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作者 曹滟梅 《湖南省社会主义学院学报》 2022年第3期94-96,共3页
“无”和“不”原是两个线性相邻的词,经过历时演变跨层凝固为“无不”和“不无”两个词。本文主要阐述“无不”“不无”的跨层词汇化过程,指出汉语的韵律机制、词语内部语义的凝结以及语言使用者的组块处理和重新分析等方面的因素是促... “无”和“不”原是两个线性相邻的词,经过历时演变跨层凝固为“无不”和“不无”两个词。本文主要阐述“无不”“不无”的跨层词汇化过程,指出汉语的韵律机制、词语内部语义的凝结以及语言使用者的组块处理和重新分析等方面的因素是促进其完成词汇化的主要动因,并分析了“无不”“不无”两词词汇化在互动语篇中呈现出的交互主观性差异。 展开更多
关键词 “无不” 跨层词汇化 动因 交互主观性
“无为而无不为”的自然与“无不为而无为”的人——论《边城》 被引量:2
作者 翟业军 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期167-171,共5页
《边城》是一个"不幸故事","不幸"就在于沈从文反写"巴别塔"的故事,一上来给你一个绝对的乐园,看你能得到什么样的结局。乐园是一个"一"的世界,"一"就是介于不可言说与具体化之间的... 《边城》是一个"不幸故事","不幸"就在于沈从文反写"巴别塔"的故事,一上来给你一个绝对的乐园,看你能得到什么样的结局。乐园是一个"一"的世界,"一"就是介于不可言说与具体化之间的抽象,抽象之中的人们还不是生命,只是一些生物而已,他们亟待走出"一",走成"万物"。但是,由时间"变乱"出来的"万物"既是丰富的、独一无二的,又是隔膜的、有死的,欠然原是命定,于是,沈从文心中又永远葆有着一个"全圆"。 展开更多
关键词 《边城》 “一” “万物” “无为而无不为”的自然 “无不为而无为”的人
“无时无刻不”和“时时刻刻都” 被引量:2
作者 宗守云 刘志红 《柳州职业技术学院学报》 2006年第1期72-75,共4页
“无时无刻不”和“时时刻刻都”在句法、语义、认知、语用方面都存在着一定的差异。在句法上,当搭配对象为领有动词、能愿动词、形容词和否定词语时,一般只能用“时时刻刻都”,当前面为副词“都”时,只能用“无时无刻不”。在语义上,... “无时无刻不”和“时时刻刻都”在句法、语义、认知、语用方面都存在着一定的差异。在句法上,当搭配对象为领有动词、能愿动词、形容词和否定词语时,一般只能用“时时刻刻都”,当前面为副词“都”时,只能用“无时无刻不”。在语义上,“无时无刻不”比“时时刻刻都”要丰富、复杂一些。在认知上,人们对“无时无刻不”的理解难于对“时时刻刻都”的理解。在语用上,“无时无刻不”比“时时刻刻都”语气更强烈,“无时无刻不”经常进行主观陈述,“时时刻刻都”则经常进行客观描写。从规范化的角度看,只有“无时无刻不”的用法,不存在“无时无刻都”的用法。 展开更多
关键词 无时无刻不 时时刻刻都 认知 规范化
否定词的主观小量表达用法探源 被引量:1
作者 李小军 叶雯雯 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第6期125-132,共8页
汉语史上否定词用于主观小量表达是一个常见现象,原因在于它们可以进行量级否定,如果否定的数量为概数,这时的否定词就接近甚至已经属于主观小量标记了。源于否定词的主观小量标记往往是在主观小量表达格式中演化而来的,其中“不”唐代... 汉语史上否定词用于主观小量表达是一个常见现象,原因在于它们可以进行量级否定,如果否定的数量为概数,这时的否定词就接近甚至已经属于主观小量标记了。源于否定词的主观小量标记往往是在主观小量表达格式中演化而来的,其中“不”唐代已经有典型的主观小量标记用法,“无”则始见于元代,“没”直到清初才有典型的主观小量标记用法。使用频率方面,“没”最高,“不”次之,“无”则主要见于古代汉语和近代汉语中。 展开更多
关键词 主观小量标记
作者 倪永明 《江苏大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第3期76-79,共4页
In Japanese, "无案内" can be written in the form of "不案内", and pronounced "不(??)案内". It is well known that in Japanese "不" is pronounced in the usual form of Voiceless &q... In Japanese, "无案内" can be written in the form of "不案内", and pronounced "不(??)案内". It is well known that in Japanese "不" is pronounced in the usual form of Voiceless "?". The questions are: under what conditions and with what words can "无" and "不" be used interchangeably and be pronounced in the form of Voiced "??"? By adopting the approaches of classification and quantitative statistics, the paper divides those Chinese words in The Japanese Dictionary containing the negative prefixes "不" and "无" into three categories: 1. words similar in form but different in meaning; 2. words exclusive to Japanese; 3. pure Chinese words. It also makes a contrastive investigation of those words in The Chinese Dictionary and The Chinese Japanese Dictionary and concludes that the majority of the interchangeably used words containing the negative prefixes "不" and "无" belong to the second category. 展开更多
关键词 否定接头辞 和制汉语 "不" "无" 自由替换 日语
作者 白雁南 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2007年第3期172-177,共6页
否定词前的"了"本是表示接近于"空"的极量少义,由于是完成极小量否定的手段,并且与所在句子内容的主观性相关而成为语气副词。在"了无"、"了不"等凝固结构中是强调否定程度的语气副词。"... 否定词前的"了"本是表示接近于"空"的极量少义,由于是完成极小量否定的手段,并且与所在句子内容的主观性相关而成为语气副词。在"了无"、"了不"等凝固结构中是强调否定程度的语气副词。"了"又可用于肯定句,所表示的程度义较语气义更为突出。这在清代之前并无疑惑之处,纷争源于现代将其误定为总括范围副词之后。 展开更多
关键词 “了” “了不(无)” 程度副词 语气副词
Wavy Distribution of Trace Elements in Phytolacca Samples from Different Areas 被引量:4
作者 杜莹 欧阳荔 +1 位作者 刘雅琼 王京宇 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第4期271-275,共5页
To study the distribution of 25 elements, i.e. Be, Cd, Ce, Cr, Cu, Dy, Er,Eu, Gd, Ge, Ho, La, Lu, Mo, Nd, Pb, Pr, Sm, Sr, Tb, Tl, Tm, Y, Yb and Zn in Phytolacca, atraditional Chinese medicinal herb, collected from nin... To study the distribution of 25 elements, i.e. Be, Cd, Ce, Cr, Cu, Dy, Er,Eu, Gd, Ge, Ho, La, Lu, Mo, Nd, Pb, Pr, Sm, Sr, Tb, Tl, Tm, Y, Yb and Zn in Phytolacca, atraditional Chinese medicinal herb, collected from nine areas of P. R. China. Methods Twenty-fiveelements in Phytolacca including essential elements, toxic elements and rare earth elements intraditional Chinese medicinal herbs from different areas were analyzed by ICP-MS. Results The 25elements in Phytolacca were determined by ICP-MS under optimized conditions. The detection limitswere 0.003 -0.71 ng·mL^(-1). The recoveries were 88% - 118% . The relative standard deviations ofthe measurements were 1.7% - 13.3%. Conclusion The determined concentrations of elements inPhytolacca acinosa Roxb vary from one area to another; however, the distribution tendency ofelements in all the samples is similar. The distribution tendency of rare earth elements inPhytolacca acinosa Roxb is consistent with that in nature. 展开更多
关键词 traditional chinese medicinal herbs trace elements ICP-MS DISTRIBUTION
现代汉语三音节词“无所谓”和“不在乎”语义句法比较研究 被引量:3
作者 吴建华 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第6期112-119,共8页
"无所谓"和"不在乎"是现代汉语中使用频率较高且具有词汇性质的一组三音节单位近义词,二者在语义特征和句法功能上存在一些共性,某些条件和语境下可以互相替换,但也存在一些不同之处。本文从共时的角度,对比分析它... "无所谓"和"不在乎"是现代汉语中使用频率较高且具有词汇性质的一组三音节单位近义词,二者在语义特征和句法功能上存在一些共性,某些条件和语境下可以互相替换,但也存在一些不同之处。本文从共时的角度,对比分析它们在语义特征和句法功能上的相同点和差异性。 展开更多
关键词 无所谓 不在乎 语义 句法
Effects of Inorganic Sodium Salt in Soil on Concentration of Zinc Ion in Different Patterns
作者 梁佩玉 王祖伟 +3 位作者 李伟克 谭咏洁 陈丽君 吴庭禄 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第3期578-582,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study on effects of inorganic sodium salt in soil on concentration of zinc ion in different patterns. [Method] Tessier sequential extraction was used to study on effects of inorganic sodium ... [Objective] The aim was to study on effects of inorganic sodium salt in soil on concentration of zinc ion in different patterns. [Method] Tessier sequential extraction was used to study on effects of inorganic sodium salts (in different species and different concentrations) on concentration of zinc ion in different patterns. [Result] Different inorganic sodium salts had different effects on zinc form. Content of ex- changeable Zn would reduce if Na2CO3 or Na2SO4 was added and the content would increase if NaCI was added. Content of carbonate zinc, which was significantly influ- enced by Na2SO4, would increase if NaCI or Na2SO4 was added, and would decrease if Na2CO3 was added. For Zn bound to Fe-Mn oxides and organic matters, and residual Zn, the contents would decrease if NaCI or Na2SO4 was added and the decrease showed much more significantly if high concentration sodium salts were added. In addition, content of Zn bound to Fe-Mn oxides decreased if Na2CO3 was added. If low concentration Na2CO3 was added, Zn bound to organic matters and residual would increase in content but would lower if high concentration one was added. [Conclusion] The research provided references for measurement of heavy metal ion content in soil in different places. 展开更多
关键词 SOIL Inorganic sodium salt Znic ion in different forms
作者 刘曼丽 《党史博采(下)》 2007年第12X期20-20,24,共2页
无为是老子哲学的重要思想,在悠久的中国文化中独树一帜。无为不是消极守旧,无所作为,而是积极的人生哲学。本文以全新的视角透视老子哲学,从修身养性养生的角度说明无为与无不为之间的内在联系。老子哲学所蕴含的心灵的智慧对现代社会... 无为是老子哲学的重要思想,在悠久的中国文化中独树一帜。无为不是消极守旧,无所作为,而是积极的人生哲学。本文以全新的视角透视老子哲学,从修身养性养生的角度说明无为与无不为之间的内在联系。老子哲学所蕴含的心灵的智慧对现代社会具有重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 无为思想 老子 哲学 修身养性养生 “无为” “无不为”
《道行般若经》疑难词句试释 被引量:1
作者 辛有年 《励耘语言学刊》 2013年第2期51-74,共24页
关键词 自恣 何而 学成 无不 摩诃僧那僧涅
On Infinite Disjoint Congruence Covering Systems 被引量:1
作者 陈永高 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1996年第3期36-39,共4页
In this paper we show that for any α∈(0,l] there exists an infinite disjoint covering system {a1(modni)}i=1∞ such that
关键词 congruence class covering system
汉语前加否定成分“不、非、无、零” 被引量:5
作者 齐冲 张未然 《华文教学与研究》 CSSCI 2020年第4期86-94,F0003,共10页
"不-、非-、无-、零-"是汉语中四个常用的前加否定成分。文章打通句法和词汇层面,首先考察了它们在可组配成分的语法单位等级和性质上的结构分布差异,进而从语义角度对四个前加否定成分具备派生性时的选择限制进行了比较,发... "不-、非-、无-、零-"是汉语中四个常用的前加否定成分。文章打通句法和词汇层面,首先考察了它们在可组配成分的语法单位等级和性质上的结构分布差异,进而从语义角度对四个前加否定成分具备派生性时的选择限制进行了比较,发现它们分别倾向于同表示极性对立、范畴、品质、数量的成分结合。在对比的基础上,文章讨论了"不、非、无、零"构词时的语法性质,并从形态、句法和语义角度提出了判定标准。 展开更多
关键词 前加否定成分
A novel MAC mechanism to resolve 802.11 performance anomaly 被引量:7
作者 CHENG Yan-hong LI Zhi-shu +1 位作者 XING Jian-chuan ZHU Li 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第10期1573-1583,共11页
In the 802.11b networks, the guarantee of an equal long-run channel access probability causes performance anomaly in a multi-rate wireless cell. Much interest has been involved in this issue and many effective mechani... In the 802.11b networks, the guarantee of an equal long-run channel access probability causes performance anomaly in a multi-rate wireless cell. Much interest has been involved in this issue and many effective mechanisms have been proposed. The usual MAC layer solutions include the initial contention window adaptation, the maximum transfer unit size adaptation and the packet bursting. In this paper, we propose a novel approach which introduces a new parameter called the transmission prob- ability pt to the legacy protocol. By adjusting pt according to the transmission rate, the proposed scheme can solve the performance anomaly problem cleanly. Throughput analysis and performance evaluation show that our scheme achieves significant im- provement in the aggregate throughput and the fairness. 展开更多
关键词 IEEE 802.11 WLAN Transmission probability Performance anomaly
作者 章静波 《浙江万里学院学报》 2007年第4期113-115,共3页
日语中存在大量的以否定接头词“不”或“無”开头的词语。掌握这些词是日语学习中一个相当重要的部分。但据笔者调查发现,日语学习者对于否定接头词“不”和“無”的意义没有清楚的概念,尤其对于它们的读音掌握的不是很好。文章从否定... 日语中存在大量的以否定接头词“不”或“無”开头的词语。掌握这些词是日语学习中一个相当重要的部分。但据笔者调查发现,日语学习者对于否定接头词“不”和“無”的意义没有清楚的概念,尤其对于它们的读音掌握的不是很好。文章从否定接头词“不”和“無”的意义辨别和读音规则两个方面进行叙述,望能给广大日语学习者提供一个参考。 展开更多
关键词 否定接头词 意义 读音
作者 Qiu Yuehong He Chen Zhu Hongwen(Dept. of Electron. Bng., Jnst. of Modern Communication, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., Shanghai 200030) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2002年第3期299-301,共3页
This letter presents a new one-dimensional chaotic map with infinite collapses. Theoretical analyses show that the map has complicated dynamical behavior and ideal distribution.The map can be applied in chaotic spread... This letter presents a new one-dimensional chaotic map with infinite collapses. Theoretical analyses show that the map has complicated dynamical behavior and ideal distribution.The map can be applied in chaotic spreading spectrum communication and chaotic cipher. 展开更多
关键词 CHAOS Lyapunov Exponent(LE) Invariant distribution Phase portrait
作者 刘珊 《南方论刊》 2014年第3期87-90,共4页
老子思想的一个核心内容就是"无为"而治。老子的"无为"思想不是无所作为,而是一种以退为进的进取精神,一种立于平常心之上的积极进取精神——"无为"只是一种方式,其目的是要达到"无不为"的结果... 老子思想的一个核心内容就是"无为"而治。老子的"无为"思想不是无所作为,而是一种以退为进的进取精神,一种立于平常心之上的积极进取精神——"无为"只是一种方式,其目的是要达到"无不为"的结果,即以"无为之心"做"有为之事"。老子的"无为"思想表征的是一种高远的治世境界和宽广的政治视野,体现了一种治国爱民思想,为我们国家的立国行政提供了重要的现实借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 “无为” “无不为” 以退为进 治国爱民 “不欲”
Passive target tracking with intermittent measurement based on random finite set 被引量:4
作者 罗小波 范红旗 +1 位作者 宋志勇 付强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2282-2291,共10页
In the tracking problem for the maritime radiation source by a passive sensor,there are three main difficulties,i.e.,the poor observability of the radiation source,the detection uncertainty(false and missed detections... In the tracking problem for the maritime radiation source by a passive sensor,there are three main difficulties,i.e.,the poor observability of the radiation source,the detection uncertainty(false and missed detections)and the uncertainty of the target appearing/disappearing in the field of view.These difficulties can make the establishment or maintenance of the radiation source target track invalid.By incorporating the elevation information of the passive sensor into the automatic bearings-only tracking(BOT)and consolidating these uncertainties under the framework of random finite set(RFS),a novel approach for tracking maritime radiation source target with intermittent measurement was proposed.Under the RFS framework,the target state was represented as a set that can take on either an empty set or a singleton; meanwhile,the measurement uncertainty was modeled as a Bernoulli random finite set.Moreover,the elevation information of the sensor platform was introduced to ensure observability of passive measurements and obtain the unique target localization.Simulation experiments verify the validity of the proposed approach for tracking maritime radiation source and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach in comparison with the traditional integrated probabilistic data association(IPDA)method.The tracking performance under different conditions,particularly involving different existence probabilities and different appearance durations of the target,indicates that the method to solve our problem is robust and effective. 展开更多
关键词 passive target tracking maritime target joint detection and tracking intermittent measurement random finite set poor observability
Investigation of effective dimensionless numbers on initiation of instability in combustion of moisty organic dust 被引量:4
作者 Mehdi Bidabadi Farzad Faraji Dizaji +1 位作者 Hossein Beidaghy Dizaji Moslem Safari Ghahsareh 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期326-337,共12页
In this work, the effect of various effective dimensionless numbers and moisture contents on initiation of instability in combustion of moisty organic dust is calculated. To have reliable model, effect of thermal radi... In this work, the effect of various effective dimensionless numbers and moisture contents on initiation of instability in combustion of moisty organic dust is calculated. To have reliable model, effect of thermal radiation is taken into account. One- dimensional flame structure is divided into three zones: preheat zone, reaction zone and post-flame zone. To investigate pulsating characteristics of flame, governing equations are rewritten in dimensionless space-time ((, r/, ~) coordinates. By solving these newly achieved governing equations and combining them, which is completely discussed in body of article, a new expression is obtained. By solving this equation, it is possible to predict initiation of instability in organic dust flame. According to the obtained results by increasing Lewis number, threshold of instability happens sooner. On the other hand, pulsating is postponed by increasing Damk6hler number, pyrolysis temperature or moisture content. Also, by considering thermal radiation effect, burning velocity predicted by our model is closer to experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 INSTABILITY Lewis number Damk6hler number pyrolysis temperature moisture content organic dust
Some Inorganic Salts for Production of Sterile Adults of the Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
作者 A. Sharaby F. M. EI-Hawan S. A. Ibrahim 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第5期728-733,共6页
Fifteen inorganic salts were evaluated as possible sterilants against the Red Palm Weevil (RPW) Rhvachophorus ferrugineus, by applying the pupal dipping method in a screening program. Results showed that all tested ... Fifteen inorganic salts were evaluated as possible sterilants against the Red Palm Weevil (RPW) Rhvachophorus ferrugineus, by applying the pupal dipping method in a screening program. Results showed that all tested salts adversely affected the adtflt emergence and reduced the egg laying capacity and egg hatchability. Among the tested salts Ca(OH)2. LiC1, CuCl2, ZnSO4, KBr and KI gave various 97%-100% percent sterility at the tested non toxic concentration under different pupal dipping periods. Percentage of sterility increased with the increase of the concentration and the dipping period. All other salts induced degrees oi sterility ranging from 63% to 96%. 展开更多
关键词 Rhvachophorus ferrugineus chemosterilants inorganic salts.
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