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作者 石珠林 《写作》 2024年第3期30-41,共12页
书面语言范式及文体变革,在近代中国文学转型中具有标志性意义。在这一过程中,处于时代舞台中央的梁启超及其文学实践具有开风气之先的历史性意义。梁氏“流质多变”的转型期文化品格,与其不断“遭遇”新知识、新思想、新文化相关。在... 书面语言范式及文体变革,在近代中国文学转型中具有标志性意义。在这一过程中,处于时代舞台中央的梁启超及其文学实践具有开风气之先的历史性意义。梁氏“流质多变”的转型期文化品格,与其不断“遭遇”新知识、新思想、新文化相关。在“西学东渐”的时代背景下,梁氏广泛阅读古今中西各种典籍,并通过报章宣传实践,“更新”着既定的文体。梁启超的“新文体”与他阅读与日本相关的书籍,特别是戊戌东渡旅日期间阅读日本书籍的启发以及相关的模仿实践有着莫大联系。新文体关联着“知识”,而又在“情感”层面别具魔力,而它的消亡,亦来自这种特点本身。在近代中日“文”之传统演变的进程中理解“新文体”,可以管窥由“改良文言”到“改良白话”的历史进程。 展开更多
关键词 梁启超 “涉日”阅读史 “新文体” 文体 文章传统
梁启超“新文体”散文的近代转型意义——兼及“新文体”散文的传统渊源 被引量:2
作者 宁俊红 王丽萍 《甘肃社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期58-61,共4页
梁启超"新文体"散文的创作和观念在近代散文的发展转型中是具有代表性的。其转型意义体现在三个方面:第一,设定了与古代散文截然不同的读者群体,从而改变了在古代散文创作中具有强烈参照作用的读者"期待视野",由此... 梁启超"新文体"散文的创作和观念在近代散文的发展转型中是具有代表性的。其转型意义体现在三个方面:第一,设定了与古代散文截然不同的读者群体,从而改变了在古代散文创作中具有强烈参照作用的读者"期待视野",由此触发了散文文学活动的整体变革;第二,创作主体的自主性和独立品格的确立;第三,清晰地体现出了从各体文章的写作向现代文学散文创作的渐变轨迹。 展开更多
关键词 “新文体” 散文 近代转型
“新文体”与“新小说”之思 被引量:3
作者 吴康 《中国文学研究》 北大核心 2004年第3期66-71,共6页
梁启超风靡天下的“新文体”不仅是其基于时代新民之思的“觉世之文” ,而且充分显示了自古代“言文分离”至现代言文合一的历史趋向 ,其“新小说”的理论构想则为其新民确立了文学表达的本体论根基 ,从而预示着新文学的诞生。
关键词 梁启超 “新文体” 语言 小说 近代文学
作者 熊焰 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期144-147,共4页
梁启超的“新文体”,为了能够达到“晰于事理”的文学效果,常常将若干个比喻并列起来或连串起来,构成引人注目的复式比喻,包括博喻和连喻,与传统的复式比喻相比,体现出高度自由的叙述空间,并富有层次感和立体感。更重要的是,“新文体”... 梁启超的“新文体”,为了能够达到“晰于事理”的文学效果,常常将若干个比喻并列起来或连串起来,构成引人注目的复式比喻,包括博喻和连喻,与传统的复式比喻相比,体现出高度自由的叙述空间,并富有层次感和立体感。更重要的是,“新文体”常以多层次多向度的连喻构成一种特别的章法,甚至通篇文章就由这种一气呵成的复式比喻和层递式的连喻组构而成,这种超复式的比喻修辞法可以被拟称为“专喻”。专喻的运用在“新文体”中还呈现出多种样态,有的是层层解喻,有的是两两相对,更多的是引入新鲜别致的喻体,启人心智,发人深思。 展开更多
关键词 梁启超 “新文体” 复式比喻 专喻
作者 席志武 于瑞 《美与时代(美学)(下)》 2014年第1期80-84,共5页
梁启超新文体的散文创作是其“文学革命”思想的有机组成部分,具有十分丰富的蕴含。新文体的历史机缘在于报章新媒体的出现,它的成熟有赖于龚自珍、王韬等人的早期探索。梁启超新文体散文具有鲜明的政治功利性,体现出一种过渡性的创... 梁启超新文体的散文创作是其“文学革命”思想的有机组成部分,具有十分丰富的蕴含。新文体的历史机缘在于报章新媒体的出现,它的成熟有赖于龚自珍、王韬等人的早期探索。梁启超新文体散文具有鲜明的政治功利性,体现出一种过渡性的创作特质,并对当时的思想文化界及之后的白话文运动有着深刻的历史影响。 展开更多
关键词 “新文体” 散文创作 梁启超 有机组成部分 政治功利性 白话文运动 思想文化界 文学革命
作者 崔文静 《文教资料》 2013年第35期83-85,共3页
梁启超的“新文体”别具特色,在近代文学史上独树一帜,无论在中国的思想史上还是散文发展史上都占有重要的地位,对后世产生了重大的影响.本文从语言,形式,内容,思想等几个方面简要论述梁启超“新文体”所呈现的部分特征,并从社会变革的... 梁启超的“新文体”别具特色,在近代文学史上独树一帜,无论在中国的思想史上还是散文发展史上都占有重要的地位,对后世产生了重大的影响.本文从语言,形式,内容,思想等几个方面简要论述梁启超“新文体”所呈现的部分特征,并从社会变革的角度分析这些特征产生的原因. 展开更多
关键词 “新文体” 特征 思想 内容 形式 语言 社会变革
作者 周新顺 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第9期50-58,共9页
晚清报章政论作为当时被广泛实践的一种"新文体",其总体面貌和历史局限常常因梁启超的一已文风和个人成就而被遮蔽。综合考察晚清立宪运动中实践"新文体"极具代表性的《东方杂志》可见,这一时期以倡导立宪改良为总... 晚清报章政论作为当时被广泛实践的一种"新文体",其总体面貌和历史局限常常因梁启超的一已文风和个人成就而被遮蔽。综合考察晚清立宪运动中实践"新文体"极具代表性的《东方杂志》可见,这一时期以倡导立宪改良为总主题的新体政论中仍残留着诸多旧的言说习惯,其典型的表现就是忽视大众启蒙而习于面向庙堂进言的"奏议"式言说姿态和"连哄带吓"的言说策略。这种旧的言说习惯不仅表明晚清"新文体"并非一次彻底的文体解放,也深刻暴露了立宪派知识分子自身的历史局限和中国现代化进程中的某些深层困境。 展开更多
关键词 “新文体” 晚清报章政论 立宪运动 《东方杂志》
审美与功利的纠葛——梁启超“文体革命”的文学之思 被引量:1
作者 肖向明 杨林夕 《惠州学院学报》 2007年第1期35-40,共6页
依据文学的本质理论,对近代文学的“文体革命”所涉及的内在矛盾、文学与启蒙的“吊诡”以及审美迷思,进行重新的美学检视和文学反思。其中,梁启超的“新文体”与“新小说”理论和实践所带来的对于近代“文体革命”的经验是具有典型的... 依据文学的本质理论,对近代文学的“文体革命”所涉及的内在矛盾、文学与启蒙的“吊诡”以及审美迷思,进行重新的美学检视和文学反思。其中,梁启超的“新文体”与“新小说”理论和实践所带来的对于近代“文体革命”的经验是具有典型的研究价值的。 展开更多
关键词 “新文体” 启蒙 审美 功利
审美的偏至——梁启超“文体革命”的文学反思 被引量:1
作者 肖向明 杨林夕 《韩山师范学院学报》 2007年第1期16-22,共7页
依据文学的本质理论,对近代文学的“文体革命”所涉及的内在矛盾、文学与启蒙的“吊诡”以及审美迷思,进行重新的美学检视和文学反思。其中,梁启超的“新文体”与“新小说”理论和实践所带来的对于近代“文体革命”的经验是具有典型的... 依据文学的本质理论,对近代文学的“文体革命”所涉及的内在矛盾、文学与启蒙的“吊诡”以及审美迷思,进行重新的美学检视和文学反思。其中,梁启超的“新文体”与“新小说”理论和实践所带来的对于近代“文体革命”的经验是具有典型的研究价值的。 展开更多
关键词 “新文体” 启蒙 审美 功利
作者 张敬燕 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期177-179,共3页
梁启超的新闻文创作为他赢得了"舆论界之骄子"的称誉,同时也是他"文界革命"的主要成果,而他新闻文的主要成就又是他的"新文体""。淬砺其所本有而新之",从狭义文章学的独特视角对梁启超的新闻... 梁启超的新闻文创作为他赢得了"舆论界之骄子"的称誉,同时也是他"文界革命"的主要成果,而他新闻文的主要成就又是他的"新文体""。淬砺其所本有而新之",从狭义文章学的独特视角对梁启超的新闻文进行全新解读,可以从语体、结构、情感等方面看出梁启超的新闻文创作及其思想对五四新文化运动的重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 梁启超 闻文 “新文体” 特点
Chinese and foreign film and TV drama translation from the perspective of cross cultural communication 被引量:1
作者 Hui Cui 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2017年第1期1-3,共3页
. Chinese and foreign film and cultural exchanges, the translation is necessary to ensure the realization of information across language barriers to effective communication. Particularity TV drama text language determ... . Chinese and foreign film and cultural exchanges, the translation is necessary to ensure the realization of information across language barriers to effective communication. Particularity TV drama text language determines the TV drama translation from other forms of translation particularity. According to the analysis of the speci? c case, we discussed the basics of film and television drama translation. In recent years, foreign film and television works more and more popular in China, Subtitling received more attention. Filmography is an important medium for intercultural communication that subtitling has a very important role in cross-cultural communication. By analyzing the subtitle translation of particularity, we propose the appropriate translation approach. News translation is an interlingual intercultural communication activities and news translation there are a lot of cultural barriers that improper handling will seriously affect the effect of news media, and even misleading. News translator should understand the source culture, and appropriate use of domesticating translation strategy interpretive translation means to overcome cultural barriers in order to achieve intercultural communication. 展开更多
关键词 Intercultural Communication Filmography TRANSLATION PERSPECTIVE English works
The Role of Voluntary Youth Work in Media in Professional Development of Young People and Documentation of Urban Space in Wroclaw (Poland)
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第8期502-507,共6页
Wroclaw is mostly known for being a university town. In addition, the city is known in Poland for its sports history--basketball and football-and for many cultural events such as the Review of Stage Songs or African C... Wroclaw is mostly known for being a university town. In addition, the city is known in Poland for its sports history--basketball and football-and for many cultural events such as the Review of Stage Songs or African Culture Brave Festival. Because of the fact that Wroclaw is one of the largest and most important cities in Poland, it quickly becomes a subject of interest in new media, including the Internet, which becomes a field for community projects. This gives a tremendous opportunity to Wroclaw's youth who can participate in the life of Wroclaw, as well as by volunteering learn the basics of journalism and pursue their passions in an active and creative way. In perspective of those fact, the main aim of the planned paper is to describe evolution process of possibilities which Internet media gives to young people who would like to be a journalist. It is also a trial of analysis on how citizen journalism destroyed media voluntary youth work in Wroclaw, where in fact real citizen journalism was started by young people. What is more, paper's goal is to present methods of urban space documentation created by teenage journalists to show multicultural spectrum of Wroclaw. 展开更多
关键词 Wroclaw citizen journalism youth work in media voluntary work in media urban spacedocumentation
聚焦“新”文体 践行“新”教法——2021年中考写作“新增文体”的命题特点及教学建议
作者 王兴伟 《中学语文教学参考》 2021年第26期78-80,共3页
在教学评一致的理念下,2021年中考,统编教材写作板块的"新增"文体受到全国各地中考命题者的青睐。"新"文体的试题命制上,大体以以下三种形式出现:融写作于生活情境,引导学生真实写作;融写作于学科情境,引导学生深... 在教学评一致的理念下,2021年中考,统编教材写作板块的"新增"文体受到全国各地中考命题者的青睐。"新"文体的试题命制上,大体以以下三种形式出现:融写作于生活情境,引导学生真实写作;融写作于学科情境,引导学生深度学习;融写作于思辨语境,引导学生个性思维。中考写作"新文体"试题启发写作教学要依据统编教材,创设情境,重视思辨训练,有效实施写作教学。 展开更多
关键词 2021年中考 “新文体写作 命题特点 写作教学
Bridging Sociality and New Media Practice as a Lever to Intercultural Competency
作者 Maria Giovanna Onorati 《Sociology Study》 2013年第5期321-333,共13页
This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three-year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing in... This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three-year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing intercultural competency in the education, social work and health care professions. The Program approached intercultural competency as a culturally aware ability to cope with unfamiliar situations continuously arising in the current ever-changing society, in which learning has become an "endemic condition", and the new media have created symbolic resources for actively expressing and constructing identities as an in-progress and negotiated project. Intercultural competency is therefore rethought from a holistic perspective as a part of an educational mission that particularly values one's communicative and social experiences as a strategic resource for facilitating learning processes and enhancing professional competency. The presented data show sociality as a clustering factor for intercultural learning and displays a factorial structure, from which a model for intercultural education is inferred, in which bridging social capital, media practice and reflective attitude become crucial for gaining and valuing competency in terms of human capital. 展开更多
关键词 Intercultural competency lifelong learning experience CONVERGENCE bridging social capital
"Painting with Words": "Social Justice" Protest's Narrative in the Israeli' s News
作者 Alonit Berenson 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第8期373-387,共15页
This article analyzes the role of the media during the 2011 social protests in Israel, in order to examine why the "Social Justice" protest proved more effective than any other social protest organized previously in... This article analyzes the role of the media during the 2011 social protests in Israel, in order to examine why the "Social Justice" protest proved more effective than any other social protest organized previously in Israel. Scholars have shown that media fi'aming has a powerful effect on citizen perception and policy debates. The social protests focused on the political-social-economic policy based on a neo-liberal ideology. They signified the beginnings of resistance to the system and became the focus of public and media identification via reports published by leading Israeli newspapers: Yedioth Ahronoth and lsrael Hayom. Using content analysis, the author explore how the media plays an important role to shape the public perception of how to think and act about the protest. Due to the results, we evident the expand media capacity and influence, and that these effects are mediated in presenting positive and supportive coverage, including connotations and metaphors expressed by means of familiar slogans and events in the collective memory of Israeli society. Additionally, the expression "social justice" that became the protest's slogan, offered a broad common basis with which each citizen could identify, including journalists. 展开更多
关键词 media framing JOURNALISM social justice PROTEST
Dependence Theory and Radio: An Evaluation on How Radio Can Change Future Dreams
作者 Mihalis Kuyucu 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第8期469-477,共9页
Radio is all about dreams. This old and tired medium now fights with new media as it is with its old enemy television. Radio has a big impact on dreams. It gives you the sound and makes you dream. Once you get used to... Radio is all about dreams. This old and tired medium now fights with new media as it is with its old enemy television. Radio has a big impact on dreams. It gives you the sound and makes you dream. Once you get used to this media you start dreaming. If you used to listen radio more, you get in dependence with it. So this day dreaming change to lifeless dreaming. This article gives an evaluation of how radio audience can shape audience future dreams with dependence theory. The paper starts with a conceptual explanation of dependence theory and goes on with a survey done in Turkey to 101 radio listeners. The survey investigates on how people like listening the radio and what makes them enjoy radio. The survey assumes that people listening to radio and getting depended on it start changing the behaviors and habits of listeners. This behavior change effects listeners future dreams and the audience take radio as a model. The paper shows by using the dependence theory that radio listeners take the radio they love as model and use it to build their future business dreams. 展开更多
关键词 RADIO radio broadcasting dependence theory radio and Turkey
The Tension between New Media and Narratology: The Case of Cinema 被引量:1
作者 Alberto J. L. Carrillo, Marco Calder6n, Francisco J. Montes May Zindel 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第9期677-687,共11页
We will discuss here the tension between the reality of new media and narratological theory, and the case in point will be cinema. Our thesis is that new media have to do with illusion, basically with illusion, and on... We will discuss here the tension between the reality of new media and narratological theory, and the case in point will be cinema. Our thesis is that new media have to do with illusion, basically with illusion, and only derivatively with imagination; on the contrary, the field of literature has to do with imagination, strictly with imagination, not with illusion at all. If it is so, something must be wrong with the pretence of narratology, which has literature as its basic referent, to be the adequate theoretical frame in order to understand every cultural phenomenon, especially in the case of new media. We have to insist on the distinction between illusion and imagination. In fact, most literary theorists do not bear in mind such distinction; it tends to completely disappear under the general title "fiction." To be sure, it is usually said of cinema that it is fiction, like literature, but cinema is much more than fiction, it is illusion, even if it is the illusion of a story. 展开更多
关键词 IMAGINATION ILLUSION plastic imagination aesthetic belief sameness of the character
The New Media Engine for Promoting Chinese Cultural Diffusion: A Case Study of"Confucius Institute Online"
作者 Huang Ai 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第12期1158-1164,共7页
As a developing Non-profit Organization (NPO) system for the learning and diffusion of Chinese language and culture around the globe, the Confucius Institute network is becoming more and more important for China's ... As a developing Non-profit Organization (NPO) system for the learning and diffusion of Chinese language and culture around the globe, the Confucius Institute network is becoming more and more important for China's presence and influence in a diversified arena of world cultures. While this network is being enlarged and improved with the Chinese govemment's persistent backing, it is, however, recognized that the influence and efficiency of the institutes are still limited. It might not be essential whether people come primarily as serious language learners, but necessarily, the platform has to be attractive enough for a considerable proportion of users to stick on, making the Confucius Institute System a sustainable cultural service provider. Within the background of information society, the Intemet, mobile service, digital broadcasting, and other types of new media would act as an important effort to help Confucius Institutes to improve the capabilities of interacting with users, offering users with abundant media-rich content, and minimizing users' inconvenience by enhancing users' experience, lowering travel and time cost, and easily providing multi-lingual support. In this paper, we take the platform of Confucius Institute Online (http://www.chinese.cn, the official Intemet portal of the Confucius Institute network) as a case of actuality to analyze how the Confucius Institute system could utilize the communication capability of new media to enrich, enlarge, and enhance the diffusion of Chinese culture and language. Advantages and deficiencies of the planning, design, and layout of the portal's functionality and views are presented, upon which a number of strategic suggestions are raised, for the sake of further improvement of Confucius Institute's efficiency in cultural diffusion and sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 multi-channel communication Confucius Institute Chinese culture new media Internet
Then and Now: A Content Analysis of Media Used in the Presidential Election Campaigns of Kennedy and Obama
作者 Zack Stiegler Mary Beth Leidman 《Sociology Study》 2011年第1期1-10,共10页
American campaigning has become increasingly complex as it adjusts to our ever-changing cultural landscape. The use of electronic media in the presidential campaigns of 1960 and 2008 is illustrative of this shift. A c... American campaigning has become increasingly complex as it adjusts to our ever-changing cultural landscape. The use of electronic media in the presidential campaigns of 1960 and 2008 is illustrative of this shift. A content analysis of these two campaigns demonstrates how each applied the newest technologies available at the time to define the candidate's image and export the messages to the electorate. Whether it be Kennedy's use of television or Obama's usage of social media, the role that new media of the day played in both campaigns clearly set the tone for future political campaigns. This examination of the role of media in both elections serves to form a primer for how the successful applications of new media lead to campaign victory. Then and now, the growing influence of new technologies on campaigning makes it necessary to compare and contrast the successful usages and strategies employed. The need for continuing analysis will grow in the coming years. 展开更多
关键词 Presidential politics campaigns political communication Barack Ohama John F. Kennedy
Research on the Innovativeness and Characteristic of Digital Media under the Environment of Internet and Big Data
作者 Xing Yalei 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期20-22,共3页
In this paper, we conduct survey and research on the innovativeness and characteristic of digital media under the environment of Internet and big data. Under the background of the era of rapid change, the current educ... In this paper, we conduct survey and research on the innovativeness and characteristic of digital media under the environment of Internet and big data. Under the background of the era of rapid change, the current education system is more severe impact and challenge. Creative industry is the product of cultural industry development to a new stage, is the most creative cultural industry and the origin of the core part of the new economic era of creativity industry is the condition of globalization. The research indicates that the combination of the big data with digital media is necessary and needed. In the future, we will test more related combination and creativeness. 展开更多
关键词 Digital Media Big Data Internet Media Innovativeness and Characteristic.
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