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弘扬“以生为本”理念 提高“教育服务”质量
作者 张秉本 《河北经贸大学学报(综合版)》 2004年第4期96-97,共2页
能否确立"以生为本"的教育理念,事关高校办学质量和效率,关系到学校的前途和命运,是亟需研究的一个新课题。本文对为什么要"以生为本"、如何"以生为本"以及具体实施"以生为本"的组织和领导方法... 能否确立"以生为本"的教育理念,事关高校办学质量和效率,关系到学校的前途和命运,是亟需研究的一个新课题。本文对为什么要"以生为本"、如何"以生为本"以及具体实施"以生为本"的组织和领导方法,提出了自己的看法,以期对树立新的教育教学观念,促进教育教学改革,有一定启发。 展开更多
关键词 以生为本 “教育服务” 教育教学观念 教育教学改革 办学质量 教育理念 高校 看法 效率 新课题
作者 廖先亮 《湖北教育(综合资讯)》 2001年第4期25-26,共2页
根据WTO服务贸易总协定,“教育服务”也被纳入服务贸易范畴。目前在143个WTO成员国中,有40个国家(地区)在开放教育市场协议上签了字。它们愿意通过谈判与协商。消除彼此分歧,促使各国政府下放办学权利,逐步取消限制性的教育法律与法规,... 根据WTO服务贸易总协定,“教育服务”也被纳入服务贸易范畴。目前在143个WTO成员国中,有40个国家(地区)在开放教育市场协议上签了字。它们愿意通过谈判与协商。消除彼此分歧,促使各国政府下放办学权利,逐步取消限制性的教育法律与法规,开放教育市场,最终在世界范围内形成自由、开放的教育市场。据“服务贸易协定” 展开更多
关键词 “教育服务” 成员国 成人教育市场 开放教育市场 服务贸易协定 教育领域 法律与法规 活动方式 海外办学 教师队伍建设
找回缺失的“教育服务”意识 被引量:2
作者 叶存洪 《江西教育(管理版)(A)》 2003年第18期7-8,共2页
关键词 “教育服务” 基础教育 服务意识 换位思考 优质教育资源
“教育为无产阶级政治服务”探新 被引量:1
作者 伏治友 《江苏高教》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第1期26-29,共4页
“教育为无产阶级政治服务”探新湘潭大学伏治友“教育为无产阶级政治服务’是毛泽东1958年提出的教育方针的重要组成部分。学术界几乎一致认为,这是毛泽东对马克思主义教育学说的继承和发展,是他一贯的教育指导思想。然而,随着... “教育为无产阶级政治服务”探新湘潭大学伏治友“教育为无产阶级政治服务’是毛泽东1958年提出的教育方针的重要组成部分。学术界几乎一致认为,这是毛泽东对马克思主义教育学说的继承和发展,是他一贯的教育指导思想。然而,随着社会政治、经济形势的发展,人们对此... 展开更多
关键词 “教育为无产阶级政治服务” 中国 教育政策
作者 杨玉聪 《人民教育》 北大核心 1997年第11期30-30,共1页
﹃教育服务﹄浅析广州市天荣中学校长杨玉聪教育和服务,乍一看格格不入:教育是培养人的一种社会活动,是教育者按照一定的社会要求对受教育者施加的一种有目的、有计划的影响;而服务,则是为集体、他人的利益或为某种事业而工作。但... ﹃教育服务﹄浅析广州市天荣中学校长杨玉聪教育和服务,乍一看格格不入:教育是培养人的一种社会活动,是教育者按照一定的社会要求对受教育者施加的一种有目的、有计划的影响;而服务,则是为集体、他人的利益或为某种事业而工作。但实际上,这二者是有密切联系的。从行... 展开更多
关键词 “教育服务” 教育 全面实施素质教育 学校教育 服务意识 教育改革 教育网络 社会主义市场经济体制 课堂教学质量 全面发展
作者 赵拉 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2003年第2期52-53,共2页
关键词 “教育为人民服务” 现代化建设 教育功能 “三个代表” 职业教育
高校学生工作“教育 管理 服务”三位一体的实践与体会
作者 阎保林 梁宪生 《煤炭高教研究》 1992年第1期29-31,共3页
高等学校的根本任务是为社会主义事业培养合格的建设者和接班人。学校的各个部门,各项工作都要围绕并服务于培养人才这一中心环节,从这个意义上讲,学生工作是学校一切工作的出发点和归宿。学生的“教育、管理、服务”作为学生工作的... 高等学校的根本任务是为社会主义事业培养合格的建设者和接班人。学校的各个部门,各项工作都要围绕并服务于培养人才这一中心环节,从这个意义上讲,学生工作是学校一切工作的出发点和归宿。学生的“教育、管理、服务”作为学生工作的三个重要组成部分,缺一不可。如何使这三部分有机地结合起来,进一步完善学生工作领导体制,建立合理配套的学生工作运行机构,利于全面贯彻党的教育方针,切实加强学生的思想教育和行政管理工作,促进学生德智体全面发展,具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。本文简要回顾高校学生工作的领导体制,重点论述近几年我院学生工作实行“教育、管理、服务”三位一体运行机构的实践与体会。 展开更多
关键词 高校 学生工作 “教育、管理、服务” 领导体制 学校管理
加入WTO对我国高等体育教育的挑战及对策 被引量:2
作者 徐亚清 《体育文化导刊》 北大核心 2003年第6期45-46,共2页
关键词 WTO 中国 高等学校 体育教育 “教育服务” 教育机构 人才流动 科研投资
作者 张敏 车治荣 《甘肃科学学报》 2002年第S1期142-143,共2页
关键词 高等教育 “教育服务” 海外办学 远程教育
作者 钱家琪 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第4期65-65,共1页
7.问:向论坛加帖子为什么要用密码?答:加帖子用密码,是对您发表言论的一种保护,可以有效地防止他人盗用您的名义,发表任何于您不利的言论。当然,不设置密码仍可以向论坛添加或回复帖子,除非您不介意潜在的危险。具体操作如下... 7.问:向论坛加帖子为什么要用密码?答:加帖子用密码,是对您发表言论的一种保护,可以有效地防止他人盗用您的名义,发表任何于您不利的言论。当然,不设置密码仍可以向论坛添加或回复帖子,除非您不介意潜在的危险。具体操作如下:当您首次向论坛添加帖子时,应输入... 展开更多
关键词 比较教育 问与答 民办教育 教育论文 中国教育 创新能力 “教育服务” 培养创新人才 教育资源 网络服务
新时期高校财务面临的挑战及应对策略 被引量:7
作者 沈水能 王兰芳 《事业财会》 北大核心 2006年第4期63-65,共3页
关键词 高校财务管理 服务贸易总协定 “教育服务” 服务竞争 国际贸易组织 WTO后 商业存在 教育活动 跨境交付
WTO对高校体育教师的考验 被引量:2
作者 周顺锡 《体育文化导刊》 北大核心 2002年第5期68-68,共1页
关键词 WTO 中国企业 竞争 入世 成员国 世贸组织 开放 高校体育教师 “教育服务” 教育领域
作者 季希彦 《教学与管理(中学版)》 北大核心 2005年第4期9-10,共2页
关键词 规模办学 学校文化建设 专业成长 终身发展 “教育服务” 学校领导者 办学质量 人民群众 保障 成立
Comparison of an SMS text messaging and phone reminder to improve attendance at a health promotion center:A randomized controlled trial 被引量:9
作者 Zhou-wen CHEN Li-zheng FANG Li-ying CHEN Hong-lei DAI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期34-38,共5页
Objective: To compare the efficacy of a short messaging service (SMS) text messaging and phone reminder to im-prove attendance rates at a health promotion center. Methods: A total of 1 859 participants who had schedul... Objective: To compare the efficacy of a short messaging service (SMS) text messaging and phone reminder to im-prove attendance rates at a health promotion center. Methods: A total of 1 859 participants who had scheduled appointments in the health promotion center of our hospital from April 2007 to May 2007 were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned into 3 groups: control (no reminder) group,SMS text messaging reminder group and telephone reminder group. Attendance rates and costs of interventions were collected. Results: A total of 1848 participants were eligible for analysis. Attendance rates of control,SMS and telephone groups were 80.5%,87.5% and 88.3%,respectively. The attendance rates were significantly higher in SMS and telephone groups than that in the control group,with odds ratio 1.698,95% confidence interval 1.224 to 2.316,P=0.001 in the SMS group,and odds ratio 1.829,95% confidence interval 1.333 to 2.509,P<0.001 in the telephone group. However,there was no difference between the SMS group and the telephone group (P=0.670). The cost effectiveness analysis showed that the cost per attendance for the SMS group (0.31 Yuan) was significantly lower than that for the telephone group (0.48 Yuan). Conclusion: SMS and telephone are effective reminders for improving attendance rate at a health promotion center. SMS reminder may be more cost-effective compared with the telephone reminder. 展开更多
关键词 REMINDER Short messaging service (SMS) TELEPHONE Failure to attend (FTA) Randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Quality Issues in the Expansion of University Education in Kenya, the Human Resource Challenges and Opportunities 被引量:2
作者 Charles Kombo Okioga Erick Nyakundi Onsongo Yobes Benjamin Nyaboga 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第6期596-605,共10页
This paper gives an analysis of the quality issues in the expansion of university education in Kenya examining the human resource challenges and opportunities. It examines a variety of factors that impact the nature, ... This paper gives an analysis of the quality issues in the expansion of university education in Kenya examining the human resource challenges and opportunities. It examines a variety of factors that impact the nature, content, and mode of delivery of the teaching. The paper is an introduction and highlights the importance of higher education to societal development. It observes that higher education enables individuals to develop their capabilities to the highest potential, serves the needs of an adaptive, sustainable and knowledge based economy and plays a major role in shaping a democratic, civilized and inclusive society. It is thus seen as the key to progress in the 21 st century. It examines government policy with respect to education in general and higher education in particular. It is noted that the government recognizes the important role that education plays to foster national development and has therefore through various policy instruments sought to ensure that access, relevance, and quality become the major areas of the development of higher education in the country. The management of the universities in the country has faced serious human resource challenges. These challenges arise from the fact that the rapid expansion of university education in the country has not been accompanied with provision of resources in order to maintain high standards, quality, and relevance. This in turn has negatively affected the quality and relevance of the programmes. It is recommended that in order to enhance the quality of teaching, research, and service delivery. 展开更多
关键词 higher education RESEARCH EXPANSION
A family nurse-led intervention for reducing health services’utilization in individuals with chronic diseases:The ADVICE pilot study 被引量:2
作者 Serenella Savini Paolo Iovino +7 位作者 Dario Monaco Roberta Marchini Tiziana Di Giovanni Giuseppe Donato Ausilia Pulimeno Carmela Matera Giuseppe Quintavalle Carlo Turci 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期264-270,I0002,共8页
Objectives:Intensive health services'utilization is common in older individuals affected by chronic diseases.This study assessed whether a structured family nurse-led educational intervention would be effective in... Objectives:Intensive health services'utilization is common in older individuals affected by chronic diseases.This study assessed whether a structured family nurse-led educational intervention would be effective in reducing health services'use(readmissions and/or emergency service access)among older people affected by chronic conditions.Methods:This is a non-randomized before-after pilot study.A sample of 78 patients was recruited from two general practices in Italy and 70 among them were followed for 8 months.Standard home care was provided during the first four months'period(months 1-4),followed by the educational intervention until the end of the study(months 5-8).The intervention,based on the teach-back method,consisted of by-weekly 60-min home sessions targeting aspects of the disease and its treatment,potential complications,medication adherence,and health behaviours.Rates of health services'use were collected immediately before(T0),and after the interventions(T1).Differences in utilization rates were examined by the McNemar's test.Potential factors associated with the risk of health services'use were explored with a Cox proportional hazard regression model.Results:The sample(n=78)was predominantly female(n=50,64.1%),and had a mean age of 76.2(SD=4.8)years.Diabetes mellitus was the most frequent disease(n=27,34.6%).McNemar's test indicated a significant reduction in health services'use at T1(McNemar χ^(2)==28.03,P<0.001).Cox regressions indicated that time and patient education,as well as their interaction,were the only variables positively associated with the probability of health services'use.Conclusion:A teach-back intervention led by a family nurse practitioner has the potential to reduce health services'use in older patients with chronic diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Aged Chronic disease Facilities and services utilization Family nurse practitioners Patient readmission Home care services Health services
A Model to Analyze Small and Medium Enterprises' Training Needs Related to the Internationalization
作者 Federica Pascucci Valerio Temperini Sara Bartoloni 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第1期18-32,共15页
Formal training can play a particularly important role in supporting the internationalization of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). However, the demand for education services by the latter still appears limited. T... Formal training can play a particularly important role in supporting the internationalization of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). However, the demand for education services by the latter still appears limited. This is due to known structural and cultural limits that are found widely in this type of business and to the fact that the provision of training---especially that which is funded^oes not seem to address adequately SMEs' needs; in many cases, such training is not stimulating, because it is perceived as too general. In fact, SMEs do not constitute a single homogeneous group and therefore assistance needs vary among the different types of firms. So, especially in relation to internationalization, it is clear that there are important differences to consider due to the variety of approaches and ways of developing this process. In order to optimize the resources to invest in the promotion of training, there is a need to find a proper balance between providing "viable solutions for all businesses" and offering "targeted responses and tailored services". In such a context, the main objective of this paper is to identify and systematize the variables that most influence the SMEs' training needs related to internationalization by taking into account the differences among them. To this end, an empirical analysis was developed involving a significant number of Italian SMEs by using a combination of qualitative research methods. The results show the critical issues faced by the investigated firms during their internationalization process and highlight some important variables that affect their training needs: export involvement, characteristics of the product/market, characteristics of the company, exporting strategy, and human resources. Based on these variables, the writers identified clusters of firms characterized by similar needs and problems to be faced. 展开更多
关键词 small and medium enterprise (SME) INTERNATIONALIZATION export involvement KNOWLEDGE trainingneeds training services
Implementation and evaluation of the peer-training program for village health volunteers to improve chronic disease management among older adults in rural Thailand
作者 Khanittha Pitchalard Katemanee Moonpanane +2 位作者 Pawadee Wimolphan Onnalin Singkhorn Sathit Wongsuraprakit 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第3期328-333,I0003,共7页
Objectives This study aimed to investigate the effect of a peer-training program for village health volunteers(VHVs)to improve chronic disease management among older adults in rural Thailand.Methods The study was guid... Objectives This study aimed to investigate the effect of a peer-training program for village health volunteers(VHVs)to improve chronic disease management among older adults in rural Thailand.Methods The study was guided by community-based participatory research(CBPR).The peer-training program was developed by engaging diverse stakeholders,including community organizations,healthcare services,VHVs,older adults with chronic illnesses,and folk scholars in remote communities with high healthcare needs.The peer-training program comprised a three-day training workshop that convened once a week for three weeks with the following six sessions:knowledge sharing,peer support and empowerment,health literacy and health behavior,the general caring procedure for older adults with chronic illnesses,information sharing and communication,and home visit.From January to April 2021,a total of 28 VHVs completed the peer training program in a rural area in Chiang Rai province,Thailand.The Health Literacy and Health Behavior-3E2S(HLHB-3E2S),the Management of Non-Communicable Diseases Questionnaire(MNCDQ),and a self-confidence questionnaire were used to survey pre(week 1)and post-intervention(week 12),respectively.Then VHVs were interviewed to collect attitudes,and opinions about the intervention.Results After the intervention,the HLHB-3E2S scores(49.39±5.54 vs.52.35±4.26,P=0.001),the MNCDQ scores(44.10±6.27 vs.50.60±4.84,P<0.001),and the self-confidence questionnaire scores(22.28±2.46 vs.23.21±1.81,P=0.01)of VHVs significantly increased.VHVS also reported that the peer-training program enhanced their healthcare services,including health education,chronic disease management,leadership skills,and improving their relationship with healthcare providers.Conclusion Peer training programs are a practical strategy to improve VHVs’capacities.Healthcare professionals should provide a continuous training program for VHVs with their peers to increase capacities,confidence,and satisfaction in caring for the older adults with chronic diseases in the community. 展开更多
关键词 Aged Chronic disease Education Health service Program Village health volunteers
Research on work mode of university ideological and political education based on SNS network
作者 Yandong Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期15-17,共3页
The education of Ideological and political education in universities have a bidirectional communication, the equal interaction based on network SNS; it can timely warning and regular notification service platform, has... The education of Ideological and political education in universities have a bidirectional communication, the equal interaction based on network SNS; it can timely warning and regular notification service platform, has become the new channel and new means of Ideological and political education work, strengthening the network of Ideological and political education is an important part to promote the project of ideological and political education reform of College students. The current college ideological and political education has not paid enough attention to network education based on SNS, the position of network construction is lagging behind, the network Ideological and political education lack scientific planning, lack supervision power of social networking and other issues. This paper briefly introduced the University Network Ideological and political education pattern based on SNS, in order to effectively enhance the influence, attraction and control force of network Ideological and political education. 展开更多
关键词 INTEMET political and ideological education PUNCTUALITY COUNTERMEASURES
The Ethical Dilemmas and Beyond Demands of Colleges and Universities' Social Services
作者 Linlin Xin 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期24-26,共3页
Social Services ethical behavior is the norm university college norms and values of social service selection. The current lot of negative factors that exist in society, leading to social service ethic universities fac... Social Services ethical behavior is the norm university college norms and values of social service selection. The current lot of negative factors that exist in society, leading to social service ethic universities face many practical difficulties: for guiding spirit of paranoia shaken ethical orientation of social services for the blind t,argets deep extension of the apparent deviation ethics of social services, the service Preference object affects the ethical tone of social services for their properties to accommodate non-independent eroding the foundation of ethics established by the social services. Therefore, the identification of good ethical order, to call college cultural consciousness, lifting universities utilitarian development difficulties, reasonably determine the role of university social services, the ability to face the limits of educational services, social services, colleges and universities to guide ethical behavior. 展开更多
关键词 University Social Services Ethical Orientation DILEMMA Beyond the Demands
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