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“本地化”案例教学的探索:实践与认识——以工商管理类专业的“本地化”案例教学为例 被引量:25
作者 李兴旺 《中国大学教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期59-61,共3页
"本地化"案例是指在学生生活与学习所在地的那部分企业案例,是一种更有区域性的"本土化"案例。"本地化"案例在教学中具有"洋案例"不可替代的作用。"本地化"案例教学工作一般经历四... "本地化"案例是指在学生生活与学习所在地的那部分企业案例,是一种更有区域性的"本土化"案例。"本地化"案例在教学中具有"洋案例"不可替代的作用。"本地化"案例教学工作一般经历四个阶段。案例教学设计理念、"本地化"案例的开发及教学措施是成功进行"本地化"案例教学的关键。 展开更多
关键词 案例教学 “本地化”案例 设计理念 案例开发 人才培养
作者 龚家慧 吴希博 《南阳理工学院学报》 2011年第3期9-12,共4页
关键词 片名翻译 “本地化” 文化因素 探讨
让世界走近读者——地市报时事新闻“本地化”处理技巧 被引量:2
作者 唐东军 许勇 《新闻前哨》 2006年第1期76-77,共2页
时事新闻作为读者了解国内外局势的窗口,历来是媒体人倾力打拼的重要武器。新闻竞争眼下日趋白热化,地市报在时效性、采编实力上均无优势可言,如何使时事新闻与本地要闻一样受读者欢迎,就显得尤为关键。笔者认为,时事新闻要通过编... 时事新闻作为读者了解国内外局势的窗口,历来是媒体人倾力打拼的重要武器。新闻竞争眼下日趋白热化,地市报在时效性、采编实力上均无优势可言,如何使时事新闻与本地要闻一样受读者欢迎,就显得尤为关键。笔者认为,时事新闻要通过编辑的精心劳动,借助“本地化”处理的技巧,让读者走近世界,让世界走近读者,使“世界语”演变成适合当地人欢迎的“方言”。只有寻找出与读者的最佳结合点,使时事新闻本地化,才能让读者对其产生浓厚兴趣,继而改进自己的工作和生活方式。 展开更多
关键词 地市报 时事新闻 “本地化”战略 中国 新闻报道 读者 新闻标题
作者 王旭东 《市场论坛》 2020年第4期4-8,12,共6页
自中国民企实施德国并购以来,人力资源要素成为推动并购战略目标实现的重要手段。为了保证并购后的德国子公司持续、稳定、健康发展,中国民企普遍留任或者选聘当地CEO,并赋予其足够的权力经营管理德国子公司,这就是CEO“本地化”模式。... 自中国民企实施德国并购以来,人力资源要素成为推动并购战略目标实现的重要手段。为了保证并购后的德国子公司持续、稳定、健康发展,中国民企普遍留任或者选聘当地CEO,并赋予其足够的权力经营管理德国子公司,这就是CEO“本地化”模式。选择CEO“本地化”模式的根本原因取决于CEO自身的价值,但是国际化人才成本、企业文化差异和信息资源共享等外部因素也不容忽视。文章通过典型案例的分析,得出CEO聘用的常规选择——“本地化”模式简单而有效,赢得中德双方的认可。实施CEO“本地化”模式,必须尽早制定留任或选聘CEO的方案,通过赋予CEO经营重任和高度自治权、提供更好的职业发展前景、较好的物质激励和福利制度等,实现CEO利益与中国民企利益的同步,发挥出CEO的人力资本效能。事实证明,聘用当地CEO掌舵德国子公司成效显著,对化解经营风险和降低管理成本起到关键作用。CEO“本地化”不仅仅意味着选聘CEO要有“本地化”的站位,也意味着将CEO的经营管理能力发挥出全球价值。 展开更多
关键词 中国民企 德国子公司 CEO “本地化”
作者 黄君妮 《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第12期31-32,共2页
关键词 地方出版社 “本地化”营销 销售业绩 量化评估 图书营销
作者 朱光晗 《传播力研究》 2017年第9期45-45,共1页
关键词 地方台 民生新闻 “本地化” “大民生”
作者 聂伶俐 《新闻传播》 2018年第12期128-129,共2页
新媒体的出现,互联网时代的到来,给传统媒体带来了严重的冲击。晚报作为传统媒体中的一支,其生存和发展都面临着严峻的挑战。不过,机遇与挑战是并存的,立足于本土,发挥传统媒体的优势,做好社会新闻,可以让晚报焕发出新的生机。文章先简... 新媒体的出现,互联网时代的到来,给传统媒体带来了严重的冲击。晚报作为传统媒体中的一支,其生存和发展都面临着严峻的挑战。不过,机遇与挑战是并存的,立足于本土,发挥传统媒体的优势,做好社会新闻,可以让晚报焕发出新的生机。文章先简述了新闻尤其是本地新闻之于晚报的重要性,然后从本土化视角,就如何做好晚报新闻提出了建设性的建议,希望能有助于报纸这一传统媒体的发展。 展开更多
关键词 晚报 “本地化” 新闻
作者 朱怀宏 《浙江警察学院学报》 2015年第4期54-57,共4页
当前,我国经济发展进入新常态,社会稳定进入风险期,给驾驭治安局势带来严峻挑战。从椒江实际出发,紧扣"防控"主题,提出"本地化"防控思路,切实抓实抓牢本地治安管理主旋律,并在"本地化"防控中提出要警务理... 当前,我国经济发展进入新常态,社会稳定进入风险期,给驾驭治安局势带来严峻挑战。从椒江实际出发,紧扣"防控"主题,提出"本地化"防控思路,切实抓实抓牢本地治安管理主旋律,并在"本地化"防控中提出要警务理念"本地化"、治安问题"本地化"、治理效果"本地化"和考核机制"本地化"等四大举措,从而全面提升新常态下社会治安治理的能力和水平。 展开更多
关键词 治安问题 “本地化” 防控 治理能力 台州市椒江区
知识经济时代我国人力资源管理现状及其对策 被引量:5
作者 王玉琼 陈森章 《鹭江职业大学学报》 2003年第3期12-15,共4页
知识经济时代,人才的竞争就是人才制度的竞争,即人力资源开发和管理水平的竞争。文章分析了我国人力资源管理的现状、成因及对策,指出必须借鉴发达国家的经验和做法,强化我国人力资源开发和管理的战略性地位,并总结和探索适合我国国情... 知识经济时代,人才的竞争就是人才制度的竞争,即人力资源开发和管理水平的竞争。文章分析了我国人力资源管理的现状、成因及对策,指出必须借鉴发达国家的经验和做法,强化我国人力资源开发和管理的战略性地位,并总结和探索适合我国国情的人力资源开发和管理的机制、方法和技术。 展开更多
关键词 知识经济 人力资源管理 人才“本地化” 绩效管理
因时而变,让新闻离你更近——融媒体时代下《孝感日报》时事报道创新探索 被引量:1
作者 梁一冰 《新闻前哨》 2021年第11期64-65,共2页
关键词 “本地化” 新闻供给 “包装”方式
作者 许德元 卢晓勇 《湖州师范学院学报》 2018年第4期64-69,共6页
德国可再生能源的开发利用水平居于世界领先行列,目前每年30%的电力来自可再生能源.经验表明,大规模可再生能源接入电网系统不但可以满足工业化国家的用电需求,而且通过先进的技术手段可实现电网的安全稳定运行.通过浅析德国电网在可再... 德国可再生能源的开发利用水平居于世界领先行列,目前每年30%的电力来自可再生能源.经验表明,大规模可再生能源接入电网系统不但可以满足工业化国家的用电需求,而且通过先进的技术手段可实现电网的安全稳定运行.通过浅析德国电网在可再生能源开发利用方面部分先进的技术和装备以及前瞻性研究,以提高我国可再生能源的开发利用水平. 展开更多
关键词 可再生能源 VRDT方案 配网边缘电压控制系统 “本地化”存储系统 未来电力网络
Three-dimensional endoanal ultrasonographic assessment of an anal fistula with and without H_2O_2 enhancement 被引量:25
作者 Yung Kim Young Jin Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第38期4810-4815,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound (3D-EAUS) in the assessment of anal fistulae with and without H202 enhancement. METHODS: Sixty-one patients (37 males, aged 17-74 years... AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound (3D-EAUS) in the assessment of anal fistulae with and without H202 enhancement. METHODS: Sixty-one patients (37 males, aged 17-74 years) with anal fistulae, which were not simple low types, were evaluated by physical examination and 3D-EAUS with and without enhancement. Fistula classification was determined with each modality and compared to operative findings as the reference standard. RESULTS: The accuracy of 3D-EAUS was significantly higher than that of physical examination in detecting the primary tract (84.4% vs 68.7%, P = 0.037) and secondary extension (81.8% vs 62.1%, P = 0.01) and localizing the internal opening (84.2% vs 59.7%, P = 0.004). A contrast study with H202 detected several more fistula components including two primary suprasphincteric fistula tracks and one supralevator secondary extension, which were not detected on non-contrast study. However, there was no significant difference in accuracy between 3D-EAUS and H202- enhanced 3D-EAUS with respect to classification of the primary tract (84.4% vs 89.1%, P = 0.435) or secondary extension (81.8% vs 86.4%, P = 0.435) or localization of the internal opening (84.2% vs 89.5%, P = 0.406). CONCLUSION: 3D-EAUS was highly reliable in the diagnosis of an anal fistula. H2O2 enhancement was helpful at times and selective use in difficult cases may be economical and reliable. 展开更多
关键词 Anal fistula Endoanal ultrasound H2O2enhancement
NLoS Mitigation in ToA Localization Based on Spatial Correlation Filter and Iterative Minimum Residual 被引量:3
作者 Luo Haiyong Liu Shujing Liu Xiaoming 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期13-19,共7页
To mitigate the Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) error which seriously affects the localization accuracy and robustness in complex indoor environment,a novel Iterative Minimum Residual (IMR) based on the consistency hypothesi... To mitigate the Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) error which seriously affects the localization accuracy and robustness in complex indoor environment,a novel Iterative Minimum Residual (IMR) based on the consistency hypothesis of the residual and the error is proposed in this paper.It chooses the best subset of measurements to calculate the coordinates of the unknown node by comparing the residuals obtained with different subsets of beacons.To reduce the time complexity of the IMR algorithm,Spatial Correlation Filter (SCF) is also proposed,which can remove the most serious NLoS distance with low calculation cost.Combined with the proposed SCF and IMR algorithm,nodes can be localized with high accuracy and low time complexity.Experimental results with real dataset demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can identify the NLoS range effectively with about 50% time cost of employing SCF only. 展开更多
关键词 LOCALIZATION NLoS mitigation TOA iterativeminimum residual spatial correlation filter
Underwater Image Bidirectional Matching for Localization Based on SIFT 被引量:4
作者 Yan Lin Bo Liu 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2014年第2期225-229,共5页
For the purpose of identifying the stern of the SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) availably and perfecting the detection technique of the SWATH ship's performance, this paper presents a novel bidirectional im... For the purpose of identifying the stern of the SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) availably and perfecting the detection technique of the SWATH ship's performance, this paper presents a novel bidirectional image registration strategy and mosaicing technique based on the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm. The proposed method can help us observe the stern with a great visual angle for analyzing the performance of the control fins of the SWATH. SIFT is one of the most effective local features of the scale, rotation and illumination invariant. However, there are a few false match rates in this algorithm. In terms of underwater machine vision, only by acquiring an accurate match rate can we find an underwater robot rapidly and identify the location of the object. Therefore, firstly, the selection of the match ratio principle is put forward in this paper; secondly, some advantages of the bidirectional registration algorithm are concluded by analyzing the characteristics of the unidirectional matching method. Finally, an automatic underwater image splicing method is proposed on the basis of fixed dimension, and then the edge of the image's overlapping section is merged by the principal components analysis algorithm. The experimental results achieve a better registration and smooth mosaicing effect, demonstrating that the proposed method is effective. 展开更多
关键词 SWATH underwater image registration SIFT bidirectional matching strategy automatic stitching
Multi Dromion-Solitoff and Fractal Excitations for (2+1)-Dimensional Boiti-Leon-Manna-Pempinelli System 被引量:2
作者 MA Song-Hua FANG Jian-Ping 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期641-645,共5页
In this short note, a new projective equation (Ф = σФ + Ф^2) is used to obtain the variable separation solutions with two arbitrary functions of the (2+1)-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Manna Pempinelli system (BLM... In this short note, a new projective equation (Ф = σФ + Ф^2) is used to obtain the variable separation solutions with two arbitrary functions of the (2+1)-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Manna Pempinelli system (BLMP). Based on the derived solitary wave solution and by selecting appropriate functions, some novel localized excitations such as multi dromion-solitoffs and fractal-solitons are investigated. 展开更多
关键词 new projective equation BLMP system multi dromion-solitoffs fractal-solitons
Spleen:A new role ffoorr an old player? 被引量:2
作者 Giovanni Tarantino Silvia Savastano +1 位作者 Domenico Capone Annamaria Colao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第33期3776-3784,共9页
The spleen could be considered a neglected organ.To date,it has been deemed an ancillary organ in portal hypertension or an organ localization in lymphoproliferative diseases,even though it has had significant attenti... The spleen could be considered a neglected organ.To date,it has been deemed an ancillary organ in portal hypertension or an organ localization in lymphoproliferative diseases,even though it has had significant attention in infectious diseases for some time.Now,it is thought to be central in regulating the immune system,a metabolic asset and involved in endocrine function with regard to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.The main mechanisms involved in this complex network will be critically discussed in this article. 展开更多
关键词 Endocrine function Immune system Metabolic asset Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease SPLEEN
Infrastructure-based localisation of automated coal mining equipment 被引量:31
作者 Chad O. Hargrave Craig A. James Jonathon C. Ralston 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2017年第3期252-261,共10页
A novel radar-based system for longwall coal mine machine localisation is described. The system, based on a radar-ranging sensor and designed to localise mining equipment with respect to the mine tunnel gate road infr... A novel radar-based system for longwall coal mine machine localisation is described. The system, based on a radar-ranging sensor and designed to localise mining equipment with respect to the mine tunnel gate road infrastructure, is developed and trialled in an underground coal mine. The challenges of reliable sensing in the mine environment are considered, and the use of a radar sensor for localisation is justified. The difficulties of achieving reliable positioning using only the radar sensor are examined. Several probabilistic data processing techniques are explored in order to estimate two key localisation parameters from a single radar signal, namely along-track position and across-track position, with respect to the gate road structures. For the case of across-track position, a conventional Kalman filter approach is sufficient to achieve a reliable estimate. However for along-track position estimation, specific infrastructure elements on the gate road rib-wall must be identified by a tracking algorithm. Due to complexities associated with this data processing problem, a novel visual analytics approach was explored in a 3D interactive display to facilitate identification of significant features for use in a classifier algorithm. Based on the classifier output, identified elements are used as location waypoints to provide a robust and accurate mining equipment localisation estimate. 展开更多
关键词 Localisation · Waypoint navigation · Machine learning · Radar ·Underground · Longwall mining· Automation
Duplicated appendix complicated by appendiceal cancer 被引量:1
作者 Hugh J Freeman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期135-136,共2页
A 37-year old male presented with an acute abdomen suggestive of an appendiceal perforation.Urgent laparotomy showed a duplicated appendix with one of the lumens involved with appendicitis and a focal periappendicular... A 37-year old male presented with an acute abdomen suggestive of an appendiceal perforation.Urgent laparotomy showed a duplicated appendix with one of the lumens involved with appendicitis and a focal periappendicular abscess while the other lumen had a localized appendiceal cancer.Recognition of congenital intestinal duplications in adults is important to avoid serious clinical consequences. 展开更多
关键词 Duplicated appendix Bifid appendix Appendiceal cancer Congenital duplication.
A practical self-localization scheme for mobile robots using sonar sensors 被引量:2
作者 贺锋 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第1期13-19,共7页
A practical serf-localization scheme for mobile robots is proposed and implemented by utilizing sonar sensors. Specifically, the localization problem is solved by employing Monte Carlo method with a new mechanism prop... A practical serf-localization scheme for mobile robots is proposed and implemented by utilizing sonar sensors. Specifically, the localization problem is solved by employing Monte Carlo method with a new mechanism proposed to calculate the samples' weights; the convergence and veracity of the sample set are guaranteed by the designed resampling and scattering process. The proposed serf-localization algorithm is fully implemented on a specific mobile robot system, and experimental results illustrate that it provides an efficient solution for the kidnapped problem. 展开更多
关键词 mobile robots Monte Carlo localization kidnapped problem SONAR
A FastSLAM Algorithm Based on the Improved Auxiliary Particle Filter with Stirling Interpolation 被引量:1
作者 张亮 洪丰 陈耀武 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期501-509,共9页
The choice of the particle's distribution model and the consistency of the result are very important for FastSLAM.The improved auxiliary variable model with FastSLAM,and Stirling Interpolation which is used to app... The choice of the particle's distribution model and the consistency of the result are very important for FastSLAM.The improved auxiliary variable model with FastSLAM,and Stirling Interpolation which is used to approximate the nonlinear functions are provided.This approach improves the precision of the approximation for the nonlinear functions,conquers the drawback of the FastSLAM1.0 by using a model ignoring the measurement data,enhances the estimation consistency of the robot pose,and reduces the degradation speed of the particle in FastSLAM algorithm.Simulation results demonstrate the excellence of the proposed algorithm and give the noise parameter influence on the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 improved auxiliary particle filter(IAPF) Stirling Interpolation simultaneous localization and mapping(SLAM) FASTSLAM CONSISTENCY
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