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案例教学法在前厅与客房服务管理课程中的应用 被引量:5
作者 李光宇 《中国职业技术教育》 北大核心 2012年第8期93-96,共4页
关键词 “案例”教学 实践性 前厅客房服务与管理
“案例式”教学法在教师现代教育技术培训中的应用研究 被引量:30
作者 胡建华 陶祥亚 《中国医学教育技术》 2007年第5期369-372,共4页
在分析了教师现代教育技术培训和“案例式”教学各自特点的基础上,得出了“案例式”教学非常适用于教师现代教育技术培训的结论。并结合淮海工学院教师现代教育技术培训工作的实践,提出了“案例式”教学法在培训中的实施步骤,还通过... 在分析了教师现代教育技术培训和“案例式”教学各自特点的基础上,得出了“案例式”教学非常适用于教师现代教育技术培训的结论。并结合淮海工学院教师现代教育技术培训工作的实践,提出了“案例式”教学法在培训中的实施步骤,还通过对几年来培训数据的对比和分析,验证了上述结论,并阐述了培训中应注意的问题。 展开更多
关键词 “案例”教学 教师培训 现代教育技术
作者 刘金波 《金融理论与教学》 2007年第1期56-57,共2页
“案例型”教学一改传统教学模式的基本规程,教师不是把确定的结论和正确的解答与说明毫无保留地奉献给学生,而是引导学生通过研究要学习的内容,从研究过程中学到知识,培养能力。本文从“案例型”教学的基础入手,根据《国际信贷》这门... “案例型”教学一改传统教学模式的基本规程,教师不是把确定的结论和正确的解答与说明毫无保留地奉献给学生,而是引导学生通过研究要学习的内容,从研究过程中学到知识,培养能力。本文从“案例型”教学的基础入手,根据《国际信贷》这门课的知识结构特点,探讨了该课程采用“案例型”教学的意义及具体实施方法,并结合实际提出了改进措施。 展开更多
关键词 “案例”教学 国际信贷 教学实施
作者 吴作斌 《金融理论与教学》 2010年第3期71-72,共2页
关键词 “案例”教学 理财专业 学习兴趣
作者 王红梅 《金融理论与教学》 2004年第4期58-59,共2页
深化教学内容和教学方法的改革 ,是提高教学质量 ,提升学生综合素质的关键。对在《商业银行实务》教学中采用“案例型”教学改革的目的、具体实施步骤进行了研究 ,并对“案例型”教学改革的教学效果进行了分析评价。
关键词 《商业银行实务》课 “案例”教学 教学方法 改革 高等教育 教学质量 教学内容
“案例式教学法”线上线下融合教学实施策略 被引量:3
作者 刘翠云 武海霞 +2 位作者 孙永军 袁芳 吴慧芳 《科教导刊》 2021年第29期112-114,共3页
在工科类专业课程中,"案例式"教学是提升学生解决实际工程问题能力的重要教学方法。在线上、线下融合教学中实施"案例式"教学法,优化学生对不同层次知识点的获得途径,通过"录播内容"学基础,"直播内... 在工科类专业课程中,"案例式"教学是提升学生解决实际工程问题能力的重要教学方法。在线上、线下融合教学中实施"案例式"教学法,优化学生对不同层次知识点的获得途径,通过"录播内容"学基础,"直播内容"学应用;对于核心内容,通过"讲解案例(线上或线下)-完成案例(线下)-答疑(线上或线下)-提交(线上)-课堂展示(线下)"的方式,充分利用线上可拓展、线下可深入的优势,学习的广度和深度均得到了强化。 展开更多
关键词 “案例”教学 线上线下教学 融合教学
作者 张楠 《科教导刊》 2020年第32期166-167,共2页
当前"报关实务"课程作为各高校国际经济与贸易专业课程设置中的一门重要课程,其教学质量直接关系着学生在外贸相关行业就业的竞争力。当前,受到教学资源等各方面的限制,"报关实务"课程的教学模式仍存在许多问题。... 当前"报关实务"课程作为各高校国际经济与贸易专业课程设置中的一门重要课程,其教学质量直接关系着学生在外贸相关行业就业的竞争力。当前,受到教学资源等各方面的限制,"报关实务"课程的教学模式仍存在许多问题。本文将以国际经济与贸易专业的应用型人才培养方案为指导,对标国际经济与贸易专业学生的主要就业行业、领域及专业对口的主要工作岗位的任职要求,尝试创新"报关实务"课程教学,提出"案例实践式"教学思路和模式,为培养出更专业、更全面、更有竞争力的国际贸易和报关行业人才打下坚实的基础。 展开更多
关键词 报关实务 国际经济与贸易 “案例实践式”教学
作者 李静 《神州》 2014年第15期64-64,共1页
移动学习作为一种先进的学习方式,在未来的课堂教育中会产生巨大的推动作用,为素质教育的实现提供帮助。移动学习的特点具有数字化、自由性和依赖计算机网络技术等特点。在工商管理专业中将移动学习的教学方式同案例分析的教学方法结合... 移动学习作为一种先进的学习方式,在未来的课堂教育中会产生巨大的推动作用,为素质教育的实现提供帮助。移动学习的特点具有数字化、自由性和依赖计算机网络技术等特点。在工商管理专业中将移动学习的教学方式同案例分析的教学方法结合能够使学生在课堂教学之外还可以随时随地的学习。具体来讲实现案例教学中的移动学习的方式可以通过在线实时信息互动的移动学习方式、通过Web网页在线浏览学习信息和基于短消息的移动学习等方式来实现。 展开更多
关键词 基于移动学习环境下工商管理专业“案例分析”教学研究
《财政与金融》教学方法谈 被引量:10
作者 韩晓琴 《扬州大学税务学院学报》 2001年第4期62-64,共3页
教学方法是教法和学法的统一 ,是师生为完成一定教学任务而共同使用的某种特定次序的活动方式。教学方法上 ,避免填鸭式“满堂灌” ,注重引入“启发式”和“案例式”教学法 ;教学手段上 ,采用多媒体CAI课件 ;正确把握“教为主导 ,学为... 教学方法是教法和学法的统一 ,是师生为完成一定教学任务而共同使用的某种特定次序的活动方式。教学方法上 ,避免填鸭式“满堂灌” ,注重引入“启发式”和“案例式”教学法 ;教学手段上 ,采用多媒体CAI课件 ;正确把握“教为主导 ,学为主体”的教学原则 ,实现因材施教、教学相长。 展开更多
关键词 《财政与金融》 教学方法 “案例”教学 多媒体教学
“跨文化交流”翻转课堂教学新模式 被引量:3
作者 任秀 段慧如 邓军 《创新与创业教育》 2016年第6期97-100,共4页
以"如何与中美两国人交朋友"为例,利用现代教育技术下"翻转课堂"新型教学模式,结合任务式和案例式等教学方法,通过探索"跨文化交流"课程的教学内涵和教学实践,以培养大学生主动探索、自主学习和泛在学习... 以"如何与中美两国人交朋友"为例,利用现代教育技术下"翻转课堂"新型教学模式,结合任务式和案例式等教学方法,通过探索"跨文化交流"课程的教学内涵和教学实践,以培养大学生主动探索、自主学习和泛在学习能力为原则,旨在从跨文化交际相关的知识、技能和意识三个层面,全面提升大学生的跨文化交流水平,提升"跨文化交流"课堂教学的有效性、实用性和人文性。 展开更多
关键词 跨文化交际能力 跨文化交流 翻转课堂 “任务式”教学 “案例”教学
作者 游洪龙 《教师》 2021年第8期45-46,共2页
文章立足信息技术课堂实践,分享了如何融入生活案例、有的放矢地激发学生的学习兴趣、启迪学生的思维,帮助学生进行有效的交流等,从而解决生活中遇到的实际问题,以期进一步提高学生对知识和技能的掌握水平,真正做到将课堂还给学生,为学... 文章立足信息技术课堂实践,分享了如何融入生活案例、有的放矢地激发学生的学习兴趣、启迪学生的思维,帮助学生进行有效的交流等,从而解决生活中遇到的实际问题,以期进一步提高学生对知识和技能的掌握水平,真正做到将课堂还给学生,为学生的终身学习奠基。 展开更多
关键词 信息技术 “案例”教学 活力课堂
作者 钟宗林 《魅力中国》 2013年第29期228-229,共2页
正随着每年全国高考人数的大幅下降,各地区统招计划名额又日趋增长,因此,民办高校的95后大学生的素质也大幅下降。面对新形式下的计算机基础课,具有新的挑战。本文从民办高校计算机基础课所面对的新要求和新任务出发,提出在教学内... 正随着每年全国高考人数的大幅下降,各地区统招计划名额又日趋增长,因此,民办高校的95后大学生的素质也大幅下降。面对新形式下的计算机基础课,具有新的挑战。本文从民办高校计算机基础课所面对的新要求和新任务出发,提出在教学内容上教师要推陈出新,紧跟计算机技术发展步伐,及时更新教学内容,要充分调动学生的学习兴趣,培养学生自学能力,激发学生创新精神,从而提高计算机基础课的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 师生互动教学“案例”教学民办高校计算机基础课
Equipping the Public Primary Schools in Puebla: The Case of the Enciclomedia System in the State of Puebla, Mexico 被引量:1
作者 Juan Carlos Botello Martin Dfivila 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第10期668-677,共10页
The primary school system in Mexico is affected by serious shortfalls in the installation of related information and communication technologies resources in the teaching-learning process. This lack of resources has an... The primary school system in Mexico is affected by serious shortfalls in the installation of related information and communication technologies resources in the teaching-learning process. This lack of resources has an impact of the context of the digital divide as well as in joining the knowledge society. The present article will deal with the outfitting of classrooms with the enciclomedia system in the 5tb and 6th grade in the State of Puebla. It will demonstrate important findings, demonstrating the deepening digital divide between the state capital and the rest of the municipalities in this state. In fact, the furthest (300 km far away from Puebla city) the less primary school equipped with the enciclomedia system. We will also demonstrate the resource distribution by school-type and inhabitants. Another finding is the influence in resource distribution by political party. This study should provide public policy decision-makers with valuable information for the apportionment of resources in all municipalities of the State of Puebla. 展开更多
关键词 Public policies primary schools information technology resource distribution political party.
Assessment in Architectural Design Education Case Study: First-Year Students at Pharos University
作者 Ghada Ahmed Ragheb 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第9期1015-1026,共12页
Effective assessment is inseparable from good teaching and learning. Just as a good tutor would practice different techniques of teaching, an assessor would usually use different strategies of assessment. Moreover, th... Effective assessment is inseparable from good teaching and learning. Just as a good tutor would practice different techniques of teaching, an assessor would usually use different strategies of assessment. Moreover, the different activities of assessment, such as teaching, are additionally executed at various times during the semester, thus, we can know in which way the student is learning. An assessment strategy lays out a well thoroughly considered choice of assessment methods that are aligned with the aims and learning outcomes. Because align the assessment with a specific kind of learning outcome, the tutor needs to choose a suitable technique of assessment. This paper draws upon a case study of the first year architectural design at Pharos University as another way to deal with realizing "how to design your assessment plan". Throughout the form of criteria based assessment, assessment can help to review the students and instructors feeling and reactions. Finally, we can learn to assist towards enhancing student learning through assessment. So, we can attract the consideration regarding the advantages of reviewing current assessment practices, and of accepting different ways to deal with assessment methods, in this manner profiting together student and tutor. 展开更多
关键词 Constructive alignment assessment for learning criteria-based assessment.
Application of Case Teaching in Primary Mathematics Pedagogy Class in Normal University
作者 Lili Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第7期76-77,共2页
Objective: Case Teaching Method used in Primary Mathematics Pedagogy course can highlight the characteristics of pedagogy course. This method can transform learning process from the passive one in the conventional cl... Objective: Case Teaching Method used in Primary Mathematics Pedagogy course can highlight the characteristics of pedagogy course. This method can transform learning process from the passive one in the conventional classroom to an active one, so that classroom atmosphere will become active, inspiring students' interest in learning, and students would have the initiative to study. Meanwhile the Case Teaching Method also put forward higher requirements for teachers. This author does some analyses of the meaning of the case teaching method implementation methods and problems based on years of teaching experience. Detailed analyses can be shown as follow 展开更多
关键词 Case Teaching Method primary school mathematics pedagogy course APPLICATION
Physical (Bodily) Contact Among Parents and Children in the Context of Family Upbringing. Religious Education Approach--Case Study
作者 Maria Rantzou 《Sociology Study》 2014年第4期298-315,共18页
Physical (bodily) contact among children and parents every day varies and its effect relates to the all-round personality development of the child. The purpose of this study is to present the attitudes and opinions ... Physical (bodily) contact among children and parents every day varies and its effect relates to the all-round personality development of the child. The purpose of this study is to present the attitudes and opinions of sixth-grade elementary students with regard to how parents interact with them physically as well as how the children would like the corresponding interaction with their parents to develop. The methodology was based on a case study. Data collection was conducted via a questionnaire with closed questions, which was distributed in person to sixth-grade students at two primary schools in the prefecture of Thessaloniki. Some results of the study indicate that more often children positively receive the ways in which their parents interact with them physically and desire physical contact with their parents even at this age. The involvement of parents and children in the sacramental life of the church seems to have a positive effect on physical contact among them. Gradually, however, children distance themselves from their parents as they enter puberty and seek physical contact with their parents selectively and only on special occasions such as their birthdays. 展开更多
关键词 Physical (bodily) contact non verbal communication PARENTS sacramental life
SWOT Analysis on Flipped Classroom Based on Chinese Setting 被引量:1
作者 Ling ZHANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期7-10,共4页
The flipped classroom as a new teaching mode has provided a new thought for the development of teaching and learning. This paper first introduces the concept and features of flipped classrooms, and then compares some ... The flipped classroom as a new teaching mode has provided a new thought for the development of teaching and learning. This paper first introduces the concept and features of flipped classrooms, and then compares some typical cases of flipped classrooms at home and abroad. Based on this, this paper introduces the business analysis method --SWOT analysis, to analyzes the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats of flipped classroom application in China. In addition, enlightenment on the application of flipped classroom in theory and teaching practice are provided in the final part of the paper. 展开更多
关键词 flipped classroom SWOT analysis case
The Problems and Reform and Development of Universities for Audit Teaching
作者 Jiangang LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期76-78,共3页
With the development of audit and the main problems of audit education are mainly: large differences in teaching methods, teacher' s knowledge structure is incomplete, teachers generally lack practical experience, t... With the development of audit and the main problems of audit education are mainly: large differences in teaching methods, teacher' s knowledge structure is incomplete, teachers generally lack practical experience, teachers have not yet formed Auditing echelon teaching case information, and the systematic audit case is difficult to get. Auditing teaching has the following measures: establish research and teaching which reflects both the teacher evaluation system and teacher training active auditing team, there are a variety of ways to improve the operational practice of auditing courses, organizational strength phased development of the system of teaching cases audit system. Audit teaching reform measures are set by the three levels to practice, namely cognitive level of knowledge, knowledge into ability levels and levels of knowledge and innovation. 展开更多
关键词 Audit education TEACHING REFORM
Research on the Applications of Case Studies and Role Playing Methods on the Enterprise Strategic Management Course Teaching
作者 Jing Xue Aining Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第11期49-51,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the applications of case studies and role playing methods on the enterprise strategic management course teaching. Training is an important part of the enterprise human resources m... In this paper, we conduct research on the applications of case studies and role playing methods on the enterprise strategic management course teaching. Training is an important part of the enterprise human resources management. For enterprises is a kind of novel important human capital investment, as well as other capital investments, both benefits. Also be risky, because of the risks and benefits is coexistence, indivisible. To deal with the mentioned challenge, we combine the novel and state-of-the-art training methodology to maximize the effectiveness of the training process. In the article, we cast our new opinion together with the prospect for the future. 展开更多
关键词 Enterprise Strategic Management Case Studies Role Playing Course and Education.
Optimal Order-of-Addition Experiments under a Prior Constraint
作者 ZHANG Yunzhi ZHANG Wenchao +1 位作者 WANG Xiaodi CHEN Xueping 《应用概率统计》 2024年第6期957-974,共18页
The order-of-addition experiments are widely used in many fields,including food and industrial production,but the relative research under prior constraints is limited.The purpose of this paper is to select an optimal ... The order-of-addition experiments are widely used in many fields,including food and industrial production,but the relative research under prior constraints is limited.The purpose of this paper is to select an optimal sequence under the restriction that component i is added before component j,while it is unachievable to compare all sequences when the number of components m is large.To achieve this,a constrained PWO model is first provided,and then the D-optimal designs for order-of addition experiments with minimal-points via the modified threshold accepting algorithm is established.The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through a job scheduling problem with a prior constraint for teaching cases. 展开更多
关键词 design of experiment orthogonal array threshold acceptance algorithm teaching cases
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