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想象“春天”的不同方式——古典汉诗与现代汉诗“词”之差异论 被引量:1
作者 范云晶 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期78-84,共7页
词语"春天"作为研究个案和切入点,通过对古代诗人杜甫和现代诗人赵野创作的同题诗《春望》的细读,以及对书写"春天"的古今汉语诗歌的整体观照,试图辨析"词"在古典汉诗和现代汉诗中的差异与不同,并揭示产... 词语"春天"作为研究个案和切入点,通过对古代诗人杜甫和现代诗人赵野创作的同题诗《春望》的细读,以及对书写"春天"的古今汉语诗歌的整体观照,试图辨析"词"在古典汉诗和现代汉诗中的差异与不同,并揭示产生这种差异的核心原因在于"词"的特质和功能的变化。 展开更多
关键词 “词” “春天” 现代汉诗 古典汉诗
贝多芬“春天”奏鸣曲第一乐章演奏技巧与艺术特征 被引量:1
作者 赵小璐 《艺术评鉴》 2018年第21期4-5,共2页
冯·贝多芬,出生在德国的一个小镇,他的音乐思想及创作风格不仅轰动一时,且泽被后世,对未来音乐发展有着深远影响。贝多芬一生写了10首风格不一的小提琴奏鸣曲,其中最受人们喜欢的是第五首《F大调奏鸣曲》,也可称为"春天"... 冯·贝多芬,出生在德国的一个小镇,他的音乐思想及创作风格不仅轰动一时,且泽被后世,对未来音乐发展有着深远影响。贝多芬一生写了10首风格不一的小提琴奏鸣曲,其中最受人们喜欢的是第五首《F大调奏鸣曲》,也可称为"春天"奏鸣曲。它旋律优美,一经问世就广受世人喜爱,曲如其名,充满人性的质朴、生活的热情以及理想的希望。本文以贝多芬的"春天"奏鸣曲为研究对象,对其音乐创作风格和曲式结构上做了详细的叙述,多角度分析归纳作曲家所要表达的音乐语汇和音乐形象,并从演奏者的角度去进行演绎方面的解析。希望本论文在以后的音乐教学中,对即将演奏此奏鸣曲的音乐爱好者有一些借鉴和启发作用。 展开更多
关键词 贝多芬 “春天”奏鸣曲 演奏技巧 艺术特征
作者 田利红 《保山学院学报》 2010年第4期76-79,共4页
《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,其中出现了大量与"春天"有关的诗句,并以相关景物的描写来说明当时的季节。本文将以《诗经·国风》为例来探讨《诗经》中的"春天",从中反映出"春天"的体现方式&qu... 《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,其中出现了大量与"春天"有关的诗句,并以相关景物的描写来说明当时的季节。本文将以《诗经·国风》为例来探讨《诗经》中的"春天",从中反映出"春天"的体现方式"、春天"与"兴"的关系以及"春天"的某些民俗内容。 展开更多
关键词 《诗经·国风》 “春天” 探微
作者 赵目珍 《文艺评论》 CSSCI 2022年第5期37-46,共10页
在海子的诗歌创作中,“春天”是一个无法忽略的意象,由此也构成了他非常重要的创作主题。海子对于“春天”主题的经营,经历了一个由无意识到潜意识到有意识的发展过程。其早期创作阶段,对于春天的书写是一种自然而然的状态,但有一首特... 在海子的诗歌创作中,“春天”是一个无法忽略的意象,由此也构成了他非常重要的创作主题。海子对于“春天”主题的经营,经历了一个由无意识到潜意识到有意识的发展过程。其早期创作阶段,对于春天的书写是一种自然而然的状态,但有一首特殊的诗篇融入了现代意识和道家传统文化经验,颠覆和超越了中国古典诗歌中的“伤春咏怀”传统以及现当代诗歌史上对于“春天”主题的书写范式。其中期创作阶段有关春天的诗篇,因为身份意识及个人经历等的影响,充满了强烈的孤独和落寞意识。到了创作的后期,其诗歌中开始有意识地借助春天来表达对于“乌托邦”的幻想,并试图借助春天重返人间来预言个人的“复活”和表达“不朽”的愿望。“春天”这一意象或主题之于海子的创作,既具有普遍意义上的书写价值,又带有鲜明的个人象征,有重要的生成逻辑和诗学建构价值。 展开更多
关键词 海子 诗歌 “春天”主题
浅析贝多芬小提琴“春天”奏鸣曲的曲式结构及钢琴难点 被引量:1
作者 聂晶 《音乐大观》 2014年第10期59-60,共2页
"春天"奏鸣曲被列为贝多芬第五小提琴奏鸣曲,与另一首"克罗采"(贝多芬第九小提琴奏鸣曲)一起被大多数音乐者喜爱,同时被很多国际著名小提琴、钢琴演奏家拿来演奏,成为音乐会、唱片保留曲目。贝多芬在创造这首奏鸣曲... "春天"奏鸣曲被列为贝多芬第五小提琴奏鸣曲,与另一首"克罗采"(贝多芬第九小提琴奏鸣曲)一起被大多数音乐者喜爱,同时被很多国际著名小提琴、钢琴演奏家拿来演奏,成为音乐会、唱片保留曲目。贝多芬在创造这首奏鸣曲时,打破了以往的古典奏鸣曲快——慢——快三个乐章模式,采用四个乐章的交响曲形式(之后的第七、第十奏鸣曲同样),不仅是曲式结构上的一次变更,更大大丰富了作品的内容。 展开更多
关键词 小提琴“春天”奏鸣曲 曲式结构 钢琴 难点
《儿童时代》 2009年第9期18-18,共1页
每个孩子的心里,都有一个“春天”。对有些孩子来说,他们的“春天”是得到更多的礼物。有的孩子的“春天”是想跟爸爸妈妈一起生活,体验到爸爸妈妈的爱护,这些孩子的“春天”更需要关注。看完了书,让我们一同来帮沙莎找寻她的“春... 每个孩子的心里,都有一个“春天”。对有些孩子来说,他们的“春天”是得到更多的礼物。有的孩子的“春天”是想跟爸爸妈妈一起生活,体验到爸爸妈妈的爱护,这些孩子的“春天”更需要关注。看完了书,让我们一同来帮沙莎找寻她的“春天”。 展开更多
关键词 初等教育 课外阅读 阅读材料 《寻找“春天”
社交媒体平台助力全民阅读推广的技术路线与平台机制——基于抖音“春天开阅季”活动的观察 被引量:2
作者 朱小妮 郎峰蔚 徐乃瑞 《出版广角》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第19期77-81,共5页
社交媒体平台助力全民阅读推广是近年来阅读推广的新样态。文章以抖音短视频媒体平台打造的“春天开阅季”全民阅读推广活动为观察对象,分析社交媒体平台助力全民阅读推广活动的内在逻辑。数据显示,短视频媒体平台的网络连接性、视频可... 社交媒体平台助力全民阅读推广是近年来阅读推广的新样态。文章以抖音短视频媒体平台打造的“春天开阅季”全民阅读推广活动为观察对象,分析社交媒体平台助力全民阅读推广活动的内在逻辑。数据显示,短视频媒体平台的网络连接性、视频可见性以及社交情感化的媒介特征,提升了受众在全民阅读推广活动中的参与度。文章提出社交媒体平台应注重连接性、增加创新性、完善保障策略的建议,以提升全民阅读推广活动的整体传播效能。 展开更多
关键词 全民阅读 阅读推广 抖音 “春天开阅季” 社交媒体平台
唱“春天的故事” 创教学的情景
作者 朱祖明 《地理教学》 2003年第10期41-41,共1页
培养学生学习兴趣的途径很多,在课中我们可以采用各种不同的方式,像历史故事、民族风情、图景、诗歌谚语或谜语以及生活中的一些故事等等,多可以成为我们创设课堂情景的素材,使学生在一种崭新的氛围中去感受地理世界的奥妙,以愉快的心... 培养学生学习兴趣的途径很多,在课中我们可以采用各种不同的方式,像历史故事、民族风情、图景、诗歌谚语或谜语以及生活中的一些故事等等,多可以成为我们创设课堂情景的素材,使学生在一种崭新的氛围中去感受地理世界的奥妙,以愉快的心情去学习地理知识。 展开更多
关键词 “春天的故事” 创造性思维 创教学 教学方式
作者 李昕 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 2004年第6期23-23,共1页
春天,树木吐绿了,花儿开放了,河水解冻了,燕子从南方飞回来了,小朋友们的活动多起来了,放风筝、去春游……沐浴在温暖的春风中,我们每个人的内心都有说不出的喜悦。可是,我却没有在春意正浓时来适时地安排“春天”这一主题单元... 春天,树木吐绿了,花儿开放了,河水解冻了,燕子从南方飞回来了,小朋友们的活动多起来了,放风筝、去春游……沐浴在温暖的春风中,我们每个人的内心都有说不出的喜悦。可是,我却没有在春意正浓时来适时地安排“春天”这一主题单元的教学。唉,我真后悔…… 展开更多
关键词 “春天” 主题单元教学 北师大版 第三单元 教学内容 实践活动 学习兴趣 小学 语文教学
Study on the Pollen Rain in Lanzhou University in Spring in 2009
作者 闫晓丽 刘艳蕊 +1 位作者 苗运法 张志高 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期876-878,913,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the relationship of pollen types and blooming plants,pollen fertility and meteorological factors during the falling process of pollen in the atmosphere.[Method] The falling record of... [Objective] The aim was to explore the relationship of pollen types and blooming plants,pollen fertility and meteorological factors during the falling process of pollen in the atmosphere.[Method] The falling record of pollen in Lanzhou University in spring in 2009 was obtained by 10 m platform natural falling method.The pollen falling number,duration,relationship among falling types and surrounding plants,as well as weather were discussed.[Result] Main pollen types included Populus L.,Salix,Paulownia and Platanaceae.Its pollen falling number,duration was consistent with the flowering period of corresponding plants in the garden;the classification and richness of falling of pollen was influenced by wind.The larger the wind was,the richer the variety become.There was basically no pollen from outside.The authors failed to observe the distinct changes of palynological assemblage in sandy storm weather.[Conclusion] The study could lay basis for the study of the modern progress of natural plants pollen. 展开更多
关键词 Lanzhou University SPRING Pollen rain Flowering plant Weather process
Observed deformation characteristics of a deep excavation for the spring area in Jinan,China 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Ding-wen SHU Ji-cheng SUN Jian-ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期581-594,共14页
The observed deflections and internal forces of pile-anchor retaining excavation were studied in spring area in Jinan city of China. Based on field measured data, the ground surface settlement, deflection of retaining... The observed deflections and internal forces of pile-anchor retaining excavation were studied in spring area in Jinan city of China. Based on field measured data, the ground surface settlement, deflection of retaining piles and wall, internal force analysis of concrete piles, axial anchoring forces, groundwater table, and the deformation of surround building and pipelines were investigated. The results indicates that the combining application of concrete piles, jet grouting columns and anchors support system can effectively control excavation-induced surface ground settlements. The field maximum lateral wall deflections are between 0.o2% and o.19% of the excavation depth due to the competitive site conditions. The bending moment-depth relationship curve is S-type. Groundwater leakage results in the sharp drop in groundwater level, which is part of the reasons for the adjacent building settlement. The axial anchoring forces of the upper layer of anchors increase gradually during the excavation, but those of the lower layer of anchors slightly reduced firstly and then tend to be stable during the excavation procedure. In comparison with the histories of excavation cases, the small lateral wall deflection in this study results from the favorable site condition and the relative rigidity of the retaining structure system. 展开更多
关键词 Spring area EXCAVATION Pile anchor system Ground settlement Horizontal displacement
Extreme spring cold spells in North China during 1961–2014 and the evolving processes 被引量:3
作者 Ya-Li ZHU Hui-Jun WANG +1 位作者 Tao WANG Dong GUO 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第5期432-437,共6页
This study presents the major features of extreme spring cold spells(ESCS)in North China during 1961–2014 and the evolving processes.During an ESCS,northern Eurasia is controlled by large-scale positive SLP anomalies... This study presents the major features of extreme spring cold spells(ESCS)in North China during 1961–2014 and the evolving processes.During an ESCS,northern Eurasia is controlled by large-scale positive SLP anomalies and an anomalous anticyclone that continuously transport northern cold air to North China,causing significant,persistent,lower-than-normal daily temperatures.In fact,these positive SLP and anticyclonic wind anomalies begin to appear over northwestern Europe about 10 days prior to the ESCS.The anticyclonic wind anomalies keep moving southeastward and expand to the west of Lake Baikal until two days before the ESCS.Then,the center of the anomalous low-level anticyclone moves over Lake Baikal,inducing northerly wind anomalies that transport cold air into North China.In the following days,as the positive SLP anomalies weaken,the anomalous anticyclone and related northerly winds appear to wane,and the ESCS gradually comes to an end.The results may prove meaningful for the prediction and early warning of ESCSs. 展开更多
关键词 Spring cold spell North China spring temperature extreme weather
作者 BinYu Jian-guoZhang Gui-xingQiu Yi-pengWang Xi-shengWeng 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2004年第3期216-220,共5页
To define the criteria of posterior selective thoracic fusion in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Methods By reviewing the medical records and roentgenograms of 17 patients with adolescent idiopathic sco... To define the criteria of posterior selective thoracic fusion in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Methods By reviewing the medical records and roentgenograms of 17 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis who un-derwent posterior selective thoracic fusion, the curve type, Cobb angle, apical vertebral rotation and translation, trunk shift, and thoracolumbar kyphosis were measured and analyzed. Results There were 17 King type Ⅱ patients (PUMC type: Ⅱb1 13, Ⅱc3 4). The coronal Cobb angle of thoracic curve be-fore and after operation were 56.9°and 21.6° respectively, the mean correction rate was 60.1%. The coronal Cobb angle of lumbar curve before and after operation were 34.8° and 12.1° respectively, and the mean spontaneous correction rate was 64.8%. At final follow-up, the coronal Cobb angle of thoracic and lumbar curve were 23.5° and 15.2° respectively, there were no significant changes in the coronal Cobb angle, apical vertebral translation and rotation compared with that after operation. One patient had 12° of thoracolumbar kyphosis after operation, no progression was noted at final follow-up. There was no trunk decompensation or deterioration of the lumbar curve. In this group, 3.9 levels were saved compared with fusing both the th-oracic and lumbar curves. Conclusion Posterior selective thoracic fusion can be safely and effectively performed in King type Ⅱ patients with a mo-derate and flexible lumbar curve, which can save more mobile segments and at the same time can maintain a good coronal and sagittal balance. 展开更多
关键词 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis selective thoracic fusion
Particulate matter trends and quantification of the spring sand-dust contribution in Hohhot,Inner Mongolia,from 2013 to 2017 被引量:1
作者 Wenkang Gao Lingyun Zhu +4 位作者 Zhanyun Ma Qingxian Gao Xuepu Yu Sufen Wu Yu Gu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2021年第2期81-86,共6页
On 10 September 2013,the State Council promulgated the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution(hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).To study the variations in the air pollutant concentration... On 10 September 2013,the State Council promulgated the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution(hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).To study the variations in the air pollutant concentrations in Hohhot during the implementation of the Action Plan and the effects of various measures,the daily concentrations of air pollutants(fine particulate matter(PM_(2.5)),inhalable PM(PM 10),SO_(2),and NO_(2))in Hohhot published by the China Environmental Monitoring Station were obtained to analyze the general meteorological conditions in Inner Mongolia from 2013 to 2017.The variations and causes of the ambient PM concentration in Hohhot were examined,and the quantitative influence of sandstorms on the ambient PM concentration in Hohhot was analyzed by selecting the spring season with frequent sandstorms as an example.The results showed the following.(1)The air quality in Hohhot continuously improved,and compared with those in 2013,the PM_(2.5)and PM 10 concentrations decreased by 24.6%and 48.2%,respectively,in 2017.However,the air pollutant concentrations remained high,with the average PM_(2.5)and PM 10 concentrations exceeding the national secondary standards by 22.9%and 35.7%,respectively.(2)The reductions in the spring PM_(2.5)and PM 10 concentrations were 5.6%and 8.9%,respectively,and the annual decreases in the PM_(2.5)and PM 10 concentrations were 3.6 and 15.1μg m^(−3)yr−1,respectively,from 2013 to 2017.(3)The absolute contribution ranges of dust weather to the concentrations of PM_(2.5),PM 10,and TSP during 2013–17 were 0.6–5.2μg m^(−3),9.0–16.9μg m^(−3),and 14.7–30.0μg m^(−3),respectively,in Hohhot during the spring. 展开更多
关键词 Air pollution prevention and control action PLAN Air pollution SPRING Sand-dust Hohhot
Characteristics of air quality in Tianjin during the Spring Festival period of 2015 被引量:4
作者 TANG Miao Jl Dong-Sheng +3 位作者 GAO Wen-Kang YU Zhong-Wang CHEN Kui CAO Wan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第1期15-21,共7页
To better understand the characteristics of air quality and the relationship between the chemical composition evolution and source variation,an intensive atmospheric campaign was conducted in Tianjin,a megacity of the... To better understand the characteristics of air quality and the relationship between the chemical composition evolution and source variation,an intensive atmospheric campaign was conducted in Tianjin,a megacity of the North China Plain,from 10 February to 6 March 2015.There were 20 days exceeding the threshold value of secondary Chinese Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM2.5(75 μg m-3,daily average over 24 h)during the study period.Five air pollution episodes were selected for investigation.During the pre-holiday pollution episode,NH^+_4,NO^-_3,and SO^(2-)_4 were more abundant,indicating that air pollution was caused by motor vehicle exhaust emissions and coal consumption under unfavorable meteorological conditions.During Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve,widespread use of fireworks resulted in extremely high aerosol concentrations.Firework displays caused increases in K+ and also enrichment of SO^(2-)_4 relative to NO^-_3.The holiday pollution episode was caused by regional transport,characterized by abundant SO^(2-)_4 and NH^+_4.In addition,the aging processes of the particles from fireworks discharge played an important role in the formation of NO-3and SO^(2-)_4.The Lantern Festival episode was characterized by a transition from the enrichment of K+ to secondary inorganic ions(NO^-_3,SO^(2-)_4,and NH^+_4).The results of this study are useful for a detailed understanding of the variation in atmospheric compositions and sources caused by anthropogenic activity,and highlight the importance of controlling intensive fireworks discharge. 展开更多
关键词 TIANJIN water-soluble ions FIREWORKS organic carbon elemental carbon
与少年犯“Face to Face”(面对面)——记一次特殊的主题班会“春天的呼唤”
作者 张文全 《班主任》 北大核心 2004年第3期33-33,共1页
我从事班主任已整整十年,论经验也积累了不少,但是,现在的工作确实让我感到疲惫,尤其是对双差生的管理似乎有点"走投无路"了.特别是这学期,班上一些"双差生"沉湎于网吧而不能自拔,甚至彻夜不归.这无疑令家长和教师... 我从事班主任已整整十年,论经验也积累了不少,但是,现在的工作确实让我感到疲惫,尤其是对双差生的管理似乎有点"走投无路"了.特别是这学期,班上一些"双差生"沉湎于网吧而不能自拔,甚至彻夜不归.这无疑令家长和教师忧心忡忡而又有些束手无策.对这个问题我进行了认真的思考,我认为,对于这些学生不能一味的"堵"、"卡",而应该采取疏导的办法,在进行正面教育的同时,也让他们接受一些反面教训.为此,我们组织了一次特殊的主题班会<春天的呼唤>,把课堂搬进了少管所. 展开更多
关键词 主题班会 “春天的呼唤” 班主任工作 后进生转化 少管所 法制教育 教育效果
从明清戏文看泉州方言“会”“得”相关结构的演变 被引量:1
作者 吕晓玲 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期447-456,511,共11页
本文通过统计明清戏文中与“会/袂/不/未”“得”相关的能性结构的出现次数指出:1)泉州方言的“会得V”“会V得”“会V得C”应该是由“会V”分别与“得V”“V得”“V得C”套接而成;“袂得V”“袂V得”“V袂得”“袂V得C”“V袂C”等5个... 本文通过统计明清戏文中与“会/袂/不/未”“得”相关的能性结构的出现次数指出:1)泉州方言的“会得V”“会V得”“会V得C”应该是由“会V”分别与“得V”“V得”“V得C”套接而成;“袂得V”“袂V得”“V袂得”“袂V得C”“V袂C”等5个否定结构分别由“不得V”“不V得”“V不得”“不V得C”“V不C”在“袂V”的影响下替换否定词产生。2)明清戏文中有9种相关结构在现代泉州方言中已消失,此外,现代泉州方言新增3种其他结构。3)相比于明清戏文,现代泉州方言“会得V”“袂得V”“V得”“会V得C”“袂V得C”等结构的功能都出现不同程度的萎缩。 展开更多
关键词 泉州方言《荔镜记》 《满天春》 《荔枝记》
作者 吕晓玲 《方言》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期19-23,共5页
文章探讨了明清泉腔戏文中"得"的非能性用法。其中"得"表"得到"、"幸亏"的意思为今泉州方言所继承;"得人V"结构有所残留;"V得(结果补语)"结构和"V得NC"构式消失... 文章探讨了明清泉腔戏文中"得"的非能性用法。其中"得"表"得到"、"幸亏"的意思为今泉州方言所继承;"得人V"结构有所残留;"V得(结果补语)"结构和"V得NC"构式消失;"V得C(状态补语)"结构的功能被"V遘C"和"V了C"结构所取代。 展开更多
关键词 《荔镜记》 《满天春》 《荔枝记》 得结果补语状态补语
Finite element analysis on the static and fatigue characteristics of composite multi-leaf spring 被引量:14
作者 Joo-teck Jeffrey KUEH Tarlochan FARIS 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期159-164,共6页
This paper investigated the static and fatigue behaviors of steel and composite multi-leaf spring using the ANSYS V I 2 software. The dimensions of an existing conventional leaf spring of a light commercial vehicle we... This paper investigated the static and fatigue behaviors of steel and composite multi-leaf spring using the ANSYS V I 2 software. The dimensions of an existing conventional leaf spring of a light commercial vehicle were used. The same dimensions were used to design composite multi-leaf spring for the two materials, E-glass fiber/epoxy and E-glass fiber/vinyl ester, which are of great interest to the transportation industry. Main consideration was given to the effects of material composition and its fiber orientation on the static and fatigue behaviors of leaf spring. The design constraints were bending stresses, deflection and fatigue life. Compared to the steel leaf spring, the designed composite spring has much lower bending stresses and deflections and higher fatigue life cycles. 展开更多
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