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叶圣陶童话创作“成人化”情结及其成因 被引量:2
作者 胡飞海 《重庆广播电视大学学报》 2008年第3期46-48,共3页
"成人化"情结是叶圣陶童话创作的主要特征,而"成人的教化"与"成人的悲哀"是其作品中反映出的两种具体形态。叶圣陶"成人化"情结的成因主要是传统儒家文化的深层心理积淀、王尔德现实主义童话... "成人化"情结是叶圣陶童话创作的主要特征,而"成人的教化"与"成人的悲哀"是其作品中反映出的两种具体形态。叶圣陶"成人化"情结的成因主要是传统儒家文化的深层心理积淀、王尔德现实主义童话创作的影响、社会现实的逼拶,以及作者"为人生"的创作观。重新审视叶圣陶童话创作的"成人化"情结,对目前的童话创作有一定借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 叶圣陶 童话创作 “成人化”情结
浅析我国少儿体育舞蹈“成人化”现象 被引量:1
作者 王少萍 冯晓辉 《文体用品与科技》 2021年第16期105-106,共2页
体育舞蹈是以人自身的形体动作为物质手段,通过充满生命活力的韵律,抒发人内心情感的身体活动,集体育、音乐、舞蹈于一体,具有健身、竞技、消遣、娱乐、审美等功能。作为西方舞蹈引入中国的“舶来品”,在我国的发展日益壮大,近几年体育... 体育舞蹈是以人自身的形体动作为物质手段,通过充满生命活力的韵律,抒发人内心情感的身体活动,集体育、音乐、舞蹈于一体,具有健身、竞技、消遣、娱乐、审美等功能。作为西方舞蹈引入中国的“舶来品”,在我国的发展日益壮大,近几年体育舞蹈全里最热门的词“规范”绝对榜上有名,其中最受关注的便是女单精英,从业余市场崛起,这一支带有“中国特色”的新生代力量,迅速火爆了市场,一批批网红明星小舞者的诞生其热度甚至超过了世界冠军,受到关注的同时,也不断引发着讨论和争议。服装不够规范,动作不够规范,妆容成人化,拉丁舞“成人化”的问题愈发显现出来,业内的诸多学者、教师、编导都从不同角度对此进行了研究探讨,提出了自己的看法和对策,在强调服装规范近一年多时间后,今天的赛场服装问题已经得到了很好的解决,关于竞技规范的相关问题被提上日程,对于体育舞蹈这一带有特色文化的西方舞蹈,在其项目本身的衡量上就具有一定的局限性,如何把握好“规则”的制定衡量,是笔者进一步分析的,为其今后的发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 少儿 体育舞蹈 “成人化”现象
当今少儿舞蹈编创“成人化”现状及应对策略的研究 被引量:2
作者 蔡越 《戏剧之家》 2020年第8期99-99,共1页
近年来少儿舞蹈"成人化"的现象越来越严重,这一倾向有悖于少儿身心发展规律。本文对这一现象进行了系统化研究,分析其成因及弊端,提出合理化的对策。通过研究分析少儿舞蹈"成人化"现象的现状及原因,给出少儿舞蹈&qu... 近年来少儿舞蹈"成人化"的现象越来越严重,这一倾向有悖于少儿身心发展规律。本文对这一现象进行了系统化研究,分析其成因及弊端,提出合理化的对策。通过研究分析少儿舞蹈"成人化"现象的现状及原因,给出少儿舞蹈"成人化"现象的应对策略,帮助少儿找到属于他们这个年龄段舞蹈的训练方式,这对少儿的健康成长具有重要的现实意义。通过对少儿舞蹈编创"成人化"现状分析,发现少儿舞蹈编创"成人化"现象很容易影响少儿对事物的想象力和创造力,不利于少儿的身心健康成长,丧失本该有的童真、童心、童趣。因此要使少儿舞蹈编创在日后的发展中减少成人化的显著特征,要注重少儿活泼的一面,这对未来少儿舞蹈编创的发展趋势有着十分重要的影响意义。 展开更多
关键词 当今 少儿舞蹈 编创 “成人化”现象
作者 姜正宇 《艺术科技》 2021年第3期71-72,共2页
近年来,动画的受众群体不断扩大,动画的“成人化”走向也不再局限于消极的一面,创作者们发现成人群体正开始成为动画市场消费的主力军,因此动画的创作趋势也逐渐向“成人化”转变。本文以《姜子牙》为例,从情节、主题、人物等角度分析... 近年来,动画的受众群体不断扩大,动画的“成人化”走向也不再局限于消极的一面,创作者们发现成人群体正开始成为动画市场消费的主力军,因此动画的创作趋势也逐渐向“成人化”转变。本文以《姜子牙》为例,从情节、主题、人物等角度分析影片中的“成人化”畸变现象,探索、反思国产动画电影的“成人化”之路。 展开更多
关键词 国产动画 《姜子牙》 “成人化”
作者 黄秀玉 《当代体育》 2019年第20期54-55,共2页
在 21 世纪的今天,我们要培养的是小学生的德智体美劳的全面发展。尤其是在新课程改革和素质教育理念提出来以后,就更加重视小学生的全面发展。在处于九年义务教育中的小学教育,体育的教学已经从原来的不重要的地位逐步提升到重要的地... 在 21 世纪的今天,我们要培养的是小学生的德智体美劳的全面发展。尤其是在新课程改革和素质教育理念提出来以后,就更加重视小学生的全面发展。在处于九年义务教育中的小学教育,体育的教学已经从原来的不重要的地位逐步提升到重要的地位了。体育教学的开展是为了帮助学生训练出一个健康的身体,为以后的学习生活打下一个坚实的基础。但是,在如今的体育教学中却存在着一些“成人化”的现象。当然这一现象的出现与学生的家长、老师以及学校都有着密不可分的关系。本文认为小学体育教学“成人化”现象的出现对小学生的身心发展都有着极大的影响。本文就这体育教学“成人化”的现象提出几点改变此类现象的措施与方法。 展开更多
关键词 小学体育 体育教学 “成人化” 纠正方法
作者 刘正俊 谢奎芳 《中小学生心理健康》 2003年第4期15-17,共3页
关键词 中小学生 “成人化”现象 心理误区 对策
作者 赵阳 《传播力研究》 2019年第10期219-219,共1页
随着自媒体时代的到来,越来越多的用户喜欢在互联网上分享自己的生活。儿童作为社会中的一个特殊的群体,他们的行为常常被大人记录或安排成影像。在众多类型的儿童影像中展现儿童"成人化"的影像主要通过展现儿童语言、外貌、... 随着自媒体时代的到来,越来越多的用户喜欢在互联网上分享自己的生活。儿童作为社会中的一个特殊的群体,他们的行为常常被大人记录或安排成影像。在众多类型的儿童影像中展现儿童"成人化"的影像主要通过展现儿童语言、外貌、行为的"成人化"来获得关注。其中有儿童自己善于模仿的因素,也有家长刻意的"利用"和网络媒体风气的鼓励。这种现象需要在家长、学校、平台和立法多个层面去加强引导,合力还给儿童一个单纯的童年成长的环境。 展开更多
关键词 自媒体时代 儿童“成人化” 童年
作者 栾晓丽 《纺织报告》 2015年第5期78-80,共3页
目前,童装设计越来越朝着"成人化"的趋势发展,对此很多人都有不同的看法,实际上童装"成人化"不利于儿童的身心健康发展,而且也会潜移默化的影响儿童的价值观、人生观、创造力以及想象力等,不利于儿童的个性发展以... 目前,童装设计越来越朝着"成人化"的趋势发展,对此很多人都有不同的看法,实际上童装"成人化"不利于儿童的身心健康发展,而且也会潜移默化的影响儿童的价值观、人生观、创造力以及想象力等,不利于儿童的个性发展以及社会交往。本文主要分析了童装图案"成人化"对于儿童身心发展的不良影响,并且提出了几点对童装图案设计的建议。 展开更多
关键词 童装图案 “成人化” 身心健康发展 不良影响
复归儿童:从一种可能到一种现实 被引量:2
作者 赵旺来 方宇 赵亚楠 《教育评论》 2018年第3期49-53,76,共6页
儿童"成人化"已成为当今儿童教育所面临的最大问题之一。由于电视文化、网络文化的影响,儿童过早地生活在成人世界,儿童与成人之间在行为举止、审美情趣等诸多方面的界限变得越来越模糊,其根本原因是成人的话语世界里没有儿童... 儿童"成人化"已成为当今儿童教育所面临的最大问题之一。由于电视文化、网络文化的影响,儿童过早地生活在成人世界,儿童与成人之间在行为举止、审美情趣等诸多方面的界限变得越来越模糊,其根本原因是成人的话语世界里没有儿童,从而导致现代社会中儿童过早地消失。缓解儿童的"成人化"现象,让儿童复归为儿童,需要学校、社会、家庭树立正确的儿童观,以儿童为中心,与儿童一起构建儿童的童话世界,进行平等有意义的对话和交流。在此基础上,走向儿童的生活世界,让儿童真正成为自己的主人,复归儿童的需要、兴趣、自由与权利。 展开更多
关键词 儿童世界 “成人化” 生活世界
Comparison of Protein Content among Non-diapause Pupae,Diapause Pupae and Eclosion-adult from Diapause Pupae of Papilio memnon 被引量:2
作者 易传辉 陈晓鸣 +1 位作者 史军义 周成理 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期127-129,共3页
[ Objective] The experiment aimed to explore the diapause mechanism of Papilio memnon L. further. [ Method] The colorimetry method was used to detect protein content of non-diapause pupae, diapause pupae and eclosion-... [ Objective] The experiment aimed to explore the diapause mechanism of Papilio memnon L. further. [ Method] The colorimetry method was used to detect protein content of non-diapause pupae, diapause pupae and eclosion-adult from diapause pupae at different developmental stages. [Result] It was showed that the protein content of non-diapause pupae was from 111.768 to 115.030 7 mg/g and the change of protein content during whole pupal stage, while diapause pupae were from 81.218 to 131.623 7 mg/g and the change of protein content was not big from last ten-day period of October to last ten-day pariod of November, however, the content increased from the last ten-day period of November. The protein content of emerging adult was 296.969 3 mg/g. [Conclusion] The change of protein content was related to Papilio memnon at different development stage. 展开更多
关键词 Papilio memnon Protein content DIAPAUSE PUPAE Dault
Two Minor Saponins from Leaves of Panax ginseng C. A.Meyer 被引量:2
作者 窦德强 陈英杰 +4 位作者 孟志云 文晔 裴玉萍 徐绥绪 姚新生 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1996年第4期195-199,共5页
Two minor saponins were isolated from the leaves of P. ginseng and their struc-tures were elucidated as 3β,12β, 20(S)-trihydroxyl-dammar-24(25)-ene-(20-O-α-L-arabinofurano-syl(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-3-O-β-D-gl... Two minor saponins were isolated from the leaves of P. ginseng and their struc-tures were elucidated as 3β,12β, 20(S)-trihydroxyl-dammar-24(25)-ene-(20-O-α-L-arabinofurano-syl(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (1),and 3β,12β, 20(S)-trihydroxyl-dam-mar-24(25)-ene-(20-O-α-L-arabinopyranosyl(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-3-O-β-glucopyranoside(2),respectively The fonner corresponds to notoginsenoside-Fe which is isolated for the first time from the title plant The latter is a new natural product and named as ginsenoside-Rd2. 展开更多
关键词 Notoginsenoside-Fe Ginsenoside-Rd2
Comparison of Nucleic Acid Content among Non-diapause Pupae, Diapause Pupae and Eclosion-adult from Diapause Pupae of Papilio memnon 被引量:2
作者 易传辉 陈晓鸣 +1 位作者 史军义 周成理 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第3期101-103,107,共4页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to provide basis for deeply understanding the diapause mechanism of Papilio memnon L. [Method] RNA and DNA content of non-diapause pupae, diapause pupae and eclosion-adult from di... [Objective] The aim of this study was to provide basis for deeply understanding the diapause mechanism of Papilio memnon L. [Method] RNA and DNA content of non-diapause pupae, diapause pupae and eclosion-adult from diapause pupae at different development stages were detected by the colorimetry. [Result] RNA content of non-diapause pupae was 4.614 0-7.946 3 μg/mg, while diapause pupae was 4.326 0-5.885 3 μg/mg and eclosion-adult from diapause pupae was 20.779 3 μg/mg at initial stage. DNA content of non-diapause pupae was 0.448 7-0.535 0 μg/mg, while diapause pupae was 0.452 0-0.828 3 μg/mg and eclosion-adult from diapause pupae was 1.727 0 μg/mg at initial stage. [Conclusion] The nucleic acid content and change is related to the development stage. 展开更多
关键词 Papilio memnon Nucleic acid content DIAPAUSE PUPAE ADULT
Analysis of the Constituents in the Chinese Drug Notoginseng by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry 被引量:20
作者 刘进怀 王璇 +2 位作者 蔡少青 小松かつ子 难波恒雄 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第4期225-237,共13页
To develop a HPIX-UV-MS method for identifying the constituents in theChinese drug Notoginseng (the root of Panax notoginseng). Methods A Phenomenex Luna C_(18) column(250 mm x 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm) was utilized. Water co... To develop a HPIX-UV-MS method for identifying the constituents in theChinese drug Notoginseng (the root of Panax notoginseng). Methods A Phenomenex Luna C_(18) column(250 mm x 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm) was utilized. Water containing 0.005% formic acid (A) and acetonitrilecontaining 0.005% formic acid (B) were used as gradient eluents. UV spectra were recorded in range195 - 400 nm. Both positive and negative ion ESI modes were used. Results The constituents inNotoginseng were well separated and detected. Fourteen compounds were identified by comparing theirretention time and ESI-MS data with those obtained from the reference compounds. Forty-one compoundswere deduced by data analysis of MS and literature; among them, yesanchinosides-H and -E,chikusetsusaponin-L_5, malonyl-ginsenoside-R_(g_1), the isomers of notoginsenosides-J, -A, -R_1, -G,-R_2, and ginsenoside-Rh_3 were discovered in Notoginseng for the first time. Conclusion Thismethod gives high sensitivity and good separation, and is suitable for identifying the constituentsin Notoginseng. This result is helpful for further phytochemical research on Notoginseng. Based onthis result, further quality control can be studied. 展开更多
关键词 panax notoginseng HPLC-MS GINSENOSIDES notoginsenosides FLAVONOIDS
作者 卢岚 秦嵩 +1 位作者 陆全 Dessouky MohomedI 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2001年第3期178-181,共4页
Human factors engineering and quality management are different research branches in the field of industrial engineering.A basis for interaction based on the concepts and techniques of human factors engineering and qua... Human factors engineering and quality management are different research branches in the field of industrial engineering.A basis for interaction based on the concepts and techniques of human factors engineering and quality management with some practical examples of cooperative effect is defined in this paper.The specific challenges about the quality management in manufacturing and service are presented to demonstrate that the human factors analysis of quality problems leads to new tends for integrated development. 展开更多
关键词 human factors engineering quality management integrated development cooperative effect
Polymorphisms of ERCC1, XPD, XRCC1 and XPG Predict Clinical Outcome in Advanced Gastric Cancer Patients Receiving Oxaliplatin-Based Chemotherapy in Chinese Population 被引量:1
作者 Jian Jiang Jun Liang Ruyong Yao Qingfang Li Shanai Song Yingying Sun 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2009年第5期328-336,共9页
OBJECTIVE To investigate whether polymorphisms in ERCC1, XPD, XPG, XRCC1 genes are associated with clinical outcomes in advanced gastric cancer (AGC) patients treated with oxaliplatinbased chemotherapy. METHODS Th... OBJECTIVE To investigate whether polymorphisms in ERCC1, XPD, XPG, XRCC1 genes are associated with clinical outcomes in advanced gastric cancer (AGC) patients treated with oxaliplatinbased chemotherapy. METHODS The genetic polymorphisms in ERCCI, XPD, XPG, XRCC1 were determined in 94 advanced gastric cancer patients treated with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy, using TaqMan-MGB probes. The clinical response of 60 patients with stage IV disease, time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS) of 94 patients were evaluated. RESULTS The overall disease control rate (CR + PR + SD) of the 60 patients in stage IV was 70% (42/60). Patients with XRCC1 399 G/G, XPG 46 C/C genotypes showed enhanced response to the oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy compared to those with other genotypes (P 〈 0.05). The median OS and TTP of the patients were 5.5 months and 9.0 months, respectively. Among the 4 types of polymorphisms in the study, XRCC1 399 G/A + A/A, XPG 46 C/T + T/T genotypes were regarded to be associated with chemoresistance and poor survival (P 〈 0.05). Combination analysis of the 2 polymorphisms using the Kaplan-Meier method revealed that the TTP and OS of the patients with a number of risk genotypes were significantly shortened (P 〈 0.05). No significant association was found between the genotypes of the XPD codon 751, the ERCC1 codon 118 and the clinical outcome (P 〉 0.05). CONCLUSION Testing for XRCC1 399, XPG 46 polymorphisms may allow identification of the gastric cancer patients who will benefit from oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy. Specific polymorphisms may influence clinical outcomes of AGC patients. Selecting specific chemotherapy based on pretreatment genotyping represents an innovative strategy that warrants prospective studies. 展开更多
关键词 gastric cancer polymorphism OXALIPLATIN CHEMOTHERAPY ERCC1 XPD XPG XRCC1.
Photocatalytic nitrogen fixation: An attractive approach for artificial photocatalysis 被引量:12
作者 Rengui Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1180-1188,共9页
Ammonia synthesis via the Haber-Bosch process, which has been heralded as the most important invention of the 20 th century, consumes massive amounts of energy, around 1%–2% of the world’s annual energy... Ammonia synthesis via the Haber-Bosch process, which has been heralded as the most important invention of the 20 th century, consumes massive amounts of energy, around 1%–2% of the world’s annual energy consumption. Developing green and sustainable strategies for NH3 synthesis under ambient conditions, using renewable energy, is strongly desired, by both industrial and sci-entific researchers. Artificial photosynthesis for ammonia synthesis, which has recently attracted significant attention, directly produces NH3 from sunlight, and N2 and H2O via photocatalysis. This has been regarded as an ideal, energy-saving and environmentally-benign process for NH3 produc-tion because it can be performed under normal temperature and atmospheric pressure using re-newable solar energy. Although sustainable developments have been achieved since the pioneering work in 1977, many challenging issues(e.g., adsorption and activation of nitrogen molecules on the surface of photocatalysts under mild conditions) have still not been well solved and the photocata-lytic activities are generally low. In this miniature review, I summarize the most recent progress of photocatalytic N2 fixation for ammonia synthesis, focusing specifically on two attractive aspects for adsorption and activation of nitrogen molecules: one is engineering of oxygen vacancies, and the other is mimicking natural nitrogenase for constructing artificial systems for N2 fixation. Several representative works focusing on these aspects in artificial systems have been reported recently, and it has been demonstrated that both factors play more significant roles in photocatalytic N2 re-duction and fixation under ambient conditions. At the end of the review, I also give some remarks and perspective on the existing challenges and future directions in this field. 展开更多
关键词 PHOTOCATALYSIS Nitrogen fixation Ammonia synthesis Artificial photosynthesis
Histopathological profile of gastritis in adult patients seen at a referral hospital in Kenya 被引量:2
作者 Ahmed Kalebi Farzana Rana +2 位作者 Walter Mwanda Godfrey Lule Martin Hale 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第30期4117-4121,共5页
AIM: To conduct a detailed histological study of gastritis in adult patients attending an endoscopy clinic at a Kenyan teaching and referral hospital.METHODS: Biopsy specimens from consecutive patients were examined... AIM: To conduct a detailed histological study of gastritis in adult patients attending an endoscopy clinic at a Kenyan teaching and referral hospital.METHODS: Biopsy specimens from consecutive patients were examined and graded according to the Updated Sydney System for H pylori infection, chronic inflammation, neutrophil activity, glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Also documented were gastric tissue eosinophil counts and presence of lymphoid follicles.RESULTS: The rate of the graded variables, in the antrum and corpus respectively, were as follows: H pylori infection (91%, 86%), chronic inflammation (98%, 93%), neutrophil activity (91%, 86%), glandular atrophy (57%, 15%) and intestinal metaplasia (11%, 2%). Lymphoid follicles were noted in 11% of cases. Duodenal and gastric ulcers were documented in 32% and 2% respectively. The mean eosinophil count was 5.9 ±0.74 eosinophils/ HPF and 9.58 ± 0.93 eosinophils/HPF in the corpus and antrum respectively. Significant association was found between the degree of H pylori colonisation with chronic inflammation, neutrophil activity and antral glandular atrophy. Biopsies from the antrum and corpus showed significant histopathological discordance for all the graded variables. H pylori negative cases were associated with recent antibiotic use.CONCLUSION: The study the chief cause of gastritis reaffirms that H pylori is in this environment. The majority of patients show a moderate to high degree of inflammation but a low degree of glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. The study shows that interrelationships between the histological variables in this African population are similar to those found in other populations worldwide including non-African populations. 展开更多
关键词 HPYLORI GASTRITIS Stomach Gastric atrophy Intestinal metaplasia Tissue eosinophils Peptic ulcer African enigma Sydney system
Sedation-associated hiccups in adults undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy 被引量:9
作者 Chien Cheng Liu Cheng Yuan Lu +2 位作者 Chih Fang Changchien Ping Hsin Liu Daw Shyong Perng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第27期3595-3601,共7页
AIM:To investigate whether the incidence of hiccups in patients undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) or same-day bidirectional endoscopy (EGD and colonoscopy;BDE) with sedation is different from those without s... AIM:To investigate whether the incidence of hiccups in patients undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) or same-day bidirectional endoscopy (EGD and colonoscopy;BDE) with sedation is different from those without sedation in terms of quantity,duration and typical onset time.METHODS:Consecutive patients scheduled for elective EGD or same-day BDE at the gastrointestinal endoscopy unit or the health examination center were allocated to two groups:EGD without sedation (Group A) and BDE with sedation (Group B).The use of sedation was based on the patients' request.Anesthesiologists participated in this study by administrating sedative drugs as usual.A single experienced gastroenterologist performed both the EGD and the colonoscopic examinations for all the patients.The incidence,duration and onset time of hiccups were measured in both groups.In addition,the association between clinical variables and hiccups were analyzed.RESULTS:A total of 435 patients were enrolled in the study.The incidences of hiccups in the patients with and without sedation were significantly different (20.5% and 5.1%,respectively).The use of sedation for patients undergoing endoscopy was still significantly associated with an increased risk of hiccups (adjusted odds ratio:8.79,P < 0.001) after adjustment.The incidence of hiccups in males under sedation was high (67.4%).The sedated patients who received 2 mg midazolam developed hiccups more frequently compared to those receiving 1 mg midazolam (P = 0.0028).The patients with the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were prone to develop hiccups (P = 0.018).CONCLUSION:Male patients undergoing EGD or BDE with sedation are significantly more likely to suffer from hiccups compared to those without sedation.Midazolam was significantly associated with an increased risk of hiccups.Furthermore,patients with GERD are prone to develop hiccups. 展开更多
关键词 ANESTHESIA MIDAZOLAM HICCUP Gastroeso-phageal reflux disease ESOPHAGOGASTRODUODENOSCOPY Bidirectional endoscopy
New Constituents from the Fresh Stems of Opuntia Dillenii 被引量:2
作者 QIUYing-kun CHENYing-jie +2 位作者 PEIYu-pin MatsudaHisashi YoshikawaMasayuki 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2003年第1期1-5,共5页
Aim To study the chemical composition of Opuntia dillenii Haw. Methods Manykinds of chromatogra-phy methods were used in the isolation procedure, while the structures ofisolated compounds were determined on the aids o... Aim To study the chemical composition of Opuntia dillenii Haw. Methods Manykinds of chromatogra-phy methods were used in the isolation procedure, while the structures ofisolated compounds were determined on the aids of NMR and MS spectral analysis. Result Three newcompounds, together with 14 known compounds, were isolated form the 80% ethanolic extract of itsstems. Conclusion The three new compounds, opuntioside Ⅰ (2), 4-ethoxyl-6-hydroxymethyl-α-pyrone(3) and kaempferol 7-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl (1→4)-β-D-glucopyranoside (4), were characterized. 展开更多
关键词 opuntia dillenii opuntioside 4-ethoxyl-6-hydroxymethyl-α-pyrone kaempferol 7- O-β-D-glucopyranosyl (1→4)-β-D-glucopyranoside
Epidemiological trends and geographic variation in hospital admissions for diverticulitis in the United States 被引量:1
作者 Geoffrey C Nguyen Justina Sam Nitasha Anand 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1600-1605,共6页
AIM:To characterize the increasing incidence and geographic variation of acute diverticulitis.METHODS:Using the nationwide inpatient sample (NIS) we identified a cohort who had been admitted with diverticulitis betwee... AIM:To characterize the increasing incidence and geographic variation of acute diverticulitis.METHODS:Using the nationwide inpatient sample (NIS) we identified a cohort who had been admitted with diverticulitis between 1998 and 2005.We calculated age-,sex-,and region-specific rates of hospitalizations for diverticulitis over time.RESULTS:The age-adjusted hospitalization rate for diverticulitis increased from 61.8 per 100000 to 75.5 per 100 000 between 1998 and 2005,and increased similarly in both sexes.Diverticulitis-associated admissions were male-predominant in those younger than age 45 years but were female-predominant thereafter.Admission rates increased the most among those<45 years,while remaining unchanged for those≥65 years.By 2005,the majority of hospitalized patients were<65 years.Age-adjusted rates of diverticulitis-associated hospitalizations were lower in the West(50.4/100000) compared to the Northeast(77.7/100000),South (73.9/100000),and Midwest(71.0/100000).CONCLUSION:Diverticulitis-associated hospitalizations have steeply risen,especially in young adults.These epidemiological trends vary by geographic region and warrant further investigation into potential dietary and environmental etiologies. 展开更多
关键词 DIVERTICULITIS Geographic variation HOSPITALIZATION Young adults
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