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从“性命”角度试析李约瑟的内丹观 读《中国科学技术史·内丹分册》 被引量:1
作者 郑术 《科学文化评论》 2008年第1期107-120,共14页
关键词 李约瑟 《中国科学技术史·内丹分册》 内丹 “性命” 语境
青年森鸥外与庄子的“性命”论 被引量:1
作者 清田文武 张卓识 《日本学论坛》 2003年第3期2-8,共7页
青年时代的森鸥外主张“余等自然学者,求人类之进步与知识的开拓”。他以近代科学的发展为基点来理解《庄子》的“性命”论,并在与他人的论争中引用《庄子》的学说为自己的主张立论。鸥外以为,依照庄子的学说,今天的学者们应该以“有涯... 青年时代的森鸥外主张“余等自然学者,求人类之进步与知识的开拓”。他以近代科学的发展为基点来理解《庄子》的“性命”论,并在与他人的论争中引用《庄子》的学说为自己的主张立论。鸥外以为,依照庄子的学说,今天的学者们应该以“有涯之生随无涯之知”,而非单纯地守“性命”或养“性命”。鸥外还列举了康德和叔本华的哲学概念为佐证,将其与自己对《庄子》“性命”论的理解融合为一,以此来探求“自然”与“知性”的关系。 展开更多
关键词 “性命” 自然 知性
作者 孙洲 郭相震 《晋中学院学报》 2024年第1期1-6,共6页
“性命之学”作为中华文明独有的一门实践性、修习式的学问,是儒家精神的集中体现,代表着中华传统文化中的“精神人文主义”,“第二个结合”深度激发了“性命之学”跨越时空的内涵特质,创新了其在历史轨迹的学理空间。文章以“第二个结... “性命之学”作为中华文明独有的一门实践性、修习式的学问,是儒家精神的集中体现,代表着中华传统文化中的“精神人文主义”,“第二个结合”深度激发了“性命之学”跨越时空的内涵特质,创新了其在历史轨迹的学理空间。文章以“第二个结合”的方法论,从古之“性”与“命”的内涵出发,深入阐述了中国共产党人的性命之学,并提出了成就的路径。 展开更多
关键词 中国共产党人 中华优秀传统文化 “性命之学” “第二个结合”
作者 王善 《人民论坛(中旬刊)》 北大核心 2015年第6期180-182,共3页
北宋新学的创始者和政治家的王安石,非常重视"讲明道德之意、性命之理"的道德教育和社会教化的作用,提出了以"性命道德之理"为核心的社会教化与道德修养的理论,这些理论在北宋后期的几十年里占据了社会意识形态的... 北宋新学的创始者和政治家的王安石,非常重视"讲明道德之意、性命之理"的道德教育和社会教化的作用,提出了以"性命道德之理"为核心的社会教化与道德修养的理论,这些理论在北宋后期的几十年里占据了社会意识形态的主导地位,对形成中的理学产生了影响,同时对我们今天的思想政治教育仍具有很大的启发意义和借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 王安石 “性命道德之理” 道德教育
作者 顾玉林 《唐山学院学报》 2005年第2期13-14,55,共3页
关键词 儒家学说 “性命学说” 道教 养生学
谈谈“性命双修” 被引量:1
作者 孟永生 《医疗保健器具》 2007年第5期65-67,共3页
人们把“性命双修”看作为中国古代人体哲学观的范畴之一,也是传统养生的基本理论。指身心全面修炼。不同养生流派对“性”、“命”的理解及对两者的关系的认识不尽相同,但大多数认为性命一体,神形相依,主张“性命双修”,即精神与... 人们把“性命双修”看作为中国古代人体哲学观的范畴之一,也是传统养生的基本理论。指身心全面修炼。不同养生流派对“性”、“命”的理解及对两者的关系的认识不尽相同,但大多数认为性命一体,神形相依,主张“性命双修”,即精神与形体同时修炼,只有形与神齐俱,才能延年益寿。性命双修成为人们养生保健、延年益寿的指导思想和方法论原则,其哲学基础是唯物辩证的“两点论”和“重点论”相统一的原理。 展开更多
关键词 “性命双修” 传统养生 养生保健 唯物辩证 哲学基础 哲学观 古代人 “性”
作者 黄敏 《今古文创》 2022年第15期29-32,共4页
明代中晚期是戏曲繁荣发展的时期,张岱《陶庵梦忆》追溯的前半生富贵优游的生活,其中记录了诸多戏曲的演出,包括戏曲家班和民间舞台剧,给明代戏剧研究提供了重要材料。随着世俗休闲娱乐方式的丰富,明代戏曲创作与演出愈加精细与新奇。... 明代中晚期是戏曲繁荣发展的时期,张岱《陶庵梦忆》追溯的前半生富贵优游的生活,其中记录了诸多戏曲的演出,包括戏曲家班和民间舞台剧,给明代戏剧研究提供了重要材料。随着世俗休闲娱乐方式的丰富,明代戏曲创作与演出愈加精细与新奇。张岱《陶庵梦忆》书中对自己半生悠闲舒适的生活的回忆,可以看出其高深的艺术造诣及独特的艺术审美与追求。 展开更多
关键词 张岱 《陶庵梦忆》 戏曲 “性命于戏”
作者 林久贵 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期68-73,共6页
阮元是清代著名的学者型官员,其经学研究注重训诂基础上的义理探求,强调学术的实践、实用、实行,与乾嘉诸儒纯致力于考据有别,形成了自己独具的特色。他的《论语论仁论》、《孟子论仁论》,致力于"仁学"观的重建;《性命古训》... 阮元是清代著名的学者型官员,其经学研究注重训诂基础上的义理探求,强调学术的实践、实用、实行,与乾嘉诸儒纯致力于考据有别,形成了自己独具的特色。他的《论语论仁论》、《孟子论仁论》,致力于"仁学"观的重建;《性命古训》,新释"性命",倡"节性"之说;《论语一贯说》、《大学格物说》,倡"圣贤之道,无非实践"新观念。他对儒学基本概念和范畴的考释、申发,不是着力于"向上一层"的探索,而是一一归本于社会政治与伦理,以为"经世之具"。 展开更多
关键词 阮元 经学 “仁” “性命” 经世
New LCA Approach with Fuzzy Evaluation 被引量:5
作者 张之敬 王信义 曹默 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第1期56-62,共7页
A quantitative and comprehensive method of product life cycle assessment(LCA) with fuzzy theory is developed, which will help designers to select the optimum design scheme for product life cycle design(LCD). Based on ... A quantitative and comprehensive method of product life cycle assessment(LCA) with fuzzy theory is developed, which will help designers to select the optimum design scheme for product life cycle design(LCD). Based on the theory of multiple attribute decision making, an algorithm of comprehensive and comparative evaluation for product environmental adaptability is presented. A program is built and used in an example of design improvement. The result shows that the proposed method and algorithm are practical and effective to the development of green products. 展开更多
关键词 life cycle assessment(LCA) fuzzy evaluation environment adaptability life cycle design(LCD) green products
《绿野仙踪绿野仙踪》主旨新探 被引量:1
作者 周晴 《山东工会论坛》 2015年第2期109-111,共3页
关键词 《绿野仙踪》 学道修仙 “金丹大道” “性命兼修”
Increased Storability of Haloxylon ammodendron Seeds in Ultra-drying Storage 被引量:10
作者 黄振英 张新时 +2 位作者 郑光华 景新明 林坚 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期239-241,共3页
梭梭 (HaloxylonammodendronBge .)的种子为短命种子 ,在自然状态下 ,种子的含水量为 8.5 % ,寿命约为 10个月。将梭梭种子含水量降至 2 .5 %和 1.4% ,其耐贮藏力增强。经过 5 0℃下 5d和 10d的人工加速老化后 ,超干种子表现出较强的抗... 梭梭 (HaloxylonammodendronBge .)的种子为短命种子 ,在自然状态下 ,种子的含水量为 8.5 % ,寿命约为 10个月。将梭梭种子含水量降至 2 .5 %和 1.4% ,其耐贮藏力增强。经过 5 0℃下 5d和 10d的人工加速老化后 ,超干种子表现出较强的抗老化能力。与对照相比 ,超干种子具有较高的萌发率、活力指数及较长的根 。 展开更多
关键词 Haloxylon ammodendron short-lived seed ultra-drying storage
作者 应有荣 《世界中医骨科杂志》 2007年第1期64-65,91,共3页
“道功密拳”源自于天台山,是道教南宗祖师“紫阳真人”所创的“性命双修”中专门针对内丹修炼时最基础之“练已筑基”,修炼方法中武火(动功)之实训方法,具有易筋、易骨(开骨缝)易髓(实髓)之效,文献中所记载的文字深奥难解,... “道功密拳”源自于天台山,是道教南宗祖师“紫阳真人”所创的“性命双修”中专门针对内丹修炼时最基础之“练已筑基”,修炼方法中武火(动功)之实训方法,具有易筋、易骨(开骨缝)易髓(实髓)之效,文献中所记载的文字深奥难解,非经亲自解释难以理解,就是说“道功密拳”是道教武术在闭关修炼时“先命后性”主要内容,如《悟真篇》所云:“不识玄中颠倒颠,争知火里好栽莲。牵将白虎归家养,产个明珠似月圆。谩守药炉看火候,但安神息任天然。 展开更多
关键词 天台山 道教 正骨 “性命双修” 修炼方法 任天然
作者 王朝琼 《贵州体育科技》 2004年第1期32-34,共3页
中国道教以阴阳变化、天人合一、形神并完为指导思想,以"性命双修"为核心,强调对人体血肉之躯与精神意义两个方面均加以锻炼。在当今物质财富迅速增长的同时,由于不合理的生活方式而带来的所谓"文明病"日益危害着... 中国道教以阴阳变化、天人合一、形神并完为指导思想,以"性命双修"为核心,强调对人体血肉之躯与精神意义两个方面均加以锻炼。在当今物质财富迅速增长的同时,由于不合理的生活方式而带来的所谓"文明病"日益危害着人们的健康。在世界对"生命观""健康观"发生深刻变化的今天,研究道教的保健养生机制,对于促进全球的健身运动,增进世界人类健康长寿有着十分重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 道教 健身观 锻炼方法 “性命双修” 保健养生机制 精气学说 生命本质观
Comparative analysis of perpetual pavement structures based on pavement performance and life cycle cost 被引量:3
作者 朱玉琴 倪富健 顾兴宇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第1期84-87,共4页
Pavement performance and economic efficiency are researched on the perpetual test pavement of Yijiang-Suzhou Express Highway in Jiangsu province, China. Test sections were continuously monitored. The conditions and de... Pavement performance and economic efficiency are researched on the perpetual test pavement of Yijiang-Suzhou Express Highway in Jiangsu province, China. Test sections were continuously monitored. The conditions and developing laws of deflection, rutting and cracking are compared among the perpetual pavement with the rich binder layer (RBL), the perpetual pavement without the RBL, and the conventional semi-rigid asphalt pavement in the past eight years after opening for traffic. Economical evaluation is conducted via life cycle cost analysis (LCCA). Based on the performance comparison and LCCA analysis, sections with the RBL have good crack resistance, but they are not very satisfactory in the aspect of permanent deformation; the conventional semi-rigid asphalt pavement is the least economic one due to requiring more frequent maintenance. Research results show that the perpetual pavement without RBL is a more appropriate structure for the test site. 展开更多
关键词 perpetual pavement rich binder layer pavementperformance life cycle cost analysis
Probiotics and prebiotics in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases 被引量:41
作者 Julia B Ewaschuk Levinus A Dieleman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第37期5941-5950,共10页
The prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells of the colon exist in a highly complex, but harmonious relationship. Disturbances in this remarkable symbiosis can result in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). A... The prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells of the colon exist in a highly complex, but harmonious relationship. Disturbances in this remarkable symbiosis can result in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Although the etiology of IBD is not entirely understood, it is known that the chronic inflammation of Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and chronic pouchitis are a result of an overly aggressive immune response to the commensal intestinal flora in genetically susceptible hosts. Recent studies have enhanced our ability to understand the interaction between the host and its intestinal microflora and the role the microflora plays in maintaining intestinal homeostasis. As we begin to understand the benefi ts conferred to the intestine by the microflora, the notion of modifying the composition of the bacterial load to improve human health has arisen. A signifi cant body of research now exists investigating the role of probiotics and prebiotics in ameliorating chronic intestinal inflammation. This article will begin with an overview of the role of the commensal microflora in maintaining mucosal immune homeostasis, and how a dysregulated immune response to the intestinal microflora results in IBD. This will be followed by a summary of the use of probiotics and prebiotics in experimental and human IBD. 展开更多
Moving forward in colorectal cancer research, what proteomics has to tell 被引量:3
作者 Nerea Bitarte Eva Bandrés +2 位作者 Ruth Zárate Natalia Ramirez Jesus Garcia-Foncillas 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第44期5813-5821,共9页
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and is highly fatal. During the last several years, research has been primarily based on the study of expression profiles using microarray technology. But now, investi... Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and is highly fatal. During the last several years, research has been primarily based on the study of expression profiles using microarray technology. But now, investigators are putting into practice proteomic analyses of cancer tissues and cells to identify new diagnostic or therapeutic biomarkers for this cancer. Because the proteome reflects the state of a cell, tissue or organism more accurately, much is expected from proteomics to yield better tumor markers for disease diagnosis and therapy monitoring. This review summarizes the most relevant applications of proteomics the biomarker discovery for colorectal cancer. 展开更多
关键词 PROTEOMICS Colorectal cancer BIOMARKER
Bayesian framework for satellite rechargeable lithium battery synthesizing bivariate degradation and lifetime data 被引量:10
作者 ZHANG Yang JIA Xiang GUO Bo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期418-431,共14页
Reliability and remaining useful life(RUL)estimation for a satellite rechargeable lithium battery(RLB)are significant for prognostic and health management(PHM).A novel Bayesian framework is proposed to do reliability ... Reliability and remaining useful life(RUL)estimation for a satellite rechargeable lithium battery(RLB)are significant for prognostic and health management(PHM).A novel Bayesian framework is proposed to do reliability analysis by synthesizing multisource data,including bivariate degradation data and lifetime data.Bivariate degradation means that there are two degraded performance characteristics leading to the failure of the system.First,linear Wiener process and Frank Copula function are used to model the dependent degradation processes of the RLB's temperature and discharge voltage.Next,the Bayesian method,in combination with Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)simulations,is provided to integrate limited bivariate degradation data with other congeneric RLBs'lifetime data.Then reliability evaluation and RUL prediction are carried out for PHM.A simulation study demonstrates that due to the data fusion,parameter estimations and predicted RUL obtained from our model are more precise than models only using degradation data or ignoring the dependency of different degradation processes.Finally,a practical case study of a satellite RLB verifies the usability of the model. 展开更多
关键词 rechargeable lithium battery Bayesian framework bivariate degradation lifetime data remaining useful life reliability evaluation
Vacuum interrupter,high reliability component of distribution switches,circuit breakers and contactors 被引量:4
作者 SLADE Paul G. MAYO Stephen +1 位作者 SMITH R.Kirkland TAYLOR Erik D. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第3期335-342,共8页
The use of vacuum interrupters(VIs)as the current interruption component for switches,circuit breakers,reclosers and contactors operating at distribution voltages has escalated since their introduction in the mid-1950... The use of vacuum interrupters(VIs)as the current interruption component for switches,circuit breakers,reclosers and contactors operating at distribution voltages has escalated since their introduction in the mid-1950’s.This electrical product has developed a dominating position for switching and protecting distribution circuits.VIs are even being introduced into switching products operating at transmission voltages.Among the reasons for the VI’s popularity are its compactness,its range of application,its low cost,its superb electrical and mechanical life and its ease of application.Its major advantage is its well-established reliability.In this paper we show how this reliability has been achieved by design,by mechanical life testing and by electrical performance testing.We introduce the“sealed for life”concept for the VI’s integrity.We discuss this in terms of what is meant by a practical leak rate for VIs with a life of over 30 years.We show that a simple high voltage withstand test is an easy and effective method for monitoring the long-term vacuum integrity.Finally we evaluate the need for routine inspection of this electrical product when it is used in adverse ambient environments. 展开更多
关键词 Vacuum interrupter (VI) RELIABILITY Mechanical life Electrical life
Effect of a fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173010 on Chinese constipated women 被引量:20
作者 Yue-Xin Yang Mei He +4 位作者 Gang Hu Jie Wei Philippe Pages Xian-Hua Yang Sophie Bourdu-Naturel 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第40期6237-6243,共7页
AIM: To investigate the effect of a fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173010 and yogurt strains (BIO) on adult women with constipation in Beijing.METHODS: A total of 135 adult females with constipati... AIM: To investigate the effect of a fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173010 and yogurt strains (BIO) on adult women with constipation in Beijing.METHODS: A total of 135 adult females with constipation were randomly allocated to consume for 2 wk either 100 g of the test fermented milk or 100 g of an acidified milk containing non-living bacteria (control).Stool frequency,defecation condition scores,stool consistency and food intake were recorded at baseline and after 1 and 2 wk in an intention-to-treat population of 126 subjects.In parallel,safety evaluation parameters were performed.RESULTS: At baseline,no differences were found between groups.Following consumption of test product,stool frequency was significantly increased after 1 wk (3.5 ± 1.5 vs 2.4 ± 0.6,P < 0.01) and 2 wk (4.1 ± 1.7 vs 2.4 ± 0.6,P < 0.01),vs baseline.Similarly,after 1 and 2 wk,of test product consumption,defecation condition (1.1 ± 0.9 vs 1.9 ± 1.2,P < 0.01 and 0.8 ± 1.0 vs 1.9 ± 1.2,P < 0.01,respectively) and stool consistency (1.0 ± 0.8 vs 1.5 ± 1.1,P < 0.01 and 0.6 ± 0.8 vs 1.5 ± 1.1,P < 0.01,respectively) were significantly improved.Compared with the control group,stool frequency was also significantly increased (3.5 ± 1.5 vs 2.5 ± 0.9,P < 0.01 and 4.1 ± 1.7 vs 2.6 ± 1.0,P < 0.01,respectively),and defecation condition (1.1 ± 0.9 vs 1.6 ± 1.1,P < 0.01 and 0.8 ± 1.0 vs 1.6 ± 1.1,P < 0.01,respectively) and stool consistency (1.0 ± 0.8 vs 1.4 ± 1.0,P < 0.05 and 0.6 ± 0.8 vs 1.3 ± 1.0,P < 0.01,respectively) significantly decreased after 1 and 2 wk of product consumption.During the same period,food intake did not change between the two groups,and safety parameters of the subjects were within normal ranges.CONCLUSION: This study suggests a beneficial effect of a fermented milk containing B.lactis DN-173010 on stool frequency,defecation condition and stool consistency in adult women with constipation constipated women after 1 and 2 wk of consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173010 Fermented milk CONSTIPATION Stool frequency Stoolconsistency
A quantitative method for sustainable product development 被引量:1
作者 Arash Hosseinpour 彭庆金 顾佩华 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第1期87-93,共7页
A quantitative measure-based method for the design and evaluation of sustainable products is proposed. The method uses multi-criteria in product design to meet sustainable requirements from qualitative criteria to qua... A quantitative measure-based method for the design and evaluation of sustainable products is proposed. The method uses multi-criteria in product design to meet sustainable requirements from qualitative criteria to quantitative metrics. The method integrates quality function deployment concepts with the life cycle assessment to establish a quantitative method for sustainable product development. It considers both customer needs and sustainable requirements by mapping these needs into design details using the axiomatic design and benchmarking methods. The method is applied in the wheelchair design. Four popular wheelchairs in the market are selected as benchmarks and are rated based on customer needs and sustainable criteria. The design matrix identifies the relationship of functional requirements and design parameters of the wheelchair. Compared to the best benchmark product, the proposed wheelchair can reduce costs by 13.8%, environment footprints 18.55%, mass 4.5%, and components 2.2%. 展开更多
关键词 SUSTAINABILITY product design life cycleassessment BENCHMARKING
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