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美国农村社区互助养老“村庄”模式的发展及启示 被引量:32
作者 张彩华 熊春文 《探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期132-137,149,共7页
"村庄"是自下而上发起的会员制互助养老组织,通过志愿者(多为老年人会员)向社区居家养老的会员提供非专业性服务的同时,"村庄"也为会员提供价格优惠的专业性服务的获取途径,以提高老年人长久地居住在自己家中的能力... "村庄"是自下而上发起的会员制互助养老组织,通过志愿者(多为老年人会员)向社区居家养老的会员提供非专业性服务的同时,"村庄"也为会员提供价格优惠的专业性服务的获取途径,以提高老年人长久地居住在自己家中的能力;这种因制度保障缺位而产生的"老年人支付得起的"非政府养老策略,反映出养老服务的焦点正从个体转向作为整体的社区,重视公共卫生层面的"健康老龄化"、老年人参与和市场的作用;启发我国农村养老问题的解决要以老年人的需求为导向完善居家养老服务系统,通过构建家庭养老、互助幸福院、居家养老、机构养老"四位一体"的"养老方式共同体",举整个社区之力实现多元主义的养老福利供给。 展开更多
关键词 美国 农村社区 养老 互助养老 “村庄”模式
都市里的“村庄”现象 被引量:15
作者 李增军 谢禄生 《经济工作导刊》 1995年第8期20-21,共2页
大中城市近郊逐渐演化为城市市区是一个不可避免的趋势。但在这一演化过程中,一个值得关注的现象是,有些村庄虽然已与城市连在一起,而在人口政策、土地规划、建筑设计、文化教育、社会保障等方面都没有与城市融合起来,成为“都市里的村... 大中城市近郊逐渐演化为城市市区是一个不可避免的趋势。但在这一演化过程中,一个值得关注的现象是,有些村庄虽然已与城市连在一起,而在人口政策、土地规划、建筑设计、文化教育、社会保障等方面都没有与城市融合起来,成为“都市里的村庄”。这不仅会延缓城郊的城市化进程,影响城郊社会、经济的协调发展,损害城市的形象和面貌,而且,在今后的城市改造中,也势必造成极大的浪费。 成因:转换的盲目性 从各地的实践看,城市近郊向市区转化主要有三种模式:一是零星划入,即根据城市发展的需要。把已进入市区规划的乡村逐步划入市区。石家庄市是这种模式。二是市政统划。 展开更多
关键词 “村庄” 职业转换 城市近郊 农民身份 征占地 国家建设 身份转换 土地规划 城乡矛盾 郊区城市化
村庄社会治理:理解农民利益表达行动的一个解释框架--两个特殊案例的一般意义 被引量:2
作者 王晓慧 刘燕舞 《学习与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期99-106,共8页
与既有"底层抗争"范式侧重"个人"和"国家治理"范式侧重"国家"不同,"村庄社会治理"范式更侧重从"社会"的角度将农民的利益表达行动下沉到村庄社会结构中进行考察。研究发现... 与既有"底层抗争"范式侧重"个人"和"国家治理"范式侧重"国家"不同,"村庄社会治理"范式更侧重从"社会"的角度将农民的利益表达行动下沉到村庄社会结构中进行考察。研究发现,内生于村庄社会的矛盾纠纷,既非底层抗争,亦非农民谋利,其通过矛盾外延的形式表现出的是求助的性质。村庄社会治理框架认为,农民利益表达行动本质上是村庄社会治理问题,其形成与村庄社会自我治理能力和村庄社会他我治理能力的双重弱化有关。正视这一点,对于创新农村社会治理体制和增强农村社会治理能力具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 “村庄社会治理”范式 农民利益表达行动 求助型上访 村庄社会治理能力弱化
作者 小次 《西藏旅游》 2001年第3期74-74,共1页
艺术是城市中的一个村庄,和所有的村庄一样,它滤去了浮华和虚伪,沉淀下的是历史与文化最质朴的精神,就象沙里淘金,最终留下的是狂滔大浪之后深邃的价值。而如果这样的价值积淀在神秘的西藏,它会是什么呢?它会是一个唐卡艺术村。一位外... 艺术是城市中的一个村庄,和所有的村庄一样,它滤去了浮华和虚伪,沉淀下的是历史与文化最质朴的精神,就象沙里淘金,最终留下的是狂滔大浪之后深邃的价值。而如果这样的价值积淀在神秘的西藏,它会是什么呢?它会是一个唐卡艺术村。一位外国客人参观那里之后,说,“Arts do not need words”艺术不需要语言。但它需要灵魂和虔诚。就象门口每天走过的转经人群,他们手摇经筒,面色坦然,静静地走过唐卡村口的巨幅唐卡画。那唐卡画色鲜艳,衬着静默高蓝的天空和熙攘喧嚣的八角街,向人们昭示着生命的意义和艺术的真谛。唐卡艺术村其实是一个精品荟萃的画廊。 展开更多
关键词 唐卡艺术 “村庄” 八廓 唐卡画 艺术的真谛 圣城 历史与文化 生命的意义 西藏大学 伪沉淀
作者 陈日临 《咸宁学院学报》 2010年第7期40-41,共2页
"村庄-农户"关系也就是指村干部与农民的关系,它是农村社区中的核心社会关系。农村社会关系的协调、稳定其核心内容就是"村庄-农户"关系的协调、稳定。所以新农村建设的过程中,"村庄-农户"关系的状况,是... "村庄-农户"关系也就是指村干部与农民的关系,它是农村社区中的核心社会关系。农村社会关系的协调、稳定其核心内容就是"村庄-农户"关系的协调、稳定。所以新农村建设的过程中,"村庄-农户"关系的状况,是制约着新农村建设进程的"瓶颈"。研究"村庄-农户"关系,就要揭示"村庄-农户"关系的问题出在哪,从而找出问题的本质,为解决"村庄-农户"关系的问题提供有效路径。 展开更多
关键词 “村庄—农户”关系 行动 规则 价值观
城市化何时“化”掉这些边缘地带? 被引量:1
作者 蓝常高 《社会》 北大核心 1998年第1期28-30,共3页
关键词 城市化 边缘地带 “村庄” “化” 制度创新 常住户口 暂住户口 农村住宅建设 户籍制度 住宅用地
Village Renovation Advancement in Underdeveloped Areas based on Village Allocation Planning
作者 李小云 易蓉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第7期1531-1534,共4页
The research proposed the thoughts and countermeasures for advancing village renovation from the perspectives of formulating village renovation plans, pro- tecting building culture, reinforcing village administration,... The research proposed the thoughts and countermeasures for advancing village renovation from the perspectives of formulating village renovation plans, pro- tecting building culture, reinforcing village administration, improving supporting facili- ties and establishing multi-channel investment and financing mechanisms, on basis of status quo and problems of village constructions in underdeveloped areas. 展开更多
关键词 Village allocation Construction of new countryside Construction of beautiful countryside Village renovation
作者 王国璋 《汉语学习》 1982年第3期4-6,共3页
联合词组在现代汉语中运用得十分广泛。细致地探讨它的各种用法,有助于准确地使用这一语言形式,提高表达效果。本文只介绍联合词组的两种用法。 (一) “取舍”“得失”“大小”“荣枯”之类包括意义上相对立的两个方面的语言单位,既是... 联合词组在现代汉语中运用得十分广泛。细致地探讨它的各种用法,有助于准确地使用这一语言形式,提高表达效果。本文只介绍联合词组的两种用法。 (一) “取舍”“得失”“大小”“荣枯”之类包括意义上相对立的两个方面的语言单位,既是双音词,又是由两个单音词组成的联合词组。如果作为联合词组,则可以加进连词如“取和舍”“得与失”“大和小”“荣与枯”。这里,用不用连词,表面看似乎没有区别,实质上是不完全一样的。可见连词有时不光表示连接而已,还有其他的用法值得分析。例如: ①辩证法告诉我们,取和舍,得和失,是辩证的统一。一篇课文,从遣词造句到谋篇布局都要学生理解和掌握,“毕其功于一役”,这并不是科学的态度。这位教师之所以敢于取舍,是因为他深知教学的辩证法。 展开更多
关键词 合词 两种用法 双音词 知教学 辩证法 “村庄” 全一样 谋篇布局 单音词 得与失
Environmental Planning of New Countryside with Dazhuang Village in Pingdingshan City as an Example
作者 李合章 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期7-10,共4页
The paper introduced regulation and planning situation of Dazhuang Village which was the experiment construction project in Pindingshan City, and offered several proposals for the construction of the village's reg... The paper introduced regulation and planning situation of Dazhuang Village which was the experiment construction project in Pindingshan City, and offered several proposals for the construction of the village's regulation and planning. 展开更多
关键词 Coal mine area New countryside Regulation and planning of village
《中国对外贸易》 1999年第2期49-,1,共2页
圣诞节是西方人的节日,中国人向来对它冷淡,可1998年的圣诞节却让北乐几家合资饭店的大老板们忙得不亦乐乎。尽管他们都知道真正在北京过圣诞的评入巴为数不多,但是他们还是非常热衷于筹办各种各样的盛大的节日庆祝活动。在花钱购买... 圣诞节是西方人的节日,中国人向来对它冷淡,可1998年的圣诞节却让北乐几家合资饭店的大老板们忙得不亦乐乎。尽管他们都知道真正在北京过圣诞的评入巴为数不多,但是他们还是非常热衷于筹办各种各样的盛大的节日庆祝活动。在花钱购买圣诞餐券的人当中,不仅有在原工作的... 展开更多
关键词 庆祝活动 圣诞节 圣诞前夕 圣诞晚会 阿尔卑斯山 文艺工作者 合资饭店 “村庄” 购买食品 慈善机构
作者 刘伯伦 《沧桑》 2000年第4期38-39,共2页
关键词 娄烦县 汾河水库 地方特色 地方志 尖山铁矿 “村庄” 歇后语 旅游资源 露天铁矿 文学创作
作者 单云德 《湖南教育(上旬)(A)》 2004年第1期34-35,共2页
自上世纪80年代以来,人们一直在探索中小学作文教学的理念支撑、训练策略与教学方法。从三级作文训练、能力分类作文训练到诸如活动作文、游戏作文、童话作文、快乐作文、快速作文的提出,作文这片山头上可谓人头攒动,彩旗飘飘。作文的... 自上世纪80年代以来,人们一直在探索中小学作文教学的理念支撑、训练策略与教学方法。从三级作文训练、能力分类作文训练到诸如活动作文、游戏作文、童话作文、快乐作文、快速作文的提出,作文这片山头上可谓人头攒动,彩旗飘飘。作文的本质是生命的倾诉与表达。不管哪一种作文方法,都离不开写作主体个性化的体验。体验,就是“以身体之,以心验之”,就是让心灵与社会、历史、文化、自然、环境以及一切你所关注的东西展开不同层次的对话。这便是我们开设“体验作文”专栏的思想背景。“体验作文”能不能成为富有感召力的四个字,能不能成为提高中小学作文效率的一个突破口,需要我们共同开拓,共同经营。真诚地期待着您的参与,祈望听到您的声音…… 展开更多
关键词 中小学作文教学 史铁生 “存在” 生命价值 “村庄” 意义世界 彰显 个性化 作文训练 与其说
Preventing and Limiting Exposure to Geo-Hazards:Some Lessons from Two Mountain Villages Destroyed by the Wenchuan Earthquake 被引量:2
作者 Laurence SVIRCHEV LI Yong +2 位作者 YAN Liang MA Bolin HE Chengying 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期190-199,共10页
This paper examines the experiences of two mountain communities- Yinchanggou and Donghekou in the Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008, where Yinchanggou's tourism economy and natural park system was destroyed and ... This paper examines the experiences of two mountain communities- Yinchanggou and Donghekou in the Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008, where Yinchanggou's tourism economy and natural park system was destroyed and Donghekou was buried by a landslide. We conducted research surveys on both the communities, interviewing survivors and local officials, and observed the destruction/reconstruction, geological, and living conditions. We suggest that protracted educational processes be put into place so that mountain communities possess a knowledge base to consider long-term disaster prevention when building the economy in the fragile and geo-hazardous conditions of the Longmenshan. The Donghekou Earthquake Ruins Park is an exemplar of turning disaster into sustainable, safe development for small mountain villages. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan Earthquake Geo-hazards Post-disaster reconstruction Survery
Study of non-revenue water status and enforcement measures to reduce water loss:case study in villages of Kermanshah Province of Iran
作者 Seyyed Alireza Mousavi Iraj Shahbazi +3 位作者 Hosna Janjani Rastegar Veysinejad Ali Asgar Sobhani Mehdi Bakhti 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第4期351-356,共6页
In this study, the volume and the cash value of water loss, and reduction of water loss as a result of enforcement action during 2011-2013 in the drinking water network of villages in Kermanshah Province, tran, have b... In this study, the volume and the cash value of water loss, and reduction of water loss as a result of enforcement action during 2011-2013 in the drinking water network of villages in Kermanshah Province, tran, have been investigated. Date collected by referring to the different parts of rural water and waste water company of Kermanshah Province and checklist were completed. The study showed the volume of produced water and sold water has increased and the water loss percentage has decreased. High cost of water production compared to revenue of sold water and water loss resulted in significant detriments in terms of the water production costs. Water loss level decreased from 33% to 30% as result of measures taken to reduce water loss but, it is still 15% higher than the world average level. Also the reduction in number of water resources and increase in the number and volume of reservoirs indicates a lack of water and a growing need. As result of high water loss, waste of costs in the contrast of water production cost and also because physical water loss accounts for most of the water loss of villages, necessary measures can be effective in reducing loss and have economic justification. 展开更多
关键词 Non-revenue water waterloss COST enforcementmeasure KermanshahProvince
Ecological strategy analysis of human habitation environment in Shanggantang traditional village,Hunan province,P.R.China
作者 许建和 WANG Jun +1 位作者 YAN Jun LIANG Zhi-yao 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2010年第1期54-62,共9页
Based on the field survey of the traditional village in Shanggantang,Hunan province,P.R.China,we analyzed ecological strategies in aspects of the whole human habitation environment and vernacular building human habita... Based on the field survey of the traditional village in Shanggantang,Hunan province,P.R.China,we analyzed ecological strategies in aspects of the whole human habitation environment and vernacular building human habitation environment.The ecological strategies included adapting to the local climate,reducing source consumption,utilizing local materials and so on.The research is to provide a reference to practice and theoretical development of eco-folk houses in the area. 展开更多
关键词 ecological strategy human habitation environment Shanggantang traditional village vernacular building
Design and Construction of a Forest Village in Greece
作者 Sarantis-Angelos Liampas Christos Stamatiou +2 位作者 Dimitris Farmakis George Tasionas Christodoulos Daoutis and Vasileios Drosos 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2018年第2期47-54,共8页
The aim of this paper is the study for the construction of a forest village in the area of Souvardo in Kalavrita in the prefecture of Achaia. This paper presents the history and purpose of forest villages, as well as ... The aim of this paper is the study for the construction of a forest village in the area of Souvardo in Kalavrita in the prefecture of Achaia. This paper presents the history and purpose of forest villages, as well as the laws that govern them. The methodology of the paper is analyzed and the particular characteristics of the study area are examined with the accompaniment of the general characteristics related to the formation of the space. Further, aerial photographs are listed with the help of Google Earth program, giving emphasis to the general plan of the study area. The reception building and the host installation of the forest village are described, as well as the building and topographic plans are designed with the use of AutoCAD and Photoshop programs. Furthermore, the cost of the development project is analyzed. Finally, the conclusions of the study and recommendations to the visitor of the area about sights, natural landscapes and archaeological sites axe given. Criteria for intervention and promotion of tourism and proposals for tourism development in the area, such as ideas for the development of cultural tourism and ecotourism in the region, are suggested. 展开更多
关键词 Recreational activities cultural tourism ECOTOURISM stonework AUTOCAD Photoshop.
Research and application of strip mining of village coal pillar at coal field of the north of the Yellow River in Shandong Province
作者 XU Nai-zhong TIAN Jin-zhou GAO Chao 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第3期232-237,共6页
This paper focuses on the village coal pillar under huge thick loose bed and thin bedrock over high prelatic water level at the north of the Yellow River. The strip mining technology was used to protect the village ho... This paper focuses on the village coal pillar under huge thick loose bed and thin bedrock over high prelatic water level at the north of the Yellow River. The strip mining technology was used to protect the village houses. The stratum structure control action of mining subsidence was used to design the mining and pillar width. To further raise resources recovery, we adopted the mutative scheme of mining and pillar width. Observation was carried out while mining. Research shows there is feasibility of the strip mining technology to protecting the village buildings of the village coal pillar under huge thick loose bed and thin bedrock over high prelatic water level at the north of the Yellow River. Finally, subsidence parameters of strip mining were obtained. It is the basic data of the strip mining of the coal field at the north of the Yellow River. 展开更多
关键词 huge thick loose bed thin bedrock high prelatic water level strip mining coal field Yellow River
Survey on Indigenous Food Plants of Kaya Kauma and Kaya Tsolokero in Kilifi County Kenya
作者 Jolly Rajat Joyce Jefwa Joseph Mwafaida 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2017年第2期82-90,共9页
An ethnobotanical study was carried out in the sacred forests of Kaya Kauma in Kilifi county and Kaya Tsolokero in Junju location in Kenya between 21st January 2015 to 22nd February 2016. Ethnobotanical data on the kn... An ethnobotanical study was carried out in the sacred forests of Kaya Kauma in Kilifi county and Kaya Tsolokero in Junju location in Kenya between 21st January 2015 to 22nd February 2016. Ethnobotanical data on the knowledge of useful Indigenous Food Plants among the dwelling population in the villages around Kaya Kauma and Kaya Tsolokero were obtained from the using semi-structured questionnaire and interviews of the population in the homesteads around both the forests. The Food Plants included vegetables, fruit or any sort of food if they yield to the society. Results based on a questionnaire survey in 18 villages around Kaya Kauma and 9 villages around Kaya Tsolokero are presented by different stratum of Gender, Age, Tribes, Education level, Relationship to the village, Marital status. Usage of plant as food out of the population interviewed around Kaya Kauma and the total fruit plants mentioned by the villagers dwelling around the forest was 18 belonging to 9 different families. The total vegetable plants which were mentioned by the population around Kaya Kauma were 23 belonging to 12 different families. Other Food Plants mentioned by the community was 36. Out of the population interviewed around Kaya Tsolokero out of the Food Plants mentioned by the community, total fruit plants mentioned by the community was 46 belonging to 19 different families, total vegetable plants mentioned was 20 which belonged to 13 different families and other Food Plants mentioned by the community was 23. Out of the dwelling tribes around Kaya Kanma, Mkauma emerged as the most popular tribe and Mjibana as the most popular tribe around Kaya Tsolokero. The 18 adjoining villages to Kaya Kauma were interviewed for the survey and 9 adjoining villages were interviewed adjacent to Kaya Tsolokero. 展开更多
关键词 Sacred forest indigenous food Kaya Kauma Kaya Tsolokero ethnobotanical species.
Study on Spatial Strategies for Sustainable Development in Chinese Ethnic Minority Villages
作者 Bin Zhang Le Chang 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第7期66-70,共5页
The ethnic minority villages are mainly distributed in the areas far away from the central China. Although those villages are abundant with cultural landscape resources, they are economically underdeveloped. Taking th... The ethnic minority villages are mainly distributed in the areas far away from the central China. Although those villages are abundant with cultural landscape resources, they are economically underdeveloped. Taking the ethnic village space as the study subject, the article analyzes its ethnic, regional and marginal characteristics and proposes that villages should become the future livable space as the urbanization of ethnic areas instead of being squeezed and occupied in spatial pattern. In villages, the living space should implement protection first. Three strategies are put forward in the article, comprehensive, partial and genetic protection strategies. And the agricultural space should possess productive, ecological and aesthetic values instead of emphasizing production only. 展开更多
关键词 Ethnic minority village space HOUSE protection
Rediscovering a Forgotten City: The Case Study of Laranjeiras
作者 Adriana Dantas Nogueira Eder Donizeti da Silva 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第7期822-833,共12页
The term "forgotten city" was mentioned by researchers to denominate some colonial Brazilian settlements and cities which seem to have the same characteristics that demonstrate they were hidden along the years and t... The term "forgotten city" was mentioned by researchers to denominate some colonial Brazilian settlements and cities which seem to have the same characteristics that demonstrate they were hidden along the years and that have the same atmosphere as they used to in their past life, i.e., they have the same traditional type of urban configuration produced at the origin of the city. This paper brings into discussion this character of this city, using as an example the city of Laranjeiras, one of the oldest cities of the State of Sergipe, which had a great and rich trade of sugar, besides significant cultural and political activities, being known as "Brazilian Athens" in the 19th century. Then, Laranjeiras decayed and stopped growing along the 20th century. However, it has had a good perspective to develop again with insertion of new different activities recently. The initial Portuguese planning to villages in Brazil followed specific rules and had a systematic assistance, what discards the myth that many Brazilian cities were born and grown up as a spontaneous form without planning. Studying some factors deeply, as spatial configuration, settlement localization and urban grid, it can be possible to point some recognizable elements which demonstrate that some cities were built to be forgotten. The methodology used for the analysis of Laranjeiras presents many historic, economic and cultural aspects related to the spatial-syntactic studies (Space Syntax Theory), bringing to light some interesting thoughts about urban form and social life. 展开更多
关键词 Urban form space syntax urban configuration.
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