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“文德”论及其当代启示 被引量:1
作者 李小贝 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第12期163-171,共9页
本文所讨论的“文德”主要指向的是惯常语义上的文人的文章、道德之意。对于文人的文章与道德之间的关系,历史上有一正一反两种比较鲜明的话语范式:一种认为文德一致,德充才能文昌、德正才能文正;另一种认为文与德无关,作品艺术质量的... 本文所讨论的“文德”主要指向的是惯常语义上的文人的文章、道德之意。对于文人的文章与道德之间的关系,历史上有一正一反两种比较鲜明的话语范式:一种认为文德一致,德充才能文昌、德正才能文正;另一种认为文与德无关,作品艺术质量的高低与作家的德行没有必然的关系。文德一致的观念是古代文人的一个先在理念、终极追求和不可磨灭的理想。历代文人对于“文德一致”观知其并非无懈可击但依然固执坚守的原因,正是源于对这一先在理念的认同。讨论“文德”这一话题对于当下文艺生态环境的建构具有重要的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 “文德” 文德论争 中国文学批评史
作者 吴怀仁 《上饶师范学院学报》 2004年第1期81-83,共3页
关于《诗经·周颂》中的"文王之德"即"文德",历代论家都注释为"仁义礼乐"的政教或个人才德。但经多方考证,成于周初作品《诗经·周颂》中的"文德"意义并非指"仁义礼乐"的政... 关于《诗经·周颂》中的"文王之德"即"文德",历代论家都注释为"仁义礼乐"的政教或个人才德。但经多方考证,成于周初作品《诗经·周颂》中的"文德"意义并非指"仁义礼乐"的政教或个人才德,而是指文王的武功征讨战略。 展开更多
关键词 《诗经·周颂》 “文德” 武功征讨 政教 个人才德
作者 刘伟 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期105-110,共6页
唐代以前早期“文德”论的含义并不稳定。先秦时期“文德”主要为“德”性的一种,东汉王充时“文德”为道德义,即为“文”之“德”,至刘勰时“文德”为“道德”之“文”,具有形而上本体论色彩,其后至章学诚前,道德义复为“文德”的主要... 唐代以前早期“文德”论的含义并不稳定。先秦时期“文德”主要为“德”性的一种,东汉王充时“文德”为道德义,即为“文”之“德”,至刘勰时“文德”为“道德”之“文”,具有形而上本体论色彩,其后至章学诚前,道德义复为“文德”的主要含义,且含义逐渐趋于稳定。从“德”性之“文德”流变为道德义之“文德”,本质原因是“德”与“文”二者观念及其关系的变化,特别是“文”观念在春秋之后的泛化发展。所以有必要从“德”“文”关系视角出发,重新审视早期“文德”论的发展,以期获得对“文德”论的进一步理解。 展开更多
关键词 “文德” 先秦
作者 朱金发 朱汉若 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2024年第4期48-58,共11页
“文”字是先秦儒家理论中的“文”“文学”“文章”等概念的理论核心。殷商甲骨文中以“文”作为美称来赞美先王,西周初年沿袭“文”字的这种用法,并以有礼为“文”,以有“文”为德,大力提倡明德精神,提出“文德”概念。春秋时期,以个... “文”字是先秦儒家理论中的“文”“文学”“文章”等概念的理论核心。殷商甲骨文中以“文”作为美称来赞美先王,西周初年沿袭“文”字的这种用法,并以有礼为“文”,以有“文”为德,大力提倡明德精神,提出“文德”概念。春秋时期,以个人道德操守、个人品行、文化素养与言辞文采为“文”,同时认为《诗》《书》等典籍的学习可以培养这种品性,“文”概念的礼仪与文化的思想观念有了分化趋势,《论语》中提出的“文学”概念是礼的范畴,是孔子授徒课业的主要内容,《论语》中多以“文”指代这种课业中《诗》《书》等典籍学习,以“礼”字指礼仪学习,“文”概念理论内涵分化趋势更明显。战国时代,“礼文”与艺文被区分开来,以“文章”指礼,以“文学”指学子课业的《诗经》《尚书》等典籍,“文学”概念就逐渐脱离了礼学的理论阈限,特别是《荀子》一书中,“文学”直接与《诗》《书》经典相关联,为后代文艺理论的文学概念的提出,开创了理论源头。 展开更多
关键词 先秦儒家 文采 文德 文学
作者 吴怀仁 《攀枝花学院学报》 2004年第4期34-35,共2页
关于<诗经·周颂》中的"文王之德"即"文德",历代论家都注释为"仁义礼乐"的政教或个人才德,本文经多方考证,成于周初作品《诗经·周颂》中的"文德"意义并非指"仁义礼乐"... 关于<诗经·周颂》中的"文王之德"即"文德",历代论家都注释为"仁义礼乐"的政教或个人才德,本文经多方考证,成于周初作品《诗经·周颂》中的"文德"意义并非指"仁义礼乐"的政教或个人才德,而是指文王的武功征讨战略。 展开更多
关键词 《诗经·周颂》 “文德” 注释 周文王 征讨战略
作者 叶建华 《浙江学刊》 CSSCI 1996年第3期86-91,共6页
本文认为,如同章学诚在古代史学理论上颇多创见、集古大成一样,在文学理论上,他同样在批判总结古代文论的基础上,提出了许多别具一格的新的文论标准。他强调文贵明道、用世,倡导文德,力主文贵有物、中有所见、清真自然。同时又毫... 本文认为,如同章学诚在古代史学理论上颇多创见、集古大成一样,在文学理论上,他同样在批判总结古代文论的基础上,提出了许多别具一格的新的文论标准。他强调文贵明道、用世,倡导文德,力主文贵有物、中有所见、清真自然。同时又毫不留情地揭露和批判了当时文学领域内的种种不良风气,从而使得他的这些文学理论充满了时代气息。 展开更多
关键词 章学诚 文学创作 文学理论 《史记》 “文德” 文学批评 归有光 古代文论 《文史通义》 文以载道
作者 李天道 魏春艳 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第2期85-92,共8页
刘勰《文心雕龙》"文之为德也大矣,与天地并生者"之所谓"德",其意义应该与"道"同。"文""德""道"的一体化,"道"就是"德",就是"文"。同时,... 刘勰《文心雕龙》"文之为德也大矣,与天地并生者"之所谓"德",其意义应该与"道"同。"文""德""道"的一体化,"道"就是"德",就是"文"。同时,这里所谓的"道",也就是道家美学所谓的"道生万物"之"道"。这个"道",乃是万物生成的原初域,又可以说是"天道""地道""人道"之"道"。这种意义之"道",乃"天人合一"的基础。所谓"文之为德也大矣",说得非常清楚,"大"就是"德",也就是"文",是"原道"之"道"的呈现态,即"德","文"就是"德";"文之为德",就是"道"使之然。"道""德""文"一如,不可分离。"德""文"以显"道","文""德"为"道"的显现。"道"生长万物,"德"养育万物,"德"是"道"的化身,是"道"生成万物之后,又蕴藉于万物,为万物各自本性的体现。而刘勰则于此认为"文""德""道"一如。所谓"文之为德也大矣",显然是"文"以显"道","德"以显"道"。 展开更多
关键词 刘勰 “文” “德” “道”
《文心雕龙》的注释翻译应注意吸收已有的研究成果 被引量:1
作者 韩湖初 《语文学刊》 2022年第2期10-15,共6页
近年《文心雕龙》的翻译注释著作不少,但发现一些本来已经接近原意的研究成果却没有被注意吸收,结果抄来抄去距离原意反而越来越远。这就影响了对原著的理解和把握,尤其一些关键文句的解读。如首篇《原道》首句“文之为德”及其后的“... 近年《文心雕龙》的翻译注释著作不少,但发现一些本来已经接近原意的研究成果却没有被注意吸收,结果抄来抄去距离原意反而越来越远。这就影响了对原著的理解和把握,尤其一些关键文句的解读。如首篇《原道》首句“文之为德”及其后的“人文之元,肇自太极”的“太极”,本来早已有学者指出前者“德”应训“得道”,后者“太极”是指伏羲氏作八卦,并作了详细的辨析。但译注家均未注意,应引以为鉴。 展开更多
关键词 文心雕龙 太极 人文 八卦
Self and Other in Contemporary German Literature Confrontation With the Foreign World in the Novels by Renate Ahrens
作者 Albrecht Classen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第3期365-376,共12页
The experience of"The Other" has become a common one for people in the 21st century, and yet it continues to be a major problem for everyone involved. Increasingly, however, immigrants and their descendants adjust a... The experience of"The Other" has become a common one for people in the 21st century, and yet it continues to be a major problem for everyone involved. Increasingly, however, immigrants and their descendants adjust and soon participate in and with the new culture(s). At the same time, those who encounter "The Other" through the contact with immigrants, have also to adapt, to learn, and to realize considerable changes in themselves in that process. Recently, a new German novelist, Renate Ahrens, has created several major works in which she reflects on this intricate phenomenon typical of our times. The present study might well be the first critical analysis of her last two novels, Zeit der Wahrheit (Time of Truth, 2005) and Fremde Schwestern (Alienated Sisters, 2011), which prove to be outstanding and first-rate literary treatments of the theme of"The Other" in an intercultural context. As Ahrens illustrates in both novels, each individual carries a heavy baggage imposed on them by the own family history, and so in both cases the confrontation with "The Other" serves exceedingly well to break open the shell of self-isolation and self-alienation. Love finally overcomes ancient conflicts and paves the way for new integrative forces supporting the formation of the "global village" we all are really living in. 展开更多
关键词 "The Other" IMMIGRATION foreign culture(s) Renate Ahrens German novelist German literature postmodern literature
作者 倪艳阗 《贵州档案》 2003年第5期35-35,共1页
刘淑贞,又名刘淑珍、刘赎珠。生卒年月不详,彝族,明初贵州宣慰使司同知宋钦之妻。宋钦死后,刘淑贞代袭宣慰同知之职。她体恤民情,顺乎民意,数次上京为民请愿。使水东(今贵阳市乌当区、开阳县所辖区)民众在灾年免去了赋税,并亲自纳款拯... 刘淑贞,又名刘淑珍、刘赎珠。生卒年月不详,彝族,明初贵州宣慰使司同知宋钦之妻。宋钦死后,刘淑贞代袭宣慰同知之职。她体恤民情,顺乎民意,数次上京为民请愿。使水东(今贵阳市乌当区、开阳县所辖区)民众在灾年免去了赋税,并亲自纳款拯救灾民,因此深得水东老百姓的拥护和爱戴。她深明大义、顾全大局,化干戈为玉帛,为维护国家疆域的完整和统一、稳定西南边陲的政局、搞好民族团结作出了贡献。明太祖朱元璋特封其为“明德夫人”(又载“文德夫人”)。 展开更多
关键词 明朝 刘淑贞 民族团结 宣慰同知 “明德夫人” “文德夫人”
The Role of the Forest in German Literature: From the Medieval Forest to the Griines Band
作者 Albrecht Classen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第3期149-164,共16页
This paper demonstrates how much the forest was used by medieval writers as a symbolic space where critical events take place deeply affecting their protagonists. The forest motif can be found in the works of St. Augu... This paper demonstrates how much the forest was used by medieval writers as a symbolic space where critical events take place deeply affecting their protagonists. The forest motif can be found in the works of St. Augustine as well as in Dante's Divina Commedia (ca. 1308-1321), and then in a plethora of other texts. Here the author examines more closely the symbolic meaning of the forest as a mysterious, dangerous, yet also spiritual location in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Titurel (ca. 1220) and then in two 15th-century prose novels: Thtiring von Ringoltingen's Melusine (1456) and the anonymous Fortunatus (1509). Each time we recognize how much the poets placed their central figures one in the forest where their life takes a major turn. Recognizing this intriguing function of the forest as a metaphor and symbol, we can employ the modern interest in and fascination with the forest as a refuge from the destruction of the natural environment through modem civilization as segue to attract students to the study of medieval literature once again. 展开更多
关键词 forest as symbol St. Augustine Dante Alighieri Wolfram von Eschenbach Thtiring von Ringoltingen Fortunatus relevance of medieval literature
Discussion on the Modern Moral Education Function of the Traditional "Five Human Relationships"
作者 Guo Yuan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第7期67-69,共3页
Chinese culture puts much emphasis upon ethics, by which people are bound to pay respect to their superiors, fathers or husbands, hence a realization of social harmony and the utmost of the moral unification of heaven... Chinese culture puts much emphasis upon ethics, by which people are bound to pay respect to their superiors, fathers or husbands, hence a realization of social harmony and the utmost of the moral unification of heavens and human beings. The story as a means of significance in transmission of traditional culture explains vividly the connotation of traditional morals and plays a role of importance in moral education of ancient times as well. This thesis shall analyze the essence of moral ideas in those stories, through which to be aware of and taste the ethical tenderness in traditional moralities, thus a perfection of the application of traditional stories to modern moral education. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional stories Ideas of the five ethics Moral education
The Italic School in Astronomy: From Pythagoras to Archimedes 被引量:1
作者 Giuseppe Boscarino 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第6期385-392,共8页
It is argued that it has not yet been able to value the historical, philosophical and epistemological travail, represented by the filth and fourth centuries BC of the ancient Greek world, which preceded the highest sc... It is argued that it has not yet been able to value the historical, philosophical and epistemological travail, represented by the filth and fourth centuries BC of the ancient Greek world, which preceded the highest scientific heritage, represented by the so-called golden age of Euclid, Archimedes and Apollonius, Ⅲ-Ⅱ century BC. Well, it is believed that with our complex concept of tradition of thought within which we insert not only epistemological concepts but also philosophical principles, historical and social frameworks, in stasis or in strong movement, processed by us, it is possible better interpret that happy moment of scientific constructions of the third and second century BC, as a result of the valorization of the deep travail and serious battle that preceded it between the fourth and fifth century BC. It is investigated in particular in our paper the development of astronomical thought between the fifth and fourth centuries BC, in the ancient Greek thought, and at last a particular presumed criticism by Archimedes in his Sandreckoner to Aristarchus. 展开更多
关键词 Scientific theories Traditions of thought.
Evie's Ethical Choices in the World of Noir Ethical Literary Reading of Judy Blundell' s What I Saw and How I Lied
作者 YANG Chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第6期430-434,共5页
In the novel What I Saw and How I Lied (2008), Judy Blundell presents readers a world of noir where so many lies are around the innocent protagonist, 15-year-old girl Evie. It is a challenge for Evie to probe into t... In the novel What I Saw and How I Lied (2008), Judy Blundell presents readers a world of noir where so many lies are around the innocent protagonist, 15-year-old girl Evie. It is a challenge for Evie to probe into the heart of the deceptions and make ethical choices between good and evil. After experiencing the path from error to truth, from confusion to clarity, and unconsciousness to consciousness, Evie comes to realize the corruption and evils of the society and in an epiphany, obtains a self-knowledge which leads to her initiation. Through analyzing the ethical predicament and ethical choices of the protagonist Evie as well as the negative living environment around her, the present paper aims to interrogate the moral issues of truth, lie, justice, greed, fidelity, and betrayal so as to give readers a better understanding of the theme of initiation in the novel. 展开更多
关键词 What I Saw and How 1 Lied ethical choices the world of noir INITIATION
On the Value Cultivation of Chinese University English Majors
作者 LI Rui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第2期110-116,共7页
Foreign language education should integrate cultural teaching into the training of linguistic skills. Values, as the core of culture and moral education, should be paid enough attention to. During the study process of... Foreign language education should integrate cultural teaching into the training of linguistic skills. Values, as the core of culture and moral education, should be paid enough attention to. During the study process of Chinese university English majors, they inevitably encounter enormous information of Western cultures and values, and their own values may come into conflict with the ones they meet. So the English teachers have the responsibility to help the students construct correct values. Such principles as cultivating critical thinking, offering the course of Chinese culture and using group discussions and activities should be followed during instruction to facilitate the value cultivation among English majors 展开更多
关键词 VALUES CULTURE foreign language education Chinese university English majors
The One Who Has Left the Bildung Friedrich Nietzsche's Philological Turn as a Catastrophe*
作者 Kristáf Fenyvesi 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第6期492-505,共14页
Bildung, a western cultural ideal, which fundamentally can be traced back to biblical connotations, but is also rich in Platonic elements from the history of hermeneutics, reached its culmination point by the 19th cen... Bildung, a western cultural ideal, which fundamentally can be traced back to biblical connotations, but is also rich in Platonic elements from the history of hermeneutics, reached its culmination point by the 19th century. As the vast superstructure of western erudition, it has acquired the rank of the sole discursive and epistemic normativity, which has defined not only its own system, i.e., education in its narrow sense, but also the criteria of scientific assertions. Since the basis of Bildung was formed by the variations of classical erudition changing by every era, so in the Age of Bildung the defining epistemological and methodological pattern, which determined it from a discursive, and at the same time, an epistemological point of view, was meant by classical philology. As a classical philologist Friedrich Nietzsche was among the first to point out the inseparable connection between rhetoric, interpretation, and epistemology. Nietzsche, as against the monolithic tradition of Bildung, developed a set of aspects of subversive criticism of science, so his surpassing of the nineteenth century academic philology and renewal of it as a kind of cultural hermeneutics walk hand in hand. Nietzschean philology, first and foremost, has to be adapted for revaluing its scientific statements from the aspect of art, i.e., aesthetical sensitivity, which has to be reassessed from viewpoint of effects on life as active potential. The claims of Nietzsche are so comprehensive that the notion of morality defined by Bildung, as well as the ethical system of Bildung, the sole sense of morality is questioned, and his issues are extended over the methodological basis of Bildung considered as normative. However, he does not use such a method of interpretation that, to a certain extent, would not have been known and used by the philology of the Bildung's scientific ideal. With the difference that the Nietzschean critical practice does not have respect for the borders defining homologous structures but, by implementing transgressive tactics, it claims the authority of these borders. In my article, I show how the Nietzschean propositions for the methodological reform of classical philology did set the stage for Nietzsche's later critical comments, now purely on the philosophy of science, and I analyse the multifold consequences of the concept of the Nietzschean philology as an "existential science," which was aimed to de(con)struct the concept of Bildung. 展开更多
关键词 NIETZSCHE Bildung classical philology EPISTEMOLOGY criticism of science interpretation
Man is consubstantial with God Moral reflections on Humanism
作者 Haijie LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期86-88,共3页
Early Renaissance man regained the independence of individual personality, but by the fear of God into the evolution away from God, from the backwash toward the loss. Late Renaissance reflection and adjustments is com... Early Renaissance man regained the independence of individual personality, but by the fear of God into the evolution away from God, from the backwash toward the loss. Late Renaissance reflection and adjustments is comforting one, rational constraints original desire, divinity give directions to humanity, which is the most profound meaning of humanism. For human freedom and liberation, post-humanism made a valuable exploration, by absorbing humanistic ingredients of the ancient Greek - Roman and Hebrew - Christian culture, tried to avoid walking single dimension of cultural evolution orientation. 展开更多
Feminists' Culture and Ethics at Work-- A Critical Analysis
作者 Dr. Jayshree Singh 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第9期739-748,共10页
The male writers' intuitive gift and superb insight describe feminine characters, feminine nature, femaleness, and femininity. In the 19th century, the study of the character logical portrait and cultural traits asso... The male writers' intuitive gift and superb insight describe feminine characters, feminine nature, femaleness, and femininity. In the 19th century, the study of the character logical portrait and cultural traits associated with femininity enunciated feminists' discourse to justify vindication of rights as regards women's cultural anxiety, political identification, and aesthetic experimentation. Similarly, the women writers' imaginative powers characterize women's emotions either reflecting shrinking subjectivity or elaborating notion of voluntary subjectivity as regards their experiences and existence, their passions and sensations, and their self and life. The 20th century women's writings raised inquiry against presentation of gendered self, performance of gender, gender discontent as regards with their sex and gender, which are assigned at birth as well as also for the alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity, and gender roles. In this paper, the study of the four selected novels such as The Scarlet Letter, Tess of the D 'Urbervilles, Emma, Surfacing, and Inner Line shows how circumstances, strata of time, and externalities of others objectify woman and her domestic space; how a woman perceives her deprivation as regards her own image which seems nobody to herself due to the sense of low perception; in what way sexual difference and gender-specific practices and ideology enforce woman to chide herself in the given environment and surroundings of legal codifications, moral prescriptions, and medical prognostications. The analyses of the novels draw how woman's experience as living subject in the vital dimension of human existence and utopian image of human fellowship is potentially undone by way of sexual exploitation, dismemberment, and embodiment. What kind of vulnerable moments force woman to withdraw from her body and fi'om her essence is the center of concern in this paper? While discussing the feminists' culture and ethics in their works, the focus is on the essentialized notion of gender-specific discrimination as well as on the frustrating double-consciousness that characterizes the cultural position of the other. 展开更多
关键词 feminists' discourse FEMININITY gender-specific practices and ideologies ETHICS double consciousness cultural position and dismemberment
Ubuntu: Alterity as a Perspective for Peace
作者 Flora Strozenberg Willis Santiago Guerra Filho Luiz Otavio Ferreira Barreto Leite Edna RaquelSantos Hogemann Milanna Nagib Hellen Cristina Silva de Oliveira Matheus Novais da Silva AnaCarolina Antao 《Sociology Study》 2015年第1期53-59,共7页
This paper looks for deepening the connections among peace, intercultural dialogue, and communalism in the light of Ubuntu, an ethical concept that emphasizes the alliances constructed between people and the relations... This paper looks for deepening the connections among peace, intercultural dialogue, and communalism in the light of Ubuntu, an ethical concept that emphasizes the alliances constructed between people and the relations established by them, and is seen as fundamental to the African thought of the groups that adopt Bantu languages. It develops an original exercise in diatopical hermeneutics--a methodology proposed by Raimon Panikkar, taking as the main goal to approach the Western ethical and political thought to the epistemic and ontological category of Uhuntu, recognized in the Zulu maxim umuntu n#umuntu npabantu (a person is a person through other persons). It chooses as the basis of such study some contemporary thinkers as L^vinas, Bauman, Ramose, Chuwa, Kunene, and Nussbaum, who show a common concern with reverting a context of war and disregard of the integrity of human beings, connected to an ethics of alterity, zealous of the values of conviviality and respect for the cultural differences. It reveals the political dimension of Ubuntu and the impacts of this conception on the process of facing the problems of human rights in post Apartheid South Africa. Grounded on such transdisciplinary reflexion, it tries to point through a path to the implementation of policies for peace based on interculturality and communalism within different cultures. 展开更多
关键词 UBUNTU PEACE ethical and political thought respect for the other communalism
Quantitative Methodology in Linguistics
作者 Elizaveta Dmitrieva 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第2期137-141,共5页
The paper is devoted to the study of quantitative methods in linguistics and describes the studies conducted. The purpose is to give the general idea of these studies. The first one considers one of the principal logi... The paper is devoted to the study of quantitative methods in linguistics and describes the studies conducted. The purpose is to give the general idea of these studies. The first one considers one of the principal logical categories--the quality. The basis of the research was comprised of lexicographical recourses. The text study finishes up the research. The second one dwells on the usage of the typological indices method in the research of comparatives and superlatives in English, German, and Russian texts. The principal method used is that of typological indices. As the result, people can observe the prospects of this method in linguistics 展开更多
关键词 quantitative linguistics METHOD QUALITY COMPARISON
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