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“新治理”与中国地方政府社会治理及治理价值选择 被引量:2
作者 靳永翥 《湖北社会科学》 2004年第12期35-37,共3页
关键词 “新治理” 中国地方政府 社会治理环境 价值选择
萨拉蒙“新治理”理论的贡献、反思与启示 被引量:1
作者 耿长娟 《江西理工大学学报》 CAS 2020年第4期126-132,共7页
萨拉蒙的“新治理”理论是对当代社会治理困境的反思与突破。“新治理”理论主要由五大理论组成,即非营利组织理论、志愿失灵理论、第三方政府理论、合作伙伴关系理论和新工具理论。这些理论自成体系,并相辅相成,呈现出一种螺旋式逐步... 萨拉蒙的“新治理”理论是对当代社会治理困境的反思与突破。“新治理”理论主要由五大理论组成,即非营利组织理论、志愿失灵理论、第三方政府理论、合作伙伴关系理论和新工具理论。这些理论自成体系,并相辅相成,呈现出一种螺旋式逐步升华的内在发展逻辑。文章创新性研究了萨拉蒙的思想发展逻辑与其理论贡献,并着重分析了“新治理”在我国本土化的反思与启示,结合外来理论与本土实践、传统思想与社会创新的关系,为建构我国疫情后现代化社会治理体系提供了新的思路与建议。 展开更多
关键词 萨拉蒙 “新治理” 理论贡献 反思与启示
作者 李梦琳 《行政与法》 2021年第11期1-11,共11页
数字经济技术在推动平台经济快速发展的同时,也使得网络空间公众行为规制愈加复杂。"新治理"理论下,网络平台等私人主体成为公共治理的重要主体,规制标准亦成为平台软法治理中规范用户行为的重要形式。在线外卖平台作为新一... 数字经济技术在推动平台经济快速发展的同时,也使得网络空间公众行为规制愈加复杂。"新治理"理论下,网络平台等私人主体成为公共治理的重要主体,规制标准亦成为平台软法治理中规范用户行为的重要形式。在线外卖平台作为新一代网络平台私人规制者采取的算法规制与政府规制相比具有显著优势,而算法涉及价值观和导向的设定必须通过规制标准的制定来平衡经济价值与非经济价值的冲突。平台规制标准不具有法律约束力,通过算法规制可以保证规制的有效性,标准制定的程序性环节则可以保障规制的正当性,故应引入平台准入合同的"强制性"约定条款、平台退出机制、市场竞争淘汰机制和法定责任机制来确保规制的可问责性。 展开更多
关键词 “新治理”理论 平台治理 规制工具 标准制定 软法规范
农村居民消费、医疗卫生水平与减贫效果研究——基于“新”整体性治理模型框架的实证分析 被引量:1
作者 王磊 《山西农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期87-95,共9页
2020年前后中国成功解决了绝对贫困问题,为世界带来了宝贵的减贫经验。以1978-2018年《中国统计年鉴》的公开数据为样本,探究“新”整体性治理框架下农村居民消费、医疗卫生水平对减贫效果的影响。实证研究表明:农村居民人均消费支出可... 2020年前后中国成功解决了绝对贫困问题,为世界带来了宝贵的减贫经验。以1978-2018年《中国统计年鉴》的公开数据为样本,探究“新”整体性治理框架下农村居民消费、医疗卫生水平对减贫效果的影响。实证研究表明:农村居民人均消费支出可以解释减贫人数的80.8%变化原因,农村居民人均消费支出全部会对减贫人数产生显著的正向影响关系;总人口增长可对减贫人数产生15.1%的解释力度,总人口增长会对减贫人数产生显著的正向影响关系;劳动人口增加量可对减贫人数产生2.5%的解释力度,劳动人口增加量会对减贫人数产生显著的负向影响关系;绝对贫困线计算的贫困发生率可对减贫人数产生1.5%的解释力度,绝对贫困线计算的贫困发生率会对减贫人数产生显著的负向影响关系;卫生技术人员数的回归系数值为-0.005,并且呈现出显著性,卫生技术人员数会对减贫人数产生显著的负向影响关系。基于此,研究建议:进一步释放农村居民人均消费能力,增加农村居民减贫人数,实现乡村振兴;降低劳动人口增加量,尤其是从事第一产业劳动的比重,拓宽农村低收入人口就业面;提高医疗卫生实际水平,减少单位卫生技术人员数,帮扶和救助低收入人群。 展开更多
关键词 消费 医疗卫生 减贫 “新”整体性治理
作者 程鹏立 车文斌 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期58-67,共10页
通过对“双减”背景下Y市校外培训治理的总结分析发现,Y市的治理实践从以“强动员式”为主要治理特点的运动式治理阶段,向以常规治理手段混合“应急运动式”治理为主要治理特点的“新常规”治理阶段转变。提出常规治理整合治理权力、引... 通过对“双减”背景下Y市校外培训治理的总结分析发现,Y市的治理实践从以“强动员式”为主要治理特点的运动式治理阶段,向以常规治理手段混合“应急运动式”治理为主要治理特点的“新常规”治理阶段转变。提出常规治理整合治理权力、引入社会力量;“应急运动式”治理完善参与机制、提高治理效率等建议。 展开更多
关键词 “双减” 校外培训治理 运动式治理 “新常规”治理
法治与自治:社会组织参与建构社会治理“新常态”的实现路径 被引量:12
作者 胡琦 《探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期77-82,共6页
社会组织作为一种新兴的公共治理主体,对建构社会治理"新常态"具有重大的功能意义。在当前社会治理体制下,管理制度、资源结构、参与制度的行政化倾向使之难以获得独立性。社会组织内部的治理结构缺陷、自我治理能力欠缺导致... 社会组织作为一种新兴的公共治理主体,对建构社会治理"新常态"具有重大的功能意义。在当前社会治理体制下,管理制度、资源结构、参与制度的行政化倾向使之难以获得独立性。社会组织内部的治理结构缺陷、自我治理能力欠缺导致其自治机制运行不畅。独立性与自治性的二元困境要求我们要以法治化与自治化为基本路径来推进社会组织参与建构社会治理"新常态"。法治与自治是社会组织参与社会治理合法性与有效性二元逻辑互动的结果。两者并立共存,从而形成一种不可分割的统一的二维特征。要发挥社会组织参与社会治理的作用,就要统合法治与自治方式,共同推进政府改革与社会建设,实现政府依法行政和社会组织依法自治有机统一。 展开更多
关键词 社会治理 社会治理“新常态” 社会组织 法治 自治独立性 自治性
Vascular Calcification:Where is the Cure?
作者 Wen-Wen Liu Mei-Lin Liu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期203-216,共14页
With the progress of aging,the incidence of vascular calcification(VC)gradually increases,which is correlated with cardiovascular events and all-cause death,aggravating global clinical burden.Over the past several dec... With the progress of aging,the incidence of vascular calcification(VC)gradually increases,which is correlated with cardiovascular events and all-cause death,aggravating global clinical burden.Over the past several decades,accumulating approaches targeting the underlying pathogenesis of VC have provided some possibilities for the treatment of VC.Unfortunately,none of the current interventions have achieved clinical effectiveness on reversing or curing VC.The purpose of this review is to make a summary of novel perspectives on the interventions of VC and provide reference for clinical decision-making. 展开更多
关键词 vascular calcification CLINICAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGY therapeutic strategies novel findings
社会组织参与特殊职业教育的困境与破解策略 被引量:3
作者 张冉 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期71-76,共6页
随着我国第三部门的不断发展,越来越多社会组织参与到特殊职业教育服务领域之中。特殊职业教育服务中社会组织的参与具有慈善性、精准性和共治性的生发逻辑,但同时其也在社会、政府和组织层面存在着诸多困境。针对这些困境,可以通过优... 随着我国第三部门的不断发展,越来越多社会组织参与到特殊职业教育服务领域之中。特殊职业教育服务中社会组织的参与具有慈善性、精准性和共治性的生发逻辑,但同时其也在社会、政府和组织层面存在着诸多困境。针对这些困境,可以通过优化社会组织人事管理、建立系统性财税政策、推进社会组织管理体制改革、转变政府职能和强化社会组织信任等策略予以破解。 展开更多
关键词 社会组织 特殊职业教育 “新治理”范式 管理体制改革
论当代公共管理三大范式及其转换 被引量:17
作者 顾建光 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期8-14,共7页
现代以来的国际公共管理领域先后演化形成了三种主要的范式,它们分别被称之为"公共行政"、"新公共管理"、"新公共治理"。这三大范式在时间顺序上有着前后更迭和转换过程。从各国实践的角度看,三者之间又... 现代以来的国际公共管理领域先后演化形成了三种主要的范式,它们分别被称之为"公共行政"、"新公共管理"、"新公共治理"。这三大范式在时间顺序上有着前后更迭和转换过程。从各国实践的角度看,三者之间又存在着相互重叠的情形。然而根据其核心价值、学科依据以及实践操作,从不同层面观察,三者的确有其各自的独立性和鲜明的区分边界。这三大范式深刻地影响着各国公共事务管理发展的大趋势。因此,我们当前的确迫切需要对这三大范式的基本内涵加以清楚的梳理、对照分析,这不仅能帮助我们把握国际公共管理发展潮流的方向,也有助于提升我国的公共管理发展的自觉性。本文尝试对这三大范畴的主导时期、学科背景和实践模式加以剖析,并对各范式的核心要素和各自特点加以概略对照,以便有助于对三大范式要义的把握。 展开更多
关键词 范式 “公共行政” “新公共管理” “新公共治理”
Corporate innovation behavior and internal governance mechanism
作者 WANG Xue 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第7期58-62,共5页
Innovation is a process results in new products, methods of production and forms of business organization. Innovation can vastly improve the welfare of consumers, investors, firms and the economy. However, there is re... Innovation is a process results in new products, methods of production and forms of business organization. Innovation can vastly improve the welfare of consumers, investors, firms and the economy. However, there is relatively limited evidence of how corporate governance affects corporate innovation. In this study, the author theoretically demonstrates how internal governance mechanisms interact to affect innovation, such as internal control, monitoring and compensation contracts. Governance mechanisms are determined by firm characteristics. The "best" governance structures that can be adopted universally do not exist. However, innovative firms often share similar characteristics, and they adopt similar governance mechanisms to facilitate innovation. The ultimate purpose of such internal governance mechanism that facilitates innovation is to prevent managers' myopia, and this paper concludes 5 different roles in internal governance mechanism that facilitate corporate innovation behavior. 展开更多
关键词 corporate innovation behavior corporate governance financial endowments
Rehabilitation and return to sport after hamstring strain injury
作者 Lauren N.Erickson Marc A.Sherry 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第3期262-270,共9页
Hamstring strain injuries are common among sports that involve sprinting,kicking,and high-speed skilled movements or extensive muscle lengthening-type maneuvers with hip flexion and knee extension.These injuries prese... Hamstring strain injuries are common among sports that involve sprinting,kicking,and high-speed skilled movements or extensive muscle lengthening-type maneuvers with hip flexion and knee extension.These injuries present the challenge of significant recovery time and a lengthy period of increased susceptibility for recurrent injury.Nearly one third of hamstring strains recur within the first year following return to sport with subsequent injuries often being more severe than the original.This high re-injury rate suggests that athletes may be returning to sport prematurely due to inadequate return to sport criteria.In this review article,we describe the epidemiology,risk factors,differential diagnosis,and prognosis of an acute hamstring strain.Based on the current available evidence,we then propose a clinical guide for the rehabilitation of acute hamstring strains and an algorithm to assist clinicians in the decision-making process when assessing readiness of an athlete to return to sport. 展开更多
关键词 Acute MUSCLE Performance Physical therapy RECURRENCE Re-injury THIGH
Research on Reform and Innovation of the Ideological and Political Theory Course in Colleges and Universities
《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期18-20,共3页
Since the "05 plan" was carried out in Ideological and Political Theory Course, we combine the new requirements of the new features and Political Theory Course Construction of the times, and actively explore and tak... Since the "05 plan" was carried out in Ideological and Political Theory Course, we combine the new requirements of the new features and Political Theory Course Construction of the times, and actively explore and take bold innovation for ideological and political theory and basic link, thereby greatly improving the quality of teaching and level of ideological and political theory courses and pointing out the direction to further deepen the ideological and political theory course. 展开更多
关键词 ideological and political theory teaching content teaching methods teaching methods
Processes of Adaptation and Creation of a Territorial Governance: The Experience of the Cities of Benevento and Salerno (Campania Region, Italy)~
作者 Massimiliano Bencardino Ilaria Greco 《Sociology Study》 2012年第11期819-833,共15页
This paper presents some considerations about the definition and role of "medium-sized cities" in the processes of urban governance of the Italian regional systems, in line with the objectives of European programmin... This paper presents some considerations about the definition and role of "medium-sized cities" in the processes of urban governance of the Italian regional systems, in line with the objectives of European programming 2007-2013. Beginning from some theoretical considerations, the research objective is to delineate the features of the "new urban geography" of Campania region as it has been formed on the base of the social and economic processes that in the last 30 years have modified the regional urban system in the widest context of Mezzogiorno. To such aim, the paper is articulated in two parts: the first one in which the fundamental passages are re-called in the processes of development of Italian urban areas that have carried to new paradigms object of theoretical approaches still in course of definition, and the second one in which such processes are considered regarding the model of urban development of Campania, on which the research is concentrated. Specifically, the paper presents the case of two "middle cities" in the Campania region: Benevento and Salerno, which play a particularly important role in the design and development of a "regional network of medium-sized cities". 展开更多
关键词 Urban areas polycentrism territorial governance regional development
作者 包存宽 《国家治理》 2024年第18期51-56,共6页
人与自然和谐共生是中国式现代化的鲜明特色之一。人与自然和谐共生的现代化,是对西方“先污染后治理”现代化的全面超越。建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化,要以习近平生态文明思想为指引,以经济社会发展全面绿色转型为路径,正确处理人与... 人与自然和谐共生是中国式现代化的鲜明特色之一。人与自然和谐共生的现代化,是对西方“先污染后治理”现代化的全面超越。建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化,要以习近平生态文明思想为指引,以经济社会发展全面绿色转型为路径,正确处理人与自然的关系,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,深化生态文明体制改革,在国家治理体系和治理能力现代化进程中不断推动环境治理的制度优势转化为治理效能,努力创造中国生态环境治理“新奇迹”。 展开更多
关键词 生态文明 人与自然和谐共生现代化 生态环境治理“新奇迹”
Life in Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go
作者 HUANG Yu-min 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第9期1145-1157,共13页
With the announcement of the sheep clone Dolly as the breakthrough in the biotechnology in news media around the turn of the twenty-first century, the rising issue of human clones in its development and the controvers... With the announcement of the sheep clone Dolly as the breakthrough in the biotechnology in news media around the turn of the twenty-first century, the rising issue of human clones in its development and the controversially bioethical issues ensued, Kazuo Ishiguro in Never Let Me Go (2005) focuses his attention, in the area of cell therapy, on how human clones, since produced, lead their model lives and face their deaths, in order that his readers may better understand the meanings of life and death, and that they may stay in a far closer relationship with their family and friends than ever. In this essay, I examine, in two worlds, the normals' and the clones', paralleling each other, the true meanings of being human and their lives through the perspective of Jacques Derrida's deconstruction; and I argue that Ishiguro misspeaks to his readers the true meanings of life and death especially through the clones' perspective and brings them to his readers' hearts further realistically. In Derrida's nature-culture structurality of the clones, it is Kathy H. who comes as center into which the other clones come as freeplay in the structurality of the real world, where it is normals who come as center into which clones come as freeplay under the structurality of power in the institutions where the clones' culture comes as center into which Miss Emily's ruling comes as freeplay by the structurality of authorship where the author comes as center into which the novel comes as freeplay. 展开更多
关键词 Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go DERRIDA DECONSTRUCTION clone death
On the Innovative Management Mode of Ideological and Political Education of College Students
作者 Lijing Si 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期140-142,共3页
The management mode of college ideological and political education, aiming to realize the training objective of higher education, is required to innovate and develop incessantly, in order to meet the requirements of o... The management mode of college ideological and political education, aiming to realize the training objective of higher education, is required to innovate and develop incessantly, in order to meet the requirements of our nation' s economic and social development. This paper intends to discuss the necessities, characteristics and functions of the innovative mode of college ideological and political education. 展开更多
关键词 College students Ideological and political education Innovation.
On the Innovative Management Mode of Ideological and Political Education of College Students
作者 Lijing Si 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期81-83,共3页
The management mode of college ideological and political education, aiming to realize the training objective of higher education, is required to innovate and develop incessantly, in order to meet the requirements of o... The management mode of college ideological and political education, aiming to realize the training objective of higher education, is required to innovate and develop incessantly, in order to meet the requirements of our nation's economic and social development. Tbis paper intends to discuss the necessities, characteristics and functions of the innovative mode of college ideological wad political education 展开更多
关键词 College students Ideological and political education hmovation.
Research on the New and Innovative Pattern of College Students' Ideological and Political Education under the Guidance and Perspective of the Core Values Theory
作者 Shuyun Ruan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期59-61,共3页
In this paper, we conduct in-depth research on the new and innovative pattern of college students' ideological and political education under the guidance and perspective of the core values theory. Implementation of i... In this paper, we conduct in-depth research on the new and innovative pattern of college students' ideological and political education under the guidance and perspective of the core values theory. Implementation of ideological and political theory course construction will perfect the theory of education system. The dominance of socialist core values embodied in the noble moral and value pursuit of the process, it plays a major guiding role. Universities should give full play to the important role of ideological and political theory and adhere to Marxist theory as a guide and fully carry out the socialist core values education which will hold special meaning for students. 展开更多
关键词 Ideological and Political Education Core Values Theory Innovative Pattern.
Synergetic Innovation in Social Governance in a Complex Network Structural Paradigm 被引量:4
作者 范如国 Tan Yuehan Gong Huayan 《Social Sciences in China》 2016年第2期99-117,共19页
Society is in essence a complex network system that is open, evolving and adaptable and possesses a coupling function. Social governance is a large-scale and complex systems engineering project. Due to the complexity ... Society is in essence a complex network system that is open, evolving and adaptable and possesses a coupling function. Social governance is a large-scale and complex systems engineering project. Due to the complexity and uncertainty of the environment and social affairs, the traditional government-led linear management model cannot provide effective interpretations and responses to complex social issues, and it is thus necessary to introduce the complexity scientific paradigm. Complexity science, especially complex system theory, has an intrinsic correspondence with social governance, and can reveal the inherent occurrence mechanism and rules brought about by the complexity of social governance. It indicates that the more complex a system is, the greater will be its requirements for systemic coordination and the more apparent its synergetic effects. A complex social network system is small-world and scale-free, with a community structure, preferential attachment and a topological structure characterized by the duality of virtuality and actuality. All of these have a direct and profound effect on social governance. To strengthen and innovate social governance, it is necessary to analyze the social system's complex network structure and characteristics, establish synergetic and innovative mechanisms and institutional arrangements for social governance, and carry out synergetic social governance. 展开更多
关键词 complex network social governance synergetic innovation
The Historical and Present Dimensions of Consensus on New Global Governance 被引量:1
作者 Li Bin 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第4期154-170,共17页
The experience and lessons from the century and the experience of successful development of market economy since the 19th socialism with Chinese characteristics show that the free development of the market needs corre... The experience and lessons from the century and the experience of successful development of market economy since the 19th socialism with Chinese characteristics show that the free development of the market needs corresponding governance to match up with it, or the other way round it will inevitably enlarge the negative influence of the market and lead to the intensification of social contradictions. In order to promote the healthy development of economic globalization, it is necessary to adjust the previous neoliberal order and establish a new global governance model, for the old order is oriented towards complete marketization, privatization and Westernized political system in terms of governance. This model is the crux of many problems in the current economic globalization. For this reason, the new global governance should be based on the following consensus: The balance between the market and the state recognizes a diversified national governance mode, but such pluralistic mode should be premised on win-win cooperation and mutual benefits, and boosting development provides a basis for guaranteeing the smooth development of current economic globalization. At present, it is urgent to find a global approach to the improvement of development to cope with the tmdercurrents of de- and anti-globalization. So, the author holds that on the basis of the "Belt and Road Initiative," the construction of global infrastructure should be used as a new growth point for promoting global economy. This solution can alleviate the difficulties of employment loss and weak growth in some developed countries in the West, improve the development capacity of developing countries, and meanwhile enhance the production capacity and capital exports of countries like China. 展开更多
关键词 economic globalization ANTI-GLOBALIZATION global governance neoliberalism Belt and Road initiative
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