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作者 胡兰 周志山 《新丝路》 2024年第24期0086-0088,共3页
感性活动”原则是马克思主义哲学的基石,也是实践唯物主义的雏形,它源于马克思对费尔巴哈和黑格尔哲学的批判性吸收。在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,马克思肯定了费尔巴哈反对黑格尔哲学所作出的伟大功绩,并吸收了其“感性对象性”原则... 感性活动”原则是马克思主义哲学的基石,也是实践唯物主义的雏形,它源于马克思对费尔巴哈和黑格尔哲学的批判性吸收。在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,马克思肯定了费尔巴哈反对黑格尔哲学所作出的伟大功绩,并吸收了其“感性对象性”原则的合理内核。此外,他洞察到黑格尔辩证法中“活动”原则的能动意义,强调了黑格尔哲学的可取之处——人是劳动产生的结果。因此,深入研究《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中“感性活动”原则确立的哲学基础,是全面把握和理解马克思哲学体系的关键环节。 展开更多
关键词 对象性活动 感性对象性 “感性活动”原则 《1844年经济学哲学手稿》
作者 杜刚 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期126-128,共3页
马克思"感性活动"理论是学界讨论的热点问题之一。胡塞尔现象学的观点,主张"回到事物本身",反对一切现成的、概念化的思维模式。这就为重新解读马克思"感性活动"理论提供了新契机和新方法。与胡塞尔一样... 马克思"感性活动"理论是学界讨论的热点问题之一。胡塞尔现象学的观点,主张"回到事物本身",反对一切现成的、概念化的思维模式。这就为重新解读马克思"感性活动"理论提供了新契机和新方法。与胡塞尔一样,马克思的人的"感性活动"是对康德式"认识如何可能"的一种回应,只不过它是以一种隐而不显的方式表现出来的。 展开更多
关键词 马克思“感性活动”理论 胡塞尔现象学 现象学理解
作者 陆云 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第4期84-87,共4页
在马克思哲学文本中,可以从三个方面理解"感性活动",即作为理解世界的方式(实践观点的思维方式),作为自由自觉的类活动,资本主义社会中工人的劳动是被异化了的"感性活动"(马克思对"感性活动"异化之谜的破... 在马克思哲学文本中,可以从三个方面理解"感性活动",即作为理解世界的方式(实践观点的思维方式),作为自由自觉的类活动,资本主义社会中工人的劳动是被异化了的"感性活动"(马克思对"感性活动"异化之谜的破解)。基于以上三点,马克思从而实现了哲学观的变革:马克思哲学结束了"思维宰制存在"的历史,实现了以"生成论"取代"现成论"的思维模式的转换,在批判旧世界中建立新世界。"感性活动"是马克思实现哲学观变革的突破口,也是人类实现自由自觉发展的现实根基。 展开更多
关键词 “感性活动” 马克思哲学观 人的自由
作者 范雯绮 《宜宾学院学报》 2013年第11期77-80,共4页
费尔巴哈哲学以"感性直观"为出发点。马克思对费尔巴哈的"感性直观"提出了批判,以"感性活动"为实践立场,实现了哲学重心的转移,解决了主体与客体的抽象二元论局限,完成了哲学领域的思想革命,实现了对德... 费尔巴哈哲学以"感性直观"为出发点。马克思对费尔巴哈的"感性直观"提出了批判,以"感性活动"为实践立场,实现了哲学重心的转移,解决了主体与客体的抽象二元论局限,完成了哲学领域的思想革命,实现了对德国古典哲学的终结。 展开更多
关键词 “感性直观” “感性活动” 哲学终结
施密茨身体现象学视域下的马克思感性活动思想 被引量:1
作者 李昕桐 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期9-13,共5页
德国新现象学家赫尔曼·施密茨以原初的身体体验为基础对主体性、现实性、身体交流、情感、空间、情境等进行了深入研究。马克思以具有生命始源意义、身心合一和社会历史性的身体思想为基础的感性活动思想中包涵着身体现象学意蕴。... 德国新现象学家赫尔曼·施密茨以原初的身体体验为基础对主体性、现实性、身体交流、情感、空间、情境等进行了深入研究。马克思以具有生命始源意义、身心合一和社会历史性的身体思想为基础的感性活动思想中包涵着身体现象学意蕴。马克思的感性活动强调身体体验的基础性地位,其对象性活动、人与世界的关系以及人与社会关系中都彰显了施密茨身体现象学的维度。马克思的身体的感性活动作为人的独特存在方式是他新现象学视野的确证和表证。 展开更多
关键词 马克思“感性活动”理论 施密茨 新现象学身体理论 情境
“现实的人”的异化及其扬弃——《德意志意识形态》中人的异化思想研究 被引量:6
作者 赵长太 《广西社会科学》 CSSCI 2008年第1期45-48,共4页
异化是马克思主义哲学的一个重要问题。在《德意志意识形态》中,马克思恩格斯从"感性活动"的新视角,将人看作是从事实践活动的"现实的人",并深入到"现实的人"的"感性活动"中去考察人的异化,从... 异化是马克思主义哲学的一个重要问题。在《德意志意识形态》中,马克思恩格斯从"感性活动"的新视角,将人看作是从事实践活动的"现实的人",并深入到"现实的人"的"感性活动"中去考察人的异化,从而揭示人的异化产生的根源,即强制分工。马克思恩格斯还分析了异化的两种主要表现,即物质交往中的异化和精神交往中的异化,并最终指出人类扬弃异化的现实途径,即发展生产力。 展开更多
关键词 “现实的人” “感性活动” 异化 扬弃
作者 傅异星 《中国文学研究》 北大核心 2005年第3期31-35,共5页
胡风是20世纪中国著名的文艺理论家。他与巴赫金生活在同一个时代,且都处于相似的社会文化环境中。在对他们的理论的研读中,发现胡风的“主观战斗精神”理论和他对文学表现对象(人)的有关观点与巴赫金的复调理论有着某种程度的相通。由... 胡风是20世纪中国著名的文艺理论家。他与巴赫金生活在同一个时代,且都处于相似的社会文化环境中。在对他们的理论的研读中,发现胡风的“主观战斗精神”理论和他对文学表现对象(人)的有关观点与巴赫金的复调理论有着某种程度的相通。由复调这个新的视野,我们可以发现胡风文学理论未尽的现代蕴涵。 展开更多
关键词 复调理论 主观战斗精神 作为“感性活动”的人
马克思市民社会理论的历史起点——读《1844年经济学—哲学手稿》 被引量:2
作者 段志平 马俊峰 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期164-167,共4页
霍布斯与洛克以抽象的人性为出发点,在自然状态中人们的"契约"的基础上建立市民社会理论;黑格尔虽然认识到"特殊的人",但其市民社会始终被吞噬在绝对精神的自我进展中。马克思从分析资本主义社会的异化、劳动与资... 霍布斯与洛克以抽象的人性为出发点,在自然状态中人们的"契约"的基础上建立市民社会理论;黑格尔虽然认识到"特殊的人",但其市民社会始终被吞噬在绝对精神的自我进展中。马克思从分析资本主义社会的异化、劳动与资本的关系入手,揭示出市民社会中私有财产所代表的生产关系的分裂与矛盾,从而使市民社会获得了人的"感性的活动"之历史起点。 展开更多
关键词 市民社会 “感性活动” 历史起点
作者 段志平 《理论探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期24-27,共4页
霍布斯与洛克以抽象的人性为出发点,在自然状态下人们的"契约"基础上建立市民社会理论;黑格尔虽然认识到"特殊的人",但是其市民社会始终被吞噬在绝对精神的自我进展中。马克思从分析资本主义社会的异化、劳动与资... 霍布斯与洛克以抽象的人性为出发点,在自然状态下人们的"契约"基础上建立市民社会理论;黑格尔虽然认识到"特殊的人",但是其市民社会始终被吞噬在绝对精神的自我进展中。马克思从分析资本主义社会的异化、劳动与资本入手,揭示出市民社会中私有财产所代表的生产关系的分裂与矛盾,从而使市民社会获得了人的"感性的活动"之历史起点。 展开更多
关键词 市民社会 理性形而上学 “感性活动” 历史起点
Effects of Abnormal Early Rearing Environments on Fear Memory in Adult Rats
作者 李传玉 张波 +3 位作者 李振邦 黄伏连 田绍文 胡新天 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期31-37,共7页
In the present experiment, Pavlovian fear conditioning was adopted to study the effects of different early rearing environments on fear conditioning in adult rats. Weaned rats were reared in three manipulable environm... In the present experiment, Pavlovian fear conditioning was adopted to study the effects of different early rearing environments on fear conditioning in adult rats. Weaned rats were reared in three manipulable environments (enriched, social and isolated conditions). After 8 weeks, fear conditioning (characterized by percentage of freezing) was observed and analyzed, and rats' weight, locomoter activity and foot-shock sensitivity were operated too. The results showed that: (1) Compared with control group, the level of conditioned fear was significantly increased in enriched group, but significantly decreased in isolated group; (2) Enriched and isolated conditions influenced rat's weight significantly; (3) Different rearing conditions have no effect on locomoter activity and foot-shock sensitivity. These results indicated that early enriched condition could improve the tone-evoked fear conditioning response, while isolated condition impaired the response. 展开更多
关键词 Fear conditioning FREEZING Enriched condition Isolated condition Locomoter activity Foot-shock sensitivity
Fault Activities and Paleoearth-quake Events along the Piedmont Fault (Wujumengkou-Dongfengcun Segment) of Mt. Serteng, Inner Mongolia
作者 YangXiaoping RanYongkang +1 位作者 HuBo GuoWensheng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2003年第1期1-13,共13页
Based on remote sensing data, field investigation and trench measurement along the piedmont fault (Wujumengkou Dongfengcun) of Mt. Serteng, the vertical displacement rate has been found to be 0 88~1 83mm/a since the ... Based on remote sensing data, field investigation and trench measurement along the piedmont fault (Wujumengkou Dongfengcun) of Mt. Serteng, the vertical displacement rate has been found to be 0 88~1 83mm/a since the late period of late Pleistocene and 0 89mm/a since the middle period of Holocene. Using the progressive constraining method,five paleoearthquake events have been distinguished from two large trenches since Holocene. They occurred 9000±1300a B.P., 6500±500a B.P., 5770a B.P., 4200±300a B.P. and 3250±250a B.P., respectively. From the late period of late Pleistocene to the beginning of Holocene, some paleoearthquake events may have been missed due to a variety of reasons. All of the paleoearthquake events displayed clustering characteristics to a certain extent. The first cluster was occurred around 8900a B.P., the second cluster occurred between 5700~6500a B.P. and the last cluster was occurred in 3250~4200 a B.P. The interval between the first cluster and the second cluster was about 2400a while that between the second cluster and the third cluster was only 1570a. No earthquake events have cut the ground surface along this active fault segment since 3250a B.P. The lapse time is more than the recurrence interval between two paleoearthquake clusters. Therefore, there is a potential risk for a recurring earthquake along this active fault segment. 展开更多
关键词 PALEOEARTHQUAKE Clustering Fault activity Mt. Serteng
Seismic Monitoring Network and Seismic Activities in Thailand
作者 Bruin Wechbunthung 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第3期253-267,共15页
The details of seismic monitoring network and seismological work in Thailand, including some information on felt earthquakes that occurred from 2000 to August 2001, are reported here.
关键词 Seismic monitoring network Seismological work Felt earthquakes
Delimitation of Urban Growth Boundary Based on the Coordination of Ecology and Residential Activity Spaces: A Case Study of Jinan, China 被引量:3
作者 JIA Kun ZHANG Chao +1 位作者 YANG Yanzhao YOU Zhen 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第5期518-524,共7页
Delimitation of an urban growth boundary(UGB)can effectively curb disorderly urban expansion,optimize urban development space and protect the ecological environment.Eco-environmental sensitivity was evaluated and area... Delimitation of an urban growth boundary(UGB)can effectively curb disorderly urban expansion,optimize urban development space and protect the ecological environment.Eco-environmental sensitivity was evaluated and areas prohibiting construction expansion were extracted by establishing an index system.Point of interest(POI)and microblog data were utilized to analyze the expansion of residential activity space.Urban space expansion potential was calculated using a comprehensive evaluation model,and an urban growth boundary for Jinan in 2020 was delimited combining the predicted urban expansion scale.The results showed that:(1)An evaluation of eco-environmental sensitivity can effectively protect ecological land and provide an ecological basis for urban expansion.Regions with high eco-environmental sensitivities in Jinan are located along the banks of the Yellow River and Xiaoqing River and in southeast mountainous areas,but eco-environmental sensitivities in the central,north and southeast areas are relatively low;(2)The model to evaluate urban residential activity expansion can quantify the spatial distribution of urban residents’activities.Regions with high potential for residential activity space expansion in Jinan are mainly concentrated in the middle of Jinan and most are part of existing built-up areas and surrounding areas;(3)The method that delimits urban growth boundaries based on the coordination of ecology and residential activity space is reasonable.Spatial expansion in Jinan mainly extends towards the east and west wings,and the boundary conforms to the spatial strategy guiding Jinan’s development and is consistent with the overall layout in related plans.Considering both ecological protection and the internal forces driving urban expansion,the method of urban growth boundary delimitation used in this study can provide a reference and practical help for studies and management of urban development in the new era. 展开更多
关键词 urban growth boundary eco-environmental sensitivity residential activity space Jinan
Structural reliability analysis and reliability-based design optimization: Recent advances 被引量:16
作者 QIU ZhiPing HUANG Ren +1 位作者 WANG XiaoJun QI WuChao 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期1611-1618,共8页
We review recent research activities on structural reliability analysis,reliability-based design optimization(RBDO) and applications in complex engineering structural design.Several novel uncertainty propagation metho... We review recent research activities on structural reliability analysis,reliability-based design optimization(RBDO) and applications in complex engineering structural design.Several novel uncertainty propagation methods and reliability models,which are the basis of the reliability assessment,are given.In addition,recent developments on reliability evaluation and sensitivity analysis are highlighted as well as implementation strategies for RBDO. 展开更多
关键词 uncertainty propagation reliability assessment reliability-based design optimization hybrid reliability
Preparation and characterization of pH-sensitive calcium carbonate-chlorin e6 nanoparticles for photodynamic therapy 被引量:2
作者 Jingru Wang Shuang Zhang +3 位作者 Zhuoyue Li Meiqi Xu Guangxue Wang Xuan Zhang 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2021年第11期904-911,共8页
In the present study,we combined CaCO_(3)NPs and Ce6 to construct CaCO_(3)-Ce6 nanoparticles (NPs).CaCO_(3)-Ce6 NPs were characterized in terms of particle size,zeta potential,UV-Vis absorption spectrum,fluorescence s... In the present study,we combined CaCO_(3)NPs and Ce6 to construct CaCO_(3)-Ce6 nanoparticles (NPs).CaCO_(3)-Ce6 NPs were characterized in terms of particle size,zeta potential,UV-Vis absorption spectrum,fluorescence spectrum,FTIR spectrum,and pH-responsive behavior.The reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in vitro was measured in 4T1 cells.The results showed that CaCO_(3)-Ce6 NPs were uniform-sized NPs with excellent fluorescence properties and pH-responsive behavior.The ability of ROS generation by CaCO_(3)-Ce6 NPs was stronger compared with Ce6 in 4T1 cells because Ca;could enhance the ROS generation,which could contribute to a stronger anti-tumor effect. 展开更多
关键词 Calcium carbonate nanoparticles Chlorin e6 Photodynamic therapy Reactive oxygen species PH-RESPONSIVE
Methionine-101 from one strain of H5N1 NS1 protein determines its IFN-antagonizing ability and subcellular distribution pattern
作者 MENG Jin ZHANG ZhenFeng +2 位作者 ZHENG ZhenHua LIU Yan WANG HanZhong 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第11期933-939,共7页
Influenza A virus NS1 protein has developed two main IFN-antagonizing mechanisms by inhibiting retinoic-acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) signal transduction, or by suppressing cellular pre-mRNA processing through binding... Influenza A virus NS1 protein has developed two main IFN-antagonizing mechanisms by inhibiting retinoic-acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) signal transduction, or by suppressing cellular pre-mRNA processing through binding to cleavage and polyad-enylation specific factor 30 (CPSF30). However, the precise effects of NS1 on suppressing type I IFN induction have not been well characterized. Here we report that compared with PR/8/34 NS1, which is localized partially in the cytoplasm and has strong IFN-antagonizing ability via specifically inhibiting IFN-β promoter activity, H5N1 NS1 has strikingly different characteristics. It mainly accumulates in the nucleus of transfected cells and exerts rather weak IFN-counteracting ability through suppression of the overall gene expression. The M101I mutation of H5N1 NS1, namely H5-M101I, fully reversed its functions. H5-M101I gained the ability to specifically inhibit IFN-β promoter activity, translocate to the cytoplasm, and release CPSF30. The previously reported NES (nuclear export signal) (residues 138 147) was unable to lead H5N1 NS1 to translocate. This suggests that other residues may serve as a potent NES. Findings indicated that together with leucine-100, methionine-101 en- hanced the regional NES. In addition, methionine-101 was the key residue for the NS1-CPSF30 interaction. This study reveals the importance of methionine-101 in the influenza A virus life cycle and may provide valuable information for antiviral strategies. 展开更多
关键词 influenza A virus H5N1 IFN-Β CPSF30 NES
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