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智能经济发展中的“极化”效应和机制研究 被引量:4
作者 刘刚 刘晨 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期37-46,共10页
作为第四次工业革命的引擎,人工智能属于通用技术。人工智能与经济社会的融合发展是我国经济发展的新动能。现阶段,智能经济的发展是非均衡的,表现出明显的空间“极化”趋势。互联网产业发展过程中创造的智能化需求牵引、数据生态优势... 作为第四次工业革命的引擎,人工智能属于通用技术。人工智能与经济社会的融合发展是我国经济发展的新动能。现阶段,智能经济的发展是非均衡的,表现出明显的空间“极化”趋势。互联网产业发展过程中创造的智能化需求牵引、数据生态优势的出现、平台主导的开放创新生态系统的形成和完善、多元创新主体的创新协同、核心产业部门的发展及其与融合产业部门的良性互动,共同构成了智能经济“极化”效应形成和演进的关键机制。随着人工智能与实体经济的深度融合,融合产业部门逐步成为人工智能科技产业发展的主导,“极化”效应将逐步减弱,智能经济将在更广泛的区域范围内“扩散”。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 智能经济 “极化”效应
心理咨询语言指示性的量化分析 被引量:7
作者 高一虹 《语言文字应用》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第1期54-60,共7页
心理咨询语言指示性的量化分析高一虹王海日方一研究动机和目的电话心理咨询中的一项重要内容,是咨询员对来话者的问题做出某种形式的建议或“指示”。指示性语言有不同的“指示性”程度,指示性强的给人感觉“没商量”,要做什么不要... 心理咨询语言指示性的量化分析高一虹王海日方一研究动机和目的电话心理咨询中的一项重要内容,是咨询员对来话者的问题做出某种形式的建议或“指示”。指示性语言有不同的“指示性”程度,指示性强的给人感觉“没商量”,要做什么不要做什么非常明确;指示性弱的给人感觉... 展开更多
关键词 指示性 心理咨询 分析 语法隐喻 咨询员 语言手段 人际功能 问卷 心理过程 “极化”效应
我国航空客流网络发展及其地域系统研究 被引量:233
作者 金凤君 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期31-39,共9页
“极化”效应是高速交通网络引导客货流演进的空间表象 ,由此导致空间作用关系的变化和空间结构的演化。轴心—附属式的“轴—辐”空间模式已经成为航空客流网络发展的基本模式。本文以航空客流为分析对象 ,探讨了我国城市间的相互作用... “极化”效应是高速交通网络引导客货流演进的空间表象 ,由此导致空间作用关系的变化和空间结构的演化。轴心—附属式的“轴—辐”空间模式已经成为航空客流网络发展的基本模式。本文以航空客流为分析对象 ,探讨了我国城市间的相互作用特征 ,以及高速运输网络发展的社会经济意义。结果表明 ,我国大陆航空客流的网络体系形成了明显的地域分异现象 ,产生了以三个一级枢纽为核心的“轴—辐”系统 ,即北京、广州和上海系统 ,以及两个相对独立的次级系统——乌鲁木齐和昆明系统 ;航空客流存在显著的距离衰减规律 ,绝大部分客流发生的距离在 2 4 0 0 km之内 ;超大城市是航空客流的集聚地 。 展开更多
关键词 “轴-轴”系统 “极化”效应 高速交通 航空客流 航空网络 空间结构 距离衰减规律
中国羽毛球运动员身体素质特征及其对策研究 被引量:14
作者 程勇民 阎济宁 杨新芳 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第5期63-63,共1页
羽毛球是中国的传统优势项目,60年代被誉为无冕之王,80年代真正达到了世界顶峰。然而,进入90年代以来,这种一枝独秀的局面被打破,欧亚强队纷纷崛起,并逐渐呈垄断之势:1992年奥运会,中国人一金未得,只以1枚银牌聊以自慰;1994年亚运会,连... 羽毛球是中国的传统优势项目,60年代被誉为无冕之王,80年代真正达到了世界顶峰。然而,进入90年代以来,这种一枝独秀的局面被打破,欧亚强队纷纷崛起,并逐渐呈垄断之势:1992年奥运会,中国人一金未得,只以1枚银牌聊以自慰;1994年亚运会,连1块银牌都未保住。如此滑坡势头,令国人震惊。究其原因,众说纷纭,不过较多的观点认为,滑坡与体能下降有关,最为明显的例子是赵剑华。然而,这样的结论仅以简单的观察为依据,缺乏严谨的论证,而赵剑华的例子也难以一概全。为此。 展开更多
关键词 羽毛球运动员 对策研究 身体素质 专项 清羽 训练手段 多球训练 “极化”效应 一般体能 国家体委
The analysis on IP signals in TEM response based on SVD 被引量:4
作者 余传涛 刘鸿福 +2 位作者 张新军 杨德义 李自红 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期79-87,119,共10页
During transient electromagnetic method (TEM) exploration of a copper mine, we detected the late-channel TEM signal reversal phenomenon (a voltage change from positive to negative) caused by the influence of the i... During transient electromagnetic method (TEM) exploration of a copper mine, we detected the late-channel TEM signal reversal phenomenon (a voltage change from positive to negative) caused by the influence of the induced polarization (IP) effect, which affects the depth and precision of the TEM detection. The conventional inversion method is inefficient because it is difficult to process the data. In this paper, the Cole-Cole model is adopted to analyze the effect of Dc resistivity, chargeability, time constant, and frequency exponent on the TEM response in an homogeneous half space model. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is used to invert the measured TEM data, and the Dc resistivity, chargeability, time constant and frequency exponent were extracted from the measured TEM data in the mine area. The extracted parameters are used for interpreting the detection result as a supplement. This reveals why the TEM data acquired in the area has a low resolution. It was found that the DC resistivity and time constant do not significantly change the results, however, the chargeability and frequency exponent have a significant effect. Because of these influences, the SVD method is more accurate than the conventional method in the apparent resistivity profile. The area of the copper mine is confined accurately based on the SVD inverted data. The conclusion has been verified by drill and is identical to the practical geological situation. 展开更多
关键词 SVD method TEM response IP effects Cole-Cole models
作者 陈燕子 程琦 张静文 《交通企业管理》 2016年第4期11-14,共4页
北京时间2015年10月31日11时,从埃及飞往俄罗斯圣彼得堡途中的俄罗斯科加雷姆航空公司一架空客A321型客机在埃及西奈半岛中部坠毁,机上224人全部遇难。突发的空难事件牵动着社会敏感神经,事件爆发后,"俄罗斯客机坠毁"、"空客"等旋... 北京时间2015年10月31日11时,从埃及飞往俄罗斯圣彼得堡途中的俄罗斯科加雷姆航空公司一架空客A321型客机在埃及西奈半岛中部坠毁,机上224人全部遇难。突发的空难事件牵动着社会敏感神经,事件爆发后,"俄罗斯客机坠毁"、"空客"等旋即成为各大微博的热搜词。于此同时,各国民众对飞机安全的质疑也达到一定的高度。笔者选取事故发生后具有代表性的新浪微博作为样本,研究样本微博一周内的微博内容,分析空难后微博舆情对航空公司顾客流失的影响。 展开更多
关键词 微博舆情 俄罗斯客机坠毁事件 “茧房”效应 “极化”效应 “沉默的螺旋”效应
Spin Polarization Effect for Molecule Fe_(2)
作者 炎正馨 谢安东 +2 位作者 阎世英 胡栋 杨向东 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期149-151,共3页
Density functional method (B3p86) was used to optimize the structure of the molecule Fe2. The result showed that the ground electronic state for the molecule Fe2 is nonet state instead of septet state, which indicat... Density functional method (B3p86) was used to optimize the structure of the molecule Fe2. The result showed that the ground electronic state for the molecule Fe2 is nonet state instead of septet state, which indicates that there is a spin polarization effect in the molecule Fe2, i.e., in which there are 8 parallel spin electrons.In this case, the number of the unpaired d-orbit electrons is the largest, and these electrons occupy different spatial orbitals so that the energy of the molecule Fe2 is minimized. Meanwhile, the spin pollution was not found because the wave functions of the ground state do not mix with those of the higher energy states. In addition, the Murrell-Sorbie potential functions with the parameters for the ground electronic state and other exited electronic states of the molecule Fe2 were derived. The dissociation energy, equilibrium bond length and the vibration frequency for the ground electronic state of the molecule Fe2 are 3.5522 eV, 0.2137 nm and 292.914 cm^-1, respectively. Its force constants f2, f3 and f4 are 1.4115×1^02 a J/nm^2, -37.1751×103^aJ/nm^3 and 98.7596× 10^4 a J/nm^4, respectively. The other spectroscopic parameters ωexe, Be and αe for the ground electronic state of Fe2 are 0.3522, 0.0345 and 0.4963× 10^-4 cm^-1, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 FE2 Spin polarization Density functional theory Potential function
Energies and Transition Rates of Low-Lying Excited States for Beryllium
作者 韩利红 苟秉聪 王菲 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第1期109-112,共4页
Low lying excited states of beryllium are calculated with multiconfiguration interaction method. The relativisitic corrections and mass polarization are included. The oscillator strength and radiation rates are also ... Low lying excited states of beryllium are calculated with multiconfiguration interaction method. The relativisitic corrections and mass polarization are included. The oscillator strength and radiation rates are also calculated. Our results are in good agreement with other theoretical data. 展开更多
关键词 oscillator strength radiation transition BERYLLIUM
Improvement on Electrical Properties and Magnetoresistance Induced by Pd or Ag Addition in Lao.67(Ca0.65Ba0.35)0.33MnO3 Manganites
作者 原晓波 任俊峰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期431-438,J0002,共9页
Electrical properties and magnetoresistance have been studied in two series of xAg-La0.67(Ca0.65Ba0.35)0.33MnO3 and xPd-La0.67(Ca0.65Ba0.35)0.33MnO3 (abbreviated by xAg-LCBMO and xPd-LCBMO) composites. Both Pd a... Electrical properties and magnetoresistance have been studied in two series of xAg-La0.67(Ca0.65Ba0.35)0.33MnO3 and xPd-La0.67(Ca0.65Ba0.35)0.33MnO3 (abbreviated by xAg-LCBMO and xPd-LCBMO) composites. Both Pd and Ag addition induce a decrease in resistivity and an increase in temperature at which the resistivity reaches its maximum. This is mainly due to the improvement of grain boundaries caused by the segregation of good conductive metal grains on the grain boundaries/surfaces. In addition, both Pd and Ag addition induce a large enhancement of room temperature magnetoresistance (RTMR). Note that 27% molar ratio of Ag addition induces a large RTMR of about 70%, about ten times larger than pure LCBMO, whereas 27% molar ratio Pd addition brings a much larger RTMR of about 170%. The large enhancements of MR can be attributed to the decrease in resistivity of the samples caused by the good conductive metal. On the other hand, the polarization of Pd atoms near the Mn ions on the grain surfaces/boundaries plays a very im-portant role in the increase in MR, which induces a large number of spin clusters in Pd-added samples. 展开更多
关键词 Colossal magnetoresistance Ag-added manganite Pd-added manganite Roomtemperature magnetoresistance Spin cluster Polarization of Pd atom
《江淮论坛》 CSSCI 1994年第1期46-49,共4页
关键词 长江流域 协调发展 浦东开发开放 增长中心 增长 研讨会 国际 “极化”效应 经济区域 市场机制
Two-Dimensional Static Numerical Modeling and Simulation of AlGaN/GaN HEMT
作者 薛丽君 夏洋 +6 位作者 刘明 王燕 邵雪 鲁净 马杰 谢常青 余志平 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期298-303,共6页
AIGaN/GaN HEMTs are investigated by numerical simulation from the self-consistent solution of Schr6dinger-Poisson-hydrodynamic (HD) systems. The influences of polarization charge and quantum effects are considered i... AIGaN/GaN HEMTs are investigated by numerical simulation from the self-consistent solution of Schr6dinger-Poisson-hydrodynamic (HD) systems. The influences of polarization charge and quantum effects are considered in this model. Then the two-dimensional conduction band and electron distribution, electron temperature characteristics, Id versus Vd and Id versus Vg, transfer characteristics and transconductance curves are obtained. Corresponding analysis and discussion based on the simulation results are subsequently given. 展开更多
关键词 AIGaN/GaN HEMT 2D modeling and simulation polarization charges quantum effects
Kinetic Implication from Temperature Effect on Hydrogen Evolution Reaction at Ag Electrode
作者 康婧 林楚红 +1 位作者 姚瑶 陈艳霞 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期63-68,I0003,I0004,共8页
Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at polycrystalline silver electrode in 0.1 mol/L HClO4 solution is investigated by cyclic voltammetry in the temperature range of 278-333 K. We found that at electrode potential φa... Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at polycrystalline silver electrode in 0.1 mol/L HClO4 solution is investigated by cyclic voltammetry in the temperature range of 278-333 K. We found that at electrode potential φa,app decreases with φ, while pre-exponential factor A remains nearly unchanged,which conforms well the prediction from Butler-Volmer equation. In contrast, with φ nega-tive shifts from the onset potential for HER to the potential of zero charge (PZC≈-0.4 V), both Ea,app and A for HER increase (e.g., Ea,app increases from 24 kJ/mol to 32 kJ/mol). The increase in Ea,app and A with negative shift in φ from -0.25 V to PZC is explained by the increases of both internal energy change and entropy change from reactants to the transition states, which is correlated with the change in the hydrogen bond network during HER. The positive entropy effects overcompensate the adverse effect from the increase in the activation energy, which leads to a net increase in HER current with the activation energy negative shift from the onset potential of HER to PZC. It is pointed out that entropy change may contribute greatly to the kinetics for electrode reaction which involves the transfer of electron and proton, such as HER. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogen evolution reaction Ag electrode Temperature effect Activation energy Pre-exponential factor Internal energy Entropy change
Influence of the Dosage of Surfactant on the Electrorheological Behaviors of Fluids
作者 张少华 张玉玲 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第3期312-315,共4页
To investigate the influence of surface characteristics of particles on electrorheological (ER) fluids, water free complex strontium titanate particles were synthesized through the sol gel technique and different ma... To investigate the influence of surface characteristics of particles on electrorheological (ER) fluids, water free complex strontium titanate particles were synthesized through the sol gel technique and different mass fraction of the surfactant was doped in particles and dispersed in silicon oil. The test shows that surface characteristics of particles have great influence on the behavior of ER fluids. Surface tension, surface polarity and interfacial polarization are strongly related to the surface status of the dispersed particles. 展开更多
关键词 electrorheological (ER) effect interfacial polarization SURFACTANT
Theoretical Study on Stereodynamics of Reactions of N(^2D)+H2→NH+H and N(^2D)+D2→ND+D
作者 岳现房 程杰 +2 位作者 冯海冉 李宏 Emilia L. Wu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期381-386,I0001,共7页
The vector correlations between products and reagents for the title reactions have been calculated by the quasi-classical trajectory method at a collision energy of 21.32 kJ/mol on an accurate potential energy surface... The vector correlations between products and reagents for the title reactions have been calculated by the quasi-classical trajectory method at a collision energy of 21.32 kJ/mol on an accurate potential energy surface of Ho et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 119, 3063 (2003)). The peaks of the product angular distribution are found to be in both backward and forward directions for the two title reactions. The product rotational angular momentum is not only aligned, but also oriented along the negative direction of y-axis. These theoretical results are in good agreement with recent experimental findings for the two title reactions. The isotopic effect is also revealed and primarily attributed to the difference of the mass factor in the two title reactions. 展开更多
关键词 STEREODYNAMICS Quasi-classical trajectory method Vector correlation Polarization-dependent differential cross-section Isotopic effect
Ab initio Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Molecular Dynamics Simulation of CO in the Heme Distal Pocket of Myoglobin
作者 王宪位 张增辉 何晓 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期705-716,I0002,共13页
Myoglobin has important biological functions in storing and transporting small diatomic molecules in human body. Two possible orientations of carbon monoxide (CO) in the heme distal pocket (named as BI and B2 state... Myoglobin has important biological functions in storing and transporting small diatomic molecules in human body. Two possible orientations of carbon monoxide (CO) in the heme distal pocket (named as BI and B2 states) of myoglobin have been experimentally indicated. In this study, ab initio quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) molecular dynamics simulation of CO in myoglobin was carried out to investigate the two possible B states. Our results demonstrate that the B1 and B2 states correspond to Fe... CO (with carbon atom closer to iron center of heme) and Fe... OC (with oxygen atom closer to Fe), by comparing with the experimental infrared spectrum. QM electrostatic polarization effect on CO brought from the protein and solvent environment is the main driving force, which anchors CO in two distinctive orientations and hinders its rotation. The calculated vibrational frequency shift between the state B1 and B2 is 13.1 cm-1, which is in good agreement with experimental value of 11.5 cm-1. This study also shows that the electric field produced by the solvent plays an important role in assisting protein functions by exerting directional electric field at the active site of the protein, From residue-based electric field decomposition, several residues were found to have most contributions to the total electric field at the CO center, including a few charged residues and three adjacent uncharged polar residues (namely, HIS64, ILE107, and PHE43). This study provides new physical insights on rational design of enzyme with higher electric field at the active site. 展开更多
关键词 QM/MM simulation Stark shift Electrostatic polarization effect Electric field
Enthalpies Estimation of Formation of Monosubstituted Alkanes by Interaction Potential Index 被引量:3
作者 Ya-xin Wu Chen-zhong Cao Hua Yuan 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期153-160,I0003,共9页
The interaction potential index IPI(X) of 16 Br, C1, I, NO2, CN, CHO, COOH, CH3, CH: kinds of substituents X (X---OH, SH, NH2, :CH2, C-CH, Ph, COCH3, COOCH3) were proposed, which are derived from the experimenta... The interaction potential index IPI(X) of 16 Br, C1, I, NO2, CN, CHO, COOH, CH3, CH: kinds of substituents X (X---OH, SH, NH2, :CH2, C-CH, Ph, COCH3, COOCH3) were proposed, which are derived from the experimental enthalpies of formation △fHФ (g) values of monosubstituted straight-chain alkanes. Based on the IPI(X) and polarizability effect index, a simple and effective model was constructed to estimate the △fHФ (g) values of monosubstituted alkanes RX (including the branched derivatives). The present model takes into account not only the contributions of the alkyl R and the substituent X, but also the contribution of the interaction between R and X. Its stability and prediction ability was confirmed by the results of leave-one-out method. Compared with previous reported studies, the obtained equation can be used to estimate enthalpies of formation for much more kinds of monosubstituted alkanes with less parameters. Thus, it is recommended for the calculation of the △fHФ(g) for the RX. 展开更多
关键词 Interaction potential index SUBSTITUENT Monosubstituted alkane Enthalpy offormation Polarizability effect index
A Review on Fiber Lasers 被引量:3
作者 Lin Jintong Lu Dan Dai Yitang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第8期1-15,共15页
After a half century of development, fiber laser has evolved from a concept to a great family penetrating into various fields of applications. This paper reviews the history and current development of fiber lasers, wi... After a half century of development, fiber laser has evolved from a concept to a great family penetrating into various fields of applications. This paper reviews the history and current development of fiber lasers, with topics covering both continuous wave and short pulse fiber lasers. Important issues such as the major rare earth dopants, fiber laser brightness, polarization effects, clad pumping technology, beam combination, mode locking and pulse shaping are discussed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 fiber laser rare earth doped fiber continuous wave fiber laser ultra-short pulse fiber laser
Improving hot corrosion resistance of aluminized TiAl alloy by anodization and pre-oxidation 被引量:4
作者 Yuan-tao HU Lei ZHENG +4 位作者 Hao-jie YAN Lian-kui WU Xiang-jun LIN Fa-he CAO Mei-yan JIANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第1期193-206,共14页
To shield TiAl alloy from hot corrosion attack,a compact protective coating was fabricated by the combination of aluminizing,anodization and pre-oxidation.The hot corrosion behavior of the coated-TiAl specimen was inv... To shield TiAl alloy from hot corrosion attack,a compact protective coating was fabricated by the combination of aluminizing,anodization and pre-oxidation.The hot corrosion behavior of the coated-TiAl specimen was investigated in the mixture salt consisting of 75 wt.%Na2SO4 and 25 wt.%NaCl at 700°C.Results indicated that the anodization and pre-oxidation were beneficial to the generation of Al2O3 layer,which could act as a diffusion barrier to prevent the molten salts and oxygen from diffusing into the alloy during exposure to a hot corrosion environment while the aluminizing coating could provide sufficient aluminum source to support the continuous formation of Al2O3 layer.Moreover,the internal stress of the coating was reduced due to the formation of a gradient coating consisting of TiAl3 and TiAl2. 展开更多
关键词 hot corrosion TiAl alloy pack cementation anodization halogen effect
Temperature Effect on Hydrogen Evolution Reaction at Au Electrode
作者 汤志强 廖玲文 +2 位作者 郑勇力 康婧 陈艳霞 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期469-474,I0004,共7页
The temperature dependence of hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at a quasi-single crystalline gold electrode in both 0.1 mol/L HCl04 and 0.1 mol/L KOH solutions was investigated by cyclic voltammetry. HER current di... The temperature dependence of hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at a quasi-single crystalline gold electrode in both 0.1 mol/L HCl04 and 0.1 mol/L KOH solutions was investigated by cyclic voltammetry. HER current displays a clear increase with reaction overpotential (η) and temperature from 278-333 K. In 0.1 mol/L HClO4 the Tafel slopes are found to increases slightly with temperature from 118 mV/dec to 146 mV/dec, while in 0.1 mol/L KOH it is ca. 153±15 mV/dec without clear temperature-dependent trend. The apparent activation energy (Ea) for HER at equilibrium potential is ca. 48 and 34 kJ/mol in 0.1 mol/L HC104 and 0.1 mol/L KOH, respectively. In acid solution, Ea decreases with increase in η, from Ea-37 kJ/mol (η=0.2 V) to 30 kJ/mol (η=0.35 V). In contrast, in 0.1 mol/L KOH, Ea does not show obvious change with U. The pre-exponential factor (A) in 0.1 mol/L HC104 is ca. 1 order higher than that in 0.1 mol/L KOH. Toward more negative potential, in 0.1 mol/L HC104 A changes little with potential, while in 0.1 mol/L KOH it displays a monotonic increase with U. The change trends of the potential-dependent kinetic parameters for HER at Au electrode in 0.1 mol/L HClO4 and that in 0.1 mol/L KOH are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogen evolution reaction Au electrode Temperature effect Activation energy Symmetric factor
Industrial Green Spatial Pattern Evolution of Yangtze River Economic Belt in China 被引量:3
作者 LI Lin LIU Ying 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期660-672,共13页
We use the directional slacks-based measure of efficiency and inverse distance weighting method to analyze the spatial pattern evolution of the industrial green total factor productivity of 108 cities in the Yangtze R... We use the directional slacks-based measure of efficiency and inverse distance weighting method to analyze the spatial pattern evolution of the industrial green total factor productivity of 108 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt in 2003–2013.Results show that both the subprime mortgage crisis and ‘the new normal' had significant negative effects on productivity growth,leading to the different spatial patterns between 2003–2008 and 2009–2013.Before 2008,green poles had gathered around some capital cities and formed a tripartite pattern,which was a typical core-periphery pattern.Due to a combination of the polarization and the diffusion effects,capital cities became the growth poles and ‘core' regions,while surrounding areas became the ‘periphery'.This was mainly caused by the innate advantage of capital cities and ‘the rise of central China' strategy.After 2008,the tripartite pattern changed to a multi-poles pattern where green poles continuously and densely spread in the midstream and downstream areas.This is due to the regional difference in the leading effect of green poles.The leading effect of green poles in midstream and downstream areas has changed from polarization to diffusion,while the polarization effect still leads in the upstream area. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze River Economic Belt industrial green total factor productivity directional slacks-based measure of efficiency inverse distance weighting spatial pattern evolution
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