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作者 储著荣 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 1992年第1期54-57,共4页
目前世界上流行的计算机病毒约两百余种。这些病毒大多可以用一些检测软件查出来,其中一部分可用现成的解毒软件解掉,但仍有一些病毒目前还没有较好的办法来消除,尤其象Chinese Bomb、Bloody6.4、及本文提到的“毛毛虫”这类国产货。
关键词 计算机病毒 计算机安全 “毛毛虫”病毒
作者 王桂云 唐海燕 《幼儿教育》 北大核心 2004年第10期45-45,共1页
关键词 “毛毛虫”游戏 幼儿教育 制作方法 接龙 排序
作者 孟晓青 《社区》 2004年第20期32-32,共1页
我们社区位于美国阿巴拉契山脉的一个小镇上。10月上旬开始,满山的枫树、橡树、桦树、杨树的叶子由绿转黄变红,加上还没有变色的树叶,浅绿、深绿在阳光的照耀下五彩斑斓,美不胜收。这时住在山外的人们成群结伙地开车往山里跑,欣赏... 我们社区位于美国阿巴拉契山脉的一个小镇上。10月上旬开始,满山的枫树、橡树、桦树、杨树的叶子由绿转黄变红,加上还没有变色的树叶,浅绿、深绿在阳光的照耀下五彩斑斓,美不胜收。这时住在山外的人们成群结伙地开车往山里跑,欣赏这大自然神奇画笔一年一度的杰作。 展开更多
关键词 社区建设 美国 “毛毛虫” 社区文化
《商界》 2007年第7期90-90,共1页
法国科学家法伯曾经做过一个很有名的“毛毛虫实验”。他在一只花盆的边缘摆放了一些毛毛虫,让它们首尾相接围成一圈。同时在离花盆周围六英尺的地方,撒了一些它们爱吃的松针。由于这些虫子天生有一种跟随者的习性,因此,它们一只跟... 法国科学家法伯曾经做过一个很有名的“毛毛虫实验”。他在一只花盆的边缘摆放了一些毛毛虫,让它们首尾相接围成一圈。同时在离花盆周围六英尺的地方,撒了一些它们爱吃的松针。由于这些虫子天生有一种跟随者的习性,因此,它们一只跟一只绕着花盆边一圈一圈地行走。时间慢慢地过去.一分钟、一小时、一天、两天……毛毛虫就这样固执地兜着圈子,一走到底。 展开更多
关键词 “毛毛虫实验” 高风险 跟风 花盆 家法 圈地
作者 冯玲 《课堂内外(创新作文)(高中版)》 2011年第2期1-1,共1页
关键词 “毛毛虫实验” 创新者 坟墓 天堂 科学家
作者 赫文清 胡英年 《辽宁教育》 2003年第11期42-42,共1页
美丽的花蝴蝶,人见人爱;丑陋的毛毛虫,人见人烦.可花蝴蝶必须经历毛毛虫阶段.<语文课程标准>仍然强调"正确理解和运用祖国语文",有的同学做到了,就成了老师喜爱的"花蝴蝶";有相当一部分同学往往一时理解和运... 美丽的花蝴蝶,人见人爱;丑陋的毛毛虫,人见人烦.可花蝴蝶必须经历毛毛虫阶段.<语文课程标准>仍然强调"正确理解和运用祖国语文",有的同学做到了,就成了老师喜爱的"花蝴蝶";有相当一部分同学往往一时理解和运用得不好,就被老师判为"搬用"、"抄袭",又是批判,又是扣分,大有将其赶尽杀绝之势,以为这就是在执行"语课标".笔者认为,"正确理解和运用"是"语课标"要求的最终目标,而不是强求一步到位的目标,达到最终目标须有一段路程--"毛毛虫"阶段.这"毛毛虫"万万不可赶尽杀绝!须知,踩死所有的"毛毛虫",花蝴蝶也将不会出现了. 展开更多
关键词 课程标准 语文教学 “毛毛虫现象” 教学目标 中小学
《科技智囊》 2010年第12期I0047-I0047,共1页
毛毛虫习惯于固守原有的本能、习惯、先例和经验,而无法破除尾随习惯而转向去觅食。 法国心理学家约翰·法伯曾经做过一个著名的实验,称之为“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边缘上,使其首尾相接,围成一圈,在花盆... 毛毛虫习惯于固守原有的本能、习惯、先例和经验,而无法破除尾随习惯而转向去觅食。 法国心理学家约翰·法伯曾经做过一个著名的实验,称之为“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边缘上,使其首尾相接,围成一圈,在花盆周围不远的地方,撒了一些毛毛虫喜欢吃的松叶。毛毛虫开始一个跟着一个,绕着花盆的边缘一圈一圈地走,一小时过去了,一天过去了,又一天过去了……这些毛毛虫还是夜以继日地绕着花盆的边缘在转圈,一连走了七天七夜,它们最终因为饥饿和精疲力竭而相继死去。 展开更多
关键词 “毛毛虫实验” 心理学家 花盆 本能
作者 梁好 《教书育人(教师新概念)》 2010年第12期7-7,共1页
法国心理学家约翰·法伯曾经做过一个著名的实验,被称之为“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边缘上,使其首尾相接,围成一圈,在花盆周围不远的地方,撒了一些毛毛虫喜欢吃的松叶。毛毛虫开始一个跟着一个,绕着花盆的... 法国心理学家约翰·法伯曾经做过一个著名的实验,被称之为“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边缘上,使其首尾相接,围成一圈,在花盆周围不远的地方,撒了一些毛毛虫喜欢吃的松叶。毛毛虫开始一个跟着一个,绕着花盆的边缘一圈一圈地走, 展开更多
关键词 “毛毛虫实验” 怪圈 心理学家 花盆
《科技智囊》 2012年第10期I0047-I0047,共1页
什么是“毛毛虫效应” 法国昆虫学家法布尔做过一个著名的实验,称之为“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放花一个花盆的边缘,使其首尾相接,围成一圈。在花盆周围不远的地方,撒了一些毛毛虫喜欢吃的松叶。毛毛虫开始一个跟着一个,绕着... 什么是“毛毛虫效应” 法国昆虫学家法布尔做过一个著名的实验,称之为“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放花一个花盆的边缘,使其首尾相接,围成一圈。在花盆周围不远的地方,撒了一些毛毛虫喜欢吃的松叶。毛毛虫开始一个跟着一个,绕着花盆的边缘一圈一圈地走,一小时过去了,一天过去了, 展开更多
关键词 “毛毛虫实验” 昆虫学家 法布尔 花盆
作者 阮传志 《物理教学》 北大核心 2023年第7期67-69,共3页
关键词 全国卷(乙卷) “毛毛虫运动”规律
作者 章立早 《世界教育信息》 2004年第4期52-53,共2页
法国心理学专家曾经做过一个著名的“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边缘上,首尾相连.围成一圈,并在花盆周围不远处撒了一些毛毛虫比较爱吃的食物。毛毛虫开始一只跟着一只,绕着花盆的边缘一圈一圈地走,一小时过去了,... 法国心理学专家曾经做过一个著名的“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边缘上,首尾相连.围成一圈,并在花盆周围不远处撒了一些毛毛虫比较爱吃的食物。毛毛虫开始一只跟着一只,绕着花盆的边缘一圈一圈地走,一小时过去了,一天过去了,又一天过去了,这些毛毛虫还在夜以继日地绕着花盆的边缘转圈。 展开更多
关键词 心理学实验 学校教育 “毛毛虫实验” 与时俱进 学校管理
作者 章立早 《厦门科技》 2004年第2期53-54,共2页
“毛毛虫实验”。法国心理学专家曾经做过一个著名的“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边缘上,首尾相连,围成一圈,并在花盆周围不远处撒了一些毛毛虫比较爱吃的食物。毛毛虫开始一个跟着一个,绕着花盆的边缘一圈一圈地走... “毛毛虫实验”。法国心理学专家曾经做过一个著名的“毛毛虫实验”:把许多毛毛虫放在一个花盆的边缘上,首尾相连,围成一圈,并在花盆周围不远处撒了一些毛毛虫比较爱吃的食物。毛毛虫开始一个跟着一个,绕着花盆的边缘一圈一圈地走,一小时过去了,一天过去了,又一天过去了,这些毛毛虫还是夜以继日地绕着花盆的边缘在转圈, 展开更多
关键词 圈地 “毛毛虫实验” 启示 花盆 法国 心理学家 专家 学校教育 边缘
Description of a new Homidia species(Collembola: Entomobryidae) with labial chaetae expanded
作者 潘志祥 施时迪 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2015年第3期161-170,共10页
Homidia triangulimacula sp. nov. is described from Tiantong National Forest Park, Zhejiang Province. It can be easily discriminated from other species of Homidia by triangular dark patch on dorsal central mesothorax, ... Homidia triangulimacula sp. nov. is described from Tiantong National Forest Park, Zhejiang Province. It can be easily discriminated from other species of Homidia by triangular dark patch on dorsal central mesothorax, labial chaeta M replicated and labial basal and posterior labial chaetae expanded, 6+6 macrochaetae on posterior abdominal segment IV, and middle S-chaeta posterior to macrochaeta m3 on abdominal segment V. A detailed morphological character comparison and a key to species with chaetae expanded on labium or posterior labium in Homidia are provided here. 展开更多
关键词 SPRINGTAIL Homidia triangulimacula leaflike chaetae CHAETOTAXY TAXONOMY key
作者 何明明 翌金(图) 《儿童与健康》 2010年第9期37-37,共1页
游戏步骤 准备好呼拉圈两个,每个家庭派出一个小孩和两个大人,三人排成一列纵队,第一个圈套在前面两人身上,第二个圈套在后两人身上,按照规定路线前进。
关键词 幼儿教育 学前教育 游戏 “毛毛虫”
Comparison of ciliature microtubule organelles in three hypotrichous ciliate species 被引量:1
作者 李艺松 史磊 顾福康 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期443-450,共8页
We examined the structure and spatial organization of ciliature base-associated microtubules (BAM) in three hypotrichous ciliates (Stylonychia mytilus, Pseudourostyla cristata, Euplotes woodruffi) in fluorescence ... We examined the structure and spatial organization of ciliature base-associated microtubules (BAM) in three hypotrichous ciliates (Stylonychia mytilus, Pseudourostyla cristata, Euplotes woodruffi) in fluorescence microscopy. The results revealed that BAM, including the anterior (ALM), posterior longitudinal microtubule (PLM) and the transverse microtubule (TM) bands, are composed of tubulin. The respective microtubular bands have cytoplasmic polarization patterns that are significantly asymmetric. The BAM of the midventral files in P. cristata appear cord-shaped compared with the ALM bands of transverse cirri in both S. mytilus and E. woodruffi, which extend to the left anterior side of the cell before converging. The TM bands of the left marginal cirri (MC) in S. rnytilus extend to the right side of the cell, while those of the right MC bands extend to the left. Our observations suggest that BAM traits are common in hypotrichous ciliates even though different species possess different microtubule arrangements related to the conserved cirral morphogenetic patterns in the respective species. The differing development of BAM in the three ciliate suggests that the microtubules may be conserved in different hypotrichs. We have also demonstrated that the BAM, which appear polar and asymmetric, are localized in specific cytoskeletal positions and extend in different orientations within the cortex to connect with other ciliature-associated structures and, thus, strengthen the cortex. These BAM features indicate that they are directly associated with cell motion. 展开更多
关键词 MICROTUBULES ventral cortex hypotrichous ciliate TUBULIN
作者 张武昌 王荣 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期135-141,共7页
The ciliate community in the Bohai Sea (China) was studied from 23 September to 7 October 1998. A hurricane struck the study area between the two grid station investigations, which were six days apart. Six tintinnid s... The ciliate community in the Bohai Sea (China) was studied from 23 September to 7 October 1998. A hurricane struck the study area between the two grid station investigations, which were six days apart. Six tintinnid species (Favella panamensis, Leptotintinnus nordqvisti, Tintinnopsis butschlii, T. karajacensis, T. Radix and Wangiella dicollaria) were identified. Total cililate abundance in the surface layer ranged from 20 to 770 ind/l. In the first grid investigation, Tintinnopsis karajacensis dominated in the warm, low salinity waters at the Huanghe River mouth. Aloricate ciliate sp.1 dominated in the cold, high salinity waters in the northwest of the study area and the Bohai Strait. In the second grid investigation, T. Karajacensis almost disappeared. The abundance of aloricate ciliate sp.1 decreased drastically. The aloricate ciliate sp.2 dominated at the Bohai Strait. The change of ciliate abundance may be due to the disturbance of hurricane. 展开更多
Taxonomic description of a new marine ciliate,Euplotes qingdaoensis n. sp.(Ciliophora:Euplotida) 被引量:1
作者 陈相瑞 马洪钢 Khaled A.S.AL-RASHEID 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期426-432,共7页
The characteristics and infraciliature of a new euplotid ciliate, Euplotes qingdaoensis n. sp., discovered from the coastal waters of Jiaozhou Bay, northern China, were studied using live observation and silver impreg... The characteristics and infraciliature of a new euplotid ciliate, Euplotes qingdaoensis n. sp., discovered from the coastal waters of Jiaozhou Bay, northern China, were studied using live observation and silver impregnation. The new marine species is characterized by a slightly flattened body (90-110 um×70- 80 um, in vivo), an adoral zone of 26-29 membranelles, 10 strong frontoventral and five transverse cirri, two caudal cirri, a single left marginal cirrus, seven dorsal kineties, a middle kinety with about 15 pairs of basal bodies, a silverline system of the double-eurystomus type, and a C-shaped macronucleus. 展开更多
Taxonomic Studies on a New Marine Ciliate, Apocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov. (Ciliophora, Colepidae), Isolated from Qingdao, China 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Xiangrui Alan Warren SONG Weibo 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2009年第4期317-321,共5页
The morphology and infraciliature of a new marine colepid ciliate, A'pocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov., are de- scribed based on living observations and silver impregnations. The new genus Apocoleps is characteri... The morphology and infraciliature of a new marine colepid ciliate, A'pocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov., are de- scribed based on living observations and silver impregnations. The new genus Apocoleps is characterized by having 8 (vs. 6 in most other related genera) armour tiers, spines at both ends of the cell, 3 adoral organelles and plates with 4 reniform uni-windows. Apo- coleps magnus spec. nov. is defined by the following features: body elongated and slightly curved, about 100-120p.mx 3545 lam in vivo; anterior tertiary tier plate with four uni-windows, most secondary and main tier plates with four uni-windows, posterior tertiary tier plate with two uni-windows; left plate margin slightly serrated; on average 23 transverse and 22 longitudinal ciliary rows; one terminal contractile vacuole; marine habitat. 展开更多
关键词 marine ciliates new genus new species taxonomy
Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Leaves Extracts from Native and Exotic Plants in Southern Brazil against Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Caterpillars
作者 Marianna Pilla D'Incao Barbara Cravo de Quadros Paula Soares Neiva Knaak Lidia Mariana Fiuza 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第2期141-148,共8页
The caterpillar Spodopterafrugiperda is an important pest of several crops, due to the damage it causes and the difficulty of its control. The method of controlling these pests is through chemical insecticides, which ... The caterpillar Spodopterafrugiperda is an important pest of several crops, due to the damage it causes and the difficulty of its control. The method of controlling these pests is through chemical insecticides, which cause adverse effects to the biotic and abiotic environment. The selection of new insecticides that meet the requirements of efficacy, safety, selectivity and those are economically viable, is highlighting the study of mechanisms of plant defense. The present study aimed to verify the insecticide effect of 27 plants in three different types of plants extracts: aqueous, decoction and polypeptide on S. frugiperda. Three plants were chosen for performing sublethal effects bioassays: two plants with the highest corrected mortality (E. pulcherrima and R. simsii) and the other plant (Maytenus ilicifolia (espinheira santa)) with corrected mortality similar to control. In preliminaries bioassays, 25 plants showed corrected mortality less than 50%, according to Abbott's formula. R. simsii (azalea) and E. pulcherrima (billed parrot) showed 51% and 68% of corrected mortality, respectively. Only R. simsii aqueous and the three extracts of E. pulcherrima differ significantly from control (P 〈 0.05). The aqueous extracts and decoction of R. simsii and polypeptide extract of E. pulcherrima reduced the larval period of S. frugiperda, different from control (P 〈 0.05). The polypeptide extract of R. simsii reduced the pupal period of the target insect. The extracts obtained by decoction, aqueous and polypeptide of E. pulcherrima extracts and decoction of polypeptides and R. simsii affected the fertility and fecundity of S. frugiperda. For the other parameters, there is no significant difference when compared with the control. The results of this study suggest that the extracts obtained by decoction, aqueous and polypeptide of E. pulcherrima and R. simsii can be used to control S. frugiperda. However, the successful search, product starting from extracts of plants depends on the availability of plant and the entire assembly around the detection of bioactive products, in addition to the active ingredients of the chemical synthesis and elucidation of the target site insecticide molecule. 展开更多
关键词 ARMYWORM Spodopterafrugiperda plant extracts BIOASSAYS BIOPESTICIDE
作者 忠东 《聪明泉(小学1-3年级)》 2004年第5期6-6,共1页
关键词 “毛毛虫实验” 启示 科学家 花盆 法国 定势 自我超越 笔记本 习性
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