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近代知识转型与中国“文化学”的产生 被引量:2
作者 赵立彬 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期67-74,共8页
与在西方学科体系中的地位相比,"文化学"在中国现代学科建立的过程中,表现出异乎寻常的"发展"。这是中国学人在近代知识转型背景下主动"建构"的结果。西学的学科概念、学术理论和学科形式,启发和推动了... 与在西方学科体系中的地位相比,"文化学"在中国现代学科建立的过程中,表现出异乎寻常的"发展"。这是中国学人在近代知识转型背景下主动"建构"的结果。西学的学科概念、学术理论和学科形式,启发和推动了中国学人对于"文化学"的建构。经过西方的"文化"概念和"文化学"学科概念的输入,一部分中国学者在西方学者理论的基础上,就"文化学"的学术理论进行综合,力图使得"文化学"作为独立的学科建立起来。他们的努力在当时学术界和教育界产生了一定影响,也受到西方学术界的关注。但由于外部环境和学科内部发展的制约,"文化学"的建构效果有限,并未真正成为一门公认的实证的科学。"文化学"在民国时期的"建构",为近代中国的知识转型提供了一个既显示共性、又体现特征的有益的补充。 展开更多
关键词 文化 西 近代知识转型 中国“文化学”
作者 孙喜香 薛俊强 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2008年第7期10-12,共3页
马克思的社会发展理论蕴涵着深刻的"现代性"和"文化学"维度。澄清该问题有利于更为深刻地理解马克思的社会发展理论。马克思虽然没有直接提出"现代性"和"文化学"两个概念,但从他有关社会发展... 马克思的社会发展理论蕴涵着深刻的"现代性"和"文化学"维度。澄清该问题有利于更为深刻地理解马克思的社会发展理论。马克思虽然没有直接提出"现代性"和"文化学"两个概念,但从他有关社会发展理论的相关论述看,"现代性"和"文化学"维度已经内涵在其理论中。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 社会发展理论 “现代性” “文化学”
作者 赵立彬 《教育文化论坛》 2011年第1期132-132,共1页
在近代中国知识转型的背景下,受西学启示,部分中国学人致力于“文化学”的建构。20世纪以来对于本土文化问题的广泛关注,提供了“文化学”理论在中国的独特的社会需求,导致“文化学”在中国这样一个处于文明边缘、学术文化落后的国... 在近代中国知识转型的背景下,受西学启示,部分中国学人致力于“文化学”的建构。20世纪以来对于本土文化问题的广泛关注,提供了“文化学”理论在中国的独特的社会需求,导致“文化学”在中国这样一个处于文明边缘、学术文化落后的国家获得特别的发展,与其在西方学术界的景况相比,甚至十分超前。这一学科在中国,发轫于20世纪初开始的中西文化冲突; 展开更多
关键词 “文化学” 文化问题 近代中国 中西文化冲突 20世纪 西方术界 知识转型 社会需求
作者 薛俊强 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2008年第6期94-97,共4页
马克思的社会发展理论蕴涵着深刻的"现代性"和"文化学"维度。澄清该问题有利于更为深刻地理解马克思的社会发展理论。马克思虽然没有直接提出"现代性"和"文化学"两个概念,但他在有关社会发展... 马克思的社会发展理论蕴涵着深刻的"现代性"和"文化学"维度。澄清该问题有利于更为深刻地理解马克思的社会发展理论。马克思虽然没有直接提出"现代性"和"文化学"两个概念,但他在有关社会发展理论的相关论述中,"现代性"和"文化学"维度已经内涵在其理论中。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 社会发展理论 “现代性” “文化学”
作者 周延松 都湘怡 《现代语文》 2024年第6期90-95,共6页
中文和中医同属于中国文化,也存在显著的专业差异。在国际中文教育的背景下考察中医文化教学,既需要遵循国际中文教育的一般规律,还应考虑中医学的专业属性。国际中文教学中的中医文化具有不同的主题类别和呈现方式。依据《国际中文教... 中文和中医同属于中国文化,也存在显著的专业差异。在国际中文教育的背景下考察中医文化教学,既需要遵循国际中文教育的一般规律,还应考虑中医学的专业属性。国际中文教学中的中医文化具有不同的主题类别和呈现方式。依据《国际中文教育用中国文化和国情教学参考框架》,同时参照非物质文化遗产的类别划分,从中医的专业性和文化的层级性两个向度,对中医文化的知识内容与元素作出合适的定位,并且提出中医文化教学体系的构想。 展开更多
关键词 中医文化 体系 《国际中文教育用中国文化和国情教参考框架》 国际中文教育
文化消费理论本土化进程中的“文化管理学”转向 被引量:4
作者 傅才武 何鹏 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期85-96,I0002,F0003,共14页
近年来扩大“文化消费”是国家政策的关注重点,围绕着文化市场、文化消费,国内理论界展开了丰富的研究。“文化消费”理论作为西方的一种文化批判思潮而兴起,首先表现在哲学和社会学层面,此后逐渐与经济学、产业研究、社会结构等相联系... 近年来扩大“文化消费”是国家政策的关注重点,围绕着文化市场、文化消费,国内理论界展开了丰富的研究。“文化消费”理论作为西方的一种文化批判思潮而兴起,首先表现在哲学和社会学层面,此后逐渐与经济学、产业研究、社会结构等相联系。20世纪80年代西方“文化消费”理论传入中国,并开始了本土化演进的历程,呈现出了文艺学和文化经济学两种路径。随着中国经济社会的发展和国内学界对文化消费研究的逐渐深入,文化消费理论出现了向“文化管理学”转向的态势,具体表现在:其一,文化消费理论日渐成为体制与市场、政策与实践对接的“渡船”,即文化消费理论的“中层理论”转向;其二,当前国内学界对文化消费理论的研究更多走向实践的策略和问题的应对层面,行动特征显著,即文化消费理论的“行动研究”转向;其三,在国内学界的相关研究中,“文化场景”已成为融冶文化消费理论从体制面向市场、政策走向实践的一种具体实现载体,以应对居民文化消费需求的升级和日益多元化,由此形成了文化消费理论的“文化场景”转向。 展开更多
关键词 “文化管理学” 文化消费理论 文化经济 本土化
为“文化学”正名 被引量:1
作者 李明泉 《中华文化论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期1-1,共1页
关键词 “文化学” 文化大发展大繁荣 正名 科建设 科专业目录 课题申报
作为学科的文化研究——从陶水平 《文化研究的学术谱系与理论建构》
作者 肖明华 《文化研究》 2020年第2期207-220,共14页
文化研究无疑是一种反学科的知识实践,但根据文化研究的传播历史和存在境况,我们可以发现,已然存在一种作为学科的文化研究。这种文化研究以文化研究自身为研究对象,主要开展的是学院内的理论研究,因此称它为“文化研究学”也未尝不可... 文化研究无疑是一种反学科的知识实践,但根据文化研究的传播历史和存在境况,我们可以发现,已然存在一种作为学科的文化研究。这种文化研究以文化研究自身为研究对象,主要开展的是学院内的理论研究,因此称它为“文化研究学”也未尝不可。晚近,陶水平的《文化研究的学术谱系与理论建构》出版,在一定意义上表征了这种文化研究的成功。对于文化研究的学科化,虽然我们有基本的认同,但是也应该保持必要的警惕。“文化研究学”不应该构成对文化研究的压抑,否则就失去了“文化研究学”存在的意义。 展开更多
关键词 文化研究的术谱系与理论建构》 文化研究 “文化研究学”
作者 E.C.Bиxpeва 李志新 《职教译丛》 2001年第4期24-25,共2页
关键词 俄罗斯 “文化学” 文化 中等职业
中国科幻文学的海外传播——以《三体》在英语世界的译介与接受为例 被引量:1
作者 宋菁 徐惟诚 《语言与文化论坛》 2023年第2期117-126,共10页
刘慈欣的科幻小说《三体》的英译本使他获得了在英语世界的文学声望。本文围绕译介过程、译本形态和海外接受情况剖析异质文化语境中的由刘宇昆翻译的《三体》英译本,探索中国科幻文学如何在新的文化空间被认识与解读。赞助人与译者的... 刘慈欣的科幻小说《三体》的英译本使他获得了在英语世界的文学声望。本文围绕译介过程、译本形态和海外接受情况剖析异质文化语境中的由刘宇昆翻译的《三体》英译本,探索中国科幻文学如何在新的文化空间被认识与解读。赞助人与译者的多方合力是促成《三体》海外传播的重要基石;具有鲜明异国特色的“他者”译本是引导海外读者欣赏中国文学审美的有效翻译策略;馆藏数据、媒体关注及读者评价是探讨中国科幻文学的海外影响力和评判海外读者接受程度的重要指标,这3个层面的分析为中国当代文学的对外译介与海外传播提供了新的启示。 展开更多
关键词 中国科幻文 英语世界 译介 接受 《三体》
作者 郭艳辉 《文教资料》 2022年第7期81-84,共4页
在国家大力倡导德育为先、不忘树人初心的教育理念下,课程思政与思政课程的结合探究成为学生思政培育的重点。课程思政在实现过程中更应抓住和挖掘思政元素,将专业知识作为源头与思政元素结合,在具体的实施过程中,还应明确该专业课程思... 在国家大力倡导德育为先、不忘树人初心的教育理念下,课程思政与思政课程的结合探究成为学生思政培育的重点。课程思政在实现过程中更应抓住和挖掘思政元素,将专业知识作为源头与思政元素结合,在具体的实施过程中,还应明确该专业课程思政建设方向,确立课程的思想政治教育资源类型、教学模式或相应的教学设计,并且需要相关资源的支持与保障,采用自查与他评等方式进行考核与改进。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 “文化资源学” 模式
作者 常超 《中学政治教学参考》 北大核心 2011年第4期15-16,共2页
我们在论证课程性质时曾强调,把握《文化生活》的学科定位,读懂它究竟是一门什么课程,要确定一个大思路。那就是:我们所求证的问题,其实不是课程应该归属什么样的学科,而是课程应该成为什么样的学科。正因为过分专注于寻求所谓“... 我们在论证课程性质时曾强调,把握《文化生活》的学科定位,读懂它究竟是一门什么课程,要确定一个大思路。那就是:我们所求证的问题,其实不是课程应该归属什么样的学科,而是课程应该成为什么样的学科。正因为过分专注于寻求所谓“文化学”的学科背景,这门课程才被称为“四不像”。但作为基础教育领域中的学科课程,它必须像思想政治课,这是毋庸置疑的。 展开更多
关键词 文化生活》 思想政治课 课程性质 科背景 札记 教材 “文化学” 科课程
The Philosophy of He(和):Examined from the Perspectives of Technology and Culture
作者 HUA Jueming 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2024年第1期1-34,共34页
Pre-modern Chinese crafts,such as iron smelting,cookery,medicine,and the production of vehicles,bows,and arrows indicate the traditional Chinese view of technology as being organic,holistic,and comprehensive.This view... Pre-modern Chinese crafts,such as iron smelting,cookery,medicine,and the production of vehicles,bows,and arrows indicate the traditional Chinese view of technology as being organic,holistic,and comprehensive.This view of technology is guided by the concept of he(和)and employs the means and methods of he,thus achieving the purport of he.In Chinese,the character he(和)possesses positive connotations.It originated from the meaning of"to season;to add flavoring to"(调和)and that of flavors being"perfectly harmonious"(和美).From this sensory experience,he gradually extended to the abstract levels of materiality,humanity,sociality,"order"(wei位),and "power,situation,force"(shi势).Finally,he was elevated to the supreme level of"qi of great harmony"(taihe zhi qi太和之气),which is comparable to the concept of dao(道).The philosophy of he has exerted wide impact on such areas as technology,art,national character,cultural psychology,and behavior patterns,and has become an integral part of China's inherent culture.The paradoxes and deviations of he hold their own profound philosophical implications that merit further exploration.As humanity confronts significant challenges,such as how we can coexist with others,with technology,and with nature,the ancient Eastern wisdom embodied in he continues to possess practical characteristics and value. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of he(和) TECHNOLOGY CULTURE
A Study on the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of International Chinese Teachers at Confucius Institutes in South Korea
作者 Fu Qiong 《国际中文教育(中英文)》 2024年第4期51-70,共20页
International Chinese teachers are one of the determinants of the quality development of Confucius Institutes,and their cross-cultural sociocultural adaption,psychological adaption,and job adaption are in need of in-d... International Chinese teachers are one of the determinants of the quality development of Confucius Institutes,and their cross-cultural sociocultural adaption,psychological adaption,and job adaption are in need of in-depth investigation and research.Based on previous research,this paper analyzed the cross-cultural adaptation of international Chinese teachers at Confucius Institutes in South Korea during 2022-2023 through surveys and personal interviews.The study found that the teachers’adaptation was best in terms of work,followed by sociocultural adaptation,and weakest in terms of psychological adaptation.In terms of work adaptation,attention should be focused on adapting to teaching language and teaching methods.In terms of sociocultural adaptation,the focus should be on adapting to personal communication.In terms of psychological adaptation,attention should be paid to feelings of loneliness and anxiety.The study also focused on the internal and external factors influencing their cross-cultural adaptation,as well as the true inner feelings of international Chinese teachers.The study found that factors such as English proficiency,gender,education,professional background,and overseas experience had little impact on teachers’cross-cultural adaptation,while factors such as Korean proficiency,participation in cross-cultural training before going to South Korea,understanding of Korean culture before going to South Korea,and length of time spent in working in South Korea had a greater impact on the cross-cultural adaptation of the research subjects.This study provides reliable reference materials for international Chinese teachers going to South Korea to improve their cross-cultural adaptation abilities and promote the reform and innovation of international Chinese education. 展开更多
关键词 international Chinese teachers cross-cultural adaptation South Korea Confucius Institutes
The change of Chinese students' cultural patterns and its roots in the process of globalization
作者 王丽皓 周薇薇 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第2期126-129,共4页
One of the most important characteristics of culture is that it is subject to change. The theory of cultural patterns in intercultural communication is used to study the change of Chinese students' living pattern, co... One of the most important characteristics of culture is that it is subject to change. The theory of cultural patterns in intercultural communication is used to study the change of Chinese students' living pattern, communication pattern and thinking pattern because of globalization. The factors and reasons of both change and the unchanged are analyzed and summarized. 展开更多
关键词 cultural patterns CHANGE Chinese students
Olympic torch relay abroad and its reflection on English teaching at home
作者 陈玉玲 殷超 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第12期9-12,46,共5页
What happened to the Olympic torch relay abroad reveals how little and superficially the western countries, in particular, know of china. Meanwhile there also exists a lack or vacancy of English teaching in English te... What happened to the Olympic torch relay abroad reveals how little and superficially the western countries, in particular, know of china. Meanwhile there also exists a lack or vacancy of English teaching in English teaching at home. The failure of expressing Chinese culture and conditions correctly and fluently among the English learners has already resulted in negative impact on our international image, which is related to our teaching policy of strengthening western culture and neglecting the export of our own culture. Therefore, in the English teaching at all levels, great attention should be paid to the cross-cultural communication between home culture and the culture of target language, the promotion of expressing mother culture in foreign languages, and exporting and broadcasting Chinese culture. 展开更多
关键词 the Olympic torch relay abroad English teaching
Strategy of English teaching in intercultural communication
作者 包克纪 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第11期10-13,共4页
Along with the accelerated pace of reform and opening, and the frequent external exchanges, and the increasingly widespread exchanges between countries, especially the improving information technology, and the use of ... Along with the accelerated pace of reform and opening, and the frequent external exchanges, and the increasingly widespread exchanges between countries, especially the improving information technology, and the use of the Internet, more and more people have been involved in cross-cultural communication. However, there are many differences between Chinese people and people from other cultures in the way of thinking, social and cultural life habits, and all of them can lead cross-cultural communication barriers. Therefore, a higher demand to English language teaching has been put forward, English language teaching not only imparts knowledge, the more important thing is to train students in the interpersonal skills, and develop their applications in English cross-cultural communication ability. 展开更多
关键词 environment of cross-cultural communication culture shock English language teaching
Application of cross-cultural cognitive pragmatic analysis to translation education
作者 张文英 张东平 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期37-40,共4页
Translation is cross-cultural activity existing between two different language signs. In the process of translating, translators can not get out of the influence of cultural elements. From the angle of cross-cultural ... Translation is cross-cultural activity existing between two different language signs. In the process of translating, translators can not get out of the influence of cultural elements. From the angle of cross-cultural pragmatic contrasting, the author makes analysis of the problems of difference existing between the volume of information borne or transmitted between two different language signs in the process of translating under the influence of cultural elements, and points out that to study these problems, translators must consider a series of problems about cross-cultural cognitive context. This article also makes cross-cultural pragmatic contrastive analysis in world view difference, register difference, imaginative difference and metaphor difference. The author introduces the method of cross-cultural pragmatic contrastive analysis and suggests taking a series of measures to improve translation education. 展开更多
关键词 CROSS-CULTURAL COGNITIVE pragmatic contrasting translation education.
An investigational study of non-English majors' international communication competence and countermeasures
作者 陈彦会 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第12期13-17,共5页
Based on the data collected from the questionnaires, this paper discusses various problems concerning intercultural communication competence the non-English majors at "high-leveled, applicationoriented" level faced ... Based on the data collected from the questionnaires, this paper discusses various problems concerning intercultural communication competence the non-English majors at "high-leveled, applicationoriented" level faced in Shanghai Institute of Technology. Besides, it analyzes the necessity and feasibility in developing intercultural communication competence, and puts forward some constructive suggestions to enhance intercultural communication competence in adult English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 intercultural communication competence college English teaching an investigational study COUNTERMEASURES
Learning style and cultural differences
作者 胡家浩 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第8期5-7,共3页
Learning style is the most important variable that affects the success of English learning. It can both give full play to student's learning superiority and make up their inferiority. The formation of learning style ... Learning style is the most important variable that affects the success of English learning. It can both give full play to student's learning superiority and make up their inferiority. The formation of learning style is related with external elements, including culture. Chinese culture greatly differs from American culture. With the distinct cultural differences, the learning styles of the Chinese student and the American student show clear differences. 展开更多
关键词 learning style Chinese culture and American culture learning style difference
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