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作者 靳书刚 《民族艺林》 2020年第1期127-132,共6页
《雷雨》1934年问世后曹禺对它修改了五次,造成了六个不同的版本,其中改动幅度最大的是1951年的开明本。相对于初版本而言,开明本总的变化倾向是要“正确”不要“真实”。作者用阶级观点改造了周朴园和周萍,重塑了鲁大海这个唯一的工人... 《雷雨》1934年问世后曹禺对它修改了五次,造成了六个不同的版本,其中改动幅度最大的是1951年的开明本。相对于初版本而言,开明本总的变化倾向是要“正确”不要“真实”。作者用阶级观点改造了周朴园和周萍,重塑了鲁大海这个唯一的工人形象。这次修改导致了剧本剧情过于突出阶级矛盾和社会冲突,主题变得明晰化和政治化,人物变得简单化和类型化,诗剧风格被放逐,语言风格走向大众化和粗鄙化。这一次失败的改写为以后的文学发展留下了重要启示。 展开更多
关键词 “正确” “真实” 阶级观点 变化
中日同形词“正确”的考源 被引量:3
作者 周菁 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2017年第2期64-69,共6页
中日近代化的过程中,诞生了大量的新词。这些词以学术名词为中心,同时带动了动词、形容词的发展。文章通过查阅英华华英辞典、英和和英辞典、中日的国语辞典和语料库,对近代形容词中的一员且为中日同形词的"正确"进行词源考... 中日近代化的过程中,诞生了大量的新词。这些词以学术名词为中心,同时带动了动词、形容词的发展。文章通过查阅英华华英辞典、英和和英辞典、中日的国语辞典和语料库,对近代形容词中的一员且为中日同形词的"正确"进行词源考证。基本可以认为,出于文体统一和精确表达词义的需要,"正确"在明治初期为日本人所创造,大约于19世纪末至20世纪初期充分融入日语。该词在20世纪初期传入中国,并逐渐在汉语中普及。 展开更多
关键词 同形词 正确 词源 汉字词
下属与上级沟通的“正确姿势” 被引量:1
作者 刘望道 刘家俊 《领导科学》 北大核心 2020年第1期108-110,共3页
下属与上级沟通时常常因为畏惧而词不达意、因为私利而逢迎拍马、因为投机而夸夸其谈、因为消极而一味拒绝,将引致彼此互动的不深、不顺、不实,是上下级交流的禁忌,其根源在于个人不自信、思想顾虑过多、羞于真实表达和关注焦点错位。... 下属与上级沟通时常常因为畏惧而词不达意、因为私利而逢迎拍马、因为投机而夸夸其谈、因为消极而一味拒绝,将引致彼此互动的不深、不顺、不实,是上下级交流的禁忌,其根源在于个人不自信、思想顾虑过多、羞于真实表达和关注焦点错位。想要掌握与上级沟通的"正确姿势",下属应端正认知、修正方法、调整心理、保持尊重、充分准备,以态度的正确把控实现积极的交流互动。 展开更多
关键词 下属 上级 上下级沟通 禁忌 “正确姿势”
作者 庞好农 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期106-112,159,共8页
盖恩斯在《布雷迪·西姆斯的悲剧》里从"规训正确"、"利己正确"和"规避正确"等方面探究恶的生成、繁衍和派生,展现了父子关系、种族关系和邻里关系的张力,阐释了"正确"之偏执与恶之演绎的... 盖恩斯在《布雷迪·西姆斯的悲剧》里从"规训正确"、"利己正确"和"规避正确"等方面探究恶的生成、繁衍和派生,展现了父子关系、种族关系和邻里关系的张力,阐释了"正确"之偏执与恶之演绎的内在关联。盖恩斯从虐待青少年、践踏法制和孤注一掷等角度揭露了"规训正确"的荒谬性,从经商、赌博和功利方面展现了"利己正确"的非理性,从自保和斯德哥尔摩效应揭示了"避险正确"的反社会性,认为利己主义者同时也是个人主义者。盖恩斯笔下的各种"正确"其实是恶的各种表现形式,展现了唯我论的心理动因和社会排斥性。 展开更多
关键词 欧内斯特·J.盖恩斯 《布雷迪·西姆斯的悲剧》 “正确” 恶的演绎
作者 王春晖 《政治课教学》 2002年第3期13-15,共3页
关键词 “正确地发挥主观能动性” 教学设计 政治教学 教学案例
第一单元语文基础知识及运用——第一节 正确识读常用汉字
《中学文科(初中语政外)》 2004年第9期1-3,共3页
y和W的使用(只用于没有声母的音节):i领头的韵母自成音节时,i后没有其他元音,就在i前加y;i后还有其他元音,就将i改成y。ǖ领头的韵母自成音节,不论后面有无其他元音,都在ǖ前面加上Y,并将上ǖ两点省去。u领头的韵母自成音节时,... y和W的使用(只用于没有声母的音节):i领头的韵母自成音节时,i后没有其他元音,就在i前加y;i后还有其他元音,就将i改成y。ǖ领头的韵母自成音节,不论后面有无其他元音,都在ǖ前面加上Y,并将上ǖ两点省去。u领头的韵母自成音节时,u后没有其他元音,就在u前加w;u后还有其他元音,就将u改成W。 展开更多
关键词 第一单元 语文 “基础知识及运用” 中考 第一节 “正确识读常用汉字”
第六节 正确使用标点符号
《中学文科(初中语政外)》 2004年第9期19-22,共4页
关键词 第六节 “正确使用标点符号” 第一单元 语文 “基础知识及运用” 中考
作者 涂家富 《新作文(中学教学版)》 2004年第3期32-33,共2页
教学目标 1.了解运用“分类别、作比较、画图表”的说明方法。2.写一篇说明文。
关键词 初中 语文 第四册 第三单元 作文教学 教学设计 “正确使用说明的方法” 教学目标 教学重点
作者 李文强 《活力》 2018年第24期126-127,共2页
一、案例背景数学这门学科由于具有很强的客观性,答案一般都是固定的,因此不少学生往往只关注答案的对错,而不去探索和钻研答案的由来,时常是“知其然,而不知其所以然”。“正确答案”常常具有较强的隐蔽性和迷惑性,学生正确的答案有可... 一、案例背景数学这门学科由于具有很强的客观性,答案一般都是固定的,因此不少学生往往只关注答案的对错,而不去探索和钻研答案的由来,时常是“知其然,而不知其所以然”。“正确答案”常常具有较强的隐蔽性和迷惑性,学生正确的答案有可能是直接向别人问来的,别人直接告诉他答案,其实自己根本不知道这个答案是怎么思考得到的。也有可能答案是正确的,但思路和方法是完全错误的,属于“歪打正着”。显然,这不利于学生数学知识的掌握与学习能力的提高,同时也养成了不好的学习习惯。 展开更多
关键词 数学 “正确答案” 教学
作者 孙霄 《中国现代文学论丛》 2024年第2期175-184,共10页
在1926年以来的创造社整体革命化的转向过程中,郁达夫属于“落伍者”,但并不意味着他不关注革命。郁达夫的写作在接续自身有限的劳工写作等底层写作基础上,中篇小说《她是一个弱女子》史诗性地再现了民国初年以来个体自由成长遭遇二十... 在1926年以来的创造社整体革命化的转向过程中,郁达夫属于“落伍者”,但并不意味着他不关注革命。郁达夫的写作在接续自身有限的劳工写作等底层写作基础上,中篇小说《她是一个弱女子》史诗性地再现了民国初年以来个体自由成长遭遇二十世纪二十年代大革命后的艰难选择,实现了郁达夫重返中国文学对“正确的人生”道路启示的写作意图。《她是一个弱女子》是郁达夫结合启蒙写作与革命话语的典范,有效补救了二十世纪三十年代自由主义等文学思潮的偏至。 展开更多
关键词 郁达夫 《她是一个弱女子》 革命话语 “正确的人生”
超越法律实证主义的一个核心命题——析德沃金在《原则问题》中关于V与R的论证 被引量:1
作者 周力 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期46-51,共6页
德沃金的"正确答案"命题是一个异常重要而又充满争议的话题。在《原则问题》一书中,德沃金捍卫了"正确答案"命题并对其进行了有力的辩护,其中最为有趣的或许是他对于"对手V"和"对手R"的批判。... 德沃金的"正确答案"命题是一个异常重要而又充满争议的话题。在《原则问题》一书中,德沃金捍卫了"正确答案"命题并对其进行了有力的辩护,其中最为有趣的或许是他对于"对手V"和"对手R"的批判。在这个分析中,德沃金不仅捍卫了他的"权利"命题,而且超越了法律实证主义关于法律具有不确定性的难题。这有助于重新理解法律实证主义在20世纪遭遇的困境,也将领会在特定生活形式下超越语词之争对于法律哲学的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 德沃金 法律实证主义 对手V与对手R “正确答案”命题 《原则问题》
Representations and Classification of Traveling Wave Solutions to sinh-Grdon Equation 被引量:4
作者 LIU Cheng-Shi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期153-158,共6页
Two concepts named atom solution and combinatory solution are defined. The classification of all single traveling wave atom solutions to sinh-Gordon equation is obtained, and qualitative properties of solutions are di... Two concepts named atom solution and combinatory solution are defined. The classification of all single traveling wave atom solutions to sinh-Gordon equation is obtained, and qualitative properties of solutions are discussed. In particular, we point out that some qualitative properties derived intuitively from dynamic system method are not true. Finally, we prove that our solutions to sinh-Gordon equation include all solutions obtained in the paper [Z.T. Fu, et al., Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 45 (2006) 55]. Through an example, we show how to give some new identities on Jacobian elliptic functions. 展开更多
关键词 traveling wave solution atom solution exact solution sinh-GSrdon equation elliptic function
Outcomes of right-lobe and left-lobe living-donor liver transplantations using small-for-size grafts 被引量:4
作者 Wong Hoi She Kenneth SH Chok +2 位作者 James YY Fung Albert CY Chan Chung Mau Lo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第23期4270-4277,共8页
AIM To analyze the outcomes of living-donor liver transplantation(LDLT) using left-lobe(LL) or right-lobe(RL) small-for-size(SFS) grafts.METHODS Prospectively collected data of adult patients who underwent LDLT at our... AIM To analyze the outcomes of living-donor liver transplantation(LDLT) using left-lobe(LL) or right-lobe(RL) small-for-size(SFS) grafts.METHODS Prospectively collected data of adult patients who underwent LDLT at our hospital in the period from January 2003 to December 2013 were reviewed. The patients were divided into the RL-LDLT group and the LL-LDLT group. The two groups were compared in terms of short-and long-term outcomes, including incidence of postoperative complication, graft function, graft survival, and patient survival. A SFS graft was defined as a graft with a ratio of graft weight(GW) to recipient standard liver volume(RSLV)(GW/RSLV) of < 50%. The Urata formula was used to estimate RSLV.RESULTS Totally 218 patients were included for analysis, with 199 patients in the RL-LDLT group and 19 patients in the LL-LDLT group. The two groups were similar in terms of age(median, 53 years in the RL-LDLT group and 52 years in the LL-LDLT group, P = 0.997) but had significantly different ratios of men to women(165:34 in the RL-LDLT group and 8:11 in the LL-LDLT group, P < 0.0001). The two groups were also significantly different in GW(P < 0.0001), GW/RSLV(P < 0.0001), and graft cold ischemic time(P = 0.007). When it comes to postoperative complication, the groups were comparable(P = 0.105). Five patients died in hospital,4(2%) in the RL-LDLT group and 1(5.3%) in the LLLDLT group(P = 0.918). There were 38 graft losses, 33(16.6%) in the RL-LDLT group and 5(26.3%) in the LL-LDLT group(P = 0.452). The 5-year graft survival rate was significantly better in the RL-LDLT group(95.2% vs 89.5%, P = 0.049). The two groups had similar 5-year patient survival rates(RL-LDLT: 86.8%, LL-LDLT: 89.5%, P = 0.476).CONCLUSION The use of SFS graft in LDLT requires careful tailormade surgical planning and meticulous operation. LLLDLT can be a good alternative to RL-LDLT with similar recipient outcomes but a lower donor risk. Further research into different patient conditions is needed in order to validate the use of LL graft. 展开更多
关键词 Small for size liver graft Right lobe graft Left lobe graft Living donor liver transplantation
Lie Symmetry Groups of(2+1)-Dimensional BKP Equation and Its New Solutions 被引量:1
作者 MA Hong-Cai LOU Sen-Yue DENG Ai-Ping 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第9期685-688,共4页
A modified direct method is developed to find finite symmetry groups of nonlinear mathematical physicssystems.Applying the modified direct method to the well-known (2+1)-dimensional BKP equation we get its symmetry.Fu... A modified direct method is developed to find finite symmetry groups of nonlinear mathematical physicssystems.Applying the modified direct method to the well-known (2+1)-dimensional BKP equation we get its symmetry.Furthermore,the exact solutions of (2+1)-dimensional BKP equation are obtained through symmetry analysis. 展开更多
关键词 (2+1)-dimensional BKP equation Lie symmetry group CK's direct method exact solution
Optical Fiber Pressure Sensor with Reference Channel 被引量:2
作者 YUZhijing TIANWei 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1997年第4期311-317,共7页
The principle of optical fiber pressure sensing probe with common diaphragm and the method for stabilizing the laser diodes are described in this paper at first.Then we discussed the improvement in characteristics of ... The principle of optical fiber pressure sensing probe with common diaphragm and the method for stabilizing the laser diodes are described in this paper at first.Then we discussed the improvement in characteristics of the system by means of taking the techniques of reference light channel and ratio measurement. 展开更多
关键词 Accuracy Laser Diodes Ratio Measurement Reference Channel
作者 Sun Guanglu Guan Yi Wang Xiaolong 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第5期690-695,共6页
This letter presents a new chunking method based on Maximum Entropy (ME) model with N-fold template correction model.First two types of machine learning models are described.Based on the analysis of the two models,the... This letter presents a new chunking method based on Maximum Entropy (ME) model with N-fold template correction model.First two types of machine learning models are described.Based on the analysis of the two models,then the chunking model which combines the profits of conditional probability model and rule based model is proposed.The selection of features and rule templates in the chunking model is discussed.Experimental results for the CoNLL-2000 corpus show that this approach achieves impressive accuracy in terms of the F-score:92.93%.Compared with the ME model and ME Markov model,the new chunking model achieves better performance. 展开更多
关键词 CHUNKING Maximum Entropy (ME) model Template correction Cross-validation
Finite element model updating for large span spatial steel structure considering uncertainties 被引量:4
作者 滕军 朱焰煌 +2 位作者 周峰 李惠 欧进萍 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第4期857-862,共6页
In order to establish the baseline finite element model for structural health monitoring,a new method of model updating was proposed after analyzing the uncertainties of measured data and the error of finite element m... In order to establish the baseline finite element model for structural health monitoring,a new method of model updating was proposed after analyzing the uncertainties of measured data and the error of finite element model.In the new method,the finite element model was replaced by the multi-output support vector regression machine(MSVR).The interval variables of the measured frequency were sampled by Latin hypercube sampling method.The samples of frequency were regarded as the inputs of the trained MSVR.The outputs of MSVR were the target values of design parameters.The steel structure of National Aquatic Center for Beijing Olympic Games was introduced as a case for finite element model updating.The results show that the proposed method can avoid solving the problem of complicated calculation.Both the estimated values and associated uncertainties of the structure parameters can be obtained by the method.The static and dynamic characteristics of the updated finite element model are in good agreement with the measured data. 展开更多
关键词 model updating UNCERTAINTY interval analysis multi-output support vector regression large span spatial steel structure
ZMP-based Gait Optimization of the Biped Robot 被引量:1
作者 窦瑞军 马培荪 谢玲 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期83-86,共4页
The gait of the biped robot is described using six parameters such as stature,velocity,length of the step,etc.The algorithm of the Newton-Euler is actualized by object-oriented idea,and then the zero moment point (ZMP... The gait of the biped robot is described using six parameters such as stature,velocity,length of the step,etc.The algorithm of the Newton-Euler is actualized by object-oriented idea,and then the zero moment point (ZMP) of the dynamically walking biped is calculated.Finally,the gait of biped is optimized using gene algorithm,and the optimized result prove the correctness of the algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 biped robot gait design zero moment point (ZMP) genetic algorithm
Instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter Equation and Its Exact Solution 被引量:2
作者 CHANGChao-Hsi CHENJiao-Kai +1 位作者 LIXue-Qia WANGGuo-Li 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期113-118,共6页
We present an approach to solve Bethe-Salpeter (BS) equations exactly withoutany approximation if the kernel of the BS equations exactly is instantaneous, and take positroniumas an example to illustrate the general fe... We present an approach to solve Bethe-Salpeter (BS) equations exactly withoutany approximation if the kernel of the BS equations exactly is instantaneous, and take positroniumas an example to illustrate the general features of the exact solutions. The key step for theapproach is from the BS equations to derive a set of coupled and well-determined integrationequations in linear eigenvalue for the components of the BS wave functions equivalently, which maybe solvable numerically under a controlled accuracy, even though there is no analytic solution. Forpositronium, the exact solutions precisely present corrections to those of the correspondingSchrodinger equation in order υ~1 (υ is the relative velocity) for eigenfunctions, in order υ~2for eigenvalues, and the mixing between S and D components in J~(PC) = 1~(--) states etc.,quantitatively. Moreover, we also point out that there is a questionable step in some existentderivations for the instantaneous BS equations if one is pursuing the exact solutions. Finally, weemphasize that one should take the O(υ) corrections emerging in the exact solutions into accountaccordingly if one is interested in the relativistic corrections for relevant problems to the boundstates. 展开更多
关键词 instantaneous BS equation exact solutions POSITRONIUM relativisticcorrections
Supersymmetric WKB Approximation of Anharmonic Potential V(r)=ar^2+br^-4+cr^-6
作者 QIAN Shang-Wu MIAO Chun-Hui GU Zhi-Yu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1X期37-38,共2页
This article uses the supersymmetric WKB approximation to obtain the approximate energy levels and wave functions of the anharmonic potential V(r) = ar^2 + br^-4 + cr^-6 in order to tesify the correctness between ... This article uses the supersymmetric WKB approximation to obtain the approximate energy levels and wave functions of the anharmonic potential V(r) = ar^2 + br^-4 + cr^-6 in order to tesify the correctness between [Phys. Left. A 170 (1992) 335] and the paper written by M. Landtman [Phys. Left. A 175 (1993) 147]. 展开更多
关键词 supersymmetric WKB approximation energy level wave function
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