveness of nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau based on net primary production and the large sample comparison method 被引量:6
作者 张镱锂 胡忠俊 +7 位作者 祁威 吴雪 摆万奇 李兰晖 丁明军 刘林山 王兆锋 郑度 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期27-44,共18页
Twenty-one typical coupled large samples were chosen from areas within and surrounding nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau using the large sample comparison method(LSCM).To evaluate the effectiveness of the nature ... Twenty-one typical coupled large samples were chosen from areas within and surrounding nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau using the large sample comparison method(LSCM).To evaluate the effectiveness of the nature reserves in protecting the ecological environment,the alpine grassland net primary production(NPP) of these coupled samples were compared and the differences between them before and after their establishment as protected areas were analyzed.The results showed that:(1) With respect to the alpine grassland NPP,the ecological and environmental conditions of most nature reserves were more fragile than those of the surrounding areas and also lower than the average values for the Tibetan Plateau.(2) Of the 11 typical nature reserves selected,the positive trend in the NPP for Manzetang was the most significant,whereas there was no obvious trend in Taxkorgan.With the exception of Selincuo,the annual NPP growth rate in the nature reserves covered by alpine meadow and wetland was higher than that in nature reserves consisting of alpine steppe and alpine desert.(3) There were notable findings in 21 typical coupled samples:(a) After the establishment of the nature reserves,the annual rate of increase in the NPP in 76% of samples inside nature reserves and 82% of samples inside national nature reserves was higher than that of the corresponding samples outside nature reserves.(b) The effectiveness of ecological protection of the Mid-Kunlun,Changshagongma,Zoige and Selincuo(Selin Co) nature reserves was significant; the effectiveness of protection was relatively sig-nificant in most parts of the Sanjiangyuan and Qiangtang nature reserves,whereas in south-east Manzetang and north Taxkorgan the protection effectiveness was not obvious.(c) The ecological protection effectiveness was significant in nature reserves consisting of alpine meadow,but was weak in nature reserves covered by alpine steppe.This study also shows that the advantage of large sample comparison method in evaluating regional ecology change.Careful design of the samples used,to ensure comparability between the samples,is crucial to the success of this LSCM. 展开更多
关键词 nature reserves protection effectiveness large sample comparison method net primary production Tibetan Plateau
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