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数据新闻的理念与实践研究——以网易“数读”为例 被引量:1
作者 王群 谢明荣 《今传媒》 2016年第7期21-22,共2页
大数据时代,网易新闻、搜狐新闻、澎湃新闻等国内的新闻客户端都在努力尝试用大数据思维经营。数据新闻是大数据时代的产物,是未来新闻发展的趋势。可视化呈现方式是数据新闻的最大特征。可视化形式增加了内容立体感,能够更完美地讲述... 大数据时代,网易新闻、搜狐新闻、澎湃新闻等国内的新闻客户端都在努力尝试用大数据思维经营。数据新闻是大数据时代的产物,是未来新闻发展的趋势。可视化呈现方式是数据新闻的最大特征。可视化形式增加了内容立体感,能够更完美地讲述故事。为了适应市场变化,满足受众需求,以澎湃新闻为代表的新闻客户端需要打造个性化内容、建设并完善数据新闻团队、注重专长人才分工合作、努力实现跨组织资源合作、权衡核心产品和经营风险间的矛盾,以求在新媒体市场竞争中立于不败之地。 展开更多
关键词 据新闻 可视化 网易“数读” 个性化定制 新闻据团队 澎湃新闻
中外数据新闻实践比较研究——以英国卫报“数据博客”与中国网易“数读”为例 被引量:2
作者 甘馨月 马凯 张韵秋 《新媒体研究》 2016年第24期1-4,共4页
通过比较研究"数据博客"和"数读",通过内容分析法等方法进一步探究我国数据新闻在数据来源新闻选题可视化呈现等方面的优化改进之路。研究认为我国数据新闻应在数据来源、选题内容、报道范围、可视化呈现、团队构... 通过比较研究"数据博客"和"数读",通过内容分析法等方法进一步探究我国数据新闻在数据来源新闻选题可视化呈现等方面的优化改进之路。研究认为我国数据新闻应在数据来源、选题内容、报道范围、可视化呈现、团队构成、新闻生产上改进,在数据新闻制作中遵循开放意识、融合意识、嵌入意识和互动意识。 展开更多
关键词 据新闻 英国卫报“数据博客” 中国网易“数读” 比较研究
网易数据新闻板块——“数读”的特点分析 被引量:2
作者 王青原 赵伟亦 《新闻研究导刊》 2015年第8期240-240,17,共2页
数据新闻伴随着"大数据"时代的到来开始走进公众视野。"网易"作为我国三大门户网站之一,对于数据新闻的制作有其独到之处,本文将选取网易"数读"板块作为研究对象,从数据新闻图表选取、传播特性、内容分... 数据新闻伴随着"大数据"时代的到来开始走进公众视野。"网易"作为我国三大门户网站之一,对于数据新闻的制作有其独到之处,本文将选取网易"数读"板块作为研究对象,从数据新闻图表选取、传播特性、内容分类、数据来源等方面探究目前我国新媒体数据新闻的实践,思考其特性与不足。 展开更多
关键词 据新闻 “数读”
网易“数读”数据新闻特点及问题分析 被引量:1
作者 高亚男 《西部广播电视》 2017年第8期29-29,共1页
网易"数读"推出五年来,展现出一定的特点,包括选题丰富,多角度关注世界范围和社会生活;数据来源依赖公开数据,来源多样且可靠性高;内容注重提供轻量化的深度阅读体验等。但也存在一定的问题,包括交互性设计较缺乏,用户体验较... 网易"数读"推出五年来,展现出一定的特点,包括选题丰富,多角度关注世界范围和社会生活;数据来源依赖公开数据,来源多样且可靠性高;内容注重提供轻量化的深度阅读体验等。但也存在一定的问题,包括交互性设计较缺乏,用户体验较差等。因此,在未来的发展中网易"数读"更需注重培养用户阅读和制作数据新闻的兴趣和行为等。 展开更多
关键词 网易“数读” 据新闻 用户 特点
我国数据新闻对开放数据的应用:问题、路径与建议——对网易“数读”的量化研究 被引量:2
作者 陈晓玥 《新媒体与社会》 CSSCI 2017年第4期153-171,共19页
数据是数据新闻报道的起点,但数据新闻的原始数据很难完 全由记者直接挖取,数据源于记者从不同数据来源处的收集、筛选和整 合,涉及开放数据的建设.我国的开放数据建设相对国外而言,不论是技 术、理念还是文化都比较滞后.本文调研目前... 数据是数据新闻报道的起点,但数据新闻的原始数据很难完 全由记者直接挖取,数据源于记者从不同数据来源处的收集、筛选和整 合,涉及开放数据的建设.我国的开放数据建设相对国外而言,不论是技 术、理念还是文化都比较滞后.本文调研目前我国开放数据建设的主要平 台、开放的类型、开放的程度,同时调查国内主要的数据新闻网站对开放 数据的使用情况,从而探讨我国数据新闻应用开放数据的主要路径及存在 的问题,在此基础上根据国外开放数据的建设经验以及我国开放数据目前 的实践程度对数据新闻行业的影响,试图对相关的数据新闻实践提出一些 可行性建议. 展开更多
关键词 据新闻 开放 “数读”
作者 王金红 刘晓彤 《西部广播电视》 2016年第7期20-20,23,共2页
本文通过对网易新闻"数读"中的"数据新闻"进行具体分析,从信息图表的运用、议题的选择、对新闻的报道技巧和呈现手段,以及新闻报道的数据来源等几个方面入手,分析网易"数读"栏目对"数据新闻"... 本文通过对网易新闻"数读"中的"数据新闻"进行具体分析,从信息图表的运用、议题的选择、对新闻的报道技巧和呈现手段,以及新闻报道的数据来源等几个方面入手,分析网易"数读"栏目对"数据新闻"的运用,找出"数读"栏目的不足,进而探讨我国网络媒体"数据新闻"的运用对策。 展开更多
关键词 网易“数读” 据新闻 据可视化
大数据时代数据新闻的实践与发展——以网易“数读”为例 被引量:2
作者 刘雅琪 李英伟 《新媒体研究》 2018年第11期20-21,共2页
关键词 据新闻 网易“数读”
数据新闻的新闻叙事模式浅析——以网易“数读”为例 被引量:1
作者 黄文馨 《声屏世界》 2020年第16期25-26,共2页
在大数据时代背景之下,数据新闻作为一项新兴的新闻种类,通过对数据的挖掘与整理,形成了其独特的新闻叙事模式,具体表现在可视化成为主要叙事话语表现形式及叙事结构和时空上的创新等方面。但与此同时,当前的数据新闻在传播过程中仍存... 在大数据时代背景之下,数据新闻作为一项新兴的新闻种类,通过对数据的挖掘与整理,形成了其独特的新闻叙事模式,具体表现在可视化成为主要叙事话语表现形式及叙事结构和时空上的创新等方面。但与此同时,当前的数据新闻在传播过程中仍存在一定的不足,大部分数据新闻停留于表面且深度有待加强,同时可视化的表现形式较为单一、交互性体验较少,数据新闻媒体应从中得到经验和启发,促进国内数据新闻良性健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 据新闻 新闻叙事 网易“数读” 叙事模式
浅谈数据新闻在我国的实践发展——以网易“数读”栏目为例 被引量:1
作者 李书甜 《东南传播》 2016年第7期161-163,共3页
随着大数据的普及与运用,数据新闻也得到了更好的发展。国内一些主流媒体、门户网站等都陆续对数据新闻做出了相关实践,并取得良好效果。本文以国内最早建立数据新闻的栏目——网易"数读"为例,了解其在数据新闻上的发展现状,... 随着大数据的普及与运用,数据新闻也得到了更好的发展。国内一些主流媒体、门户网站等都陆续对数据新闻做出了相关实践,并取得良好效果。本文以国内最早建立数据新闻的栏目——网易"数读"为例,了解其在数据新闻上的发展现状,分析数据新闻在我国实践发展中面临的困境,为数据新闻的有效发展提出相应策略。 展开更多
关键词 据新闻 网易“数读” 实践发展
作者 白臻昊 《记者摇篮》 2021年第2期40-41,共2页
数据新闻是一种建立在数据增长背景下的新的报道形式。在移动端新闻阅读的普及趋势下,受众在碎片化阅读环境中的"读图习惯"日益明显。新京报网的数据新闻栏目、网易"数读"是国内典型的数据新闻生产平台。研究发现,... 数据新闻是一种建立在数据增长背景下的新的报道形式。在移动端新闻阅读的普及趋势下,受众在碎片化阅读环境中的"读图习惯"日益明显。新京报网的数据新闻栏目、网易"数读"是国内典型的数据新闻生产平台。研究发现,以上两个网站的数据新闻作品各有特点,特别是在新闻选题、内容呈现、受众获得方面存在较大区别。 展开更多
关键词 据新闻 新京报网 网易“数读” 据可视化
我国数据新闻发展状况研究——以网易“数读”栏目为例 被引量:3
作者 陈娟 廖志鹏 《传媒观察》 2018年第10期34-39,共6页
关键词 据新闻 可视化 网易“数读” 信息公开
作者 张慧 《今传媒》 2019年第10期61-63,共3页
随着数据时代的到来,数据应用和数据挖掘成为新闻发展的热点。数据新闻作为数据技术与新闻理念的结晶,受到我国传媒业的广泛关注。国内媒体已纷纷对数据新闻展开实践,并且取得初步成效。本文以网易“数读”、搜狐“数字之道”、新华网... 随着数据时代的到来,数据应用和数据挖掘成为新闻发展的热点。数据新闻作为数据技术与新闻理念的结晶,受到我国传媒业的广泛关注。国内媒体已纷纷对数据新闻展开实践,并且取得初步成效。本文以网易“数读”、搜狐“数字之道”、新华网“数据新闻”三个国内数据新闻栏目在2018年5月~2019年5月间的报道内容为样本进行比较后发现,数据新闻在我国发展势头强劲,但仍然存在选题层次浅、数据缺乏深加工、可视化程度低等问题。 展开更多
关键词 据新闻 网易“数读” 搜狐“数字之道” 新华网“数据新闻” 比较研究
作者 宋铁全 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2010年第10期40-44,共5页
《说文》释字有兼存诸义者,考其说释之例,除因"一曰"别出他义而外,当以二义递相义训为要。按之并训二义,同义复出者有之,相反相成者有之,文意顺承者有之,别义歧说者有之,舛讹未通者亦有之,诚为类例繁富,缴绕难清。诚当爬梳其... 《说文》释字有兼存诸义者,考其说释之例,除因"一曰"别出他义而外,当以二义递相义训为要。按之并训二义,同义复出者有之,相反相成者有之,文意顺承者有之,别义歧说者有之,舛讹未通者亦有之,诚为类例繁富,缴绕难清。诚当爬梳其例,隐括其类,廓清纷淆,择要例以辨之。今人或出"一句数读"例,言《说文》于一句中可兼训数义也。由是立说,误读误释往往而生,实有可说者。 展开更多
关键词 说文 二义并训 类释 一句 误释
作者 宋铁全 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2011年第1期47-50,共4页
《说文》释字有兼存诸义者,考其说释之例,除因"一曰"别出他义而外,当以二义递相义训为要。按之并训二义,同义复出者有之,相反相成者有之,文意顺承者有之,别义歧说者有之,舛讹未通者亦有之,诚为类例繁富,缴绕难清。实当爬梳其... 《说文》释字有兼存诸义者,考其说释之例,除因"一曰"别出他义而外,当以二义递相义训为要。按之并训二义,同义复出者有之,相反相成者有之,文意顺承者有之,别义歧说者有之,舛讹未通者亦有之,诚为类例繁富,缴绕难清。实当爬梳其例,隐括其类,廓清纷淆,择要例以辨之。今人或出"一句数读"例,言《说文》于一句中可兼训数义也。由是立说,误读误释往往而生,亦有可说者。 展开更多
关键词 说文 二义并训 类释 一句 误释
Fine Geological Radar Processing and Interpretation 被引量:18
作者 PengSuping YangFeng 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期89-94,共6页
Geological radar probing technology finds wide application in engineering projects. The high-precision characteristics of geologic radar should be studied in connection with fine processing and interpretation. This ar... Geological radar probing technology finds wide application in engineering projects. The high-precision characteristics of geologic radar should be studied in connection with fine processing and interpretation. This article discusses such issues as (1) geologic radar noise source and (2) fine processing and interpretation of radar data. It is focused on how to achieve fine processing and interpretation. 展开更多
关键词 geologic radar radar noise fine processing fine interpretation
Readout circuit with nonuniformity correction for the uncooled microbolometer
作者 孟丽娅 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2005年第2期67-69,共3页
The output of uncooled microbolometer is nonuniform, and the traditional two-point nonuniformity correction method requires a tight restriction on substrate temperature. The circuit proposed by this article can relax ... The output of uncooled microbolometer is nonuniform, and the traditional two-point nonuniformity correction method requires a tight restriction on substrate temperature. The circuit proposed by this article can relax the restriction on the substrate temperature and perform nonuniformity correction when reading out the image signal. The dummy pixels reduce static current. And the Column shared DACs transfer correction data to the gates of MOS transistors and the positive reference edge of amplifier, to control the bias current of detector and dummy one, and set the start point of integration. This circuit has higher sensitivity, wider dynamic range, and frame frequency of more than 30 Hz for 128×128 array. PSPICE simulation results seem that this circuit functions well. 展开更多
关键词 MICROBOLOMETER Capacitive Transimpendence Amplifier (CTIA) CMOS readout circuit
Appraisal Research: A Model of Critical Reading
作者 WU Su-mei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第12期959-966,共8页
Reading is a process of negotiation and interaction between readers and writers. Critical Reading of a text is achieved chiefly by figuring out the attitudes, viewpoints, and ideology of the writer, also termed as eva... Reading is a process of negotiation and interaction between readers and writers. Critical Reading of a text is achieved chiefly by figuring out the attitudes, viewpoints, and ideology of the writer, also termed as evaluative resources in Appraisal Theory. This paper carries out an appraisal research into a reading passage taken from TEM-8 paper in hope of helping English majors to cultivate their Critical Reading ability by offering them a practical and implementable reading model. 展开更多
关键词 Appraisal Theory Critical Reading English majors
Psychological and Philosophical Readings of the Spectatorship of Bollywood and Indian Tamil Film in Sri Lanka
作者 Manoj Jinadasa 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第4期201-212,共12页
The objective of this study is to explore the psychic, moral, ethical and logical significances in the spectatorship of Bollywood and Tamil film in the Sri Lanka. Bollywood and Tamil film has been taking a very popula... The objective of this study is to explore the psychic, moral, ethical and logical significances in the spectatorship of Bollywood and Tamil film in the Sri Lanka. Bollywood and Tamil film has been taking a very popular cultural performance in Sri Lanka. The original Indian spectatorship of these film traditions has been diverted by the cultural and political psychology of Sri Lanka. Hence, this local orientation of the Indian cinema remains a quite metamorphosis and deconstruction in its appreciation and screening in terms of the social, cultural and political features that deeply-rooted in Sri Lankan history, culture and geographical limitations. For this study, several film texts, which include typical Bollywood and Tamil film characteristic features were used and observed on how they have been absorbed in the Sri Lankan cultural society. And on the other hand, some audience surveys specific to different film appreciation contexts were conducted. They included urban slums, semi-rural Muslim societies, north and east areas of Tamil villages, Colombo urban society, Tamil state areas and Kandyan Sinhala rural villages. In the textual analysis of the film content, implicit psychological narrations and their social and aesthetic interpretations were revealed in the analytical explanations. Using the audience surveys, many different opinions that can be traditionally filtered in the screening and appreciation of these film traditions specific to their living cultural settings were also identified. In conclusion, perception in Sinhala film has been considerably designed by the experience of Bollywood and Tamil film spectatorship is deducted by this study. Hence, not only this social trend affected to the appreciation of film in local general audience but also in all the facets of film production (script writing, shooting, acting, dialoguing, music and choreography and screening) has also significantly being influenced by the Bollywood and Tamil film. As a result of this evolution of local film culture, most recent trend in Sinhala film noir is also being followed by the early subjective consequences of Bollywood and Tamil film culture in Sri Lanka. 展开更多
关键词 technical terms psychological and philosophical reading Bollywood and Tamil Film film culture SPECTATORSHIP
Alternative 3D Modeling Approaches Based on Complex Multi-Source Geological Data Interpretation 被引量:5
作者 李明超 韩彦青 +1 位作者 缪正建 高伟 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2014年第1期7-14,共8页
Due to the complex nature of multi-source geological data, it is difficult to rebuild every geological structure through a single 3D modeling method. The multi-source data interpretation method put forward in this ana... Due to the complex nature of multi-source geological data, it is difficult to rebuild every geological structure through a single 3D modeling method. The multi-source data interpretation method put forward in this analysis is based on a database-driven pattern and focuses on the discrete and irregular features of geological data. The geological data from a variety of sources covering a range of accuracy, resolution, quantity and quality are classified and integrated according to their reliability and consistency for 3D modeling. The new interpolation-approximation fitting construction algorithm of geological surfaces with the non-uniform rational B-spline(NURBS) technique is then presented. The NURBS technique can retain the balance among the requirements for accuracy, surface continuity and data storage of geological structures. Finally, four alternative 3D modeling approaches are demonstrated with reference to some examples, which are selected according to the data quantity and accuracy specification. The proposed approaches offer flexible modeling patterns for different practical engineering demands. 展开更多
关键词 multi-source data geological data interpretation interpolation-approximation fitting 3D geological sur-face modeling
Comparison of 3 M^TM Petrifilm^TM Aerobic Count Plates with Pour Plates for Determination of Aerobic Plate Counts in Fermented Chile Mash
作者 Jorge A. Beall Ruben Zapata +1 位作者 Nancy C. Flores Willis M. Fedio 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第8期1024-1028,共5页
Fermented chile pepper mash is a major food product in New Mexico. There are few reports on the fermentation process or on methods to monitor it, In the current study we examined a pour plate procedure with an overlay... Fermented chile pepper mash is a major food product in New Mexico. There are few reports on the fermentation process or on methods to monitor it, In the current study we examined a pour plate procedure with an overlay using plate count agar and 3 MTM PetrifilmTM Aerobic Count (AC) plates for determination of total aerobic bacterial counts during the fermentation of chile mash. Fifty chile mash samples were obtained directly from commercial fermentation vats and examined within 2 h of collection. Serial dilutions of the chile mash were prepared in Butterfield's Phosphate Buffer. 1 mL portions of the diluted samples were aliquoted in duplicate onto the AC plates and into empty Petri dishes. Plate count agar was poured and once the plates had solidified, they were overlaid with about 10 mL of PCA to minimize spreaders. Plates were incubated at 30 ℃ for 48 h and enumerated. Paired difference tests were conducted on log transformed data to compare the results of the two plating procedures. For commercial chile mash samples, we did not show any significant differences between the AC plate counts and the pour plate counts (α = 0.05), 3 MTM PetrifilmTM AC plates are a good alternative to pour plates for the determination of the total aerobic counts in fermented chile mashes. 展开更多
关键词 Fermentation chile pepper mash aerobic plate count petrifilmTM plate count agar.
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