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常用词“带”对“携”的历时替换研究 被引量:1
作者 谢玥 刘红妮 《山西大同大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第4期86-89,共4页
关键词 常用词 “携” “带” 替换
我国旅游网站建设评价初探——以携程旅行网为例 被引量:28
作者 高静 肖江南 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期38-40,共3页
关键词 中国 旅游网站 网站评价 “携程旅行网” 网络信息资源
OTA网络平台的法律地位——以“携程杀熟案”为例 被引量:1
作者 邓春梅 朱恒 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期60-71,共12页
互联网平台经济领域“大数据杀熟”纠纷频发,平台规制成为紧迫问题。目前,我国司法判例对OTA网络平台的法律定位主要有两种:服务中介商或网络服务合同的相对方,“携程杀熟案”即为典型例证。然而,将OTA网络平台仅仅界定为中介人或者合... 互联网平台经济领域“大数据杀熟”纠纷频发,平台规制成为紧迫问题。目前,我国司法判例对OTA网络平台的法律定位主要有两种:服务中介商或网络服务合同的相对方,“携程杀熟案”即为典型例证。然而,将OTA网络平台仅仅界定为中介人或者合同相对方,这一判断与网络平台的实际运营特点并不完全匹配;而且,这种界定易导致平台的法律义务远轻于其应承担的法律义务与社会责任,进而造成网络平台“大数据杀熟”现象日益泛滥。“携程杀熟案”反映了消费者通过民事诉讼限制“大数据杀熟”的传统路径,存在信息不对称、举证困难、赔偿金额过低等基本缺陷。要想有效规制“大数据杀熟”,必须不断完善以反垄断为主要手段的行政规制路径,厘清行政执法主体不明、行政责任混乱等问题,从而弥补传统民事诉讼路径的缺陷与短板。 展开更多
关键词 OTA 大数据杀熟 “携程杀熟案” 委托合同 合同相对方 反垄断 差别待遇
试论李白“纵酒”“携妓”诗的用事与寄寓 被引量:1
作者 刘和椿 《成都教育学院学报》 2001年第11期13-17,共5页
李白诗歌表达上善于用典言事。他广泛的籍征古事、联想类比,表达对历代明君良相,先贤高士的仰慕,对忠贞被谗,奸佞当道的幽愤,自己弃世与济世两难境地的彷徨,以及“天生我材必有用”的坚定信念。其思想精神上有一个“谢安情结”。其人生... 李白诗歌表达上善于用典言事。他广泛的籍征古事、联想类比,表达对历代明君良相,先贤高士的仰慕,对忠贞被谗,奸佞当道的幽愤,自己弃世与济世两难境地的彷徨,以及“天生我材必有用”的坚定信念。其思想精神上有一个“谢安情结”。其人生价值取向与出处去就的选择,都刻意效仿历代先贤与谢安等魏晋名士。在其“纵酒”“携妓”诗作中通过用事,与其他乐府诗一样寄寓积极入世,志在“使寰区大定,海县清一”的理想,渴求实现“安社稷”、“救苍生”的抱负,以及功成身退“泛五湖,戏沧洲”的夙愿。从而得出李白的“纵酒”“携妓”诗仍有其社会意义,非议这类诗作的观点属于皮相之谈的结论。 展开更多
关键词 李白 “纵酒”“携妓”诗 用事 寄寓
隔代抚育背景下的城市住区户外公共空间“携孙”行为研究 被引量:5
作者 杨璐 陈宏宇 李倞 《现代城市研究》 北大核心 2022年第1期126-132,共7页
"携孙"行为是中国当前城市住区户外公共空间中普遍存在的一种行为模式。为了了解"携孙"行为的活动特征及其与户外公共空间景观空间要素的关系,选取了马号街社区为研究对象,运用问卷访谈法和行为观察法调查了"... "携孙"行为是中国当前城市住区户外公共空间中普遍存在的一种行为模式。为了了解"携孙"行为的活动特征及其与户外公共空间景观空间要素的关系,选取了马号街社区为研究对象,运用问卷访谈法和行为观察法调查了"携孙"行为主体的基本情况、行为活动特征、社区公园景观空间要素特征,并分析了它们之间的关系。研究发现:(1)"携孙"行为的行为主体之一的(外)祖父母在这种活动模式中占主导地位。(2)住区户外公共空间中,分离型"携孙"行为远多于互动型"携孙"行为,分离型"携孙"行为的活动内容以休闲类活动为主,互动型"携孙"行为以康体类活动为主。(3)活动场地的景观空间要素对"携孙"行为类型(分离型/互动型)无显著影响,对"携孙"行为的活动内容(通过类/康体类/休闲类)影响显著。活动场地的遮阴程度越高,场地中康体类和休闲类"携孙"行为的人数越多,活动场地的服务设施越丰富;休闲类"携孙"行为人数越多,而服务设施的丰富度对康体类"携孙"行为人数无显著影响;本研究中其他景观空间因素对"携孙"行为均无显著影响。在进一步分析的基础上,对未来住区户外公共空间设计提出具体建议。 展开更多
关键词 住区 户外公共空间 “携孙”行为 行为特征 景观空间要素 相关性
作者 杜聪聪 赵虎 《遗产与保护研究》 2018年第11期73-79,共7页
古镇的历史演变应是城市规划研究的重要内容,但目前多关注的是依托其物质遗存的空间形态,而隐性的历史文化要素挖掘及规划体现不足。文章以济南市的泺口古镇为研究对象,运用历史法、文献总结法和地图判别法等,对近代以来泺口古镇的历史... 古镇的历史演变应是城市规划研究的重要内容,但目前多关注的是依托其物质遗存的空间形态,而隐性的历史文化要素挖掘及规划体现不足。文章以济南市的泺口古镇为研究对象,运用历史法、文献总结法和地图判别法等,对近代以来泺口古镇的历史沿革、空间形态和文化类型进行梳理分析。研究发现:黄河河道变迁和政治局势变化是影响泺口古镇历史演变的两个主要因素;"半圆形"的城镇形态是泺口古镇典型的空间形态;文化民俗较为丰富,特别是在鲁菜、铁路、盐运、码头等方面亟待挖掘复兴。最后,在济南"携河"发展规划的视角下,提出构建"三位一体"历史文化保护体系和打造文化旅游引领的济南传统田园风貌样板等策略。 展开更多
关键词 历史演变 “携河”发展 泺口古镇 保护与发展
作者 张雯倩 余海龙 《新闻研究导刊》 2018年第23期36-37,共2页
近年来侵害儿童事件层出不穷,2017年11月初,一则"携程幼儿园教师侵害儿童"视频在网上热传,迅速在社会中激起千层浪。视频中,教师除了殴打孩子,还强喂幼儿疑似芥末物。随着2018年末上海"携程亲子园虐童案"一审宣判,... 近年来侵害儿童事件层出不穷,2017年11月初,一则"携程幼儿园教师侵害儿童"视频在网上热传,迅速在社会中激起千层浪。视频中,教师除了殴打孩子,还强喂幼儿疑似芥末物。随着2018年末上海"携程亲子园虐童案"一审宣判,轰动一时的"携程亲子园"事件画上句号。但回头看,在此类虐童事件的传播过程中,部分媒体为了追求新闻热度和受众眼球,从而导致新闻报道失实,并在新闻报道过程中侵犯儿童权益,给当事儿童及其家长造成"二度伤害"。在新闻报道中,如何规避对受侵害儿童造成"二度伤害",更好地维护儿童权益。是媒体人应该深思的问题。 展开更多
关键词 二度伤害 报道原则 “携程亲子园”事件 媒体责任
作者 刘世余 《现代语文(下旬.语言研究)》 2006年第6期115-115,共1页
关键词 新词语 投笔从戎 词汇规范 “携笔从戎” 成语 望文生义 汉语
作者 钟善君 《移动信息》 2019年第6期10-11,共2页
“携号转网”政策在全国部分地市经过多年试点推行,总体技术及运营的可行性得到了验证。国务院要求此政策2019年11月底在全国范围内全面铺开。由于时间紧迫,国内三大电信运营商目前都在紧锣密鼓地进行网络改造、系统升级及营销策略的调... “携号转网”政策在全国部分地市经过多年试点推行,总体技术及运营的可行性得到了验证。国务院要求此政策2019年11月底在全国范围内全面铺开。由于时间紧迫,国内三大电信运营商目前都在紧锣密鼓地进行网络改造、系统升级及营销策略的调整。届时,客户转网成本将会出现下降趋势,运营商如何针对自身实际情况提前制定有效的运营策略,充分利用政策中对自己有利的因素来提升自身的市场竞争能力,最大程度地减少客户转网,甚至吸引更多客户转入,是各运营商需要深入考虑的课题。 展开更多
关键词 “携号转网”政策 客户运营 运营策略
作者 林特 《今日印刷》 2008年第9期57-60,共4页
在经历数十年的发展后,柔印技术已发展到了相当高的水平,如今在印刷版材,图像处理、印版制作、承印材料和印刷设备的技术和供应上,都极为丰富和成熟。笔者有幸参观了2008德鲁巴这一全球印刷界的盛事.看到了很多新的技术和发展。但... 在经历数十年的发展后,柔印技术已发展到了相当高的水平,如今在印刷版材,图像处理、印版制作、承印材料和印刷设备的技术和供应上,都极为丰富和成熟。笔者有幸参观了2008德鲁巴这一全球印刷界的盛事.看到了很多新的技术和发展。但稍加归类后发现有这样的一个不一般的现象,那就是无接缝技术在柔印中的应用。笔者在平时的了解中以及和在展会上接待的客户交流中发现,有很多业内人士都在关注这一点。 展开更多
关键词 柔印技术 印刷版材 无缝 图像处理 印版制作 印刷设备 承印材料 接缝技术
A Checklist of the Genus Mesoplophora Berlese (Acari:Oribatida:Mesoplophoridae) with Description of a Newly Recorded Species from China
作者 刘冬 陈军 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期149-156,共8页
Mesoplophora Berlese,1904 and M.(Parplophora) flavida Niedbaa,1985 are reported for the first time from China.A checklist of this genus containing all valid species,distribution information and taxonomic literatures... Mesoplophora Berlese,1904 and M.(Parplophora) flavida Niedbaa,1985 are reported for the first time from China.A checklist of this genus containing all valid species,distribution information and taxonomic literatures is provided.From collecting information and morphological features,we inferred this species is a phoretic mite. 展开更多
关键词 ORIBATIDA Mesoplophoridae Mesoplophora new record phoresy China
苏丹六区复杂断块油气田勘探开发经验与探索 被引量:6
作者 黄先雄 汪望泉 +1 位作者 聂昌谋 李志 《中国石油勘探》 CAS 2005年第5期67-72,共6页
苏丹六区项目是CNPC与苏丹政府签订的第一个勘探开发项目,也是中国石油(CNPC)首次在海外独自承担风险、进行大规模油气勘探开发项目。苏丹六区是一个复杂的含油气区块,经过中国石油人的艰苦努力,从2001年开始,在短短的5年时间,在该区块... 苏丹六区项目是CNPC与苏丹政府签订的第一个勘探开发项目,也是中国石油(CNPC)首次在海外独自承担风险、进行大规模油气勘探开发项目。苏丹六区是一个复杂的含油气区块,经过中国石油人的艰苦努力,从2001年开始,在短短的5年时间,在该区块先后共发现七个油田,探明石油地质储量是原作业者的7倍,取得了较好的效益。文中论述了该区块的勘探开发历程与石油地质特征,总结了海外复杂地区风险勘探开发的主要经验:加强地震野外采集与室内处理技术一体化攻关,提高空间采样和覆盖次数,努力提高资料质量;开展石油地质综合研究,针对该区地质特点,加强圈闭优选与断层封闭性评价,快速评价钻探;勘探开发一体化,在评价勘探的同时,开始开发早期方案编制工作;为加速开发已发现的油田,针对六区稠油油田特点,采用“携砂冷采”的方式,通过一年的生产,取得了开发此类油田的经验。 展开更多
关键词 苏丹六区 风险勘探开发 圈闭评价 “携砂冷采”
Prevalence of hepatitis B and C markers among refugees in Athens 被引量:12
作者 Anastasios Roussos Constantin Goritsas +3 位作者 Thomas Pappas Maria Spanaki Panagiota Papadaki Angeliki Ferti 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第5期993-995,共3页
AIM: To assess the prevalence of hepatitis B and C serological markers in a population of refugees living in Athens.METHODS: One hundred and thirty refugees (81 males and 49 females, mean age ±SD: 31.7±8 yea... AIM: To assess the prevalence of hepatitis B and C serological markers in a population of refugees living in Athens.METHODS: One hundred and thirty refugees (81 males and 49 females, mean age ±SD: 31.7±8 years) were included in the study. The hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg),the hepatitis B virus core antibody (anti-HBc) and the hepatitis C virus antibody (anti-HCV) were detected using a third-generation immunoassay.RESULTS: Twenty individuals (15.4%) were HBsAg positive and 69 (53.1%) were anti-HBc positive. The prevalence of HBsAg and anti-HBc was higher among refugees from Albania and Asia (statistical significant difference, P<0.008 and P<0.001 respectively). The prevalence of these markers was found irrelevant to age or sex. Anti-HCV was detected in the serum of 3 individuals (2.3 %). No differences among age, sex or ethnicity regarding anti-HCV prevalence were found.CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that refugees living in Athens are an immigrant population characterized by a high incidence of HBV infection. The prevalence of HBV markers is higher among refugees from Albania and Asia. It is therefore believed that the adherence to general precautions and the initiation of HBV vaccination programs will be necessary in the future, especially in these communities.Although the prevalence of HCV infection seems to be relatively low, extended epidemiological surveys are needed to provide valid results. 展开更多
关键词 Refugees ADOLESCENT ADULT Aged Albania Asia Biological Markers FEMALE Greece Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Antibodies Hepatitis B Surface Antigens Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Antibodies Humans Male Middle Aged Seroepidemiologic Studies
A Portable Fall Detection and Alerting System Based on k-NN Algorithm and Remote Medicine 被引量:11
作者 HE Jian HU Chen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期23-31,共9页
This paper presents information on a portable fall detection and alerting system mainly consisting of a custom vest and a mobile smart phone. A wearable motion detection sensor integrated with tri-axial accelerometer,... This paper presents information on a portable fall detection and alerting system mainly consisting of a custom vest and a mobile smart phone. A wearable motion detection sensor integrated with tri-axial accelerometer, gyroscope and Bluetooth is built into a custom vest worn by elderly. The vest can capture the reluctant acceleration and angular velocity about the activities of daily living(ADLs) of elderly in real time. The data via Bluetooth is then sent to a mobile smart phone running a fall detection program based on k-NN algorithm. When a fall occurs the phone can alert a family member or health care center through a call or emergent text message using a built in Global Positioning System. The experimental results show that the system discriminates falls from ADLs with a sensitivity of 95%, and a specificity of 96.67%. This system can provide remote monitoring and timely help for the elderly. 展开更多
关键词 TELEMEDICINE fall detection K-NN smart phone BLUETOOTH
Sonographic fatty liver and hepatitis B virus carrier status: Synergistic effect on liver damage in Taiwan Residents adults 被引量:10
作者 Yu-Cheng Lin Shu-Tin Hsiao Jong-Dar Chen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第12期1805-1810,共6页
AIM: To examine the epidemiology of hepatitis B virus carrier status (HBVC) and sonographic fatty liver (SFL) in Taiwan Residents adults, and to evaluate their possible interaction in inducing liver damage (LD). From ... AIM: To examine the epidemiology of hepatitis B virus carrier status (HBVC) and sonographic fatty liver (SFL) in Taiwan Residents adults, and to evaluate their possible interaction in inducing liver damage (LD). From an epidemiological viewpoint, we analyzed previous studies which indicated that fatty liver sensitizes host immune response to HBV infection and enhances liver damage.METHODS: A cross-sectional retrospective analysis of health records including medical history, physical examination, abdominal sonogram, blood biochemistry and hepatic virological tests. We utilized the Student's t-test, chi-square, multivariate logistic regression and synergy index to assess risks for LD.RESULTS: Among a total of 5406 Taiwan Residents adults (mean age 46.2 years, 51.5% males), the prevalence of LD, HBVC and SFL were 12.3%, 15.1% and 33.4%, respectively; 5.1% of participants had SFL plus HBVC. Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that male gender (odds ratio (OR) = 2.8, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.3-3.5), overweight state (OR = 1.6, 95% CI: 1.3-2.0), HBVC (OR = 2.5, 95% CI: 2.0-3.1) and SFL (OR = 4.2, 95% CI: 2.2-5.3) were independently associated with LD. Synergism analysis showed that the adjusted OR for LD in adults with HBVC-alone was 3.3 (95% CI: 2.4-4.6), SFL-alone, 4.7 (95% CI: 3.7-6.1) and combined HBVC and SFL, 9.5 (95% CI: 6.8-13.3); the synergy index was 1.4 (95% CI: 1.001-2.0).CONCLUSION: In Taiwan Residents adults, SFL plus HBVC have a significant synergistic association with LD. 展开更多
关键词 Fatty liver Hepatitis B virus SONOGRAPHY Synergism
Detection of hepatitis B virus genotypes using oligonucleotide chip among hepatitis B virus carriers in Eastern China 被引量:7
作者 Xiang-Rong Tang Ji-Shen Zhang +3 位作者 Hui Zhao Yu-Hua Gong Yong-Zhong Wang Jian-Long Zhao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第13期1975-1979,共5页
AIM: TO determine the genotype distribution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) with a newly oligonucleotide chip assay among the HBV carriers in Eastern China. METHODS: An assay using oligonucleotide chip was developed fo... AIM: TO determine the genotype distribution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) with a newly oligonucleotide chip assay among the HBV carriers in Eastern China. METHODS: An assay using oligonucleotide chip was developed for detection of HBV genotypes in serum samples from HBV DNA-positive patients in Eastern China. This method is based on the principle of reverse hybridization with Cy5-labeled amplicons hybridizing to type-specific oligonucleotide probes that are immobilized on slides. The results of 80 randomly chosen sera were confirmed by direct sequencing. RESULTS: HBV genotype B, C and mixed genotype were detected in 400 serum samples, accounting for 8.3% (n = 33), 83.2% (n = 333), and 8.5% (n = 34), respectively. The evaluation of the oligonucleotide assay showed 100% concordance with the amplicon phylogenetic analysis except 9 mixed genotype infections undetected by sequencing. CONCLUSION: The study indicates that HBV genotype C and B prevail in the Eastern China. It is suggested that the oligonucleotide chip is a reliable and convenient tool for the detection of HBV genotyping. 展开更多
关键词 Oligonucleotide chip Hepatitis B virus GENOTYPE
Is transient elastography a useful tool for screening liver disease? 被引量:5
作者 Paolo Del Poggio Silvia Colombo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1409-1414,共6页
Transient elastography(TE)is a new non invasive tool for measuring liver stiffness,which is correlated to the histologic stage of liver fibrosis.Several studies in chronic liver disease(CLD)have determined a good accu... Transient elastography(TE)is a new non invasive tool for measuring liver stiffness,which is correlated to the histologic stage of liver fibrosis.Several studies in chronic liver disease(CLD)have determined a good accuracy of TE in predicting significant fibrosis and an optimal accuracy in predicting cirrhosis.Normal liver stiffness ranges between 3.3-7.8 KPa and using a cut off of 7.1 KPa,significant fibrosis and cirrhosis can be excluded with a very high negative predictive value(NPV).Positive predictive value(PPV)for the diagnosis of cirrhosis is lower using just a single scan but increases to 90% if high stiffness values are confirmed by a second independent scan.However the presence of fatty liver and metabolic syndrome slightly increases the readings and may reduce the accuracy of the test.It is uncertain if this increase is related to the presence of steatofibrosis or ifit is caused by steatosis itself.TE can be used in screening patients attending the liver clinics to identify those with signifi cant fi brosis or cirrhosis and may be particularly useful in discriminating HBV inactive carriers from chronic hepatitis B patients.TE,however,is not reliable in predicting the presence of esophageal varices in cirrhotics.Another potential indication for TE is the systematic screening of populations at high risk for CLD,such as intravenous drug users and alcoholics,but further studies are needed to determine its diagnostic accuracy in these settings. 展开更多
关键词 Transient elastography SCREENING Liverdisease Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Non alcoholic steatohepatitis CIRRHOSIS
Localization of a Robotic Capsule for GI Motility Inspection with a Portable Ultrasonic System 被引量:3
作者 姜萍萍 颜国正 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期190-194,共5页
The micro-systems used for in vivo physical inspection have many advantages over traditional methods. In order to aid diagnosis of gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders, a capsule is developed for GI pressure and p... The micro-systems used for in vivo physical inspection have many advantages over traditional methods. In order to aid diagnosis of gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders, a capsule is developed for GI pressure and pH inspection. Localization of the capsule in GI tract with time is a necessary condition for subsequent data analysis and medical diagnosis. It is also a common problem facing all in vivo mobile micro-systems. An approach of segment localization by utilizing some key points along GI tract is proposed. A portable ultrasonic detecting device was designed for this purpose. Experiments under conditions similar to GI tract were carried out and the results proved the effectiveness and reliability of this method and the device. 展开更多
关键词 robotic capsule GI motility inspection portable ultrasonic system
Portable mixed abrasive water jet equipment for rescue in high gas mine shaft 被引量:7
作者 ZENG Rui DU Chang-long +1 位作者 XU Rui ZHAO Jing 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第2期207-211,共5页
In order to rescue a trapped miner and clean out roadways quickly in a high gas mine shaft after a mining mishap, a special portable cold-cutting equipment is needed, the main technology parameters were calculated acc... In order to rescue a trapped miner and clean out roadways quickly in a high gas mine shaft after a mining mishap, a special portable cold-cutting equipment is needed, the main technology parameters were calculated according to the advanced cold-cutting technology of high pressure abrasive water jet and the portable mixed abrasive water jet equipment (PAWE) was designed to meet the needs of emergency rescue in high gas mine shafts. Tested the PAWE in a high gas environment, and the result shows that the maximum cutting depth of solid iron pipe is 18 mm and the recoilforce of the sprayer is 28.9 N under the conditions that actual cutting pressure is 29 MPa, starting target distance is 10 ram, cutting speed is 180 mm/min and concentration of abrasive is 32%. The course of the experiment in the high gas environment was smooth and continuous, without any explosion. The PAWE is easy to move and operate, but the nozzle which was worn badly in the sprayer should be changed every 8 minutes. 展开更多
关键词 PORTABLE ABRASIVE water jet emergency rescue GAS
Testing a mobile app for child abuse treatment: A mixed methods study 被引量:1
作者 Shuhong Luo Ann S.Botash 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第3期320-329,共10页
Objective:This study provides a preliminary evaluation of the usability and acceptability of a mobile application(sexual assault care algorithm,SACA).Methods:An explanatory sequential mixed methods research was used.A... Objective:This study provides a preliminary evaluation of the usability and acceptability of a mobile application(sexual assault care algorithm,SACA).Methods:An explanatory sequential mixed methods research was used.A quantitative survey was followed up by a qualitative study.A convenience sample of participants(n=4)was recruited.The research was conducted on a one-on-one basis.In the quantitative phase,a random assignment technique was used to divide four participants into two groups of two participants each.Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire(PSSUQ)and Acceptability e-Scale were used to collect quantitative data.In the qualitative phase,interview,observation,and documentation were used to collect qualitative data.Data were analyzed both quantitative and qualitatively.The qualitative data were linked with the initial quantitative data to determine how the follow-up qualitative data helped explain the initial quantitative results.Results:The quantitative results suggested that SACA has high usability(5.05±1.83)and acceptability(3.81±1.22).The qualitative results further indicate that the participants thought SACA was easy to use and useful,and most of them would recommend it to others.Areas of improvement include adding features that would calculate and validate the elapsed time since the sexual assault,adding explanations to some buttons,and providing training.Conclusions:Our findings highlight the value of using a mixed methods research design to conduct a usability and acceptability test.Nurses are more likely to adopt a new technology for their evidencebased practice when the technology is easy to use and useful and requires less time to find the right piece of guideline evidence.Individualized training needs to be designed based on users'characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 ACCEPTABILITY Child sexual assault Clinical guideline Mixed methods research design Mobile application Technology USABILITY
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