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作者 林梦飞 《内蒙古体育科技》 2003年第3期74-74,76,共2页
体育教师如何在教学过程和体育活动中做到既教书又育人呢?本文就自己从事体育教学二十多年来的一些体会从:1)精通专业知识理论、技术和技能,做到多能一专,这是教书育人的基础;2)爱护学生,因人施教这是教书育人的前提;3)为人师表... 体育教师如何在教学过程和体育活动中做到既教书又育人呢?本文就自己从事体育教学二十多年来的一些体会从:1)精通专业知识理论、技术和技能,做到多能一专,这是教书育人的基础;2)爱护学生,因人施教这是教书育人的前提;3)为人师表,这是教书育人的保证,三个方面进行了总结和探讨。 展开更多
关键词 体育教师 “教书” “育人” 因人施教 知识结构 自身修养
作者 张春华 《教育研究与评论(中学教育教学)》 2022年第7期39-43,共5页
核心素养时代,“教书人”先要成为“读书人”。阅读是教师必须修炼的“内功”,是教师一生的“备课”。教师要开展基于教材体系的阅读,系统深入地研读教材,追求“点—线—面—体”的完整性;拓展性地研读教材,从读“这一篇”走向读“这一... 核心素养时代,“教书人”先要成为“读书人”。阅读是教师必须修炼的“内功”,是教师一生的“备课”。教师要开展基于教材体系的阅读,系统深入地研读教材,追求“点—线—面—体”的完整性;拓展性地研读教材,从读“这一篇”走向读“这一本”。教师要静心研读课程标准,把握基础、核心的学科教学理论。教师要用心研读优秀教学案例、经典教育理论著作,打破理论与实践的壁垒。 展开更多
关键词 “教书人” “读书人” 教师发展 核心素养
作者 王春晖 《开封文化艺术职业学院学报》 2021年第10期151-152,共2页
中国人民解放军军事工程学院办学实践中形成的“教书教人”的育人理念是哈军工人才培养取得丰硕成果的关键因素之一。“教书教人”的育人理念在当今时代解决的就是广大教师既教书又育人的问题。无论是哈军工对教师“教书教人”的要求,... 中国人民解放军军事工程学院办学实践中形成的“教书教人”的育人理念是哈军工人才培养取得丰硕成果的关键因素之一。“教书教人”的育人理念在当今时代解决的就是广大教师既教书又育人的问题。无论是哈军工对教师“教书教人”的要求,还是哈军工教师“教书教人”的实践,在今天看来都具有极其重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 哈军工 “教书教人” 育人理念 现实意蕴
高校教师推进课程思政之思想维度探析 被引量:2
作者 杨丽丽 周志鹏 何建芬 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2023年第5期105-107,共3页
“教书”与“育人”的内在张力、教育生态系统大环境的影响以及成为高校教师的特殊途径等原因,导致了高校教师在推进课程思政过程中存在着理念把握不清、价值上难以认同、实践上存在畏难情绪等诸多思想困境。为解决这一困境,需要开展专... “教书”与“育人”的内在张力、教育生态系统大环境的影响以及成为高校教师的特殊途径等原因,导致了高校教师在推进课程思政过程中存在着理念把握不清、价值上难以认同、实践上存在畏难情绪等诸多思想困境。为解决这一困境,需要开展专题培训,让高校教师弄清搞懂课程思政的本质、内涵等基本理论问题;需要学校制度化管理,以形成价值认同、解决实践上的后顾之忧,提高育人积极性。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 “教书” “育人” “思想困境”
Teaching Maritime English: A Linguistic Approach 被引量:1
作者 Nadiya Demydenko 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2012年第4期249-254,共6页
The purpose of the paper is to outline the parameters of a LCC (linguistically centered concept) of developing ME (maritime English) teaching materials for non-native learners who are beginning their maritime acad... The purpose of the paper is to outline the parameters of a LCC (linguistically centered concept) of developing ME (maritime English) teaching materials for non-native learners who are beginning their maritime academic career. The paper introduces initial notions on applying linguistic criteria as the basic ones in the process of creating ME textbooks. Through the historical development and under the influence of extra linguistic factors (globalization of the shipping industry, in particular), ME has accumulated and stored various resources being in current use: vocabulary, grammar and phonology, operational and semiotic systems, specific means of communication, functional models, patterns of narration and description, etc.. The proper linguistic analysis makes a secure foundation for methodology which can guarantee a better quality of ME course books for the 1st and 2nd year maritime students all over the world. 展开更多
关键词 ME teaching materials non-native learners LCC methodology.
The Various Description of Biodiversity in Compulsory Education Textbooks
作者 Maria-Jesus Fuentes Silveira Susana Garcia Barros Cristina Martinez Losada 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第10期856-862,共7页
We intend to establish how species diversity is dealt with, within the study of the ecosystem, in books for the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education, ESO (15-16 year-old students). The analysis was carried out... We intend to establish how species diversity is dealt with, within the study of the ecosystem, in books for the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education, ESO (15-16 year-old students). The analysis was carried out using a key issues dossier based on school science, which not only provides a description of reality, but also introduces a theoretical explanatory framework. Regarding species diversity, we focused on the descriptive approach, considering the link between diversity and trophic relationships, ecological succession and ecosystem stability through change, consequences for biodiversity of human activities and mechanisms to face such consequences; and on the explanatory perspective, which provides an interpretative answer for all the aspects previously mentioned. The findings drawn from textbooks show that biodiversity is linked both to the study of the ecosystem and to the impact of human societies on its maintenance. However, such study is particularly focused on the descriptive, rather than on the explanatory level. So, teachers should improve the study of biodiversity foresting a balance between descriptive and explanatory level. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY textbooks secondary education human activity ecosystem.
Language as a Key to Global Research and Challenges in the 21 st Century: Insights From Nigeria
作者 Grace O. Prezi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第3期204-212,共9页
The main purpose of this research is to draw insights from Nigeria to find out how language serves as the key to global research and challenges in the 21 st century. This research is necessitated by the fact that apar... The main purpose of this research is to draw insights from Nigeria to find out how language serves as the key to global research and challenges in the 21 st century. This research is necessitated by the fact that apart from the point that globalization will be very difficult if not impossible without language, language is also a major tool to fix every challenge of life since solution to problems of life arises through thought. The researcher draws her data from bill boards, television, posters, and other secondary sources of data like textbooks, journals, internet, etc. and adopts a descriptive framework for the analysis of data. The investigation portrays the fact that language is an indispensable tool not only for global research but for resolving all the challenges facing Nigerians in the 21 st century. The study shows that there are challenges in the health, security, educational, social, economic, and political sectors in Nigeria. It equally reveals that through language, solution to the health, security, educational, social, economic, and political challenges in Nigeria is provided. 展开更多
Study on the Value of "Education Involved by All Related People" in the Practice of the Socialist Core Values
作者 WANG Daibiao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第12期10-12,共3页
The ideological and political education for students in institutions of higher learning is a complicated, systematic project. To unequivocally cultivate the socialist core values of these students and deeply influence... The ideological and political education for students in institutions of higher learning is a complicated, systematic project. To unequivocally cultivate the socialist core values of these students and deeply influence their ideological understanding and behaviors, the concept of "education involved by all related people" is necessarily implemented in all aspects, and the joint force of "imparting knowledge and educating people" , "educating people by management" , and "educating people by service" is formed. As a result, the actual effectiveness of the ideological and political education is improved in institutions of higher learning. 展开更多
关键词 Education Involved by All Related People Ideological and Political Education Joint Force
Servicizing and construction of the reuse system of schoolbook
作者 Yang Tongyu Zhang Changjiang Wu Dongshuang 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第2期207-215,共9页
Recently the phenomenon of disposable schoolbook in China not only has wasted so many resources that produce unfavorable influence, but also has increased unneeessary impact burdens on consumptions of Chinese families... Recently the phenomenon of disposable schoolbook in China not only has wasted so many resources that produce unfavorable influence, but also has increased unneeessary impact burdens on consumptions of Chinese families. The paper analyzes value of the reuse of schoolbooks and main obstacles, introduces the concept of servicizing, discusses the problem of the reuse of schoolbooks from construction of product-service system, and puts forward that realization of the reuse of sChoolbooks depends on innovation of present system and model. Construction of Schoolbook-service system needs shifl from value to consumption habits and behaviors and active participation of every Social class. 展开更多
关键词 Schoolbook Reuse system Servieizing
Informal Logic: Between Logic and Epistemology
作者 Iryna Khomenko 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期1051-1060,共10页
Nowadays researchers working in various fields study the issues of argument. They represent different approaches which distinguish with theoretical and practical comprehension of argument problems. Informal study of a... Nowadays researchers working in various fields study the issues of argument. They represent different approaches which distinguish with theoretical and practical comprehension of argument problems. Informal study of argument is one of the approaches. The key reason of its appearance was the criticism of formal logic in the late 20th century. Researchers consider the argument from the different point of view. Formal dialectics and pragma-dialectics were based on dialectics. Contemporary rhetorical theories of argument were created on the rhetorical grounds; theory of speech acts on the basis of practical philosophy etc.. This paper is devoted to some theoretical problems of informal logic which was formed on the logic background in the late 70's. In spite of numerous papers, books, and text-books on informal logic published over the last thirty years, logicians has not achieved consensus so far on many issues. Among the numerous problems are: what is the subject matter of informal logic? Does informal logic belong to the realm of logic? Is it applied epistemology? What is a real argument? And what are the criteria for evaluating of such arguments? 展开更多
关键词 LOGIC informal logic formal logic EPISTEMOLOGY ARGUMENT evaluation criteria of argument
Toward Exhaustive Teaching of Relational Database Indexes
作者 Massimo Macera Paolo Rocchil 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第8期578-583,共6页
There are several indexing techniques that can optimize system performances. The choice of the right index type in a schema can improve the DB performances by up to 80%. Unfortunately the illustrations of the various ... There are several indexing techniques that can optimize system performances. The choice of the right index type in a schema can improve the DB performances by up to 80%. Unfortunately the illustrations of the various techniques are scattered over a number of texts and manuals, and the courses for database designers are often somewhat incomplete. The present paper shows a didactical experience which tackles this kind of limitations. In particular, the authors have prepared a textbook that includes twenty-one different index formats; it discusses advantages and disadvantages of each indexing technique, and has been positively validated during advanced courses on relational database design. 展开更多
关键词 Database indexing techniques DB design non-traditional students didactical experience.
Rights of the Child in Greek Language Textbooks in the Greek Primary School: An Empirical Approach
作者 loannis Fykaris Aikaterini Moschopoulou 《Sociology Study》 2012年第9期688-695,共8页
The focus of this study is to investigate the school textbooks of Greek Language, particular emphasis being paid on the search via their content of the level of emergence of the Rights of the Child. The research focus... The focus of this study is to investigate the school textbooks of Greek Language, particular emphasis being paid on the search via their content of the level of emergence of the Rights of the Child. The research focuses on the specific topic, as school textbooks are utilized at the most during schooling and also, as they constitute the basis for the linguistic transfer of messages, values, and attitudes, which are used in all subjects and in the majority of teaching activities and actions. In addition, school textbooks of Greek Language contribute significantly to the cultural understanding and development of the child. This whole dimension is attempted to be highlighted in the present study, the main outcome of which is that via the school textbooks of Greek Language of the last three grades of the Greek Primary School, the emergence of the Rights of the Child is attempted at a satisfactory level. The present research is an empirical approach to textbooks of Greek Language of Greek Primary School on the Rights of the Child and it is innovative, for being the first evaluative approach on the aforementioned issue, since the last review of school textbooks in the Greek. 展开更多
关键词 School textbooks RIGHTS LANGUAGE
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期57-57,共1页
Dear editor, I am a Chinese teacher for foreigners.In my class,(?)mainly teach those foreign students the Chinese language,but some of my students want to do trade business after studying,so(?)often recommend them som... Dear editor, I am a Chinese teacher for foreigners.In my class,(?)mainly teach those foreign students the Chinese language,but some of my students want to do trade business after studying,so(?)often recommend them some articles from the CHINA'S FOREIGN TRADE 展开更多
关键词 教师 对外贸易 教学方法 教学管理
Cultural and Socio-economical Dimensions a- Human Reproduction and Sex Education in the Biology Textbooks of Eight Countries
作者 Sabah Selmaoui Bouj emaa Agorrama +3 位作者 Salah-eddine Kzami Abdelaziz Razouki Pierre Clement Silvia Caravita 《Sociology Study》 2012年第12期963-968,共6页
This study was carried out within the European research project "Biology, Health and Environmental Education for Better Citizenship". It is a comparative analysis of textbooks from eight Mediterranean countries whic... This study was carried out within the European research project "Biology, Health and Environmental Education for Better Citizenship". It is a comparative analysis of textbooks from eight Mediterranean countries which differ by their cultures, their socio-economical levels, and their religions. This work is focused on the sensitive educational topic "Human Reproduction and Sex Education". And 43 biology textbooks are analyzed among eight countries: four are in Europe and four in Africa and Middle East. Grids were built to identify implicit values in the texts and images. It is a more precisely explicit or implicit presence of cultural, socio-economical, and ethical dimensions. The investigation concerns whether the authors of textbooks present differently this theme depending on the socio-cultural, ethical, and religious contexts. The content of the textbooks was analyzed as reflecting the conceptions of their authors and publishers. The outcomes of the analyses show that several textbooks present images of human beings restricted to only one ethnic type, usually white-skinned and with fair hair. The social, cultural, economical, and ethical dimensions were generally absent, except for some interest for them in few European textbooks. 展开更多
关键词 School textbooks human reproduction sex education cultural dimension socio-economical dimension
Research on Teaching Design of TESOL
作者 Pan Siyang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期87-89,共3页
TESOL is the abbreviation of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The basic meaning is international English teacher qualification certificate, and the teaching objects are the students which uses English ... TESOL is the abbreviation of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The basic meaning is international English teacher qualification certificate, and the teaching objects are the students which uses English as the second language. The theme of TESOL is to observe the methods and theory of English teaching, which makes the teachers' level of English teaching improve. On the basis of course learning experience of TESOL, the paper observes the disadvantages and advantages of TESOL from teaching design and teaching ideas. And the paper discuses the enlightenment of it for domestic English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 TESOL RESEARCH teaching design
Research on Distribution of Electric Dipole Field based on Applied Mathematics and Computer
作者 Lingzhi YANG Rumin LIU Haiming LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期107-109,共3页
The paper analyze the polarization of study dielectric that produced field by dipole, medium field plays an important role in electromagnetic wave radiation. The electric field expression for electric dipole electric ... The paper analyze the polarization of study dielectric that produced field by dipole, medium field plays an important role in electromagnetic wave radiation. The electric field expression for electric dipole electric field distribution in ordinary textbooks only give a special direction, This paper introduces in detail the formula of the electric dipole in the space of an arbitrary point excitation electric field, and use computer sottware to simulate the distribution pattern of electric dipole, and gives some typical figures for reference. 展开更多
关键词 Conducting spheres Dipole moment Image dipole method Interaction force
Research on the innovation mode of Library Education in the new period
作者 ZHAO Yaoyao 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期114-116,共3页
with the development of the digital information environment, library education has gradually become one of the forms of social recognition. This paper expounds the connotation, features, functions and contents of libr... with the development of the digital information environment, library education has gradually become one of the forms of social recognition. This paper expounds the connotation, features, functions and contents of library education, and constructs the mode of Library Education in the new period. 展开更多
关键词 network library LIBRARY education mode
Architectural Educational Experience in Kansei
作者 Igor Fernandez Plazaola Carmen Llinares Millan +1 位作者 Antoni Montafiana Avino Maria Pons Morera 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第2期131-138,共8页
Since the earliest Kansei works saw the light more than 30 years ago, the Kansei has boomed exponentially. Because of many and various achieved business successes by different working groups as well as the methodology... Since the earliest Kansei works saw the light more than 30 years ago, the Kansei has boomed exponentially. Because of many and various achieved business successes by different working groups as well as the methodology geographical dispersion throughout the world. Multi-faceted Kansei has been developed for the last 20 years in a very wide and varied way. The Kansei has experienced as if talking of a tree, a branching experience still going on nowadays. Today we can speak from Kansei in theory, Kansei emotion measurement, Kansei engineering, Kansei information, Kansei education, Kansei design to Kansei in practice and many other disciplines. Three years ago, our team started the experience to introduce Kansei in the educational atmosphere, applying it to the final degree projects. In the School of Building Engineering at the Universitat Polit^cnica de Valencia and inside its final degree project proposal, a workshop on Kansei engineering was offered. During these years at the eighth semester of the building engineer degree, students have been working for almost five months under the supervision of a team of teachers on their final project till the final public oral defense was made in front of a committee. During these years, we have worked with an average of 10 students per year. Some have successfully completed their final projects, others have not achieved the minimum required. The article aims to explain the experience during the last three years the team has accumulated in Kansei education, and can be of interest for every teacher or lecturer. 展开更多
关键词 Academic Kansei Kansei final project educational experience architectural teaching.
Studies on Persian Passion Play (ta'ziya): An Annotated Bibliography
作者 Mahnia Nematollahi Mahani 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第2期95-112,共18页
Persian Passion Play (Ta'ziya), the most important Shiite religious ritual, performed by non-professional actors and musicians, is based on the martyrdom of the third Shiite Imam, Husein, and his companions at Karb... Persian Passion Play (Ta'ziya), the most important Shiite religious ritual, performed by non-professional actors and musicians, is based on the martyrdom of the third Shiite Imam, Husein, and his companions at Karbala (in 680). This paper aims to introduce a wide range of sources, both books and articles, on the history, music, actors, and arrangements of ta'ziya performance in Iran from 1971 onwards. It includes a number of titles of ta'ziya manuscripts, and the place of performance. The article contains traveler accounts from sixteen century onwards and the translations of ta'ziya texts in European languages. 展开更多
关键词 Ta'ziya Martyrdom of Imam Husein ta'ziya in Persian literature history music manuscripts travellers' accounts
Vampire Essentiality Derivation From Religious Beliefs
作者 YIN Zhu-hui TANG Xiang-jun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第7期1345-1351,共7页
This paper detracts vampires' traits from definitions by famous biblical exegetists and alike. Based on accounts of vampire-synonymous species from the Holy Bible (2000), The Vampire Book (2010), Encyclopedia of ... This paper detracts vampires' traits from definitions by famous biblical exegetists and alike. Based on accounts of vampire-synonymous species from the Holy Bible (2000), The Vampire Book (2010), Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology (2010), etc., it attempts an analysis of essential vampire features derivation from religious beliefs with the aim to amply apprecitate vampire culture and paint evidentially-built vampire portraits as against totally self-imagined traits. 展开更多
关键词 vampire ESSENTIALITY religious beliefs
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