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《经济与管理》 1996年第5期3-6,共4页
搞活县办企业必须突出一个“放”字——关于新乐市深化产权制度改革、实现国有企业无亏损的调查报告河北省工经联石家庄市工经联、经贸委从1992年开始,新乐市委、市政府加大了企业改革的力度,他们以产权制度改革为突破口,以活化... 搞活县办企业必须突出一个“放”字——关于新乐市深化产权制度改革、实现国有企业无亏损的调查报告河北省工经联石家庄市工经联、经贸委从1992年开始,新乐市委、市政府加大了企业改革的力度,他们以产权制度改革为突破口,以活化产权为中心,推动国有资产流动重组,... 展开更多
关键词 产权制度改革 新乐市 国有企业 “放”字 县办企业 国有资产流失 股份制企业 生产要素 整体租赁 国有小企业
一个“放字” 千般哲理
作者 崔耕和 《廉政瞭望》 2006年第8期58-59,共2页
关键词 《一个“放”字 千般哲理》 中国 当代 杂文 崔耕和
作者 杨端志 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第2期51-54,共4页
研究、编制辞书,古代训治学为我们留下了极为珍贵的丰富资料,也为我们提供了相当科学的成功经验。简单地概括,可以叫做“两大资料”(训沽专著和训释资料)和“两大经验”(说文系著作的经验和雅学系著作的经验)。我们现代编写字书... 研究、编制辞书,古代训治学为我们留下了极为珍贵的丰富资料,也为我们提供了相当科学的成功经验。简单地概括,可以叫做“两大资料”(训沽专著和训释资料)和“两大经验”(说文系著作的经验和雅学系著作的经验)。我们现代编写字书辞书,尤其是历史性字书辞书,应当汲取这份文化遗产。因此,《汉语大字典》和《汉语大词典》都把“古今兼收,源流并重”,“继承前人的成果”,“注重形音义的密切配合”,“反映汉字形音义的发展”等,写在自己的“前言”中,作为最高目标。现在,拿了这种标准来检查这两部辞书,基本达到了它预期的目标。但是,从严要求,仍不无遗憾,还有一些好的传统没有继承下来。我们以这两部工具书对“放”字的解释为例,谈几点看法。 展开更多
关键词 汉语大 汉语大词典 “放”字 训诂学 成果 问题
“摩顶放踵”别解 被引量:2
作者 黄镇华 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第1期92-92,共1页
《孟子·尽心上》有句话:“墨子兼爱,摩顶放踵,利天下为之。”其中的“摩顶放踵”已习用为成语;不过,在意义上,似还有再探讨一下的必要。高中语文教材、甘肃师大中文系《汉语成语词典》、范文澜《中国通史》都将“放”解为“至”或... 《孟子·尽心上》有句话:“墨子兼爱,摩顶放踵,利天下为之。”其中的“摩顶放踵”已习用为成语;不过,在意义上,似还有再探讨一下的必要。高中语文教材、甘肃师大中文系《汉语成语词典》、范文澜《中国通史》都将“放”解为“至”或“到”,读作“fng”;将“摩”读作“磨”。所不同的是,前两家讲成“从头顶到脚跟都摩伤了”,后一家讲成“全身从头到脚磨成粉末”。无论是“摩伤”还是“磨成粉末”,皆揣度之语,难以落实。查“摩”字有“灭”义,“放”字有“弃”义。我认为:“摩顶”,动宾式,“灭顶”之义,引申作“去掉头顶”;“放踵”,动宾式,“去掉脚跟”之义,其中“放”读“fng”。“摩”与“放”互文同义;“摩顶放踵”,联合结构,意谓头顶和脚跟都去掉了。 展开更多
关键词 别解 动宾式 磨成粉 谜底 高中语文教材 谜面 “放”字 下半截 联合结构 再探讨
作者 陈黎涛 《交通企业管理》 1999年第8期9-10,共2页
对于国有小型运输企业,如何贯彻“抓大放小”的总体方针,笔者认为,最重要的是一个“放”字,就是放开思想,放手改制,放活发展。 一。
关键词 小型运输企业 国有运输企业 “抓大小” “放”字 交通运输企业 正确处理 资金预算 资产重组 国有资产保值增值 因企制宜
作者 刘延山 《中国工商管理研究》 1995年第11期49-51,共3页
纵观我市近年来个体私营经济发展状况,呈现以下主要特点:(1)速度加快,年年有新突破。(2)实力增强,经营规模不断扩大。(3)行业结构趋向合理。由过去的商、饮、服、修业向科技开发、生产加工、咨询服务、广告经营、建筑装璜、工艺美术等... 纵观我市近年来个体私营经济发展状况,呈现以下主要特点:(1)速度加快,年年有新突破。(2)实力增强,经营规模不断扩大。(3)行业结构趋向合理。由过去的商、饮、服、修业向科技开发、生产加工、咨询服务、广告经营、建筑装璜、工艺美术等行业和领域拓展。(4) 展开更多
关键词 个体私营经济 个体私营企业 个体户 经营规模 私营企业主 股份合作制 “放”字 假冒伪劣商品 集体企业 党支部
Future China-Africa research collaboration in geoscience:Challenges and opportunities
作者 Michael H.STEPHENSON Hassina MOURI +5 位作者 Gbenga OKUNLOLA CHENG Li WANG Meng ZHAO Yu GU Liping WANG Chengshan 《地学前缘》 北大核心 2025年第1期459-465,共7页
At the 19th G20 Summit in Brazil in November 2024,China promoted the development of sustainable solutions to climate change,biodiversity loss,and environmental pollution.This continued the theme of the 2016 G20 Hangzh... At the 19th G20 Summit in Brazil in November 2024,China promoted the development of sustainable solutions to climate change,biodiversity loss,and environmental pollution.This continued the theme of the 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit,at which China placed development at the center of the G20’s macroeconomic policy coordination for the first time,adopting the G20 Action Plan on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the G20 Initiative on Supporting Industrialization in Africa and Least Developed Countries.In Brazil,China announced actions on advancing modernization in Africa over the next three years with a Chinese commitment of RMB360 billion yuan in financial support.In this article,we examine the potential role of geoscience research and practice in development,particularly in the sustainable use of natural resources,the prevention of climate change impacts,as well as mitigation of geo-hazards and their health implications,indicating the areas where China’s geoscience for Africa is strong and where it requires more effort.We find that although China is the world’s leading publisher of scientific papers,its contribution to geoscience in Africa(the globe’s fastest-growing economic area),as shown by bibliometric research,appears to be rather small and inconsistent with the research priorities of Africa.Amongst the priorities for geoscience research in Africa,which are not addressed substantially by the research conducted so far,are sustainable mineral and hydrocarbon development,hydrology and hydrogeology,climate change and resilience,natural hazards,medical geology,agrominerals,and geoscience education and training.A particular opportunity for African nations is the presence of critical minerals-minerals needed for the energy transition and for batteries for electric cars in particular.Africa is well-endowed with many of these critical materials,such as rare earth elements and platinum group metals.Several research groups stress the need for the agency on the part of African institutions to map out these valuable resources,understand their value and the economics and sustainability of their extraction,encourage local business,attract investment,and scrutinize proposals from potential international investors to get the best deals.A strong point of existing China-led geoscience development includes the Deep-time Digital Earth(DDE)program online computing platform and its artificial intelligence tool GeoGPT,which is being developed in partnership with Zhejiang Laboratory.These are being developed with strong China funding support for free and wide global access,with a particular focus on Africa.These advanced tools will help to place the agency of development squarely in the hands of African scientists and institutions.In summary,the following are recommended:(1)a more coordinated and strategic approach to China-led geoscience research in Africa;(2)an Africa-centered,geoscience funding initiative that concentrates on relevant topics to the continent such as critical minerals exploration and other geological resources,materials and processes and their health implications on the populations and ecosystems in general,as well as climate change and climate change resilience;and(3)continued support for China-led international initiatives that seek to increase the agency and capacity of Africa geoscience researchers,for example the Deep-time Digital Earth platform. 展开更多
关键词 open science sustainable development digital empowerment China-Africa geo-collaboration Deep-Time Digital Earth
作者 游旭平 《职业时空》 2001年第6期26-27,共2页
关键词 成功企业 民营企业 低压电器 优惠政策 地方经济 大城市 “放”字 经济发展 发展战略 打火机
论“奥伏赫变”现象——钱钟书对黑格尔的批评 被引量:1
作者 徐达 《琼州学院学报》 1997年第3期74-77,共4页
钱钟书《管锥编》称引黑格尔鄙薄我国语言文字之浅陋,单字单义,不宜思辩,而夸耀德语字义丰富,冥契道妙.尝举“奥伏赫变”为例,以明其褒贬之有当.盖“奥代赫变”(Aufheben)一词,既有“灭绝”之意,又蕴“保存”之义,即融相反二义于一字之... 钱钟书《管锥编》称引黑格尔鄙薄我国语言文字之浅陋,单字单义,不宜思辩,而夸耀德语字义丰富,冥契道妙.尝举“奥伏赫变”为例,以明其褒贬之有当.盖“奥代赫变”(Aufheben)一词,既有“灭绝”之意,又蕴“保存”之义,即融相反二义于一字之中.进而尝论,不仅一字虚含二义,且蕴相反二义之一字置于语句之中又能二义并存.黑格尔断言此种语言文字功能为汉语之所不具.钱钟书不无感叹地说:“其不知汉语,不必责也;无知而掉以轻心,发为高论,又老师巨子之常态惯技,无足怪也;然而逐使东西海之名理同者如南北海之马牛风,则不得不为承学之士惜之.”诚然,天下之大,国多语众,岂能要求黑格尔对世上语种样样精通;以博学多能之哲学宗师、美学巨匠而褒己所长、贬人所短,以维护自己尊严,纵然可笑,然亦此辈人物自掩其疵之惯常手法;然而,东西方语言文字有其自然相通之理,黑格尔曲意全己、贬损汉语,当为天下学者所叹惜!为指出黑格尔之谬误,钱钟书运用我国典籍并传统训诂学理论,条分缕析予以说明,以正视听.本文间杂笔者某些个人见解,就教方家.兹分述如后:(一)造字之初,抑或一字一义,指名坐实,别无旁义;然社会发展,名物俱增;思维进化,一字逐生多义.字少象多,原有文字必不敷应用.《周易·正义》卷一释“象”,称有“实象”、“ 展开更多
关键词 黑格尔 钱钟书 《管锥编》 语言文 中国古典文献 现代汉语 二义 “人家” “放”字 古代汉语
作者 武忠群 《决策》 1996年第2期19-20,共2页
1996年,全省乡镇企业以“不论在什么时候,什么情况下,都要坚持大发展、大提高”的指示为指针,以“放、多、活、大、高、外”方针为着力点,做好“改革、发展、提高”这篇大文章,加快改革开放步伐,加大工作落实力度,真正实现大发展、大提... 1996年,全省乡镇企业以“不论在什么时候,什么情况下,都要坚持大发展、大提高”的指示为指针,以“放、多、活、大、高、外”方针为着力点,做好“改革、发展、提高”这篇大文章,加快改革开放步伐,加大工作落实力度,真正实现大发展、大提高。 抓好“放多活” 首先要突出抓好一个“放”字。乡镇企业的发展是解放思想的结果。没有思想解放,就没有乡镇企业的大发展。为此,我们必须坚持解放思想、实事求是的原则,横下一条心,继续放心、放手、放胆发展,“敢想、敢试、敢冒”,再度形成大发展、大提高的氛围。 展开更多
关键词 乡镇企业 乡企 新思路 安徽 大发展 外向带动战略 “放”字 “多” 大提高 乡村集体企业
作者 苏中杰 《新疆新闻界》 1995年第5期46-46,共1页
新闻奖评选工作的质量要求,其首要一点当然是尽可能把好作品都选出来。用什么方法尽可能评选出好作品呢?根据以往的缺憾,我想到一个“放”字。具体建议有 一、放宽“新疆新闻”范围 什么是“新疆新闻”呢?从地域概念理解,其意义有固定... 新闻奖评选工作的质量要求,其首要一点当然是尽可能把好作品都选出来。用什么方法尽可能评选出好作品呢?根据以往的缺憾,我想到一个“放”字。具体建议有 一、放宽“新疆新闻”范围 什么是“新疆新闻”呢?从地域概念理解,其意义有固定性的一面;用在评奖方面,通常有这样几层含义: 1、发表在新疆新闻媒体上的新闻; 2、限于新疆题材的新闻; 3、新疆作者写的新闻。 这几点都有其成立的理由。 展开更多
关键词 新疆 新闻奖 新闻媒体 新闻体裁 评选工作 作品 社会主义新闻事业 “放”字 地域概念 具体建议
《南方农村》 1998年第S1期120-121,共2页
各位领导、同志们: 根据省农经学会年头的活动计划,我们今天在此召开纪念党的十一届三中全会20周年研讨会。今天的会议,得到了省政府和省农办等有关单位、领导的重视和大力支持。老同志杜瑞芝、省政府周炳南副秘书长、省农办张远贻主任... 各位领导、同志们: 根据省农经学会年头的活动计划,我们今天在此召开纪念党的十一届三中全会20周年研讨会。今天的会议,得到了省政府和省农办等有关单位、领导的重视和大力支持。老同志杜瑞芝、省政府周炳南副秘书长、省农办张远贻主任、省政协常委冯灼锋同志。省农研中心谭国侃主任、经济学家王琢同志等,均亲临大会指导并讲话。参加今天大会的有省农经界的老前辈、老领导,各大专院校、研究所的专家、教授、学者,省直有关单位的领导、同志,以及市、县有丰富实践经验的农经实际工作者,共40多人。 展开更多
关键词 广东省 党的十一届三中全会 农村改革 理事长 改革开20年 经验做法 邓小平理论 “放”字 实际工作者 九月二十九日
作者 张秀莲 《天津教育》 1997年第11期39-39,共1页
关键词 语文学习习惯 培养学生 语文教学效率 课文内容 课前预习 教师 巧设悬念 “放”字 心理素质 荔枝
A 155Mbps 0.5μm CMOS Limiting Amplifier
作者 焦阳 王志功 +1 位作者 王蓉 管志强 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期176-181,共6页
This paper presents a 155Mbps limiting amplifier for STM-1 systems of SDH optical communication. It is implemented in CSMC 0.5μm CMOS technology. Under a supply voltage of 3.3V, it has a power consumption of 198mW. T... This paper presents a 155Mbps limiting amplifier for STM-1 systems of SDH optical communication. It is implemented in CSMC 0.5μm CMOS technology. Under a supply voltage of 3.3V, it has a power consumption of 198mW. The core of the circuit is composed of 6 cascaded amplifiers that are in a conventional structure of differential pairs,an output buffer, and a DC offset cancellation feedback loop. The small signal gain can be adjusted from 74 to 44dB by an off-chip resistor. The chip was packaged before being tested. The experimental results indicate that the circuit has an input dynamic range of 54dB and provides a single-ended output swing of 950mV. Its output eye diagram remains satisfactory when the pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) input speed reaches 400Mbps. 展开更多
关键词 optical communication limiting amplifier CMOS technology SDH
Capacitance Sensing and Software-Realized Lock-in Amplifier for the Electromagnetically Levitated Micro Gyroscope 被引量:1
作者 黄晓刚 陈文元 +2 位作者 刘武 张卫平 吴校生 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第2期250-256,262,共8页
In the novel prototype of micro-gyroscope structure,the new configured capacitance sensing scheme for the micro gyroscope was analyzed and the virtual instrument based detection scheme was implemented.The digital lock... In the novel prototype of micro-gyroscope structure,the new configured capacitance sensing scheme for the micro gyroscope was analyzed and the virtual instrument based detection scheme was implemented.The digital lock-in amplifier was employed in the capacitance detection to restrain the noise interference.The capacitance analysis shows that 1 fF capacitance variation corresponds to 0.1 degree of the turn angle.The differential capacitance bridge and the charge integral amplifier were used as the front signal input interface.In the implementation of digital lock-in amplifier,a new routine which warranted the exactly matching of the reference phase to signal phase was proposed.The result of the experiment shows that digital lock-in amplifier can greatly eliminate the noise in the output signal.The non linearity of the turn angle output is 2.3% and the minimum resolution of turn angle is 0.04 degrees.The application of the software demodulation in the signal detection of micro-electro-mechanical-system(MEMS)device is a new attempt,and it shows the prospective for a high-performance application. 展开更多
关键词 micro gyroscope capacitance sensing inertial sensor digital lock-in amplifier micro-electro-mechanical-system sensor
Digital Lock-in Amplifier Based on Microcontroller
作者 陶安利 徐国栋 +1 位作者 骆科学 张钢领 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第3期285-288,共4页
A method of implementing high cost-effective and highly integrated digital lock-in amplifier with microcontroller is discussed. And the digital lock-in amplifier is more suitable for meastwing lowfrequency weak signal... A method of implementing high cost-effective and highly integrated digital lock-in amplifier with microcontroller is discussed. And the digital lock-in amplifier is more suitable for meastwing lowfrequency weak signal. Digital signal sequence is obtained through sampling signal measured over an integer number of signal periods, but digital reference sequence is acquired through mathematical operation, then digital phase sensitive detection can be implemented by calculating the cross-correlation function of digital signal sequence and digital reference sequence. In addition, the frequency response and phase character of the digital lock-in amplifier is analyzed. Finally, the designed digital lock-in amplifier is achieved. Expermental results show that the digital lock-in amplifier can be used for measuring weak signal with low ignal-to-noise ratio. 展开更多
关键词 digital lock-in amplifier SNR MICROCONTROLLER
Determining Critical Support Discharge of a Riverhead and River Network Analysis: Case Studies of Lhasa River and Nyangqu River
作者 SHA Yukun LI Weipeng +1 位作者 FAN Jihui CHENG Genwei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期456-465,共10页
A riverhead is the demarcation point of continuous water channel and seasonal channel, which is characterized by a criti- cal flow that can support a continuous water body. In this study, the critical support dischar... A riverhead is the demarcation point of continuous water channel and seasonal channel, which is characterized by a criti- cal flow that can support a continuous water body. In this study, the critical support discharge (CSD) is defined as the critical steady flows required to form the origin of a stream. The CSD is used as the criterion to determine the beginning of the riverhead, which can be controlled by hydro-climate factors (e.g., annual precipitation, annual evaporation, or minimum stream flow in arid season). The CSD has a close correlation with the critical support/source area (CSA) that largely affects the density of the river network and the division of sub-watersheds. In general, river density may vary with regional meteorological and hydrological conditions that have to be considered in the analysis. In this paper, a new model referring to the relationship of CSA and CSD is proposed, which is based on the physical mechanism for the origin of riverheads. The feasibility of the model was verified using two watersheds (Duilongqu Basin of the Lhasa River and Beishuiqu Basin of the Nyangqu River) in Tibet Autonomous Region to calculate the CSA and extract river networks. A series of CSAs based on different CSDs in derived equation were tested by comparing the extracted river networks with the reference network obtained from a digitized map of river network at large scales. Comparison results of river networks derived from digital elevation model with real ones indicate that the CSD (equal to criterion of flow quantity (Qc)) are 0.0028 m3/s in Duilongqu and 0.0085 m3/s in Beishuiqu. Results show that the Qc can vary with hydro-climate conditions. The Qc is high in humid region and low in arid region, and the optimal Qo of 0.0085 m3/s in Beishuiqu Basin (humid region) is higher than 0.0028 m3/s in Duilongqu Basin (semi-arid region). The suggested method provides a new application approach that can be used to determine the Qo of a riverhead in complex geographical regions, which can also reflect the effect of hydro-climate change on rivers supply in different regions. 展开更多
关键词 river network extraction Duilongqu Basin of Lhasa River Beishuiqu Basin of Nyangqu River critical support discharge hydro-climate conditions riverhead
Dosimetric study of field junction in adjacent beams using asymmetric collimators and MLC
作者 Ahmed Zaki Hosnya Abu-Zeid +1 位作者 Hada Ashry Khaled EL Shahat 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2014年第9期435-438,共4页
Adjacent treatment fields are commonly employed in external beam radiation therapy, such as the mantle and inverted-Y fields for the treatment of Hodgkin's disease. In some cases, the adjacent fields are orthogona... Adjacent treatment fields are commonly employed in external beam radiation therapy, such as the mantle and inverted-Y fields for the treatment of Hodgkin's disease. In some cases, the adjacent fields are orthogonal, such as the craniospinal fields used in the treatment of medulloblastoma. Another example is the irradiation of head and neck tumors when the lateral neck fields are placed adjacent to the anterior supraclavicular field. In each of these situations, there is a possibility of introducing very large dosage errors across the junction. Consequently, this region is at risk for tumor recurrence if it is underdosed or severe complications if it is overdosed. Four millimeter overlap and gap resulted in an unacceptable dose in homogeneity in the junction. As a result of this study, the magnitudes of hot and cold spots might be clinically acceptable for 3 mm gap between photon fields. 展开更多
关键词 field junctions linear accelerator dosimetric study
Design of Si-bipolar Monolithic Main Amplifier IC for Optical Fiber Receivers 被引量:1
作者 ZHANGYaqi ZHAOHongmin 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1999年第1期51-57,共7页
A broadband amplifier with transadmittance and transimpedance stages is designed and two types of improved AGC amplifiers are developed on the base of theory study. Making use of the basic amplifier cells, a main ampl... A broadband amplifier with transadmittance and transimpedance stages is designed and two types of improved AGC amplifiers are developed on the base of theory study. Making use of the basic amplifier cells, a main amplifier IC for optical-fiber receivers is deliberated. By computer simulating the performances of the designed main amplifier meet the necessity of high gain and wide dynamic range . They are maximum voltage gain of 42 dB, the bandwidth of 730 MHz,the input signal( V p-p )range from 5 mV to 1 V,the output amplitude about 1 V, the dynamic range of 46 dB. The designed circuit containing no inductance and large capacitance will be convenient for realizing integration. A monolithic integrated design of 622 Mb/s main amplifier is completed. 展开更多
关键词 Digital Optical Fiber Receiver Main Amplifier Monolithic Integrated Circuit
Information Moment for Chinese Character Recognition
作者 孙农亮 李明达 +1 位作者 白霄 孟霏 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2011年第2期148-151,共4页
Moment invariants firstly introduced by M. K Hu in 1962, has some shortcomings. After counting a large number of statistical distribution information of Chinese characters,the authors put forward the concept of inform... Moment invariants firstly introduced by M. K Hu in 1962, has some shortcomings. After counting a large number of statistical distribution information of Chinese characters,the authors put forward the concept of information moments and demonstrate its invariance to translation,rotation and scaling.Also they perform the experiment in which information moments compared with moment invaiants for the effects of similar Chinese characters and font recognition.At last they show the recognition rate of 88% by information moments,with 70% by moment inariants. 展开更多
关键词 information moment Chinese character recognition moment invariants
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